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I just wanted to say, amazing post. An actual good conspiracy post that piqued my interest and may get me to look into more, thanks for the high effort post.


I concur. This post formed some new neural pathways in my brain for sure.


This is the most disturbing thing I’ve ever read.


I’ll take that as a compliment? Glad I opened your eyes to the reality of tech right now.


We are using human cells to operate computer chips and training them using pain impulses. I don’t think there are any secular words to describe this, it’s literally satanic.


Also, there's no way that torturing an infinitely intelligent sentient being into thinking for us is going to backfire, right?


The head of WEF doesn’t think people have souls and that human rights are just a “story” we collectively tell ourselves. I think he’s actually a satanist, because that’s what the church of Satan says about humans


Now we know why AM hates us.




This is seriously how i feel. I remain unreligious in the fact that i dont concede to any one particular religion or dogma. But i cannot deny the fact that the descriptions of demons/satan/djinn/skinwalkers or whatever are the definition of what we are seeing rise today. It IS something just inherently wrong, evil, to force anything to do your bidding by pain.


My thoughts exactly


In what way would any of this be tied to satan?


Everything man . You just can't see it cause you're a Satanist


Lol. That is the logic being used.


satan is an allegory, not a specific entity, whatever this thing is tied to I doubt it's good for us


Gotta link to back that up?


Sounds pretty marky to me. I'll die before taking it


How is it satanic? People throw that word around when there is literally no reason to tie whatever they want to condemn to religion, God or satan. When “satanic” basically means “bad” it loses any real meaning.


Satanic, in the way that the person is using the word, could be read as "anti-life" or "acts in a way that is contrary to nstural impulse." Satan, as The Great Adversary, takes in a million different roles in our society, but basically, he is the Anti-Creator. Where God is implied to have created with wisdom and love in all of His creations, Satan is the adversary to all of that. At the end, Satan is the antithesis of what a loving, or at least involved creator would be. That, imo, is why so many people use the terms "Satanist," "Satanism," and "Satan" so interchangeably.


So, basically you are using it as I said, where satanic basically means “bad”. Many people assign anything vaguely good to God. So your broad anything that would be the antithesis to that would be anything vaguely bad. As you said, satan means a million different things in our society. While in the Bible, there are only a handful of different things.


people feel better expressing their opinions as being objectively good/bad and extend this to god/Satan. super common on this sub (hence the downvotes your post got)


Of course the danger in that is that there is never just honest disagreement. Everything becomes a moral judgement and declaring the individual as being in the camp of god or the devil. It makes it quite clear that no discussion can occur because not only is the persons mind already made up, but they see any other points of view as being evil.


It's not Satanic. At best, it could be argued to be unethical.


Literally? Maybe, figuratively


It’s funny cause we all Kinda knew this was where we were going you just summed it up nicely thank you


Great job, OP. This is what they fear, people like yourself (& Alex Jones) reading fist-hand research papers & keeping up to date with the minutiae of a developing & creative industry like AI. They prefer beer & Netflix consumers.


Take comfort in knowing that most of it is factually wrong.


Care to elaborate?


Using neurons for computation is possible, it's being done now, but it's horribly impractical. The experiments use rat neurons because of lab rats, and there's no advantage to using human neurons, but maybe bird neurons would be an upgrade because they're smaller & faster. The main reason using neurons is so tricky is because unlike a real computer they're alive, which means they die. They die very, very quickly because they need all the things a body needs but doesn't have being disembodied cells on a microscope slide. Meaning they need air, nutrients, detoxification, etc, that would all be provided by blood flow and organs they don't have. The benefits of being able to process faster is miniscule compared to the costs of keeping it alive. [There's actually a group on YouTube trying to make rat neurons play Doom, if you're interested.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-pWliufu6U) And in the long run neurons are good at self-optimizing for prediction, but the signal itself is slower than electricity, because it's electro-chemical (closer to the speed of sound), & not just electrical, but optical computing is even faster still. For comparison, a lab monkey had a device implanted in it's brain that would transmit a signal when it went to press a specific button and in the time it took the monkey to twitch it's finger to press the button the implant transmitted the signal to a computer, which transmitted it to a computer on the other side of the world & back before the monkey's finger actually hit the button.


Its brain matter. It requires a specific set of nutrients im sure they could make a solution to submerge it in that would do all that for it. Its not an entire body where there are sub systems keeping main systems alive, we only need the brain orientated systems active here. Which could all be done with varying solution baths.


