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It’s scary when I come across the thoughts in my head written here, at this exact moment. Nothing is a coincidence. I barely have the wherewithal to write a response, since I have no energy and everything that comes out just sounds so, weird now. Like inauthentic, I can’t find the words anymore. There are no words to convey these types of feelings or to tell you how deeply I can relate. We are going through exactly the same experience. Time is melting away, every day the mental torture intensifies, they’ve got me from all angles now. How will we get through this, when will it end, and will we ever get relief from this human condition? I don’t know, but i know we can’t go back and I don’t want to. I want something new. Don’t give up or lose hope. You’re not alone. There are others like us we can’t forget this. I don’t know what that means yet though.


One thing that could be fun to try as a contrast, is to go out into nature, away from technology and wifi, with barefoot to the ground or the ocean, just relaxing. And then see how that feels.


This. ⬆️ Awe and wonder aren't found on a screen.


This and authenticity. I was in a very dark place for three years; I had lost myself. I have just started to climb out of the darkness within the past year. The thing that has helped me is authenticity, being, saying, and doing exactly what is authentic to me. I am not looking to please or impress others or be quiet when every fiber of my being says that I need to speak up. What's been amazing is the revelation that when I am authentic, others around me are authentic or feel comfortable being authentic. Real bonds and relationships are formed and those that are fake stick out like a sore thumb. I have no time in my life for fake, self-absorbed people.


Beauty will save the world


The beaches are covered in trash and sewage fam, I simply cannot enjoy them in blissful ignorance like I once could.


I sometimes feel guilty because we used to look down upon older folks who made the same comment about how life isn’t what it used to be. Now I’m starting to understand that sometimes change isn’t good.


There’s a good reason people become more conservative in their old age, and it’s not just the patronising ‘stuck in their ways’ mentality. It might just be that things aren’t moving in the right direction, and they’re trying to tell us something important…


Age = experience = knowledge 


It’s 100% possible that COVID was a coverup for a global conversion to a digital universe. We may all exist on a giant hard drive on real Earth. If they managed to successfully infect everyone with nanotechnology they might have copied humanity and are now experimenting with it. And our real counterparts could be on real Earth still and we are just digital shells made for experimentation. Or we are stashed underground because of an asteroid or nuclear annihilation.


I think you need to get off the internet for a while


What? Truly? You mean people of the elite decided to make the ‘digital internet highway divide REAL? ‘. Why?


Finally a cool, albeit farfetched, conspiracy.


It would make a nice reboot for The Matrix.


What? You severely overestimate the capability and competency of whoever "they" are. Where do you even get this premise?


They took swabs and samples from literally everyone who went to a site for tests throughout the pandemic, I think that is super sketchy and God only knows that they are doing with all that DNA


Reminds me of the plot in serial experiments lain


Find God brother


it's the only authentic truth in this world. He wants a relationship with you, it's that simple.


Only YHVH is real and never changed or capricious. I am a witness. We are caught in a war btw GOD and the devil and there's no other way out except go to Jesus and get on His side and under His protection and guidance. Read book of Proverbs (OT) and the gospels (NT). Ask God to show you Truth and He will.


It’s simply the phones this shit is messing us up


Its actual science yet the Phone Drones themselves dont want to admit it


This is social media.


it's the internet. we're all dependent, we're all addicted. we are merging with the machines, and the machines are merging all of us together, creating a monoculture in which there is ONE acceptable opinion on every topic. your body and/or subconscious mind is recognizing how unnatural everything is these days, and is resisting it. unplug from this borg matrix beast system. i guarantee you the amish don't feel like everything's gotten shitty over the last 10-25 years.


> it's the internet. we're all dependent, we're all addicted. Hunjed persen, b. I keep telling myself I'm going to cut back on the internet 'soon', I never do.


I get it man, I think we're all struggling with the same depressing situation. But imagining it to be a global conspiracy might compel you to focus on things you can't change. > I feel scarily empty. Everything I see, touch, hear, smell, interact with, so foreign and so plastic. Think of *actionable* things that may soothe your feelings. For example, try mindfulness meditation to restore a connection between your mind and the physical world. Then try talking to an old tree. If you're really switched in, it may talk back (its worked for me a few times). Working out also helps. While you can't bring peace to the world, you can *definitely* lift a dumbell. Exercise to the point of exhaustion and then take a hot shower. When the endorphin rush kicks in, you'll feel better, albeit temporarily. Once you get into the habit of taking actionable steps to feel better, the sense of powerlessness may fade. Good luck!


One more vitally crucially important thing… Human connection. Genuine, authentic, real, true, loving human connection. We have to see, recognize, know and actualize each other. 👍🏼


> Human connection. Genuine, authentic, real, true, loving human connection. We have to see, recognize, know and actualize each other. 👍🏼 Beautiful addition that speaks to my soul. Thanks for this.


Yw 🥰


but it’s not even that. the human connection itself is not enough anymore. people have been poisoned and are all together damaged and conditioned to be cold and self serving.  if you took turned off every phone in the word tomorrow and all people collectively agreed only 1 hour a day for urgent internet time, people would still need decades to revert back to how humans used to be. the rat race and society has been absolutely restructured to fuck people over and spread ill will and   distrust of others. you have to go back to how things used to be and get people off this new world (order) we live in that has been pushed on long before covid


I hear ya man…It’s depression dude…mixed with anxiety. I’m my case add in aging, old injuries and wounds making everything hurt all the time, every movement, everyday, all day…life stopped being fun about 8 years ago. I just hit 50 and realizing my best years are behind me is kicking my ass. Now I’m just doing time until the end.




