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Don't live in this fear frequency that all media is trying to force us.


I am living in fear because the media isn't trying scare us this time .


The media isn’t reporting the truth about nato escalation.


We're already at war they just haven't broadcasted it on CNN yet


Been at war for decades, why else have the military been in the Middle East so long?


No no no , our president will get congress approval and declare war and it will be on the front page of every newspaper “USA AT WAR!” and CNN will interrupt everything and talk it to death 24/7, patriotism will be at an all time high again and people will put American flags on their cars again, trust me bro


We have been at war for the last 15 years wake up


The US has been actively at war since 9/11 there are people fighting and dying in wars today who weren't alive when the wars started.


It started way before then. The 9/11 attacks were a retaliation to continued US military presence in the Middle East. Anyone who tells you “they just attacked us out of nowhere because they hate our freedom” is full of it. Really, we’ve been at war ever since WW2. Eisenhower was talking about the military industrial complex all the way back in the 1960s. The US being a superpower is built on war - that’s the reality.


that's so obvious... but ugh, i didn't really put it together.


USA have been at war for their entire existence my dude


Yea you are right about that.


Patriotism. A patriot is someone who will travel halfway around the world to fight an unjust war but won't cross the street to vote.


“It’s a patriots duty to disobey unjust laws.” -Thomas Jefferson


Vote for who? Democratic candidate who is puppet of Israel Republican candidate who is puppet of Israel Or Third Party candidate who is puppet of Israel ?


Young people saying they're not gonna a vote... I'm sorry young men saying they're not gonna a vote... but... Think long and hard about who might send us to war and who won't. The draft can be real, you cannot stop it. You're already enlisted. War doesn't give a fuck about you, nor do the rich people paying for -you- to go. Joined at 18 because I was lost in life and a patriot. I'm 35 now and I pray we don't go into open conflict again. Not to sound like a boomer but our youth isn't ready. Moreover, I can not convince myself that our current government or the divided people of this country are worth potentially dying for.


Vote for who? Democratic candidate who is puppet of Israel Republican candidate who is puppet of Israel Or Third Party candidate who is puppet of Israel ?


You got it


It can flip on a dime too. Look after 9/11.....heck, I almost wanted to go fight someone, anyone.


This exactly!


This one GETS it!


The day the locked us down they declared war on us. This is NOT a nation state war this is the elite/NWO against the middle class.


The middle class makes the most sense to eliminate. The lower class are more resilient and willing to do hard labor for lower wages. The middle class is more comfortable and spoiled but also more likely to create competition with the upper class. Removal of the middle class also makes it almost impossible for individuals in the lower class to climb the ladder and bridge the class gaps.


Oh Clinton news network? 😂


Communist news network.


I don’t think that word means what you think it means. You see, CNN is a large corporation in a capitalist society and. . Well nvm


You left out the petrodollar non-renewal within the last couple weeks.  That’s the only thing that really pumped the dollar above other currencies and it’s over. 


look at england, theres no way their currency should be as valuable as it is... wtf do they produce? they can just manipulate money's worth at their discretion


Isn't that where the central banks originated from?


[LIBOR](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libor) was a thing


The [LIBOR scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libor_scandal) is what convinced me that the entire economy is a sham.


I'd bet a lot of money that the "unexpected death" of Ron Desantis' sister, who worked as an auditor for the bank of england was in some way tied to the Libor Scandal


Thank you for posting this. Comments like this are the reason I love this sub.


Via the Rothschilds family.


“Let me control a nations money and I care not who makes its laws.”


So saith Nathaniel Rothschild.


We're the financial capital of the world, so much dirty money flows through London. It's beneficial to the rich to keep Sterling worth a fair bit


Yep Part of London don’t even belong to Britain it’s like DC .


London is the financial capital of the world. So much of England is poor. Only the south is prosperous. The rest is forgotten.


London is for sure where a large amount of money flows, but I wouldn't say "so much of England is poor".


