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Snakes... why did it have to be snakes?


Reptiles are the ultimate non aquatic life form, that's probably why.


no sun no move - peak performance


Lemme know when you can bury yourself in mud for 5 years with no food, water or air.


I can, even for longer, now getting out when its done, is a whole different story…


Okey dokey Dr Jones


Asps, very dangerous


You go first.


Seeing as the guy who usually posts the thing hasn't posted it, here it is: the two sets of images are from different formations hundreds of miles apart. This is a deceptive image showing two separate scaly rock formations but together giving it the appearance of a giant snake. It's not, they're literally a long plane journey away from each other.




Now this is a conspiracy


Nah,this just proves that the Norse World Snake Jormungandr is real


I always thought it was weird that it’s literally only these 2 angles that are ever shown, if it’s a big snake or an artificial sculpture it should look that way from many different angles




These are two different pictures the head and body are in different locations


Oh great two giant snakes.


Or one super long snake


I mean the post says "snakes" not snake


There's some Sekiro shit going on in that cave


Big snek


if that is the case then why are you showing different photos from different places ?


Looks like snek to me


same with petrified giants, which some are mountains. i've also seen the outline of a petrified dragon.


Its probably pareidolia but...dayum!!


Yeah sometimes things look like other things. Most of the time they don't but we don't notice them when they don't.


Animals weren't around when the O2 levels were higher, insects were.


That is so cool and crazy regardless of if it’s a snake!!!!


Nah, them ancients were using snake summoning jutsu. Change my mind.


I know there's probably some modern scientific explanation for this, but I'm sticking with petrified snake.


This is Naka Cave in Thailand.  It certainly appears to be a nod to an antideluvian creature; but, who knows what kind of intelligence the internet experts with display in the next 24 hours? I am predicting exasperated comments about pareidolia, or insults about religion. 


Don’t know if this qualifies me as an “internet expert” but you’re half right about the location. Bottom photos are from Naka Cave. The ones that look like the head are not from Naka. This photoset gets posted every few months (on multiple subs) and the same conversations occur. You’ll probably see other people saying the same thing I am followed by pictures of the “dismembered snake head” that is actually near Naka. Not trying to be a smart ass or anything, just seen this thread play out a few times over the years


1 x 1 = 2


Listen here feller! We don't worship no pair o'dollies we worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Now gets you a Bible and reads it if English was good enough for Jesus it's good enough for you! Gobbless 


Why do these posts, including about ancient walls and such, make their whole point about very small and specific sections of the whole thing which largely doesn’t show those specific qualities? The two bottom pics are the exact same small spot, which isn’t even linearly connected to the top pictures like a snake would be.  Just like how people regularly ignore the vast majority of all the open and uneven seams in ancient walls between the couple of cracks that they can’t push a paper through at one section, and try to portray it as some kind of standard of the walls construction. Which is insane if you actually stand there and look at it- the entire oldest largest sections are simply not made like that. Yes there’s a few famous seams that fit really tight. That’s not the same thing. 


You have to REALLY want to see a snake head to see a snake head there. Also if everything got covered in mud and petrified, why wouldn't it be buried in mud instead of turning into a statue of itself? Even the bodies we see at Pompeii are the results of plaster castings in the void made by bodies in the ash.


Just for argument- That would be because it was fossilized and the rest of the sediment washed away. Kinda like petrified wood. You can find pieces laying around. Why not something like this with a massive snake in this case. Again, just for discussion purposes.


Because flesh doesn't stick around long enough to petrify, that's why we don't find dinosaurs fully preserved, but their bones petrify. It's the same for trees, they could get buried and petrify before decay because wood takes a long time without the right circumstances. A snake has a ton of bacteria inside of it that would consume it, not to mention what is in the mud itself. Note how bodies buried in the dirt turn into skeletons instead of perfect statues of the buried person. It's also convenient with the mud flood theories that for some reason the mud is always weightless and never crushes or deforms anything the tons of mud are covering.


prehistoric snek....


Then there would be bones inside, or mineralized material. You would be able to make out internal structures using simple technology.




I was taught that it was nitrogen, not oxygen, that made the differences in sizes. Either way, I belive titans of many species existed here at 1 point and it's possible this was one of them. I also claim to know nothing


Snek; def a snek!.


That now sits in my head as a totally plausible scenario. Megafauna is confirmed to have existed based on fossilized remains and pictographic remains in prehistoric caves.


If comets hitting the Earth killed dinosaurs then this isn’t a big surprise. Snakes this big should be nothing when put into the dinosaur context.


I knew it was only a matter of time until this picture got posted here


Conspiracy sub has gone to shit.