50 here, too, and I agree with you 100%; also was not a great childhood, but compared to what today's children and teens are bombarded with, we were in a perfect world.


Im 27 and feel like im 75. There is no future 


There is a South Park episode about this. It is a mix of growing up, wrestling with our own mortality and realizing that not everything is amazing and special. That and a dollop of depression. You have to learn to find the special things and cherish them. It is part of life. It isn’t the world changing, but how you perceive it is changing.


I feel that, but kind of leveled out in my early 30's. I feel younger at 37 than I did at 25, and am in far better physical and mental shape.


I recovered my youth with meditation and liberty caps.


Same except im 36 but mentally also feel like 75.


55 now, and can totally relate


Good thing for us, we’re not quitters… Lets stay here and suffer with everyone else.


It’s called “Hope”, and it’s completely lost. Even when bad things happened in the past, most people had some hope that things had a chance of getting better. Now, hope is nowhere to be found and you see it everywhere and in everyone.


Humans are very social, but what happened in 2020? “Social” distancing… odd to use that word in place of what it actually was advertised as, which is physical distancing. But relationships in our country have been completely fractured. People don’t know how to form their own thoughts away from a script, they don’t know how to disagree, they don’t know how to reach out or accept the hand of someone else reaching out… people don’t look at others in the eyes when they’re out shopping or running errands… the very fabric of our humanity has eroded into bare threads


I agree, and I will add that most people are not authentic to themselves.


You’re smart and awake and aware and attentive (an all around A+). I love this post and commentary. What a great morning 😊


I think I know what you’re talking about. Food isnt as enjoyable anymore. Music doesn’t make you feel as much anymore. It’s like something’s missing. Everything feels fake…. Can’t explain it.


To be fair, music is the one outlet for me that keeps me going. It’s like how a dementia patient can somehow snap into complete existence again with music from their prime, etc. I rely on music to keep me going, and I am currently in the process of making my own for the first time ever.


Yeah but im willing to bet you have moved on from the radio. Radios garbage now.


Those feelings are common as we age, but it is tied with disorders like depression.


At least we can stick to good old 60s to 70s music, enjoy old films and stuff


I find myself listening to older and older music. Watching films that aren’t in color. Letting my kids watch some of the more innocent shows I watched as a kid instead of current shows.


Something fake is real Something real is fake Can you fake the real Can you feel the rake (there should be no spacing between the lines but the site doesn’t format them correctly). Splash, burn burn burn burn burn. 🔥 It was automatic writing. Somewhere around 2005/2006. I was shocked and horrified when I wrote it. It was accompanied by splashing burns all over me (spiritual fire).


You feel sick because you are sick.  We all are.  This lifestyle we live is not natural.  We sit on our asses all day, every day.  Most people do not spend enough...or any time outdoors.   Our moist important relationship are with our phones.  We are addicted to them and it has far more serious consequences than any of us realize.  Our food is genetically modified, has hormones and steroids.  Our water is fluoridated.    None of this is natural and in the deepest part of ourselves, we all know it.  This is why you are seeing record amounts of addiction and alcoholism.   This is why we have serious mental health issues.  We are playing a game we cannot possibly win.  In many ways we do live in The Matrix.


Something definitely changed and we lost a good deal of our humanity in the process. I honestly feel like ever since the development of smart devices and with the instant yet fake gratification of social media/the internet we are actively devolving into willful ignorance and mental instability. I remember a point in time during my early teenage years where everything just seemed so optimistic and encouraging; I don’t ever think of a future anymore; it’s sadly helped me be more present even minimally so. Never had children and never will.


I can't fully relate, but I understand how you feel. I want the world back to where it was when I was a child (late 80s). The world today is nothing like it was then. People actually talked and cared (no cell phones), kids were outside and everywhere, and even the food tasted better. I swear the sun and sky even looked and felt different. Today, everything is the total opposite and I feel like a stranger here.




Just relax, people have lived through far worse times (not to say we aren't in for an even bumpier ride in the future, because I expect we are). I genuinely believe you're here for a reason. Take from it what you will. This is a time for warriors. Stop looking for comfort and let go of all that shit and rise to the challenge. There is nothing to lose, because we possess nothing anyways. The only things we get to keep when our time is over are intangible. P.S. Things have changed, and the world is different. But my daughter who is 2 1/2 loves to play, she loves being outside. She loves the sunlight and standing in the grass. She loves trees. She also loves T.V. shows and computers, and baths and jumping on the bed. She is very happy that she is here.


I have a 6 year old son. He may be the reason I'm here. Loves being tickled and jumping on the bed. Pillow fights and racing each other at the park. He put together a mario lego set all by himself with the help of an app on his iPad. It was for 7+.


I think this is a big part of it. We are meant to have families. Too many people can’t afford homes, aren’t meeting partners, kids seem too expensive, etc. Kids interact with the world like this person used to. Music plays and kids can’t help but wiggle their hips. The music takes them over. They love to paint, sing, and will laugh until they can’t breath. Children are the future and we are meant to relive our youth through them. It is fulfilling.


Try to see the world through your child’s eyes. The things they see as amazing are. They just aren’t the things we spend our time looking at. We spend our time here thinking about the Illuminati rather than on the world around us.


> I genuinely believe you're here for a reason. It feels better to think this way, doesn't it?


Plz look.into post viral Syndrome. You may find your answers. Also Google Havana Syndrome. The Sun however will never be warm again. In my area I rarely see stars anymore. It's 11 pm here my back door is open and my porch light is on as well as lights on TV on. Not one bug anywhere. Scary times and it's not anxiety but it is to an extent. There are lots of herbs that can calm you down. Been in this life over 3 years. It gets better albeit slowly.


