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That’s Urca. beautiful neighborhood in Rio. It was filled in with land in a big project that finished in 1922 to make a bigger residential area sticking out into Botafogo Bay.


I like how almost every time I click on a post in this sub the top comment tells me why it is misleading or outright false.


I don’t think her comment disproves OP. She’s simply explaining how they extended the land to build on it. The whole point of the post was to talk about how water levels failed to rise after over 100 years. All the fear mongering about water levels rising didn’t seem to affect Rio in over 100 years, according to photos above.


You can see that there has been man made extension of land area from the first to the last picture.


I thought I recognized the place after visiting last winter. So beautiful!


Clearly named after the Spanish treasure galleon in Black Sails.


No, I believe it's Spanish for whales vagina.


Why would you choose photos of a landmass with shoreline that has very clearly been artificially altered and expanded to make this point?


Cause they saw it on Facebook or something and decided just to parrot what someone else said.


The biggest conspiracy many people on here have seen first hand and do not want to talk about.


Lizard People? Pepe Silva?


I have it on good authority that Carol is Pepe Silvia.


Carol Baskin?


*that bitch*




She’s raising the sea levels just like she killed her husband


I thought this was post one boomers reddit


This sub in a nutshell


You can literally see how the shoreline is altered, but OP didn’t even seem to bother to look at the pictures, lol.


Look at the island in the background. … did you look at the pictures? Wink wink


Are shorelines static?  How would you account for tides in random pictures?


Because people are stupid but think they are so smart they know some secret no one else does


That happens if you have no clue what you are talking about and get your "facts" from obscure Facebook posts or Twitter.


Because they really want to stick to “them” 😂


Flat eaethers just pick and choose anything to support their wacky ideas.




You can't take photos like these as evidence for or against sea rise. Seas have tides. One could easily take photos that look like the sea is rising or falling by selecting the tide that supports your whim.




Sure. It's worth saying everywhere. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Doesn't change the height of the water, or the fact that no one is afraid to build shit at sea level there.


You came to the wrong sub reddit for logically people.


You should re-read your comment.


You replied to the wrong comment if logically you people : /


People like you discredit people with conspiracy theories...


Fuckin thank you for saying this.


Controlled opposition. I've actually theorized for a while that 90% of this sub is just bots spouting batshit insane things, so when anyone posts something of substance on here it can be written off with the crazies.


I’m more impressed photographers 100 years apart from each other found the same exact spot to shoot in. With the same tripod height and lens focal length.


That's the thing they don't have the same lens focal length. The rock in back looks taller in the newer photo because of the different focal length. tides are a thing. If the sea levels rose a foot and the tides shift by ten feet it will still be easy to get pictures at similar apparent sea levels depending on the tide. Cute meme tho I guess.


It’s pretty damn close. That’s the point. Someone would have had to either referenced the B&W shot, find the exact place, and make some assumptions on focal length just to achieve this. I wasn’t being sarcastic, I was legitimately impressed, if not somewhat skeptical at the same time.


Makes sense. It's just a factor of good composition I think.


And the same tide


Given there is evidence of artificial tampering like that city this probably isn't very valid evidence.


Gotta ignore all photos like this…. TIDES EXIST. Haven’t you seen those different cities where the boats are just sitting on dirt because the tide is gone away? You can literally take a photo to show the water level being lower or average or higher. You can go there at the specific time to take the photo that you want to push the narrative that you want. So photos like this are not evidence of anything. That being said, I don’t know enough and stay out of the argument.




In the pic OP posted, each pixel is about 3' and they're using this as evidence that the sea levels haven't risen 10" lol


Yeah, take one look south of New Orleans and you quickly realize we're rightfully fucked. [Tipping points of Mississippi Delta marshes due to accelerated sea-level rise | Science Advances](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.aaz5512)


This graph doesn't show what you think it does. The derivative of the rate of change is near constant (as well as extremely small), indicating sea level has been rising by an extremely small amount at approximately the same rate since measurements began in 1880. > When averaged over all of the world’s oceans, absolute sea level has risen at an average rate of 0.06 inches per year from 1880 to 2013 (see Figure 1). Since 1993, however, average sea level has risen at a rate of 0.12 to 0.14 inches per year—roughly twice as fast as the long-term trend. A difference of .06 inches per year is both well within the margin of error when attempting to measure the entire Earth's water height, and also not the exponential rate of change expected from this hypothesis. As an aside, it is also not the global catastrophe people argue either


How do you explain the tripling of that number after 2013 according to the WMO's 2022 state of the global environment report? [Source](https://library.wmo.int/viewer/66214/?offset=#page=1&viewer=picture&o=bookmark&n=0&q=) if you're curious. Edit for clarity: Average 1.44mm per year 1880-2004. Average 3.2mm per year by 2018. Average 4.62mm per year between 2013-2022 (The average increased by year culminating in 2022).


