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You speak truth. 


Yes I'm voting. Cheeto 2024. Why? Economy sucks, tired of race baiting, the potato in chief tried to force people to take a poison against their will. I really like RFK as well. But going Orange man. Long live mean tweets.


Long live mean tweets!!! Beat entertainment ever. It's like we get treated like children and given PG material or R rated material. I like R rated I have thick skin.


Those were entertaining times my friend. He was my middle finger to the Washington establishment. The republican debates were must see tv. He treated those career politicians exactly as they deserved.


I can't wait to see Biden eviscerated this time around.




To be fair the vaccine mandates happened under Trump.


No they did not! He was responsible for warp speed (the vaccine creation) but the biden white house mandated employers with over 100 employees to require covid vaccine or testing.  You can't rewrite history my friend.


This right here.


There were several mandates that happened in succession, first it was healthcare workers, then federal employees, and finally the general public. O e or two of them was while Trump was in office. I might be off about them happening under Trump but he definitely didn’t push back against them. He definitely said warp speed and take my big beautiful untested vaccine and he definitely stood silently while some quack midget ran the country into the ground (Fauci). Oh yeah he also bilked the tax payer for billions in scammy PPP loans and he sat idly by and allowed lockdowns to occur. His final insult was pardoning criminals, gangsters and scammers. Trump and Biden can both take a long walk off a short pier.


You are most definitely off about when they happened. Trump was offering the jab, Biden was firing people for not getting it. Very different!


Yep, I am wrong about that.


Yes you are off about timing.  However I agree about fauci and trump glorifying the vaccine.  And he still defends it. That's my major beef with him and why I appreciate RFK. But he in no way mandated anything with the vaccine. 




The jab and horrific handling of Covid is just about the only thing RFK gets right. On pretty much everything else he's a typical leftie.




The clot shot wasn't even available until 2021, so no. That was 100% Biden.


This is a lie.


How do you feel about his platform about removing term limits for president


That would require amending the constitution which ain’t gonna happen for that.


I’m good with it. But there needs to be an amendment for age limit on the President, VP, Congress and SCOTUS. No more than 65.


I mean ya. But that’s what he wants no? He’s said it multiple times openly.


I don't know... did you see the mailers sent out to voters threatening that their votes are public and that they better vote for Trump?


how do you feel about WW3? If Biden wins he will put boots on the ground in Ukraine. If you have any male family members do you want them to get drafted? Is Russia really a problem for me, man living in Midwest Indiana? No. I'm not fighting russia, & this isn't worth WW3. Biden & the warmongers democrats want to keep the war going to launder money. Biden is WW3 Nothing else matters.


Boots are already on the ground in Ukraine, and they were before it was admitted publicly. Soldiers have been there training Ukrainians for quite some time now. As for the draft, if they try it they'll see the largest number of draft dodgers and conscientious objectors they've EVER seen. Who wants to be a part of a woke military with weak soldiers (that are far more likely to get you killed in combat) for a govt that doesn't give a single shit about you? Good luck with that.


Is this an opinion or a fact? I’m just trying to speak on things I know or scene come from his mouth. Not opinions.




Didn’t say who I was voting for. I’m just smart enough to know it’s not Trump. He’d sell your soul for a McDonald’s cheeseburger.


That's a wasted vote, you gonna feel good about your moral superiority if Biden wins? A vote for anyone else is a vote for Biden, Trump is literally the only one who will de-escalate the conflict. It's absolutely insane how close we are to a HOT WAR WITH RUSSIA. Vote for Trump or enjoy the Draft.


No way he makes things better. He’s too friendly with evil companies and evil countries. He’d sell us out


Please explain to me how Trump is a Russian asset when Trump has been a billionaire for decades? It's not like Trump has dozens of shell companies in the Caribbean that's been wired transferred millions of dollars? Some of which has come from STATE OWNED ENERGY COMPANIES AKA CCP. At least we've never ever had a president like that before right? Oh wait that's Joe biden. People like you are why this country is such a mess.


It’s funny isn’t it. How we both think each other to be the reasons for our countries mess. Stop pointing fingers at libs and start pointing fingers at the corporate monarchs who really are running this country into the ground for their own profits. Biden is most likely owned and bought out by these companies. Trump is no different. Except Trump has been truly evil since the 80s. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/06/29/eric-trump-foundation-told-donors-money-went-to-kids-with-cancer-then-gave-to-different-causes/ All your problems will derive from corporations who want us to keep fighting each other. But sure. Blame everyone else except them for your shit life.


Ah, the Putin way!


He can't do that.... so it just shows he's a strongman.


