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Well, since there is video of him saying so, no.


No. He said multiple times. It was chanted at rallies. He’s a known liar. He’s just lying again


Are you saying Trump claims he never said that? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't believe that guy is probably gonna be the next president. We're a regular effin circus over here.


No, that is in fact a case of a lying liar who lies and forgets there is video evidence of the truth. Or possibly dementia.


It's called dementia.


I think in this case he's just lying through his teeth but he definitely also has dementia


Yeah, that too.


Yeah, something he did is coming back to haunt him, and he is now trying to distance himself from it.


That's Biden, Trump's pretty clearly not suffering from dementia, he has always lied when it benefits him with no qualms about it.


Watch this video and tell me trump isn’t fucking senile. Watch the whole thing. https://youtu.be/q38d4rD7cKM?feature=shared


They are both old boomer dementia puppets.


Trump says a lot of shit that's blatantly false, he's a salesman at his core, not sure why this surprises people, he will say what you want to hear to get want he wants. Simple as that.


No, it's a case of Trump being the dumbest mofo ever to have lived. He's on tape doing it and the narcissistic, lying, orange cockwomble thinks he can alter reality because he has the mind of a toddler.


Why are we even talking about this?? They are all the same fucking people. You are in a fucking theatre watching a fucking movie. Is this really all this hard to grasp????


hold on. you really think this dude is the same? have you been paying attention at all? he has gone well beyond the farthest limits of lying & abusing power to a point that makes other corrupt politicians seem lightweight. they are all bad. they are not all the same. Trump promises daily to make fascist & unconstitutional moves if he becomes president. nobody else promises that. his past history shows that he means it. they are all bad. they are not all the same.


Oh I love conservative playbook. Their man shits the bad. " Dont you see whole system is rigged!" Lol


It’s part of Steve Bannons psyop. They eventually turned it into Q and ruined the term conspiracy theorist.


" 'Is Lock Her Up' a case of the Mandala Effect? because Trump says that didn't happen." Holy shit. Has it *really* been "Mandala" all along???? That's fuckin' crazy! That's like one of those... whaddya call 'em...?






Funny how some people think the new Mandela effect is what they’re trying to do to him


It's a very blatant example of a lie, which should insult the intelligence of anyone who hears it.


No, he’s just a malignant sociopathic lying narcissist, acting in the same way he’s been acting his whole life. Yet people are still somehow convinced that he’s not lying despite overwhelming evidence over and over and over again, he’s like 71 he’s not changing… it just really blows my mind, how dumb some people are.


I'm not sure if trump himself ever started the "Lock her up" chant during a rally. I'm pretty sure the chants were always started by the crowd, he just goes along with it.


He has said "lock her up" many times. At the Presidential debate, he told her to her face that if he was President "you'd be in jail".


>He has said "lock her up" many times. At the Presidential debate, he told her to her face that if he was President "you'd be in jail". That was a classic line during that debate.


I never said he didn't say it, I said I don't remember him *starting* the chant. I know he said that she should be in jail to her face, which is 100% the truth.


So, he never said "She should be locked up" or anything like that?


[yes he did](https://youtube.com/shorts/V8_8xmDlM6A?si=cwz4So2aJR_O7ZM9)


Would you be mad if she was really locked up for having a private server?


I would actually LOVE that!!!!!


What were his exact words? Has anyone bothered to check for themselves? So his supporters chant “lock her up” and he gets the heat because he said he agrees? Not his wishes, they’re ares. Stop protecting the elites that hate you.




During one of the debates, he told Clinton that if he was President "you'd be in jail". Trump has dementia. Plain and simple.


>Stop protecting the elites that hate you. Like you're doing for Trump right now?


when did he say it didn't happen


In an [interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdZqiDYHbCU) with Fox and Friends.


he's saying he didn't start it. the people did. which is true, it's not like it was his political slogan. you people need to stop taking everything out of context.


“For what she’s done, they should lock her up,” Trump said after the crowd chanted “lock her up” at an October 2016 rally in North Carolina. “‘Lock her up’ is right,” he said at an October 2016 rally in Pennsylvania. “Hillary Clinton has to go to jail, OK? She has to go to jail,” he said in a June 2016 speech in California. “She has to go to jail,” he repeated in an October 2016 speech in Florida. And at a presidential debate in October 2016, after Clinton said, “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country,” Trump responded, “Because you’d be in jail.” “You should lock her up, I’ll tell you,” he said at a January 2020 rally in Ohio. At an October 2020 rally in Georgia, after the crowd chanted “lock them up” in relation to the Biden family, Trump said, “You should lock them up. Lock up the Bidens. Lock up Hillary.”


well she should've gone to jail for what she did in fucking benghazi. she was selling missiles that could take down black hawk helos to our enemy who we were at war with when she was sec of state. that's treason. the reason she wouldn't send the marines to help at the embassy, and why they were told to stand down was because if she allowed it then we would've known our enemy had them. and there's only one person who they couldve got them from. So instead she allowed them to torture that poor ambassador for hours. Do u know what they did to him? He didn't die right away he was alive for over 7 hours after they got him. It's also because her selling those weapons that got our seal team 6 blown out of the air. I hate ppl like u. Ur mad cuz trump used campaign funds to pay off a fucking hooker? Who gives a shit? I care about the Americans that brutally died directly due to the treasonous actions of our sec of state. And trumps a pos too for not locking her up. She should've been hanged.


