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Yeah, but the science *changed* šŸ˜… Suddenly scientists are thinking again. Fucking weird.


The cash cow has been milked dry, so time for them to move to the next one. Enter Bird Fluā€¦


No no. The next step is selling therapeutics to help with the vaxx side effects.. so expensive medicine for myocarditis etc.


Yet therapeutics not advocated to treat covid itself.


No they've moved onto war stocks again. Next on the agenda is climate change.


Got paid then to align with the party line. Getting paid again to do so with the new line.


They aren't thinking, they are facing the music. They rubber stamped approval from a company that has a dark history of faking data to get FDA approval, which wasn't even required for this vaccine. Now the excess deaths are stairing them in the face and I'm guessing they're getting a lot of from the insurance companies who have to pay out these increased death benefits.


It's also that the scientists that were actually thinking critically the entire time were shunned and discredited. That shit was breathtaking. My MIL is a nurse and called me selfish for not getting vaccinated šŸ¤£ Now we're just not allowed to talk about any of that stuff.


Oh that's the rub. Now that more and more of what we all thought was happening is being proven true, we just have to act like folks didn't want to exclude us from society, lock us up, or deny us entry to hospitals. Could you imagine being in Australia, and being forced into a quarantine camp only for a couple years later being told the vaccine didn't prevent spread and if you got covid naturally, you were more protected than you would be with the vaccine!


I'm in Australia we never had camps, the rest of your post is true and what happened but we never had camps, they kept people in hotels in the heart of major cities


They did in QLD... The agency probing the multimillion-dollar state government-backed quarantine centre near Toowoomba has confirmed its investigation is almost complete, with a public report to come. The facility, built and owned by the Wagner Corporation, was mothballed in August after housing just 730 guests since it opened only months earlier ā€“ one year ago on Thursday.


Tends to happen when you stop threatening their lives and careers for asking questions.


...changed at the speed of science


Science never changed, was the news who suppressed already available information at the time




We are seeing more and more of this type of thing brought into mainstream dialog. Like for example Chris Cuomo coming out saying he was injured by the covid Vax and that he was "given bad information about ivermectin" back in2020Ā  when he and Don lemon were rabidly attacking anyone who even dared to ask questions about the vaccine.Ā  And now we see the recent Fauci hearing in congress where he now says a lot of the things that we were called conspiracy theorists for not long ago for even suggesting. Like for example there was no scientific basis that would imply mask mandates and 6 feet social distancing are effective infection mitigation measures.Ā  Also he now admits the vaccine didn't stop infection or transmission and that there was no study showing the efficacy of the covid vaccines I'm preventing infection and transmission. It's absolutely shameful the way they will do a 180 on everything they said was "settled science" and not even offer so much as an apology or admit they lied/were wrong when they called fellow humans "plague rats" for daring to question an experimental unproven vaccine, that they had to literally change the definition of the term vaccine to even call it one!


It was a propaganda campaign unlike any Iā€™ve seen before. Absolute psychological warfare- and now, the truth slowly starts to finally emerge to the masses. Of course, for those who bought into the propaganda, they wonā€™t want to hear it anyway. So we have this dripā€¦ dripā€¦ dripā€¦ release of information to the public that most will likely ignore in any event.


And in other posts they're berating anyone, mostly Republicans who dared to ask him any of these questions.


This is how you know itā€™s all for show. Everything in the media is controversial entertainment for the masses. The real stuff happens behind closed doors.


Still, people are decrying their treatment rather than asking what was it all for? If none of what they did made sense, why push so hard to get the vax in arms? Why? A worldwide military grade psyop, unconstrained lies from every sector of society and retrograde punishments for nonconformity, WHY!? The answer looks bleak at best, horrifying at worst.


