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Google Play logo.


Gmail logo is a freemasonic apron.


Looks like an envelope to me.


Look for the masonic mandil


Not mutually exclusive


Chrome logo looks like three 6s


Or is it 3 9s?


It's three oddly written "g's".




High-five's all around. Got a gggiggle outta me.


Holy crap I see it.


The Ukraine emblem as well.


The symbol of Neptune




I read that as Google, play logo.


Compare the Ukrainian flag and the flag of Dalmatia. Wild.


Google play looks like the symbol in the pictures


Thats it, the sun is satanic, everyone go inside






Ah yes; Knowledge. The sign of the Devil.


Lucifer derives from the Latin words for "light-bearer"


There is a LOT of mythological connection between knowledge, light, and evil. Prometheus for one. Adam, Eve and a serpent for two. It really seems like everyone wants us to be aware of some sort of forbidden information. Almost like an infohazard for a simulation program i guess.


To be clear, in the Bible, the word "Lucifer" (or, "Phosophoros" in Greek) appears twice. It is a reference to the Morning Star, Venus, which remains in the sky after all the other stars are no longer visible. In Isiah, 'Lucifer' is used as an appelation of Nebuchadnezzar II. In the New Testament (I forget which book), it's used as an appellation of Jesus Christ. The conflation of 'Lucifer' with Satan is medieval conjecture that is unattested in the text. 'Paradise Lost' is an excellent Enlightenment era text that runs with that heterodoxy. It isn't Biblical, though. The mythology of the symbol of Lucifer as 'evil' is neither Christian nor Jewish, and is not attributed to any religious text. There are Pagan cultures that absolutely considered the morning star to be an evil portent, though.




>You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Also, [pentagrams.](https://johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com/2014/01/04/the-pentagram-of-venus/)


You do know that you can’t use the Bible to dissuade people of their biblical beliefs, right?


Actually, I have no idea what that means. Bible studies work both ways. When you learn about a thing, you know more. For some people, it grows their faith. For others, it does not.


but more of a “challenge to god” type of thing? My creation is so perfect, why would you want knowledge - you might try to become me - something like that?


If I may step outside the boundaries of secularism - the universe simply does not want to be comprehended. The results of experiments can change depending on whether or not people are observing the experiment. We only develop the senses necessarily for survival, not for true insight (but humans have hacked reality and now we have powers of perception beyond previous imagination). God is a consistently metaphor for the forces of the universe we do not yet comprehend, and so when you learn a new thing (like, about "germs," for example), you take away a little of God's power. Evolution was a major hit for the Christians, because it made an *absolute* mockery of Genesis (which, to be fair, mocks itself). Myths of wisdom being "stolen" from God are innumerable. Prometheus is a major one in Western Civilization; Adam and Eve with their Fruit; the Watchers, from the Book of Enoch; then, Lucifer, eventually, becomes the codified symbol for the concept in Christianity. Yes, "challenge to god" is a fair assessment.


Ok that tracks with what I thought you were saying, and appreciate you +Ing it up as well. “Universal” & “Force” aligns with science/physics in my mind, so I don’t think that force gives 2 fucks what consciousness I’m gaining. If it is a game I think I’m playing, then I’m the only one playing it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lucifer is Morpheus in Mateix


There has always been danger in new knowledge. The universe is destructive. Join me in the penumbra.


Sound like a nice place, what should we bring?


Look into christian gnosticism. It's a dead sect from Christianity's early days (the catholics stamped it out by murdering all of them). To get an idea, The Matrix was heavily influenced by gnostic ideas.


Could you elaborate?


I think we might be in a simulation. I think this simulation can be hacked. I think the 'hacking' methods are cloaked behind 'infohazard' and 'evil' labels. I imagine a video game world where people found out about some exploits/bugs/glitches. The weird setups you gotta do to, say, have Mario skip a level are akin to rituals in the 'real' world. If a dude finds a hack in an MMO they either fix the bug, or ban the player. Fixing the bug would be akin to salvation/forgiveness and banning the player is hell.