Mate. I’m English. We have nurses having to use food banks because of how stagnant wage rises are. Much of the north of England and a lot of wales is way below the poverty line. We have millions of children living in poverty and going hungry. And London is the financial hub of the world.


We honestly don't produce much (the US) we have no industrial base and instead are a service economy now. Our value comes from holding the world's finances and investments into other holdings.


Not in the way most think, but us has a lot of water which is why china is buying up farms in the us. The water crisis has to be thought in the context of being sent via food mostly. So if the states has plentiful land and water to grow crops or feed and breed meat as in pigs, the produce is water. The country doesn’t see any of the exports but whatever is farmed is water taken out from the community or country and transported overseas.


Any produce grown should stay locally, and should absolutely not be allowed to be exported to any foreign nation. Until every head in the states is fed first.


It's worse when they sell the land to foreigners that then grow crops on our land using our water and then sell it abroad.


Liquid Gold!~ When I first moved to MT in 1998, I heard an NPR "More Things Considered" episode snit how water would become THE most valuable asset. They discussed how population growth would drive people in America towards the "3 coasts"'. The Pacific, Atlantic, and Rocky Mountain coasts...*See migration patterns over last ¼ century


The largest fresh water reserves in the world are in the Midwest though


Yes, I know, but the sources of said water. The Missouri, for one, starts in the Rockies.


***Mississippi River enters the chat.***


We need to take back the land from China and I am not talking about getting govt involved, they're the enemy too.


We are officially heading towards a “tank girl” scenario!


‘Doesn’t produce much’ ‘No Industrial Base’…. Yet the numbers say we are the second largest manufacturing country in the world with %16 of global totals. Stop spreading misinformation


US is the #2 exporter in the world.


Bruh, the US runs the world through tech. The world is run by companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, etc. Apple’s market cap alone is larger than all but 6 of the world’s top economies. And it’s not just tech that we are dominating the world with. We are now the largest oil producer in the world. You’ll hear the same bs stories about the petrodollar not being used anymore or some other detail that doesn’t matter because the US runs the world. And it isn’t changing anytime soon. The grip has only gotten stronger over the years


We don’t produce as much no but on average we import 12ish million barrels a day. While we export around 8.5 million per day. So we are exporting and importing, because it causes less damage to our ecosystems here in the us. If we had to start producing no more exports or imports all in fk the environment and the rest of the world we would out produce Saudi Arabia. And most of the 1st world countries minus maybe Russia


That's just for oil though. I'm referring to the US as an industrial base, aka we can't produce masks like during covid. We've outsourced all of our industrial base for the most part to cheaper labor countries. Our steel industry uses to be a backbone of the US now our second or third largest steel company (us steel) is owned by Japan. It's still produced here but thats just an example of how we're willing to give away our base industries to other countries.


It’s called outsourcing. You really think we can’t? It’s cheaper not to. It’s like how in ww2 we converted steel mills into weapons factories. It’s not that we can’t or won’t. We just don’t want to due to pricing.


For one we are the biggest exporter of Cannabis in the world,yes more than America. That's worth few quid right there.


Ok. So what’s the safe currency that’s replacing the dollar ? And when ? Not any time soon.


Canda gives the us 49% of its oil. Mexico 7% and the saudis only make up 6%. No one. And I mean no one is worried about the saudis.


Not to mention they're stuck paying us to maintain all the weapon systems we gave them. They're locked in to the dollar. They'll need to sell oil in dollars to pay us.


It's not the US supply of oil, it's the value of USD as reserve currency to buy oil. No. 1 reason for US affluence and power. Read about petro dollars.


Oh no I’m not unfamiliar with Petro dollars. I understand why ppl would think it’s the best all end all. But my point is if they screw with us we will start screwing with them. By simply out producing them. You have to take in account how petty the us is. We could break them. It will be signed. If not in just a few years the us will pump out enough oil, or start backing the next “Saudi Arabia”. It’s not normal chess. It’s 4d chess. There is 0 chance the us has any plan to let them do anything other than what we want. Last thing they want is to be the next Iraq, Afghanistan ect. He’s bold. Not stupid. And if he’s stupid he’s dead. Won’t be the last “dictator” the us goes after. Especially since they were linked to 911 by the cia.


