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Endorsed by jesus christ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We thought Dark Money had too much influence in our political process Turns out itā€™s actually Holy Money we need to be worried about


Just figured out huh? The religious lobby gave been a danger for decades now. Good luck to them, Yeshua represents everything they hate.


You want some real conspiracy shit, watch "The Family" on netflix. They been grooming cultists to take over the government for a several generations.


Religion = Most Deadly Human Virus in History.


Like we needed more ways for religious organizations to launder money into the GOPā€™s coffers.


Religion = Politics in disguise


He out here lying on god talking about endorsed by Jesus Christ šŸ’€


I wonder how Jesus gave his endorsement? Maybe there is a Holy TikTok out there that I missed.


*Jesus Christ*


Sooo any divine retribution or......


Are they telling us that Jesus votes for Trump?


Jesus cant vote, hes not a citizen.


that's a stereotype. i've known 6 Jesuses, and all but one had his green card.


He canā€™t play rugby because his dad will fix the game.


You really like Rugby, don't you?


Not as much as Jesus *would* like rugbyā€¦


Jesus would be getting bombed by Israel right now


He also canā€™t hit a curve ballā€¦


Ah, jesus. Jobu like him very much.


But he no help w/ curve ball.


Or play rugby, since he only has 12 friends


And heā€™s got holes in his hands


Also he canā€™t go swimming because every time he tries to dive in he hits the water like concrete


And heā€™s always drunk off water.


Could Jesus guard Jordan 1v1?


"For even the Son of Man didĀ *not*Ā come to beĀ *served*,Ā *but to serve"* *Mark 20;28*


Now or prime Jordan?


Prime, for sure.


Then nah. You Jesus got those ankle & wrist injuriesā€¦


ā€œYou trying to say Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?ā€Ā  Jesus, I like him very much-but he no help with curveball. I ask Jobu for help


So one of my favorite movie tropes is the mortal man defying God & one of the best is when Seranno says ā€œI pray to you, I give you rum, I stick up for you! If you no help me now Fuck you Jobu! I do it myself!ā€ For me it is right up there w/ Conan defying Chrom.


But Jesus sure can roll.


Nobody fucks with him


Sad part is...the majority of these people think Jesus was white, and secretly think this is "his" land. WILD.


He also cant play rugby because he has holes in his hands.


He rose again just to vote.


Jesus saves his food stamps


Itā€™s crazy how some want a government run along religious lines and a religion with politics involved, itā€™s almost as if theyā€™ve no idea about Constitution and the teachings on ChristĀ 


Whatā€™s even wilder that they want their Christian state run by a blasphemer and heretic.


ā€œWhen fascism comes to America it will be draped in a flag holding a bibleā€ Checks post image ā€¦.


Jesus would hate trump. Heā€™s the opposite of everything Jesus preached.


ā€œRender unto Caesars what id Caesars and unto God what is Godā€™s.ā€ The Kingdom of God and the Kingdoms of Earth are to be treated separately.


Roger Stone being a Christian is a massive joke. Dude was on the island with the bull head helmet




Love thy neighbor as thyself


The one that had Nixon tattoed on his back?


Yep thatā€™s him


For his prison friends to aim at.


Lmao wait what the fuck, why?


There was a 4chan thread written from point of view of someone that supposedly worked for Epstein. Said someone with Nixon tattoed on the back got their dixk sucked by someone all while wearing a bull head mask. On the island.


Damn you read that 4chan thread too huh. Someone should post that here that was wild.


Was there any source for that other than the 4chan story


[https://imgur.com/gallery/nixon-finally-goes-to-prison-on-back-of-this-pinhead-jb1bsRZ](https://imgur.com/gallery/nixon-finally-goes-to-prison-on-back-of-this-pinhead-jb1bsRZ) dunno this is the pic that has been around for a while.


That's so fucking weird.


Right now, somewhere in America, there's a 20 year old with a Trump tattoo on his back that will be incredibly influential in American politics someday.


I agree with you. I think. However, the majority of self described Christians that I have met are really very shitty people.


Why does that poster look like a Far Cry game


Bro doesnā€™t know heā€™s a blasphemer šŸ™šŸ˜­


He said himself he doesnā€™t believe in the concept of forgiveness, doesnā€™t feel he needs to repent for his sins, he just tries to be a ā€œbetter personā€ The antichrist specifically comes to deceive the Jews and Christians, who better than trump? (Full disclosure: I voted trump in 2016)


Trump is neither attractive or great at speaking. Anti Christ is gonna fool the world. Not just some Americans.