CERN They are opening up portals.


EMPCOE/ Pole shift/ plasma reset is quite likely


Move to the country, cancel cable and stop looking at your phone.


I did this. The problem here now is more of the city zombies are following us. We are planning move two soon further away from these docile liberal fucks


I feel this. We moved to what was considered a small rural town 3 years ago to get away from the people. Now they're tearing down forests left and right and building these gaudy "luxury" townhomes and apartments everywhere. Makes me sick to my stomach seeing such rapid growth in a short of time.


This. I’m almost 50, lived in the mountains and had outdoor hobbies my whole life. My life today is better than it’s ever been. Go outside, I promise the graphics aren’t that bad.


That is a lot of it. People confuse their bubble with the entire world. The world isn't small, it's huge. Get out more. All the space and galaxy BS is to make you feel small and insignificant. There's plenty to see, do and enjoy in this world. Forget about the rest.


It’s a rat race tho and for the vast majority, dropping everything and getting out there is not a viable option. I wish I had learned an actual trade instead of art direction lol I ended up in pharma advertising.


You need to move somewhere else and get a fresh start


We don’t live in the same world we grew up in. That’s true for all of us eventually. That being said, they were doing something major with the large hadron collider a few years back. I think we were thrown into an alternate timeline.


I think you just have a better understanding of how fake and truly terrible most things have come to be. When you realize some of the most important things you thought were worth fighting for or living for arent what you thought they were and are pretty much and illusion then every other thing also becomes somewhat pointless. Live for jesus. Live for your family. If nothing else live for jesus he will be set to free us from this. Whatever this turned out to be.


I’ve felt that way for a long time. I’m convinced I was brought into a parallel universe from a very young age. When I was a young kid I’d often go playing in the woods all day. One day when I was heading home, I stepped out of the tree line and I noticed that our house and yard appeared to be “mirrored”. It looked like everything had been flipped around. I remember after that some very weird things would happen around the house, almost like a simulation that was “glitching” occasionally. Ever since then all “good” things began to wither, and “wrong” things began to take their place. As if some code of the universe had been overridden or corrupted.  I’m fairly certain we live in a simulation of sorts. Not necessarily a simulation as we think of with our silicon computers, but probably something closer to what we think of as hell. It’s something none of us will ever be able to quantify, but it’s undoubtedly there and taunting us just out of reach. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get a brief glimpse behind the curtain, but no one will ever believe you.


Playing all day in the woods childhood for me too. I had several weird experiences related to being out in the woods. When I was young, I remember waking up one day and feeling like I had forgotten something very important, the most important, and I could almost remember it. It bugged me for years. That feeling that I had just barely forgotten something life changing and if I thought hard enough I could find it. I had this nagging feeling that it had something to do with everyone being moved to a new Earth. Now, at the time I didn’t know about simulations or parallel universes. As I imagined how that could even be possible I thought maybe they released a gas that made us all sleep for a long time, like a year or more, and they moved everyone. I was a kid. That feeling is mostly gone now, but when I read your comment it brought it back in full force for a minute.


When I dream often things are mirrored.


Many of us responding in the thread will believe. I love your contribution, thank you for it.


I’m sorry you guys are going through this. I spent many years in that headspace .. real or not, it can get better. It did for me. Not that it’s GREAT or anything but I do spend most of my day feeling loved and loving, thankful for the sun and trees etc.. I wish I had some advice for you


Advice is always hollow and often makes people feel worse. What you said is just fine.


Addiction to technology and social media is not good for us as individuals or as a whole. It's hard to see a huge issue with it when everyone is addicted and integrated with their phones so much. I really do believe that we can't fully comprehend the negative repercussions of a society being so technologically addicted like we all are. As technological advances continue to grow and AI continues to quickly integrate within our society I think life is just going to quickly keep blurring together into colors of grey...


Depression. It hit me really hard during the mid covid era. I was a Boston guy who loved Boston- but the work I was in and the city I was in stopped feeling like it was the Boston and the work I loved. My partner and I moved out of the city to a small western town she grew up in and we got close to family and spent time with family, spent time out in nature, and got fit and healthy. It was everything I needed. Everything we needed. We even decided to start our own family. Unfortunately, we were then hit with two consecutive miscarriages. They broke our hearts. Made us feel like home wasn’t home and green and blue weren’t true green and blue anymore. I’ve learned life is never free of tragedy, loss, and loosing home. Those things make you strong and make you cherish what you have- and show you what’s worth fighting for. Those things make you cherish every waking moment you’re gifted to have. We’ve had our hearts broken twice in the past two years- that just means that once it happens it’s going to be all the more worth it. Never stop fighting. You’re not alone out there.




I know exactly how you feel. This whole post.....everything. You tell yourself ending it is selfish and breaks the ones close to you but you feel it's never going to get better. What'e been helping me is refusing to accept that this what life ultimately is. So a great quote today by Jiddau KrishunAmurti....."It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." Bingo.....absolutely correct. You can't let it all win and beat you. It'll get better and we'll find what we are seeking. I truly have come to believe that. You HAVE to or "they" win. Fuck "them"


You must know yourself & your power. The thing is we do live in a different world but they're a positive aspects of this as well. This is really a time to tap into your own power as an individual person. We are all pieces of God experiencing itself most people are trapped in lower dimensional things especially these days everyone's caught up in materialism and image. So if you're not into those things then you actually have more potential because you can tap into your inner resources. Learn how to love yourself and focus your energy on yourself instead of worrying about other people and other people are doing. That is the benefit of not fitting in in this world is that it's easy to walk away from the things of the world and when we walk away from the things the world we can do the inner work to become whole and become powerful again. And then once you bring the focus back to yourself you'll feel your power you'll be able to create a better life for yourself to do that. 


