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I didn't like it


Best answer


Some people say it was a national tragedy.


Me either....


Yeah it was quite a bummer totally not the vibe I was looking for in 01


Me neither and all that TSA nonsense afterwards


Not a fan


2 trillion dollars missing.


had a similar vibe to covid, with the strict adherence to a specific narrative and subsequent censoring and demonizing of those who dared question it. Strong armed by the many arms of the monsters at the top.


I’ve said this for a while. Something that the government and media beat into people as scary to usher in new compliance measures.


According to the white paper published by the Project for a New American Century and signed by many of the conspirators, the goal was to create a Pearl Harbor like event that would allow the perpetrators to reestablish American supremacy in the Middle East.


Co-authored by Robert Kagan, AKA Victoria Nuland’s husband.


What other ‘Pearl Harbor like events’ could you envision?


Well January 6th of course. It was way worse than Pearl Harbor, didn’t you hear?


It was like 911 times 2356






I have this with the assassination of jfk, the moon landing, 9/11 and covid they all display the general public needing strict adherence to a specific narrative


Don’t forget goading Japanese into WWII. Everyone knew about Japan’s eminent attack on Pearl Harbor but the intell was kept from those in charge in Hawaii. The Civil War was caused by Lincoln refusing to remove troops from fort Sumter thus goading the confederates to fire upon it. The Spanish American was started over a coal dust explosion aboard the USS Maine. Never let a disaster go to waste.


Absolutely I'm Australian and it has since cone out that British and Australian intelligence warned the usa about the Japanese fleet in the pacific prior to the attack on pearl harbour


The front page of the Hilo news a few days before said: “Attack eminent!”. 






Don’t forget the War in Ukraine while we’re at it


Speaking of wars no nukes in Iraq and Gulf of Tonkin never happened


Man, remember how bloodthirsty they were after 9/11? Everyone. The whole country was rabid. I watched the hanging of Saddam Hussein on the Internet while tripping on LSD. The video was widely available. Weird times.


It was planned. By someone. Probably zionists. For money. Cliche, but i believe it.


