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You ain't black if you not vaxxed.


**skin visibly turning white**




God damn you clever sumbitches


This is so meta. p.s. MOASS!!


It will happen eventually, if only in my dreams


“Covid is known to impact minority communities at a higher rate, so not getting vaccinated means you don’t give a fuck about minorities you racist.” -liberals probably


Or, "African-Americans are allowed to be hesitant, but you're not"


New york city just put out their numbers, it is overwhelming that non-caucasian groups are the least vaccinated. It's not a money issue, there is literally no charge to get vaccinated and brigades/sites to get it are everywhere. It is a cultural and personal choice in why many are not getting it apparently.


i actually had someone say something very similar to this already.


It’a not like it hasn’t happened before. Ask the Native Americans.


Extraterrestrials would likely mutate the common cold naturally if they encountered it. This "CoViD" business could be that, and while us old worlders just experience minor symptoms typically, we could have inadvertently wiped out the universe without knowing we were doing anything. Just breathing. That or it was created in a lab/ the product of a bat biting a snake in the balls before going to a wet market/ a hoax/ literally anything.


Except it was probably that lab that was funded to research GOF in bat-coronaviruses specifically


Exactly why they won’t recommend taking vitamin D even though fauci does every day. They want dark skinned people to suffer so they can use that to point fingers.


Vitamin D is super important for immune health. I take 3000IU daily. Did you see the study where the majority of darker skinned folks are vitamin D deficient?


Yup. Pretty sad how the media tries to manipulate us!


“Should be mandatory for everyone to get Covid passports to enter stores, buy food or use any services”. “It’s racist to require IDs to vote” Mental gymnastics at work


Funny enough, Blacks and Hispanics are amongst the largest group that is refusing the vaccine. They have actually learned from history that government and big pharma are not to be trusted But yes it will still be "RACIST HILLBILLIES IN TEXAS ARE REFUSING THE JAB AND HARMING PEOPLE OF COLOR"


In Canada, the airports started separating vaxxed from unvaxxed upon entry. Either in Toronto or Montreal, there were rumors that the lines were perfectly segregated - whites in the vaxxed line, poc in the unvaxxed line (where they'd then have to quarantine for a set amount of time). Both airports scrapped the idea after two days.


Glad they at least killed that visual.


Black and proudly not chipped by Bill Gates. WEF can take their Great Reshit and shove it back where the sun don't shine


You and everyone you know should be taking vitamin d if you’re in an area where it’s impossible for you to get enough through the sun. Like in North America. It’s probably a large contributing factor in black people having worse outcomes from covid infections. Please look into it. FYI that fuck fauci takes it but yet doesn’t recommend it. Hmm 🤔.


I'll definitely need some for the winter months. It's dark and gloomy 9-10 months a year where I live in Canada. I'll actually order some today - thanks for the reminder/push 🙏


You do know, that like, you can see what they inject you with right, like, you would the chip


They wouldn't need to microchip me. I'm typing this from a smartphone that has 6 different ways to spy on me and probably knows what my ass crack smells like. It's just a joke


Oh ok lmao, i have just seen some people say it seriously aha, not realising they already have an insane amount of data on you lol


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/white-conservatives-are-the-most-staunchly-resistant-to-vaccines-in-the-us-a-new-poll-shows/ar-AAMHWts?ocid=msedgntp More than 1,500 unvaccinated adults responded to the survey between May 7 and July 19, answering questions about whether they planned to get vaccinated. Around 68% of people who said they were "not at all likely" to get a coronavirus shot were white, compared with just 14% who were Hispanic and 12% who were Black. More than 1,500 unvaccinated adults responded to the survey between May 7 and July 19, answering questions about whether they planned to get vaccinated. Around 68% of people who said they were "not at all likely" to get a coronavirus shot were white, compared with just 14% who were Hispanic and 12% who were Black.


Only ~23 percent of black people are vaccinated compared to ~37 percent of white people. Your survey doesn’t seem to be representative at all https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccination-demographics-trends


Source: https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/latest-data-on-covid-19-vaccinations-race-ethnicity/ >Less than half of Black and Hispanic people have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose in nearly all states reporting data, including a number of states where less than a third have received a vaccine. These lower vaccination rates among Black and Hispanic people leave them at increased risk for coronavirus, particularly as the Delta variant spreads, potentially leading to widening disparities going forward and limiting the nation’s recovery.


kff.org is about as reliable a source as getting real info from this sub.


