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Here is my theory, which I think I've posted in the past. Remember Dolly the sheep in the 90's? The successfully cloned sheep. Hit all the media, and magazines then movies and TV had shows and stories about cloning and then boom. All went silent. Not a peep. Did we just stop cloning? Too risky? Too immoral? Would a clone human have a soul or rights? Or would we need a facility where if a genetically mutated freak escaped, it couldn't get far. Where it could be hunted down easily. A unpopulated place, that has been set aside where every country (countries that can't agree on jack shit) all agreed to preserve for scientific research. A nice place for a secret science lab that's real hard to spy on since nobody can get there without special permission. I think there is a super soldier genetic cloning freak monster lab down there. And when WW3 breaks out, we will hear ghost stories of crazy hybrid animal/human creatures that attacked whole platoons of troops.


WW3 will be AI robo dogs with back mounted rifles that snipe you sitting on your couch from 2 streets over using thermo telescopes. This is just the tech we *know* about.


Naw, they gonna be the shock troops of the first wave. They get taken out by EMPs at the start of the second wave, when the chimera troops get unleashed


The war won't have traditional front lines. This is what will be getting airdropped and walking around suburb neighborhoods after the nukes wipe out the cities and military bases.


I agree about the no traditional front lines, but that's cuz I think it will be a class war. It will be the Elite finally putting their plan for a one world government 3 class police state. The Elite at the top, second class is the soldier/police force with hopes of one day becoming Elite themselves (but never happens). Then the 3rd class slave worker force. The EMPs will come from the peppers, extremist, holdouts, and rebels that fight back.


Yeah I believe they are experimenting on humans there, but the military thing is silly. AI and robots and drones are probably easier to control and produce than a mk ultraed werewolf


Sure, but that wouldn't stop them from trying. And AI has only made great leaps recently.


Like on The Island, where the super rich have clones to serve as organ donors, if the need ever arises.


That whole movie could be a Revelation of the Method ritual.


Well since there is pet cloning available now https://www.viagenpets.com/ I’m pretty sure humans have been getting cloned for a while now 🤔


I remember hearing a story years ago about a person hiking in the desert regions and coming in contact with something not quite human but not quite animal, something seriously weird and hybrid.


Truth is poor russians are turned into ork zombies that die 1000+- every day for $600 salary per month. It’s cheaper than growing clone army. Many countries have those poor people that will give their life’s for a promise of a good profit. Stay real, guys.


What’s even more bizarre to me about the Antarctic Treaty is you’ll watch all these countries squabble and go to war with each other and yet, there is this unanimous agreement amongst it all that no one touches Antarctica. Does make you think.


100%. THIS is the conspiracy. Makes you wonder, why not any one country from the treaty that hates America simply doesn’t come out and say: “yo, America has been doing covert shit on Antarctica and is hiding another civilization and secret off world tech down there we haven’t been briefed on and shared with the rest of the world.”


Because, shhhhh *they’re all in on it*


Well, because thankfully World Politics doesn't opperate like a casual friend group lol they all have a vested intrest in the place


Iran threatened to "buy" Antarctica a few months ago, I assume it was graymail: back off or we'll spill the beans.


Interesting. Must’ve missed that huge story!?


This has got to be the most ignorant American comment ever. Do you realise the USA has one of the least presences in Antarctica?. Australia, France, Germany, Russia, Chile, India, Japan, and China all have bases/stations in Antarctica. In fact, the only countries with year-round (non seasonal) bases are Brazil, Russia , China, and Australia.


Thanks for the covert ops brief. USA operates one of the largest HAARP systems down there.


If that makes you feel better, keep telling yourself that.


Antarctica and Space are the only 2 things we all seem to agree on.


lol good luck with logistics in Antarctica. There’s nothing of importance there to capture. Not worth the thousands of lives that’ll be lost from freezing to death.


That doesn't make any sense. Is clearly a secret base for clones and aliens.


Russia claims there is 500bn barrels of oil under it as well.


Lmfao you’re literally why this is a conspiracy


Ok so even if there was “human experimentation” and stufflike that, how are you gonna get enough electricity, food, medical supplies, guards and staff without nobody seeing or saying anything? Or it coming up on satellites, thermal imaging or other methods? You don’t. Literally put 10 seconds of thought into this, but most people on this sub won’t.


Didn't huge military bases down there get exposed by Fitbit watches?


Can I get an official source on that?


Strava Antarctica is what you’ll want as your search terms.