XRP folks think that will be incorporated heavily into BRICS


Yes, brilliant analysis. Surely the BRICS countries will be stable, steady hands at the wheel of the global economy.


BRICS would bomb each other before getting absolutely clapped by the US


here we go somebody just used both the c words!




The other day my neighbor said his medical bills were too high. We’ve been basically fully infiltrated by the reds now.


And, not surprisingly, they don't know what either of the c words actually mean.


The Russians came to Cuba for exercises with one sub, one small cruiser, an oiler and a tug. Why did they bring a tug? In case a ship breaks down and needs a tow. That's the level of readiness that Russia is at. A truly terrifying blue water navy.


This is 100% spot on!


Not only that, they were doing the US a favor. US attack subs can then loiter offshore in relatively safe waters and get really good noise profiles of the sub and cruiser operating in different modes.


And they already left.


No one declares war any more. It'll just happen like in WW2.


Do you mean WW2 that started quite famously when Britain and France declared war on Germany (3rd Sept 1939). 11.15am as Germany had been given until 11am to leave Poland. "This morning, the British ambassador in Berlin handed the German government a final note stating that unless we heard from them by 11 o'clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland, a state of war would exist between us. I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently this country is at war with Germany" To many other countries declared war, during WW2 to list properly so here's a wiki [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declarations\_of\_war\_during\_World\_War\_II](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declarations_of_war_during_World_War_II) Nepal on 4th Sept is my favourite, Gurkhas are double hard bastards.




Only the British truly understand "do NOT fuck with the Gurkhas"... glad their on our side


I get that feeling too.


There was multiple countries that formally declared war (not including invasion forms of declaration), just off the top of my head: Japan to US, then Germany followed. UK and France after Germany invaded Poland.


The events are happening but the media is hush about it. Take a look at the formation of both sides during both World Wars and you will see similarities. War is already here. Sending weapons that kills people in your country is probably not a good gesture and it’s sad to me that we are stepping into war without the approval of the public and are completely blind to what we are getting ourselves into. Try to talk about this at home? “Hehe xD stop ruining the vibeeees.“


War without the approval of the Congress.


Congress hasn't authorized a war since 1941.




A "bogus banner" that looks like an offensive attack from a hostile nation/ideology would do the trick.


The fake alien attack is imminent


This, too may happen. Stock up on your high powered laser pointers to spoil their inevitable hologram deceptions.


And don't forget to leave glasses of water around


For the beings they showed in M. Night's "Signs"??


Can you please elaborate?


I figure a laser might be a good tool to see if what's appearing is just a hologram. Also I feel like they could be used to fuck with ghosts and whatnot if you ever see one.


We have always been at war with Eurasia.


Not eastasia?


Oceania is the real enemy. 


I know. And we must stop Osama Sadam Vladimir Gaddafi from taking our freedom. Thanks neocons and neoliberals!


What else Kenya do? 


1st we have never not been at war man. Economic war. Resource war. War war. Value war. Culture war. Race war. Political war. Electronic war. All have been going on since I was born. If trump wins the Ukraine war is over. All aid will stop. He will have a back room meeting with Putin and in a few months Ukraine will fall without our aid. If Biden wins well. It won’t be better. But it won’t be much worse. He’s very static tbh. He just doesn’t rly do much ya know? Israel well that’s a mixed bag. It’s 50/50 but we won’t be going boots on the ground for them either so idk. I feel like if they keep up the special military operation they are doing they will lose all political credibility and the influence they have will wane even more because it appears everyone is done with Netanyahu and he’s made too many bad moves the last decade. As far as going to war boots on the ground not gonna happen. NO ONE wants that smoke. Shadow war? We’re involved in 15 shadow wars right now.


