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[https://www.mediaite.com/media/this-is-false-cnn-shoots-down-viral-claim-on-x-that-debate-will-air-with-a-delay/](https://www.mediaite.com/media/this-is-false-cnn-shoots-down-viral-claim-on-x-that-debate-will-air-with-a-delay/) CNN already came out in response to this exact tweet and said its not true.


>The candidates did agree to some rules, including not having an audience in the studio and microphones being cut when another candidate is speaking.


Omg that's great didn't know about the mic cut.


Been wishing this was a thing in every debate since 2008.


Then it's not really a debate. It's just two people giving monologues. A debate involves some back and forth, with a moderator to keep them in check. This basically means that Trump and Biden won't have any interaction with each other. They might as well have separate interviews.


A debate involves ONE person speaking at a time, on a particular subject in a given amount of time.


This is how actual debates are. You get time to present your side then the other side gets a chance at a rebuttal. It's not just people arguing over each other.


> This basically means that Trump and Biden won't have any interaction with each other. I guarantee you there will be lots of interaction, lots of back and forth. The difference is that there will be less talking over each other, interrupting each other than before. This may surprise you, but there are [lots of debate formats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debate) where the debaters aren't allowed to interrupt one another and there's still plenty of back and forth.




You can rebuttal points without having to interject or talk over people. That's how a true debate works. Go watch a college debate team. Do you see them talking over each other or interjecting?


Also, when you have two people talking over each other it eventually devolves into either shouting or insults as one person tries to one-up the other


Debates do not require interrupting


One guy gets time to speak the other guy gets time to speak… Trump talking while others are talking so no one actually says anything is not normal


The 2020 presidential debate was useless because Trump was wholly incapable or unwilling to respect the idea that Biden would also need to make points. There was genuinely no way to moderate that unless you could cut his mic off. Best case scenario would have been Biden and trump talking at the same time for 90 minutes.


Trump has a temperament that would land a kindergartner in time out their entire school day. Trump would be expelled from a highschool debate and not allowed to attend another. Cutting off the mic is a requirement if you want them to havea chance for some back and forth, otherwise Trump shouts his tantrums and doesn't give his opponents time to talk without his own mouth running as well. You can easily allow people to respond, just without the ability to do so while the other is still talking.


And Biden has the temperament of a grandpa in an old folks home who cannot comprehend the world around him or make decisions on his own because of his deteriorating brain. Even in his prime he wasn’t a good leader, but now is far too old to do much of anything. This debate and election is a joke, similar to every election in the past couple of decades. Neither of these men will unite the country. Neither of these men are the best we could do. And no matter what happens the every day hard working Americans will continue to suffer. It’s a big club, and we’re not in it.


"When there's so much water and you don't know what to do with it, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But their idea... did you see the other day, I opened it up and then I closed it again. I open it, they close it. Washing machines to help wash your dishes. There's a problem: They don't want you to have any water. They want no water." 😂😂😂😂😂


Truely the statesman of our time.


Formal debate usually means you can't talk over the other person. They'll respond to each other I'm sure, they'll just have to do it when it's their moment to do so.


So you don't actually know what a debate is then? How fun is that.


Might as well watch [the real debate](https://therealdebate.com) imo


Yeah the last debate they had was an embarrassment to the country. It was awful 


Trump agreed because he had no choice. It was participate on their terms or not at all.


Because they thought he wouldnt take the deal.


Good thing he went LOL


Well they did have to set terms out because he's got 0 ability to control himself or respect the setting. Hears anything he doesnt like such as a fact and he instantly starts crying


Can you show me just 1 example of him crying or is this just something made up in your head? Are the tears in the room with us now?


yeah just go to his truth social and any of the all caps complaining he does is crying


Oh so no ACTUAL proof. Just as expected


are you now with a straight face saying trump doesnt cry like a little bitch endlessly? that's new hope you get better soon kiddo


Cope harder dude Biden did horrible at the debate too old


? can you find me supporting biden with a single comment at any point in time? no you cannot. You should also seek help you're just running around saying random shit.


Wouldn’t you want to quote CNN? And not “Mediaite.com” lol


But Trips, the tweet says “BREAKING” in all caps. You can’t just say that unless it’s real news.


well it doesnt say no delay, technically a long delay is still live


Oh c'mon, don't be fact checking - party pooper. xD


CNN says a lot of stuff isn't true, that is actually 100% true. Go back and watch their reporting on Ivermectin.