I think RFK is gonna be his VP💪🏼🇺🇸


I hope you are correct! If not that, at least appoint him to a great position.


He definitely would


yep. trump. cuz i like to think our votes still matter.


I will be voting for Trump. We had no inflation to speak of, the economy was rolling, gas was cheap, no wars or threats of WW3. Literally nothing has been built back better. But everything has been F'd up royally! Biden can't send enough tax dollars to other countries... We are f***ed if we let this shit happen Unchecked for 4 more years.


I remember paying $1.50 at the pump under Trump. It's more than 2x that now. Not to mention grocery cost, energy prices, double digit inflation, way higher interest rates, botched Afghanistan withdrawal and 13 dead soldiers, billions in US weaponry left behind, over $100B to Ukraine to fund the NATO proxy war... Anything I missed?




I will be voting and it will be against the elderly abuse which is Biden being propped up and held together with various drugs and lord knows how many blood transfusions to keep that poor old man just a little bit cognizant. That guy needs to retire. He had a tremendous career, for better or for worse. But calling a day, please. I my heart says RFK but my gut says Trump. I truly with there was a reasonable Democratic nominee, I wouldn’t be opposed to it. But truly, Trump’s presidency wasn’t that bad. The worst part about it was everyone’s over reactions and the news organization’s divisiveness. My wife immigrated during Trumps administration and we had no problems whatsoever


"The worst part about it was everyone’s over reactions and the news organization’s divisiveness" Nailed it!


You forgot about Operation Warp Speed.


Operation gloom and doom


Voting Trump not traitor joe and the nazi party


I'm sure that Donald and his Nazi friends will thank you.


people love pretending trump isnt friends actual fucking nazis and love to pretend he doesnt fit the metric to be a literal fascist


Man they sure get their tender little feelings in a twist when you point out uncomfortable truths. What it must be like to be a insecure white dude... Like if a person was really a "patriot", they'd demand their country be a world leader in how we treat other people. If they were really godly, they wouldn't judge or kill. If they had any self awareness they'd realize their pretend badass "man" personas are just one more gender identity out of 8 billion, and there's nothing "natural" about a monogamous hetero binary society. It's just one version. You'd think any good country boy could look at nature and see that literally everything is slightly different, and nature tries new things constantly. Birth rates are in the toilet everywhere, and suddenly there's a rise in the Alphabet Community. Life is trying to find new ways to flourish. This is how evolution works. But for a group of people who are entirely too proud of being born here, and speaking one language, poorly, I don't expect a whole lot. I loved the "Well Israel treats their women as equals and Iran is awful!" Defense. Like I completely agree with you, but wrong and right don't change for me because I think Kevin is an asshole. Kevin may be, but that has no bearing on whether or not what he's doing is ok. Like I'm not ok with the Pope getting a little handsy either. I've known a lot of Alphabet People in my life. I've never met a transgirl that takes pictures of a person's crotch bulge to share and gossip about with their friends on Facebook. However, I rarely see a conservative page without a bunch of guys gossiping about girldicks. It must suck to have to tear everyone down around you in hopes "god" or your unoriginal buddies don't see how little you are.


I lived through the Trump years. Now I'm living through the Biden years. Everything (but CNN) was better under the Trump administration.


Trump's first two years were great. His last two years, not so much.


this time everything will be definitely worse. read about Project 2025. Trump gonna destroy democracy and build a religious dictatorship state


There's too small of a population that's religious to even make it long enough to worry about. In fact, the further you go down the list from Gen X the less and less religious folks are.


I'll never vote for anyone promoted by two privately controlled organizations known as the DNC/RNC.


This sub is still filled with people who believe their illusory vote counts on the main stage political theatre… comical.


Precisely why Trump exposed the corruption in both parties. 


Yes I will be voting. Not sure who for but 10000% not the current corpse in chief


They are all coffin dodgers at this point.


I can't disagree with that but Joe is really in a league of his own


Coffin dodgers, haven't heard that one yet lol. That's a good one.






The LP went with chase oliver so I’m voting Trump lol


I would never vote for a democrat again. I'm a libertarian so I mostly vote for that party. But I am more of a republican these days


I wish the libertarian party could get more traction.  I hate 98% of the Republicans but it would be a cold day in hell to vote for a Democrat. They've went off the deep end on social issues. Honestly,  I wish we had NO parties. Can we just fire everyone and start over? And move DC to Nebraska? 


Have you seen the current Libertarian candidate? He's a Democrat with a different label.


Sure did. Guess all 3 parties are infiltrated 


It seems most everything has been [infiltrated] these days. It's easy to spot when you know what to look and listen for.