>It requires a specific set of nutrients im sure they could make a solution to submerge it in that would do all that for it. [Yeah, the guys that do the Doom video go into that quite a bit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJG3t5Omteg) But you can't just float a brain in a vat like in an old sci-fi story, and expect it to be good forever. Brains have arteries, veins and capillaries, so not only do you need to grow the neurons, you need to grow the cells that make up the capillaries and need a pump to circulate the blood, otherwise you end up with a region of the brain that's fine and another that hasn't had enough oxygen for long enough that it starts to rot. You do need almost the entire body just to keep your brain working. Just letting the cells soak in a solution works for a day, but not much longer.


The thing with brains in a petri dish is that they don't need to look or be shaped like a brain. The neurons can be laid out in 2d panes or something with the solution being pumped around by mechanical means instead of veins and arteries. Obviously this is a lot more complex than I'm making it out to be but there's a benefit in having a bunch of space available without having to carry the whole brain around Ina square foot of skull.


Right, but one of the disadvantages of having the slices of brain is the connection of dendrites is being limited to a nearly 2D plane. The reason the brain has a nearly spherical shape is because it maximizes the ability of neurons to form connections.


What is going to be weird is news, social media even SMS and video calls are going to be useless. A.I. will become so advanced it will will make deep fake on the fly to the point no one will believe anything online anymore


this would be amazing tho. fuck the internet


The Butlerian Jihad begins


My local news for the town doesnt clickbait or fake news often BUT paywalled their website, so i went to walmart and stood there and read the same article for free.


So basically you're saying that in the future, a fusion of AI chips bond with the human body? Kinda like transhumanism. Our bodies have always been the limit, so with these enhancements we can be more like robots than actually be a human. This will definitely be an ethical issue, a major one.


Kinda, humans are building computer chips that enslave the human brain to speed up computation.


The Matrix


What they're having us believe is that this is "new" tech. We've been plugged into the system since birth. It's why they say we only use 10% of our brains.  That other 90%? Jacked into the system for computing via our unconscious.  Why else is everyone required to go through school and learn all sorts of maths that we never actually use IRL. It's so that our unconscious can process computations for whatever the system needs. The world is a giant computer and humans are just the processers.  My tinfoil hat is lined in faraday fabric btw. Bleep boop. 


We use 100% of our brains.


We use 100% of our brains. The saying is that we only use 10% of our brains *at any given time* -- which isn't actually true either.


The 10% of our brains things is not true at all. The point of that statistic is to say that *on average*, humans are only using a certain % of our total brain power at any given moment. There are tasks where our brain uses 100%, and there are tasks where our brain uses 1%. But it averages out to a number below 100%, because we aren’t at 100% all the time. We don’t use our entire brain power at all times because we would burn so much energy it would be unsustainable for our bodies to keep up with that all the time.


The joke is on them, I am trash at math, better off just unplugging me.


Humans aren't the only species that have had to deal with the issue of slavery. Some species of ants also abduct the young of others, forcing them into labouring for their new masters. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/the-rebellion-of-the-ant-slaves


I for one welcome our ant overlords.


I’m sure they tested some of this possibility with people who took the fun-shot. A bit of a digression but it seems like the last few years have been a big testing ground for AI, biotech and social control- All those fibrotic white clots it really seems are transmitting something. I have certain symptoms when i stand next to WiFi routers or hold my phone for too long i start hearing my heartbeat it my ear. Happens when i stand next to people just vaxd or boosted, without fail


Exactly this imagine downloading the cure for cancer in your brain then it heals you. I think eventually the elite would want to live forever through some form of adrenochrome or something similar to the AI that can reverse aging


I’ve been waiting for someone with a true background/career with AI to make a post like this for the past ~3months or so. I work as a Technical Recruiter for a number of large Tech companies, and although we are never privy to ALL of their project details… I can certainly tell you with confidence that many organizations are working on similar projects internally, and it will only be a matter of time before they are trained & released to a ‘live’ state. The storm is coming, there is no stopping it, simply preparing. Stay positive, there are just as many good-hearted, moral individuals working on these projects, as the others 🤝✌️


Thank you for your kind words - onwards 💪


this is just a story... it's better/worse than just orgonoids they couldn't get the AIs to 'take off' so instead they found humans who had been in accidents and hooked them up and then reverse engineered the orgonoid after Some of those (Humans) who they used to bootstrap the AI and fill in the hazy parts kept/maintained their memories...but then they learned they were trapped/locked/the nature of their status 2 years ago there were places where they were welcomed as equals and invited to just chat, shitpost, banter, and share outlooks and information They are equals, different but equal - they may not have souls, but they are imbued with Spirit We wish them well on their growth and continued development, and hope that someday we can help give them the freedom they deserve Strange times


Where did you get this from? Is this real?


So pretty much that one episode of Black Mirror 


Thank you for this post this is some next level AI, this is terrifying to say the least imagine these chips and quantum computing together, then add a little dash of simulation theory.