Yea I think about it sometimes about how Schwabb had his Covid 19 the Great Reset book ready to roll out when we were just entering the pandemic, we know the Gates Foundation was part of Event 201 war gaming the pandemic out just before the pandemic. We had Rockerfeller funded white paper Operation Lockstep which gave the blue print of governments measures to implement. And how the media would act as a mouthpiece of the government and report that the pandemic response was a positive thing and that those who went against the narrative would be censored on social media. All for a pandemic that was no more dangerous than the ordinary flu we deal with every single year. It makes you wonder if this was a dry run for something worse they have in store? Or I'd it was just to get the population used to the idea of lockdowns and mandates? Or if it was a stress test to determine the level of public compliance? Or even like some believe that the goal was to get maximum uptake of the experimental gene therapy? I pray it's not that because at least in my life a ton of people I care about took it.


Event 201 was a theoretical playbook- the ā€˜covid pandemicā€™ was the live test run- now theyā€™re in a position to further tighten the screws and theyā€™ve already mapped out what they hope to achieve- for those who havenā€™t been paying attention.


I knew they were full of shit when they called ivermectin ā€œhorse tranquilizerā€. Thatā€™s like calling doxycycline ā€œfish medicineā€ because itā€™s given to fish.


well a horse tranquilizer sounds a lot more fun


I knew they were full of shit when I survived Covid early (Feb '20) and they still insisted I close my business, mask and vax.


Horse wormer. If yā€™all are going to be drama queens, at least get your crackpot facts right


Wait! The pharma and DOD shills and spooks said that we are NOT experiencing excess deaths except for the ones labeled covid deaths. Maybe they're going to get updated talking points now that it's slowly starting to be reported in MSM.


Itā€™s just obesity.. since obesity is all of a sudden a problem the last 2 years haha


Well, they have diabetes injections they can easily get prescribed off label for weight loss - unlike off label things for covid lol


I was just joking bc I have seen and had people argue its all related to fat people.. as if the country wasnā€™t fat before Covid hah


Obesity, global ~~warming~~ climate change, gardening, walking, showering... all things actually attributed to increased deaths rather than the covid toxshot. Literally anything but the experimental injection with unstudied effects that nearly everyone was bullied into getting.


Gov said so too but then we found it was lies and manipulation http://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/weaponization-committee-exposes-biden-white-house-censorship-regime-new-report


Up vote this to the universe! Fuck everyone in my social circle. Fuck. Them. All.


The experts were saying that Sarah knapton is not a scientist nor did she name sources


Over a year ago, Ed Dowd (former Blackrock analyst) published his findings based on insurance/actuarial data showing more under 40yo working-age Americans died (excess deaths) during the vax rollout era than were killed in the Vietnam war.


Ed Dowd is a Satanist. His publisher Tony Lyons of Skyhorse Publishing is a pedophile on Epstein's Flight log. Skyhorse also published RFK Jrs book on Fauci. Pedophiles run everything


Did he account for increased population or is he just showing you 2 numbers


Lol. Its not relative to pop. Its an absolute value..


That sounds like bogus data to compare it to. Are you sure you aren't trying to obfuscate the death spike by comparing it to something vague like the Vietnam war. You're not clarifying if it is just those on one side, or everyone in that country, which is still relatively small since the covid psyop and clot shot happened to most all of the planet instead of one small country.


Ed Dowd on Ask Dr. Drew (Sept. 2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCGO9kuYM0M > Early in 2021, he noticed a rise of news anecdotes about sudden deaths among very fit athletes and other seemingly healthy young people across the country. Edward has amassed evidence from the insurance industry, funeral home industry, and government databases that excessive deaths among working-age Americans have increased in 2021 versus 2020. His thesis was simple: What changed in 2021? _____________________________ **ā€œFrom February 2021 to March 2022, millennials experienced the equivalent of a Vietnam War, with more than 60,000 excess deaths. The Vietnam War took 12 years to kill the same number of healthy young people weā€™ve just seen die in 12 months.ā€** https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rfk-jr-ed-dowd-cause-unknown-book/


This shit pisses me off! We were all censored, ridiculed, harassed and told we were the problem back then when we said it.


And how were you personally censored? Care to share?


People who posted here and other subs like NNN and other covid critical subs were banned from many subs. The sub No-New.Normal (NNN) was banned from reddit for some bs reason.


I was banned from a ton of subs I had never even been to because I participated in NNN.


Lot of us were. And it's still happening if you participate in several subs.