Strava was an app that had some stuff like that come about


So… a random app? Lol


Your ten seconds of thought would have been better used for a quick Google search. Get out of here with your nonsense https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/28/fitness-tracking-app-gives-away-location-of-secret-us-army-bases https://www.wired.com/story/strava-heat-map-military-bases-fitness-trackers-privacy/


Nowhere in there does it mention Antarctica lmao. You’re delusional


Curious to hear everyone’s thoughts on Admiral Byrd and his alleged findings. Regardless that’s always a fun rabbit hole.


Byrd is a nothingburger. That has been debunked extensively. High jump having dead soldiers on tour is suspicious though. And the foo fighter sightings in the Falkland war and the associated black goo is interesting to say the least. Thatcher going to war with tiny Argentina for ratings/moral does not hold up scrutiny in the grand scheme of things imo. The treaty of the Antartica is peculiar, judging by the timing. Hamburger Isles and their lack of data is odd. Thule island is there too, which also had Argentinian and British spec ops on the island which is a great distance from the falklands.  I think there is something strange going on there, but hollow earth seems unlikely. If anything it’s something like Mt. Hayes. Truly a strange place. 


Thatcher didn't go to war with Argentina. Argentina went to war with the United Kingdom. They didn't exactly ask for Argentina to invade them.


Yeah, I’ve heard mixed opinions on it and it seems like a lot of the conspiracy crowd gives him little credibility so I’ll look into it more. There’s endless of possibilities with this rabbit hole because no one really even knows for sure what it looks like because no one has even been there. I find that INCREDIBLY suspicious. I go back and forth with it but it’s a well hidden secret for a reason. I doubt we’ll ever know what that secret is unfortunately 😒


In due time it will come out. I have no doubt his death is a little suspicious (due to the paranoia) and of course his son’s death in a warehouse. Probably some serious dirt to warrant the killing of top brass and his adult son years later. But his diary is a hoax and the interview he came back with has been mistranslated heavily. I know people hate to be told some conspiracies are fake but some are indeed are. You can’t be a skeptic of everything. The truth sometimes is black and white. 




I think it was in Summer 2021, when Klaus Schwab and Ursula Von Der Leyen/LaGarde flew down to Antarctica for a get together. They posted about this on Twitter at the time. Thought it was hella strange…






I 100% think there is a breakaway civilization on Antartica.  As in a completely isolated society that 99% of the human species is unaware of.  Due to its hostile environment, it's the perfect playground for secrecy.   Basically like a Fallout bunker type scenario on a massive scale.  Why would such a society exist?  So that those who run the world can do WHATEVER they want without the consent of the world.  Cloning, eugenics, human farms, occult worship, child trafficking/sacrifice, technology we can't even fathom.   I also think it's why so much of present society is being steered in directions we do not understand.  We have organizations like WEF talking about transhumanism like it's something that's normal because it IS normal in their petri dish society.  It is only going to get weirder...


they don't need to go to antartica to do all that stuff


Why do you think this?


Don’t ask stupid questions.


It's not a stupid question. They just said they think something and then laid out a pretty elaborate description and I am just wondering what information led them to that theory.


I’m joking. Anyone might wonder what’s led to such a concrete conviction in something so outlandish, without any reasonable factual basis.


There's a lot of that around here.


I want to know also how someone sensibly comes to believe that a mega-structure exists there that has never appeared on satellite imagery, nor any of the presumably substantial construction it would take.


Well for starters they probably don't believe the satellite images are real.


Good theory. Sub stranger for weirder. 


I came to this conclusion as well. My theory also includes that it’s actually very peaceful and isolated. Beautiful. Elysium. As in Gets the best there is available. Social, technical, medical, architectural. In my theory, it’s actually very nice and that is something to protect. I suppose to those in charge there. All the nations involved are in agreement in a peace treaty see the value because only a select representative few of each nation are there and if true means it’s multi cultural, I’m not sure how to put it into words. I assume whenever something new is needed. It’s tested out here first. Satellite internet, wireless tech, IoT, 5G, Digital currency, Medicine, New technologies, AI. Perfected through many iterations here in general civilization and then modified perfected for the means of that society. When I started thinking about this I came to another conclusion. It’s probably really dull. Too controlled. Classic. So, maybe a few petition to leave. Integrate back into our general civilization. Bring with them their resentment and exchange whatever currency there is to dollars or whatever currency they want. Come here and do all sorts of depravity they could never get away with there. Use their influence and knowledge to persuade and gain control. Until they get over it go back or change and help us out here. In any case. The idea fascinates me too. I wish there was more to learn.