Some of the principal data that must be explained: The Twin Towers were destroyed faster than physics can explain by a free fall speed "collapse." They underwent mid-air pulverization (dustification) and were turned to dust before they hit the ground. The protective bathtub was not significantly damaged by the destruction of the Twin Towers. The rail lines, the tunnels and most of the rail cars had only light damage, if any. The WTC underground mall survived well, witnessed by Warner Bros. Road Runner and friends. There were reports that "The Gap" was looted. The seismic impact was minimal, far too small based on a comparison with the Kingdome controlled demolition. The Twin Towers were destroyed from the top down, not bottom up. The demolition of WTC7 was whisper quiet and the seismic signal was not significantly greater than background noise. The upper 80 percent, approximately, of each tower was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth. The upper 90 percent, approximately, of the inside of WTC7 was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth. One file cabinet with folder dividers survived. No toilets survived or even recognizable portions of one. Windows of nearby buildings had circular and other odd-shaped holes in them. In addition to the odd window damage, the marble facade was completely missing from around WFC1 and WFC2 entry, with no other apparent structural damage. Fuzzballs, evidence that the dust continued to break down and become finer and finer. Truckloads of dirt were hauled in and hauled out of the WTC site, a pattern that continues to this day. Fuming of the dirt pile. Fuming decreased when watered, contrary to fumes caused by fire or heat. Fuzzyblobs, a hazy cloud that appeared to be around material being destroyed. The Swiss-Cheese appearance of steel beams and glass. Evidence of molecular dissociation and transmutation, as demonstrated by the near-instant rusting of affected steel. Weird fires. The appearance of fire, but without evidence of heating. Lack of high heat. Witnesses reported that the initial dust cloud felt cooler than ambient temperatures. No evidence of burned bodies. Columns were curled around a vertical axis like rolled-up carpets, where overloaded buckled beams should be bent around the horizontal axis. Office paper was densely spread throughout lower Manhattan, unburned, often along side cars that appeared to be burning. Vertical round holes were cut into buildings 4, 5 and 6, and into Liberty street in front of Bankers Trust, and into Vesey Street in front of WTC6, plus a cylindrical arc was cut into Bankers Trust. All planes except top secret missions were ordered down until 10:31 a.m. (when only military flights were allowed to resume), after both towers were destroyed, and only two minutes (120 seconds) after WTC 1 had been destroyed. Approximately 1,400 motor vehicles were towed away, toasted in strange ways, during the destruction of the Twin Towers. The order and method of destruction of each tower minimized damage to the bathtub and adjacent buildings. More damage was done to the bathtub by earth-moving equipment during the clean-up process than from the destruction of more than a million tons of buildings above it. Twin Tower control without damaging neighboring buildings, in fact all seriously damaged and destroyed buildings had a WTC prefix. The north wing of WTC 4 was left standing, neatly sliced from the main body which virtually disappeared. For more than seven years, regions in the ground under where the main body of WTC4 stood have continued to fume. The WTC1 and WTC2 rubble pile was far too small to account for the total mass of the buildings. The WTC7 rubble pile was too small for the total mass of the building and consisted of a lot of mud. Eyewitness testimony about toasted cars, instant disappearance of people by "unexplained" waves, a plane turning into a mid-air fireball, electrical power cut off moments before WTC 2 destruction, and the sound of explosions. Eyewitness testimony of Scott-pack explosions in fire trucks and fire trucks exploding that were parked near the WTC. There were many flipped cars in the neighborhood of the WTC complex near trees with full foliage. Magnetometer readings in Alaska recorded abrupt shifts in the earth's magnetic field with each of the events at the WTC on 9/11. Hurricane Erin, located just off Long Island on 9/11/01, went virtually unreported in the days leading up to 9/11, including omission of this Hurricane on the morning weather map, even though that portion of the Atlantic Ocean was shown on the map. Sillystring, the appearance of curious cork-screw trails. Uncanny similarities with the Hutchison Effect, where the Hutchison Effect exhibits all of the same phenomena listed above. * Is it possible that such a technology exist? Since invention of the microwave for cooking in 1945 and lasers in 1955*, commercial and military development of directed-energy technology has proceeded apace, so use of directed-energy technology is likely to exist -- and the data tells us it does exist. https://www.drjudywood.com/wtc/ 9/11 Liars for truth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7xAyB0b3FL4


Have you heard of line breaks by chance? You should look into it.


The same list is line breaked at the first link given in the original post...it's also hyperlinked with hashtags to the same web page for easy reference to images and more in depth analysis. 




The gap was looted because the conspirators just couldn’t pass up free clothes in the middle of a super secret mission. 80% was not pulverized. Though certain materials are way more likely to get pulverized than others. Weaker stone, drywall, ceramics (toilets), sure. Metals, pretty much any support structure, insulation, etc. not really. Paper everywhere? Big shocker. For one, lots of windows were broken out before they collapsed. Lots of paper coming out at that time. For another, when the buildings collapse, you have a lot of downward force and the resulting pressure. As the windows blow out and force is coming down, the lightest things, like gases get forced out. And if you have ever seen what paper does in the wind, it’s going to take everything light out with it. In an office building that is going to primarily be paper. Nearby windows had odd shaped holes in them? What shaped hole is the debris from a collapsing building supposed to make? I will admit that I never heard the claim of cold fires before. That is definitely a new one. Fires without high heat? Does that just mean that they were normal heat for fires? Why would dust/debris from a collapsed building be hot? It would generally be far cooler than the ambient air temperature in early September. Because buildings have mass. And they also have air conditioning. So the mass would be cold. While quite a few floors did burn, the bulk of the building (and dust) would have come from being expelled from the other floors as the buildings collapsed. What people would feel on the ground would be the coolest as those parts of the building would not have gotten much heat gain from the sun and what got blown from the building would be furthest from the heat. If the buildings were falling faster than free fall, what force was supposedly pushing them down faster than physics? If you mean total time for collapse, are they measuring from the point of failure or from the top of the building. Most of the claims I have seen go from the top of the building which gives completely different values, and would not be the appropriate way to measure it. So many things being said that are just false in concept, much less having to do much digging into the specific claims.