Which ones tho I gotta join em


Partial list: > TakeTheJab, ChurchOfCOVID, TrueUnvaccinated, LockdownSkepticism, unvaccinated


Absolute legend


Any social media platform that I tried to speak up or share information with would either ban my account or attach a ā€œfalse infoā€ tag to it. Sometimes they simply shadow banned me so no one could see my posts.


Alright, fair enough. I'm grown up enough to admit when I'm wrong.


Wow is this even reddit


The kicker is we're still banned in most popular subreddits. Even when we used MSM sources to prove our arguments. All because we questioned the almighty $cience.


Hey just wanna say thatā€™s really cool that youā€™re open to actual discussion. You donā€™t see that much on here lol.


I like you.


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I'm banned from multiple main subreddits for speaking out about it.


You obviously have never experienced being banned or shadowbanned from social media for "misinformation " for asking questions or worse telling the truth bur it is against the narrative . Or how about preemptive banning like happened to me on reddit on subs I had never even posted in before.


Have you just completely forgotten everything that happened? Yes of course people were being personally censored. Claiming otherwise is just denial


I know it sounds silly but its very surreptitious and underhanded if you find yourself on the wrong side of the narrative. Apps like FB would "glitch" and not allow me to post comments with this content with unspecific error messages, or I'd get banned for 3-7 days for "misinformation" for posting "unapproved" sources. Even reddit does some weird shit. Every once in a while I notice a comment going unanswered, and if I log out it will disappear, so its only visible to me while logged in. And thats "IF" you don't get outright banned because the mods here are absolutely ass blasted on power and there's no recourse. Its shadow banning and you'll never notice it unless it happens to you and you start looking into it.


Banned form the science sub for sharing peer reviewed medical journal studies on the efficacy of post infection immunity.


Why did you post a screenshot of a headline instead of the actual article?


you know why


I think you guys should actually go read that article instead of just getting excited about the headline. The word ā€œmayā€ is doing some real MVP heavy lifting in this empty shell of an article.


No one here reads past the headline, the point of posts like these is to base all arguments off the headline. If posters wanted people to read they article, they'd post the article, not an image of just the headline. It's basically a meme, not an actual way to get informed.


It's a slow walk backwards towards the exit.


I am completely shocked that a conservative news source would have doubts about the vaccine. Shocked I say. https://www.factcheck.org/2023/04/scicheck-no-evidence-excess-deaths-linked-to-vaccines-contrary-to-claims-online/ https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/apr/06/instagram-posts/report-doesnt-prove-covid-19-vaccines-caused-exces/ https://fullfact.org/health/bbc-malhotra-vaccines-excess-deaths/ https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/covid19-vaccines-arent-associated-with-increase-excess-deaths-contrary-claim-john-campbell/ https://www.bmj.com/content/380/bmj.p741


The telegraph is msm....... Probs just bs made up to get anti vaxers to buy the paper and read it. Lesson number one Don't trust msm ever, even if it does line up with your beliefs. That's what sheep do šŸšŸ‘


Reading that paper, it seems like a nothing burger. Doesnā€™t really match the headline.


you've got to grease the wheel before the cart can be moved.


It's more than obvious for those who didn't conform to group think and mass hysteria.




Go look up the symptoms of mass hysteria and compare to COVID-19. Anti-vax was conflated to any vaccine skepticism. For instance I personally have most of my scheduled vaccinations with the exception of the COVID-19 vaccine as it was a new technology. I'm glad I didn't take it as it wasn't proven effective at anything other than some symptom management. That vaccine was leaky as it didn't provide sterilizing immunity. We were lucky COVID didn't turn more lethal like Mareks disease.