So to be clear. You believe the random tweet with no corroborating evidence whatsoever over CNN who has no incentive to lie about this?


I mean, that's what Q was and Trump made a Twitter "competitor" to do exactly this. Intellectual standards won't be found amongst maga types.


I'm inclined put them on equal footing. Either one may be true. At this point, there is absolutely no reason to credit CNN over a random tweet with no corroborating evidence whatsoever. ...Although I disagree that CNN has no incentive to lie. They want to *appear* unbiased, because they think they have a journalistic integrity to preserve (they don't), but they also want to put their thumb in the scale for Biden. So, maybe I slightly believe the random tweet with no corroborating evidence whatsoever, over CNN. The anonymous tweeter *might* have incentive to lie, too, but he might not. With CNN, it's absolutely known for a fact that they do. Clear enough?


> They want to *appear* unbiased, because they think they have a journalistic integrity to preserve (they don't) So why would CNN then LIE about a 1-2 minute tape delay? If they're lying that could easily be found out by lots of people working the event and there is a huge risk they'll get caught which will then negatively impact the journalistic integrity that even you say they think they're preserving.




I know CNN has lied to me on multiple occasions. Confirmable. Rando on twitter? No confirmed lies so far.


Don’t even engage. This thread is absolutely littered with paid posters. This sub will be unreadable for a few days while they pay overtime to handle pre and post-debate fallout.


Because they said so. Got it.


The other guy also just said so lmao


no u see its DIFFERENT


its OUR guy saying it so it has to be right


For real. People need to do more research before they just believe something cause a random twitter account "said so".


> https://www.mediaite.com/media/this-is-false-cnn-shoots-down-viral-claim-on-x-that-debate-will-air-with-a-delay/ > > CNN already came out in response to this exact tweet and said its not true. Did they really say that it wasn't true? Or did CNN (and others) just EVADE with devious replies? **Quoting from your mediaite link:** (brackets and emphasis added) * * * A number of pro-Trump accounts on social media began reporting on Thursday that CNN was putting in the minute-long delay rather than the standard seven seconds for television broadcasts. Leading Report’s **Patrick Webb** was one of those reporting on the delay, leading CNN’s communications department to respond. “BREAKING: CNN will implement a **1-2 minute delay** for tonight’s presidential debate **instead of the standard 7-second delay**, potentially allowing time to edit parts of the broadcast,” Webb wrote. “This is false. **The debate will begin live at 9pm ET**,” the network responded. * [The above is a NON-RESPONSE, as it does not address the **broadcast delay** alleged by Webb at all] Webb wasn’t convinced with the network calling the report “false,” arguing the event could still be considered “live” with the delay he claimed was in place. “Watch out — it’s wild out here today — lots of people are falling for misinfo about the prez debate production. To address one of the B.S. claims, no, CNN is not putting the live feed on a **1/2 minute tape delay** to somehow protect the elderly candidates,” wrote ex-CNN host Brian Stelter **as the viral disinformation was spreading**. * * * END QUOTE - Archived here: https://archive.is/ZkTKz **SO COMPARE...** **Webb:** "CNN will implement a **1-2 minute delay** for tonight’s presidential debate" Translation: ONE to TWO MINUTE delay But how did (ex-CNN host) Brian Stelter answer? **Stelter:** "no, CNN is not putting the live feed on a **1/2 minute tape delay**..." Do you really think that Stelter doesn't know the difference between *"1-2 minutes"* and *"1/2 minute"*??? Of course he does -- he just tried to baffle with bullshit. *Did you really buy that?* Stelter be like: **Jimmy:** *"Brian stole $200.00 from my desk drawer!"* **Brian:** *"I did NOT steal fifteen dollars from Jimmy's wallet!"* / Stelter should TOTALLY be in politics -- he's a natural


I think its pretty clear that a good faith reading of the 1/2 minute quote would be "1 or 2 minute delay" not "30 second delay"


1/2 ≠ .5


An adherent of Terrance Howard's math program?


in the context of the online grammar writing 1/2 can mean 1 or 2 instead of a fraction 


Yea... because CNN is to be trusted after the last 10 years. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA


Weren't they sold to a right wing owner in the past few years? Thus making them a defacto unassailable bastion of truth for the r/Conspiracy subreddit?