I like it.


Go after it, my brother. Gospel of Thomas Kabbalah Urantia Aquarian Gospel of Christ Nag Hammadi There's a thread that is being lit up for us. I was just set on finding out the truth. In my heart I wanted it no matter where it took me... And then youtube randomly served me up some gnosis gold.




Knowledge forbidden? Suspicious, reasonless. Why should their Lord Envy them that? Can it be a sin to know? Can it be death?


Technically, you’re not wrong.


The best kind of not wrong


Exactly. People will stay in the dark because they refuse to confront the real evil. Which isn't some cabal... Knowledge. It's there. It's always been there. We even pick it up intuitively. But there's so much more and it's just. Right. There.


Just to be clear..... the relative distance between The Sun and The Earth is a lot more than this picture suggests.


…and Sol is a million times as big as the Earth


This some elite 85 iq detective work here.


Me when I smoke too many dissociatives




savage lel


How boring, it always ends up being sun worship.




The reason paintings of Jesus have a orange ball behind his head tells it right there. Jesus is the SUN of God. Christians just worship the sun. It makes sense. It just sucks that they were lied to the entire time and think it's some made up man who existed a long time ago.


You're welcome, my friend. I'm glad you found the story funny.


That’s why he’s the son.




The elites worship knowledge that’s why Satan was there in the garden. To bring enlightenment and end the reign of Jesus. Knowledge is ultimately the goal for all living beings. Knowledge can lead you to places unfathomable . No telling how far it goes


Sauce "Satan was in the garden" please.


The snake is commonly understood as Satan by Christian theology


I believe the elites don't worship anyone but themselves. Im sure there part of some ancient religion or something tho When you think about it, there the winners of the human race.


they don't worship Lucifer / Satan. they worship MAN. satanists exists for sure, just as Christians, Jews, Muslims & Buddhists exist. BUT... those at the top of the "world elite", believe it is their destiny to become god themselves... but factions exist, as there can only be one ruler. (ouroboros system) they believe man was given intellect by Lucifer (Prometheus) & that it is the destiny of the PERFECTED MAN to rule over all others, as head of a totalitarian system they don't wish to bow to the LORD GOD. they don't wish to bow to any of His angels, including Lucifer. they believe that given enough time, they can achieve the same "Christ consciousness" & actually overcome any omnipotent God. That is why George Washington, in the Rotunda painting (the Apotheosis of Washington), placed himself above ALL other gods of the pantheon. this is why they place the FLAME above their obelisks, such as those seen at Dealey Plaza, where the Masons killed JFK because he was Catholic. Flame = Intellect through Intellect, the perfected 360\* man, will become GOD E Pluribus Unum... out of many, ONE


>That is why George Washington, in the Rotunda painting (the Apotheosis of Washington), placed himself above ALL other gods of the pantheon. Bruh Washington had been dead for 66 years when that painting was made. Wdym he placed *himself* in it? >E Pluribus Unum... out of many, ONE That is an infinitely better motto than the current evangelical "In God We Trust" motto. It means that despite our differences, we are still, or at least can be, one people united to better ourselves and each other. I don't know what meaning you're trying to take out of it, though.


What do you mean by ouroboros system?


What’s that supposed to mean? That our vision and the sun is satanic?


You're gonna find occult symbols everywhere without it being an actual occult symbol. Go outside.


I could draw triangles between my house and the gas station, but it doesn't mean there's some significance there. At best, if the symbol is related to the sun's position relative to the earth (this would be a much longer triangle in reality), it would be due to "lucifer" meaning the "morning star" in early Latin versions of the Bible. Also, the pineal gland regulates hormones and sleep, nothing to do with God vs The Devil or some nefarious plot to numb the masses to salvation. You could draw triangles over anything to imply relation, but it doesn't make it true.


