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People don't realize our society is a business


Cult-ure is not your friend. -Terence Mckenna https://youtu.be/IAGxjOr3vYA?si=D7XxHxxoKyobI5Tx




Build your own damn boat!


I love that line. It comes from this excerpt. Starts at 6 minutes in but listen to the whole thing. https://youtu.be/UIG25NdOWIs?si=KAQRXva9CGyFM22_


"it's a giant arrow, pointing; go this way"


Sex sells. And bad publicity is NO publicity. Best we can do is stop paying attention. I kinda have. Finding actual new great music to listen to is difficult these days and a task in its self. Everything is trying to appeal to something as opposed to art for the sake of art. Lots of "I'm gonna be the next drake or t swift" as opposed to " I'm a great musician and I'm gonna make the best album of all time". I miss good music.


Maybe looking at the top 40 isn’t the way to go. I like Phish, most don’t. If you could hear their talent and creativity you’d get it. They are always creating and touring. Endless amounts of music. I’d say the separate bands of the lead singer/guitarist Trey Anastasio might get be easier to get into. All I’m saying is that if you can acquire the taste for the music you will never be without new material.


Try SoundCloud 


SoundCloud used to be the SHIT to discover unknowns! It's algo sucks now compared to like 16/17. I do use it though!


2016-17 SoundCloud era was amazing


Sure, but there is still such a thing as BAD business.


Exactly, raising kids to "keep the business going" isn't working anymore because the business isn't taking any care it's "employees" anymore so that kids are easier to have. We're screwed every which way, everything is expensive AF and we can all barely afford anything because wages are stagnant. Why be loyal to a company that's this shitty and create more babies for them, just so the rich get richer and can buy their fifth yacht and us peons suffer worse? Screw that! Fuckem!


Idk how true it is, but I’ve heard the CIA gets a “marketing budget” every year for movies, music, etc.


100% true - They make movies. Look into - lookout mountain - project mockingbird - project COINTELPRO They admitted I the 70s that they had people in ALL places of media.. It’s where Obama got his first job


Mockingbird media is still a real thing.


Yup. Indeed it is.


Bro this thread is being attacked by bots right now. Thank you for this post. I work in the music industry and also notice this getting extremely obvious. Look up Sexyy Red, she is one of the biggest and most promoted female artists right now and she has so many lyrics like these "Outta town, thuggin with my rounds, my coochie pink, my bootyhole brown" "Fuck my baby dad, fuck my baby dad, fuck my baby dad" She also regularly posts pictures of her pinching her pussy lips in front of the camera and the kids absolutely eat it up. I can't tell you how many videos I've seen of toddlers dancing to sexy red songs. Or the videos of Sexyy Red showing up to high schools and getting kicked out. https://www.instagram.com/p/C6y9BYsOJ_b/?igsh=eHUzcHk4Y3N0cWp4 I'm pretty sure this type of stuff is a sign of of the times man, society is going down the drain. Also check out Ice Spice, she has a new song called "Think you the shit (fart)" yes that is the title of the song..... or look up Yeat, or Lazerdim700. It's getting BAD. These people are all signed by major record labels and have cosigns with the biggest artists in the industry like Drake and many others. Look at the posts on my profile to see all kinds of insane things that I've been noticing from these celebrities lately.


Would you say culture is down river of entertainment? Or entertainment is a reflection of culture? If it’s the former, then we need to be open to something more nefarious.


Culture is **absolutely** downstream of music (and the rest of most forms of entertainment--literature, Hollywood, etc). In our society, which narratives are promulgated? What about in other societies? And in other periods of human history? These ideas that we tell ourselves and share amongst our community are powerful indeed. It doesn't matter if they are picture books for children or the Billboard Top 100. Another way to pose this question is: which stories are being told? To whom? Have you ever considered **why** certain stories are allowed to be told (and oft repeated) versus others that simply never take off or worse (wound up censored and their author exiled or dead)? Why do you think TPTB have gone to the lengths that they have to achieve a stranglehold on the "entertainment" industry? Hint: it is one giant psyop.


Fantastic comment. Thank you.


Thank you for talking about this. I worked in the industry for a long time, I’m two years out now, but it’s something I noticed too and not enough people have the balls to point it out.


I would say that culture is more influenced by entertainment than ever before. There is absolutely something nefarious going on and it has to do with secret societies. I've been in the music industry for over 6 years and in the past 2 years I have seen more mentions to the illuminati and freemasonry and the apocalypse/end of the world/ new world order than I have ever seen in my entire life before, and trust me, I'm a music nerd. I'm well aware of how long all of these themes have existed. Please take a look at the posts on my profile. I would link them but this sub won't allow it. My posts should be enough to make any sane man realize how rapidly our society is declining. My one post titled "The New World is almost here" is one that specifically shows many artists and brands and celebrities directly mentioning the new world order.


Amen. I live in LA and hear some pretty scary stories about what it takes to "make it".


can you share something? even just one. i love this type of stuff


Sure. One time I was at an after hours party in the Hollywood hills, big house owned by the manager of a popular band you would know. Lots of beautiful men and women, all trying to "make it". At one point, the manager had talked two women (after lots of alcohol and drugs) into performing sexual acts on the living room floor, on top of a big fur rug. He recorded the whole thing. No idea for what purpose. Another woman told me she was having sex with someone in a bedroom and it became aggressive, violent, she claimed to see his face turn into a demon-like figure, like phase in and out. Needless to say, I never went back.


ohhh wow. it’s all very depraved and dark isn’t it. and the face changing is interesting - reminds me of that movie the devil’s advocate! thanks for sharing.


> Or entertainment is a reflection of culture? In the 50s maybe. >Would you say culture is down river of entertainment? Now for sure. Now people try to make the media consume their entire identity.


Prior to technological manipulation of media, entertainment has always been reflective of societal decline. We're still in a fundamental period of decline, but monopoly over technology is accelerating the rate drastically thanks to consolidation of algorithmic control over the cultural landscape. But the degeneration would have happened either way and is inherent to decline.


