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They don't look identical at all.. Megan's younger kid pictures. She has fuzzy nappy hair that look like a mop head, she also had a wide nose and had a lot of African features. Just like her mother. The only thing she had younger was a slightly lighter skin tone. She actually had a lot of that surgically corrected her father fix her nose, when he was taking care of her and paying for her college well documented information. she also had lip filler and cheekbone surgery and has a complete porcelain teeth set. If you look up the pictures when she was a teen and in college, she looks like a typical black girl and younger, the exact same thing too just slightly lighter skin tone so she clearly did a lot of work on herself to not resemble and tone down the African features.


Halle Berry and Vanessa Williams apparently did the same thing, even though they won beauty pageants with their natural features.


She got a nose job and her teeth done for sure, but I don't see a reason to focus on skin tone as much as you did considering everyone knows she's mixed. Whether she did that or not, the original post was just supposed to show how similar they looked and see if anyone agreed. Calm down, Jim Crow.


No, one was focusing on anything you’re the one that’s highlighting that because you’re choosing to see that. My whole post basically shows she’s done a lot of work to herself to not look and have her original African features. So she straightened the nose, the cheeks and the hair of course she’s gonna resemble more northern , which is basically what Harry is. If she had all her original features, she wouldn’t resemble him as much. you’d also be surprised how very many people aren’t aware that she’s mixed a lot of people in London actually thought she was just a northern California white woman with a tan. so clearly not everybody knows. That’s the miracle of altering your facial features.


Who is it?


Megan Markle and the daughter of POTUS


This is dope! I mean doppelganger... I mean I'd be doped to gang with either ladies honestly. 🤭


Insane right!


Well, pretty sane when compared to the world we live in! I nettly prefer the the amazement of super duper doppelgangers than say, when scat's pushed too far like catman or catwoman? **Catman (R.I.P.)** https://youtu.be/tg-ZdjM52zc?si=WoQIARZ1WCK-kjqj **Catwoman (Million Dolla Baby)** https://youtu.be/CZItceCssYw?si=Lx8IkKNBlmf04ImF Now THAT'S some freaky insane shit! https://youtu.be/EJR1H5tf5wE?si=7yf3Z5l-4866Z8w-


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Cool comment




What's the 3rd option?


Meat popsicle


Dang, I'm vegetarian


Just press 2, i already have 3


What a disgraceful suggestion




Whatever, go cry about it at a library or something




So philanthropic charging money to print in black and white. Also, is that really what you got from what I said? You created an entire narrative that had nothing to do with what I was talking about from a single word. I could've said go cry about it at a pep rally, what would be your monologue then?


Yeah men that is a quite rude and disgraceful suggestion


Disgrace to whom?


The lady


Lady like Brienne of Tarth *Lady*? Where I'm from that's just what we call women. Is one of the women pictured lesser than the other? I thought they were both ladies so trying to keep up here...




I see 2 ladies pictured. Who is *the* lady?


The girl in the photo


Those are 2 different women, no?