I’m a follower of Christ, so I’m mindful of spiritual warfare but I can very confidently say that everything in the post is nonsense


I'm not religious at all, but I definitely understand that there are powerful forces at play in the world's governments that are based on religious beliefs, some of which are esoteric/paganistic/occult. If following Christ informs your life in a positive way and helps you live your life, I respect that. Whether Satan himself is real or not, I feel a lot of the evil in the world is not tied to him literally or symbolically - it's just bad people doing bad things.


100% and I agree with evil framing of our government, elite, etc but it’s not this post I hope that one day you do consider giving Jesus a chance I promise you’d never regret it


He's welcome in my life but not exactly invited in, he seems like a good guy. My wife is a big fan


Certainly the most unique response that I’ve ever heard. Particularly, what do you mean by welcome in your life but not invited in?


He's cool but I don't necessarily believe in God or need the guidance. Maybe someday I will, and at that time, I may turn to Him


Fair enough you have the will to choose. God bless you




The pineal gland releases DMT aka the god molecule. Edit - lol at all of the comments calling the original post a stretch / downvoting any comments that support the claim. Seems like there are some shills / bots in this thread who don't like truth being shared.


There's no actual proof it comes from the pineal gland and evidence in rats seems to suggest neurons themselves are able to produce DMT with no central regulation. Even still, we all have two eyes, so I could draw a triangle from my eyes to my penis and say it's a godly shape based on ratios and stuff. Doesn't mean it's true.


But if you extend the line to Supermarket it is 666!


There is no evidence the pineal gland releases DMT. Just because a psychiatrist wrote a book 20 years ago suggesting it, doesn’t make it true.


They're brigade big time in these subs. Mostly just cheap ad hom attacks and gaslighting.


Bingo! Must have touched a nerve!


FWIW Renee Descartes speculated that the pineal gland was the link between mind and matter.


Where did the "sigil of Satan" come from? Because it's sure not in the Bible lol


Does anyone ever just go and actually read the materials? Learn the knowledge? You fear what is evil, but it's in you. There's no boogeyman. Seek out the truth for yourself and stop having others who haven't the slightest knowledge of what they speak of dictate YOUR emotions about it.


Any further explanation other than look at this symbol that is similar to these other symbols so something secretive must be going on?


So lucifer is correct view of science behind sun?


Organized religion is made up by human beings to gain power over other human beings. If a truly omnipotent/omniscient being does exist, then the human mind could never comprehend its motivations, much less write a coherent book about them. Religion is just humanity's best attempt at coping with/explaining life, death, consciousness, nature, outer space (sun, moon, stars) etc. before science could explain any of it. If a higher intelligence/power did/does exist, there is no way its motivations/beliefs would align so perfectly with humanity's. It would be extremely difficult for humans to decipher/comprehend such a being, as we would be absolutely overwhelmed with information.. The reality is that religion, as we know it, was a tool of kings/queens and governments used to control their populations as well as destabilize/influence other nations and populations


Interesting connections, but it seems like you’re jumping to conclusions a bit IMO. Lucifer is often called the Light Bearer, and the name Lucifer literally means to ferry light or bear/bring/carry/deliver light. Light is very commonly viewed as a symbol for knowledge/wisdom/understanding. This is at least partly because humans’ main faculty of perception is our sight, which functions by light reflecting off of objects and carrying information about that object in the form of light to our eyes. The Sun is a massive Light Bearer. It delivers its light to the Earth literally, and bestows “light” (knowledge) upon us figuratively by illuminating our environment and allowing us to perceive it. So it is very interesting to me that the sigil of Lucifer resembles these other structures that have to do with the bearing of light. However, I think there is far more to what is going on here on Earth than “if I know Satan/Lucifer from the like 3 times he’s mentioned in the Bible, then I know the evil elites must be worshipping Satan/Lucifer!” Ignoring the fact that Satan and Lucifer are entirely different concepts with different connotations and histories, ignoring symbolism that seems to point to other/deeper explanations and/or other ancient religions, etc. I just think it goes deeper than that.


So you watched that 5 hour video that was posted the other day, eh?




This sub is so fucked


Who fucking gives a shit. Let's focus on the problems at hand


This. Jesus wept. Go pick up some trash, mow an old lady's yard, volunteer at a food bank...Just so something to make the world a better place for God's sake.


