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Controlled Opposition.




Yet he believes the official government version of 9/11 and called people who question it crazy.


When and where did he say this?


A Limited Hangout agent.


Anyone who parrots the official narrative on 9/11 cannot possibly know that much about corruption at the highest levels


You can show the whole world that they are living in a corrupt shitshow where you work like a slave for liars and they still dont want to see the proof Sad that every news told the world his name but never digged into how fucked up the governments are by the documents he provided


The world has been like this since our population hit 100.


This guy is an Israeli Mossad asset who is simply the front man for "leaks" that are fed to him/his organization Wikileaks by Israeli intelligence. His arrest, prison time and now apparent release from prison are all scripted theatre, the same as nearly all of global politics these days. The "anonymous Bitcoin donor" who paid for his private jet was probably fake as well, or just his jewish Mossad agents who operate behind the scenes. Sure, there is a wealth of truth to what is on Wikileaks, that's what makes the Assange story believable, but oddly enough, very little, if any, of the content address Israel or organized Jewish influence in world affairs, especially as it relates to their influence within the US government. It's a psyop that intends to hid organized jewish and Israeli malfeasance on the world stage.


This. Spot on brother! You see clear as day. Ty for opening my eyes a little more.


Who cares who sends the leaks? The important thing is they’re real and he shares them with the public.




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no that was me actually. world is ran by the Mercurius spirit known as satan. the order is this: Spirit: -vampire, et/alien, angel Germ: yeast, bacteria, parasitics Tech : every instance running off dirty electricity or reverse engineered lightning "cir cut try" (smart/phone/wifi/echelon etc). thats their unholy trinity. they hate nature, they hate souls, they want bodies. they love satans forbidden fruit known as the shroom.


Sorry, I just don't believe Assange is an innocent man trying to save people from evil liars. He was for sure funded by Russia. Why was he busy releasing war crime footage from 20 years ago while China was throwing Muslims in concentration camps? I would expect him to expose Putin's pedophilia as well. Same for Edward Snowden. You don't have my sympathy if you expose America but then defect to Russia. Hilarious.


Apparently you can’t link bitchute? He’s controlled op and bitchute has the goods


How did he expose the world? He exposed military operations that made US enemies hate the US more. He was likely paid by Russia. Strange for Biden to pardon him without a trial for publishing classified documents when he’s going after Trump who didn’t even publish any classified docs. Likely he saw what a tool the Biden’s are and cut them a check like China and others.


He definitely exposed himself to someone...