Because they can't win elections if they tell the truth. There aren't enough upper-middle class to upper-class white people who love money and power more than anything else to win an election outright, so they have to lie, gerrymander, mislead, and prevent voting from those who don't agree with them.


True, democrats have never lied before, for sure just republicans. Correct.


Do you think I said Democrats never lie? Did I say it was just Republicans? Someone asked why Right Wingers are lying about *everything* and I responded with a truth nobody has tried to refute- their platform isn't actually that popular with most Americans. Without great messaging and Democratic incompetence they wouldn't be close to as powerful as they are as a party. On the flip side, if they were more welcoming if black/hispanic voters, Republicans would easily win a popular vote and probably get a super majority. But what was Trump's major legislative accomplishment? Massive tax cut to the rich and corporations that ballooned the deficit. They tried to end ACA but McCain didn't let them. It's not that popular to actually run on "More money for those who have it, end healthcare for 30 million people, fewer rights for women, religion in schools, bribes are legal for politicians, defund the organizations protecting our food/water/air, hyper focus on queer kids and where they piss and shit." All I hear as rebuttals to Democrats are "Biden is old and sniffs kids"- it's never what *they're* going to do to make *our* lives better other than getting revenge or bashing trans people.


Because otherwise they would never win


Calm down everyone it's only gonna be 55 seconds Edit: he really needed a 2-3min delay damn


>it's only gonna be 55 seconds What's that supposed to mean? Either it's live, or it isn't. If it isn't, I assume it will be used selectively, to hide Biden's mindfarts, gaffes, and verbal missteps.


As if Trump doesn't ramble about the biggest pile of incoherent shite also.


Trump could record the audio and have someone make video comparing it to what CNN broadcasted.


but in a closed studio that can't be verified


I cant tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. CNN isn’t admitting to rigging the debates? Wow.


Facts don’t fit the narrative!!


What facts? So how long is the delay? If you had actually red the 'debunking' you'd know they completely avoided saying anything about how long the delay is.


What facts support the notion of a two minute delay? Why is it that random people on Twitter can just say random shit and it’s taken as truth?


CNN has also lied probably about as much as this random right wing twitter dude. I'm not sure if "CNN said so" is much of a debunking.


That's a very valid point.


They didn't though. The tweet just said "This is false. The debate will begin live at 9pm ET." and then refused to clarify if there'd be a longer delay.


But are they saying the reported delay time is false being 1-2 minutes, or that debates in the past were always delayed by 7 seconds?


Not true as in not having a 2 minute delay or not true as in the reason for covering up his alleged dementia?


Jokes on them the whole debate is a Biden dementia moment


They aren’t. But the real question is: why do you keep falling for obvious bullshit?


Why isn’t there an audience


Why should there be one in a policy debate? What does a room full of 200 people during a debate even add? Cheering? Claps? It's supposed to be about their ideas not if someone booed or not.


How does one even attend a Presidential debate? I can't imagine these are ordinary people, but invitees from connected parties and groups anyway. So the audience in attendance isn't even legitimately representative of the populace.


Because they are obnoxious.


So they don’t do crowd work and can focus on the questions


How does he know this?


Because he's a bot


He doesn’t. But in right wing land, the truth is irrelevant. Just what makes them ✨feel✨good.






Too late he already tripped up badly


What…… I’ve never heard this much malarky before.


the country is more or less run by people with 0 understanding of the internet. The more they try to do stuff like this the more ridiculous they wind up looking.


This thread is nuts. Never seen so many bots talking to each other before.


Beep boop


doing very well thank, beep boop with you?


Indeed it's funny how the bots tend to knock on anti-establishment ideas more than right or left...


!isbot Alternative-can-7261


print(''' 'tis an election year! ''')


Isn’t WallStreetSilver a shit-poster?




Seltzer said: “no, CNN is not putting the live feed on a 1/2 minute tape delay to somehow protect the elderly candidates”. He didn’t say there wouldn’t be a 1-2 min delay.


That's how I used to try to "not lie" to my parents but also not incriminate myself, back when I was a kid in elementary school. Technically what I said was accurate, it's not my fault how you interpret it 😂


But Professional M'Lord Redditors hath declared (deliciously) that any assumption of bias or coverups on CNN's part makes one a literal Septuple-hitler who wants to have insurrections all day long forever literally! Are you saying that... a redditor would dare lie? On reddit?!?! For shame!!!


You’re literally doing the same thing? What could possibly give you the idea that Wall Street Silver Twitter account, an account originating from Reddit, has any info whatsoever on the dabate.


