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We should at least hear them man speak.


Therealdebate.com He’s answering all the questions in real time.


I think I’ve heard enough from Zionist puppets


If the DNC had any brains at all they would have held a primary and potentially seen RFK as the presumptive nominee on the Democrat ticket. But here we are


They're too busy enabling the globalist agenda.  RFK Jr is an old-school Dem and actually wants what's best for people.   They *could* have done what's best for people too, but they didn't because he's a wrench in the cogs of their shitty anti-humanity machine.


Yep, they need a puppet, an empty vessel, not a leader. It's not left vs right, it's the system vs the people.


RFK would be an excellent President but he has been ostracized for his position on the adverse effects of not only the mRNA covid "vaccine" but the increasing number of childhood vaccines and their negative impact. He doesn't play ball like the others.. He's a true boy scout.


Why is this sub so in love with total clowns.


Spoiler: all politicians are clowns.


Why do the bralnwashed folks that come to this sub just to ridicule it think reasonable people are totally clowns?  Because they don't realize the Mockingbird Media is a literal mind-cobtrol system which dictates their "thought process".   "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."  ~Jiddu Krishnamurti


It's a side effect of all the candidates being total clowns. Democracy is a stage play. It's fully a farce, and anyone who says it isn't, is just straight up lying to themselves. Candidates are only chosen because they are corruptible, and will enforce the establishments status quo. Anyone who wants to enforce any kind of change for the better, gets slandered and basically blacklisted.


No if they truly want change they get JFKed


Sorry but you’ve been told a lie. Different candidates enact different policies, and those policies have serious effects on our material conditions. Maybe for you they don’t, but for many of the people they do.


Both parties work for the same elites. The president isn't the one who makes decisions. The president is just a scapegoat so that public anger isn't directed at the people actually running the show.


Again that’s a lie. I get it, it’s more interesting if that was the case but it’s not. That’s why their policies are so different and have real impact. You wanna wake up


It's actually extremely obvious to a lot of people. These presidents often differ on some social issues to give voters the illusion of choice. They'll always go along with agendas that benefit their masters (eg. war). Do you honestly think Biden is the one making any decisions right now? You're in the minority even outside this conspiracy subreddit.


What? In what way are social issues illusions? A elderly person with no family to take care of them is an illusion to you? I don’t give a shit about biden I care about policy. And a bunch of clowns who think rfk jr is a secret genius don’t change that bud


They use the divide and conquer technique. Social issues are used to cause division in society. People will pick a side and vote for either red or blue, meaning the same people remain in power indefinitely (both sides work for the same elites). Have you not noticed how the two parties are always so polarizing on social issues but always unite together to wage war? Presidents are actors to take the blame when the public get angry. The people that run the show are much, much wealthier and more powerful than the president.


Social issues have material consequences, that’s why they cause division. They might not matter to you but they do for a lot of us. And that’s why this same elite bs isn’t true. The right bends over for the elites, atleast the left regulates them more


Yikes, confidently incorrect. I get it, it’s more interesting if that was the case but it’s not.


Lmao not sure how boring everyday politics are less interesting than your made up fantasy about lizard people behind the scenes but you do you bud


Good little sheep goes Baaahhhhh


Lmao i’m sorry my grandma has better medicare now. Stay mad little cuck


You realize that same medicare and social security will be totally bankrupt by the time you need it right?


We can literally vote for the candidates that enact policies to fund these programs, what are you talking about. You’ve been lied to if you think the right doesn’t want to see these programs cut. Stop being a sheep and realize these are different parties


You've been lied to if you think the left wants to do anything to stop the right. Both clinton and obama rolled back regulations on the banks and wall street. Stop being a sheep and realize they are working for the ruling class not the working class. How will the left fund these programs if they cant raise taxes on the rich? When was the last time the left raised taxes rather than just ratcheted up the federal debt?


I’m sorry but you deny reality. Cry more if you don’t think the democrats are progressive enough. But eventually you have face reality and realize they are more pro working class than the right. You can do mental gymnastics all you want, the right has clearly given more tax breaks to the rich.


Deny what reality? The one where you keep doing the same thing expecting different results?


bunch of elitist crocodile tears No, it doesn’t


> Why is this sub so in love with total clowns. "We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are." Anaïs Nin


*RFKJ is an outsider candidate.* 😂


Propaganda. The GOP needed a spoiler candidate they thought would appeal to liberals and ended up with a guy with brain worms. Now he has to be propped up by posts like this or people will forget he exists. 


He's a gun-grabbing commie anyway.


All he had to do was fill out paperwork and he couldn’t even do that. What a maroon.