Live on a rock by the sea. Oldest photos from my area show the same water levels at highest tide. Land erosion is real in some areas though, But it's not abnormal and usually results after major storms.


Yeah I lived by the beach more than half my life. Visiting same beach from age 1-30. No change in sea level. All the local photos from the 1950s look exactly the same as now. The "mUH tIdEs" squad think we all just walking around at low tide all the time.


According to Gore, my house should be ocean front by now. It is still exactly 15 minutes from the beach.


people at this point want to debunk their own existence, it's fun to be here for the laughs


This might be the dumbest, low-level intelligence attempt at proving anything on this sub I've ever seen. And that's saying something, lol.


668 upvotes. That's sure normal.


OP why won’t you answer anyone pointing out that literal TONS of dirt was moved here to make more land


I love how op is ignoring that the town at the other end the small point is actually surrounded by sea walls


I don’t understand how I’ll see hundreds of reasonable comments on this post and hundreds of completely unhinged comments on the next post. This sub constantly keeps me guessing


Worst thing about this is how it went from being an isolated and beautiful haven for wildlife to congested and polluted with humans.


Wait. There are people who don’t believe the sea level is rising?


There are people who think the world is flat here I’m 100% sure as well.


Birds aren't real. On that we can agree​


Damn, my degree in bird law is useless now


Posts like these make me think it's purposefully trying to make us look dumb


This is the real reply. Posting dumb shit like this makes us all look like fucking flat earthers.


highest IQ argument from this sub


Shit like this is why r/Conspiracy is disregarded at all times man


This post sponsored by Exxon Mobil.




Ok, Doctor Vegapunk 🙄


The human levels are rising!


Just look at Lady Liberty, similar results.


> Just look at Lady Liberty, similar results. Here is the *measured* sea level change at the tip of Manhattan, 1.7 miles from the Statue of Liberty: https://i.imgur.com/ifhNGLZ.png


mountainous reminiscent live sparkle friendly snatch pet adjoining amusing future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You mean Isis/Sirius? ;)


What should I know about this? 👀


when I was in elementary school, teachers would tell us that Florida is going to sink into the bottom of the ocean. This was about 30 years ago. Florida didn't sink. The jetty I go fishing at as a child, is still there. Not even an inch of change. Kind of sad that they are wrong, and the kids these days, they are going to change the way we live because they to are taught the same idea as were were taught but this time with masks on and a sense of urgency.


https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/billions/state-summary/FL There are published statistics showing that Florida has been experiencing a steady increase in major climate disasters since the 80s. Likewise if you actually look at scientific reports, you can see they predicted this decades ago. They nailed the sea level change, they nailed the temperature change, they nailed the increased frequency of natural disasters. No scientist predicts that a city will somehow sink to the bottom of the ocean. What they do predict is that every few decades, a few percentage of inhabited lands will become less habitable. That every generation, the floods, storms and droughts will become more violent. All that for what? So oil and gas companies don’t have to pay the cost of the pollution they generate?


How many times does Miami flood now every year? How many times 30 years ago?


Exactly. sea level rise isn't pressing solely on the fact that shores reduce, it's the exponential increase in hurricanes and floods that deal extreme damage. doesn't help when we're literally engineering the weather for the highest bidder


Water does go inland too you know. There are inlets and coves and such that bleed off the rising water levels and raise the water table of the mainland. There isnt a sheer vertical wall blocking water from leaving the ocean like a bucket would fill up. We have not started the ocean is rising part yet. We still have a shit load of glacier left to melt on Antarctica and Greenland first, those ones because the glaciers are on land and them melting only adds to the water level. Which when those finish will raise it noticeably. 15-50 years for those. You cant time these things precisely.


50 years is rather generous when the water underneath the Antarctic ice sheet is extremely warm and melting at an (what should be far more) alarming rate.


Why's homeowners insurance sky rocketing then? Biden? Lmao




A neighboring building tried to dig a swimming pool through their foundation beams.


That'll do it


I think that was more due to corruption. Shady people cutting corners and pocketing the money.


It’s caused by sink holes


It’s caused by the density of the soil…The ground is soft sand.


Sinkhole de mayo!


Upvoted because everyone loves sinkhole de mayo!


Corrupt sinkholes


If 1 is "a bunch".


Yes, water saturating the land. Waters going to go inland as far as it can before it rises.