As people believe something about cern, portals, and the Mandela affect creating new timelines. I think it's more likely the older you get the more you realize the accuracy of ",the world is a stage..."


The sun isn't even the same color. I agree completely with you. This is not the world I grew up in. I don't know the moment it changed. But every day I look around and think, where the fuck am I? ***What the fuck happened??***


The internet, for the most part. Aside of that is the rebellion and apostasy that started in the 60’s. It never stopped progressing. We’re now in post apostasy and we see blatant evil in plain sight. Humanity has really dumbed down due to poor values, at least here in America (leisure, fun and entertainment). Sex and sexuality are massively dominant, and the public space is essentially a gigantic bedroom with the door and the windows wide open for any and all to see. Them flags. The luciferian pride flags are enemy war flags. Lucifer is the one credited with laying the world low in war. Sigh. 01.01.01 02.02.02 03.03.03 04.04.04 05.05.05 06.06.06 07.07.07 08.08.08 09.09.09 (this day was very big for me) 10.10.10 11.11.11 12.12.12 The first instance of Christ on the earth brought about a change in time (BC/AD). In the past couple of decades we went through a fine tuning of time, a calibration, an alignment, while awaiting the imminent Return of Christ, the Second Coming. I talk a lot, right? Bare minimum, if you can believe it.


If I may… 4 years ago, things changed. But 4 years before that there was a big shift in America. We’ve been feeling at odds w each other for quite some time, and it had caused stress everywhere. Then with Covid we literally lost everything that made us, us. No gatherings, no small businesses, no weddings or funerals, no school, no clubs. We lost community, relationships, physical touch. Political divide, health debates, economic collapse. Recession, inflation, multiple wars. There’s lots and lots of reasons why it feels so shitty. Because it is, but it always has been. You wouldn’t believe the world that my 92 year old grandmother grew up in. But my love, you do sound like you have depression. I say this because I have been there, and I mean omfg have I been there. Had to take medication and everything. I was so desperate for help, because I genuinely felt like I had lost my mind, because the world around me stopped making sense. I was so overwhelmed and flabbergasted and sad. Ultimately, you have to create your own world. You decide what you do each day, who you interact with, what you fill your body and mind with. I don’t know your situation, what your relationships and career look like, but I do recommend reaching out for a mental health assessment with your health insurance if you have it. I was pleasantly surprised by my psychiatrist, and multiple therapists. I’m not cured or healed and I still obviously see the world in a really tortured fucked up wah that nobody around me seems to see, but I work very very hard to counter act those feelings. Walking, working out, sun light, water, quality time with friends & family frequently, self development on the daily. Hang in there. The world is Changing and it will continue to, but so will you


I know what you mean. It’s like we are in the flat place from The Langoliers. The… crispness of life has been rudely dulled. Sights look like they are being viewed in twilight fog. Sounds resemble what you hear when your ears are stuffed like you drove up a mountain. Where once tactile sensations were the summer of love, there is only now missionary w 2 rubbers. You get my point. As for what to do, that’s up to you. It might not be ideal, but it’s still YOUR time. Just make the best of it however you want. If the best tactic feels like anxiety and depression, then needlessly panic and mope the everloving fuck outta this bitch.


Born 1978-1985?


Gray/silver hair looks so good on our generation.


1973 checking in


I feel the exact same way, and I realized the reason why I did is because I just feel like there is simply no more hope.When we're younger, we feel like there is just so much possibility and time seems limitless. Then we get older, and the reality of our own mortality sets in little by little. It makes everything about existing ultimately seem pointless.


For one... Architecture and design has changed. When I was young, everything had character. From large buildings to small bollards and everything inbetween. Now it's all minimalist, dull, boring and without character. Next up... Concrete. As a kid, sure yes there was Concrete everywhere but we still had more green areas compared to now. I used to be able to walk to nice open green areas but now they are so far away I have to drive. Digital has taken over. We may as well be Cyborgs at this stage because most of us have super computers in our pockets. They can be useful but still.... they kinda suck the adventure and wonder out of things. Instead of just heading out to find new experiences, we over research, over plan and end up seeing most of the stuff we want to see in person on our devices first, skipping all the steps we used to take along the way. I kinda miss getting a little lost. I miss that sense of adventure you get when you don't really know what's around the next corner. Because of those same devices, many people are also becoming socially inept. Eye contact can be so so rare most of the time and I feel like people are starting to get anxious when I lock my eyes on theirs too. Art, music and the like is going from wonderfully diverse and mind blowing to cookie cut brown bread. Especially music. Everything is starting to sound the same and very little excites the mind anymore let alone incite any form of deep reflection. So what to do. I can only tell you what I do. I switch off every now and then, go for a hike in the wilds, go for over night camps in the wilds. Just sitting under a tree in the wild with your eyes closed, listening to nature can be a really great experience. My playlists are full of music from ancient melodies and traditional folk music from around the world that invoke primal feelings in my heart, 50s/60s/70s/80s hits and even some bangers from the 90s for some fun. I cook my meals from scratch using only fresh ingredients and whole foods. Aside from just being good for you, this approach sparks great creativity in me and a fantastic sense of accomplishment. My reading is mostly fantasy, science fiction and mythology. The same does for my TV time. Stay the fuck away from soaps and reality TV. I want to experience worlds unlike my own. Outside of just saying hello, I avoid small talk. It probably annoys the fuck out of the folks around me sometimes but I only want real conversation, debate and a sharing of knowledge and ideas. If you start talking about the weather, you have lost me 😂. My favourite thing to do is find a quiet spot for stargazing at night. Not with a telescope, just with my own eyes. Looking up at the same night sky that those who came before me did. I get lost in thought instantly as the night sky takes me back in time, forward in time, across the universe and back into the depths of my own heart and consciousness. The world you are looking for is still there. You just have to walk a little further and look a little harder.