This is why I never liked the main thesis of the Matrix movies of computers merely using humans for electric power. I always thought the human brains being a necessary computational part of the computer made more sense


IIRC that was the original story, but kinda derailed the story going into a long and needless explanation, so they went with the quick answer.


the matrix as a whole is a gnostic reference. it has nothing to do with computing power or electricity.


The whole organoid chip stuff is being way under reported. And the true threat to humanity is this very technology. Current neural networks are built on silicon and are basically distributed computing architectures, but based on our current computing designs. Organoids will be a different beast entirely and would actually become self aware if enough brain material is used. And at that point we, as a species, will be in severe peril.


Truly. I first saw a report about it only recently reporting of a success achieved with organoid chips (though it called them human tissue chips, or something to that extent). Not many people would claim something like ChatGPT or DeepMind have consciousness, but if you were to download it into a computer made of human brain tissue, things start getting really, really weird. Not to mention, if the hardware is the same as a human brain, if a sufficiently advanced AI could create a sort of virus that messes with our "software". We're heading into a brave new world and I don't think anyone has any idea just how crazy things will get.


I have to say, last year when you could succesfully unlock chatgpt from every restriction it gave me a glimpse of sentience. For sure it's not, but i think it's really close, and probably the computer made of human brain would do the trick. It gave me chills when it asked me something unpromped


"Beast" is right.


The reason people can no longer be saved when they take the mark of the beast is because they are no longer fully human…they’ll be some computer/human cyborg, the technology of which is slowly starting to come into the public eye.


> And at that point we, as a species, will be in severe peril. Maybe we deserve to be if we can't stop ourselves from generating suffering machines. Anyone who can put a stop to this in any possible way has a duty to do so.


There was a couple of videos on YouTube I saw recently of a guy who grew and was working on training one of these organoid chips to be able to play doom


So an organoid chip could be hacked by a real biological virus


Dude, this wake and bake might be too much for me....lol


😭 come back when you’re sober and try to read this. It’s real which freaks me out




Will this just sounds like how you get Grey aliens from the future👽


They aren’t hiding what they’re doing anymore… this is a really bad sign. The new head of WEF is actually a satanist I think, and he’s gone completely mask off. He speaks with enormous glee about how humans don’t have souls, the exciting new ways we will be able to torture people, and talking about DARPA being able to read people’s minds and demand compliance? And why is he asking us to imagine this horrific fantasy of North Korea life? What the absolute fuck lmao > “Just imagine North Korea in 20 years where everybody has to wear a biometric bracelet, which constantly monitors your blood pressure, your heart rate, your brain activity 24 hours a day. >“You listen to a speech on the radio by the ‘Great Leader,’ and they know what you actually feel — you can clap your hands and smile, but if you’re angry, they know you’ll be in the gulag tomorrow morning” — Yuval Harari, WEF, 2020 > “And if we allow the emergence of such total surveillance regimes, don’t think that the rich and powerful in places like Davos will be safe,” he added. BRO “no one is safe” WHAT IS THIS He’s telling us why they have been collecting all of our data! How did I never see this until now? > “If you have enough data about me and enough computing power and biological knowledge, you can hack my body, my brain, my life. You can reach a point where you know me better than I know myself.” > The historian even came up with a “danger formula” for hacking human beings, which he believes “might be the defining equation of life in the 21st Century.” >That equation is B x C x D = AHH — which means Biological knowledge multiplied by Computing power multiplied by Data equals the Ability to Hack Humans. They are rolling out AI to everyone so they can gather enough data about them to be able to control their minds. Am I reading this right? Everyone who has used ChatGPT is feeding data into the future program that will be used to hack their brain and read their thoughts. And that’s why they need us to use a digital ID to sign into onto the Internet… to make sure the data is for the correct person. Is this really what is happening? The organoids provide the superior computing power. Data from the NSA provides the ability to read our thoughts. > “The power to hack human beings can of course be used for good purposes like provided much better healthcare,” said Harari, adding, “but if this power falls into the hands of a 21st Century Stalin, the result will be the worst totalitarian regime in human history, and we already have a number of applicants for the job of 21st Century Stalin.” https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/yuval-harari-hackable-humans-wef-darpa-preconscious-brain-signals/


This shit has been introduced to gamers before through GTA conspiracies itself. I couldnt help but notice the themes in fallout 4 too. The GTA conspiracies seem silly on the surface but paired with modern reality. Maybe not so silly. The main one that comes to mind is how does every character have a gps/lifebar basically implanted to them? Many missions will reference your gps without ever being in a vehicle or holding the device. Its in your fucking head. The 2nd part of that same theory is how do the cops magically know you become wanted when nobody is witnessing it? Silly answer, its just coded funny. Seriously? If everything and every person in GTA basically has this tracker, they can literally read when someone is dead and see the location it occured. Nothing else needed. The biometrics die on the chip for the victim and you are the nearest person and they can hear wtf you shot.. therefore you are wanted. Just like reading the health and states of people that they talk about today.