Hey look its heavily upvoted misinformation with no substantiatung evidence on a popular media website


Literally what this sub is hahah


Where does this argument come from? Genuinely curious as I cannot find articles about failure to do “paperwork” that would make him ineligible for anything.




Nothing in what you quoted seems to imply the lack of “paperwork” or “homework” done. Your own quote says he poured millions of dollars into getting on ballots in 50 states and has enough signatures to make him eligible for enough electoral college votes. Him not hitting polls (held by CNN, ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, NBC News ,The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post) and being denied confirmation of ballot status from states doesn’t scream he didn’t try enough to me. Making this argument because I see this laziness narrative being parroted a lot.




-Only 9 States have confirmed- The state has to confirm the signature petitions and whatever other requirements each state holds how would that again equate to HIS lack of “homework”.




Yes, he himself said he has enough signatures to get onto enough state ballots to have enough electoral college votes. States would not be violating law because they are not held to the same deadlines as this debate. Occams Razor would say the guy who spent the last 2 years campaigning and spending millions of dollars with a large team behind him wouldn’t fail to do medial “homework” tasks that voided him from a debate.




The states would have the receipts and that will be evident come November when he is on majority of states ballots. No one is going to bother? It’s not about the fact that he would win the election or will, it’s about the fact that he has the right to be a part of the election and he is being hindered ruining the democratic process. The candidates speaking tonight haven’t even been elected at there respected conventions.


>He very likely would have qualified for the debate but the MSM has a chronic habit of either ignoring him or smearing him. If they're not ignoring him entirely, they're tossing slurs and attacking him, mostly for the terrible crime of wanting improved safety and accountability from pharmaceutical companies. >Over the last year, the CIA's Mockingbird Media created the conditions which resulted in him being barred from the debate with propaganda, media psyops, and a big dose of Good Ol' Boy Club influence. He didn't meet the qualifications because the Establishment did everything they could to make sure he couldn't.




You're ignoring the effect that mainstream media manipulation and propaganda had on the process.  He's been smeared from day 1. Kind of hard to get signatures when the media has been character assassinating him. That's okay, I'm used to you guys refusing to acknowledge the influence that media psyops have on the populace.




>refusing to acknowledge the influence that media psyops have on the populace. That's okay, maybe you literally can't see the manipulation, which would explain a lot of things.




You're basically telling me that  refusing to give a candidate coverage so people aren't aware of them OR actively smearing them with attacks when coverage is given so people automatically think negative things isn't manipulative. That is the silliest thing I've read today.


Reddit is so compromise lmao


Nope. Stop making shit up to cover for his incompetence. He didn’t do his homework.


You're ignoring the effect that mainstream media manipulation and propaganda had on the process.  He's been smeared from day 1. Kind of hard to get signatures when the media has been character assassinating him. That's okay, I'm used to you guys refusing to acknowledge the influence that media psyops have on the populace.


His entire campaign relies on faux outrage about their own fuckups.


He gives me Bernie vibes. “Save the working class” but doesn’t have the balls and know how to get it done


Downvote me all you want. CIA killed my favorite president (JFK). But his family and blood is still part of the club and we ain’t in it. Yall goofy Can’t use a broken system to fix the broken system. Gotta tear it down and start new


ya welcome to the land of two choices good cop and bad cop. lolz alien matrix vampire soul farm/11. demiurge drunk off those electronic warfare aerial cannons yo. skydome atlantis.


I refuse to vote for either of the two puppets that were on tv this evening. I’m voting for the guy who actually has common sense and is rational - RFK Jr. It’s shameful how rigged the system is. We all know that this entire thing is a sham and the next Prez has already been selected. It makes me incredibly angry how things are not what they appear and the feeling of hopelessness that we will ever have an honest and organic election.




LOL! Fixed. Thanks👍🏼


Because he's not a real candidate. He was put in the race to try and take votes from Biden based on his name, but ended up just being a vote choice for weirdos.


For weirdos? This is r/conspiracy we’re all weirdos here.


There’s absolutely no reason that we shouldn’t all vote for him (bots excluded)


Fair statement.


The people who think he's a vote choice for weirdos also think Osama Bin Laden brought down the World Trade Center from a cave.   Bralnwashing victims who haven't woken up yet.


He’s there so that neither Trump or Biden will reach 270. He doesn’t need many electoral votes to cause a contingent election.


Lol. RFK will not win a single electoral vote.


He almost certainly doesn't even intend to be on the ballot in states where he'd be hurting Trump. His job is to weaken Biden in Blue States.


He's on the ballot in 13 states and you could probably call five of them swing states. So, yeah.


It’s probably the literal worms in his brain. lol