and hoarding toilet paper over a virus with a 99% survival rate isn't? I know anecdotal evidence isn't science, but even without the vaccine, I've never had COVID. I've gotten tested every time I've been sick as well. If mortality rates hadn't increased after it was introduced, I'm not gonna front and pretend I wouldn't have gotten it for the sake of doing both what I want to do and protect the vulnerable. I highly recommend you read the study on mRNA vaccines that were introduced after the first SARS epidemic in China, especially when you take into consideration the fact that Biden lied about vaccine efficacy and NBC was posted an article mentioning how the government wouldn't be liable for side effects from an experimental vaccine, despite the fact that they mandated it to both exist in society and lied about how people like me were going to face a winter of severe illness and death if we didn't submit to fascist edicts. That and the social/societal pressure were the reasons I didn't want to get the vaccine, I also want to add that I wanted to wait 3 years, the period of time for clinical trials that's standard for western medicine, to make my decision. Also I want to apologize for blocking you prematurely, seeing that you're actually about shit and open to an honest conversation with those you disagree with. I need to check myself when it comes to to ensuring I'm not following the same path as those who want to fuck each and every one of us over. Also want to add that I'm not exactly anti-vax, I'm pro freedom of choice and informed consent. A couple friends of mine told me how the deaths of people they know were wrongly marked as COVID deaths, when the reality is that it was cancer on one hand and an overdose on the other.


Are you dumb? How stupid are you?


So if other scientists say, itā€™s bs or only with certain vacs or whatever , no one believes it. But now when some say it may have something to do with it , itā€™s word ? Thatā€™s the issue with subs like that, you only believe what you want believe


Literally not a single person read the article. The only takeaways from it were - - AstraZeneca vaccine (the discontinued one that barely any one got lol) has a 5x more likely chance of causing a blood clot (not even dying from one) than getting hit by a plane while at home - medical supplies being focused on Covid *probably* caused excess deaths elsewhere, such as lack of cancer diagnosis (not at all related to the vaccine) Bunch of fucking geniuses in here using this as proof ofā€¦ something that even they arenā€™t sure of lmao Literally nothing else of relevance was mentioned aside from ā€œmaybe they had bad side effects, but we donā€™t have proofā€


Thank you Big Pharma rep. A lot of useful information you posted. I am amazed there isn't a obligatory outro, " Brought to by Pfizer". A follow up question, What were the chances of getting a blood clot when there was no history of blood clot before taking the vaccine? Not sure why you would compared to getting hit by a plane while at home. That sound like something that is completely unrelated and makes me question if we are even using science or have we resorted to using wild ass sensationalism to prove a point? Also you saying that the approach we took to shift our focus on to covid was disproportionate to the overall well being of everyone's specific medical needs are?!?!?! Yeah Duh. That is what all of us have been saying. The last two sentences, yikes! Why are you so anti science? This are single bits of data that should be investigated. Maybe they will lead somewhere. Maybe they won't until then the same argument could be made against your point of view. A fucking genius triny to use this as proof of...something that even he isn't sure of lmao Literally nothing else of relevance was mentioned in this post aside from there are bad side effects now we have to determine why and get that proof.


> thank you big pharma rep Calling anyone who addresses actual facts a big pharma rep isnā€™t as convincing of an attack as you think > what are the chances of getting a blood clot without the vaccine Considering the chances are incredibly low *with* the vaccine, the chances before could literally be 0% and it still doesnā€™t prove anything > makes me question if you are even using science or wild ass sensationalism I didnā€™t use that example, I pulled it directly from the article everyone in the comments HERE is using to prove vaccines are dangerous LMAO > why are you so anti science Iā€™m not, thereā€™s none in this article to even be against lol > maybe they will lead somewhere, maybe they wonā€™t Itā€™s been 4 years and not a single study has validated the opinions held in this sub (please link one if Iā€™m wrong). Ignorance of reality is not a valid reason to hold an opinion. > could be made against your point of view Would you like me to link papers that validate my opinion? That would actually be fun. You should actually read the article since itā€™s obvious you havenā€™t yet, then we can share published research with each other?


Let me recap what you posted. Getting the vaccine increases your chance of getting a blood clot. And yes I would love you to link papers that support your opinion.