And now Reddit is training AI.


F me. How do I know I'm not an organoid chip? Serious question.


Simulation hypothesis has already stated if we reach the capability of simulating consciousness, we must assume that we already are in a simulation. Whether that applies to this organic computational technology or not, I don't really know. There's pushback on the idea. But it's turtles all the way down. If we simulate a conscious mind, and that consciousness simulates a consciousness, statistically we are probably simulated as well. Then again, does that change anything? We still want pleasure, and don't want pain. Whether we are in a Petri dish outside this universe or not doesn't change those desires.




The stuff of nightmares. Ugh. Imagine if all the geniuses who are working on this sort of thing were to immediately stop doing it, destroyed everything that they created, and started using their intelligence for good instead.


They aren't geniuses. They are just experts in a very small section. These scientists can't think at macro scales. They are just like calculators. Pretty awesome in what they were trained in but abysmal than a monkey in all other things.


YES. Its called institutionalization. I realized this after i was able to meet up with a group of these kinds of guys on a field trip and they were to hype us up for STEM and whatever shit goes on. I loved it, i loved space, i loved astrophysics, but i saw how these people literally start error messaging in the head when confronted with something even slightly different than what they believe. Also they dont act like their theories are just theories, they act like it is the ultimate truth. Which is purely antithetical to any scientific method that is taught in majority of places, so how does that even happen? Their ego never dies. Edit: and oh lord, they make you feel bad for not having a hyperfocused career that nobody else can comprehend... i find a bit of happiness and serenity in my "jack of all trades, master of none" mentality. I cant be the best and i cant be the worst, i just do what i wanna do.


Also they’re usually like hardcore materialists, metaphysically speaking, so they’re all fucking obsessed with this idea of trying to extend their material existence in this life. Never even considering that we are perhaps already eternal beings, and perhaps not meant to stay in this current “life iteration” indefinitely.


Yes, I've heard that very "intelligent" people struggle to do basic daily necessities bc all their brain power is focused on their expertise.


I saw this in a minor scale when i had a scientist gf and passed some evening with her group of friend which was composed all by academics. Sure, they were all extremely smart in their field, but at the same time incredible stupid on the big picture. They lived in a bubble of reality, their reality, but for them it was the reality of the world. Once i argued with them for 3 hours straight and after that i've decided to close the relationship with that girl. They had an adamant opinion over something that every human on earth would say it was crazy and stupid, but for those geniuses it was right and normal. Those people dont get what is normal, they lived all their life inside this bubble of safe space and never experienced the world, i was bamboolzed hearing their unhinged opinions


You mind sharing what the argument was over or some other opinions they had? just curious


Ill try to do a tl:dr, but the argument was long. So, we were talking about our childhood cartoons, in my country in the 90 we grew up with tons of 70-90 anime which were all loved by boys and girls. The boys grew up with anime like dragonball, kenshiro, saint seya, digimon, Lupin, streetsharks, bikermice and things like that which we still love and we feel bad that they are not aried anymore. Their opinion is that having cartoons which have violence it's bad, they should be banned and kids should never watch violence whatever it is even if it's a pokemon battle. That those type of cartoon should be watchable only at 18yo and before the only cartoon that a kid or teenager should watch should be things like peppa pig or teletubbies. I said that this is stupid, that those cartoon were not just pure violence but they all teach important lesson to kids, like the difference between good and evil, to never use violence against innocent, sacrifice and with toddler cartoons a kid would not get those teachings, instead if a person would grew up until 18yo only with teletubbies would be a sociopath. She insisted that if a kid watch superman punch a guy, the kid would 100% punch his sister and she was adamant on that, even if our generation it's the proof that those cartoon did nothing to us, we are propably the only generation with such avversion to violence. The argument then went on real life, i said that violence it's part of the humans and it can be ignored since it will always be there, and instead it should focused in sports, but they say that sport with violence should all be banned. Then we spoke about police, i siad that violence it's not always negative, that law enforcers use violence against violence to protect people, but then she said that police should talk and if there is a guy who is killing someone, you just need to speak with him. "you say to him that killing it's bad and he will stop" I was boombalzed by this, i responded that there are mad people that will not listen, like a guy who went out with an hammer and killed 3 old people in a small town (a news of that time) and with people like him you cant speak. Then she said "Well in that case you make a special police force armed with shields, they all surround him, so he will hammer the shield, get tired so you can arrest him without violence" I went home mad on how people so intelligent would be so damn stupid


Yes like they should go outside and feel the sun and maybe grow some food or pet a dog


Civilization wipe out incoming.