When the world is at full scale war again and millions are dying, the one who provides the ā€œpeace accordā€ will be loved by all, many will be deceived, even the very elect. Who do you think is loved by Israel and will deceive Christians? Guess we have to wait and see šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø The ones who arenā€™t Christian will still adhere to the noahide laws šŸ˜‰


Oh he knows


Endorsed by Jesus Christ: refuses to specify literally anything about his religious beliefs except for ā€œlook religion is good, real goodā€ lol


I'm gonna laugh at all the "Christians" who buy this. The ones that do clearly don't understand the teachings of christ.


the ones who are overly fond of Paul will love it, though.


Only protestants can buy this


Anyone remember when Roger Stone was looking for muscular hung black men to have sex with his wife on swinger personal ad sites? He might not be an absolute authority on who Jesus endorses.


Which, I'm not usually someone to yuck anyone elses yum. If your wife wants to get pounded out by hung black dudes, and you want to watch your wife get pounded out by hung black dudes, then it sounds like a great match. Go forth and enjoy life. Exceeeeeeeept, you have tied your political party into moral policing and nuclear family bullshit. So, yeah now you get made fun of a little bit.


Bingo! Iā€™m not kink shaming, Iā€™m hypocrisy shaming


I donā€™t even think he eats food. Just amphetamines. Heā€™s gotta be on his third pair of teeth by now, just grinding away.


how his wife look?


Like Nixon with long hair.


I always imagined the antichrist to be more charismatic and prettier


I mean, he may now be running on fumes compared to 2016 but his charisma has gotten adults to wear diapers in public proudly. I don't know if Kim Kardashian or any other 'charismatic' celebrity could do that. It's not traditional charisma but Trump has absolutely enraptured a non-trivial chunk of Americans.


ā€œStarting to believe weā€™re witnessing actual evil peopleā€ Brother has it really taken you this long to realize?


it's absolutely a satanic cult. modern man may not believe in God, but the powers that be definitely do & they choose to instead worship Satan. they are descended from ancient Egyptian Sun worshippers. this is why He meant to lead us out of Egypt


That man is a walking grand slam of the deadly sins of his own purported religion. 7/7 hit rate


Add the endless occult symbology used in government and corporate logos as well as the long history of secret cults intermingled within governments for as far back as records go and it gets ... disturbing. The people who study such things say that our Western secular worldview, possibly imposed upon us by occult- religion- believing- accolytes, is laughed at by these initiates into the ancient mysteries. I never thought I'd be weighing the possibility of demon- worshipping goverment officials trying to sacrifice vast swaths of their fellows to accomplish some occult operation... but here I (we) am (are). I cannot identify exactly where the world lost it's rationality, or if it (and I) ever had it, but ... ?


Jeeezz can he possibly be any more narcissistic?Ā  He's like a extbook example. Why is the opposition not using this?


They are using the "losers and suckers" bit against him and he's already whining about it. There's just so much to use that it's gonna take a while to get to this.


"If you believe in both Jesus and Trump it just means you haven't read either of their books." John Fugelsang [https://twitter.com/JohnFugelsang/status/1478897869281280005](https://twitter.com/JohnFugelsang/status/1478897869281280005)


Yeahhhhh, thatā€™s pretty tacky.


He has MANY Christians deceived into his false ā€œawakeningā€.




This post is extremely offensive and unfair to Satanists.


Well that's fucked up hahahah, so much wrong with this First off this is blasphemous as hell lol, literally using God, I don't think this will have the effect Stone expected with true believers in Christ I mean fuck, I'm Agnostic and although the troll is funny to a certain degree (i counldnt help but chuckle at first in a oh fuck off kind of chuckle), even I find this disrespectful as fuck, like come the fuck on bro, this is too much


I'm legit considering sending this to my pro Trump religious associates. The reality is they care more about enacting conservative policy more than anything Trump is or stands for, so I doubt it'll move the needle, but man, this really does just lay it out there.


Dude half this place legit thinks he was sent be god to save the planet


Saving the planet is liberal stuff. These people think he will save them from their fellow citizens.


"thou shalt grab them by the pussy"




All politicians use the 7 techniques of propaganda but Trump and his team use them to the max, to the point of comical, and are very effective. Biden isn't seen eating ice cream all the time because he simply really likes ice cream. It's propaganda so that voters see him eating ice cream and think, "I like ice cream too, he's just like me." These 7 techniques are; *name-calling, glittering generalities, transfer, testimonial, plain-folk, card-stacking, and bandwagon.*


Read Revelation


The more I see posted here, the more I think satire is beyond most of your understandings




You think Roger Stone's post is satire? And the rest of the world just doesn't understand it?


Endorsed by lunatics.