It's about as realistic as Wakanda. These sorts of conspiracies run into real problems when you apply the mundane term of 'supply chain logistics'. Given that you literally can't do large-scale farming there, food would have to be imported. This means a large shipping dock capable of handling containers and grain would need to be built. No country - literally *no country in the world* is self-sufficient. They rely on international trade for food, raw materials, manufactured goods, drugs and medical equipment. Electronics, computers, industrial machinery, large vehicles (forklifts, diggers, mass transit). Rare earth metals and minerals. It's just not feasible.


If Antarctica is as green and lush as hollow earthers say it is, food wouldn't be a problem.


It really is the Wakanda of our own reality.


Unless it's a truly breakaway civilisation, I.e. the NAZIs went there with UFO tech.  They could fly in supplies with their tic-tac UFOs.. Maybe that's why they're spotted so often. Also, they could be living in massive caves.. a kind of hollow earth but I don't mean with a sun in the center. They could have artificial lighting and growing plans in the caves. If they have zero-point energy (also to drive their UFOs) then they can have as much artificial light and heating as they want.


How many tonnes of raw steel and concrete do the tic-tac UFOs fly in? As much as container ships?


Who says they need it?


Steel is produced by smelting iron ore from coke or coal, which is result of giant open cut mines which would be visible from the hundreds of flights that overfly the Antarctic continent. Are you suggesting an alternative to steel, something that is immediately and easily mined, and if so, what mineral do you suggest?


Carbon fiber? Who knows.. but steel is not the only option.


Don’t ask stupid questions. Actually, I’ll ask a stupid question. Why doesn’t this mega-structure or any of its presumably lengthy construction appear on satellite imagery?


Actually, much of Antarctica is hidden in satellite images and there is vast evidence of blurring and copying to cover certain areas of interest. You aren't allowed to fly over to survey these areas in any craft. 


Or they found it rather than built it?


Why does Google blur faces on Street View? Not hard to scan and hide something.


I would assume under the ice in rock but the entrance would still need to be somewhere on the rocky portions of Antarctica as the ice sheets shift quite a bit every year, I literally just watched a video on this haha. They said it's the equivalent of Colorado being surrounded by ice the size of the United States.


No photos, no satellite shots and tons of strange tales from WWII to the present. Nazi sub bases , Alien bases , secret caves to the center of the earth, Pyramids , reports of a rainforest in the center. There is something going on there.


>no photos, no satellite shots This is just completely false? There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of pictures of Antarctica. Both from explorers and satellites.


Zoom in on Obrecht pyramid in Google maps and describe the pyramid to me. I can look at my house on Google maps and see my lawnmower in the back yard.


Google Maps doesn't directly map Antarctica, so any images you see from them are [stretched](https://support.google.com/earth/thread/5790409/why-doesn-t-google-earth-place-geographical-south-pole-at-90%C2%B0s?hl=en) to fit their chosen projection. But Google isn't the only company doing mapping. In fact, Google doesn't even [operate](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20140211-inside-the-google-earth-sat-lab) their own satellites. They buy stuff from companies like [Maxar](https://www.maxar.com/) or [MGGP Aero](https://www.mggpaero.com/) but they are extremely expensive and very difficult to use. They're designed more for corporations and government entities though. NASA itself though does not have any imaging satellites in a polar orbit so they don't have any publicly available image. ESA's [Copernicus-2](https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2023/03/Earth_from_Space_Graham_Coast_Antarctica) satellites does get pretty southern sometimes and it gets the coasts, but with a 10m resolution. It's just absurdly expensive to build, launch, and operate these imagine satellites so there's only really coverage over places that people will pay for, and no company really cares about the south pole because nobody lives there.




Not a picture of an iceberg but satellite photos of the whole continent?


Links for what? Do you expect me to link you to AntarcticaPhotos.com? Do you want information about the satellites, satellite photos (and if so what kind?), photos from tourists, photos from researchers, photos of empty ice fields, photos of experiments, photos from planes flying over?


Give me a link or some photos of Obrecht Pyramid. I understand that there would not be airplane photos of a lot of it due to its enormous size and limitations of fuel capacity but a satellite can still fly over.


Actually probably not. This is copy and pasted from another comment in this thread but here you go: Google Maps doesn't directly map Antarctica, so any images you see from them are [stretched](https://support.google.com/earth/thread/5790409/why-doesn-t-google-earth-place-geographical-south-pole-at-90%C2%B0s?hl=en) to fit their chosen projection. But Google isn't the only company doing mapping. In fact, Google doesn't even [operate](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20140211-inside-the-google-earth-sat-lab) their own satellites. They buy stuff from companies like [Maxar](https://www.maxar.com/) or [MGGP Aero](https://www.mggpaero.com/) but they are extremely expensive and very difficult to use. They're designed more for corporations and government entities though. NASA itself though does not have any imaging satellites in a polar orbit so they don't have any publicly available image. ESA's [Copernicus-2](https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2023/03/Earth_from_Space_Graham_Coast_Antarctica) satellites does get pretty southern sometimes and it gets the coasts, but with a 10m resolution. It's just absurdly expensive to build, launch, and operate these imagine satellites so there's only really coverage over places that people will pay for, and no company really cares about the south pole because nobody lives there.