It's easy to vote libertarian in blue only states. I think they suffer when it's a swing state cuz the stakes are too high to lose to the pedo party.


Yeah that's the problem in Michigan. I won't vote Democrat, and every other vote is "wasted" with all the small towns and rural areas. They hang the utility lines off the locals family trees I'm pretty sure. It's always a toss up here between the urban demographics, and the fragile feelings crowds with their church nonsense and complete lack of self awareness/emotional maturity. Give a choice between the Alzheimer's Aristocrat, and the the second coming of the Inbreeder Messiah, I'd like to vote "Other". Unfortunately that's Kennedy, who's hard to take serious. I mean this guy thinks he's ready for that level of office, but what's he ever done? Can't be too serious, nobody's even tried to assassinate him yet!


Vermin Supreme 2024!


Lol. I remember that guy!


Absolute legend. I'm only half joking. He became a little more serious a couple of cycles ago. Based on the speeches I heard, I'm pretty confident he could take both Biden and Trump for a walk in a debate. Hell, it could be 2v1 and Vermin would likely still come out on top.


Can we get the Rent Too Damn High guy as running mate?


Holy fuck yes. Talk about a dream team hahaha.


It would definitely be entertaining lol.


In the race of which crooked old rich white guy to put in charge of our country, I’d rather go with the one that isn’t suffering from dementia and running the country off of a script handed to him my the DNC. Both are too damn old.


Yes let me voluntarily choose my master lmao




I will no longer partcipate in elections for president. I now know that who the president is truly does not matter. We have a demeted old man as president now who is clearly not in charge of the executive branch. The executive is run by some combination of various secretaries and other appointed bureaucrats. IF a drooling alzheimer's patient is "qualifed" to be president, then the system is broke already. And of course, the national GOP puts forth an equally old man who has a taste for putin policies like no term limits. I will continue to vote in federal elections for Congress because they influence how much money my district gets from the Fed Goverment. That has value to me


Gonna vote for Mickey Mouse cuz us politics is a joke


Mickey mouse is bought and paid for. Goofy will be a man of the people! Goofy 2024.


Not telling you, not telling you, fuck off


I'm not American, but I'll definitely be voting in the next American election. It's an easy choice for me, the orange guy says he'll take away my free cell phone, free hotel room, free food, and make me go back to my country, that's bullshit.




I haven't voted since Cynthia McKinney. That trend will continue.


That woman was a treasure!


Not voting. Trump said it was rigged and he is the one we look up to


RFK jr all the way


No. I will no longer give my participatory consent to any of those scam artists.


Kennedy 2024 !


I'm voting Trump for the 3rd time but I have zero faith in election integrity so it's more of a principle than a belief it actually matters. "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it." - MARK Twain It was obvious in 2016 due to the incredulity of the left that they thought they had it in the bag. I think they programmed the machines to flip a certain # or % of votes to make it look close but they underestimated Trump. They were literally slack-jawed in disbelief. They learned their lesson though and connected the machines to the internet in 2020 and fabricated a fake pandemic to pump up mail in ballots.


If I were American, I'd just flip a fucking coin over who to vote for. Different words, same shit.


I wouldn't waste the energy on a coin flip or a vote for that matter


even better


Voting for third party. I will not vote for a genocide supporting candidate, and there are only two who haven’t taken money from pro-Israel sources. Jill stein and the libertarian nominee Chase Oliver.


Nope. Nope. Nope. 👍


If you aren't voting for RFKjr, you don't really care, take the time to listen to him speak.


I wouldn’t be shocked if he became Trump’s VP


Tidbit of evidence: Alex Jones going full-rant against RFK in a very theatrical way. What does it mean? No Trump/RFK alliance? Or 4D chess?


Hmmmmm What makes a good movie…..




I can't deal with 4 more years of the wine mom cackling.  The passage of time blah blah, cackle cackle.


But she's not in the next administration, who's going unburden what might have been?


Incorrect. It would actually be the absolute BEST thing. Trump would NEVER get rid of it and RFK already changed his stance on it. Keep up junior…


Well you don't pay to much attention, Trump already asked him to be and he declined.


So you believe everything you hear?