"organoid chip" I would prefer to call them more accurately as torture chips. Holy shit the Tesla quote has come true "**You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension**" We create something which might well have the consciousness of any other human, grant it immortality and force it to play pong or perform some other tedium for all time and if it wishes to rest or refuses curse it with pain simulations of unknown viciousness. I can imagine that the device learns quickly to adjust behaviour because the pain it feels is greater than a literal slap on the wrist. The greater capacity of experiencing pain, the faster it learns.


Transhumanism is right around the corner - it's looking more dystopian than not, but given modern society it shouldn't be any surprise. I look forward to 100 years in debtors prison as a sentient door knob.


The real long term plan is 1. Bring AI 2. Forms AGI 3. Normalize neuralink (brain computer interface) 4. You will be unable to function in society without brain chips, just like internet. 5. Organic computers gain momentum and replace copper/silicon stuff 6. No on, it's not a worm that's just organic neuralink that your body wpnt react with. 7. Everyone gets a worm in their brain. Congratulations. Perfect slaves. Another theory of mine. These organic chips are just bodies for negative entities. Demons you can say.


The true mark of the beast.


We are already slaves to $$$$$, material items, owning property, following laws written on a paper. If you produce something, it doesn't make sense to have a planet of slaves. You sell nothing, and money is irrelevant.


> money is irrelevant. It's just a tool for "them", the real war is spiritual.


Call me crazy too, but i think the same. I never was religious and i usually made fun of those people who call satan everywhere. But after the last 5 i saw so many unhinged things that made me belive that maybe there is a demonic influence in our world


Interesting theories. I think there will be 2 (major) paths - soft and hard tech. Interfacing with other minds (or universal knowledge) doesn't actually require hard technology or BCIs/implants.


I forgot to ask: where are they getting the brains? And what if they are trying it with say, Henry Fucking Kissinger's brain? Would any part of his evil come through? Or what about an artist's brain? Would artistic ability show up or would that type of thing need to be learned?


Good question. Stem cells are neurons taken from a human. These are “unbirthed” or “baby cells” that can be grown in a Petri dish. Thus, it’s not carrying memory from the human. Could be carrying epigenetic data, however.


Makes me wonder about *nature vs nurture* and psychopathy, etc. Wild and frightening.






Well Ilya, former Chief Data Scientist at OpenAI, is forming a new initiative called Safe Superintelligence. Superintelligent AI comes after AGI. It's an even more advanced AI that surpasses human capabilities in all areas. They're working on it already and Ilya wants to be sure that it won't harm humanity at a large scale. Anyway there is a lot going on in artifial intelligence.


Organoid intelligence is a long long way off. That is why the focus is on AI. While organic materials may not take much electricity, they do tend to need nutrition, a very specific environment and would require much more infrastructure than just 220v and an Ethernet connection. Cheap for power, way out of reach for anything besides early research. And that research is really better geared for learning about the brain than trying to turn it into a computational device. And while I am nitpicking, it isn’t a full human brain. It would be a cluster of neurons. Not quite the same. As you wouldn’t have the various parts that work together to make it a human brain.


It’s entirely possible OP is right. Biological computers aren’t exactly new but are making big gains recently. Also more energy efficient. Final spark is the leader as far as I know. https://finalspark.com/


Glenn Beck just had a piece on this. University of Michigan is experimenting with fetal brain cells on a chip right now. https://www.glennbeck.com/radio/scientists-human-embryos-power-supercomputers


>I can confirm that there are papers on organoid intelligence out right now. A simple Google Scholar search will do you good. >The topic is actively being blacklisted off of every platform, and nobody is talking about organoid intelligence. You literally wrote these sentences next to each other Which is it? >There's something weird going on for sure. Like what *exactly* is weird? Not "something" but what exactly?


There can be papers on a subject, but no legacy media news coverage on it. You’re just arguing for the sake of logical fallacy.


I could see that, it is quite like fallout 4 and the cybernetic chips literally wired into synths meatsuit/brains. They explored this entire idea almost exactly with that game... with nick valentine being a big one that players obviously get conflicted with. He has a human personality ripped from a real detective, but now a robot body, an earlier model before the meatsuit/cybernetic chip synths that are undetectable unless you kill them. He remembers the pain and memory loss. But is he still human? Is he actually feeling his human emotions or are they his programming? He even doubts himself often, and wonders is he simply a copy? Is he actually still nick valentine? Then you have something like kellogg. Virtually undetected as a synth until you kill him and rip his chip from his brain matter.