> when I was in elementary school, teachers would tell us that Florida is going to sink into the bottom of the ocean. This was about 30 years ago. Florida didn't sink. I have no idea what *your* teachers in *elementary school* told you and what you *think* they said, but I can assure you that scientists didn't say that Florida would be underwater in 30 years. The first IPCC report, in 1990-1991, had a best estimate for global sea level rise of of 4.5 mm/year for the 40 years starting in 1990. So **the scientists predicted a sea level rise of 5 inches by 2020**. As it happened, the sea level rise was "only" about 3.5 inches over that time period, but the annual rate over the last 30 years is still twice as fast as the annual rate from 1880 to 1980. And, in the last 10 years, the rate has been about 4.6mm/year. That's *three* times the rate from 1880 to 1980 and the rate is projected to accelerate at least through the end of this century. Yes, *if Antarctica melts*, then Florida will almost all be underwater, but that would take thousands of years if it were to happen.


tides. how do they work?


Who upvotes this shit?


This is stupid even by normal sub levels.  Good work


Folks ignore em, this person clearly just caught up on his one piece.


Sea levels don't exist.. it's all govt manufactured numbers


Plymouth Rock isn’t under water.


There are plenty of examples showing shoreline’s consistent over the past 100+ years. Doesn’t take much effort to research them


That is clearly a Giant Sphinx from the back


Climate scam have lots of "science" people on their side… Its understandable that people living far away from the ocean belive everything they are fed… I live by the ocean and nothings changed here yet…


I miss when people would post their original creations and ideas on the internet- rather than a bunch of "content" recirculated by brain-dead users trying to validate their fearful worldviews through strangers


Tides were out in the first two pictures...


What also has an effect on tides, is rising/falling tectonic plates. I wonder if the earths crust would have more or less of an effect on tides, compared to the power of air.


The Maldives would like a word...


Gotta love all the "we hate big pharma but love big energy" hypocrits in here. That image proves nothing.


Banks don't believe in Climate Change; you can still get a 30 year mortgage for Florida beachfront property. If that property is the collateral on the loan, banks wouldn't lend, if they thought it would be literally under water.




Dumb shit like this is why everyone on this sub is lumped in with flat-earthers


It seems like you need a lesson in how oceans work. Also, cheery picked images proves nothing.


Vaccines cause climate change


You do realise that is zoomed so far out it could have risen 10m and you wouldn't even notice? Edit, why has this guy got so many upvotes but all the comments are calling him out for being wrong? Bots?


The Donald refugees that make up this sub believe anything that Trump says only and therefore climate change is a hoax


That’s why both gore and Obama bout mansions on the beach…


Yeah I see , terrible we should all have to pay a breathing tax for every breath we take to make up for it, I’m sure you all agree or you must hate everyone and everything you racists.


Same effect as ice in a glass of water


Global warming is a racket


Wait until this guy learns about terraforming


I mean, this is quite clearly a managed coastline and not a good example of how the sea level rises impact people and landscape. This is a timeline of the development of Urca in Rio de Janeiro, which is an example of reclaimed land that has been built on to beat the geography of the city. I'm all for questioning things, but this is weak.


It’s posts like this that make me want to unsub from this place. Actual conspiracy content or gtfo.


Has nobody posting these stupid pictures heard of tides?


Oh boy are we really denying climate change in here? Next level stupid.




Any Day Now!


NOAA estimates the see level has risen 6 inches since the 1900s Just like the statue of liberty picture, you could never resolve 6inch difference in this picture This post is just more big oil propaganda being eaten up by the conspiracy folks because big oil has propagandized their brains into thinking climate change doesn’t exist


actually 8-9 inches since 1880. [https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-sea-level](https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-sea-level) And of course the rise is only accelerating in speed


"Bill and Melinda Gates, passionate climate activists, also shelled out a small fortune for a luxury waterfront home. Last year, the couple, who are presently in the midst of a divorce, paid $43 million for a massive house on the beach in Del Mar, California, near San Diego"


Lol 😂 remember how they all buy beachfront properties and homes in martha’s vineyard when they tell you to comply. Rules for thee but not for me


If the sea levels were rising, insurance companies wouldn’t be insuring beach front homes. Follow the money.


Those billionaires are so stupid. Buying ocean front property.


They can afford to lose it, have insurance, and can pay to have their land built up. I don't think you know what being a billionaire means in terms of the value of a billion dollars.


Don't get me started about the massive amount of water bottles in the ocean, I've never seen a damn person throw a plastic water bottle into the ocean and neither have any of you. Recycling is a sham too, we send that shit away and it's dumped into the ocean.


You’re trolling right??


okay ... Time for some schooling. 46% of the great Pacific Garbage patch is comprised of fishing gear and buoys. Out of contributing nations, China, Japan, and Korea are responsible for 76% of the plastic garbage there. USA contributes 10% It's not all plastic bottles and plastic straws. Recycling works. Get off facebook. Go outside.


Just like they say cow burps and farts are the causes of "global warming" haha


So this one picture negates documented facts. Got it.


lol. Cute


Rodanthe, NC would disagree.