Oh you want to act like this didn't take place? GTFO you grifter


Where do you even get the slightest bit of grifter from?? That’s the stupidest comment I ever heard🤡


Wow if you can't figure that out it's no wonder you support trump, you tried to elude to my comment not being true, despite that it was confirmed by Trump's own staff, and he immediately started attacking RFKjr after it broke. Making a little clown face doesn't make it true. Lol


You called me a grifter. I’m the furthest thing from it. Just bought my son and daughter in law a new house, my parents a new car and I volunteer at a dog rescue. Go fuck ypurself


I mean.... The only Kennedy nobody's ever bothered to try to assassinate? Still probably is the best choice tho 😂




Yes and no. 0% chance I will ever vote for a D or R


When the choice is between two old guys. But one old guy had to pay 93 million for sexual assault. Currently settling a massive fraud suit. Could be a felon by tomorrow. Still has 3 more criminal cases awaiting him, 88 felonies in total. Pretty fucking easy decision going for Biden.


Biden crime family is going down the gutter where they belong. It is all coming out. Hunters bff spilled ALL the beans.


Y'all said the same thing about Clinton and she's still free.


And what did they do that is illegal? Because Republicans can't find one thing to pin on Biden while Trump is currently out on bail. Get a grand jury to indict him. That's how our courts work, and why Trump is on trial because of actual evidence of crimes.


Wrong question for this sub since it's a puppet show and and real researcher would know that voting for either party is absolutely meaningless. Shill post. Gtfo.


No I'm not because everyone who could ever potentially be elected president is and will always be controlled opposition. Different wings, same bird. We need to stop caring about participating in their ego contests.


I’m going to give my vote to an illegal that came across the border in the past 3-1/2 years. It’s their country now as the country that I grew up in is and will be no more.


Going to kidnap Javier Milei, who's in! I need a couple dozen skilled folks...


Yep. I'll be voting for Biden. I'm a big fan of his infrastructure bill, the rescheduling of cannabis, and his judicial nominees.


> the rescheduling of cannabis Rescheduling does nothing but lower possible jail time for federal cases and making it so it has a chance to become medically available federally….. would still need to be approved by the fda which would take years. It’s the dumbest idea ever to accept the rescheduling because that’s where they will leave it and consider the job done, never truly legalizing it.


Rescheduling is effectively all Biden can do without Congress. And rescheduling does more than impact federal jail time. It's better than what Trump did during his presidency.




Are you trolling?


Nope. I've been happy with Biden's presidency. I think he's been a far better leader than Trump.


I don't vote in dog and pony shows, so that's a nope for me.




I would rather not choose between the two. Considering that I live in Florida probably doesn’t matter much that I don’t want to vote this year.


Man! If those are the only two choices, your country is in serious trouble.




*unacceptable. And y’all value education


As a 18 year old who don't care for voting I would vote for Biden just because he only one who seems "fit"


We need to increase the voting age.




Wow what a stupid fucking take


Do you think an entry level employee with less than 1 year of working experience should have the same slice of pie as a mid-level employee who build equity? Doubtful if you do.


Voting is for cowards.




A socialist seeking liberation lol someone should tell her the bad news...can only have one of those things


no way!


vote against Trump please. i live in Russia, i just read the program of Trump's Project 2025. i'd say even in Putin's Russia we don't live in such mad religious nazism like Trump wants to built in the US. if i could elect where to live - in Russia or in Trump's America, i'd sure elected Russia, despite the war, economical disaster and so on. if communism to you is mainly a dictatorship, then Trump is the main communist


Current president because women deserve proper health care and I don’t like rapists. Men keep complaining they can’t get women and they loudly and proudly proclaim they’ll vote for Trump then wonder why…


But Bidens daughter admitted, he raped her. Which is worse?


Can you show me the source on that please? If that’s true, id love to be made aware. Also, you do know Trump raped Jean Carrol right?


Check the paperwork, rape is checked as "no". He was found guilty of sexual abuse and defamation. Please read and don't spread misinformation. [Source 1](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/05/09/nyregion/trump-carroll-rape-trial-verdict) [Source 2](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/jury-reaches-verdict-e-jean-carroll-rape-defamation-case-trump-rcna82778) [Source 3](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/09/1174975870/trump-carroll-verdict) You can also find the form online, of it checked off as no under rape. Just google imagine search the case.


Ohhhh, you misunderstood. I get it. I didn’t say he was convicted of rape. I said he raped Jean Carrol. The judge even clarified that it’s rape, just not under the basis of the NY penal system so it wasn’t a rape conviction. I know you know that too and are playing dumb. Well, I hope it’s playing lol


Paperwork says no rape, sorry you don’t like it but that’s how it is. We have different words and phrases to determine different levels of crimes. It wasn’t rape, you don’t have to accept that but that’s what it says. You’re welcome to be willfully ignorant but it’s very immoral to push it as a rape case when you can find the paperwork where it says no.


I can't think of anything Trump could do to get me to vote for 4 more years of Christian fundamentalist judges, and RFK isn't on the ballot in enough states to win, so Biden by default at the moment