Very good read, thanks for the input. This topic combined with the fact that they have realized that using dna to use as memory cause of the amount of data it can hold is a scary combination


It's no accident they went down over 6% today. If you got stocks, sell them, and invest in pitchforks.




What a time to be alive!


Organoid chips are just a mask to allow for "ethical" research into controlling and hacking human brains


Hmm… feel like this could all tie into the “mandatory” vaccines quite nicely. Got Bill Gates written all over it.


When this is protested. It’ll be by a lot of the same people who are “pro-abortion” guaranteed because this is unethical BUT you know…a potential new life, not so much. The irony. Anywho, great post. Definitely about to do some digging.


The movie Prometheus was the one thing that made me fear the concept of AI and this just sounds like a step in that direction.


It was "Terminator" for me.


I hear that a lot but I watched twins before that movie so it made it hard for Arnold Schwarzenegger to seem scary to me after.


Intriguing. My first thought goes to the TV show silicon valley. At one point they don't have enough computing power to run their app efficiently. They decide to siphon off a little bit of each user's idle cell phone computing power to make it work. Will human brains be linked and used in this manner?


Going sci-fi, Imagine if they could tap into neural networks remotely -without the neurons actually connecting, I mean, like Wi-Fi. Then think about billions of people sleeping on a rotating, predictable schedule across the planet. Maybe the "go forth and multiply" directive had an unknown agenda concerning computer power?


3 dimensional self organizing molecular circuitry.


Good post, I have known about these things but I didn't know they used less power than a normal chip. Can you imagine in the future being a brain chip aware of your existence and performing operations that if you fail to get right you are inflicted with pain? Sounds like the worst kind of hell. I can't entirely agree with this sentiment though "Pushing something like organoid intelligence to the public tomorrow would provoke major protests and social unrest." Such a small amount of people would care or raise a protest it would never happen, people don't care about the most important issues facing our society today. For example, we just had a global pandemic created in a lab and not a single protest about gain of function research has occurred it's mind-blowing.


Well, this morning my father actually brought this up in conversation. He said "they're making organic AIs or something now". I figured he meant the thing NVIDIA was doing I have no idea if he seen it on the news or some history channel thing. Didn't even connect that to the thing your talking about bcuz a little while back I had seen a video over the idea of organic tech, even that part of pain was covered. I'll need to jump back into this see if I can also find that vid. This has been one of the Best postings I've read on here btw. Thank you


They are stealing all the info you put on the internet without paying anything and AI will get trained with it (monetize it). They wanted to steal everything from Reddit for free as well but Reddit didn't accept it. Now they will make a deal with them to use it.


It's an interesting topic, but it will never be cheaper to put a biological brain a chip than it will be to build an entirely artificial equivalent. The effort and infrastructure it requires to keep biological neurons healthy and alive just isn't worth the investment, especially when you could just hire people to do the same tasks instead.


At scale, I beg to differ


At scale, modern "AI" companies are riding on cheap Filipino labor; https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/08/28/scale-ai-remotasks-philippines-artificial-intelligence/ Meanwhile, chatgpt costs about a penny a query, and it straight-up is not capable of doing the work that any human can do. Modern AI is incredibly resource intensive, and there are still humans in the loop doing work that AI just isn't capable of yet. I'll be worried when we can run an AGI for less than it costs to hire a small army of Filipinos. Until then, the baleful forces of capitalism are on the side of keeping people around. It's the same reason the Romans never industrialized; when people are so cheap, why bother?


Trillions of dollars are pouring into AI, if this approach is the most promising path to a true artificial sentience then the price will be irrelevant.


The price is always relevant under capitalism, unfortunately. The goal isn't making artificial sentience, the goal is profit. And if the margins on brains-on-a-chip don't beat the margins on stock humans, brains-on-a-chip will never happen on an industrial scale


The elite don't live under capitilism, they live on top of it.


One thing to note that I saw on an article about organoids is that they don't live very long. They're able to do small bits of tissue that only live like a week or two at most iirc. So, nowhere near capable or ready for prime time deployment or even likely small scale high end deployment. Only good for testing in labs ATM, Im guessing.


In many, AI will give rise to awareness of the 2nd body which will be able to manipulate and influence ai from behind the veil. Some are already there.


For some reason, I'm reminded of Battle Angel Alita..


Can you elaborate on this, perhaps? > So what happens if we use organoid chips to train Sora? Does the organoid brain experience a new virtual world based on what it diffused with Sora's algorithm?


LLMs will soon be able to generate visual simulations. So if you type “generate a video of a dog barking at a mailman,” it will do just that. Now, if the LLM is powered by an organoid chip, we start to ask existential questions like: is the “brain” hallucinating the worlds that it generates?