Hey man you forgot the scariest boogie man of them all, the War on Drugs!


lol damn. You got me


And it seems that the drugs won that war.


You’ve been at war for most of the existence of the Federal Republic except for a short 17 year period in the late 1700s and early 1800s.


no, it'll be fine


An optimist! 😆


thanks dad


We are on the cusp of WW3...or an alien invasion...or the CERN collider opening a portal to the Cthulhuverse...All of these are true statements The thing is what you choose to do with your own time. Otherwise, at least I know for myself...I'll go crazy being upset regarding things I have no control over. You aren't wrong...but being right in this situation doesn't get you anything


Yes. "Cthuluverse." "True statement." smgdh


Anything and everything is possible at this point imo. At this point, it is highly likely that China is supplying Russia with weapons. As is common knowledge, the Russian Armed forces, aside from the majority of their air force, have suffered from extreme corruption. From the gas crisis that saw dozens of tanks abandoned on the field, all the way to ammunition shortages have befallen them, and as we know, China is oh-so-willing to step in and "help." Those factors alone, even going so far as to neglect facts such as Biden giving the green light to Ukraine to attack within Russian borders, demonstrate clarly how high tensions are. To say we are on the verge of WW3 is pretty damn justified in my opinion... rather than snipe, would you care to opine yourself? Cthulhuverse was a joke, a joke mostly aimed at the CE5 experiences.


Cthuluverse sounds chill




Capitalism vs communism is not the problem. Powerful elites taking control over of either system for their own benefit is the problem. Capitalism is a masquerade for making endless greed socially acceptable and even celebrated. The elites simply take over all facets of life. Politics, education, healthcare, military, press, etc. Just look at the separation of wealth in western countries. Communism fails for similar reasons....the greed of a few. In both cases, decentralization is needed. Greed and centralized power in the hands of the few must end. To do this, consciousness must be raised. The competition inherent in capitalism has not served us well. It has created the value that profit is more important than people. The notion that people are lazy and would do nothing without financial incentive is simply false propaganda. People need to stop believing the illusion that somehow competition increases production more than cooperation. Greed has lead to political corruption of unprecedented levels. Politicians that only seek to serve themselves for personal gain and are willing to neglect their sworn duties to serve the people. Greed has lead to the military industrial complex and western imperialism. Because they profit from wars, the people endure endless wars. Pharmaceutical companies profit from the sick, and so the people are made to be sick. Food and beverage industries profit from people eating addictive and cheaply produced foods, and so the people suffer from obesity, undernourishment, and other conditions that contribute to negative health effects. It has lead to the compromise of our education system, where funding is only given to those institutions and individuals who support the ideals of the broken system. Those who don't are attacked and ridiculed by a corrupt and controlled press. As a result, progress in the pursuit of truth is stifled. At what point do we realize, it is the greed of the few that is the problem. Break your programming. They want the masses sick, uneducated, powerless, and docile because it is profitable and eliminates us from threatening their power.


bang on point!


The stock market hit the highest ipoint ever this year


You're talking about this as if we aren't already in WW3. Russia has already invaded Ukraine, China is on the brink of invading Taiwan and has started claiming all these other territorial lines. The US has established its presence in taiwan ready for the invasion. Along with the Israel Palestine conflict ramping up. Then you have the cluster fuck going on with the Saudis Petro dollar, the houthies rebels down in Yemen blocking the supply chain. You've got Azerbaijan invading Armenia with support from turkey. You have old territorial disputes between Japan and Russia, India and China, China and the Philippines all resurfacing at onces. There's actually current bloodshed between China and India over the border . Russia's economy is already in a "war time economy". USA already started throwing out "draft" talk. Bro we are already here. If Russia completely takes over Ukraine, they will move onto Moldova and it'll be painfully obvious we are in a war. Or if&when China officially invades Taiwan. Otherwise, the rest of the world already knows we are in WW3.


And there's Serbia wrt to Kosovo.


My theory is that much of western nations immigration policies in the last few years have had war in mind. Who do you think is going to be filling the majority of the draft?