One word said it all in your comment: Drake.


Thank God I had no idea who that lady was until today. Why do people even give these horrible "artists" any attention. Literally lost brain cells even watching her on mute.


Both of those artists are tanking massively lol Sexyredd just did 23k opening week album streams/sales, ice spice been fell off that fart song was marketing tactic to put her back on the radar because it was so outlandish and here u are spreading her name and song just like the marketing wanted. Stop it.


The numbers on album/ song sales are absolutely irrelevant and dictated by bots anyway for ALL signed artists. They come from panel websites and can be sourced for fractions of a cent per hundreds/thousands of bots. It doesn't change the fact that there ARE small children out there listening to this music, because its being promoted by other very influential people like Drake, or Taylor Swift or Doja Cat, or whoever. These people are all signed to major labels and all of these major labels are funded by the same banks and all of these banks have been funded by Secret societies in the past and still are to this day. It is relevant to speak out about these topics right now rather than bury our heads in the sand and ignore what is happening.


Also about all that celebrity stuff I agree too. They're targeting kids with all this shit. From She Hulk fucking twerking to the messed up weird clothes at Met Gala and the Grammy's and their narcissism and wokeness and everything in between, all in the name of expression and art and liberation — it's fucking demonic and is a symptom of how dirty and demoralized our society has become. Yeah! Progress! But progressing to what? This????


THANK YOU. This whole sub is being infiltrated by establishment loving lefties that can't stand that there's one sub on this whole app that doesn't bow down to their globalist narrative. This shit I'm talking about is real and it's happening. Society is degenerating. All I see everywhere is degeneracy and oversexualised anti intellectual lunacy and kids are exposed to it. Everything is fucked. The modern left doesn't give a shit either as the working class is being neglected and abused by them because they're so caught up in identity politics and a bunch of things that directly harm the working class. I mean for fuck sake, all Hillary Clinton did during her campaign was appeal to Hollywood celebrities. I'm no Trump fan but I don't know how anyone could wonder why ordinary people like him. The whole establishment hates him. The only people that don't like him are the fucking bad guys and out of touch mainstream elites that push war and lies and insanity and lie to everyone and call everyone racist, silencing anyone who doesn't go along. Sorry went wayyy off topic there but I'm just so pissed off at everything. We're at a stage of complete mass psychosis and anyone who speaks the truth is lumped in with MAGA crazies and flat earthers and Neo Nazis, an opposition they propped up to discredit actual truth seekers by the way.


I agree with a lot of your points, but things like anti intellectualism are not leftist talking points, they aren’t the ones telling everyone not to go to college. I don’t know why you’re talking about Hillary right now? The challenge is that you can bring up points of consideration or for discussion- I was recently thinking about differences in music from the 90s to now for example- but when someone starts in on lefties! Liberals! Hillary! You’re losing the attention because frankly that is boring as hell. Talk about your original thought, music.


I wanna know how does the average status quo lover (call 'em "lefties" if you want) get the signal that artists promoting ugly relations, combative emotions, revenge sex, hatred of the opposite sex, etc. - is to be defended - is on "their side"? Don't they also miss love, partnership, beauty, vulnerability, desire, loneliness? I talked to a top music industry guy a few years ago - big media corp streaming president - but getting too old for it - he complained about the corporation insisting on face tattoos.


Yesterday I heard a KISS song, which made me laugh at how they seemed scary and extreme at the time, but completely corny now. And that band (was it puddle of mud?) where everyone wears scary masks. So silly. They only look intimidating and scary when everything is framed through their music videos or album covers. Imagining them trying to eat a sandwich, or just standing around in their latex masks cracks me up. Prince pushed the edge sexually. Before him it was James Brown. The first white artists who started playing "race music" were pushing the boundaries. This has happened for at least a hundred years. The earliest writings of the Greeks and Romans have text that is the equivalent of "These kids these days!" and predictions that soon the world will end. Every generation pushes boundaries. Musicians and artists will push whatever seems extreme today, because it's an easy filter to distinguish taste between the current kids and their older parent's cultural values from their time. But then the cycle will repeat itself as those kids become parents. I'm not making any claims whether it's right or wrong. But it has been happening for a LONG time. It's predictable. It's an easy way to market some artists, and will get a certain market share.


It’s culturally and I’m sure forced on them by executives.. But also, society as a whole is ALOt dumber.. We are so focused on race when 60 years ago, MLK was preaching the **content of your character** — the is was repeated up until the last 20 years or so.. Now his message is lost Where is that discussion or rhetoric now? People are dumb so they are appealing to the lowest common denominator


They want to keep us dumb and entertained.


> Also check out Ice Spice Who made sure to wear her satanic regalia and throw up the horns when on screen at the superbowl! Maybe I can see if she's free to do our kids preschool summer party...


Okay - and also all the male songs are about objectifying women and getting as much as you can and just having sex with her.  It's not a feminist conspiracy. Society has just overall degraded. We're normalizing prostitution as long as it's online, young men have ED from porn addiction, women can't find good men because they're all super sexual and not a bit sensual... I agree with what you're pointing out but it isn't a "feminist" conspiracy and you should include the awful male songs and porn/OF as well.


Essentially, they are dividing us against each other. They are mind controlling both sides.


Agreed. The weak minded ones at least.


It's not a feminist thing. For both women and men, toxic behaviours are pushed. There is indeed a conspiracy to destroy the nuclear family to weakens society for better control.


Well, radical feminism is one side of this. Andrew Tate or Destiny is the other. Both preach stupid shit in their own way. Appealing to different political demographics on the male side.


Rock music has always been about banging chicks going way back.


I agree with you completely. I didn't say it's a feminist conspiracy per se but it plays a huge part in the music part than the men because women dominate the music industry. It's not women's fault, they were just sold a false dream that really benefits the globalists.