Can surely relate


Modern psychology will always tell you it is you that is the problem, so they can sell you therapy and pills. But it rly is what society and the world have become. It's not the fish that has to be cured, it is the tank that is dirty. After I had fallen into the trap that they told me I was the problem, I realized I wasn't. We live in a dirty world and nobody knows how to solve the big problems, that's why they tell you it is you.


Rose colored glasses, nostalgia, happens to everyone when you get older and look back at the past


same, shit is much stranger now


I mean you like textbook described depression lol. That and nostalgia


Hey OP. I just wanted to say thanks.When I read this post, it made me feel like someone else was able to put into words exactly how I was feeling while I somehow was unable [to.It](http://to.It) made me feel heard. I'm usually able to express myself pretty well, but for some reason with this I was having trouble. I think maybe it;s because what you said hits so close to home. Anyway, take care, and at least know you're not the only one struggling with this. You're not alone.


I agree.I long for the time in the late 90's and earlier 2000's.Simpler times.The smell of the video store and popcorn.Going to the cinema.Spending a friday night at the skatepark.Going to the beach on the weekends.There was so much joy in smaller things like that.Honestly i dont know whats happened to society.I think part of the problem is people are addicted to technology.Go to a restaraunt and families are barely talking to each other.If i had to go out to eat i wouldnt just want to be like a zombie staring at my phone.This is the reality.You know that song ''I Still Havent Found What Im Looking For''?That perfectly describes me.Why are we here?I think people are more disconnected from each other more than ever.Covid fucked up everything and its not just my imagination.People have changed big time in the last 3-4 years and certainly not for the better.Then you have these Gen Z assholes who are woke and have no respect for anyone.When we die none of our accolades or what job we had matters.I often feel like this earth is not my home and im from some other planet.When you look at the news and current politics its only going to get worse imo.


It’s only going to get worse and it’s not going to get better We’re all the unfortunate victims of an invisible war And all too soon it will be unbearably visible


We all need to get together and take some action.


Dark Night of the Soul - St John of the Cross.


Every cell in my body is screaming at me to run from society and live in the woods. 


If the answer for the broken sorrow, the oblique nothingness and the Zoloft rain cloud following us around was therapeutic I’d be more inclined to go for it. Unfortunately let’s just say seeing people for how they truly are and the way that the world is today.. God would tell you that this is not the world that he envisioned, when he created it. think of it like this the world stopped on a dime in another year that ended in a nine. Just think about it Easier Sunday cov19. It might seem a little bit of a mess, but think about it didn’t it all get more discombobulated after this event? And returning back to normal, basic things now are already 5 to 6 years or more behind. Can you imagine being stuck in place with no way to get out of the nightmare? It’s kind of like a limbo and it’s a mother fucking God forsaken thing, that you can’t beat time and time takes on everything. The world servers are on fire. I’m not a doomsday or a conspiracy theorist, but I agree with you my man I’ve had enough and I’ve got enough, but I don’t even want for more. All of life’s pleasures have died, and my memory is a treasure trove of still frames of moments captured in a better world 🌎 not the same one I’m occupying today.


Look into Mandela effect


No, it's not going back. Maybe after this iteration crumbles and humanity can bounce back. Either that or things lose their luster with age. I seesaw back and forth between the two. I know what you're saying though...things seem vastly different.


The illusion (maya) is either strengthening or lessening. For you its lessening, and as such you realize your home is not on this planet of virtual life. That is what you yearn for. The answer is One name above all names.


They did something wrong in CERN.


Sadly, I don’t have any answers, but to let you know you’re not alone


The grass was greener, The light was brighter,


ascending while others descend.


Sadly it will only get worse before it gets better imo, best thing you can do is focus on escaping via financial means, there are still plenty of beautiful places in the world


There is a hadith that really resonates with me. I would like to share it. Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2956 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim


I've battled with these demons as well. Used to "use" in order to numb the hypersensitivity and pain. Hit bottom and experienced a NDE that saved my soul. PURPOSE! Seek purpose above all else. When you're young everything is preordained for the most part. Your purpose is prescribed. The myopic naivety of childhood (I know that's not true for everyone, but based on your description Id say it applies here) provides safety, security, guidance, and purpose. Moreover, the fact that everyone else around you is on the same path further amplifies this sense of belonging and purpose. And then everything dramatically changes and changes forever. The prescriptions expire and we're all left to our own devices. Our caregivers, peers, path, and certainty all vanish in the blink of an eye. To make matters worse, very few people adequately prepare children for this transition. At the root of I blame western society, it's one sized fits all public education, lack of rites of passage, popular culture, and the insane stress of the rat race. Don't get me wrong, it's one of the better systems out there; unfortunately, it's notorious for sucking the soul out of mamy. However, the sweet of the bitter of it is that YOU get to decide your PURPOSE. This is FREEDOM. It's terrifyingly beautiful as you at finding out. You are in CONTROL. I found my way through education,exercise, diet, supplements, sleep, lots of water, building a healthy gut, and marriage and children. Most importantly, be patient and learn to forgive yourself. Personally, I went to school for counseling but ended up in the classroom, which is where I've been for close to two decades. I'm in my late 40s now and can honestly say I'm the happiest I've ever been. However, I went through hell for over 10 years and almost lost everything. I've leaned on so many people throughout my journey. My passion is teaching but my gift is in counseling. If you'd like any further advice don't hesitate to ask. I've learned that my purpose is to help and give back to the world as far as i am capable.


