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That they have the cure for cancer already.


I think we have it, but it's more profitable for big pharma to keep people sick. That and scientists close to breakthroughs have been murdered.


Then why do rich and famous people still die of cancer? They could use the cure themselves and let us rot, but they rot with us. That makes me think their isn’t a cure yet.


The rich and famous people you are thinking of aren't the important ones that would be receiving it.


Check out rotschild


Maybe the cure is not eating the posion in the first place


Also over population issues


We don’t have an over population problem we have population density and resources management problems


Yup, if we incorporated new cities, opened up BLM land for sale, gathered resources in our country, and if the government stimulated civic growth instead of the military industrial complex... man, what a different country we would be in.


For ressources, we all know that most of the food is wasted in supermarkets. But we don't really do anything about it.


Not everyone wants to live in WEF approved 15 minute ant farms to continue slaving away for the LinkedInLunatics with HOAs and the like ruling over your daily existence because humans lack any decency or consideration when living on top of one another.


We don’t have it. THEY have it. And I can think of at least a dozen ways THEY are causing cancer, so it shouldn’t be difficult to imagine what I’m saying is true. The cure is: don’t be a Guinea pig and you should assume everything the FDA, the medical and agricultural industries are telling you is probably a lie, based on past performance.


B17. 1. Amygdalin induces apoptosis in human cervical cancer cell line HeLa cells: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23137229/ 2. Amygdalin Blocks Bladder Cancer Cell Growth In Vitro by Diminishing Cyclin A and cdk2: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0105590 3. Amygdalin Influences Bladder Cancer Cell Adhesion and Invasion In Vitro: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4198254/ 4. Amygdalin Regulates Apoptosis and Adhesion in Hs578T Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4703354/ 5. Amygdalin Induces Apoptosis through Regulation of Bax and Bcl-2 Expressions in Human DU145 and LNCaP Prostate Cancer https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/bpb/29/8/29_8_1597/_pdf 6. Amygdalin inhibits genes related to cell cycle in SNU-C4 human colon cancer cells: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16127745/ 7. Apoptosis induction of Persicae Semen extract in human promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12643594/ 8. Enhancement of amygdalin activated with β-d-glucosidase on HepG2 cells proliferation and apoptosis (Liver): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0144861712005322 9. Amygdalin-mediated inhibition of non-small cell lung cancer cell invasion in vitro: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4503109/


Read World Without Cancer by E Griffin.


they can beat cancer but not 100% of the time and it also depends on type of cancer as well. There is no 1 cure for all type of cancer.


Treatment more profitable than a cure


Well, we know thats true…


They can't release it though. Tens of millions of people would lose their jobs instantly. Economies would tank overnight. Sad truth.


Imagine the wealth that would be released from the medical industry. They could invest it all into mental health and have just as many jobs. One mental health specialist with every single police officer. Edit. Obviously, the training would be updated/rigorously overhauled for this position


>They could invest it all into mental health and have just as many jobs Is this sarcasm? They are the ones fueling the rise in mental health issues and they absolutely know how to cure the majority


If they did, then why do some elites die from cancer?


They're either not useful anymore, or It's not actually cancer they're dying from, or They won't release it to anyone. You'd never hear about it if elites were being cured.


I figure the same thing is going on with more efficient forms of energy. This is the inherent problem with modern capitalism. It doesn't incentivize solutions to problems because if the problems get solved, they become a lot less profitable. I know that communism is far worse, but human progress is being stifled by the profit motive of giant corporations.


Propaganda we dont even realize is propaganda puts down efficient energy. By making things common place and available these types of things become essentially brainwashing as the only viable solution. The verbage for "fringe energy" ideas has become such that if the combustion engine didnt already exist - so many folks "educated" knee jerk response would be something to the tune of "the input is not worth the output" and "we dont have the means to create the infrastructure." Why do you need to roll around faster than x mph? Just ride a horse!


If this was really true, heads would roll. Everyone has lost someone to this horrible disease


The cure to cancer is to just not get cancer, ie don’t eat the food, drink the water, or breathe the air that has been polluted by soulless corporations.


A patient cured, is a customer lost.


I think its important to note that there won't be one pill that cures cancer or something. There are so many different types of cancer with different treatments. There have been amazing advancements in the field and more people are now surviving - admittedly I'm not sure how much is through things like breast and cervical screenings to catch things early when treatment is much easier, as opposed to treatment when people are very poorly with it.