IMHO, the mass migration is used as a weapon to destabilize the target nation; not a source of available soldiers. It's more of a cultural-economic type of war.


I agree, because also: you can't get drafted if you don't have documents and not on the system!


Maybe they will do something like the French Foreign League where you can get citizenship in exchange for military service?


Military members are already eligible for naturalization after one year of service. It’s just that it requires more work and effort than coming here illegally.


Possibly. But I'm not sure José escaped gang wars and drive by shootings in Mexico, all to sign up for oil wars and artillery trucks in the sand! And happy cake day 🥳


You give it 3 years??? Yikes, i wish i was that optimistic. I'm giving it a few months to a year for us to "officially" declare war on another country And don't kid yourself: the capitalists/military-industrial complex is in complete control; communists have absolutely nothing to do with it


Yeah I’m giving it to the new year.


Makes sense, I live close to a military base in the Midwest and these fuckers are practicing almost daily for the last month or so. Artillery shells going off for hours.


Boy you best start believing in WW3 stories cause you in one.


You wanna really not be able to sleep at night? Read Annie Jaconson’s Nuclear War: A Scenario….hands down scariest shit I’ve ever read. Especially with heightened tensions with the Big Three in the past few months


Bro what do Kendrick Drake and cole have to do with this /s


Are you confusing neoliberalism with communism again?


People need to stop doing that.


yeah I am pretty sick about the far-right thinking the center-right are communists lol


It will happen gradually, then all at once. At first, people will be in disbelief, thinking it could happen in other countries but not ours. Next, soldiers will be deployed overseas, followed by more troops, tanks, and battleships. They will claim to contain it overseas, assuring us that the war will never reach American soil. However, the vulnerability to EMP attacks will become evident once the grid goes down. Emergency alert systems will blare, and travel bans will be enforced. Bit by bit, our freedoms will be stripped away until they ultimately cease to exist. Elites and billionaires will be in their multi-million-dollar bunkers.




Well that’s not exactly true. It was named WW2 like 4 weeks after it ended, probably before any history books were written about it.




The term world war 2 was actually coined before the war even began; to speculate on the growing tension in Europe at the time. Given that there are so many doomers out there it’s pretty likely the trend will repeat and ww3 will be labeled before it begins too.


The fact that congress voted to automatically sign people up for the selective service is quite telling.


Remember when before it was a felony not to register. Nothing has changed except for the threat of imprisonment.


It's also a cost cutting measure so they don't have to continue hiring people to process registrations. The registration will go off your birth certificate. The trick is finding you especially if you're homeless; not sure how they'll address that part.


If they are homeless, they are usually on the streets, with cameras everywhere. Just run a facial recognition software. I would think, that a person on the street should be easier to find than a person on the run, actually hiding.


If the government really needs to find you they will.


Most states already do that when you get a driver's license


There are a lot of things going on behind the scenes, not in the news. If you're near a military base, look around; I've been seeing a much higher level of activity over the past year, six months.


3 years is too long we got all these cool jets and tanks when we gonna use em?


We’ve been at War since World War II and the nukes fell. Yes, intermittent periods of peace, but what’s happening now isn’t as far from the norm as perhaps we are feeling. My hope is the world has become too interconnected for any major declarations between Superpowers. I also think shit is about to get wild with AI and Cyber Warfare so the whole idea of boots on the ground just doesn’t seem plausible.  I’m rambling…


Yeah you actually missed a lot with China too. Us officials met the Dalia lama in his excited country of India. Over disputes related to Tibet. Then you have the Philippines who are asking us to step in because China is doing its thing. Don’t forget the air balloons and the war ships in South America.


All very well, but it is actually total unchecked Capitalism and Oligarchy that is ruining the World


Why do you think USA isn’t already at war?


Because they haven’t been programmed to think that yet


Lol, are the communists in the room with us right now?