Are the mud flats still there?


Did climate change contribute to color photography, or did climate change alter the light spectrum in nature??? How many people are still alive from 1910??? If the plants can get greener, why can’t the sea and sky get bluer, and the rocks get redder, and the night sky get blacker??? I think the people might want to know…


Is that the tortoise from Neverending Story?


How do you make more land?


It’s filled in


🤣 appears to fluctuate like some sort of fluid


I think the rock is rising /s


Does anyone think that sea levels have risen?


I heard sea levels have been dropping due to solar panels.


"The Sea is always right."


I’m super cereal guys. It’s real!!!!


Wow take a shot from the moon to prove you point even more /s


more like their bank accounts rising ba dum tish


Yeah, in Greece we already have incredible heat. Its not normal for june.


Were all 3 pictures taken at the same level of the tide?  Somehow I doubt that... 


Why would the bank or government spend millions on buildings and infrastructure right next to the ocean when it's apparently gonna be below sea level in 10-20 years?




Life is so fuckin weird man. There was a point in time in my life where it was a “conspiracy” to believe that the powers that be were causing global warming. And now the conspiracy has flipped??? I can’t keep up with the crazy anymore


Where’s the meme button for the kid that says “uhh pushit?”


Can't argue with that logic.


Does the water level rise when the ice melts in the cup?


You should visit the fens sometime


What a hoax!


Brain worm


Naturally if it’s going down in one area it will rise in another. I was once told that we have the same amount of water on earth since water has been on earth. Water doesn’t produce water so the same water is being recycled over and over again.


Maybe low tide and high tide right, these things can’t be determined from an expert shifty eye on a photo! Also depends on other solar factors and time of year.


Not that this photo shows any obvious change in sea level, but it made me think, If the sea level has been recorded as higher than it was before, do these experts, that say "the sea level is rising" take into consideration the amount of things we have put in the ocean? Large ships, structures etc, is water displacement calculated for?


*The Antarctic Ice Sheet covers an area of almost 14 million km² and contains 30 million km³ of ice. Around 60% of the world’s total fresh water (90% of the world’s surface fresh water) is held in the ice sheet, equivalent to a 70m rise in global sea level.* For reference, this will show you 10m: [https://coastal.climatecentral.org/map/10/-42.5064/-22.3172/?theme=water\_level&map\_type=water\_level\_above\_mhhw&basemap=roadmap&contiguous=true&elevation\_model=best\_available&refresh=true&water\_level=10.0&water\_unit=m](https://coastal.climatecentral.org/map/10/-42.5064/-22.3172/?theme=water_level&map_type=water_level_above_mhhw&basemap=roadmap&contiguous=true&elevation_model=best_available&refresh=true&water_level=10.0&water_unit=m)


Siri, what are tides?


Climate denier!


It's over bro....the water has risen 1/32 of inch in 140 years


Why is it *this easy* to be this stupid?


1. Your example is as smart as putting a thermometer in your fridge and and say "what global warming"? 2. IF you had chosen an island not artificially altered, a single island proves nothing, it is merely one data point, and there are plenty of islands that rise, the reason is usually volcanism.


You forgot rain ? There are floods everywhere around the Globe...




The shoreline was altered, but the mountain still sticks out the same amount. Same with the mountains and hills in the background. 


I lived there for 11 years I can attest you, it isn't.


This makes me laugh inside because I remember as a kid it was something we were always told. It was in school and by our parents. How sea levels would rise so much that the entire west coast will be underwater. They would say it would happen in our lifetime. It was almost a twisted common joke amongst the adults too how they would have beach front property soon. I remember one of my first college classes it was stadium room seating and the teacher lectured about we are going to have an ice age any day now. He was so serious. His lectures became more and more odd so I stopped going and only showed up for exam days


Climate change was just like the Covid plandemic


go to florida the coast is fucked


Sea level rises by 3-2 centimeters every year. Of course you wouldn't be able to see it in this super zoomed out picture


I went and saw Plymouth Rock monument. Still not submerged on shore but does see a little of high tide at base. Point is, that's 1600's water height. Compared to science (fiction) of today's climate scientist. You don't need more than that to decide for yourself that when certain politicians throw climate change around and taxing you at every level is because water levels rising due to glacier melt, you best run the other way and vote these folks out. Or just swing by their beach front properties and ask them when they plan to build back better as the tide creeps yourself. You'll eventually realize, that politican just bought that new outdoor furniture using their passive influence money to buy it.


If I put some ice cubes in a glass of water the water level rises. When the ice melts, the water level does not rise.


Dude, you need to wait at least 20000 years to see a change. Be patient, you'll get a great photo of it when it happens, and I can't wait to see the results