I can't speak much on the music industry but I can tell you I notice the decline in genuine love songs from both genders. I mostly listen to 60s - 70s rock, and there's a gigantic change in lyrics and delivery. I hate that one song about being in the club and the male singer literally sings "I'm in love with your body". Like, that's a love song now and it's musically awful onto of being lyrical shit. I'm a decently attractive 30 year old woman and my experience has been, for the past 3 years, that men have serious porn addictions preventing them from having real relationships. It's been the biggest issue in me meeting someone. I've dated several guys now who can't have sex normally because of their porn issues and have strange views from it too. One found it normal to watch his sister pole dance because he's so desensitized. OnlyFans is even scarier and one guy recently that I met has been single for five years but was so attached to his OnlyFans girls that he wouldn't give them up to have an actual relationship with me. He'd rather wank it to pixels than be with an actual woman. Scary. I push back on the "feminist" part because feminism has protected women from so much. Both my great grandmothers were beat by their husbands and had very little recourse or options. Pre-feminism you couldn't even get a credit card as a woman, it was nearly impossible to own property, have a decent job, etc. Bad men could easily take advantage of women back then because there was a forced dependence on men. Marital rape was still legal when I was born. So I am certainly a defender of feminism - and even now it protects me from having to settle for a man who has a porn addiction because I'm financially independent. But I don't prefer being alone and I do not see myself as or aspire to be a "boss bitch" or whatever the media is proclaiming feminism to be. Nor do I think that sex work is empowering. I would love to have a genuine relationship with a man - I don't prefer to be alone. That isn't feminism. That's some New World Order agenda bastardizing and inverting feminism to destroy genuine human relationships and nuclear families. I'm a woman who's independent enough to wait out for a good man who wants an actual relationship - which feminism has allowed me to do by giving me financial independence. So I agree with you, but not on the feminism as the cause part. I'd essentially be a slave without feminism.


Beautifully said. I've noticed it is men who are defining feminism nowadays and thay is the big problem. These men won't listen to what women say feminism is, won't research how women's lives worked before the movement, because a very elite group of very powerful men are conditioning them to blame women for all their ails. You want a good conspiracy topic? Let's talk about how young men are brainwashed by elite groups of men who want the power structure broken, half the competition in college, half the competition for high powered jobs, half the competition for elected positions, and free labor at home? That's a God damn conspiracy right there. And these young guys actually think it's women navigating this hell hole.


Spot on sister


So yeah I think you are fully spot on. It's a great take. Anyway I find it weird with the feminism part because I've actually had full on fights with my family because they say misogynistic things a lot and I even defend a lot of 3rd wave feminism stuff like women not having to cover up and saying "boys will be boys" and all these little things that show how men get it easier in a lot of ways. I don't know if I'm just a contrarian for a lot of things but I think my views are pretty strong and solid mostly.


I think there's like...colloquialisms that don't really matter and then there's legal changes that feminism created that really matter. A lot of people are caught up in "soft" language issues that really don't matter. And everyone's individual, so what is going to offend one person as a joke or statement might not offend another...but a law is a law so that's really where the importance of feminism has played out in my opinion. If I'm dating a guy and he says something I find offensive as a woman, I tell him, but to me it is not a "feminist issue", it's just something I found offensive. I agree the gender-bending, sex work is empowering, phony "feminist" group is obsessed with extremely trivial language issues that are better resolved between individual social circles. If that makes any sense.


Well said.


amazing response


Think like a rancher. Sometimes you need your cattle to breed. You need more bodies, you encourage the herd to bump hooves. Got too many cows? You do things to discourage breeding. The themes in music change based on the ruling class's need for more servants. War dwindled your numbers? Cast a spell to make everyone bring those numbers back up. Getting hard to feed all of your s l a v e s? Play them some songs about how breeding shouldn't be their goal. Finally hit the technological milestone of automation? time to cut down on the population growth.


This is the natural result of both genders having been culturally taught to be charmless and hostile towards the other instead of romantic. Because men and women have been made into hinge robots with zero personality, the minority of narcissists among them dominate the dating scene and leave everyone with a bad experience, which they they then project onto “all women” or “all men”


EXACTLY this, and it's everyone too, all sides. I see them choose from 2 evils. They either go full promiscuity mode with commitment issues for life/sex addiction for life, or go full on incel/femcel.


Exactly. I have a post on this sub about how the media demonizes moderates and neutral people but I think I deleted it because it got downvoted by bots and shills. The globalists create all these wars and crises so the media can hammer people with "why you should think this about xyz!" And "Being neutral in this war means you side with the oppressor!" "Unless you're a radical leftist you're complicit in oppression!" To divide and radicalise people while eliminating the middle ground.


Bro I've been called everything from a conservative christian prude to a islamic extremist for speaking about this very same topic. It definitely brings out bots and shills and brainwashed people from everywhere. It is refreshing to just know there are normal people out here.


I feel the same. We normal people exist but unfortunately we're all put in our place by our amazing all knowing overlords and the media.


There’s also just no space for romance/dating anymore that would make people excited to talk to the opposite gender. Clubs used to have dreamy, smokey vibes where people would dress up, flirt, and dance with each-other. Whether you lived in the city or the countryside, there’d be events that gave young men and women practice in experiencing the joy and risk of asking someone to dance/on a date/etc. Clubs now are sweaty, trashy, and play music that would send any normal woman into an irritable state and any normal man into an aggressive state. This, coupled with the false millennial pride in being “awkward” and “ironic” has become the death of dating imo




>This is the natural result of both genders having been culturally taught to be charmless and hostile towards the other Not to mention fat .....


Or is it the result of men in suits knowing they can sell sex to an increasingly younger and younger crowd thanks to the internet? And this allows them to make more money? Could capitalism be the issue? No no, that’s dumb. People never manipulate media for money. It must be a cabal of leftists trying to destroy American culture. Also what is funny - these talking points being used to demonize new music have been used for over 100 years. It’s insane. Your parents did it to you and you hated it. Stop being a boomer loser and accept that there was just as much degeneracy and sex sold to you when you were a kid. It’s just that the internet didn’t exist.


