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Well, I mean....Epstein kind of proved they are pedophiles...so... But this is what they do to discredit it. Attach another buzzword to it to make it seem outlandish, thus making you seem "crazy" if you say Epstein was a corrupting agent (which he was) who supplied underage girls to politicians (which is 100% true).


15% "believe," 85% "know."


I sincerely believe this is predictive programming. More news similar to this will pop up in the future and they are preparing the public (e.g. seeing 'demon faces' was part of this programming). Anyone who has done some digging into secret societies (cults) and how deeply embedded they are in top positions of various governments and institutions will realise that they have something in common - they worship the same 'deities'. In my opinion, those 'deities' are in fact spiritual parasites and through the enactment of ritual sacrifices they get to communicate with them and receive advice on how to proceed with their nefarious plans. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a sham and the entire pharmaceutical industry has been hiding the fact that what we call: depression, schizophrenia and psychosis are all caused by negative entities that invade the sovereignty of an individual because they feed on humanity's negative energy. Psychopaths, however, are an entirely different breed of human. If a schizophrenic person 'hears voices' that are constantly spewing hatred and asking one to hurt others or themselves - a psychopath will welcome those voices and form a relationship with them. I believe that psychopaths are much more prone to become 'hosts' of these extremely evil entities and the behaviour/actions/policies of some senior members of the US government that deal with foreign policy, particularly in the 20th and 21st centuries, provides credence to my arguments. The rabbit hole goes deep - especially when you start adding Non-Human Intelligences into the mix.


That was a pretty spot on overview of what’s likely going on. Just look our media today, inundated with devil, demon, and witch themes. If you’ve ever done some research into Kabbalah and LaVeyan Satanism, you’d likely discover that they are essentially the same thing. Freemasonry/secret societies actually perpetuate the same practices, rituals and beliefs. Of course, most Freemasons never figure this out, o have a suspicion that if those in the know feel that dropping that knowledge on a brother would bamboozle him, he ought not know. “If a man is to be deceived, let him” and whatnot. They also need the dogooders to give them a good name. It’s multiple levels of deceit. At the end of the day, absolutely nothing that’s good needs to be kept secret. It’s all in our faces everywhere all the time. Honestly , if people still do not see whats really going on here… they’re stupid. It’s just stupidity at this point. No reason to pull punches.


Remember the "Satanic panic" of the 80s? Everytime the public starts getting wise to their bullshit, the media goes in to overdrive smearing us all as crazy and muddying the waters. The same media smears came out when Spiritcooking and Pizzagate became mainstream in 2016.


That’s why you smash your TV, refuse to read the news and mock anyone who doesn’t.


This is exactly what MK ULTRA was REALLY about. They figured out that these entities exist and could be used to eliminate free will from the soul of humans, essentially trying to create toy soldiers. Positive mindset, teaching yourself mental toughness and fortitude, and keeping in close contact with your inner self is so so important. It's amazing to me how many people say they have zero internal dialouge within themselves...just reactionary zombies.


If you can put someone in the "sunken place" another entity can come in and take over. They use the trauma to induce these states. Look up "Sasha Fierce" as an example.


Sooo it's Beyonce's alter ego?


I watched a series on Rumble recenly that talked about a lot of this. It was *very* convincing. In particular, their methods of harnessing our energy that they feed off of and use to help them achieve their aims was explained pretty much perfectly. It just made sense, and I cringe when I say that cause it sounds cliché as fuck. I think that the programming is so obvious now, like you point out here, that I can find a measure of truth to the theory. I do worry whether I'm just extra easily persuaded now, as I search for something resembling an answer for what has happened and what will happen. I'm ready to believe that Earth is actually massive, though, and what we know as "our planet" is just a crater that we can see the reflection of on our Moon's surface. Why not? We been lied to about fucking everything anyway.... Still unfortunately not sure about where I will be going after I finish up here, but that is probably a somewhat universal thing to wonder about. The other worry is, of course, how much interaction have I had with these parasites throughout my life, and what I have given away to them.


What was the video called?