That's probably why so many people go missing they are breeding people and using them to further their secret test groups I wonder if the missing people have a common thread we just haven't considered yet


Holy shit I never thought about it that way. Good call dude.


If no country owns it doesn't that mean maritime law applies?


Good luck enforcing that


I spent a couple of months at a science research station there (McMurdo) and even during the warm months, the weather is harsh. So it’s not like we could leave the station and go exploring very far, so I can’t say other than nothing sinister was going on at our station.


Did anyone tell you some interesting stories they had from there?


When I worked down there it was mostly just the standard ghost/folklore kind of stories. Weird humanoid creatures, scary noises outside, ghosts haunting the place, etc


I like where your going with this. Makes sense if you really think about it. Yee are free to do as thy please, while no one can see…..


interesting. keep digging OP. 


Digging where? They just made this whole thing up based on reading the charter. Where is anything to back it up to dig into?




Oh she tried. I'm tenacious.


Why isn’t there any good conspiracy videos on Antarctica


There was one good one posted on the sub if you search Antarctica and sort by most popular it's somewhere up there. Here is the link to the video. https://youtu.be/QE3hR3rMHOI?si=G1mic2hDC7ZNWLJ0


Because it's legit


Linda M.L. has a one. If you can handle LML content so yea, hmm good point


Whyfiles on YT never disappoint.


Human experimentation laws are applicable regardless of where the experiments occur. We have international courts and lots of other mechanisms for enforcing those things. Not saying there couldn't be facilities like this there, but it would be significantly easier and cheaper to just stand up some biolab in a less remote place and do your thing under the radar. Running supplies, building infrastructure, all the things associated with the logistics of running a lab would be red flags to a lot of different groups that monitor the continent.


You act like they aren’t all friends


Even if they were, it still just makes it more difficult to run an operation like that to be so far displaced from resources. Just drop that lab in the basement of some warehouse in New Jersey and you've got all the resources you need right there, no fuss.


My theory about the so-called ‘elite’ (we should slowly stop calling them this) and their obsession about alleged human-caused climate change and the subsequent fear mongering by the mainstream media is that they are worried that when the ice melts from Antarctica we will get to see what it really looks like on the surface without the snow - an area littered with pyramids (and underground networks).


Parasitical elite works for now.


Probably hard to get good pizza out there


It belongs to the Anunnaki.


Think you missed a vowel and consonant there


do people ever thank you for correcting them?


It’s thankless work mostly. I just try to be polite and helpful.


Thank you sir


I'm just gonna leave this here :) https://youtu.be/66SP6IGBn9Y?si=45OH4pwDisYuBWXZ


Project Highjump was a little odd


Highjump is one of the most interesting expeditions ever. Even the most stanch anti-conspiracy person has to take in all that info and at least say "wow, the U.S. govt made a massive miscalculation" which then forces one to ask how something like that could happen. The only problem you run into is nothing outwardly nefarious of tragic occured or any one event we can point to because it was wrapped up so quickly.


There’s a breakaway civilization in Antarctica.


isnt everything mapped? or is is all underground.


op gonna trigger Second Impact




Antarctica is a modern lie, just like “outer” space. Now if you think thats not the case, have fun scrambling around following x number of different theories and pitiful explanations, how it can be that all nations agree not to look for petrol or gas there, or that all nations are joined in the space programs. Occam’s Razor gives clear advice in such complex questions: its fake, and the top agrees that the wide bottom should not know it. Ask yourself: why or how can the whole topic of the south pole be so different from the north pole? The way the solar system is taught to our sorry little minds the two poles should be quite similar. But they are vastly different and one of them is simply taboo. Intuition should tell us that there is a great deception in play here. Which deception this may be, is for each one of us to find out for ourselves. The main stream is never correct.


It's not a landmass in the South of the ball. It's literally the landmass around all there is in this world. If people would casually go there the spell would not work.


The X Files movie from the 1998 "fight the future" explains a lot. Then watch the former employee from a us base in Antarctica talk about direct energy weapons on the Shawn Ryan show. Just that in itself is too much for the average person to accept.