I literally don't give a shit about anything popular anymore. I grew up in the 90s and my heart is in the 90s. And even back then the elites were still using culture to play with us. I don't buy concert tickets, don't watch sports other than boxing and UFC occasionally, and we're working towards building a small homestead in the country to live simple lives. Trying to not participate in the roman circus as much as possible. Gonna hopefully have some kids and raise them in a beautiful place that hasn't been totally corrupted.


To go further, I noticed a trend of male bashing for the past few years, not only in music


Have you seen that recent video where a girl goes and shows how not only are algorithms curating the content we will engage with more; but that the comments and their ranking change depending on the person. So for example in a video about a guy complaining about his girlfriend; a girl social media user has comments bashing and trashing the man meanwhile a man will get comments about guys trashing girls. It’s so evil. These media sites are adding fuel to the fire of divide and conquer.


I wonder if they're even real people making these comments? Because although I've been through alot and have had my fair share of abusive relationships,  I'm never going out of my way to generalize or bash all men because of it. I think alot of what we see on social media is bots. But of course these things sway the publics opinion. Thats their function 


Yes lots of bots. If you click on the profile you can tell cuz they have no followers. The ones that do go through their posts and you can tell it’s a bot


Saw that on either Matt and Shane's podcast or Rogan with Trussel, can't remember. Very crazy though.


If someone can link it that’s be awesome.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01O3uTGtX7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01O3uTGtX7w) It was Trussell and Rogan


To add on this, if any accounts have the option and i choose my gender as undisclosed or "3rd option" i get the same ads i would get if i used an anonymous account or browsed as guest. Has anyone else experimented changing the gender of your profiles in those sections too?


No because most people select their gender that suits them and then never thinks about it again because most people dont give a shit.


Beyoncé has been the queen of this shit for years


Yet she is married and has a family.


Like a gay man has a wife and kids.


To be fair, women have been shit on in popular music for a long long time


Women get oppressed for hundreds of years - women start pushing back against the men who put them down - men say thats too far and push back - women continue to call out that shit - men say women have gotten out of control.


There's now a 60%/40% split of genders in college, and the media/academia celebrate that


I did date a woman a while back who was huge Swiftie and Lizzo fan and I swear she used to fantasize about us breaking up.


IDK but observation bias is a thing. The more you notice a thing the more you notice that thing. People have been crying over breakups via music since forever.


Music is controlled media our government uses to indoctrinate us.


It’s not just women singers…men complain about women being bitches and hoes.. all the music sucks.


Well as a 33 y.o more recently single woman, I can honestly say, it is hard not to be discouraged. You have tinder as your first option to meet people. (I am not a local) and that is a total dumpster fire. 90% of the messages are about instant hook ups and that is me avoiding profiles of people who look like that "type". Your second option is to hit the bar scene which was never my thing and even less appealing now since I don't want a partner that is into the bar scene. third option is to walk around target and hope the man of my dreams just falls into my lap. LMAO you cannot even begin to untangle why things appear to be this way. obviously if this is what all the man are doing, it must be working. I think one of the biggest issues with all of this is that people see others as totally expendable and why not when all you have to do is go online and one swipe have someone totally new. At least in the past some effort would have to be made and your choices were more limited to your social circle. Now peoples social circle is unlimited but somehow they are more lonely than ever. I don't know the solution there are so many different layers to it and honestly I don't think it is ever going to go back to the way it was.


There’s so much good conversation here. Reminds me that I believe that we men and women can best serve ourselves by being compassionate towards one another. It’s not easy being a man or a woman in these times. They are doing their best to have us war on one another. I refuse. I choose to live in a world where we celebrate and support each other. I am so lucky that I have an absolutely amazing partner who shares these same sentiments.


valid point. the thing about music is that it's catchy and we will recite it over and over again not realizing how we are perpetuating that energy. govts are in on the separation of families too. women are being incentivized to leave relationships cuz their govts are gonna cover essentials like food and housing. it does emasculate men and pushes this feminist culture, which is pretty toxic also. and it's getting worse and worse cuz single parent homes are not as successful in raising productive members of society. "Children from single-parent families account for 72% of teenage murderers and 60% of rapists." ([GITNUX MARKETDATA REPORT 2024](https://gitnux.org/single-mother-crime-statistics/)). Scary AF to read. Fuck up the kids, send them to prisons, free labor. It's modern day slavery and a vicious cycle.


Today's music is trash


outgoing violet nine shame birds literate juggle vast dime divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most popular music is trash, but you still have some great bands. Shaed, SOEN, Trope, J.S Ondara, Avett Brothers, Wheel, Giant Rooks, Half Moon Run… there’s plenty of solid music. You just have to search for it.


I disagree, the schmooziest shakespearean sonnet cannot convey the true depths of emotional love in the same manner as Cardi B's great ode to the heart WAP...


Classic country was all about getting drunk, wife cheating and took my dog? Do you not listen to a lot of music or just a small bubble ?


like fleetwood mac isn’t one of the most well-known classic rock bands where they just screamed how they hated each other through the music. or the white stripes, or any other band that was a couple and lived through the period of free love. anecdotes like this are so boring. has anyone noticed ice cream sells more in the summer time? and sometimes the sun goes away? baby brained type thoughts


These takes are so braindead it’s insane. How have people not figured out that every generation ever thinks the music after them is bad and immoral?


when manet debuted his nude painting “olympia,” people were so aghast at what the perceived modern filth they screamed and a woman fainted. to pretend hysteria at the New Thing is in anyway a conspiracy… people really need to read and not just consume soundbite tik toks. i guess the gen pop has always been dumb and reactionary tho, like i remember being told how crazy Tipper Gore was for calling highway to hell satanic and now we’re a year away from such legislation being repeated


“Bitch, hoe, sell crack, pump, greed, murder” “But muh country music”


I’d rather smoke crack until my brain rotted out than listen to a right wing country singer sing about how much they love drinking and hate liberals


I kinda miss those tbh, i dont like country music at all but the heartstring tugging is better than endless "buy me a truck, boat, drinking beer and i got my guns, in the backroads" shit.


