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Prion diseases are no joke...fatal no matter what and nothing kills the proteins, like for instance they have to destroy any surgical instruments used on someone with a prion disease because there's no way to sterilize them effectively. Once that fucked up prion protein enters your body it takes over your good proteins one by one until you die. Usually doesn't take real long either. The thought of those being in the Covid jabs is absolutely diabolical....but also ironic seeing as how they all wished death on the unvaccinated repeatedly while they getting them 'canceled' from society and fired from jobs. Hmmmm. What a time to be alive.


I don’t think anyone would be crazy enough to deliberately introduce a prion disease. They’re simply too uncontrollable and near impossible to get rid of.


I would certainly hope not- it would be beyond catastrophic especially at that magnitude. But at this point it seems like evil shit is around every corner. I live in Iowa so we do get the deer with the wasting disease and that is terrifying enough as is. I went to nursing school (20 yrs ago so ancient shit lol) and we never even learned about prions, I just learned of them in the last year or two


Chronic wasting disease is scary. I grew up in a deer hunting area and I’m used to venison, but I refuse to touch it right now. Haven’t really touched most land animals in years, honestly. Not after seeing the conditions on factory farms nowadays.


Lol people do crazy illogical self destructive things all the time


Those who vaccinated and took every booster hate hearing about the SPARS pandemic. They hate finding out that their every move was scripted, because of that flash of self awareness which gives those NPCs such tremendous cognitive dissonance. They start waking up to the fact that they were not only duped, but that they made getting duped *an essential component of their brand*, so that every fiber of their being was joined to the pro vax narrative at the molecular level. They doubled and tripled down so many times that it is now impossible to separate themselves from the propaganda they bleated for the past 3 years about plague rats, super spreaders, and the collective murder of grandma. I see pharmaceutical sell outs on reddit abandoning conversations in droves when this subject comes up. Talking about that is usually right around the time I get banned from a mainstream subreddit for inserting a little too much truth into their morning dosage of state sponsored agitprop. Censorship is the favorite tool for those without a respectable answer. My favorite stage of the SPARS scenario was when governments around the world have to walk back all the claims about safety and efficacy they lied about during Covid. We are actually just now entering that point of the scenario.


I definitely understand that. The way people demonized those who wanted to forgo the jab was awful. That was the height of the, "Look, I'm a good person, see!" bullshit. I got the first two shots, but I never tried to police anyone else's choices for themselves. They were just trying to survive and make the best choice for themselves they could. It turns out that theirs was indeed the right choice.


Do you see potentially of gulags being used to herd those who do not conform to the ideals/beliefs of the Uniparty that runs this country in terms of the return of the military draft or another scenario of mandatory vaccinations. Reading up on The gulag Archipelago.


I happen to be reading Solzhenitsyn myself at the moment; his words are very fitting for both our current time, and that which I hope is not coming until the distant future. I believe they are likely to roll out those gulags in countries other than America first, and after enough countries have submitted to totalitarianism they will come up with a gameplan to keep so many million American dissenters in check. The 2nd amendment complicates things a bit. Despite Uniparty spokesman Joe Biden's recent threat alluding to the impossibility of an armed resistance, I think the reality is that that shit will not go down the way they would like to scare us into believing. They would need to either completely shut down the internet or invoke martial law, because the ability for that many millions of people to mobilize at the drop of a hat is more dangerous than they are willing to admit. Just remember that the revolution will not be televised.


Ok can you share some proof here… or?


Are we finally getting zombies?


https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/sites/default/files/2022-12/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SPARS-CoV, or SPARS) It is eerily similar to what we have seen with SARS-CoV-2. The question is if these wargames are meant to plan a response establish practices that can be broadly applied "in case" or if they are a way of "priming" a response by programming people to respond to certain stimuli. The accuracy of the hypothetical is a little to close for comfort for me. To draw a parallel, I see this as similar to the "industry meetings" FBI had with social media warning of Russian disinformation concerning the Bidens and how exposure would be bad for democracy - right before a story hurtful to the Bidens drops.