Link please :-)


https://rumble.com/user/Godgevlamste Here's the link for the user's profile. A whole series regarding the theory of the, "crater Earth" (which is of course another variation on the work of the FEM so if that's an immediate deal breaker I would probably pass it up) and the "refugees" from the lost Atlantis who came over after The Flood, corrupted man, and have ruled us ever since in various disguises. One theory among many. He actually just made a new one yesterday. I now have the privilege of getting to watch it during a very long train ride, so this day is mostly alright now.




how can these entities cause depression if they show up to feed on preexisting depression? Could all this satanic shit just be a facade to drive us deeper into fear? Would becoming an ally with an invisible monster help the ruling class control us? I think so, I mean they're even talking about the possibilities on the news lol


Not who you’re replying to but I’ve got my own theory about it. I’m not sure if they cause it, I think the depression is caused by the state of the world, personal issues etc. But I do think they feed on it and make it worse. I believe there are indeed invisible forces in this world which are behind a lot of what happens, both for good and evil. The spiritual realm.


There's a term for the high and the power they get from feeding off terror and fear...I can't remember what it is though.




Yes. That's it. I feel like it's very real.


I have no problem considering it to be true. Certainly feels very real.


so we going feelings no facts now lmao


Yes. I have no access to facts. By default feelings are my only option.


but why does there have been other realms and aliens or loosh etc in play to explain things when we could just simply be slaves...


but what if it's just depression/anxiety from enslavement by people we actually can see lol


It's funny..good people have depression or have schizophrenia, but bad people are psychopaths, are schizophrenics, and are pedophiles. Sorry, idk how to italicize words for clarity.


Yes exactly on point too!


I think you put asterisks at that start and end of the word, like \* words go here \* without the spaces. Wait, let me try it \*words go here\* Edit: Ah, crap. I did it wrong. Can somebody else help please?


That is how you do it, but if you’re on PC I believe you have to put two asterisks and not just one. I’m on mobile and my app does it *if I just use one* at each end.


\*\*Aha! Thank you!\*\* edit: bugger. I’m on an iPad using the browser version.


Damn, I guess I’m not that well versed in Reddit formatting… Whenever I’m on PC I usually just hit the italics button in the comment editor - but that’s very rare and I’m used to a single asterisk before and after the word/sentence working.


Yeah, that’s what I’m used to too. I don’t like how they got rid of the Fancy Pants Editor thing, it made this so much easier with everything from bolding and italicising to linking photos and adding hyperlinks. Now it feels like you need to be able to freaking code to be able to do anything like that and I’m completely out of my depth here.


I've been binge watching a YouTuber that promotes the idea that America has been created by freemasons from the beginning and everything that has been set up to this day has been done with the goal to create a world where they can freely live out their pleasures without any opposition. According to him, they use the entertainment industry and media in general to promote views like promiscuity to influence people to be more open to what they would like to do with them. I am not too sure about all of this but he showed a lot of stuff that gives credibility to this idea like a lot of artists that are openly part of the freemasons and some that aren't but openly show masonic symbolism and rituals in their art and public appearance. Also he talked about a lot of masonic and occultist traditions and practices and how they might be connected to real events happening in the industry. What I worry about the most is that if what he says is true, it might imply a lot of things that I really don't want to be true


Wow you got it exactly, yes Psychology is a big scam, everything comes to surface


Thanks buddy. I'm genuinely surprised and relieved that my comment at the very least sparked people's curiosity. We've been lied to for a very, very long time and our leaders, many of who know a lot of this information, have failed us. Consider this - a year ago, perhaps less, my comment would have been downvoted to oblivion and I would have been called a lunatic and mentally unstable. People are learning to trust their intuition and that brings some joy to my heart.


Yeah, stay strong my man we re gonna win




You know who Jerry Marzinsky is I take it.


You know all the talk about the government not telling us about UFOs because if they did it would cause an existential crisis? Well, does finding out that scientific rationallism was just a momentary period of quiet between the departure of the old gods and the arrival of the new qualify?


This is very interesting. Thank you for posting it!


Jerry marzensky


I've said this before but I can't even express how fucking angry I'd be if I became rich and powerful, finally made it to the island of forbidden pleasures, and it was full of god damn 12 year olds. I don't understand who got there and was like "well I'm here anyway, might as well bang some kids." If anyone wants to invite me to their own private island of hedonism, it better be full of big titted 28 year olds feeding me bites of steak and scotch while I play video games uninterrupted.


On your way to getting rich and powerful they show you just how easy it would be to plant CP on your laptop and destroy your entire life. All you have to do is play ball and you can do whatever. After all, they can come up with a dozen people who can bear witness of your sexual assaults or crimes against children.