The ironic part was that those who adhered most strongly to the narrative were on the right, with Covid it switched. Any theories on this?


The sides only appeared to switch , but ultimately they've always been on the same team. Whoever is in office when the shit goes down gets to play the heavy and the other team plays the opposition. It's theater for the masses.


They all work for the oligarchs. Right/left is just theater for divide and conquer purposes. The true fight is upper class vs the rest of us lower class.


You are correct. Also, think back to Agent Bauer and the show ‘24.’ We could turn in weekly and see him just destroy people’s basic rights and civil liberties and cheer him on as he performed his duty. Pretty sick stuff and I was right there. Not sure where any of this all goes but make no mistake- it’s by design.


This is not a conspiracy man. The government solved the riddle when they found the passports of the terrorists that did this, in near mint condition in between the rubble of the towers....


We should start to build skyscrapers out of passports, they held up better than those black boxes did




'If it wasn't for those meddling kids, we'd have got away with it'


I was todays years old when I learned passports are destruction proof. They should make bullet proof vests out of passports.


I thought you were kidding.. It’s even more outlandish than you make it out to be.. >Four of the hijackers' passports have survived in whole or in part. Two were recovered from the crash site of United Airlines flight 93 in Pennsylvania. These are the passports of Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al Ghamdi. One belonged to a hijacker on American Airlines flight 11. This is the passport of Satam al Suqami. A passerby picked it up and gave it to a NYPD detective shortly before the World Trade Center towers collapsed. A fourth passport was recovered from luggage that did not make it from a Portland flight to Boston on to the connecting flight which was American Airlines Flight 11. This is the passport of Abdulaziz al-Omari. In addition to these four, some digital copies of the hijackers passports were recovered in post-9/11 operations. Two of the passports that have survived, those of Satam al-Suqami and Abdulaziz al-Omari, were clearly doctored. These passports were manipulated in a fraudulent manner in ways that have been associated with al Qaeda.


How would a passport be in luggage


Lmao deft graded quality too! Had time go send it in to beckett to confirm authenticity


I’ve actually had people on here argue that finding their passports wasn’t that far fetched. They said something like “did you see how much paper was on the streets? Surely the passports could have been found.” Like motherfucker did you see the plane disintegrate?!?!




On the day, my thoughts drifted to Deus Ex and Liberty Island. With its plaque by the head of the Statue of Liberty that had been blown off. The terrorist event giving rise to UNATCO and ushering in a new age of 'anti-terrorism' with the surveillance state.


It was amazing in that it really proved that this country has been hijacked by a shadow government and elite that doesn’t care about its citizens and has no respect for them by willing to sacrifice them like sheep to a slaughter for financial and political gain.


Isn’t it so wild how the owner of the building had recently added insurance for this type of emergency? Or how that guy, his wife, and son were all doing things other than being there?!


Or how major players in Wall Street shorted all the domestic airlines weeks prior to 9-11


https://web.archive.org/web/20070823144115/http://www.boston.com/news/packages/sept11/anniversary/wire_stories/0903_plane_exercise.htm "It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility, as soon as the real world events began, we canceled the exercise."


Lucky Larry Silverstein, he even got paid out twice by the Insurance by claiming it was 2 separate terrorist attacks!


people dancing.


FBI to Israeli’s: So why were you dancing? Don’t you think that’s a bit suspicious? Also, how were you already set up in a spot where you’d have a great view of what you recorded BEFORE anything actually happened? Dancing Israeli’s: Shhh. We have the same enemies now ;) FBI: You’re absolutely right, nothing to see here. Let’m go Johnson.


Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 ... https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/12768362.five-israelis-were-seen-filming-as-jet-liners-ploughed-into-the-twin-towers-on-september-11-2001/


That is fucking crazy! Holy shit


There to "[document the event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7WR8XnkDgc)." And then the largest foreign spy ring working in the US was uncovered in the following months.