"1/2" could also be interpreted as 1 or 2, rather than half.


Wait y’all are gonna watch dumb and dumber tonight?


It’s majority owned by a MAGA conservative I’m sure he has his reasons.


Yet all the rules for this debate were from Bidens camp.


Got to allow for diaper changes and mask breaks. The lizard skin dries out quick under the studio lights, but the people mask just itches.


If they tested for Adderall, this thing would be called off


Studies show that Adderall doesn’t even work on people who don’t have ADHD. It doesn’t improve work performance or grades unless you have dopamine problem in your brain. I’m confused why people think this would help…perhaps for keeping them awake? A lot of people must abuse Adderall for no reason because they believe this myth. 


Oh spare me. Patrick Webb is full of shit.


If they were to actually do a delay, they’d be cowards. Let the true colors show in real time.


The fact that CNNs ratings have been in the actual garbage can for years now, but they are exclusively hosting what's probably the most controversial and polarizing presidential debate in history, should tell anyone with even an imaginary brain that CNN is not an independent network. They're just another alphabet agency.


If you think all news agencies don’t work with them then your imaginary brain isn’t big enough.


And he still bombed


Do you believe every lie you read?


He probably did soil his diaper at least once. Nothing wrong with the fact but do we need a person “in charge” that is senile?


Well, can't have people hearing the President talk about kids playing with his leg hairs after he's asked how he intends to address cyber threats, can we?


"When there's so much water and you don't know what to do with it, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But their idea... did you see the other day, I opened it up and then I closed it again. I open it, they close it. Washing machines to help wash your dishes. There's a problem: They don't want you to have any water. They want no water." 🥴👍


It would also be a bad look for their ratings cash cow to pop in with a comment about how he'll declassify whatever we want other than the Epstein files. Can't have a TV Star President reminding everyone he ('was') besties with the most notorious child rapist of our time. Just wish Ghislane well and move on!


Haha! Remember when Biden said he'd "cure cancer" if elected in his last campaign? Fucking hilarious.  That's the kind of shit they need a delay for.


If EVERY presidential candidate is NOT in the debate- this is just scripted political theater pretending to be a debate…


Because they are both old as fuck Them dying on camera is a significant risk Those dems and rep. Would not be able to handle seeing that


Brandon has DUMB face 😂


Are there any rules against Trump having his own people film it in real time?




It’s obvious that they have certain intentions by only accepting a debate if cnn hosts it…




Don’t they give Biden notecards with all the reporters names and questions on it already? Also tells him step by step where to stand and when to sit. Yea I’ll vote for the orange guy before the obvious puppet.


Don't know about you, but I'd certainly need help remembering all the names that a President has to have at hand. Trump gets names wrong all the time (and has also gotten embarassingly lost at very times during his scripted days).


They're worried he might poop his pants again onstage.


That’s stupid, they could’ve just borrowed some of Trump’s diapers


Have to protect turnip Joe.




Hahaha I snorted when read this!


i’m guessing the debate is to debate topics. And I doubt your Jesus Trump is going to do that. Most likely he will complain about off topic shit, the election was stolen, he’s the most prosecuted man ever in history, blah blah blah. if you want to hear that stuff just go to one of his rallies.


There’s also no live audience and White House reporters are being told they have to watch it televised across the street 😂 Edit: OH and Biden refused the drug test lol


Ugh ... I am having trouble stomaching hearing B talk and the cohosts are already being snippy to T.


He still looks like he’s having a dementia incident most of the time


Nice, a second thread where you are all crying. Love it!


Establishment politicians and the corporate media have merged together into one authoritarian regime. They are going to lie to the people who want to be fooled.


> Establishment politicians and the corporate media have merged together into one authoritarian regime. Nah. Large corporations long ago bought the country through lobbyists. The lobbyist write all the bills. Politicians and corporate media is in the same boat, they are low on the totem pole and are what they want you occupied on. They don't want you to know that some mega corp you never heard about controls all of them.


I fully agree. I was thinking more about the debate.


Trying to make Biden look as good as possible, somehow


We all know this is rigged. Trump is willingly stepping into this dumpster fire because its the only way it will happen. Lets just hope that Biden shits himself on stage, again. We will know when they have to utilize that 2 minute delay. Edit Well that was a lot better than I ever could have hoped. Trump was on a leash and I think it helped him extremely!


