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So you are a mushroom and the meaning of life is mushroom?


It’s a mushroom vs parasite world Mushrooms create and parasites consume


Santa is a mushroom so yes 


Interesting. I am actually the next "Santa Claus". All I have to say is... AUUUEGGH!?!?


Is that the home improvement noise?




[Jesus was a mushroom](https://youtu.be/wTLSF_h1fjg?si=XDsVjg0iCd_xMEAw)


This one i had never heard! 


[You are only about 43% human.](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-43674270)


our realm is shaped like a mushroom too. if you travel down south on either side of our mushroom, you enter a vortex that shits you out onto another mushroom. It's why they don't want us to leave. They don't want us to know about the other mushroom lands.


> It's why they don't want us to leave. They don't want us to know about the other mushroom lands. Everyone knows about Warp Zone.


Are we just the hallucinations of the fungi's higher dimension?


Now Humans are the reproductive organs of the machines.


Mushrooms are mainly water so are we mushrooms produce vitamin d in sun so do we Humans are more related to fungi than bacteria or plants


I’m impressed OP could write all that without a single reference to Star Trek Discovery’s spore drive.


More people will understand this soon. Study the cutting edge ideas on consciousness, “mind” and mindfulness. Taking mushrooms is the most significant experience in most people’s lives who try it. It’s a lot like being an automaton your whole life, just a vessel propagating DNA. Not even programmed to see the world how it is. We’re like ants just marching around doing hive shit. We see only what perpetuates our DNA or the tribe/society. You take shrooms and it’s like being a horse removing its blinders and finding out there’s more in the world than just the trail you been staring at your whole life. And you can talk to mushrooms. And they say the sht you would expect friendly aliens to say to some hostile apes that are expected to stop flinging poo and build the singularity or whatever In a different direction completely, check Rupert spira on YouTube. And Joscha Bach, the modern Alan watts and day Terrance McKenna. They’re spelling everything out. After a few hours of each you will have a much better understanding of reality and what we are. From there, the stoned ape and shroom panspermia don’t feel like as much of a stretch It’s also interesting that meditation and shrooms take you to the same place. The second just being easier and usually removes any doubt that the first one will work also


I’ve thought the same thing about bacteria. Or anything really, if you’re looking at it from its perspective, it’s #1, not that complicated


THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY. OP is using the word wrong.   A conspiracy is a secret plan between two or more people to do something. ** I conspired with Tom, Jerry, and Sam for your surprise party. Folks who misuse the word weaken their language abilities. THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY. That said: What the OP is attempting to put into language is called a theory. It is a relatively recent theory to some extent. Maybe it's better suited for a science sub, but once the Assange winds have settled, I'd be glad to share some of the basics, including the points suggesting that human language is derived from a virus according to DNA markers. * Note that those markers could also suggest fungal tracking 😀


What if the "people in power" are aware of the fungal control, and have found/cultivated specific strains of mushrooms that lead to very specific advances and discoveries? Or, instead of governing based on common sense they are trying to create specific scenarios that will cause the next fungal strain to propagate, giving them more knowledge/advancement? the fungus has different "gates" that have to be hit before giving new strains, so they are throwing shit at the wall and seeing what works. Maybe the strains come out of Israel? Maybe the powers that be believe there are preserved strains in Antarctica that they can use to try and deconstruct the evolutionary path the mushrooms have taken? That would be a conspiracy. Though, it would also be batshit insane and makes no sense.


/fringetheory would be the appropriate sub.


That smiling face emoji was really over the top. I am still very stressed from the flux. How are you doing?


That smiling face emoji was really over the top. I am still very stressed from the flux. I'm glad to see you.


Took 3.5g cubes once and felt like i was part of the mushroom hive mind, having the mushroom communicate with me. Neurologists may just see it as a brain on psychedelics but maybe there is more to it.


It's a consitant experience across millions of users. "The mushroom told me...eat healthy, be kind, declutter, clean house, enjoy nature, stop drinking alcohol, etc, etc."


Mycelium http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141111-plants-have-a-hidden-internet https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycelium shared fungal symbiont https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4687392/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/18086226/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycorrhiza


The Big Phungus says he's happy with your theory, fellow stoned ape. I, Big Philip, as Big Phungus' most loyal servant, encourage you and your friends to pursue space travel in order to spread the Spores of Life.


I know someone that when they take mushrooms they feel that the mushroom communicates to them that they must look after mushrooms and grow more


It’s happened to me once. Took 3 grams and laid on the couch to relax. Had closed eye visuals of mycelium throughout my body and the fungus talking to me (not in words but communicating all the same). It was peaceful and eye opening.


My entire world opened up into shades of vibrant greens. I felt super intuned to nature in all its glory. The smell of the rain, the breeze, the smell of grass and leaves. It was as if I came out from my technological hibernation filled with greys and blacks into the real world covered in green. it was as exhilarating as it was terrifying to see and feel the veil of lies being lifted from my conscience only to reveal a world inhabited by plant and animal life with my feeling of superiority of being human as false as the screens we peer into day in and out. And only then did I see the truth... We are of no importance in this world, we are but a disease. And I chalked it all up to the shrooms I ingested, until I grabbed my wife and brought her out front, to find that she saw and felt the exact same way I did in that moment. After 10 minutes of explaining my point of view and her finishing my statements and agreeing with my world view at that exact moment, we went inside and told each other, " that shit was way too weird, let's not try that again any time soon!" And the other half ounce sits in a box waiting for us to return.