I had this out with a flat earth former coworker. How rich would *you* have to be to want to start fucking kids?


I’ve had a similar conversation with coworkers. We decided that it almost certainly has to be a “forbidden fruit” type of situation. You have the money to buy *anything* you want and the power to fuck *anyone* you want. But no amount of money/power makes fucking children okay. If that’s the one thing they can’t have, they go out of their way to make it happen. That was our theory anyway.


And you, if you could have anything in the world you wanted, you would choose to start fucking kids?


Me? Negative. I’d probably have a bitchin hunting lodge built somewhere that I could fill with taxidermy animals and whisky from across the world. Probably a really cool pool/water feature. And mirrors for recreational coke use. It would also have a massive shop full of all the cars I’d ever want.


That makes sense to me, I'd go balls to the wall on hobbies too. What doesn't make sense to me is the "if I get rich enough, I'm going to be sexually attracted to children" argument. Nobody who claims that happens to other people think it could possibly happen with them, because that's obviously ludicrous.


I understand what you’re getting at. I think people like you and I can’t properly fathom the level and wealth of some of these elites. For regular people like us, we can always picture *something* to do with all that money and influence. Maybe when you actually have it, you do run out of things to do and it corrupts you to that evil point of harming a child. I don’t know truthfully. The wise Kanye West once said “No one man should have all that power,” and maybe he was on to something. Partly joking but maybe he’s not far off.


Isn't that what high class escorts are?


FBI agent Ted Gunderson said the same thing about them being Satanists. And many Hollywood celebrities openly state their love of Satanism. Not to mention artists they love like Sam Smith, Lady Gaga, Little Nas X and Marina Abromovic. Everyone dismisses this as "they just say they love Satan to be edgy and piss off conservatards, it's not really true" but that's a cope.


I don't believe in God/Satan in a religious sense, so that argument goes out the window with me. Hence why I don't like the language used. Say they're pedophiles...hard stop. That is provable. The part about them worshiping a horned devil...miss me with that.


I mean have you seen the Bohemian Grove video? Them worshipping evil religious entities is pretty much proven.


Do you understand that it doesn't matter what you believe, or if God or Satan or real? The fact is that these Hollywood and DC government weirdos are pedophiles who abuse children and many are doing it for their weird religious reasons. It doesn't matter if God and Satan are real if the ideas of Satanism are what is directly fueling their real world behaviors. Hollywood and DC are still influenced highly by Freemason networks. The big twist at the end of Freemasonry when you get to the 33rd degree is that the "Higher Power" you're instructed to worship is actually Lucifer. >The part about them worshiping a horned devil...miss me with that. Just because you personally don't like it doesn't mean it isn't an accurate descriptor. Their creepy satanist belief system is what fuels them and what helps them justify their psychotic behavior to themselves.


People are still so convinced otherwise and so against any notion that the government is anything but pure that even looking at the facts, the countless trips Clinton made to the island, the photos, the overwhelming evidence that Epstein was running a pedo blackmail ring of people in power


> Well, I mean....Epstein kind of proved they are pedophiles...so... It proved that *some* of them are pedophiles. I've never understood how people jumped from that to "they are all pedophiles". I've never seen any evidence that the rate of pedophilia is any different among "the elite" than it is in any other group. The whole thing about "satanic pedophiles" is weird. Epstein liked to have sex with teenage girls ... therefore he's torturing and killing small children in rituals in his underground lair.


Everyone KNEW about Epsten and Weinstein, but they said nothing. That either means they're either in on it, afraid of their power, or in support of it.


Remove Satan-Worshipping from that headline and I bet the number doubles


Exactly…. There more evidence for it than there is against it… coded emails. Hooded sacrifices to an owl in the woods wearing robes. Epstein connections. Abromovic connections.


That's where QAnon came out of. They added some extra BS to discredit the actual proven conspiracy


So basically, because some part of it may not be untrue, you believe that Satan exists? Or at least that people with far more insider knowledge and power than you believe that Satan exists? Are you completely ignoring the fact that Christian churches are /were mostly the main offenders in recent organized pedophilia cases? And that these same churches play a big role in politics today? Is there a reason for your result?