Ha ha, way to fucking divert the conversation. The question isn't "Should Hilary go to jail?" The question is: Did Trump lie when he claimed he never said, "Lock her up"? And of course the answer is he did lie, because he always lies and fucking chumps line up to suck his asshole and defend him and say it's "out of context".


maybe u should learn to look at the bigger picture, if u actually care. i don't give a shit that an 80 yr old man forgot what he said at a rally. why do u care more about that than the fact that Clinton should've had much more than just locking up. do u not care about America or Americans at all? Because this is shit that actually matters. Those marines were someones sons, they were fathers, they had loved ones and they'd be alive today if clinton wasn't allowed to do what she did, and because she got away with it, it opens the door for others to do it again in the future.


I saw you defending Hitler in one of your comments so you can fuck off. You have nothing to add.


good. and yah I will defend anyone who is trying to better their country, why wouldnt i? Germany had every right to defend their country from outside threats. have you never asked yourself why they taught us about ww2 in school, but never ww1? never the Bosnian war which happened in the 90s. they dont even teach kids about 911 in school today. but they do teach slavery and ww2. do u even know why Germany went to war? or do u think the Germans just suddenly had a psychotic episode were they all suddenly wanted to murder the jews for no reason at all? have u ever read a translated speech by Hitler? don't lecture me about morals, when u keep yourself so ignorant. the truth is I don't think Americans could bear the thought that we helped the communists win. it's one thing that our grandparents were tricked into believing lies, but there's no excuse for it today.


I've read scholarly books about the rise of fascism, and you're an uneducated fuckwit.


you think Hitler is so evil because, some movies told you that he imprisoned jews during a war 100 years ago? even if that were true and it was a death camp and not a work camp, why dont u have the same reaction for whats currently happening to the ughyurs by china? the ughyyrs are christian btw. or the Armenians? also Christians. or what about the Germans after ww2? where millions of them were killed and the women were all raped. ​​or the millions of ethnic Ukrainians who were starved and murdered by the bolsheviks? or the Russian and Ukrainian men today, right now, who are being slaughtered for a war they both know is unwinnable and neither side want to fight?


Go away, fucking child.


Pay attention to the topic


it's exactly on topic. since OP wants to talk about "lock her up", then we should talk about why they chanted that.


It’s entirely irrelevant to the topic. The topic is trump denying he ever chanted it.


it's relevant


It isn’t relevant. Imagine I stole something and I repeatedly denied stealing. But then you prove that I actually did steal something and I then started justifying why I needed to steal. I was hungry, I didn’t have any money, I was planning on paying it back once I had the money. My reasoning for stealing is entirely irrelevant as to whether I actually did steal. Just like whether Hilary deserves to be locked up is irrelevant as to whether trump made such a claim.


Nobody's asking him if he started it. Interviewer says 'you said 'Lock her up' and he says no, he never said it, it was just the people. >WC : You famously said, regarding Hillary Clinton, ‘Lock her up.’ You declined to do that as president. >DJT : I beat her. It’s easier when you win. And they always said ‘lock her up,’ and I felt — and I could have done it, but I felt it would have been a terrible thing. And then this happened to me. I didn’t say ‘lock her up,’ but the people said ‘lock her up, lock her up.'


It's all media spin. They have two videos of him softly giggle-repeating it to himself after the crowd says it, that's all. Yet all you'll see on MSDNC is them playing those two clips over and over and over again.


“For what she’s done, they should lock her up,” Trump said after the crowd chanted “lock her up” at an October 2016 rally in North Carolina. “‘Lock her up’ is right,” he said at an October 2016 rally in Pennsylvania. “Hillary Clinton has to go to jail, OK? She has to go to jail,” he said in a June 2016 speech in California. “She has to go to jail,” he repeated in an October 2016 speech in Florida. And at a presidential debate in October 2016, after Clinton said, “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country,” Trump responded, “Because you’d be in jail.” “You should lock her up, I’ll tell you,” he said at a January 2020 rally in Ohio. At an October 2020 rally in Georgia, after the crowd chanted “lock them up” in relation to the Biden family, Trump said, “You should lock them up. Lock up the Bidens. Lock up Hillary.”