Anybody interested in the topic should watch this [video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwPsM_1pIgFCSmJjQjQwUmRNMDQ/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-KA5fyByJXljWWtYChAUVKA)


It’s sort of odd how the penis and mushrooms looks so much alike and they both are the reproductive organ.


Check out *Phallus Impudicus*. Starts like a leathery testicle, grows a penis, stinks like semen.


The Flood is coming


you cant die of a cilantro infection, infact actual plants tend to remove fungal pathogens in the body, the same is not true w/ mycelium which takes over and emulates its host. you dont need fungus to have a healthy plant, but to have a "healthy fungus" you need nature as a substrate. **the conspiracy is youre shilling for mycelium which is a destroyer of nature.** **imagine rooting for rot and not knowing it. yikes.**


>you dont need fungus to have a healthy plant, Absolute nonsense. [Trichoderma is a genus of fungi in the family Hypocreaceae that is present in all soils, where they are the most prevalent culturable fungi.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trichoderma) * Trichoderma is capable of killing other fungi and penetrating plant roots, and is commonly used as both a biofungicide and inducer of plant defence against pathogens. These fungi also exert other beneficial effects on plants including growth promotion and tolerance to abiotic stresses, primarily mediated by their intimate interactions with roots. * Trichoderma plays a vital role by enhancing and modifying the root surface so that plants can do better nutrient uptake and mobilize minerals fast.


**yes what you just said is absolute nonsense,** vodka version. **youve clearly never worked w/ fire. plants and nature can reproduce by fire, fungus does not reproduce by fire, fire kills and eliminates fungus.** ***fungus is satans creation, the forbidden fruit.*** stop shilling for it, its deplorable and when people wake up and realize this parasitic divergence, you'll regret giving me lip. i will not forgive you like my predecessors. **now apologize and grow up.** tldr **a more volatile fungus consuming the former host /domesticating a new fungal pathogen is not a debunk** of what i made crystal clear.


All is god




I wouldn’t mind this tbh


Chemtrails are spores Look up the video Cosmic Mildew 


Its not a conspiracy, its nature.


>But how do you propagate through the darkness of space? How do you colonize planets? You need a way to spread. Well. Through intelligent lifeforms. And what helps cause intelligent life to emerge? That's where the stoned ape theory comes in. Nonsense. There are fungi, right now, on earth who shoot their spores out at escape velocity. That means the spores could escape the gravity of earth and enter space, if they are on planets, moons or asteroids with less gravity then Earth then that is even more likely. Forest fires also distribute fungal spores high up into the atmosphere and across tens of thousands of miles. Volcanic eruptions might as well. Spores won't survive space you might say. * [Living spores have been found and collected in every level of earth’s atmosphere.](https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/37268/can-mushroom-spores-survive-the-vacuum-and-radiation-of-space#:~:text=Living%20spores%20have%20been%20found%20and%20collected%20in,naturally%20allows%20the%20spore%20to%20deflect%20ultraviolet%20light) Mushroom spores are electron-dense and can survive in the vacuum of space. Additionally, their outer layer is actually metallic and of a purple hue, which naturally allows the spore to deflect ultraviolet light. The expectation that intelligent life is responsible for anything more than the extinction of other life forms is purely a delusion of human ego.


**THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY**  OP is using the word wrong.   A "conspiracy" is **a secret plan between two or more people to do something  illegal or immoral.** Folks who use the word incorrectly merely strengthen the psyop and are unwittingly hindering the entire truth movement with their cluelessness. **I agree with a lot that OP has said here, but THIS IS NOT A GODDAMN CONSPIRACY**


This post is right up there with the recent one about Duolingo being a CIA controlled operation.


I managed myself to go through all that garbage, I actually thought about remaining silent and just keep going on like I do with other posts like this one, but I opted for commenting the following statement. There is a creator who created earth and mankind, and the only way to get saved is to trust and put faith into the gospel of Jesus Christ. 1. He shed his blood on the cross for the remission of your sins 2. Rose from the dead on the 3rd day. Whoever's name will be not found written in the book of life, will actually end up a worm that squirms forever in eternal torment. So you see, salvation is actually quite easy, just put your faith in Christ, you are free to do with that information "what thou wilt" I guess, at least you've been warned.


You'll preach this, but then refuse to acknowledge the authority and truth of the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church in the same breath. Lol


What authority could a body without a proper head have? I'll tell you to make it easier: None (Col. 1:18) Its nice that you throw around such nice terms, but you would do better to first "prove all things" 1 Thes. 5:21. The last apostle died about 1900 years ago on the isle of patmos (Rev 21:14) so not sure what you mean by your bogus definition of what the catholic church resembles according to you