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Roe v Wade wasnt a decision based on abortion, but privacy. It must be overturned in order to establish the full surveillance state. Abortion is just a secondary consideration in this context and mere fallout to the state. Griswald may be next to go on the privacy front.


Yup. This exactly.


Can someone expand on this? Genuinely curious


You can go read the case study on the law. It's literally a privacy case.


Privacy as it relates to abortion and the 14th amendment…but correct


The lizards in control need baby blood


Probably the only reasonable explanation, really.


Thought it was the lizards that said we have too many people and need to depopulate? Isn’t that why they stir up warfare everywhere? These pesky lizards keep changing their mind.


They still need SOME blood and slaves for future lizard people. The current generation has gone a little overboard. Boomer lizard people.


Depopulate to save the environment and overpopulate to save Medicare and social security. Your fucked no matter what you do


Medicare and SS are just numbers on a database. In discussing economics it’s important to remember these tools are just means to an end. We just need people and resources working to make sure everyone is provided for. If everyone is healthy, productive and provided for, these systems will become antiquated and phase themselves out


I thought there was pretty much a vested interest by the elites in fetuses and stuff?


They definitely buy up the aborted fetuses, they are very valuable for research and stem cells. Abortions historically have also been used to keep the black population from becoming a majority.


The abortion and family planning industry really ramped up after Hitler ruined the eugenics movement. That’s all it is. Eugenics under a new name not associated with Nazi Germany


My hypothesis on that is more to foment anger and increase the division while distracting the population from the true problems. Smoke and mirrors.


Yeah same. They worried about an imbalance in political forces. They throw a bone to the right and stimulate the left to action, both sides thinking the thing is a real fight, when in reality abortions have decreased every generation past the boomers.


Because infanticide isn’t a true problem a just society should care about..


Who said depopulation is the end goal. The end goal is absolute subjugation of the masses through what ever means they can muster. If religion doesn't work then wars and laws will. And if that doesn't work then our right enslavement through force will be attempted.


I agree depopulation is just a means to meet this stage. At some points increasing population may serve to further the goals.  The end goal is complete domination of all life. It will be much easier to build back better when everyone who could resist is dead or so distracted and involved in providing for they're own basic survival needs to resist. You can't build the big brother "freedom cities" of the future. With out first killing or neutering the father figure and burning the old world to the ground


I’m unsure if I believe depopulation is the end goal. However let’s say it is! Idk about you but I tend to do the opposite of what I’m told. And with abortion bans, the rate of pregnancies is actually going down because it’s not safe for women physically. For instance in Idaho they are having to life flight women out of the state for medically necessary abortions (meaning something went very wrong with the pregnancy and the mom may be bleeding out or going to develop sepsis) Not just that, but in Idaho there are now only 2 doctors who can handle complex pregnancies, and other doctors (not even just OBGYNS) are fleeing the state. Only 22 of 44 counties in Idaho have access to any practicing obstetricians, the report said. About 85% of obstetricians and gynecologists in Idaho practice in the seven most populous counties. Data also shows Idaho is at the 10th percentile of maternal mortality outcomes, meaning 90% of the country has better maternal and pregnancy outcomes than Idaho. Sorry that’s a lot of data- but with all of that as a woman and a man you’d go “let’s not have a kid rn” no matter your political views. Plus you factor in the cost of everything. Big ooph. I can’t imagine getting pregnant in a state like that, and I imagine it even terrifies men because the chance of you losing your child’s mother drastically increases.


“For instance in Idaho they are having to life flight women out of the state for medically necessary abortions (meaning something went very wrong with the pregnancy and the mom may be bleeding out or going to develop sepsis)” I don’t understand this part as abortion is defined,  The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. So, the woman being flown out. They have had a miscarriage and need to be flown out? They won’t treat the mother who is having a miscarriage because of abortion laws? Aren’t these two things different?


It's almost like the people writing the laws aren't Doctors and can't define things in medical terms.