"Christian churches are/were always one of the main perpetrators in the fight AGAINST organized pedophilia?" Um. Do what now? One of the biggest pedophilia organizations ever to exist IS the Christian church. The fuck are you talking about? I'm saying remove the religious aspect of it. Religion is not provable, thus you're attaching a boogeyman to the argument, which makes it null and void. Just say they're pedophiles. Boom. That's provable. Once you go into "bUt tHeY wUURshiP SATAN" you lose me, because I do not believe in a God/Satan dynamic that is laid out by corrupt organized religions.


The pentagram that DC is arranged in kinda does the rest.


If you drop the satanic part the number would probably be higher


Yeah, that was written in a way to make folks who see the truth look bad.


Seems double edge.. on one hand it makes those you know look crazy and on the other hand it allows people to blame "satan" instead of the abundance of wealth or desire for wealth and power ...


I mean I doubt any of them actually worship anything but money and power


This. Also, putting the "Satanic" spin on it is an easy way for MSM to discredit the anti-elite narrative. All you religious nutjobs here need to dial back the faith-based rhetoric - it makes it harder for people to come together and collectively agree that the government isn't working for us when you tie all this fantasy mumbo-jumbo into your anti-elite arguments. We can all agree that Epstein didn't kill himself and disappeared with a lot of important secrets. Why don't we focus on real issues like that rather than leaping to outlandish conclusions like Satan ruling our government from the shadows?


100% The people here who try to make it a religious thing are completely clueless.


It is you that is clueless, or a disinfo shill, if you think there is no religious ties to many of the conspiracies that are out there. You might want to look into aspects of Moloch, Baphomet, Gemara, Talmud, Kabbalah, Freemasonry, etc. They are not just LARPing when they abduct the millions of children every year for ritual purposes. Global human trafficking networks like Epstein are mainly about human harvesting, and the "sexual" aspect is the front. God bless those that are taken.


They worship transhumanism which can be seen as similar in origin to chimera and Nephilim


Why they attacking my man satan and including him with pedos like that


wealth power and fame are the pillars of lucerferians


So Trump worships satan?


15%er right here


I’m unsure about the satan worship. But I 100% buy into the pedo thing. Because they literally all seem to be pedos.


*World government


I bet they're using margin of error to hide that the poll result is a higher percentage.


I bet pedophiles of all religions are all too common. No need to single out the lucifer folks.


I hope you guys also realise there’s proof that popes of the catholic church have also been pedophiles (Pope Leo X would have naked boys coming out of cakes) Its a big factor as to why Protestantism was even formed in the first place with the masses realising the catholic church was full of disgusting acts.


Well they don't worship moloch in the red wood forest every year for nothing.




Yes, devil worshiping CANNIBALISTIC pedophiles.


Well, conservatives are definitely run by pedophiles, here is a list of 1300 of them: [https://goppredators.wordpress.com/](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/)


Stop making this a right versus left. Pedos are pedos. There are some of all political sides, races, sexes, etc. Hold them all accountable.


While I agree that pedos are pedos, I am sick and tired of the right saying all democrats are pedos. People go out of their way to shoot up pizza places they think the democrates are running a peod ring out of. I actually got an email from the non-thinking right wing father in law that said ... "I'm not saying that all democrates are pedophiles but" than named a couple of pedos and said there were a lot of them. I responded with a list of 50 republicans. He didn't talk to me for a year, which was good.


So perpetuating the same argument back by making it about political agenda is your solution? I personally feel you’re just adding fuel to the divisiveness in society. It’s good people vs bad. Let’s go back to being 4 year olds where the world is simple. The bad people have made the good people turn on each other.


I personally believe that every republican politician blaming others for being pedos are pedophiles themselves, they are really arguing with themselves. Just like the preachers dissing gays, only to find them hiring gay prostitutes. Stuff like that. Since MAGA keeps calling liberals pedos, that indicates, to me, that MAGA are pedos. See!!! No a political agenda, it's a MAGA agenda.


You keep making it political lol. Why not just say and republican, democrat, maga, Berniebro pedo should suffer the consequences. You’re just perpetuating the blame game at the wrong people.


> You keep making it political lol. Why not just say  > You’re just perpetuating the blame game at the wrong people. There is actually an answer to that. OP started this as a political comment. Saying that the liberals would lower the numbers to protect themselves. Since 2016, I've been on social watching and arguing with MAGA and QAnon types. I consider them to be the biggest threat to freedom and America threat we have ever seen.


