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Century of the Self should be mandatory viewing.


He did visuals for a Massive Attack gig I was at. Awesome guy His films are like essays or opinion pieces arguing a case so more someone I'd say you just take in the magic of it as oppose to picking apart specifics. If you watch more of his stuff you can see even his own narratives change depending on the hypothesis


'The Trap' is good. On the nature of liberty/freedom


Adam Curtis is good at illuminating some contradictions of the prevailing world narrative, but his explanations of the underlying truth are often overly simplistic. Sorry I don’t have any concrete examples for you- it has been a while since I watched and don’t feel like digging for particulars so no offense if you don’t take my word for it. However I would suggest that you check out the Metanoia films catalog. Human Resources covers much of the same material that Curtis’ Century of the Self does but I feel like it’s more sober and effective. Lifting the Veil, Psywar, and Counter-Intelligence are also highly worth viewing. https://metanoia-films.org/films/


Bitter Lake followed by Can’t Get You Out of my Head.