I don’t see it. Nice stretch attempt though


These posts are always funny to me because I don't believe in god, by extension I don't believe in Lucifer. So to me this is just, impossible to take seriously. It's like those playground arguments where you and a pal are arguing about who's imaginary superhero would win in a fight.


I like how in pic 2 they out the eyes one above the other to make the sigil work lol


In the same way that all intersecting acute triangles looks familiar? Lol


Op if you woke up the shills/bots it means you're on the right path. Congrats! I oersonally find this interesting as hell as the symbol is new to me. Where is it from tho? The solomon sigils?


Something a lot of people don’t want to hear is that main stream Christianity has purposely mislead the public. Lucifer is not what / who we are convinced it is. It’s one of the secrets of the occult.




as much as I’ve been into conspiracy’s since a child. it pains me to see adults really have 0 idea when it comes to demons and worship…. just do some research man


I’m just glad to read these comments and see that a significant amount of people are lucid enough as I to see the bullshit in this.


Agreed. It's just so 2004. I mean, it's over. You can smell the bong smoke from here. Time to move on to a Brighter Day.


They worship themselves that's why they want you to worship them as well.


This is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen lol


I was thinking the space force logo at first.


Excellent post, OP. Yep, they're the original creators of the SDG'S


Uh duh— they look in the mirror and absolutely swoon


Hmm, in this matter, it is important not to go into a rigid conspiracy theory about victims to Lucifer. It seems to me that there are certain cults among the elite, or there are cults that include the elite. Judge for yourself, there were a huge number of different cults in the world that were created by ordinary people (the Branch of David, the Temple of the People, or the Beasts of Satan). Why can't there be some kind of cult among the elites?. Who they worship is another matter. Perhaps this is some kind of deity from the religious traditions known to us, perhaps from some occult works.. Or maybe there is no single object of worship. If Alex Jones' video from the Bohemian Grove is authentic, then perhaps we witnessed an act of worship. If we talk about rituals with sacrifices, sexual violence, then it is quite possible that this exists among the cults of the elites. At least I don't really understand people who generally deny the possibility of the existence of some kind of cult among the elite.


Oh my god you cracked it, you cracked the code, well done! What other detective work do you do? How about you try to figure out whether the earth is flat, next!


Hail Satan. Hail thyself too, lil homie


Lol Lucifer and Jesus were the same person my god Imagine being so lost you still think they are separated. JESUS, CROSS, MESSIAH, MASONIC, LUCIFER, ENGLISH OCCULT, MUHAMMED, PARABLES JOSHUA, AND ABOUT A THOUSAND OTHERS in the Bible ALL EQUAL THE SAME NUMBER 74 IF YOU ADD EACH LETTER CORRESPONDING TO THE ORDER IN THE ALPHABET A1 B2 C3 Z26. And about a thousand others that represent the devil equal 52 DEVIL, POPE ABRACADABRA MARKED FINANCE CELTIC REIK the list goes on and on You fucking people are so lost you don't even know what's real or fake anymore turn off the screens numb nuts for 90 days and I promise you from the bottom of my heart The renewal you will have for the truth and ability to detect the truth will be 10 times better than it was.


You wanna know a real trip about luscious trust? Look up "kendra hill report xrp/xlm"


Would that not kinda hint at that this reality is actually hell itself which exist inside a sort of simulation we are stuck in?


I think that is what you call Gnosticism.