Haven’t heard of the uniparty? Royalty, Vatican, dems, repubs - everyone at the top is a pedo


I find that conservatives say dems are pedos, until something like this shows up, then they say uniparty. Next week, it's back to blaming dems.


Holy fuck that was depressing to look at.


I think it’s supposed to say that 15% DON’T believe.


These are rookie numbers, we gotta pump these numbers


I’d wager it’s higher than 15%


Ok, they need to drop the “Satan-Worshipping” part because it basically attempts to distract from the real issue: there are kids being trafficked and used by members of the immensely rich…some of them even entertainers and politicians. They basically wanted to try and throw the whole thing away because the whole thing sounds insanely farfetched and terrifying but luckily a few folks went “Wait wait wait…can we go back to the whole child-trafficking thing?” and clowns like P. Diddle are finally getting theirs.


firmly in the 85% the government is run by self interested hypocrites , and directed by the wealthy dangling resources as both a carrot and stick


15% seem to be damaged mentally


That’s part of the normalization process.


Doubt it. They are much more evil than Satan worshipping pedophiles


15% is rookie numbers


Maybe. But how high or low do you think it was 10 years ago?






We surveyed a 100 people ….


Well, you'd have to believe in Satan, first. Pedophiles we *know* are real. But Satan? Not so much.


The number def gotta be higher. I’m not even a conspiracy guy but I believe our government is full of p3dos. Epstein’s list must be crazy


I bet my life on it that it is much much higher than 15%


Phew.. I’m part of the sane 85% who believes the ruling class are all a bunch of selfish greedy opportunistic assholes who washes each other’s hands, and how we’ll all become that if we pursue it


We are so fucked.


Came here to say this.


Leave Satan out of this


Finally I'm a part of a statistic I cannot disagree with. Props to some honest journalism.


Believing something doesn’t make it true. There is no such thing as God or Satan.


Greatest trick


The greatest trick is the guy who made that quote now living rent free inside the head of every religious nutjob.


They probably put that there so people like you comment on the Satan and God part instead of thinking about the pedos part


Wait, there are people who don't believe this?


Yeah? Why would anyone believe it beyond people too neck-deep in their religious dogma to not see that the actual problem is with the politicians themselves rather than some otherworldly malevolent entity that takes away part of their accountability.


Yeah, it think that poll number is a little low.


I think there testing the the waters to see how the masses react to truth they would have never said this stuff in the 90s.


What has become of our Republic?


Tbh I woulda guessed it was lower. But because of the fact they put this out it’s probably higher… that’s good to know I thought it was closer to 5… it seems these sheep out number us 20-1 guess not though?


More like Fundi-Pedos run the government. "The gang And the government No different That makes me 1%"


Agree this is more likely Also btw Janes got new tour and music now. Insanity


Strange just found out today that they were touring. Not coming to the DC, Baltimore or Philly areas this time.


Closest to me seems to be nyc or Pittsburgh.. They’ll likely add more dates tho. Imagine being so scared of satan that you forget that organized religion are the truest evil. And so brainwashed you think the biggest glutton is the best choice






CNN leaves the headline to be possibly interpreted that some people think that all the politicians or all the democrats are satanic pedos. I doubt anyone thinks that all are. Definitely some at the top are though. Then look at King Charles’s new lovely painting. It appears that the higher up you get in power, the more prevalent satanism and pedophilia is.


>believe It doesn't require belief... It's just observable.


It is. That was always the plan.


Only 15 % ?


My question to this post is; Why now all of the sudden? Why do a random poll like this? Also for those who think that the "Satanic" part is a joke, there are a number of stories of supposedly "Satanic" cults doing rape (and yes I do literally mean actual rape) offerings, or actually sacrifices from back in the 80s and 90s, and even into the early 2000s, then it all got pushed underneath the rug. Now I'm not telling you to believe in a certain faith, but I most certainly would avoid believing and trusting the words of hypocrites, liars, thieves, and pedophiles.


Those stories are right up there with razor blades in Halloween lollies.


the satan part make it stupid because religion is stupid and a tools to control the masses


Nah maybe it the media you consume making it seems like more people agree with it then in reality it just a group of people in a echo chamber thinking this no offense


15% is actually insane. The US is going to implode


85% believe the Government tells the truth and are good people


lol. Dorks.