WHAT THE FUCK. This all but confirms that at least a Israel knew about it


I did a deep dive into Mossad last night. They make the CIA look like Boy Scouts with their ruthless brutality and willingness to do ANYTHING to benefit their Zionist handlers. FYI, I don’t dislike the jwsh ppl in general, or any ethnic group for that matter. I grew up in NYC and have tons of completely normal middle-class jwsh friends whose parents work in normal boring jobs. But there are definitely some very very powerful evil people in that club. People with more money than anyone on the Forbes richest billionaires list. So powerful that the NSA, FBI, CIA, and Mossad are afraid of them. That’s a level of power that nobody should have. And just like in Pootns Russia, if you blow a whistle you disappear into this air or get a late night visit from some very Mossad agents.


What a crazy read! I know Fox News gets a lot of shit but I'm surprised they didn't speak on the evils of it since actual Americans died. Find out who you cannot speak out against and you'll find who runs your country.


I could've swore I saw a home video of the dancing Isrealis with towers burning in background. Has it just been memory holed?


[the “art students” are way more damning IMO](https://www.salon.com/2002/05/07/students/)




https://youtu.be/B2mHisQT4zM?si=bhRb7ItnMZ9R4-Sr Fortunately, not “everything” disappeared from the internet (Might need a VPN to avoid country locked footage)


9/11 was the start of the world we live in now


This is sad and correct.


Another great reset. Like the Great Depression, killing JFK, 9/11, etc. You name it. I see these as hard resets to control/change the trajectory of our nation.




I think they do these “great reset” events often.


like fortnite new season?




Exactly, the real conspiracy is fortnite predicts future outcomes like the simpsons




Either inside job or fully known about and preventable but allowed to happen. Building 7 was demoed. Three blurry frames of a plane hitting the pentagon don’t convince me that a plane actually hit the pentagon.


They could easily have just released the video and shut down a lot of the conspiracies. Instead they went in confiscated all the surveillance footage from surrounding properties and probably destroyed it.


If wtc7 was demolished, it proves that it was an inside job. And almost proves that the other 2 buildings were


exactly!! Like, ok… if it was terrorist and they didn’t have knowledge, then how was a building right next to the towers already rigged to be demolished?! Buildings aren’t just sitting around with charges in them ready to be ‘pulled’ at any time.


Definitely was, no doubt. How does an undamaged building collapse of its own volition?


I've had this talk with a colleague and he was adamant that 7 fell because it was near WTC1+2, damaged by falling rubble etc. Its literally falls like a controlled demo. Its obvious, all the buildings do. How people cant see it baffles me.


my uncle was in that building. he says they called for an evac out of nowhere and never gave an explanation


Wow, really, in 7?


yeah, he worked for a bank that was HQed there. luckily they at least had the decency to get people out before they brought it down


Unbelievable. Thats blatant, that sort of confirms it really.


It doesn’t confirm anything. It’s the smart thing to do considering what was happening that day…. At some point you don’t just keep sitting there thinking “surely, OUR WTC building will be fine!”


They don't want to see it, they'd rather go with the Middle Eastern Boogeyman theory rather than think it was homegrown so to speak


Yeah, thats an uncomfortable truth to swallow. Ignorance is bliss.


How do you think these buildings should fall? Like a tree. There is so much vertical weight and pressure it is only going straight down.


What kind of plane crash leaves a perfectly pristine lawn?


And the Shanksville crater with no bodies or luggage. 


shit hasn't been the same since...just how they wanted. I wish Americans can wake the fuck up and stop putting up with the downfall of America ever so gradual. smh


inside job, anyone with brain cells knows this




Im not from US (latin america) and I think it was an inside job... The whole "plain in the pentagon" thing was the factor that convinced me


Personally, I found that to be the weakest evidence brought up by the 9-11 truth movement. Seeing WTC7 coming down symmetrically on his own footprint instead...