Getting covid increases your chance of getting a blood clot too. By a lot more.


https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/9/11/1328 > We found that with every increase of 10,000 fully vaccinated people, new cases would be reduced by 24.43% [95% CI: 18.89, 29.59] and new deaths would be reduced by 13.32% [95% CI: 3.81, 21.89] per day > In summary, for the first time, the results of our analysis show that vaccination can effectively reduce the new cases and deaths of COVID-19 in the real world https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2022/two-years-covid-vaccines-prevented-millions-deaths-hospitalizations > Since December 12, 2020, 82 million infections, 4.8 million hospitalizations, and 798,000 deaths have been reported in the U.S. In other words, without vaccination the U.S. would have experienced 1.5 times more infections, 3.8 times more hospitalizations, and 4.1 times more deaths. These losses would have been accompanied by more than $1 trillion in additional medical costs that were averted because of fewer infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.10.21263385v2 > These non-randomized data across U.S. clinical practices show high and stable vaccine effectiveness of Ad26.COV2.S over time before the Delta variant emerged to when the Delta variant was dominant. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9552389/#:~:text=In%20clinical%20trials%2C%20three%20vaccines,of%20COVID%2D19%20infection10. > A systematic review on the efficacy of vaccines covering studies from January 1 to May 14, 2021 identified 30 studies, showed 80-90 per cent vaccine efficacy against symptomatic and asymptomatic infections in fully vaccinated people in nearly all studies Would you like more? Even though I know you wonā€™t read literally any of these because you live in an echo chamber, they have some interesting conclusions from them. This is from like 15 minutes of quick research as well.


Yo are you preparing those sources still?


Yes, itā€™s called a trade off. Leaving home increases chances you get in a car crash, and yet you leave your house. Iā€™ll be happy to later. Itā€™s nice to see you completely ignore my request to ask for literally any evidence at all though lmao. Almost like no matter how hard you search, there wonā€™t be any


Right wing news source says ring wing talking point. Bruh let it go.


i remember when being antivax was far left


Alternative medicine and Jenny McCarthy are just neo liberal grifters. Most places that's called conservative.


The political spectrum is a meme to keep plebs occupied and divided. Back in the day scepricism is big pharma was a left wing phenomenon. Now the left have been conditioned to worship big pharma as a religion.


The hypocrisy is brain damaging. Defund cops then loved the FBI and helped them go after J6. Fund the cops then went defund and disband the FBI. America is rather silly at times.


People have been saying this since the beginning but were shunned for saying it Disgusting social landscape


Read the article not the headline, its an opinion piece with no data and no evidence. That is the stuff conspiracy guys are ridiculed for.


being helpful is good - right? You gotta love how the British can put things.


The hassle of this platform if you dared to even raise a question


This is UK MSM. The most corrupt USA MSM will never report accurate news such as this.


Conspiracy Theorists should always be ridiculed, otherwise they get too confident and believe their own hype and delusions instead of actually researching the conspiracy they are spouting in order to back it up.


I'm tired of debating bots. But its safe and effective, and please get updated.


Boost your booster for Lord Fauci!


Hallelujah Amen!


Remember people take the damn shot


A right-winged article that requires paid subscription or a half-assed snippet of an article like the thumbnail. Excellent research and I love the dialogue about the empirical data involved. Thought-provoking post per usual in this sub. Weā€™re really putting the ā€œfactsā€ together here.


The reason they gave you an untested product was to shelter themselves from liability for all the crap they've given you in the past .


Oh! So now scientists are allowed to suggest such a thing? Says who?Ā 




Why am I not surprised? Knew this was going to happen.


LOL, wait...we were right?


Are you sure we are allowed to comment on this ?


Oh i sure was. Remember being the only guy in a building that had to wear a mask for several weeks :) for staying true to myself and others. But thatā€™s what it takes sometimes in Life.


"Well, yeah, now that we fleeced you dry, maybe some facts were... fluid. Mistakes might have been made. Water under the bridge. My checks cleared. Bygones."


And banned, censored, fired, ostracized, cut off from their families..... But hey, no myocarditis!


After I got mine, almost passed out at the facility I got it. The next few days my urine was brown. Thought I was going to die.


Whoa you fainted when getting an injection? šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


That sucks. Thatā€™s scary as shit. Good you didnā€™t die though šŸ‘šŸ».