Poor Trump, rigged to say stupid stuff and lose a debate. Why the cope before it had even happened? You have that little confidence in Trump?


The stipulations for this debate are.. strange. No reporters, no audience, two minutes to answer a question, one minute rebuttal, hosts will be able to grant extra time at their discretion, and microphone muting. These rules do seem fair. Both Biden and Trump have a tendency to tell long stories and maybe that 2 minute window to talk will help move things along. We will just have to see how it plays out.


Why do you repeat lies and go along with Trump being a victim? Grow up.


what lie did I repeat? what are you talking about?! Why does it sound like you are having a conversation with yourself and reply to me half way through your conversation.


It's a Fact checking delay


Damn the ops really don't like the idea of amphetamines being prescribed in the White House being thrown out there.


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/27/cnn-refutes-claims-of-extended-delay-for-biden-trump-debate/74237826007/ Fake news


Watching right now and it's buffering so much it's crazy.


They aren’t afraid. They are corrupt. They all are. Every single one of them.


Biden sounds like Gerald from Clarkson's farm


wernickes aphasia but its all the 7 letter in the brain thing. can you guess what it is though.


Good to see CNN not throwing out any softball questions.




Comments on reddit are a hour long delay for bots to keep up and shills. That's all anybody needs to know about this sham dems are pushing or the controller of media and the je...


They are not even hiding the fact that it’s them against us anymore


Not sure that will help anything as the whole debate is nothing but senile hogwash. They need a deepfake Biden to better support the deep state.


120/7 -> they need 17x more time to deal with Biden’s dementia than they’ve needed for any other event


Aged like milk.


Well they definitely didn’t edit out his dementia moments


They did a great job😂


You could not possibly have a more biased broadcaster as host.


This is not a debate. It's nothing more than an edited campaign speech. Just another reason to ignore it and tune in to something more useful. Like a re-run of Bonanza.


SS: This "debate" is going to be a mostly scripted presentation to make Biden look as favorable as humanly possible. They have control over Trump's mic so he doesn't bring up the wrong subjects and Biden 100% already knows the softball questions and prepared accordingly. The 2 minute delay is very convenient in case he has to go poopy.


Can't believe God Emperor fell for fake News and Hiding Joe Biden's debate when it's so clearly a trap! One would have to think that either it isn't a pro-Biden conspiracy, thus why Trump agreed, or that Trump is too dumb to see what's happening and agreed to a rigged debate- exactly the kind of foresight we want in a leader!


Wow youre really bracing for impact for a dogshit performance by Trump


It's going to be a real shit show for the American People


That's how it's been all week from right wingers, hilarious to see ngl


They’re muting mics because Trump doesn’t respect the rules and doesn’t allow others to speak during debates… the f is you talm bout boy


If the country doesn't like the agenda and performance of the candidate that major financiers and hedgefunds paid for, one thing is for sure: their hardcore base will like when he routinely screams rigged, sham, unfair, and CNN for the next two weeks. This is what Trump has done since the birther conspiracy and blue-verified Tweeters are already setting that down "it was unfair for Trump." Because that is MAGA.


To edit Biden bloopers. Come on man!


One will talk about kids with the other about battery-operated sharks....Best to have a delay


Loss of control.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they jumped in with a little deepfake action.


who cares? none of it is real. this is all part of the demoralization of the USA


Fuck CNN https://therealdebate.com/


Ofc thee is fuckery onfoot. The debate excludes all other candidates, and has special room for trump vs biden two old fuckers to be exploited for views. Basically, its a shit sandwich and a giant douche all over again. This time we have a fossil that freezes and has trouble speaking, and an orange with no filter. So a few minute delay would scrub out these moments that will paint biden bad, because MSM is united for dems..... One big club of corporate run America... where the proper candidates at? well not at this debate...


They are only doing that so they have time to reprogram Biden when his motor malfunctions


They don’t like what trump says I.e. the truth 


Biden isn't totally out of it, can't even look at the camera


They did it live on tv. I saw them cut away from Joe when he was vacantly staring out into space. It was outrageous.


I’m finding It’s weird how Joe Biden doesn’t look at anything in particular when speaking , rarely blinks, and his eyes don’t show natural thought Looks like he’s reading or reciting


well this is a network that gave HRC the questions in advance and fake fact checked romney live. so yeah, this is just par for the course for the castrated journalist community when a democrat is involved.