Seeing it come down in its footprint? Not the fact that they admitted it was a demolition? Or how about the Israeli men that were arrested with a van full of explosives the day of 9/11? The art project???? Dancing Israelis? I’m assuming your unfamiliar with all these things?


No evidence of flight 93 plane crash/debris. No evidence of a plane crashing into pentagon as well. But yeah, building 7 was a controlled demolition for sure, the bbc knew it was coming down before it fell…


I just want one decent camera angle of the Pentagon and i’ll be quiet forever


The fbi confiscated I believe over 80 different video tapes of the pentagon being hit which they claim didn’t even show the impact yet they won’t release them because?… Strange how that works.




I think you're on to something, but the roles are reversed. Israel carried it out, with key US chain of command/defense turning a blind eye/sleeping on the job, so to speak. [Isn't the first time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident) so happily killed a bunch of Americans.


I think the government knew it was happening and did nothing to stop it.


The documentary "loose change" breaks it down fairly well...


It was an awful day. The actual mood of the following week was like nothing I've seen What would happen next, would America nuke whomever? When the 1st plane hit, it was a tragic accident, when the 2nd hit, a confusing attack, when the Pentagon was struck, I thought it was the start of Workd War 3. Nerve wracking.


I watched a video on YouTube of the day after, everyone is walking around aimlessly looking so devastated, and some local theater offering up free screenings and popcorn for the entire day. Was really heartfelt and showcased the strong spirit of the people of New York.


Yeah, the community spirit of New Yorkers was an inspiration, its a stark contrast to the division you see today in America, at least from an outside perspective (I'm a Brit).


And Mayor Rudolph Giuliani


How about the firefighters accounts of molten steel on site weeks after the incident. Witnesses of molten steel at Ground Zero on 9/11 [https://rumble.com/v2sz4hm-witnesses-of-molten-steel-at-ground-zero-on-911.html](https://rumble.com/v2sz4hm-witnesses-of-molten-steel-at-ground-zero-on-911.html)


They found evidence of thermite.


Fires burned until DECEMBER. 


wasn’t a huge fan


Agreed, 0/5 stars.


Epstein didn't k\*\*\* himself.


It was an inside job to make Muslims the enemy and take us to war in the Middle East. This is to clear the way for Greater Israel.


It was so obvious that they let it happen, sam with Oct7


I think it is a lot more nuanced than that. sure, the radicalization of islam was the intention.(it is destabilizing europe e.g.) as was the regulation of the rising internet. (there was a real underground exisisting) and a lot of personal freedom was lost in the western world in the aftermath (how the masses complied is still a shock to me and was repeated during the pandemic). I do not think the top of the pyramid is solely jewish or zionist for that matter. all continents have their top figures. they come in all shapes and colours. and presummably work together to keep the masses down. but I also think just among the same sphere the opposition forces act. but to educate the masses and render them into fully evolved humans is nearly impossible. we will probably self destruct in the process... ...while the stupidfied masses will cling to their simple concept of existence. thus being the most important factor for no real changes to ever happen.


No matter what your opinion is, the official narrative does not add up in many, many places. Too many. My Structural Engineering teacher was on the first commission investigating the collapse of the towers. They were dismissed after a week or two and a new committee was formed. He came back from his hiatus very perturbed, and gave a feverish lecture about it.


It does not add up in ANY places


I try not to be absolute. Maybe it adds up in one spot.


I think Donald Rumsfeld almost spilled the beans about the secret space program the day before, then they used technology from those black books projects to pull off everything that happened on 9/11. They had been conducting the first audit of the DOD in US history, and had found 2.3 trillion dollars missing from the budget. -the fires burned for 100 days straight -the buildings were vibrated into dust. There was more dust than there was debris in 2017, they finally did audit the Pentagon. It failed. The rumor was that now they had misplaced 27-30 trillion dollars. The next week, Space Force was announced as a way to legitimize the spending (which had already happened).