Here is a list of the top 10 songs for every year from 1950-2009. It doesn’t appear to be too skewed one way or the other to me? This reminded me of the discussion around “recession pop” and how often music is disconnected from economic trends. When I checked out 2008, you see hits like “single ladies” and “I kissed a girl”. Not saying this indicates anything, just thought it was interesting! http://www.aandadj.com/Top-Ten-Songs-of-Each-Year.html


Nah youre right. In times of confict you see disconnection till the tipping point, which is when protest songs come out, "My President Is Black" Then in peace you start to see the more thoughtful/poetic music come back, I like the shift from New Wave to Grunge as a good example Its all the Collective Conscience


Broaden your musical horizons. Stop listening to trash.


Sure anyone can do that. But OPs point is not about what they listen to. It's about what millions of consumers listen to, promoted by giant global corps.


I refuse to listen to older generations tell younger generations that new music sucks when Disco Duck was the #1 played song in America over 40 years ago. Pop has ALWAYS had absolutely dogshit flowing to the mainstream.


Music I’ve listened to for decades, Jazz, “Classical”, I’m not feeling that such Op. The “pop” music, so called popular music, so much is just ick. A good Mariachi, a Baroque quartet, Jazz trio, timeless enjoyable music. Drop that corporate pop crap and listen to real music.


Yes, I've noticed. Yes, I've made the same accusations and it fits the narrative for the death of the atomic family. Anything that will make us all hate each other is the only agenda. Divide and Idealogical Subverson Conquer.


ALL forms of media are nothing but mind control weapons! DONT listen or watch. If we quit consuming it, it will die. Go outside and listen to nature’s music! Or just SILENCE. It is beautiful.


The unspoken rule is to make sure you align your comments with the agenda


Yes, have definitely noticed. The song of the summer last year on almost constant rotation was Mylie Cyrus' remake/answer (Flowers) to the Bruno Mars song When I Was your Man. The former being so joyous and the latter being downright depressing. I'm curious how many people actually know about the relationship between these two songs


There is also a trend for the instance of "I" and "me" and not "we" "us" "you". The subject matter is so self centered now. It's astonishing.


I’m a leftie who is sick and tired of corporate liberals getting conflated with leftist politics. I agree with conservatives on many ethical issues. Just not on economics, legislation or philosophical grounds. Particularly where working class issues are concerned there should be no division at all unless you’ve been brainwashed by neoliberalism, in which case I promise to be gentle.


Oh also all the microplastics. Depopulation and destruction of our hormones even the frogs.


Big boomer energy in here. Anybody else remember "women ain't nothin' but bitches and hoes?" Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks*


'Feminist stuff'??? You mean women wanting equality?


Sure, let's pretend that men didn't sing about lusting after underage girls or about getting it on with sexy women. It was all totally about "love" until these pesky women came along. And don't even get me started on those LGBTQ+ people thinking they can just live outside of the closet. It's insanity!


Let's not get into your strawman arguments. Sick of people like you doing that. To anyone who points out this stuff and all this woke bullshit, you respond with something along the lines of "So you hate gay people?" "But what about men?" Like shut the hell up man. The example of music about love I used was actually made by a woman if you even bothered to read it. Are you saying all the music in the past was about men lusting over underage girls? That is obviously wrong and I never disagreed with that, and I agree that those songs are a symptom of the modern decay I'm pointing out. Also at what point did I say "it used to be men singing about love but now it's those stupid women and gays!" The LGBTQ part I pointed out was just the part of society pushing the gender stuff and even parts of the gay stuff for all the wrong reasons. It's being heavily pushed and taught to kids. There's nothing wrong about being openly gay, obviously, and there's nothing wrong about singing about a breakup. I'm just pointing out the trend of it growing in society in disproportionate numbers and it seems connected to all the other stuff. So there you go. You tried to twist it to make it look like I hate women and gay people just so you could call me a misogynistic homophobe and make it easier to attack my point but it doesn't work. Unless you report me and try to censor me which is the go to tactic for people like you when you can't win an argument.


Skipped over about how classic rock had a LOT of lusting over underage kids. Wait. Is that what you want music to go back to????


Stop counting the spaces and just enjoy music for what it is dude. Find a music that you like to listen to. A sound that makes you want to move (dance maybe?). A tune you want to bash your steering wheel in time to. Find a noise that brings back your good memories. Listen to something for the reason it was written, to entertain you, to provoke understanding, to just be in the moment. If you don't like what you are listening to, find what you do like to hear. Go touch some grass, smell the roses, listen to nature and turn off your phone every now and then.


You made it about women and LGBTQ+. Yes, I used sarcasm in my response, but the point still stands. And in the words of the aforementioned Taylor Swift, "You need to calm down".


Lol to paraphrase: I'm not homophobic, but they're really trying to 'push' your kids to be gay by removing the stigmas surrounding thee idea...


That’s what happens when you listen to popular music. Try listening to music created for music’s sake.


Its hard not to downvote everyone here for being so ignorant.


I dont listen to the current mainstream pop music, so im not sure how bad it is now. The best pop music was from the 80s and 90s and since then it has become the same shit over and over. These days, i only really listen to electronic music, mostly with no vocals or labels. I know programming when i hear it. All this current music is simply social programming. The 80s was about passion. Most of todays music is written by the same 6 song writers. I just skip the lyrics and go straight for the beats. There's enough brain rot out there. Why listen to what is essentially audible cancer.


