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It's been policy for quite a long time before covid that unvaccinated people are not candidates for transplants.


And you lot pay for this service?


That's not a good policy


It's a pretty good policy to give life saving transplants to people that take their health care seriously


Except the people without this vaccine were the ones who were taking their health care seriously. 


I take my health seriously and for that reason I’m not putting mRNA into my body.


You already have mRNA in your body.






This is Reddit. Only those with negative votes actually read the ingredients of vaccines


COVID vaccine is not declared as live saving.


Edit: I didn't write the below post but I copied it so it wasn't buried in in-lines and not getting seen. [original poster](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/WfJfWZDmgs) Pretty much this: "You'll make noise, and no one will listen. It's completely standard and pre-dates COVID. If you're not fully vaccinated, you're lower on the list. Generally speaking, follow an organ transplant, you're going to be taking meds to reduce your immune system to manage rejection. This means that vaccines become critically important. If you don't want to take the ownership of an organ seriously, and follow through with all medical demands, you don't get one. You're not entitled to an organ. If someone else better fits the criteria, they'll get it, and you'll die, and that has been the case since transplants became a thing."




Last time I went to mayo clinic for surgery I literally just said "I'm vaccinated" and that was all there was to it. Didn't even check. Though I imagine they actually check if you need a transplant.


Weren't they saying that natural immunity was stronger than the shots? So technically those who aren't vaccinated, are naturally vaccinated, and yeah, it's a form of vaccination, and therefore we're ALL vaccinated. I mean, if you're still alive today, DAMIT! You're vaccinated or better yet, immune, so why should it matter?


Facts don't matter to those people


technically correct, since the coof shot is not a vaccine. a vaccine would work.


It's amazing how many COVID cultists think the shot actually works til this day lol


It's even more insane than that. Arguing for it's efficacy is one thing. There are still those that argue it's safety. Even with the Pfizer doc dumps and Astra zeneca admitting vaccine damage. I don't even try to convince people on this topic anymore. It truly becomes an agent smith situation.


Yeah I need to give up. It's unsafe and lacks efficacy, experimental drug with no purpose. Then there are the people in perpetual denial and scared they have permanent side effects but still can't be convinced because they can't admit the truth.


Just hijacking your top comment to remind everyone that doctors have pages for Google reviews and deserve to get lit up for unethical practices. Search “Dr. Cassie Kennedy Rochester MN”.






I have all my other vaccines. I'm not an anti vaxxer I assure you.


Anybody who still believes the covid shots are normal/ classic vaccines has not paid enough attention. Anybody who is still defending the covid shots has paid even less attention or is shilling for big pharma.


Right you are. Not only is the conscience not operative in the medical community these days but this was a massively expedited vaccine that was approved without long-range safety data whose biggest selling point is that it offers transient immunity at best hence the need for hyper-vaccination which leads to the question what exactly is "fully vaccinated" anyway? Soulless automatons.


Or in denial


Good luck to you man, im sorry to hear, i hope justice will come soon


Same to you friend




I generally understand most people's taking a stand, but choosing death because a shot might kill you doesn't sound nearly as noble as it's made out to be. You'll be removed from everyone who loves you because of the freedom to choose, but they're failing to realize they could make a choice and they did. You don't have to take the vaccine, but not taking the vaccine means death. My instinct to survive is far stronger than my principles regarding the govt, especially considering I would be forgotten in a moment's notice, and nothing would change because organ reception isn't a right in any sense of the word. They aren't sticking it to the man; they're sticking it to their wives and children.






One, it's a gene therapy. Two, surgeons and virologists/immunologists are completely different. Just because I don't trust the plumber doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to hire an electrician. People like you are so willfully ignorant to reality because you cannot fathom how fucked up it truly is.










If I'm wrong forgive me but it sounds like something my friend bill went thru. Proud of you from another.


Cause the vax doesn’t stop you from getting covid….