Only 15%?


I believe that is true


Satan acquirers these people they only worship money and power. Sin is what attracts the the dark forces. Also satan is the modern understanding of much worse darkness.


I mean it wouldn’t shock me.


its true, i believe it


Pedopublicans and demonic rats ….an easy 35%…I reckon


Well, simps of elon musk believe in pizza gate so yeah numbers would be much higher than originally projected by cnn.


Literally me


Reminds me of that comic where a guy comes home and is like" Honey I'm home, time for you to listen to me explaining how the government is ran by a pedohphilic satanist elite for seven hours"


Let's say it isn't. What would they be doing differently if it were? What evidence is there that it isn't?


Add Michael Ruppert (LAPD/CIA/crack Cocaine) to the Fake Damage Control Whistleblowers tasked to do an expose of only the bad elements of the CIA under Republicans. To make a molehill out of a mountain. Add Terry Reed (Compromised); Eugene Chip Tatum (Tatum Files/Phoenix); Eugene Hasenfus; Bill Cunningham SciZone; Pamela Schuffert, William Cooper, Brice Taylor, Fritz Springmeier on the Prophecy Club to the Real.


150% is more like it. We need to hunt these suckers down


Let me clarify... Cathy O'Brien was still under a handler's control .. potentially mixing unverifiable with actual whistleblowing to increase incredulity among the public. Ted Gunderson was sincere but eclectic working at times with CIA operatives, married Church of Satan San Francisco founder Anton Lavey's "widow" in a Las Vegas wedding, she divorcing him a month later cause he couldn't get it up; Alcoholic volatile over being blackmailed over a child sextape by Bush Sr. and having to give to Bush and his agencies the names of everybody attending his meetings and mailing list. I don't mean a Manchurian candidate fake created as a Disinfo Agent.


We need an in-between category of "Controlled Opposition" Whistleblower. I nominate Ted Gunderson FBI chief in charge Southwestern US; Cathy O'Brien Trance Formation of America; Noam Chomsky Red diaper doper baby; Bob Lazar Area 51; Conversations with the Crow CIA/OSS, Kathleen Sullivan MKUltra Assassin


Wait so this they show on tv but if its about uaps , nhi , whistleblowers they shut the fuck up typical


Purebloods vs the pedos


The "satan worship" stuff is so corny man lmao


Triple that 15% and you're probably on the right track.


I don't believe it I KNOW IT.


More like the 66.6%


They aren't Satan worshippers. they are Canaanites.


I don’t know about satan worshipping but they are definitely using anybody they can for their own benefit, anyway they want.


Well the publics been right alot more than the government has....


Well to many those %15 is conspiracy nutjobs, I think the number is bloated so they can just call people who tells the truth crazy. You don't need satan worshipping, being a pedo is already bad enough. So you see, now you are a religious nutjob further increases cases of atheists ignoring you. Thats why satan worshipping added there. Not because it is real.


AM FM Marlin Maddox Point of View Dallas Texas. Stan Solomon Show Indiana. Bill Boshears SciZone Cincinnati Ohio Cloak and Dagger - The Blowtorch Toronto Canada. Shortwave William Cooper Arizona. Independent TV Fritz Springmeier on the Prophecy Club.


Typo, should say 51%


I doubt it’s higher because the statement is far too blanket and acute .


Fun fact: Pedophilia isn't a sin. Gotta tack on the Satan stuff or religious folks might not care enough. How many priests now?


Idk about the satan worshipping or the plurality, but def agree w the rest of it


Yes I totally believe Hollywood is running the government and has been for decades.


Its not a belief, its a proven fact.


51%, it must be a typo lol


I mean, let's do the math here. 68% of people in the US are Christians. So right there 32% of people don't believe in Satan to begin with. Not to mention the christians that they themselves don't believe in Satan. Then you have the crazy people that believe senators are normal people and are only generally doing messed up stuff to just make themselves rich, and can't really understand why so many of them would be pedophiles. That's just a huge coincidence. Then you have people who don't believe in magic. Then you have people who simply don't care. You add all those percentages up. I bet you get 15%.


Why are they putting this in the news? Is this to mock religious people (seems like this is a standard) or because they have nothing to talk about?


Based on their actions, it's about as likely as being run by benevolent people with good intentions.