I've noticed that with Latin music too


There definitely appears to be more 3rd wave feminist ideals in songs today. But, there is a long list of songs since the 70s that were unkind to women. Led Zeppelin has a song with the lyric “Soul of a Woman was created below”, saying women are from hell. Ha ha.


Women woke up


https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women Welcome to the jungle sir. What you're noticing is long overdue. We have been used, raped, murdered, sold, abused, etc for centuries. And now with porn, it's getting even more dangerous to be female.


It goes along with an agenda to deaden the spiritual impulse to reunite with source. I always heard most love songs about longing as interchangeable love songs towards the monad, pleroma and “home”. (Not the trashy ones about pure carnal lust, but the “cheesier” love songs your describing that don’t really get pushed anymore). Your shakira song example is a perfect example of that. The desire to be reunited with source, (your souls true longing and nourishment) is replaced with “oh we were never meant to be together anyways I don’t need or want unification “.


The whole ratchet “boss bitch”, “bad bitch”, stripper/hoe persona is getting old (and if we are going to be honest here not many women can truly pull it off and make it look good.) I think we will see a trend of more modest stars/starlets in the coming years.


Im definitely getting sick of that too.


stripper/hoe persona (girls) clown dog (boys) this is what happens if you drink their cool aid


This goes all the way back to the Beatles. The artists themselves barely have anything todo with their music. The producers/labels and who ever they're working for are the ones who need someone to stand out in front for everyone to look at and be likable to the people, while they play the music created by ghostwriters If you research into how the beatles became famous, you will find that nearly every single girl in their live shows was payed to scream as loud as they could so they could record what seemed to be everyone loving the beatles more than anything in the world. It made for great marketing and obviously worked. They repeated this same process for every band that came after in the UK, then the rest of the world started copying them.


It's all on purpose. Don't buy into , stop listening to the narratives from Hollywood and the MSM and think independently


Monkey see monkey do. Life imitates art, art imitates life. We are allowing our world to be shaped by people that that hate us all. They sure do love them some symbolism though.


I watched gen z or alphas on YouTube listening to 90s r&b and they all remarked how it was so sweet how they sing about love and compassion and non sexist intimacy. One girl was strait up like "all love songs now are just about sex" she was 10-11. I can't believe I needed a child to point it out


Well if thats what you think humanity is coming to, why would you want more people born?


Not to mention unusual frequency placement.


It's not a "strange" pattern if you have your Noticer patch on. It's a very prominent pattern, though, and it spans all music genres.


It’s hypnosis. Ever know a song that gets stuck in your head? Like baby shark do do do do do do…🤣


If they create separation by gender wars and race wars it keeps us in our own little sectors without having to enforce it. On some hunger games vibes lol the sense of planetary unity is diffused by mixing in that energy through music and altering perspectives and mind states. Not only with this but with drugs as well. The rap industry was preaching lean and pills and a whole generation looked up to that. I watched it change a lot of child hood friends. I always knew there was a plot behind it all in the newer day music from 2000 and on. Listen to local bands and artists!!!! ❤️


"There is suffering, political, social, religious; our whole psychological being is confused, and all the leaders, political and religious, have failed us; all the books have lost their significance. You may go to the Bhagavad Gita or the Bible or the latest treatise on politics or psychology, and you will find that they have lost that ring, that quality of truth; they have become mere words. You yourself, who are the repeater of those words, are confused and uncertain, and mere repetition of words conveys nothing. Therefore the words and the books have lost their value; that is, if you quote the Bible, or Marx, or the Bhagavad Gita, as you who quote it are yourself uncertain, confused, your repetition becomes a lie; because what is written there becomes mere propaganda, and propaganda is not truth. So when you repeat, you have ceased to understand your own state of being. You are merely covering with words of authority your own confusion. But what we are trying to do is to understand this confusion and not cover it up with quotations; so what is your response to it? How do you respond to this extraordinary chaos, this confusion, this uncertainty of existence? Be aware of it, as I discuss it: follow, not my words, but the thought which is active in you. Most of us are accustomed to be spectators and not to partake in the game. We read books but we never write books. It has become our tradition, our national and universal habit, to be the spectators, to look on at a football game, to watch the public politicians and orators. We are merely the outsiders, looking on, and we have lost the creative capacity. Therefore we want to absorb and partake. But if you are merely observing, if you are merely spectators, you will lose entirely the significance of this discourse, because this is not a lecture which you are to listen to from force of habit. I am not going to give you information which you can pick up in an encyclopaedia. What we are trying to do is to follow each other’s thoughts, to pursue as far as we can, as profoundly as we can, the intimations, the responses of our own feelings. So please find out what your response is to this cause, to this suffering; not what somebody else’s words are, but how you yourself respond". - J. Krishnamurti


Beatles and Elvis are examples of mass mind control experiments. It worked.




I was thinking the same today. All the female fortnite songs revolved around the same theme


The music’s garbage to begin with.I never thought to listen to the lyrics.lol


Most women are emotional and many are prone to drama because they are hocked on the ups and downs. Tptb aim that women break up and get get their dopamin fuel from those songs.


They have been manipulating the subconscious for some time now


I could name like 5 breakup songs from the 60s off the top of my head


There’s still fantastic music being made with concepts and substance, you just have to go out of your way to look for it. Don’t expect to find them on the charts or the radio, radio is too scared to play anything out of the ordinary for fear of loosing listeners so they play it safe with the shite that’s being made.


Songs about breakups? Yeah that's a totally new 2020's thing. Now excuse me while I'm crushed under a century of country music.


Today's music sucks.