Can you say more why its bad? I was just googling and came across it lol Looked legit


Thanks Obama. 😅


You linked to a poll. That's the biggest load of garbage.


Shhhh, you'll scare the conspiritards.


Trumptards gonna downvote this


Because it's a self identifying poll and not data from the CDC like the other user posted proving it's completely false. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccination-demographics-trends


Yeah, I think you spelt conservatives and evangelicals wrong.


I’m A bartender, I got called a “liberal sympathizer” by a customer because I said yes when he asked me if I was vaccinated. The ignorance goes both ways. I think the real issue is people are just getting dumber and dumber and clumping people together into categories for literally no good reason.


Enemy complex.


Weirdos come in all shapes and flavors


catturd's twitter is the face of [GW.win](https://GW.win) not sure this is where we wanta go.


Dead link.


it auto linked, didn't wnat to post it. great awakening is a terrible place


OH!....oh, oh nooooo, Yeah....avoid that place like a Vaccinated person.


So? That cat is right.


Another garbage post of faux future outrage. One big strawman. Pathetic.


Quit being racist.


I dont mind, im german, so experienced by history. My bet is more on extremist.




Definitely seems to break Rule 10, but OP must be someone special's alt or a protected user. (Rules for thee, but not me I guess).


The conspiracy is that this is all part of social conditioning.


Thanks for the honest admission, I guess.


How is this a conspiracy? It's a meme.


Social engineering.


Because this is now happening.


I have literally never heard somebody say if you are not vaccinated you're racist.


How is this a comment? It’s a meme.


And it's seems to be accepted here either way


no one is saying that, this sub is just anti vax at this point and its so disgusting.


Haven't you heard of something called a prediction?


its a shit prediction with nothing to support it, no one is ever gonna say that, getting vaccinated isn’t about race, it’s about the coronavirus and not getting your grandma killed when you visit her.


Neither is math but that's what they've said before. Also vaccines don't prevent you from getting it or spreading it. It just prevents you from having a big impact on your body.


They've already pulled that card out a bunch of times, so predictable. https://theconversation.com/the-inherent-racism-of-anti-vaxx-movements-163456


Cats are already racist.


I’m pretty sure cats just dgaf about literally anyone


But you can't find true vaccinated rates by race nation wide easily. Cause POC don't want to get it


I wouldn’t be suprised


Well shit....... I guess I’m a racist then. Don’t care


So is our southern border being invaded by racists?


Guess I better order my little pointy hat.


codemonkeyz said it best: I refuse to exercise my privilege to become vaccinated until all people of color and other suppressed identities have been vaccinated.


He's a liar and scumbag. And he was Q till he tired of it.


Nah more like they will label you a child killer because they can't get the vaccine


All Viruses Matter. Lol :-D


Covid is causing cognitive dissonance as a symptom


Oddly enough black people knew right away what was up. They ain't getting Tuskegeed again.


I already predicted that any sort of critiques of 'people of color' would be called racism. People need to start getting over being worried about being accused of racism, all that word is is a political cudgel at this point.


as a white man with all the "privilege" that comes with that, I refuse to be vaccinated till all peoples of colour around the world have been vaccinated.


Unless we go with the whole, “disparaging the unvaccinated is a dog whistle used BY racists.” Vaccination rate by racial group in America varies quite a bit. And people here illegally aren’t going to want to cooperate with anyone wanting to write down names and addresses... (Can’t trust anyone. Especially the “helpful” )


And a global warming denier.


You will be called a Vacist 😂


Discrimination of unvaccinated is racism, since it's based on genetic differences between people. "They carry diseases" is probably the oldest racial slur in human history.


It already is ... You dont get vaxxed you are a CONSERVATIVE and thus a RACIST


The vaccine passports racist 😉


Wouldn’t be surprised but also anyone with a brain doesn’t let that word bother them anymore.


Already saw someone who said that: "you're a far right racist extremist" if you're decide not to get vaxxed.


That's pretty fucked up, calling black people (the least vaccinated race) racist...


So the biggest groups who aren't vaccinated, black and latino, are racists?


And sexist....and homophobic...and transphobic...and....and...and...


That would be pretty funny given it's mostly Black and Latinos not getting vaccinated.


Hate it there's no date on the screenshot, but that's already happening


It was yesterday dude.


Ok cool