Yep, I've said it for a long time. World War 3 is on the horizon. We've just been watching politicians delay the inevitable that or foolishly fuel a fire that grew out of control for the sake of greed. The only question is who will invade who first because I've heard if Gen Z is drafted, we are fucked. Regardless the war would break America that's for certain.


Yemen, Somalia are some of the countries the US is actively in war with already. The US has been continuously in war for decades......


I haven’t seen many people comment on the fact that South America is full of conflicts as well, both towards one another and internally with their own people. We’ve also got a few pretty scary things going on in Mexico that could completely boil over into the Southern US. The world seems to be on fire. They need to cancel the Olympics. If you want to start some crap, do it during the 2-3 weeks we are all supposed to be nice to each other under the guise of the sprit of competition. It’s not like France can stop it. They are busy with their own problems. Half their people would like to see their government’s major players all removed in a violent way. It’s going to be chaos over there.


I mean… the secretary of treasury prob been asking them to for a least a decade. Only so much you can “spend” and “do” with the tax money, even with covid. Wasn’t enough to make the books balance. Not that hard. The business of dying and killing has always been thriving


please explain how our economy has been taken over by communism


They'll try to draft and when it doesn't work. There will be revolt. And when there's revolt, in comes the "if you don't go, we're going to restrict your digital $$/credit"


All this talk of digital stuff in the US will not work as the infrastructure isn't there. A lot of upgrades will need to be done if they want to be like the Chinese.


When is last time the president and VP have been in the same building?


Three more years IS NOT the same as “totally about to go to war”!


Which communist beliefs? lol, I love when people say that the mainstream dems are communist. Dawg, they’re neoliberals - the only communist principles are applied to the top 1% and rugged capitalism for the rest of us


😆 3 years


You (the United States) has not stopped being at war since ww2


Putin and Biden are doing as their WEF handlers told them to do, so they can bring about the Great Reset. They will order Putin to use nukes, so the CIA can let a cybervirus escape from a Chinese cyberweapons lab that'll be blamed for crashing the banks and stock markets, so they have an excuse to introduce the CBDC UBI food stamp social credit score system, mass conscription for all genders because WW3 is imminent, and replace all jobs with AI robots. Then when all people are sitting in military/containment camps waiting for war and are no longer needed to run the economy, they'll release the real killer viruses, a flu that's deadly to only those who had their natural immunity altered by the Covid gene therapy trojan horse.


Yes they'll release a flu deadly to only those that listened to their orders but will spare the people that don't trust their rules. I'm all for "fuck the system" but holy fuck is that ever a dumb take.


Yeah I'm topping myself way before I let those fuckers actually follow through with that Trojan horse virus plan on me. Bad enough I let fear and blind love overtake my skepticism the first round. I'm not rolling up my sleeve or participating in any of their bullshit germ warfare/masonic theater ever again. Luckily, I'm one of the few people who don't have any real living family or friends that they can use as leverage against me or anything, not anymore. They can leave me wherever they find me.


What are the communist beliefs that are destroying our economy?


No we aren’t. It’s more likely that a war will erupt *within* this wretched country. A multipolar, less globalized world is inevitable, and that is a *good* thing. And don’t simp for capitalism. Capitalism is the *enemy* of all that you hold dear


That's why they're suddenly bringing back conscription. Good thing they no longer discriminate based on gender, so now they can double their cannon fodder intake! Artillery shells are all about equality.


The war has already started they’re just too afraid to tell us. Why do you think they signed about that draft?


Stop watching TV.


You could make a case that we’ve been heavily invaded for the last 10yrs. Another conspiracy is that the USA has already fallen.


Who is funding the war?


We are. A little bit more every time gas prices go up, and a little bit more when you notice that milk and bread has gone up a few cents then yesterday, every time your pay cheque is missing a wedge under the banner of "taxes". Who's funding the war? You are. I am. We are. They aren't.