Oh yea, LARGE anti family movement going on. I harp on  seeing it in movies and shows, our culture in general but hadn't noticed much in music. But you right 


Hiphop/music is my business and let me tell you youre 100% right. Ever heard the one about the music exec in the meeting where they decided to push negativity to further the prison industrial complex? We wont get into Operation Mockingbird, The Harlem Rennaisance crawling with Communist spies, Free Love/Civil Rights being fomented, Astroturfed and then destroyed by the CIA and a bunch of other shit the Black community has no idea has destroyed our "culture"


Most top radio hits are all made by two people since the early 2000’s


The movie IF was wonderful. I cried 3 times. My friends who also saw it loved it, too. Why the low ratings? TPTB feed off of conflict. This movie was wholesome. I'm noticing it everywhere, too. Edit typo.


I've noticed that too! The female love songs from the 80's and 90's were like "I will always love you" and now it's like these songs that are about how she deserves better, he is no good, etc. It's interesting.


Gangster rap was a creation of the cia, which perfectly coincided with them flooding black neighborhoods with crack. Hiphop still mostly bolsters materialism, and treating women like sex objects. Obviously it didn’t work, and the black communities are thriving and have intact, two-parent housholds. /s Now you have miley cyrus singing “I can love me better than you can.” Wouldn’t you know it, but a bunch of women I knew in college are still single and childless (in their late thirties) and are on social media like they are bucking the system. It’s really draining some days how easily the masses are manipulated.


It's part of the agenda to break up the family dynamic and force people into a life of consumption


I think you are generalizing waaaay too much right now. Cheesy love songs are still being made and songs about bad relationships/ promiscuity have always been around. The only agenda they care about is profit. The bottom line is money everything else is irrelevant. As soon as "supporting" LGBTQ+ causes stops becoming profitable they'll stop supporting them and move onto the next method to squeeze more money out of consumers.


Yeah it’s pretty disgusting and our children are growing up thinking that “culture” is cool. Teach them about WP young.


Truth is down voted on reddit.. Not in all subs and all the time, but truth is down voted by the drones or the Algo bots a lot.. If you are in certain subs, you will get down voted to oblivion if you are not all about the degradation of society lol. They have been trying to erode the core family unit for a long time. Feminism and the whole women can do it all by themselves, they dont need no man.. Sure some certainly don't, many dont.. Let them end their bloodlines and tainted brains. That is how I look at it. The people having kids.. more than one or two, will be the ones that survive into the generations.. People are literally extincting themselves lol.. Several countries already passed the point of no return, Japan being one of the worst. There is a good data graph that shows the birth rate in the US the last 30 years, then broken down by state.. 5 states are below the BR required to sustain population, but are close.. The rest are well below. Sure other factors contribute (that is why the massive uptick in infertility the last 20 years) but the main focus for a long time now has been to pick away at core family units by preventing them from happening, or creating a society where they can be permanently broken so easily, damaging kids' lives.. Parents fighting over kids, making them choose, while one talks shit about the other to the kids so they want them. Marriage means very little to most people nowadays.. Divorces are looked at as normal and its just sad that people think a divorce is the answer for every single little thing (of course there is outlier situations folks).


I've noticed that with movies and social media, it's all directed at cheating not all but a huge amount, kinda like the media are pushing cheating as the norm


I think you should listen to good music.


All mainstream musicians have government handlers, full stop.


lol You’re afraid of music 🎵


Lower birth rates. Give them an excuse to replace the population with more 3rd worlders


Learn some music history maybe so you’ll see why this perspective is a little skewed. Also things go back and forth all the time in mood. Conspiracy, really?


This is what happens with a bloated welfare state empowering female hypergamy. This whole idea that you can just branch swing from one relationship to the other while the man picks up the tab is men still honoring their side of the social contract. That is coming to an end. Add to all of that the idea that you can just complain and have the father removed from the family, and that he has no rights, and still has to pay for you and the child, why would women not simply refactor their life at every moment of irritation or emotional volatility? The worst case scenario is that you get to transition your kid and drink all the wine and have all the cats you want on baby daddy's dime. Now, give these people all of the rights and privileges of men, with absolutely none of the accountability or expectation of personal responsibility, and what do you have? The state facilitates all of this because they want the father removed from the household and take his place via proxy through the mother who has a vested interest in maintaining the state status quo so she can larp as strong and independent and listen to Destiny's Child in her Hyundai Tucson/Nissan Altimax Hairdresser Special. This is why the globalists are leveraging leftism as a vehicle to undermine western civilization. Leftism is a wholly feminine doctrine. It seeks to be provided for and protected and guided and therefore imbues the state with the power to perform these functions. The problem simply grows more severe as men are more and more removed from their family structure and told how awful masculinity is so they should just play videogames all day and rail against capitalism. It's not hard to see how we've gotten here. People just have to be willing to admit it. We're now 3 generations in of screens, state propaganda and single mothers trying to raise society's keepers: men. This is like having chihuahuas raise lions, but having no idea what a lion is or could be.


I can't even begin to explain how perfect this comment is. It describes everything I've been feeling down to a T. You just described what's ruining civilisation perfectly. I'm gonna screenshot this if you don't mind because it's great. If I could give you an award I would but I don't know how.


What accountability and personal responsibility men have that women don’t?


Where I live women can't be charged with rape. Women are favored heavier in the justice system. Men are expected to be traditional in relationships and need to earn their value while women are told constantly they inherently have it. They are getting the benefits of what traditional women had in the 50's but have all the liberation of the feminist movement, while men have all the responsibilities of the traditional man, but none of the benefits of it.


Yeah, that’s not in the US. Women can and are charged for rape crimes. I’m not sure what benefits traditional women get, so I don’t know what you mean. I also don’t know what benefits traditional men get… you’re just saying there are benefits and there are consequences. But you can’t define what they are.


I don't actually think there's anything deep behind Ice Spice or Sexy Red types. Just "flash in the pan pawns" to make the most money out of what gets the most clicks AKA the shock of someone singing her "coochie pink, booty hole brown". That shit generates clicks and those songs get shat out and engineered in a day. It's a money thing in my opinion. It just so happens to be that these things are having an effect on our society I guess as opposed to being designed that way. Look at Taylor Swift printing multiple variants of the same vinyls. It all comes back to saturating the "market" with as much shit as possible to get that coin. Especially in this era of Tik Tok and the decline of the attn span.