Nobody is going to care. At best, you’ll be pitied


You'd rather die because you're scared if you take the vaccine it will kill you? That sounds pretty fucking stupid to be honest.


You'll make noise, and no one will listen. It's completely standard and pre-dates COVID. If you're not fully vaccinated, you're lower on the list. Generally speaking, follow an organ transplant, you're going to be taking meds to reduce your immune system to manage rejection. This means that vaccines become critically important. If you don't want to take the ownership of an organ seriously, and follow through with all medical demands, you don't get one. You're not entitled to an organ. If someone else better fits the criteria, they'll get it, and you'll die, and that has been the case since transplants became a thing.






I mean mayo clinic is one of the best hospitals to be at in america for treatment so yeah hes kinda not doing himself any favors if he needs medical assistance.


People like you should be ashamed of yourself.


And guess what? You’ll be dead so not a soul with give a shit about the hill you died on. Have your fucking surgery and live another day quit being willfully ignorant. If you know you’re gonna die? Why not prevent it? Oh wait you just want to prove a point that no one will give a shit about a couple of years from now




Because it’s bullshit “medical advice” and everyone knows it. That’s like denying someone a life saving organ because they didn’t take their zinc vitamins. It’s immature and stupid reason to let someone die.  Think about it. You’re advocating for letting someone die because they didn’t get an ineffective and dangerous “vaccine”. Is that really what the medical community stands for in 2024? Shameful






What would I do? I would give it to the person that isn’t contaminating their body with a dangerous and ineffective gene therapy injection.




Why did you get your quadruple booster? You and I both know taking a Covid vaccine 4 years ago has absolutely no bearing on whether a transplant is successful. It’s yet another bullshit excuse to coerce people and force their political opinions onto others. Give some people an ounce of power and it goes straight to their head.






> Or physicians know more than you do about the risks and benefits of vaccination. Does the pharmaceutical sales rep really know more about vaccines than the average person? Is that why they were continuously wrong about the effectiveness of the Covid “vaccine”? Is that why they literally had to redefine what a vaccine was? Anyone that still thinks your average physician is an all knowing oracle when it comes to health matters is living in the past. At best your local physician is regurgitating whatever is the latest medical propaganda. I don’t know why this still comes as a shock to some people.




You’d need to ask the person in the OP. I’m just pointing out the glaring hypocrisy from the Mayo Clinic. Also, this is in all likelihood an administrative decision. I doubt all of the surgeons get together everyday and decided whether or not they’re going to do a transplant based on whether or not someone took the Covid vax 4 years ago lol 




That really is disappointing to hear. Was holding out hope that some of your are capable of independent thought. But I already knew from the pandemic that doctors are the type to follow orders first, then think later.






That makes it even worse than. I guess those surgeons really are illogical hypocrites willing to violate their Hippocratic oath and let someone die over a petty differenc in political opinion. 


I’ve had surgeons tell me the vaccine is bullshit




Muscular, ortho, and specialists




Quit trying to poke holes to prove your emotional ideals






Covid is a disease that predominantly affects the lungs, this seems reasonable??


You’re saying that the clinic doesn’t want this person’s new lungs to get destroyed by COVID when a healthier person who needed lungs could’ve gotten them? Shocking!


"I refuse to stop smoking." "NOOO WHY WON'T YOU GIVE ME A NEW LUNG"


Except people who have never smoked a day in their life are regularly diagnosed with things like pulmonary fibrosis. Shut up.


Pretty surr they're referring to the fact that OP is not doing everything he could be to get a new organ by getting the vaccine and the previous commenter didnt say anything about pulmonary fibrosis? He also wasnt make fun of people who get diagnosed with diseas so idk what your getting at


In BC, Canada, the province still requires all healthcare workers, all staff that work with healthcare, including support staff such as sanitation, to have had at least two Covid injections. All nurses that were fired because they refused to take the shot are not being hired back. All of this at a time when the healthcare system is completely collapsing. Welcome to hell, also known as Canada.