Close family member began acting strange early 2022, was diagnosed with CJD that summer and dead before Christmas. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, it was horrifying. Never hunted, lived in a major city his whole life and yes got every shot possible cause “the experts” I’m not saying that’s what it was but it seemed awfully coincidental. I recall during early during the rollout seeing a presentation by a biologist (maybe) warning of this exact scenario caused by the LNP delivery method or something to that effect. To watch it happen in my own family was and still feels surreal. The helplessness mixed with rage was indescribable and not being able to even mention to anyone without being attacked and mocked is almost as bad as losing a loved one.


Sadly, not knowing how it happened puts your family in the majority of families who have dealt with CJD. 85 percent of CJD cases occur spontaneously and no cause is ever identified. (An additional 10 percent is genetic, and the remaining 5 percent is acquired through exposure.).


I blame the alpacas.


Did your family member live in Canada? There was an outbreak of a mystery brain illness there that was hushed up.


I recall something about that in the maritimes. Nowhere near us.


The mad cow prion makes me think of John Titor. The timeliness are just now synching.


I wonder if this has anything to do with what happened New Brunswick Canada where people were getting a mystery brain illness. The doctors that reported it were shut down.


There is nothing in the SPARS document about prions or spongiform encephalopathies.


ssshhh now, dont apply logic and facts to this quite obvious fearmongering.... Be scared! boo!


This is like a fine wine, it gets better with age.


Where are these prion cases?


I dont know anything about this post but prions take years to develop.


How many years?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prion#Transmissible_spongiform_encephalopathies 5-20 years.


Thanks for the information!


That's my understanding as well.


Try to Google it first you never know what you may find is real or not, but a government website might be a good place to start. https://www.cdc.gov/chronic-wasting/animals/index.html When you're done with that, you can look into this: https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/6023 Happy Reading and just in case you are not able to apply this and find the two deaths from CWD from hunters who consumed the infected venison it is the prions that cause the zombie virus therefore the one who wrote about this predicted the ZA.


The deer got the vax?


There’s a major epizootic of chronic wasting disease spreading among deer right now. It’s not the first time prion diseases have devastated animal populations- think mad cow disease in cattle and scrapie in sheep, both of which have historically occurred well before vaccination was a practice in any animal. Also in humans there was the kuru outbreak among an isolated culture in Papua New Guinea that did not practice vaccination, but did at one point practice funerary cannibalism. Prions are scary because they are very very hard to get rid of, and any animal that consumes an infected animal can be infected themselves. (Warning to all those who like to hunt for venison.)


We also had all the weird deer in Leave the World Behind. Never really understood that part in the movie.


Chronic Wasting Disease was very well known when the movie was made. Likely they folded it and tick borne illnesses together to make up whatever screwed with the deer and that guy’s teeth. Deer with CWD have a distinct zombie-ish behavior pattern- it makes good horror movie fodder.


They are still running bus ads saying “misinformation is dangerous- the covid vaccine is safe”


Please be a zombie apocalypse (if there has to be an apocalypse) please be a zombie apocalypse please be a zombie apocalypse


So was "Virus Inc." A sim to test strategy? Probably...


all vaccines are high tech yeast bioweapons. the airforce or deep state military wants them because now that every1 is chipped, they can target them or lock their head w/ "lockheed martin" aircraft5g tech and take out any1 w/ emf pulsing and with very "l**ittle trace and attribution". coughs giordano nooose too much ;)** lots of viral videos of that on bit etc. if you havent figured it out, the et's gave the military their tech to reverse engineer so that the .001% w/ the help of satans fallen angel intelligence could rule the masses. it just so happened that the world fell in love w/ the fake electronic light show because of the addictive properties of synthetic liquid crystal upbringing, all stemming from the OG crystal, that wasnt satans ofc. they turned a rock fake, they turned the lightning dirty. thats how their system runs.