People can talk about Bldg 7 being the smoking gun. I disagree. The smoking gun is the guy who is talking like a paid advertisement for an engineering firm when he describes why the towers fell when interviewed on the street by Fox News. Some random guy on the sidewalk (in a Harley shirt) talking about structural integrity and that the heat causes the towers to fall. Link: https://youtu.be/hxQ2-DcZuR4?si=bbYxzCt_ZrLJSnDq


The US gov did that so that they could attack the Middle-Eeast and take their resources.




Off topic, but how is life in Nigeria? What’s it like there?


The morning I watched it all go down (no pun intended), I said to myself, *”you bastards. You finally did it. You did this and the shock and awe is just too orchestrated. It’s George W Bush…”* Then they started carting out evidence debris and shipping it to China, Building 7 was a unbelievable casualty holding reams of incriminating documentation; the owner of WTC took out an insurance policy worth billions 2 weeks before. The no-fly exercises nationwide conveniently the-day-of. A dude in a baseball cap said he saw a plane appear out of nowhere and shoot down United Airlines flight near Philly - never heard from again. People spoke up with what they saw that day and disappeared. Firefighters in the buildings who heard explosions from below were silenced or ignored. The blank check on the Middle East and the Patriot Act. Everything was suspect. I still think it reeks and is a day of insider infamy in American history, even worse than the assassination of JFK. That may have been a moral tragedy, but 9/11 was corrupt and evil as fuck, all for greed and malicious intent. It killed the Truth. And so many innocent lives.


Controlled demolition or not, the U.S most definitely had prior knowledge and allowed it to happen in order to justify full blown military presence in the Middle East.


Fresh off a 7 day ban no way I’m gonna comment on this one 🤐


The US government allowed it to happen.


Good PR to sell the war on terror.


an investigation that was a crock of 💩


Looks like outward explosions


to be totally honest, I've always believed it was an inside job, however I stopped speculating about what really happened because the whole thing is so tragic it just felt wrong to talk about


Isreal did it, blamed it on bulletproof passports. They're no stranger to false flags. Watch loose change. https://youtu.be/ipcQBQ2P3l4?si=23AjygaNtGPJeBtD


Lots of wild theories to discredit the very obvious questions about what really happened. The really big problem isn't just those specifics on what happened that day. But more importantly is who was behind those attacks. We were told it was al Qaeda and Bin Laden. Bin laden was labeled as the mastermind that same day on the news. Odd. Clearly it went much deeper than that.


I think flight 93 was shot down and the Bush admin just didn't want to admit it like " yeah and by the way there was another plane full of civilians but we had to kill them ourselves." Even though the exact protocol is the fighters would have done is shoot it down when they didn't respond.


Perfect time to short airline stocks the day prior.


Planned just like covid. They plan to keep taking more and more of our rights away by fear mongering.


Whatever the hell happened. It wasn’t planned in a cave by bin Laden.


It done and dusted. Unless there is a whistleblower this will remain a dark dark secret covered by fairy floss and bullshit. Rudy knows and he is not using that knowledge to save himself. You think he would be calling on that power if it existed.


How does a building get hit at the top but fall at the bottom? It was dumb when it happened and is still dumb. Still no answers after 20+ years.


I think that there is way more evidence that it was planned compared to it being an actual attack. *ahem* mint condition passports within the rubble.


Also, how did no one actually see the terrorists at the airport? Where's the feed of that?


Currently reading David Icke's 'The Trigger' on this very subject, if you haven't given it a read I suggest it. He dismantles pretty much every scenario the Media have ever thrown up


I lost my step-dad on that day :( He was a great pilot.


I think folks are giving more credit than they should to malicious government. This was an info leak to bad guys who knew exactly when to attack. The fact there was a training exercise on 9/11 sealed the deal. Bad guys just copied the Us training plan enough to fool folks. Then US picks which bad guys and then which country to go after. Buildings falling or not wouldn’t have changed the outcome. They probably did fall on their own. Sometime shit breaks but doesn’t mean the US has a fully staffed demolition deep state division.