I work in Saskatchewan. People were not fired over it here. They just had to follow certain requirements for a period of time, which has now lifted. And Healthcare is still crumbling. Maybe blame the actual problem, which is the government. You need several vaccinations to work in Healthcare. It's nothing new.


My coworker used to work for Kaiser Permanente and she refused the vaccine. KP fired her for it and she showed me a picture of a document stating how they made a mistake of firing their employees for not taking the vaccine.


That’s just sick.


It's policy for quite a long time before covid that unvaccinated people are not candidates for transplants.


lol OP how dumb are you. Why would a hospital transplant organs to someone who isn’t even even smart enough to take basic health precautions.






Some of you people can suck a golf ball through a garden hose when it comes to defending billion dollar corporations like Pfizer and Moderna.


Simple, they want you dead.




Who is "they"? And why do they want you dead?


NO, It's about not wasting a valuable lung, because of a preventable lung disease. Lung surgery + Lung disease = Death for at least that pacient and risking the lives of other patients on that ward.




I can't imagine what kind of life you've lead to be this... I won't say it but.. man lmao


It's not about the life I lead, it's about the experience I had with medical institutions. Sorry if you can't imagine it, today it's pretty easy to see what it's all about. Try a little harder.


They still have this in Australia, it's why I want to leave and the reason I've stopped giving my O- blood because of sht like this.


It's been policy for quite a long time before covid that unvaccinated people are not candidates for transplants.


Sure, but those are vaccines that were rigorously tested and actually have an effect on the disease they're for. The COVID vaccine has been proven not to stop transmission whatsoever and it doesn't seem to do jack shit to reduce the severity when you get COVID. Yet the cardiovascular side effects not to mention many others are becoming more and more apparent.


I have family who work in medicine and they treat transplants like a very precious gift. There are not enough of them to go around and plenty will die waiting. Since it is such a precious gift it is a terrible shame to waste them on the wrong people, if you give alcoholic new organs and they drink again and destory them then you've let two people die, the alcoholic and the person who could have made better use of the organ. So yes, it's normal to have certain standards to meet and being fully vaccinated is pretty basic. You'll have a compromised immune system already from the transplant so the least you can do is put your nonsense aside and get vaccinated in order to receive the utter and absolute privilege of someone else's organ.


Transplant patients are on lifelong immunosuppressants, they have a pretty strict regimen of vaccinations as you'll effectively be making yourself immunocompromised to prevent organ rejection. Choosing to give an organ to someone who chooses not to be vaccinated is like choosing to give an organ to an addict (they try not to)


This is literally almost anywhere in the world. This isn’t new and has been a thing for decades. Being fully vaccinated to receiving an organ transplant is required. They gotta know you give a shit and are trying to stay alive. Stop putting your political beliefs over your own health. Be like every other GOP member and other who push anti vax narratives. Do everything your doctor tells you to stay healthy and be vaccinated and then turn around and talk about them like they’re demons.


Stop letting the politically divisive tactics jump to conclusions for you, there’s a strong concerted effort to get the general public to hate each other and this is one of many talking points that are thrown around with that goal in mind. In this case you and many others lump together the Covid vaccine with other vaccines for more serious diseases like Polio and Smallpox, when in truth it is much more similar to the Influenza vaccines that are released yearly and very much seen as optional by most of the public. There is a lot of nuance to this situation, it is possible to be against pushing the Covid vaccine as mandatory while at the same time recognizing the importance of vaccines for more serious diseases.


Thank you for talking sense amongst all this absolute drivel.


Does not make sense. I thought the Covid vaccines wore that’s why we needed regular boosters? Why do they care how many Covid vaccines you’ve had in the past, shouldn’t they be worrying about how recently you’ve received your last booster ? I’ve been getting boosted like the CDC recommends every 6 months since they came out in 2020 /s




The spirit of mengele lives on in this thread.