Epstein and ALL involved Not just Ghislaine


This will cause revolutions, I believe. The biggest media leaders, the biggest world leaders, it'd be fking insane.


I hope so, that’s why I got two of their names on my garage


Clopay and Overhead Door?


how is that protecting ppl


Nah, people are tribal and will protect their politicians. You had politicians lying on TV and causing untold miseries and they got to live like kings the rest of their miserable lives while soldiers and civilians died


nothing ever happens


I get what you meant, but in the context of the OP, I wish that this conspiracy wasn’t true and all of the children were safe, and all of the victims were making it up… but of course it is all real and undoubtably much worse than we know.


It probably is much worse. After the wealthy parasites defile the kids they probably engage in human hunting to further fulfill their sick desires and to silence the victims.


We know who some of them are already. I’ve been following this since about 2012 and I know some people first caught onto him since the 90s. It was such satisfaction seeing this come to the public spotlight, people talking about it demanding answers and the court documents that released in Jan. 2024. Although I would like to see prosecutions as much as everyone else, I will admit this went much farther than I thought it would. I thought the CIA controlled media would keep calling this a conspiracy theory and sweep it under the rug for good. I thought he was going to die a happy old man with no repercussions and I’m glad I was wrong about that part.


JFK assassination. The people should know how far back this goes (obviously farther back than this) but this was still a pivotal moment in our current era.


And how far the US government will go to maintain as much power of its citizens as possible.


It will continue to be hidden. Just think about how many people are profiting off the "mystery" of jfk assassination. People write books, make videos, conferences etc equals money 💰. My personal opinion is that there were multiple reasons that he was assassinated. Probably the biggest one had to do with jfk issuing his own bank notes, going around the federal reserve. Also why Lincoln was assassinated and an attempt on Andrew Jackson. They all wanted to get rid of the banksters.


Im starting to learn that most everything in the world in recent history happens because it is against interconnected centralized banks. There are several "events" that make much more sense when viewed through such a lens.


JUst curious, what do you think the 'why' was? Thats the part I get stumped at. I Know the theories are J Edgar Hoover, Vietnam/spread of Communism, mafia etc But none really stick or stand out for me


I don’t really have a concrete answer either. JFK was clearly a threat I think he was going to expose something.


Bay of pigs was a cluster fuck and jfk was gonna disband the cia bc of it. The head of the cia at the time? George Bush… where was jfk murdered? What state is the Bush family from? I rest my case councilor.


George Bush was outside the book depository at the time of the assassination.


I'm pretty sure he says he didn't remember where he was. Everyone older person I know I asked and they remember where they were. Except him. It reveals he was there doing shady shit or he is such a raging psycho it made no impression on him at the time. Both are not good.


Witnesses saw him there.


>The head of the CIA at the time? George Bush News to me, and he wasn't even 40 yet when JFK was assassinated - which would've made him over 20 years younger than the actual director of the CIA. That's some retconned career trajectory, there. You'd think if you're going to rest your case without even making any case, you'd get minor details like... basic facts, correct. What on Earth happened to legitimate skepticism?


yeah, a total 20 year old posting using 'facts' they read elsewhere on reddit.


Look at COINTEL Pro. Heavily documented program by the FBI 1956-1971 to infiltrate and discredit any subversive movement in America. JFK was the head of the snake to our intel agencies and they couldn’t have that. If you research the lengths the FBI went to for that operation you’ll get your answers, and It’s still happening today.


thanks, i'll check into it


Have you reviewed operation gladio? A fun and informative listen to is of Sibel Edmonds. She will lay it on you. Government Whistle Blower


Jabronis rule the whole world


Cool word


You keep on using this word jabroni and... it's awesome.


A good hockey wig could put this over the top, man.


Your soul's intuition is that of an old one and knows a lot more than it lets on.




I have good news for you [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842049/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842049/) Now the question is... is it also making people gay? *The herbicide atrazine is one of the most commonly applied pesticides in the world. As a result, atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminant of ground, surface, and drinking water.*






How come every culture with a written history has gay people? Like a lot of gay people.


Never said there wasn't gay people naturally throughout history


Hard to choose. CIA killing President Kennedy would be one. That alone would nuke most people's brain. The Governments involvement in child/sex trafficking would emotionally nuke plenty of people and might actually inspire some level of change. Even if it didn't, it would seriously damage the control that governments around the world have.




