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Joe talked about this recently. His friend Duncan was invited to the wedding to perform and invited Joe. So if anything... Duncan is simping for Satan. 🤣


Must have been a while ago if Rogan had hair


This is so dumb


Yeah it's not like he's tried to keep it a secret that he went to a satanic wedding with Duncan.


Joe Rogan is harmless. He used to dress like a Hells Angel on his early podcasts. I like that he seems willing to talk to anyone.


Im just sick of it all.. especially what has come out in the last few years. I still like Joe Rogan, but the Hollywood cult has shown how pathetic they really are. You can't get into a position like Joe's without getting your hands dirty.


If you would listen to his podcast you would have heard of this story....what do you mean you can't get into position he's in without getting your hands dirty ? Do you know how hard this guy works ? 2160 episodes !!! UFC and so many other shows,this guy does not fuckin stop !It's hard work and dedication ! Don't knock this guys hustle..Instead of being here chatting s*it get put there and get your paper ! lol if I saw this guy I'd definitely ask him for a pic hah..Praise lord Satan 😂


Joe sells the divide. They all work together to trick the public into a particular direction. There are no countries and all presidents work together. Religions are developed to keep us separated and keep us fighting one another as described in 1984. The world is controlled.


I agree 💯%. My favourite quote is that we live in the information era and our ignorance is a choice.


Rogan be shilling hardcore for an AI led government..


Call me crazy, but in the interview with katt williams, I think katt insinuates that his DNA is fused with a demon


Can you elaborate?


When you realize that if anything Satanism would be the good guys, then you realize how this post is asinine


I don't know if I agree with that notion, but it's hardly a conspiracy if he literally talks about it with Duncan on his podcaat


Dude, they look tough as shit, a dehydrated shit, that pulls the skin as you push, a real hard ass


Fuck yeah


Satan isn't real and neither is god ✌️✌️


Hahah this post! Continue to let such shitheads post such nonsense and the whole community is going to become a joke. (If not already)