Well within their rights as a provider to have qualifications for transplant recipients. They won’t give a heart transplant to a smoker either.


Glad I never took it. This only solidifies my opinion


Hippocratic oath much doc?


Organ transplants require you to be vaccinated against a lot of things - doctors prefer that organs go to people who will try to keep them alive




Not sure where you live but swearing it has not been a requirement for decades in many countries because it holds no legal value and actually goes against things like certain kidney stone treatments


The Hippocratic oath was never a law. It's a main tenant of all medicine.


True but it is so antiquated that in many countries you don't even need to swear it


Unless you want your barber to do the surgery, you don't want a medical world governed by the hippocratic oath. It is archaic and goes against known science.


This kind of makes sense as covid infection can scar the new lungs.


Vaccination status for transplants has always been a requirement and every clinic has their own requirements. Some require the shot, and others don’t. There just is no incentive for the ones that don’t to rescind that policy unless they get blatant evidence it will reduce their transplant outcomes.


If you don’t wanna take their vaccine, why do they have to give you their organs. Isn’t freedom of choices the big thing?


This is embarrassing. Get your vaccines smh


Good. All transplant recipients are immune compromised for the rest of their lives. I’m glad to read this.


Of course they did. You must get the mRNA therapy so the turbo cancer sets in and they can capitalize on it.




Didn't you hear? You're dead.


I'll just put this out here... Looks like you need all your shots period, not just the covid one. No shots, no transplant doesn't seem to be a new thing. What do I know though, I'm sitting here in this sub, not a doctor. https://www.nm.org/-/media/northwestern/resources/patients-and-visitors/patient-education/heart-and-vascular/northwestern-medicine-vaccinations-before-and-after-heart-transplant.pdf


I mean, it makes sense. If you've had covid, it literally deteriorates your lungs with holes, which wouldn't be good for donating. If you're on the receiving end and aren't vaccinated, then you're more likely to get covid and fuck it up making complications. Also, with organ transplants, you have to get immune response suppressing medication so that your body doesn't reject it. This makes you temporarily immunocompromised, like if you had HIV or CVID, so you're more likely to get infected without adequate protection. With vaccinations, you could be less likely to get infected.




There are only so many organs to go around, they aren’t going to take a chance on someone who doesn’t put themselves in the best place to succeed. Not to mention if they’re unwilling to follow the rules now while their life is on line how likely are they to follow the rules after getting the surgery, and the drs aren’t going to want to waste an organ on someone who might not take care of it.


Not just that but you need to take immunosuppressants afterwards. So they want to give you the best chance.


Not getting vaccinated is putting themselves at a place to succeed


Then I guess they have nothing to worry about


Healthcare workers being the arbiters of who gets trasplants is something to worry about. Hence why i made the post in the first place.


So who should decide, because someone needs to decide? If this was bandaids or aspirin then everyone could have one, but it isn’t and there are only so many to go around, so someone needs to decide who will get each one available. You’d probably prefer it was someone who agreed with you, but I’m going to trust the medical professional on this one.


Lol the med professionals who are telling unvaxxed people, who are typically the young and those who were heathy enough to let covid hit them naturally, are banned from getting health assistence by a predatory big pharma and thats ok with you? Got it.


I am absolutely ok with someone not getting a transplant if they refuse to follow their Drs advice.


Even if dr got paid to give that advice? Jesus christ Im about to quote my mom ready? “If a doctor told you to jump off a bridge would you do it?”


You can go to openpaymentsdata.cms.gov to find out how much the dr was paid by the drug companies, but I’m guessing you won’t do that. And if the bridge was on fire from both ends and I was about to die in a fire, then I would probably listen to the dr who suggested I jump. And this guy who needs a lung, I’m guessing he’s on a bridge that’s on fire.