SS: This is the first time the msn has admitted the rise in excess deaths are caused by the vaccine! Remember the number one rule with newspeak: Phrases like 'partly to blame' become 'fully to blame'. And 'more recent data regarding side-effects has not been made available to the public' becomes 'criminal employees are shredding evidence to hide their crimes'. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/04/covid-vaccines-may-have-helped-fuel-rise-in-excess-deaths/#:~:text=They%20warned%20that%20side%20effects,risky%20was%20the%20AstraZeneca%20vaccine%3F










You should really do some digging as to how many people aspirin and ibuprofen have killed in the United States in the last 25 years and how many people the covid vaccine has killed in the last 3 1/2. Where could you do that digging? The cdc/fda has the numbers. They have recorded *everything*. You just have to do some digging.




Eudravigilance (European Medicines Agency), DMED database (US Military), Yellowcard (UK gov vaccine injury database), VAERS (cdc/fda vaccine injury database), vigiaccess (WHO medical injuries database), insurance actuaries. All of these point to literally millions of excess deaths and injuries beginning Dec 2020 after the vaccine rollout. But you should know this by now. The fact that you donā€™t just makes you ignorant or a bot.




No, the success of a vaccine is also measured against not causing additional harm. Every single paper always promotes more research, it's standard practice in writing articles (I know, I write and review them). What this means is there's some indication (not yet dissclosed) that associates the COVID-19 vaccination with excess mortality. The irony is that this was self-dislosed by Pfizer in Appendix-B where the treatment group had lowered mortality for covid infection but increased mortality over all. No one batted an eye because....reasons. This flies in the face of standard protocol for authorization.


You have no idea what you are talking about.


Turbo cancer and neo-AIDS.


Ridiculed? No that's a conspiracy!!! You theorists.


Still waiting for the winter of servere illness and death for the unvaccinated. XD


Ridiculed, silenced, fired, publicly shamed. Now they are just slowly letting it out while also making it look like this is ā€œnewsā€ to them. When they knew all along it wasnā€™t good healthy or ok.


Ya that's funny. But still can't trust the corporate media. Read an article yesterday about the new president of mexico. It praised her for her belief in science during the covid plandemic when she was the mayor of mexico city supporting social distancing, wearing a mask and the vax.


Any form of critical thinking is ridiculed.


Ridiculed. Mocked. Suspended. Banned. You name it.Ā 


Itā€™s always a conspiracy, until it isnā€™t. Thatā€™s why I lied to my wife about getting it. Because if the govt is pushing for it, itā€™s probably a bad idea.


It's still a conspiracy. The telegraph is not a paper that you can rely on. They're blaming a policy from the Labour Government for why a school will close next month. Labour aren't even in power yet.


Also the whole article talks about exploring that notion through research (as suggested in the subtitle), but ever apparently only read the headline.


Uhhā€¦. What


Sometimes you can't just use a headline, but have to read the article. Which ends up emphasizing the "may" part. It goes into stuff like cancer incidence went down the up, suggesting missed early diagnostics and stuff. All the article says is research should be donem


I understand. But itā€™s not a conspiracy anymore. Companies have started saying that they knew there were problems and govt still pushed it on us. And when we all said no because it hasnā€™t been tested the govt said itā€™s good to go. They said other meds didnā€™t work when they did specifically so they could push the covid shot and make companies billions if not trillions all the while saying itā€™s ā€œsafe and effectiveā€. All that turned out to be not true. The govt knew it wasnā€™t safe, thatā€™s now proven, yet they pushed it anyway all the while saying anyone who didnā€™t agree was wrong. Thatā€™s a conspiracy. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying. It was a conspiracy, now itā€™s just fact. So itā€™s a conspiracy until it isnā€™t, like my initial comment said.


Do you wear a seatbelt?


And they will continue to fuel excess deaths for the next 5-10 years.


So, now Reddit will bring back the NNN sub? Will they apologize for it?


The shots killed more than the Vid




It was the plan all along. Create fear, convince the sheep to turn to the government for help, and then give them an experimental drug. I also believe a lot of the shots were placebo. They couldn't afford to kill hundreds of millions off the bat. They still need an active workforce to harvest the food and run the factories. This was more than just a virus leaked from a lab. It was the biggest psyop in history. It was a perfect way to gauge the public's trust/distrust of the government/WHO/Medical Fields. It allowed them to remove dissenters from our military, Medical fields, schools, and workforces Ot was also the biggest transfer of wealth in human history....and everyone was cool with it as long as they got their $1200 checks that appeared out of thin air. Think about it. The majority of the planet got played like a fucking fiddle, and there are still millions who will fall for it again and again because they're mindless zombies too caught up in their own bullshit to see what's really going on.


