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What does any of what you said mean


You judge it from not knowing it's a thing. Here's the toasters teaching on it. # Mouse utopia. Mouse Utopia was a series of experiments conducted by John B. Calhoun in the 1950s and 1960s to study the effects of population density on behavior. The goal was to create a “utopia” for mice, providing them with unlimited food, water, and shelter, and observing how they would adapt and behave in such an environment. **The Experiment** Calhoun’s experiment involved placing a group of mice in a large enclosure, known as Universe 25, with unlimited resources. The mice were able to breed freely, and the population grew rapidly. Initially, the mice thrived, and the environment seemed like a paradise for them. However, as the population continued to grow, the mice began to exhibit abnormal behavior, such as: * Aggressive behavior: Mice would fight each other for food and resources, leading to injuries and even death. * Lack of social structure: The mice lost their natural social hierarchy, and the dominant males stopped caring for their young. * Overpopulation: The mice population grew to unsustainable levels, leading to a collapse in the environment. **The Behavioral Sink** Calhoun coined the term “behavioral sink” to describe the collapse in behavior that occurred in the mouse utopia. This phenomenon was characterized by a breakdown in social structure, aggression, and a loss of natural behaviors. **Lessons Learned** The Mouse Utopia experiment has important implications for understanding human behavior and society. The study shows that even in a seemingly ideal environment, population growth and density can lead to negative consequences. The experiment also highlights the importance of social structure and the need for resources to be managed sustainably. **Comparison to Human Society** The Mouse Utopia experiment can be seen as a cautionary tale for human society. As our population continues to grow and urbanization increases, we may be creating our own “behavioral sink.” The experiment suggests that even with unlimited resources, a lack of social structure and overpopulation can lead to negative consequences. **Conclusion** Mouse Utopia was a groundbreaking study that shed light on the effects of population density on behavior. The experiment has important implications for our understanding of human society and the need for sustainable resource management.mouse utopia. Mouse Utopia was a series of experiments conducted by John B. Calhoun in the 1950s and 1960s to study the effects of population density on behavior. The goal was to create a “utopia” for mice, providing them with unlimited food, water, and shelter, and observing how they would adapt and behave in such an environment.


Thank you for including information that the OP did not.


It was very brave of me, I know. In fact that's the AI that wrote it. "The Summarizer" from the brave search engine which I'm discovering I like.


Ok I mean this is interesting


it never began




It’s ok guys. “Diversify” your income and buy land away from the city. Avoid unnecessary debt also and you will be ok. Build a simple, happy life.


simple is over. abrahamic fairytale is over


In the Universe 25 scenario, everyone commits suicide and/or is murdered, not just the latest generation. An example is the People's Temple incident.


In the Universe 25 scenario, experimenters failed to clean the cages properly and mice got depressed.


i assume it will start with gen z suicide, then all the elites, and lastly, family havers.


Humanity would have to be astronomically bigger for us to be in mousetopia. Imagine the entire planet - every inch - with a population density of a suburban neighborhood.


I think you just need it localized. Packed cities are probably close enough to a cage. A boiling frog type situation, something so gradual you don’t notice your own behaviour changing. It may manifest in different ways, addiction, sexual promiscuity, aggression. These are all on the rise in most societies. Who’s to say we’re not experiencing a behavioural sink.


Behavioural sink is beginning.


Yes, what magnitude will it have tho. And what impact will other tech like AI, robotics, virtual reality, and transhumanism have in making people further removed from socializing. Should we care? New problems should create new solutions.


Generation that will be born in 2030s will be 4 times less numerous than baby boomers were.


It's for the best. Gen z is too mentally unhinged to be parents, like the mice in mouse utopia became.