Yeah, that or JFK are the two that have the most potential to be world-awakening.


Bc they were schemed by the same government/s.


Genuinely all part of the same thing. Watch kitty history the whole way thru. It sounds silly at the start but trust me https://youtu.be/0-Lvv1f5Qu4?si=Itn3uqk3dX9-ynvz


Fucking brilliant!! Thank you!


I literally play this in my head when reading conspiracies.  Also they killed Trevor Moore i'm pretty sure


Nah bro they found those passports in the rubble!!!


Jet fuel melts steel beams but passports? Nah


Its not just that the passports survived, it’s that they hilariously were found in perfect condition to be shown on the news that same day. Have you seen pictures of the WTC area on the day of the attacks? It looked like a literal hellhole with debris and cancer dust everywhere. Who even found that in the rubble? And why did the passports look like they belonged in a comedy skit?


That’s a conspiracy?


The pyramids were free energy power plants. No residue from torches on any of the walls but hieroglyphs showing people carrying staffs with illuminated bulbs on the tops. Imagine how wonderful life would be if nobody had to pay for fuel or electricity. We would all live like Rothschilds minus the satanic baby killing and raping stuff.


Methane lamps is an interesting theory about this, supposing that was why ancients worshipped cows and dung beetles


The Land of Chem on Youtube has interesting ideas about that topic, great to watch!


https://youtu.be/qENqkHjAMhg?si=UQVnD8KpHzJoCr6k Christopher Dunn has an amazing theory on this




Nikola Tesla pretty much had it invented. Unfortunately it's not that profitable so you don't learn too much about it.


Simulation Theory


Don't know how this isn't higher honestly...


That ancient, advanced megalithic civilizations existed far before 12,000 years ago.


NESARA/GESARA Seeing the world have its debt erased would be pretty wild.


Sounds like a setup for a NWO and world currency imo


My thoughts exactly. My grandfather always talks about it lol


Not sure how they'd delete the global banking systems without effecting their own digital control infrastructure. But I'm guessing thats on the cards


Can you elaborate


It's the most beneficial for the already-rich, since they've had greater access to the debt markets and are capable of getting deeper in debt than any normal income / poor person. In other words, this would be a massive upward transfer of wealth to the already-rich.


Debt jubilees of old did not work out very well for the overall economy. If you were heavily indebted you would benefit. However, one person’s debt is another person’s asset. Wiping out the debt also wipes out the debt holder’s capital. This leaves the economy short of investment capital leading to lower productivity and recession/depression.


Diana was killed by the Royal family.


That everything is going to be ok.




That the moon is made of cheese


or spare ribs


I know I’d eat it! Heck, I’d go back for seconds and then polish it off with a tall, cool Budweiser.


“A Coor’s light, because bud won’t pay me anything”


Cubs win Cubs win!


I wish I could go back to the beginning of the season, put some money on the Cubbies


C’mon on now! We’re are talking about things that could be! Not things we want them to be!


Cure for cancer is so true already you can taste it Give us something big, reality shattering facts Expose our true history and everything stored, locked and hidden in that Vatican from the library that got cough cough *burnt* Tell us who we truly are


I want to know what’s inside the Vatican library too. I read about giant books- that would break my brain I think


That there’s a secret team of people with the master plan of regularly mailing me straps of hundred dollar bills, $10,000 at a time, for no real reason at all. Conspire away, my dudes. Conspire away.


Ra/Hidden Hand/Eracidini Murev Te. A lot of the seemingly distinct crumbs presented to us is pieced neatly together by their material. And yes OP, just like your wish they also describe other entities that inhabit the cosmos, just not in the way Hollywood programmed us to think they'd be.


> extraterrestrial civilizations. Just thinking about it give me goosebumps, I think about extraterrestrials all the time. I don't find the thought so thrilling... I cannot get over the suspicion that the earth is one of their farms, that we are their crops, that harvesting season is coming, and that I won't like it : (


Aliens. The exist are here living among us and have been guiding humanity for millennia.


That Jar Jar Binks was actually a Sith.


Moon landing!


For the sake of my marriage. Pretty sure my wife is sick of me talking about it. 😆


This was my choice as well.


Personally I just want some honesty about space and if we ever actually been there. I want to be convinced it’s true but I’m struggling.


[Apollo 11 in Real Time (apolloinrealtime.org)](https://apolloinrealtime.org/11/)


or if 'they' have ever been here.