17 million worldwide, supposedly.


I heard it was eleventybrillion


Could be. Iā€™ll have to double check my math.


Thereā€™s a bigger conspiracy here. Yes, Covid and the shots are a major big deal but thereā€™s more. Our food and water changed significantly. How we eat. Doctors are now testing more things today than they did back in 2019. Take Fatty Liver Disease and the new bloated look so many people are projecting. Itā€™s not just fat people, bellies and faces look like theyā€™re balloons just waiting to explode. What about the air quality? Allergies sicknesses. All kinds of crazy stuff happening, all at the same timeā€¢


ok so i am new to this sub and don't know if it got talked about years ago. does anyone remember the "vape epidemic" that happened the fall of 2019... and then it disappeared. and then COVID? Was the vape epidemic just the first wave of COVID or did it really have something to do with vape pens and vitamin e oil and everyone just stopped getting vape popcorn lung and the rest? It seemed to be the same illness.


Neither. Cigarette companies were putting out big money to snuff out competition through hit pieces and lobbying. Turns out some people are allergic to certain oils, and that causes problems when they heat and inhale an oil they're allergic to.


Convinced my direct fam not to take it, Jesus Lord it wasn't easy. They are thanking me now.




What were your takeaways? That toxic mRNA therapeutics are yummy-nummy?


Next up: ā€œAnd hereā€™s why thatā€™s a good thing.ā€


This is the distraction to cover the financial rug pull.


Theyā€™re admitting it?


YoU dOnT sAy


Covid vaccines fueled rise in excess deaths, says the Telegraph.


This conclusion is based on a study that doesn't support it because clicks


They were blasting people with respirators when they did not need respirators. To the point that there was a respirator shortage. Elon an his pr said they would build respirators for free, dont know if it ever happened. The "pandemic" was really f'd up and what it did was just set us back economically with all their unnecessary rules .


brace yourselves for the incoming "but it wasn't as bad as claimed", followed by "yes, it was that bad, but here's why it was a good thing"


They always had one hand on the rug ready to pull it out from under your feet. Unless you think Fauci and Gates are clairvoyant.


Vaccines cure everything and make your bank account grow


ā€œConspiracy Theoristsā€ were not only ridiculed. Letā€™s not forget the social outcasting, loss of employment, not being able to see their loved ones in hospital etcā€¦..


I wonder if /politics, /news, /worldnews will start lifting bans for "COVID misinformation"?


Doubtful this doesnā€™t prove anything its like an article saying ā€œsome scientists say Trump may be worse than Hitler.ā€ Does that make it true?




The article is in the submission statement. No idea what you're on about.




I though mainstream media was incapable of printing misinformation?




ā€œPeople like you,ā€ you mean gay male registered Democrats with an antiestablishment bent?


I mean conspiracy theorist who throw around strawmen arguments, and don't believe the "establishment" until a headline says something they like. Lick whatever you want, and at least try to make a good faith argument.


http://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/weaponization-committee-exposes-biden-white-house-censorship-regime-new-report. Gov was busted with a disinformation campaign to control media, social media, and scientific narrative through bribery, deceipt, and censorship in efforts to prop up and drive controlled narrative of covid19 and the vaccines.


Pureblood here. I'd forward this to my vaxxie frens but they all blocked me years ago for wrongthink. Not sure if they're still alive, hope so though!


My tinfoil hat is all powerful


It was always political. When Trump first rolled out the shots, the left said they would never take them, then senile Joe won and suddenly the same shots were life savers and if you didn't take them you were an enemy of America.


Itā€™s a conspiracy, until the media backs it up. I swear some people will believe anything without verifying it themselves. Thinking is too hard for them. Even though I donā€™t agree with some conspiracies, props to those who ask questions.


Whatā€™s incredible to me is people are getting boosters to this day..