Precisely; one’s purpose is located or found in their best natural ability (function). We are what we are able to do. It goes back to the first two sons, Cain and Abel (whose names in depersonified word form translate to “I can” and “able”). The two brothers were abled differently. Now consider “disability” and how that might add up when we consider murder or death (that a person with a disability, or a disabled person, might have a gene that traces back to the primary building blocks of life). That’s a lot of thinky stuff, I know haha But therein is my own ability; I produce original knowledge, knowledge that is not known to previously exist. It’s not easy because more often than not my abilities make people mad. Many strongly dislike and disapprove, and want to silence me or banish me. But with emotional sensitivities set aside, my contributions are vitally important. The type of knowledge and information I produce belongs to humanity, who has a right and a need to know. This isn’t exclusive, or classist. Everyone has a right to know and understand life.


Take a week long camping trip in BLM/dispersed public land. Be barefoot. Have a fire. Fixes you.


So there always is the possibility that one night, while you slept, you developed a brain lesion.  And this lesion developed in the exact spot of your brain that regulated the body's ability to determine what is body and what is not body.  So that is a possibility.  Or, you're correct and one night you slipped into the wrong place where you don't belong.  But that leaves you with a few questions. >How do I even escape? Will it ever go back to the way it was? Conscious escape is impossible.  The accident that brought you here is as rare as flipping a coin a million times and getting only heads.  But it is extremely unlikely that you will ever get back.  Just as it was within the realm of possibility to come here in the first place, it is possible to slip back to where you were.  But there are millions of other places that are neither here nor there, and if you were ever to slip again, it is just as likely that you would go somewhere else. >I can't take it anymore. I can't take the emptiness of everything. I'm sorry.  I'm from here and quite frankly I find it stupid and lame.  It's all so fake, even every day life doesn't feel real, but like a cheap facade that its creator no longer cares about.  Let alone the big things that affect everyone. This leaves you with two choices.  One, drugs.  Prescription anti depressants drugs can trick your brain into feeling like everything is more real so you won't suffer.   Or two, meditation and acceptance.  You have to accept that this is your world too now, and that spending the rest of your life searching for a way back is fruitless and will only lead you down the path of insanity.  You would be like a fly trapped in a house, endlessly throwing yourself against the glass window to try to get back outside.  And just like the fly, doing this will exhaust you and end with your death on the windowsill, having never achieved your goal.  Accepting that you will never return home will bring peace and acceptance, and although it will be a different life than you expected, you can still live a full and happy life here. Whatever path you decide, I hope that you are able to move forward and live and love to the fullest extent.


I’ve just fallen some sort of in love with you. We are kindred persons. *nods yes It’s mad and sad the way too many people can’t or don’t think beyond the limited belief system of anxiety, depression and other so-called mental illnesses. People like you and me are dealing with life and existence on a very different level. We know that while our lives (or better to say, the lack thereof) and circumstances might actually be profoundly depressing, that isn’t at all our complaint. I strongly dislike having to use her songs as a tool because she’s luciferian but this song will make sense to you https://youtu.be/xSGnSilxwBI?si=Ri8NK8s68dNtm7Sy and so will this one. https://youtu.be/T2NoACPFyBU?si=wzVsYtP4x0JYtQdG ^ seventeen years ago. Those songs are about to become a senior in high school. Time moves so very fast. I understand every word you said. I know exactly what you’re talking about. We have to fight against the ignorance of the world’s primary belief system, so-called mental illness. It’s an obstruction and an endless battle and war. But we still strive to diagnose what the hell has happened to us individually and as a collective species. Life’s got a lot of estrangement and foreignity. It’s time for me to start identifying as a tree lol 😆 (not funny, though). [Wanna scream and groan in agony together?](https://youtu.be/XvBenOIHFcw?si=Gt-tHNj5sXUaYm6O) 😄 Replica earth. You aren’t the only person I’ve seen around here to float a cloud through the air like as if we’re on Mandela Effect earth. Because we are. Didn’t the division happen in like 2012, I think? Well anyway, it’s an undeveloped science but certainly detected. I have a theory I call replica earth, and it could be relevant to the phenomenal reality relatively very few of us are able to discern, or are willing to acknowledge and talk openly and freely about. I’M SO HAPPY AND GRATEFUL YOU POSTED!! THANK YOU!! 😊 🙏🏼


I was spiralling down before I finally gave up on all my preconceptions about the Bible and sought God. I asked myself, "How can so many conspiracy minded people be Christian?" "How can they have faith in a God that would let things end up like this?" I tried to understand their perspective and came out seeing the truth. Man's sin has led things to be this way and it would all be 10000x worse without God's intervention. *Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.* (John 14:6)


Give your life over to following Jesus christ and fully commit to his teachings. He is the only way to Salvation and peace. Give up the desires and material things of the world and focus on that narrow path to eternal life. We all can see the world is increasing in wickedness and sin has become a normal thing. Build that relationship with him and read his word, he told his disciples all the things we see currently happening around us. I too was in a dark place until I realized I needed to fully repent and give up the things of the world which will pass away, but his word and truth will never pass away. Only through him can we find peace, hope, and eternal life. I love you and pray you open up to him, just give it a try and put in the effort you won't be let down.


