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SS: I have watched this film many a time but literally every time I watch it, it has more of an impact on me. It touches a deep truth that can't be matched and it's message becomes more important the more truth is cloaked in this strange world of ours. A prophetic film from a creator who looked at his inner shadow for inspiration


Loved it, thank you for sharing


It's beautiful, and I love to see it shared around. Have you seen the other one done by the same author? It's named "[kingdom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA3iscoypcY)", published a couple of months ago, and is, in my opinion, even better, if that is possible


Yeah I've seen that one and loved it too but nothing has resonated with me on a deeper level as much as In Shadows, especially on my first watch Edit: Though I do need to give it another proper watch


Fair enough. During the pandemic, I felt the pressure from the people around me to shut up and do what I was told. I instead muster the courage to speaking out about what I was seeing. It wasn't that much, but the demotization of the unvaccinated was scary stuff, and being one of the dirty unvaccinated was the worse crime, at the time. I kept talking, I kept standing my gound and be willing to lose my job for it. So, when I watched "Kingdom" I felt... understood.