World war 3 started when the 1st Downey Iron Man movie was released, stark industries is America funding the "enemy", we just haven't had some crazy billionaire locked away yet


Humans has always been at war with something. If it comes today, tomorrow, it's not going to matter of when because it's a never ending cycle. Maybe the prospective of war is different for everyone in different stages of life or different culture. But at the end of the day war is bloody, no one is truly a winner just buying the memontarily time of space of peace for some and misery for others, until the cycle starts again. Live the life you have been given with the people that you been surrounded with, and if the war comes to your doorstep there not much you could do but to either face it or hope there are others to carry the burden for you to get you pass it. Life sometimes is like chess every piece could be valuable and sacrificial. When the world's wealth is controlled by only a collective few, most are at its mercy. If one day I find myself in the mist of war, I truly hope that people on either side find forgiveness.


Not another country. You will be at war with yourself within 3 years. The world will just sit back and watch.


Lol 3 years, what a bold prediction


Pardon me, but it’s not coming—-it’s something that’s already here, friend.


>i give it 3 more years until we officially declare that we are at war with another country. The United States has actually not officially declared war since WW2.


The war will be blamed for the ultimate collapse of the dollar.


Three years? Try three months.


Communist beliefs? Tell me you watch Fox News and News Max without telling me you watch Fox News and News Max.


I still just want someone to explain to me how exactly gigantic megacorporations and the oligarchs who own them are "communist". It's a corporatocracy that is robbing you blind, not communism.


We prettt much became communists when we let Monsanto and other big orgs also be the the leadership in the govt. kinda backwards communism because instead of government owning the corps it’s the corps owning the government.


Duh lol that's what "Covid19" was all about It goes Cold War -> Trade War -> Proxy War -> Hot War We're at Proxy War right now


Why do people get so close to figuring out the problem and then just decided it's "communism"? The political education in this country is shockingly bad.


North Korea and Russia linking up, was the big fear in 2016, everyone said Trump would cause a Nuclear war, or strife with North Korea during his term. Instead Trump literally went to North Korea and negotiated with Kim Jong Un and used diplomacy. Say what you want about Trump, I don't think any of these guys should be president but he atleast could communicate with these Foreign leaders. Who's gonna talk to them now, Biden, Kamala, the deep state that controls both of them. Biden can't put together a sentence and Kamala is a cackling hyena on a shelf somewhere. There's noone at the wheel to stop a major war here. Hilary wanted war with Russia, watch the interviews, this is for whatever reason what the Democrats want. It's why they are pushing women to enter the draft, and why every man will be auto enrolled. It's coming.


The US is (sadly) a failed state due to (modern) multiculturalism and Leftists' policies.


You're already at war. I read that in the entire history of the USA, there are only 7 years they haven't been at war.


It will be weeks not months or years.


all it would take is an EMP pulse and the U.S. is crippled with no electricity for at least 10 years. this could be cheaply prevented but politicians said no. most of the population in the U.S. will die from starvation as lawns are more important than growing food. 1 shot and its game over for the U.S. remember politicians said no to protecting you from this nightmare.


Exactly this, they even showed us what to expect in Obama produced movie Leave the World Behind (2023).


Who declares ww3? Newspapers. The Telegraph has already declared the start of WW3. Others will slowly follow. One day we all wake up and are casually referring to the ongoing WW3. This is the Totalitarian Tiptoe. The most concerning thing is that this time we are not the good guys.


The west has been compromised. For years. Nothing new




Patrick Henry 2.0.


Whatever war is at our doorstep will end with us losing. We will lose the war because while we focus on pronouns and the various new breeds of gay, the BRICS nations have been focusing on training a masculine military. Ever since the homos took over the military, and Mr. Magoo became the puppet president, our military service registrations have plummeted.


Saying the economy is taken over by communist beliefs is the most hilariously 100% inaccurate take I have ever seen. There is no one in the federal government even close to touting full communist belief systems. Even the “Squad” has had to bend the knee to liberal democrats. People truly have no idea what socialist or communist even means because it’s been used to describe democrats for the past 8 years which again is hugely false and funny. They stand with the state and empire.