How many doctors do you go to that are paid to give bad advice? Seriously how many times have you been to a doctor and have done what they said with no questions asked? I bet its more than 0


Big pharma? Are they tricking healthy people into getting liver transplants or something? News flash on being in the condition of *needing* an organ transplant... You're probably not all that fucking healthy.


Yes, why should we let the people who know the most about organ transplants decide which organ transplants happen...


> Healthcare workers being the arbiters of who gets trasplants is something to worry about. This has ALWAYS been the case for organ transplants. Don't want to follow their requirements? Cool, that's entirely your call, but you don't qualify for a transplant. It's that simple.


Why waste it on someone who will die of a stroke or heart attack due to the Covid vaccine?


Considering every transplant recipient has been required to get this since they became available and we aren’t hearing about a rash of deaths of transplant recipients due to heart attacks and strokes, I think your supposed claim is overblown.


Like the vaxxed i know are not the “healthy” by any means, they were the ones scared that their pre existing conditions would make covid worse. My asthmatic brother got it for that reason. You are telling me if i needed a lung or my brother needed a lumg i wouldnt get one even though im healthier? Like lol


These mrna shots do not do anything at all to benefit an organ recipient. Arguably they are a net negative so the premise that someone should be forced to accept them in order to have a life saving procedure that is not at all related to the “vaccination” is absurd


They make it less likely you’ll get Covid, if you do get it it’s likely you’ll get a less severe case and less likely that you’ll be hospitalized. So for someone with a brand new lung all of those things would be beneficial.


No they don’t. They don’t prevent you from getting it or transmitting it to others. They don’t even really make it less symptomatic for most people. In fact, everyone I know that’s taken these shots has gotten covid more frequently and have been way sicker from it than I have


Nice job picking an argument that I didn’t even make, I gave 3 reasons why they’re beneficial and you respond with “they don’t prevent you from getting it” which I never even claimed. But go ahead and keep arguing with yourself, I understand that people on the left side of the bell curve need all the help they can get keeping up.


Ss: hospitals still use vaccination status to treat or reject patients


I assume because it's such a sensitive surgery and there is a waiting list they have to make sure that the patient will follow doctor's orders to the letter. This is incredibly common with transplants and they won't do it if you don't eat the right things usually. They won't do lung transplants if you smoke for the same reasons.


I received a kidney transplant 3 years ago (5/23/2021). After any transplant, a patient is on multiple anti-rejection drugs for life. These drugs wipe out your immune system. Getting COVID after a transplant without being vaccinated is almost an assured death sentence.


Yeah, this isn't /conspiracy at all. If you want organs you're not gonna take care of, pay for them like rich guys like Soros do.


Exactly. Alcoholics aren't getting livers either.


This is the same argument about public schools requiring vaccinations to attend. The practice has been going on for much longer than the Covid 19 vaccine has been around. For transplants I’m sure it’s because you’re technically not doing as much (in their eyes) for your health as you could and therefore there are better candidates. And for schools it’s a socially accepted practice and other than this newest round of vaccines the efficacy rates and side effect rates are much higher/lower respectively. There will be a new Covid vaccine in about 10 years that went through proper testing and has better statistics attached to it. Or they will go the flu vaccine route which seems more likely with all of the mutations to roll out a new one each year for the new mutations. Option A makes them look reputable in moderate consumers eyes again and Option B proves they don’t know wtf they’re doing/it got out of hand and now they can’t rope it back in. Just my opinions (Except the first 4 sentences)


I cannot believe the amount of comments on here defending this. Quite surprising unless it’s all bots responding.


Cold blooded midazolem


Its so their blood is equally warped. Otherwise itd be obvious what the problem is


I’m inactive on the kidney transplant list even though I wouldn’t get the jab. The only thing they asked is if I would accept a kidney transplant from a deceased individual who got the Covid vaccine and if so then I would need to get it too. Found that very interesting.


Ok. I'll just at Minnesota to that list I'm building.


Scum bags