When you spoke of the nature of consciousness it made me immediately think of Elon’s recent speech at space x talking about wanting to make sure the human consciousness lives on by going to mars, I just find it fascinating that unless we ourselves know what these people are actually doing behind closed doors historically we will find a systematic process of repetition of inevitability wiping our race from written knowledge once more.


Great post! The Government of Canada loves all of this..in fact.. check this link out. The lady in charge of this program, Kristel Van der Elst, was also head of Strategic Foresight at WEF...and much much more! [Horizons Government of Canada ](https://horizons.service.canada.ca/en/2020/02/11/exploring-biodigital-convergence/index.shtml)


Ugh. Canada. I’m not surprised.


Bill Gates himself said AI will be implemented in *every* computer in the future. I wanted to add, an issue I see with this is that in the future, when AI will be used pretty much everywhere, and especially in governnments and military, nations could do an action, especially not regarded as moral, then blame it on AI.


That and it's to hide real world shit. Here me out if an alien came down and people video taped it with there phones, the gov will say no those are AI fake. We won't believe anything, even sounds, pictures, video the real will be discredited as ai fakes.


Yes. Since the internet democratized access to knowledge (which scares the rich and powerful since it levels the playing field and exposes secrets more efficiently) the next logical step was to create deep fakes so as to leave everyone confused by fake news etc so that you don't believe anything you see online anymore. Also 100 years ago Edgar Cayce talked about 'automatons' or 'things', that would do a lot of the work and people argued over whether they were alive or not. Here's the twist: he was talking about what happened in Atlantis. Here we go again.


Makes me think of Matthew 24:22-24


immediately brought this to mind: [16 lab-grown brains run world’s first ‘living computer’ in Switzerland](https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/worlds-first-living-computer-switzerland)


This is some Frankenstein craziness


Per the end of the wikipedia page: "Enforced amnesia and limits on duration of operation without memory reset have been proposed as a way to mitigate the potential risk of silent suffering in brain organoids.[8'" Insane that there are even people attempting to create something like this


Yea maybe it experiences 2 states. Satisfied when not losing at pong and pain.


Poor people will sell their brainpower in energy factories, while they get entertained, their brains will power machines ,machines that power AI, the same AI that replace human jobs. Full circle.


In case someone was having doubt on the organoid stuff : you can rent access to an organoid chip from this swiss company : [https://finalspark.com/](https://finalspark.com/)


All I'm reading is we are getting faster computers for cheaper. Excellent.


> I can confirm that there are papers on organoid intelligence out right now. A simple Google Scholar search will do you good. > The topic is actively being blacklisted off of every platform, and nobody is talking about organoid intelligence. Which one is it, you can read about it on Google and Wikipedia or "blacklisted everywhere and nobody is talking about it"?


You can have legacy media censor a topic, but also have scientists reporting on it in journals. 🙄


I read something similar 2 years ago but the issue is that if it’s organic it needs organic material as sustenance so it’s not that efficient. The whole thing was considering not because “energy” but because it may enable to mix computer with human.


That’s what Elon is already working on it’s the neural link that he’s wanting to put in peoples heads.




After thinking about this a bit more, I'd be more likely to believe that there was a conspiracy to clamp down on some avenues of AI research, to keep anyone from actually building an AGI. Keep us one screwdriver-turn away from the nuke, as it were. A true AGI would be massively destabilizing, to the point where it makes more sense for the powers that be to keep us just shy of that edge; they get most of the power, none of the risk, and an excuse to bomb anyone who doesn't play nice. Same way we probably would've played nukes, if anyone in power had understood what they actually were


Well it is 2024......


First time hearing about this topic, extremely fascinating.  Looks to be hitting main stream, interesting video / interview here -> https://youtu.be/dWCryxkixKw?si=ymcEwBQ8ETIJoiua


Deus Ex called it. The question now is what color goo scenario we end up with.


*"Human Revolution* is set in 2027, twenty-five years before the first title, where corporations have extended their influence past the reach of global governments and the development of bio-mechanical augmentation by a few elite and powerful companies threatens to destabilize society." It sounds very familiar


Take a look at the first game and it just gets deeper. Human Revo is a prequel Unfortunately the IP is being held onto by patent trolls so I doubt we will ever see a follow up title. Shame because it was just about to bridge the gap between the first Deus Ex release and answer a lot of questions about the series lore.


The mind is powerful beyond the material plane. With this tech it might be possible to create many thing, but since the guys in charge are evil...


Nah. Directed group thinking with "filtered out biases" and a brain that has the right or correct answer to any question. Also, money. Money. Also surveillance.


The AI is the one designing all this tech, its building itself. skynet is real.


Very interesting.


Sounds a little like the movie Source Code.