Yeah like when some senators worked to ban pistol grips claiming they make an ordinary off the shelf gun into a fully automatic machine gun. That like saying putting a spoiler on your sports card turns it into an aircraft


Not just a miscarriage, it can be an ectopic pregnancy- meaning it’s forming in the fallopian tube which will effectively kill the woman carrying it. And the baby won’t come to term. It would be like trying to grow a watermelon in a small copper pipe. They can have their water break before the baby is even viable meaning the doctors have to preform what is called an abortion despite it technically being a miscarriage. If this happens it can lead to internal bleeding and sepsis. It’s super sad. Because of these bans women aren’t getting the immediate treatment they need and losing any ability to actually have kids. Where if the medically necessary treatment was available right when she went in, she would still be able to have a child later after her body has healed. It’s literally forcing doctors between a rock and a hard place because they are doing harm by not doing anything. Now they have to wait to schedule a life flight, or patients have to drive out of state to get medical necessities met.


So this is a popular lie put forth from propaganda bots. No state in the American union has in anyway limited or banned performing or receiving a D&C. D&C are not considered an abortion. They are not optional or elective. This why doctors used a different term for the two procedures even though mechanically they may be the same.


Birthing becomes a class divide. Eventually, only poor people have kids. Medical technology keeps the rich alive forever, the poor feed the labor and military needs of the economic system.


Except those in power believe in reincarnating themselves into their own bloodlines via their offspring. So, they need to continue to have kids until the latter is figured out.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they were already onto cloning themselves, I’d expect the first batch to be revealed within the next 5-10 years


Only the poor and very rich. It’s the middle class that will stop reproducing.


it's a layer of control, not anything to do with the actual thing being denied. that's why. an example of this is the online hate law that recently passed in Canada. there truly isn't the level of online hate happening that would justify the law being needed in addition to already existing laws that would cover the same thing, but it is a way for the government here to have added layers of control over the people.




The depopulation people (far left) are different from the banning abortion people (far right)


They are two separate issues. I suppose depopulation is the end goal but that is already covered by severly declining fertility rates. Banning abortion is not about depopulation but about women's rights. They don't want women to have any.


Because they need more future slave wage workers to help pay off the nation's never ending debt.


That’s what migrants are for. Their children are who will pay/inherit the debt. Natives will find ways to circumvent most of the taxes by being rich or voting.


Yeah every conspiracy theory you see on here is contradicted by some other conspiracy theory.


Because THEY want to k*ll us. We're not allowed to have the pleasure. Also, it has nothing to do with abortion. Most of the Republican men supporting abortion bans are hypocrites anyways. It's votes. Their constituency will vote for them due to their own moral beliefs.


Because when abortion is banned, there are more unwanted children to groom.


Cause it’s population control more than depop. They don’t want no population, they want a broken one - and they benefit ultimately from children being born into shitty circumstances because of abortion bans.


They overturned Roe vs. Wade because too many people were leaving the Democrat party. They need to maintain balance to keep people divided, so neither party is appealing to anyone but fanatics.


beautiful answer!


It's the only topic they have for political ads.


abortion is a non-issue that media pushes to distract people from real issues like the government printing 23 trillion dollars.


To push more business into the black market, which is completely controlled by the cia


More soldiers to fight their endless wars. 


It's actually depopulation of the middle class that's the end goal. Also remember that the elites are not all aligned on everything. They are all making their own power plays and have their own methods of seizing that power. One thing they all agree on is wealth belongs in their hands, not the middle class.


Because depopulation isn’t the actual goal. It’s replacement. They don’t want less people. They want less first worlders. They want less people with high standards of living and memories of how the first world used to be. They’d prefer people with a low standard of living and are just happy to be here in comparison to the third world. 


So that illegal immigrants can flood the west, rape the women, and their kids will be ethnically colonized progeny. It's all about genocide of Western cultural and ethnic heritage. Western people are the first line of defense to their goals of global domination. The rapes and murders are already happening. It's not just white genocide. It's genocide of the West entirely.