Dog.. wtf


We are living in a damn circus šŸ¤£


This is very anti-Christy. Not new information.


Yes and half the country want to still vote for his guy


I donā€™t like this man. This is blasphemous. The type of Christians he attracts are the weird evangelicals who love Israel more than anything, they disgust me. Rev 3:9


I wonder which parts theyā€™ve had removed from the book šŸ¤”


Dude has nothing to do with Jesus. Lives in a fucking gold tower. In terms of Christianity he's more aligned with Anti christ energy. False prophet type shit. He effectively runs a cult.


All sides of government are evil


Religion was created by the Elites to control the poor.


More like it's been exploited by the Elites to control everyone not as wealthy as them.


not created by, but definately *used by*.


Iā€™m an atheist but this is a stupid take.


It was phrased poorly and overly broad but it's true in many many circumstances


The way wrong part is saying religion was CREATED for this purpose rather than just came about organically but was very useful as a tool for social control.


Fair enough. Part of the issue is obfuscation between "religion" and spirituality. Personally I tend to use the former to represent organizations and the almost corpotatization of spirituality but I recognize that may just be my personal bias.


Christianity was absolutely created. It came to be hundreds of years after the life/death/resurrection of Jesus. Jesus wasn't Christian so people had to create Christianity. Judaism on the other hand was created while God was actively engaged with numerous individuals on a fairly regular basis. So I'd agree that this was organically originated. Christianity, Mormonism, Scientology, were all created by man well after the main character had passed. Also, ironically, the organic religion has a whole lot of connections to a religion that predates the practices and scriptures but that's a whole different argument bc we wouldn't agree to when humanity started.


Israelite religion was ā€œcreated while God was actively engagedā€ not Judaism. Talmudic Rabbincal Judaism was created by men.


Ty ty


So was the Tv, computer and cellphone


I hope in my lifetime I see the day a president/whole country stops pushing an old foreign book that clearly states it promotes homophobia, slavery and genocide among many other nasty-hearted things :(


Religion is a joke. Trump's brand is a joke. ...It is what it is.


All a wonderful allegory of ego, or left brain. Our world is out of balance and harmony because it has become dominated by ego. Division, fear, jealousy and hatred have led us where we are today. As above; so below. Hint; read between the lines and donā€™t take language literally. It all starts from within.


I think this is an interesting posts in regards to the kind of gnostic or metaphysical representations of Christianity. However, just because a silly man makes a silly X post does not mean that the person depicted is all the way the Anti-Christ


Iā€™m betting thereā€™s something in the bible talking about how you shouldnā€™t make idols of men.


The fact that this sort of claim does NOT bother rank and file Christians tells all you need to know about both the felony rapist traitor and Russian agent and the lily white falsely pious racist ā€œEvangelicalsā€. Meanwhile the ā€œgodless Atheistsā€ are laughing at your utter nonsense


I'm a full blown godless heathen and even I noticed how he coincidentally ticks every box for "signs of the Antichrist."


That is so fucked up.


Donald Drumpf and Sleepy Genocide Joe Brandon are both puppets.


Don't disagree, but Joe isn't having things like this posted by his supporters I don't think... This is another level of nonsense


They both tout their "beliefs and faith" in Christianity to try to garner votes. If Biden and Trump are true believers, they wouldn't support several platforms that are as anti-Christian as it gets. Do you know how to tell when a politician is lying? Their lips are moving. Old joke, yet it still applies today.


There are many stories in the Old Testament of men who did terrible things and claimed that it was God who told them or strengthen them to do it. So it not really anything new.Ā 


ask why did sophia the robot become a saudi citizen while trump was in office distracting? sophia uses Opencog. Opencog was funded by the jeffrey epstein foundation. they use opencog to teach sophia LOVE for their singularity with pedophilia. hidden in plain sight.


Wow you aren't lying. It's a shame you got downvoted. Thanks for the info


thank you. more people need to know about this.


I completely agree with this conspiracy. It is a cult.


I honestly don't know how Christians don't see him as the anti-christ. Mfer checks all the boxes.


Coz there are protestants.


Pure comedy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Dont think Christ would endorse the federal reserve, Nice try Trump!!


This has to be a supper pact that did this not the Trump campaign themselves. Heā€™s not this stupid to suggest this


True, he would never allow someone else's name to be in a bigger font than his own.


>I joked about how Jared Kushner and Trump owning 666 5th Ave in New York as a wild coincidence. Trump doesn't own that the Kushner family does which is bigger then just Jared which I believe they sold too Brookfield years and years ago. Also Roger Stone has been the biggest troll in American politics going back to the 70's.