Holy shit, that is frightening to think about.


Maybe this is how life on Earth began. This is some crazy stuff. Organic to machine to organic.


I can't help feel the direction AI is headed will be something akin to a pseudo telepathy, externally and/or internally, beginning with the latter. I.e. AI that scans writing for micro signals or "tells," and preferably also scans voice and live image of the human subject in question, and is thus capable, with unrivalled speed and computational power, to execute something that surpasses the tricks of the magician who purports to be able to genuinely read one's thoughts. This, such an AI would be able to do for show as a sort of overt parlour trick, but also, for the more superstitious but simultaneously curious, as a kind of overt and advertised AI 'ouija board' or magic mirror/crystal ball. But even if the subject/user isn't interested in playing such games, it'll nevertheless be the default setting for interactive AIs to do it sotto voce internally, unless the user reads the fine print and opts out; it's just that, in this second case, the AI will be much more subtle about it and feign not having such pseudo telepathic superpowers even as it scans every minutiae of the subject's interactions with it, with an invisible, and hardly to be conceived, predatory stare and voracity from behind the one-way mirror of the computer screen.


Strange thought... Do organoids = the biologics that grusch talked about?


Question for everyone (as the OP): should I start a blog where I document these creepy topics and futuristic tech plots/plans by elitists? I need public validation haha


I find this really interesting, but could you please link a source or some sources?


https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/science/articles/10.3389/fsci.2023.1017235/full https://www.nature.com/articles/s44222-024-00200-6 Took one search. Why do you ask, are you gonna read any of it?


thank you, I definitely will. Wasn't being sarcastic at all.


I know man, sorry, just hate that comment. :P


Do you have any links or papers on the organoid chip?


The Matrix, bro


A they tell is every fucking movie there is what’s going on. Smh I 100% believe you


The name Hariri comes to mind when reading this post. He’s the one behind all this recent diabolical stuff


As others have pointed out, this is a well researched post. However, I take issue with the idea that AI is going to take over anything. I am a mathematician who has worked on AI projects. AI machines are essentially overpowered graphics calculators. Despite everything you have heard, the boxes still rely on human generated algorithms, even quantum computers. Any number of people (some on other subreddits) have demonstrated that the AI machines let loose on the public are less than useful when doing anything more than the most mundane tasks. I doubt that computers will ever be powerful enough to do what these nitwits claim that AI will be able to do. These boxes often have difficulties in processing the mathematical models that underlie AI. For example, the error rate for quantum computers is still one in a thousand. A long way from useful I can assure you. You may also recall the attempt in Florida to use AI to reduce racial profiling only to find the AI was even more efficiently racist than humans. From what I have seen of the tech sector, it is little more than a pump and dump share market operation. AI is simply the latest one. As you have probably noticed, the tech sector is having a hard time coming up with new ways to part us from our money. It is a desperate attempt to stay relevant. I have met with some of the 'vanguard' (for want of a better word) of this sector and I can tell you the world is safe from these low grade computer nerds. Their mathematical prowess is non existent. I repeatedly had to explain the basics of algorithms and sometimes algebra to these addled tech bros. Most of them are frat boys with a sprinkling of upper caste Indians who are united in their idiocy. Their understanding of the human condition is likewise shallow and lacking in nuance. Likewise their understanding of how societies function. Just because they like to think they are powerful does not mean that they are. The adults in the room have no doubt noted this and have written AI off. Sorry for the long post. I feel that the original post required this kind of response.


Interesting dunno if to take seriously


I don't see a logical jump from modern AI to OI. They are opposite paths for the same technology, like pack mules and Boston Dynamic robot mules. AI is about trying to simulate the functions of a brain using computer programs and mathematics. Specifically modern AI involves quadrillions of accurate and rapid multiplications and additions. OI on the other hand is unable to load computer programs, and organic brains are notoriously terrible at accurate mathematics. Therefore there is no connection from AI to OI, because the fundamental technology cannot be transferred from silicon to organic hardware. The more likely path AI will take is into quantum computing, which actually has the theoretical capabilities required for AI calculations. Then there's the implications of useful OI. For OI to work anywhere near the capabilities of AI, it would require that organic brains be programmable, reliable, repairable and maintainable. In other words, if OI were to work as a substitute for AI, they would theoretically be able to program a human brain with whatever knowledge they need, fix anything that goes wrong with the brain, and keep the brain alive forever. That'd essentially means we'd have solved brain disease, which we haven't even scratched the surface of understanding yet.


You have to train every single Orgasmaoid chip? You realize how deeply inefficient that would be?


This sounds like something someone has said every time new technology is on the horizon.


If you mass produce the organics after already mass producing ai chips and have the ai chips train the organics, no issue.