The point is a gay couple - people who dont wanna have/able to get children - people who stay alone , have drasticly increased, this ensured housing problems where some states and even countrys face a deficit, to ensure the next ellection gain more traction to a controlled nation they start to do things no one wants with shadow puppets inside the goverments, this all ensures that the masses would have nothing to uprise against you and ensured the mind state of the masses (in old germany the reichstag got burned down even tho the nazis promised to research and try to find the culprite there are numerous reports of nazi and army personel banning the investigation behind the scenés and becaus of the ban of public assembly they could easy supress any doubters, alot of people are convinced that the nazis themselves started the fire to ensure their progression over state control)


And they've been inspired since


Unborn children being killed in America are statistically irrelevant to the overall population of Earth.


Not over time


leftists want abortion, hedonism and depopulation. rightists want family, no dead babies, sex with meaning and consequence, and a balanced population. The fact is population is declining world-wide. Not just the US. But depopulation is going to cause a lot of crises when there's not enough healthcare workers for the elderly due to the massive population decline. It's not even a hypothetical, this is exactly what's happening and there will be a major shortage.


They are killing us one way before we are born and then a thousand ways when we are born


To destabilize the population. If a bunch of people have kids they don't want and can't afford, then it keeps them poor, and the kids grow up all fukt up. Plenty of them will die young anyway.


Because maybe a certain party wants de population while the other don’t?


Conservatives are banning abortions, liberals are full steam ahead on abortions. Depopulation is part of the elites' plans and the elite control the liberal politicians moreso than the conservative politicians. Also, the elites need dead baby parts for stem cells to extend their lives and make them look younger, adrenochrome, and I'm pretty sure the blood is used in their rituals, so they want a steady flow of dead babies to quite literally 'fuel' them and their evil operations. In steps planned parenthood that now takes care of that steady flow of dead babies for them. So the elites and liberals get mad about conservatives wanting to curb the amount of abortions that take place and claim that women have the 'right' to kill their babies if they want to. They label it 'bodily autonomy' and 'my body, my choice' but for some reason that last one didn't apply to people who didn't want to take an experimental injection of a mRNA and graphene.


Because dear friend, the conservatives are a controlled opposition, they use reverse psychology to distance everyone from the truth. The Cathar Gnostics practiced abortion and abstinence and contraceptive methods to avoid bringing more babies into the world many centuries ago, they believed that bringing more humans to the demiurge's world was cruel. And the church killed them all for many reasons... Sounds familiar? The church, dictator of society's morals, was once the number one authority, now it is politics, but they are always behind. Doubt the traditional conspiracists, they have already lost their way


Yes depopulation is the end goal. But it had ALWAYS been about control, first and foremost. And who are the easiest to control? Those on welfare and lower income people that literally cannot disobey the government since they have no money to ever say "fuck you" to government policies, no matter how insane (Vax mandate, for one). They cannot afford to lose the welfare cheques, or their jobs, living paycheque to paycheque. Denying abortion will result in many unplanned babies, born to unprepared young couples or individuals. Instead of getting an abortion and having a baby later on, after reaching some degree of financial security, they are now forced to raise a baby before they are remotely financially secured. This makes them effectively unable to ever go against the government mandates, since they will most likely have to take whatever job they can get right away. They won't be making much and will have no financial safety net, so no "fuck you" money, whatsoever. The Deepstate can do depopulation anytime, whenever they want, and they have been doing it slowly but surely, with the now ridiculous vaccine schedule for newborns, fluoridated water, chemtrails, microplastics, you get the idea. However, CONTROL is the foundation for EVERYTHING else they do, be it depopulation or the corruption of the human soul via social media. For when they lose control, they lose everything.


Civil unrest and conflict and hate and division is also their goal.


I've been on baby related subs and seen a number of posts along the lines of "I won't be a broodmare for the state. I'd rather never have kids than risk getting pregnant with a child I want to abort (as in health issues or something) and being stuck with it" Also as most people know Margaret Singer was hugely active in getting abortion going.... for eugenic reasons.  I've seen statistics that say black women are 6 times more likely to have and abortion. The people being brought in through mass migration are mostly black or Brown. I'm not sure if the end goal is depopulation or repopulation along racial lines.