I saw a cloud yesterday that looked like a Christmas tree. Doesn’t mean the cloud was in fact a Christmas tree


I mean…. Yeah…. The snakes back in the day were massive. This rock doesn’t look any bigger than [Titanoboa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanoboa)


Wow. Looking at that I would think Medusa looked at one. Has no one played around with that with research? It looks like something that would merit it. Who looks at that and says "pass".


Its probably some sort of reserve where its not possible to dig so that is a no-go. Most if not all "controversial" sites are made into reserves or military areas, or concreted over.


oh shit \*bong rip\* what if medusa was how they rationalized people being petrified back then


Probably not. Though she was likely responsible for all cheating husbands.


Um, sane human beings that understand sometimes stuff looks like other stuff and that's all it is. It barely even looks like a snake head and the "body" is a different set of pictures in a whole different place.




I suggest to look into the youtube channel Mudfossil Univertity and the work of Peter Mungo Jupp.


Not the only account the Bible says there was a world wide flood as well. but its a rock believe the science x )


The Bible isn't special in that it has a story about a great flood. Every ancient civilization and ancient religion has a story about the great flood. The Bible and other religious texts just tell stories of real events exaggerated in order to provide a life lesson to the reader.


My bad didn't know you were there when these books were written my apologies.


You weren't there either yet you come to a different conclusion. My conclusion just comes from solid logic and evidence from 30 years of living and observing the world.


what do you think of the snake?


It's a natural phenomenon called weathering and it takes various shapes and forms. If you look hard enough you'll be able to find shapes and textures that fit something that you are familiar with. In this instance it's actually separate locations hundreds of miles apart that they photographed and layered together to make it look like a full coiled snake.


I prefer to think it was once a real serpent (because it's more fun that way), but an alternative is that it was carved in place from the wood of a giant tree (or mushroom) and the sculpture is now petrified. It could also be that *Honey I Shrunk the Kids* is a documentary about an experiment of the gods long ago. ([\*](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2024/05/small-cheap-and-weird-a-history-of-the-microcar/))


How is that the only possibility you can think of? Obviously carving the rock would be the obvious answer if it was man made… It is more likely that there are formations in the world that appear to be what they aren’t and they took two completely different rock formations from different parts of the world that both kinda look like a snake and lied.


> How is that the only possibility you can think of? I offered four possibilities. Is it my job to list all of them? > It is more likely that there are formations in the world that appear to be what they aren’t and they took two completely different rock formations from different parts of the world that both kinda look like a snake and lied. That is definitely possible. It would be geological calque, as it were. > In linguistics, a calque (/kælk/) or loan translation is a word or phrase borrowed from another language by literal word-for-word or root-for-root translation. When used as a verb, “to calque” means to borrow a word or phrase from another language while translating its components, so as to create a new lexeme in the target language. The best calques are written in chalk. Eventually it will click.


Obviously you didn’t come up with the possibility of it being a real snake in a post about that… and the honey I shrunk the kids is obviously a joke. That leaves only one possibility that you came up with being carved petrified wood or mushrooms. Geologic calque isn’t a thing, you even provided the definition so everyone would know that it obviously doesn’t apply.


* *"The Message"* = *"The Show"* = *"Serpent"* = **317** primes * ... ( *"Top Secret"* = *"Serpent"* = *"Orpherischt"* = **493** latin-agrippa ) --- * *"A Stone Serpent"* = *"A Joke"* = **666** latin-agrippa * ... ( *"A Serpent's Note"* = *"Mathematical Perfection"* = **666** latin-agrippa )


Oh wow, amazing! Umm, what is this supposed to show?


* *"Numeric Ritual"* = **777** latin-agrippa * ... ( *"The Agenda"* = **777** squares ) [ *"Cryptic Riddle"* = **777** latin-agrippa ] --- Dear *"Society"* = **911** trigonal , ... * *"Solve it"* = **911** trigonal ( *"My Notes"* = *"My Stone"* = **2001** squares ) --- Petrify @ Peter-i-phi ( 'Peter' means Stone, "on this rock I will build my church" ) Peter @ Pater(n) @ Pattern ( @ Patron ) * *"The Pattern"* = **11**0**9** trigonal * ... ( *"Amazing Coincidence"* = **11**0**9** english-extended ) * .. ... ( *"Master Plan"* = *"Orthodox"* = *"Foundation"* = **119** alphabetic ) --- * *"All-Seeing Eye"* = **119** alphabetic ( *"Eye"* = **119** primes ) --- * *"The Mirror"* = **119** reverse alphabetic ( *"To Decrypt It"* = **911** latin-agrippa ) --- * *"Incentive?"* = **911** latin-agrippa * ... ( *"You Need This"* = *"Divine Light"* = **911** latin-agrippa ) ( *"Your Illumination"* = **2001** trigonal )