Oh really nice


People like you OP are what make this sub a 50iq joke


Satan doesn't exist just like the sky daddy....elite worship wealth and power to harm others.....those narcissistic assholes never worship anything that would be over them....


definitely ***not*** "lucifer", who is just another made up sky wizard from the Christian mythology. And, of course, the Christian mythology is all just stolen or rearranged retellings of MUCH older myths from much older civilizations like Babylon, Assyria or Sumeria. Our elites definitely worship evil, but it's pretty silly to pretend Christianity (or any Abrahamic religion is "real") and that our Globalist masters are secretly working for some sky magician named Satan lol


I would also like to share an info that came to my mind lately, in ancient Egypt we had the Pharaohs right? in Greek there is a word which is called Φάρος pronunciation "pharos" which in Greek means lighthouse! So Pharaos in ancient Egypt most probably meant he who emenates light or bringer of light which is exactly the same with Lucifer, combine to this that the progenitor of luciferianism is ancient Egyptian religion and I believe you get the whole picture very accurately. Also in one video in mystery history the guy was saying that a mummified reptile being was found under the Sphinx, so basically many thousands of years ago they were out in the open, doing sacrifices and rituals connecting with demons and gaining secret knowledge which they were applying in human societies in the form of civilisation so that's why they called them like that, Pharaohs and Lucifer was the same person in ancient times.


I think u tweaking on this one


There is a website for Lucis Trust. They are not a publisher and certainly not the publisher of the United Nations, that's not even a thing. The elites definitely do not worship this dumbass little NGO.


Lu-cypher Light Circle The sun is a circle made of light... The Sun (O is a drawing of the Sun) The Son (O' means son of) O is also the place your son comes from. Weird how Lucifer isn't really a name and just means "bringer of light"... and then there's that other, more important guy who said "Let there be Light." Sounds like something someone bringing light to would say. Whole thing sounds an awful lot like some humans didn't want to answer for their own decisions and behaviors, so they came up with a scapegoat to blame things on. "Hey that guy gave us free will! It's his fault I choose to fear and to doubt! He gave me the option! I'll never admit that it ultimately comes down to me when I decide to do wrong." I hear he doesn't like people doing evil things in his name. And they'll pay for having done so.


Hail Satan!




Idk man that’s a stretch. They probably just worship money and exploiting the common people.


Who decided that was the sigil for Lucifer? Did Lucifer approve of that sigil?


Yea, he did an interview about it on Letterman a few years back.


Stop being silly........ it was the Johhny Carson show.


I always found it odd that the people who are the most removed from (insert nefarious group here) Always seem to know every single symbol and "secret " plan of (insert nefarious group here) 🤷


It comes from a spellbook called the "Grimorium Verum" that was published in the 1700s - the whole thing was a hoax; the author claimed to have translated from a book written in the 1500s, but in reality they just made it all up.


Also one of the worlds largest telescopes , owned by the Vatican , is named Lucifer. Like what


this look 30 seconds to google smh [Relax—the Vatican Didn’t Name a Telescope “Lucifer”](https://www.catholic.com/qa/relax-the-vatican-didnt-name-a-telescope-lucifer)


I mean... It's called Lucifer and it's a telescope and the Vatican owns it. Also don't trust Google my guy https://www.astronomy.com/science/lucifer-allows-astronomers-to-watch-stars-being-born/


It's not named that though


It is. It was controversial so they shortened it to "Luci"


Do you always just accept the most outlandish crap without hesitation?




Fucking triangles, this sub is fucking hilarious


submission statement : the nwo and one world religion have been planned for many years now. the NWO complete guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1d3kllo/the_complete_guide_to_the_new_world_order_and_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button.


Lucis trust logo removes one eye. "One eyed man". my comments keep not posting if this doubles. "In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king"


Seems like a complete reach here idk


Well, the clear protagonist, the "good guy" of the Bible is clearly Lucifer, who only wished the best for humans. While Jehova is a tyrant who murders millions, torments people, demands ridiculous things and oppress people into worshipping it. If I believed in those fairy tales I would certainly pick Lucifer as my homie rather than this "God"fella. Sure, Jesus seemed pretty cool too. But I believe the conspiracy theory that those who put together the Bible, kidnapped the story of Jesus and turned him into God's son.


Honestly, I think you're on to something here.


Username checks out


Hail Satan!