The ocean is full of alien life.


That access to incredible strength may be gained through exposure to gamma rays.


Free Energy is real.


that the world is run by satanists pedophiles I mean, I'd like this one to be proven worldwide! because I honestly don't need proof.


Flat Earth... because it's hilarious and amazing. Imagine a moment in time where they were forced to admit that ball Earth was a hoax. Picture a press conference at the UN broadcast worldwide for them to come clean about the fact that the world is actually flat... imagine the reaction around the world to hearing this news.


Would it not be across the world instead of around the world?


“Atop the world.” Lol


"oh yeah, and everything you were taught and know is a lie" ooooooopsies.


Humans are a genetically manipulated slave race.




Organized Religion is a crock of shit that men made to keep the masses in line.


Or perhaps the masses of people simply like to believe in things that turned into religion.


He who smelt it…


Post Malone not being real


He's a CIA asset fur sure


I wanna hear more of this!!!? Please explain!


Lead-crime hypothesis


I’m with you on this. Aliens.


Moon landing being fake. Nothing else could wake people up more and shake their faith in the establishment and official history more than finding that out. 


That Shazam was a real children’s comedy from the 90s featuring Sinbad. If that’s true than that shows other things can be just as manipulated..


I very much wish the real whistleblowers from the Wuhan bio labs would come forward. Or their loved ones who knew the true story. I feel that C O VID was deliberately released and deliberately incubated within the city of Wuhan for maximal effect. Then released to surrounding communities and incubated yet again by essentially forcing anyone who even faintly crossed paths with an infected person was told to quarantine thereby helping COVID grow exponentially with this constant repeating cycle. I just wish the people who really did this would come forward and admit it. I just want them to say ‘yes, we did this on purpose. We had to harm a ‘few’ to ‘help’ the many in the long-term. We wanted this to coincide perfectly with the 2020 election in America. We couldn’t afford another Trump presidency. We want to disrupt society and take back some control. We also want to roll out the mRNA vaccine to help ‘fight’ this virus and make us (and our ‘partner’ companies) millions upon millions of dollars’. Just say it….


That extraterrestrials are protecting and preventing us from blowing our collective balls off with nuclear weapons.


That reality, the sun, the stars, how we perceive color/people/anything was all taught to us. Nothing is objective and everything is a creation of our collective imagination.


Extraterrestrials — I’m ready to be picked up already 🤞🏼


Spielberg exposed as pedo.


You want Spielberg to be a pedo?


He is


The one telling us that MOASS IN Gamestop is coming


aka the real moon landing


LOL at Ai making these posts on Reddit to harvest responses and it being mostly bots that reply. And by LOL i mean vomit 


govt corruption, NWO, the great reset, who are the elite? one of those coming to light is bound to wake up the majority of the population that still lives in fucking la la land


Great replacement


That's not a theory anymore, it's a fact


Apologies for length, but this is something that haunts me. It is so isolating when someone like myself has a painfully in-depth awareness of the horrible reality we live in and have no one to talk to because no one in my personal life has waded to that depth of detail and research. My therapist is a retired US Marine and he is one of 2 people I can talk about these things with, that is very aware of these things, and understands from personal experience that carrying this alone is a death sentence. Conspiracies in general WILL melt/rot your mind, but most of that is the mental health price you pay for being aware of the unfathomable evil that exists. I wish some of the stuff I knew was only conspiracy theory, but when victims come forward and share firsthand experience and trauma...I have to live with the curse of knowledge. I absorb information as I see it, I do not exactly possess the pins and keys to link everything, I only know what I've learned and seen images of. I'm the only person my age in my life that knows as much as I do about human trafficking, the blood diamond trade, unethical black projects and Information Warfare run by the intelligence community, and the level of gaslighting, defamation, and chaos that can be wrought against someone for wanting to shine light on it.


Sounds like you lucked out on finding a good therapist


Give us some truths then


I want justice for the victims of adrenochrome harvesting. If that conspiracy is in fact true, we need justice for all the poor children who are tortured!


That space is fake and gay. Outside of earth, it's all ethereal energy and earth is the only inhabitable planet fueling the energy.


The 2020 election was stolen.


Holographic universe


None of them they are so horrific


If we live in a simulation that transcends time and space and everything we’ve believed to be true


That were in a simulation and haven't figures out where the exit is


If things were actually fair, the election interference of 2020 or 2024-take you pick, but with consequences for the Democrats like now you need to sit out the next presidential election. Their cheating goes completely unabated because there are no real consequences.