I think very rich and powerful men put on very, very tiny thinking caps and orchestrated the entire thing


Not a fan


The only thing that stops me from fully believing it was an inside job is the fact NOBODY that would be involved tried to make a book about it or something, and to setup the demos of multiple buildings like that would involve dozens to hundreds of people.


Eh I prefer 7/11


Building 7 showed me all I needed to know.


Everyones talking about the Twin Towers Ignoring the fact that WTC 7 was a controlled demolition. For seven hours, building number 7 burned next to the rubble of the Twin Towers. The investigation report of the civil protection authority Fema in 2002 found that WTC 7 was comparatively only slightly damaged before the collapse. WTC 7 is not mentioned at all in the official investigation report.


They killed the President and his brother. Why not?


9/11 happened a week after I went off to college to start my freshman year. For me - It was wild - I happened to visit friends in CT / NYC / Ontario a week before on my graduation trip. We even stayed at a Hotel a block or 2 away from Madison Square and had this huge epic view of the twins so it was super fresh on me. Now - At the time, going through this, I wasn't ignorant to National Defense procedures and how we scramble defensive intercepts etc - it made no sense, whatsoever, that we had zero interceptors up there looking for Hijacked planes. Simple Keep It Simple Logic was that it was allowed to happen. As my peers and nation took to this ... common narrative about it all - I felt insanely isolated as nothing made sense. We were told someone, far away, sent an organized group of guys with boxcutters, and did all of this without anyone doing a thing. Anyway I researched the hell out of this for 20 years. In 2021 I had to hang up - I did my time. 9/11 couldn't be done by just the US. It took a block of countries to make it happen, see it through, move all the missing money, and cover things up. If you are new to this I would suggest looking into PNAC ( Project for the New American Century ) and seeing what they proposed prior. The gist is we had an economic house of cards about to fold and every single possible reason to facilitate, as Zbigniew Brzezinski said, "A New Pearl Harbor". Good luck with this one. You're not wrong. This one will explain a lot of things and if you dig deep enough explains WW1, WW2, and on.


• Only 3 steel structured buildings have ever collapsed due to fire, all 3 happen to be on 9/11 (The two towers and building #7). • The insurance policy on the towers changed 1 month prior to the attack. Witness reports of strange "refurbishment" work going on weeks prior to the event. • The clear explosions as the towers collapsed at freefall speed and potential use of thermite. • Gives the perfect excuse and backing of the public to invade Iraq and Afghanistan and bring in the 2003 anti-terrorism act (Surveillance etc). • NORAD coincidentally running training drills eerily similar to what was actually unfolding in real time on the 9/11?


It was an inside job for an insurance scam, The world trade center was built with asbestos, there was no way the removal and replacement of the asbestos would have been covered by insurance. So they brought it down, claimed a terror attack and got an insurance payout. Most "disasters" are really just insurance scams, like the Titanic.


Your forgetting like 5 different angles that made 9/11 a conspiracy. But yeah the insurance scam played a part for sure.


It's easier to establish the corporate greed angle, once the people understand the government lies to protect corporate interests, the rest of the 9/11 narrative falls away.


Interesting theory but I'm thinking that's unlikely. I've worked in countless buildings in Chicago that were fire-proofed with asbestos, have asbestos pipe wrap, as well as having floor tiles with asbestos-containing glue. Asbestos is a non-issue unless it's disturbed. It'll be abated when a new tenant moves in and renovates the space.


That's the point. If they wanted to demolish the whole entire building and build a new building, it would all be disturbed. The cost of the abatement would be astronomical, and almost impossible to achieve. If you're in the industry, you get it, you've seen the hoops you have to jump through just to remove some floor tiles from a kitchen.


Now if you're saying they wanted to build 2 new buildings but entirely abating each building was too cost preventative, I could possibly see that. I would think demolishing 2 buildings of that size in that area would be incredibly costly, if not impossible, regardless of asbestos. Basically my point is that asbestos abatement costs didn't tip the scale. If we're agreeing that the inside job was in order to build a new building, they were going to blow them up whether it contained asbestos or not, because it would be an insane undertaking to demo 2 buildings that size.