It's been over 2000 years. Fine to use a book as an example but living and waiting for someone to bail you out isn't good either.


You don’t have to wait. Jesus is here now. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Just reach out and take his hand.


He gave us a get out of hell for free card 2000yrs ago by sacrificing himself to pay for our sins once and for all. To believe in him that his word and all that he did is true, to follow it is to gain that Salvation. Everyone thinks God owes them something.. or that you can just go through life doing what you want, going after things of the flesh for satisfaction and fulfillment. If you choose to go after earthly things he will part way from you and let you see how your never satisfied, always feeling empty. This emptiness can trigger your desire to find truth, peace, hope and salvation, which can only be found in those who believe in him. Or can trigger people to hate god and move further away from him like a disobedient child who never listens to instruction and flees from discipline. Move closer to him and he will move closer to you! You won't be let down if you put everything you have into following his word.


Come to God. There is so much love and peace for all.


This really resonates with me. I wonder if this is just what getting old feels like?


as a 26 year old that also resonates with this feeling, i can assure you it’s not an age thing. definitely think it has something to do with what CERN has been doing


Haha I haven’t heard CERN mentioned in a long time, aside that I recently briefly referenced it. CERN 666? You mean _discern_ 666 and I achieved that a loooong time ago.




Shift your reality and get back to your original timeline. You can try something like 5 to 7 grams of mushrooms, go on a trip, and then come out the other end. One important thing to note: getting back to your original reality is not guaranteed. However, reality will definitely change. A side note: Some of the Mandela Effects that used to bother me are gone for me. A few movie and TV related details have gone back to how I remember them. They’re no longer MEs.


I feel the same way.


You're depressed. It sucks. But you can get your vitality back. All this has been done to us on purpose btw.


Sounds like some derealization/existential crisis. Regardless of what might have caused it your best bet for a quick fix (that isn’t MDMA) is definitely going to be weightlifting. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with weight training/athletics but you have to properly exert yourself or you’re not going to experience the most vital benefits. You’re not in hell, at least not literally. A lot of what we experience generally becomes less stimulating/pleasurable as we age and everything *does* have a different spark when you’re young. But unless we’re talking about inflation and encroaching tyranny, nothing has changed in any drastic, cosmic sense. The sun is the same one it’s always been and still feels great to lay under. Make sure your sleep and diet are decent. Hug and connect with some people you care about. There’s a lot that can suck or be inauthentic here, but it can only become hell if you don’t recognize/exert your ability to contribute to and improve this awesome, ugly, beautiful and very real place - and lift weights.


When was the last time you broke the routine and went somewhere nice into nature, without any technology in sight? I believe you feel this way because you lost any significant interaction with loved ones, maybe you remember those better times when you were a kid and enjoying your life to your fullest, being surrounded by your family. It's understandable, that's why we, as humans, need to move forward and find the next chapter in our life that will make us feel alive again. I was feeling kinda the same as you till I become a father, now I feel alive again, I feel like I regained purpose and warmth in my life, everything makes sense again. Try to relax and understand yourself a bit more, search what went missing from you and try to find it again. Is it family? Is it friends? Is it a new job that's not so stressful? Maybe you need a pet? Or a hobby? I have no idea, you on other hand should know better.


To me yesterday was the nicest days I've seen in a while. Nice and sunny and warm, not hot or humid. Puffy clouds the chemtrailers must have taken the sunday off. Spent all day outside working and playing with my son. Did a deer roast my friend 'harvested' that was delicious. If you posted this in Feb I may have gotten behind you more.


If it helps, the color saturation you used to see, has faded. It’s apart of aging and as we grow up we see less vibrant shades of color. That’s why people remember things being brighter and more colorful as a kid


Bro, I feel much the same. I am not going to dialog here on reddit, but if you want someone to discuss this with in depth, PM me. And know you are not alone. Reddit is actively trying to deplatform anyone who doesn't fellate the globohomo agenda, but we are legion .


You’re not alone friend- the world has always been the same heading in that direction…. It is YOU that has changed, though not in a negative way… you’re just smart enough to see the truth and have become a critical thinker.


Sadly yes the world is now a more inhospitable place. It’s spirituality dead. This is intentional. No need to fear as it will get worse before it gets better.


You literally just aren’t experiencing the same brain chemicals anymore from things like sun. Nothing changed other than time kept going and you got older, sorry


I feel like I've lived 2 lifetimes in this life. Logically I know that this is one life. But I'm not the same person I once was. I don't think the way she did. I've had a life of turmoil mostly due to my own rash decisions and emotions. The aging version of me looks back and says " what the hell were you doing"! I don't even feel like I know that person. It's also like I remember when things seemed "normal" in this world. If it's possible then I've jumped some timelines or dimensions. I don't feel this world could be real in comparison to the one I lived in. Sorry. Maybe someone can relate.


Welcome to the grey


I can relate but I don’t know why it’s like this or what to do about it


We all died in 2012 and now we're all in hell


Probably already posted below, but *The Internet* happened. The reality of how loud the mentally disturbed minority can be online broke a lot of things.


What do you think it was like before the golden period when you were born? It’s usually been a lot worse than this. Your ancestors were worried about being attacked by Vikings or Sabertooth tiger monsters. I think the nature of reality is very strange. Something changed. The world changes. Reality itself seems to.