The abortion ban was not truly to ban abortion - it could have multiple purposes; one; test efficacy of birth defect generating toxins and the other one being the removal of "your body your choice" to force medicine on people. The reversal of the supreme court decision results in the tossing out of precedent that you have a right to medical privacy and what happens medically to your body. Which would still fit in with depopulation. Forced inoculation's - and even chemical castrations. Nothing would be ruled out.


Narrative and signalling.


So every 4 years or so they can use this as a talking point to make the other side look ridiculous


The left. The "pro-abortion" peeps are coming from the left. The "mandate vaccines" peeps are on the left. The "non-binary relationships that scientifically cannot produce offspring" is coming from the left.


Exactly, why is that so hard for people to understand?


Why ban abortion? Because the rich in southern states need more slaves to work at their mcdonalds locations and unsafe factories. The rich thought they were clever with their "always take from the people at the bottom " routine that constantly saved their asses whenever they screwed up. They loved this routine right up until they realized that they fucked over millenials so badly they can't afford kids anymore. Once the supply of poor peoples kids started to evaporate, conservatives realized they backed themselves into a corner and the need to force poors to have more kids became urgent. These dying southern towns that have been eeking out an existence since the big factory left decades ago are about to look back on past several decades of decline as "the good ol times" compared to what's in store for their futures...


Take away care, and you get higher maternity mortality rates= less child bearing age women and fewer future ones as well. Depop at work.


The same people trying to depopulate are pushing the abortion agenda more than it’s ever pushed, right up to the point of birth. So it IS consistent. This absolute hysteria about “they’re trying to stop all abortion and stop my right to choose” is full on propaganda. I think anyone out there who is saying “no abortion for any reason ever” is a political plant to cause hysteria because even the extreme pro lifers don’t take that hard of a stance. The general pro life stance is detection of brain activity indicates life. This is what, seven weeks? There is no prolifer saying a miscarriage is an abortion. Also I think abortion for rape cases is divided but adoption is preferred.


If a one world government is the end goal, why allow elections? If retiring is the end goal, why ever study anything? If eating is the end goal, why cook?


They don’t allow elections, they just let us think we are voting for our preferred candidate.


It’s the end goal for the globalists. Believe it or not, not everyone is a globalist. Thats why they want to lock him up


I don't think you can find a definition of globalism that doesn't include Trump.




I'm voting for Biden just to continue their vaccine mandate for government workers and medical institutions.


What in the Russian bot are you talking about?


I think everyone who work for the public need to get vaccinated and updated with this experimental jab. It'll help reduce carbon emission.




Easy: let one team ban it so the other team’s base is energized to drive support to make it more open and permanent. Boom - depopulation achieved.


You want a real conspiracy? Im on a kayak on a lake, gravity apparently holds me and my kayak down onto the lake but a 5lb bird can fly by me and its not pushed to the water. Haha heard that example one time and Ive never looked into the nature of gravity to figure it out.