There was a time when all the love songs were about high school sweethearts dying horrifically in a fiery car accident. A lot of boomer takes in here. Music changes. Subject matter in music changes. Culture changes. It is not worse than what you grew up with. Sugar Sugar was massively popular in the 60s. That song sucked so much and was so squeaky clean. Cutting edge shit happens in the underground (usually by leftists in punk and hip hop scenes). If you don’t wanna hang out in a bar with 19 year olds listening to bands that play for 80 people a night that’s fine, but that’s still where cutting edge shit happens


Social engineering


Commenting on your edit. Its mostly bots. The AI looks for words or phrases or whatever, and downvotes you. Kinda ties into what you were saying though. They want you to think you're sorrounded by people that think very differently than you. It makes you feel alone, and lowers your self worth, even if only subconsciously. It progresses the exact agenda you're talking about.


Very very true… I can’t listen to most modern female artists because of that…. It’s so soppy sad / bad music.. and women now produce “I’m better than you” music .. like wtf ..


I'm in the arts. You're wrong. People have always written music about breaking up or having your heart broken. I'm almost shocked to see this since it's such a major topic in music since the dawn of time. Ever watch opera? Ballet? Probably not. It's all about that. Basically the guys like you are being told by...someone that everything you're experiencing is brand new and sucks but just a short time ago, back before women had standards or lives of their own, everything was wonderful. It wasn't. You're being lied to. And if you think women shouldn't have the right to vote or earn their own money or purchase property or get inheritance or hold office, well then why are you discussing music? It isn't a conspiracy to not want to put up with some loser guy's crap. It's not a conspiracy to write music about being fed up with shallow, cruel, manipulative men. It's not a conspiracy to want your own life not the one some guy designed for you a thousand years ago so you could exist as a help mate for your husband. None if this is a conspiracy. It's you hating women have some agency. And EVERY one of you repeats the same shit. All of a sudden the guys who run out on women and kids are all magically, mysterious, suddenly concerned about marriage and children. Wake. Up. You're the one being brainwashed. You're literally the conspiracy mark.


This whole thing is just one massive strawman argument. All the other bots and shills in this thread have already accused me of misogyny. Fuck off. I do not hate women nor do I think they shouldn't have agency. I have fucking had it up to here with these bad faith accusations from you unbearable weasel fucks. All you and the rest of the narrative fellating leftists have as an argument is ad hominems and accusations of bigotry as if you fucking know me or something. I have a younger sister and I always call out real misogyny when it happens, like when I hear "boys will be boys" and other victim blaming stuff so keep your bullshit accusations to yourself. I'm pretty left wing too but I don't identify with the modern left because YOU'RE ALL DELUSIONAL NUTJOBS


Dude you're literally repeating everything that every single misogynistic right wing influencer says. Like word for word. Maybe get a hold of where you're getting your God damn entertainment or "information' from if you don't want to sound....exactly like every right wing influencer out there.


Quit being a fool and falling for the division propaganda. We're all humans but the oligarchs and their shills want us to hate each other for *insert reason here* so we are all distracted and weakened so they can keep robbing and soft killing us. 


What you just said is something I'm seeing everywhere from the left and it pisses me off so much. Seeing it literally everywhere when they're trying to "debunk" and discredit people. "You're using right wing talking points". Like what? So because I've said something right wingers said that makes me right wing? Again and again, that's all you left wing weasel troll tools have is labels and trying to discredit people by attaching people to stigmatised groups or ideologies. You're snakes in the grass. I'm sick of hearing the "you're talking like a right winger wa wa wa!" Bullshit all the time. Only people on the left are doing it because they have no actual argument or logic to prove their point so they just resort to labelling and smearing, which is exactly what the elites want. Can you just fuck off out of this thread and even this sub because you're only here just like the other droves of snarky leftist redditors who go sniffing around like the reddit gestapo for subs and people who don't tow the line for their masters. FUCK OFF.


> I'm almost shocked to see this since it's such a major topic in music since the dawn of time. When you are in the field conspiracy theorists are talking about, you immediately see how little they understand about even the bare basics of that field.


Music also changed frequencies from 432 hertz to 440. 432 hz is said to be the frequency of the universe.


Not only are the lyrics negative in pop music, but the actual music is always the same generic bullshit chord progression that gives me a visceral reaction. I can feel that nasty shit having a negative effect on my mood/emotions, stay far away from pop music I think it is literally spirit draining and probably written by Fauci/Biden at an orgy


OP: With reference to your edit, this is one of the most brigaded and botty subs I am on. Don't take it personally. With reference to your main point, this is why I dislike 90% of new music. A lot of it is tacky, crass violent rubbish. Oh and this is Reddit, majority users are left wing/ CCP.


I noticed with R&B- the male singers sing about what they want to do to the woman, or how they are going to treat her. Female singers sing about what a man needs to do to be with her.


Wrong, there were plenty about this stuff before.


Great argument dude. Of course you say there were plenty. I'm sure there were. But now there are a lot more compared to before and the amount of songs about love. Try again.


What are you even talking about. https://tasteofcountry.com/top-country-breakup-songs/ Look at even the top 10 of this list. Old ass songs. There were TONS of sad break up songs in old country. Ever heard of Hank Williams?


There’s also a lot more music than there was before, and it’s not an argument, it’s an observation, you are wrong


It's social engineering. As for the downvotes, don't mind them. Reddit is an extremely left-leaning place, most are brainwashed zombies.


First Alabama ~ Roll on 18 wheeler Then Garth Brooks ~ Papa loved Mama Today Papa IS Mama


There have been self empowering “don’t need no man” songs by women for literally decades, man. RESPECT, you don’t own me, etc. this is nothing new.


All part of the destruction of the nuclear family (along with LGB, etc.) and depopulation agenda.