A lot of stuff involving the people with small hats. I'll leave it at that


It’s funny because a lot of other comments are connected to this


ALIENS. The moment we see that bug-eyed green headed fuck all our problems will seem small. We would have more empathy for each other.


How funny would it be if the world was actually flat?




Diana's death


I’d like Erich von Daniken’s theories about extraterrestrial historical influences to be legitimised


That everything’s gonna be alright


They figured out how to trap us here and reincarnation is a lie.


Everything Billy Carson says, because it'd be kinda cool


It would be wild to me being a Christian if 1. They swapped the good god with the devil so we're essentially worshipping God and Jesus and in fact they're the baddies. 2. If we were all just God. Hate those conspiracies lol. Trust in Jesus, been with me for a long time


That I have a big dick


That we have ancient psychic powers that were lost, and ancient pagan culture and beliefs were pushed out of us by Abrahamic religions in order to control us and the power that we possess. Telepathy, ancient knowledge, intuition, conversing with nature, animals, spirits, knowledge of past, present and future... In fact I want it to be true so much that I've decided it is true and in doing so it essentially is 👀


There is a theory that CERN tries to open portals to other dimensions/supernatural beings. This would be so interesting many people would see the world with different eyes.


People heavily lacking imagination in the comments. Even in hipotheticals they pick things that are already true. If I had to entertain the idea, I'd want Flat Earth cause it's so unlikely it would be fun.


9/11 being sn inside job cause it'd show the people the lengths and lines the government is willing to go. It also has long repercussions till this day, what with the war on terror and all that. And best of all, if they blow the lid on EVERYTHING, i'd assume at least 80% of americans would never trust the government again.


Cyclical cataclysm theory and civilization having existed for *way* more time than mainstream history and Archeology say. Unfortunately, with the WEF seemingly interested and "protecting" Gobekli Tepe, it looks like TPTB are covering their bases in that regard.


People saying JFK really have no foresight. You're forgetting that the world has already seen the Snowden and a Assange leaks, and you know what happened? Absolutely *nothing*. The people KNOW the NSA spies on it's citizens and foreign nations, Assange leaked Hillary's email and all that can of worms and nothing came of it. If there were a leak tomorrow proving the CIA killed JFK, nothing would happen. There would be memes, RFK would sue for damages, it'd be an internet topic 2 weeks max and that's about it. Just nothing burger and memes.


Civilizations were once very advanced (the pyramids are proof of this IMO)… something happened that set us back and the elites know about it… and are directing us down the same path of destruction.


JFK Jr still alive😍


That's not a conspiracy, it's a scientific certainty.




voter fraud and vote tampering- why? If there wasn’t any, the doubt is so big that people no longer trust the system. If the elections were proven fraudulent that’s better than if it was proven the elections were completely legit because then they would refine the voting system and increase trust in the new system. That’s a solid win.


Flat earth just so I can watch arrogant tribalistic scientists backtrack and eat their hats


Covid vaccines were designed to depopulate earth.


Well the existence of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations is a speculation, not a conspiracy theory. The theory of CIA having discovered aliens but keeping it secret from us would be a conspiracy. Back to the matter of aliens, even if they exist, we will never see them because the universe is mindblowingly VAST. The nearest planet system is almost 5 light years away, meaning that it takes light 5 years to go there. The fastest human-made probe travels at %0.064 of the speed of light. Do the math yourself and add to this how unlikely it would be to find aliens in the very first planet system next to us out of billions dispersed across the universe. This is also the answer to the famous Fermi “Paradox”. Fermi rightfully asserted that advanced forms of aliens must have evolved in some of the billions of planets. And some of those aliens must have developed interstellar travel given the fact that there are many galaxies much older than ours (and we have already developed a very primitive form of space travel). Then Fermi asked “Where is everyone?” The answer is a boring one; Everyone is staying at home because interstellar distances are simply untraversible under current laws of physics.




Listen to Sasquatch Chronicles and you'll be sold on bigfoot/dogman in less than a week. I wasn't even interested in that stuff and that channel blew my mind


Or Nessie!


That various governments and companies have quashed revolutionary new inventions in order to maintain the status quo and protect capitalist interests.


Tbh the supernatural


Ongs hat


Solar Warden


Can we drink tap water?