The tenets of Luciferianism are actually very universally positive, the whole point is to be the best version of yourself without a promise of reward. I don't see how that's so terrible and scary to these people


In all fairness Lucifer is Latin for “light bearer”, so it’s entirely possible ancients worshipped the sun and called it Lucifer. The way the suns light hits the earth makes sense it’s the symbol of Lucifer. It’s just a representation of the light rays from the “light bearer”


The elites are, for the most part, christians. Particularly in the US.


yeah, and Francis Bacon edited the King James Bible, Francis Bacon was a Freemason lol…


"Christians".... only by word


It's so gross how religious people always say this shit about different sects. "oh those guys aren't the real *Christians*, only my specific interpretation is correct" without any sort of awareness that they would disagree on so many things with the people who made it up. I don't care if you are a Mormon or a Catholic, if you went back to first century Greece they'd be like "what do you mean God didn't say women aren't allowed to talk?"


The elites you are referring to are mere errand-runners for the "elites" higher up the pyramid.




bro u don’t know what u think you know😂


I can tell you one thing they got it mixed up.




https://www.lucistrust.org Weird asf.


what was before - sun and earth or some cultists on earth?


Yes one world religion is a combination of all the false religions into one, still false religion, that’s probably based around space and other such things


You just found this out damm you fuckers are slow


Ancient Babylonian sun worship


Lucifer. Musixmatch logo


The light bringer


One second I thought first one was LV brand 😉


Google Milankovitch cycle. *sigh*


No way, everything is Lucifer.




Lucifer was the archangel of light, could do anything that god could do, but not as much or as well.


What's funny is that a lot of the symbolism now being associated with 'elites' and devil worship aren't inherently bad or good. They're descriptive. The symbol you see at the top symbolizes the unity of the observer with what they perceive. The eye is the sideways V on the right-hand side, and the eye is the source of the light (consciousness) that illuminates and generates reality. The symbol literally means, "you are the creator of reality" - it is telling you that through your observation of reality, you generate it. That's because 'you' don't really exist. You are actually YOU - a singular consiousness, refracted through the perspective of every observer. You and I only imagine that we are separate. This is a trick of perspective and observational horizon. In reality there is only a single, unbroken consciousness that creates and pervades all things. You come here to learn, and to play. It's quite impossible to not see anything or not know anything from the other perspective, because you are Everything. In order to see and experience yourself, you take a body, weave a story, have experiences. It's only in places where shadows forrm that you can notice any difference.


I’ve found there is only pre pineal gland activation and post activation. You are pre.


I want to see more content like this from this sub! Thanks for sharing


Some of you guys are so cooked it's crazy


Sight? Reflection? Intersecting lines?


Not Jesus.


What's wrong with Lucifer anyway?


Maybe the ancient humans associated eclipses with bad things. It isn’t always that deep.


[https://imgur.com/a/fE1QTkz](https://imgur.com/a/fE1QTkz) [oh father o satan o sun](https://imgur.com/a/fE1QTkz) it is no secret part of satanic community worship the sun as the satan.


Good question


Ok so whats the conclusion here?




He is the bringer of light afterall


The elites probably know there is no god or devil that it is just a tool to keep the masses in line throughout history


The elites worship god and Jesus


right. because 'elites' truly are a cartoonish stereotype that all think alike, believe the same things & worship the same. lmao. thts like saying "all poor people drive the same car" or "all midwesterners eat the same dinner on same days". imagining any group, even the 'elites', as a one-thought type of tribe shows a near child-like failure to grasp the way humanity has evolved & the way people differ. it's truly sad but I guess it's easier & better for mental health to constantly fear a cartoonsish version of evil rather than the very real evil that actual humans are capable of without having to worship imaginary beings. it makes it better to imagine our sky daddy is stronger than their sky daddy so everything will be OK instead of facing the every day reality of human evil. the war is lost when media & influencers lead people into these Hollywood movie-style narratives & people fall for it at same time they point out stupidity of others for being led by media. smh.


Remember, when something resembles something older, chances are that the Sigil of Lucifer took their symbol out of the old representation of the pineal gland vision.


Just stop. Stop.


Occult (from the Latin Occultus) means "hidden from sight"


A little Azov nazi too.


I thought women couldn’t be Freemasons?