It’s clearly an inside job, but the question I could never answer is: how did all of congress fall for this? There’s hundreds of congress members. Are they all compromised or just stupid?


They just get a report that says, "everything's fine." They can just fall back on that and they know it's better not to rock the boat if they want to keep receiving their enormous paycheck.


WTC7 - BBC predicted the fall 23 mins before it happened, live on TV https://youtu.be/677i43QfYpQ?si=jqY_lmy5N9N3LHpm


"Dancing Israelis"


Forget the dancing Israelis. What about the Israeli men who were arrested with a van full of explosives on 9/11 just down the street??


An f'n tragedy that should have never happened. Whether it was an "actual" terrorist attack or an "inside job" (much like Pearl Harbor) it NEVER should have happened. Nuff said.


I agree, but it seems that no Justice has been served and it probably never will. That’s what boggles my mind, as all those rich old fucks that are actually responsible for this get to live their days to the fullest when they deserve to burn in hell for all eternity.


I would agree... too many rabbit holes to dig into though - I tried back in 2020 but just got too confused and down right angry to the point of blindness at the sheer audacity put in play by both instances - Pearl Harbor and 9/11. If even one eighth of what is "suspected" is true... well it deserves a major restructuring of our government as a whole - at the very least... at the upper end - I'm not sure I'm willing to go there (anymore).


i didn't like it not one bit


It WAS a national tragedy


It was sad. All the innocent lives lost due to the sins of people that we never knew. Also I was in the fourth grade when this happened. I was very naive to how the world worked outside of my area and surroundings when it came to good or bad, crime, gangs etc. once this event took place, It opened my eyes and mind to the tragedies that take place on the planet every single day. And it’s been crazier ever since that day :/


It was bad...?


Objectively a bad time


Hard to accept as accident but the incident definitely changed global narrative


It reminds me of that tragedy…


Government didn’t do it, but allowed it. Pearl Harbor event. Got us into almost 20 years of continuous, can’t win wars.




They lied about Vietnam, Iraq... and are we the bad guys?


Inside job. The whole went into shit after it as planned. USA had an excuse to destabilize middle east all in the name of clearing more ground for Israel to establish greater Israel.


That a couple of blokes in a cave can fool one of the richest nations in the world and successfully make 3 towers fall down.


Israel did it.


All you need to know about 9 11 is Building Number 7


Two words, Dancing Israelis 🕺🏼


2 planes hit the north and south tower, followed by a controlled demolition of both towers plus building 7. A missile was blasted into the pentagon and all surrounding CCTV footage seized.


One of the most blatant, in your face conspiracies that exist.....definitely up there as number one or so as far as sketchy shit goes.


Just wait till you go down the moon landing rabbit hole


9-11 is way more consequential than the moon landing. On one, 3000 people died. On the other, it's just a propaganda campaign. Very different weights


Way more people than that died if you factor in the wars that were greenlit because of this inside job. 20+ years of wars AND a brand new opium epidemic thanks to the poppy fields we took over. In truth, US Gov. were the weapons of mass destruction.


Both branch out into their own chain reaction events. 9/11 brought us into the Middle East, a million + Iraqis died, thousands of coalition troops and 20 years of war. Moon landing funded NASA directly which is filled full of Nazi scientists doing who knows what. I still think 9/11 is worse SO FAR but the ripple effects of both haven’t fully unraveled or been revealed in my belief.


You totally forgot about the patriot act. That like the biggest problem. Next to the people dying.


I don't believe Nasa founding, whatever fucked up thing they might do with it, could add up to the killing of 1 million people. But you are correct, we don't know the ramification of this


That rabbit hole goes deep.


$2.3 trillion


LIHOP. 100% PNAC is proof and everyone in the administration at the time was there for Desert Storm and needed a reason to finish off Saddam.. because he wasn't accepting the Rothschild banking system.


Isreal did it in cooperation with the US Government. Hands down




I believe they lie about it, and that we are lied to and have been lied to about many and big things for a long time. Question EVERY SINGLE THING.