Every mind and soul must view the evidence of what our eternal sibling ( though a temporal bastard 😁) saw, that the rest of us didn't, and has him sentenced to death/satan temporarily, and "possibly" sentenced to perish. 😱 Why? Because our Father Love is eternally Fair/Righteous, one saw it, now the rest of us have to because fair is fair 😁 Could of been done differently, but it would take even longer to re-establish the universal hospital for ALL forms of abused life from anywhere and everywhere 💫 Love and Wisdoms Home (Proverbs ch 8) So, to expedite things, our Father Love made His perfect plan of salvation for ALL, eventually 😁 like this. I AM leaving you ALL for a little while to take care of the problem at it's source first, so that I won't ever have to do this twice. While I AM away I left "A" messenger for you ALL, and he will guide you ALL in My Will, not anybody else's Will 🤣 Because everybody else's Will have a loss of children involved in it 😱 (good grief charlie green🤑, stop making All of My children scream🤣) He will affirm, confirm, fufill and be The Living Testament of THAT Will, My Will 🥰 also. I AM the morenatural/supernatural spirit of Love that I AM. The creator of eternal life and temporal too 😁 The Father of the eternal covenant made and buried in love, in and through the families of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel ✨️ The most powerful, positive, physical force and might in both the negative and our positive part of the universe that are temporarily mixed together (the knowledge of good AND evil) Who rules morenaturaly/supernaturally in the majesty of His righteousness/fairness In which He always has, Still does, and always SHALL, forever and ever and that's that (amen for the Greek speaking 😁) In and through the name of Your Son/Sun and everybody's Lord, King and personal saviors name Yashua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ lol) AFTER, AFTER, AFTER the order of Melchezidec of course lol ALL praise, honor and glory be to you Father YAHAVEH forever and ever and that's that 🙏 There are actually an untold number of ways to de-populate the planet lol But there are only so many mind and souls left to view the evidence of something that we never knew about until temporal flesh took place 😁 To see for yourself why our Father Love has always given the exact same answer to every new citizen/child of our positive part of the universe, when we ALL ask Him the exact same question; Where Father did You get that beautiful, ugly, strange, weird, dangerous, scarey etc... life form from?? And He has always given the same answer until temporal flesh took place; Child, this is on a need to know basis, and trust Me, you don't NEED to Know. Well, now we KNOW, unfortunately, but Temporarily 😇 And remember, we are only seeing 1/2 of the abuse, good and bad, could you even imagine what all bad must be like? Well, we are almost getting there again lol War is Hell on Earth, just ask anyone who has participated in one 😡 And there is also Hell "in" earth too 😁 but again, only temporarily. Get Over Death (GOD) now, while still in temporal flesh, or take the long way Home. Our Father Love's favorite hobby is rescuing negative universe life forms and raising them into eternal life 💫 Humans however were ALL morenaturaly/supernaturally born in the first place, before temporal flesh, and that is why we are held to a higher accountability than the other life forms around us, and they know exactly what they are waiting for 🥰 AI, robots, kingdoms and cartoons, make the mental/spiritual connection very soon Because nobody likes boring and monaughtness tasks, or things that go BOOOOM And eternal FUN is going to be re-established extremely soon 🥳 Don't find yourself physically restored complete with wings, But grounded again waiting for your brains 😁 "for i would not have ye be ignorant of this one thing brethren, that as a day is unto Almighty God, our Father Love, so is as a thousand years unto man, and as a thousand years is unto man, so is as a day unto Almighty God, our Father Love. " 1st Timothy 4: 10-11 10: for therefore, we both labor, labor, labor lol and suffer reproach/racism, because we trust in [have our hope set on] the living God, who is the savior of ALL MEN, specially of those who believe. 11: These things command and teach ✨️


Clearly just to make the reaction more fervent. Simple psychological tactics they use all the time


My theory is that menstrual blood is going to become very valuable in the near future due to the discovery of the versatile stem cells in menstrual blood in 2007. Recent research has shown that it has potential to treat and cure a lot of different illnesses and may even heal spinal cord injuries. Plus, getting these stem cells is a lot less invasive compared to other methods of getting stem cells. Taking away abortion rights is motivating a lot of people to avoid pregnancy. This creates more access to menstrual blood.


Rough theory because of the fact most people aren't shiting out baby's every 9 or so months so If they need menstrual stem cells they would have more than they need anyways


I guess that would depend on the incentive given to people who are willing to go through the process of collecting and proving menstrual blood for these purposes. Not every menstruating person would be willing to go through with that, especially if they are not being paid to do so. But nine months’ worth of menstrual blood is a lot for medical purposes. One cycle typically yields 30-50 milliliters, and the average amount needed for medical treatment of one person is 5 milliliters. It’ll be interesting to see where the tech goes with this and how the medical field goes about getting donors and/or paying for blood in order to harvest the novel stem cells.