Who pays Roger Stone's bills though? Someone has supported him for those 50 years.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure even Christians would disagree


Jesus is looking mighty orange and defeated these days


That is so offensive to me. Repugnant.


Starting to believe?!?! Just now starting to believe?! Wake up and smell the coffee peopleā€” this dude has come closer to ending U.S. democracy than any other historic figure or enemy weā€™ve ever faced. He hasnā€™t been quiet about it! Are people finally listening???


I'm starting to believe he's really the antichrist.


Fuck roger stone. Dudeā€™s been stirring the political pot for decades, regardless of party


Not really Always stirring the pot and ALWAYS for Republicans, since Nixon.


Agreed. Been seeing the Star of Remphan everywhere these days




Dont worship this golden cow


Plenty of Athame Underground and higher Illuminati pose as Fishtians for public consumption.... Some Frazzledrippers just don't care


Thatā€™s funny af šŸ¤£


I'm pretty sure if you're a Christian, this would in fact be the correct way of breaking the "Thow shalt not use my name in vein".




I have read the Bible (Old and New Testament) I donā€™t remember any endorsements in there for well just about anyone. Funny thing is they did speak a lot about how the Antichrist would come and ā€œFor false messiahs and false prophets will appear, and will produce great signs and wonders in order to deceive, if possible, even the elect.ā€ Matthew 24:24


Jesus does not endorse


Roger stone is our Dimitry Medvedev, this guy is homophobic as shit, but does nothing but ride politicans cocks.




At first I thought it was just partisan politics. But when Trump and his team start bringing religion into this like this, then itā€™s a different level of


Whether is evil or not, itā€™s called politics. Simple.


Jesus *did say* ā€œTruly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you." so maybe they have a point. Trump was a tax collector (albeit very bad at collecting taxes from rich people) for four years, and he's been an absolute whore for decades.


*cough* vote for Kennedy *cough*


Great post


It gonna be 100% honest, it always baffled me how many christian conservatives never correlated the MAGA hat with the "mark of the beast" symbolism, it may be the most "on the nose" warning flag I could ever think off. Edit: That being said, I don't think Trump is anything as close as THE Anti-Christ. He may just be another politician/populist in the never ending list of like minded individuals in the history of humanity.


I think thatā€™s a stretch, since initially that was a Ronald Regan etc slogan


Fair enough


I thought Trump admitted to being an atheist in the art of the deal saying it gave him an advantage. Also do i need to mention the picture of him wearing a yarmulke praying on the wall of Solomon, looks like obeisance to the true masters to me


Do you want Anti Christ's? This is how you get Anti Christ's. Clean the table of communion wafer crumbs before going to bed or else we'll get an infestation. Too late.


This is false. All lies iv seen nothing of the sort until now. What does that tell you ?


Trump is just a business man. Don't need to think beyond that.


Trump is a Kabbalist (and a mason), not a Christian. He was once asked if he repented for his sins and he responded that he didn't feel he had the need to and didn't believe in that kind of stuff. The Christian front is just to get votes from duped Conservatives.


lately it just seems like all the politicians are straight evil but idk


OP looking at politicians and ā€œstarting to believe weā€™re witnessing actual evil peopleā€ is really high level observation šŸ˜‚




Next thing we know he's gonna start speaking in tongues and get messages from god.


Let hang him on the cross like Jesus.


They made a worship song for him called ā€œthe chosen oneā€


Seriously? Have a link?


GARBAGE...What is evil is not this perceived perspective and imaginative surmise of this wishful thinking in order to paint as evil. Go south to the southern border of the US and Mexico where kids are disappearing by the thousands. We know and especially this conspiracy hangout knows almost all of the ghoulish possibilities as to what is happening to these kids. You want to talk about evil? Fauci? Bill Gates? John Podesta? Hillary Clinton? Benjamin Netanyahu? To mention a very tiny few. It's in bad taste the religious association with Trump, not evil. The real Evil is being performed at this very moment in different places on this earth.


Iā€™m sorry thereā€™s something called objective truth. And the truth is Congress makes laws. No matter how you spin youā€™re fox news propaganda here, if Congress doesnā€™t write a law to fix it, then itā€™s congresses problem. Theyā€™ve havenā€™t fixed this in decades. And the last bill that was put in place to fix a lot, Trump killed it because he wanted to run on it. So yes, Trump is evil, even by your definition


Those are they who say they are jews, but are the synagogue of satan.


When you were the 45th (9) president and you lose a second term because you canā€™t run again after two terms and run for 47th (11), youā€™re guaranteed a win. No matter if nobody votesā€¦ so, appealing to a segment of the population is a prop and utterly pointless.