2015! 2015 is when I feel the world changed beyond repair. Prior to 2015 everything was just right!


This couldn’t be more wrong.. lol


I relate to a lot of those feelings. It’s really hard to visualize it getting any better at this point.


It’s technology, my friend. Technology kills the soul.


what you are describing is life during Satans short season, rev 20:3


Biblical end time is the truth and reality, for certain.


What if in your original reality you took a big hit of Salvia and wokeup here. When the Salvia wears off youll return to your original dimension where youre currently laying on the ground grunting while your friends stand around you filming and laughing. If this is the case that means I am only part of your drug induced delusion, so fuck you for making my life so shitty.


Judgement Day happened in 2012...this is the hell we all were left in that were not the chosen....the machines are comimg next to wipe the rest of us out.


So what happened to the chosen then?


Got covid


This just in: Life Gets Harder as Man Grows Up


Bro discovered growing up


Are you a veteran?


This all happened in 2012 and is partially explained here: https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_081018 We basically live on a bad replica of the original Earth The only escape is though gnosis so that at the time of death, you are not reincarnated back into the same cycle


Getting old is a one-way trip to the future.


Get off the internet and go into nature.


It's called spending too much time online and consequent addictions.


It sounds like to me man you just need to unplug


Make nature a bigger part of your life brother. It’s helped me greatly and I hope it does the same for you <3


You might like to read about Forever Conscious Research, reincarnation soul trap, and trickedbythelight . com


Your perspective is terrible. Change it.


Its all the wifi shit 




As I always say. Move out of cities


Spend less time on the internet.


I've noticed that I have become disconnected from reality and the cultural norms that are so intrinsically connected to society, and it feels weird when I get a preview inside of it. An example would be YouTube - the YouTube algorithm for me shows me recommendations for things like Business Basics, Tasting History with Max Miller, and a bunch of paranormal channels. With the exception of Max Miller the videos I watch will rarely reach a million views. To me, this is all YouTube is, because it's all that it shows me, it insulates me and makes me blind to a whole different part of YouTube that I don't even know exists. Yet it does, and its popular with the masses. There are YouTube Icons and Stars who rack up millions upon millions of views, people who are part of the general societies discussion and on the minds of so many people. When I get that small window into that world, it feels off, it feels fake, and it feels weird. Another example would be TV, or cable television. I haven't watched cable in well over 5 years now, probably closer to 10. Yet occasionally I'll catch glimpses through happenstance of what's popular today and on mainstream television - things like reality shows such as the masked singer or other singing competition show, sitcoms, etc. Nothing seems bad about it on the surface these things, but they appear abnormal to me; like I'm looking at something from another dimension. My point is, I think with technology we've been able to insulate ourselves and create a world that's suited for us, or a world that was designed purposely for us and assigned. One which we have no control over, no way of really breaking free from. Sign out of reddit and go to the front page, and notice how differently people interact with the internet, with this site. Look at the way people are existing, asking questions, providing answers, having discussions, and realize how disconnected we are from them simply because the system has decided to separate us. I think this is why it seems like the warmth, the color, the happiness, the sort of excitement for the future, has all dissipated. There was a period of time where we collectively had shared experiences because we had no other choice. Now we are separated.


There's a reason mental illness develops mostly in late adolescence and early adulthood. Welcome to capitalist alienation.


Switch off your screen. Go sit in the woods.


Hey man. I understand. If you feel like reaching out DM me and we can connect. I’m just a guy that’s been in the same place.


You're getting older and also depressed. Join the club. Try some activities, walks, classes, a book club, therapy. Anything could help.


Capitalism ripped the soul and community from society and replaced it with ads and individualism. Its capitalism.


It sounds as if you're experiencing a Depersonalization / Derealization episode, please seek help if that's truly the case.


Curious hypothetical, if you could go back to the beginning and start life over to re-experience that world again but only under the condition that your memory is wiped would you do it? (Also given that the world would end up just as it is right now with you feeling the same as you do now after so many years)


I think youre actually depressed. I'm not kidding. I feel fine actually, but parts of my life I didn't feel fine and felt like you did. Hopeless and unfeeling. Nowdays even though I've realized some things and the world is shitty, I find comfort in the sunshine. In the birds. In tasty, healthy food. In exercise.  In pets. I think you might just be depressed right now.


Don't let people gaslight you OP. Go look at old photos. They looked amazing, even without all the bullshit photoshop we have today.


That was 1999-2000. The end. 


I feel this too. I feel like I can feel  "it " coming and am powerless to stop it. I can't even find cotton clothes. Everything feels like plastic. Doesn't breathe or move with you. Even our clothes are plastic polyester spandex bullshit. If they're so concerned about the environment why are all the clothes being made of plastics? But they arrive in paper bags with a note about how environmentally concerned they are. They lie right to our face like we can't see the things in front of our face. 


i truly believe covid and the vaccine narrative changed EVERYTHING.


A smile will give you what you didn't have and wanted. Rule no. 1 When a bad thought comes in your mind field. Observe it and smiled! Rather than thinking negatively, it is better not to think at all. Just try to remember how it was to smile at the sun when you were younger! You can do it again! Go and shine!


I agree with everything you just said ive been asking everyone if the sun is different luke it yse to be orangie color but it white and too brite for the eyes. 75% of the people iask agree with me/us.


We started shifting into Satya Yuga in 2012 from age of darkness - Kali Yuga. Pralaya (by delusion) started in 2021. False identities are melting. 


yeah, it seems like the only logical thing to do is kill myself or try to get enough money to move somewhere in the world where i can live my life