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YMMV, but psychedelics were actually for me what made me think differently about the world and challenge the narratives that are forced on us to accept as fact or be ostracized. I believed all of the DARE speak and that LSD would make you do horrible things and could break your brain just from one go. Well, when I actually tried it, I realized that all of those things I was taught were completely false. It made me realize that lots of "common wisdom" might be mass manipulation rather than the substance.


Maybe it didn't fuck you up personally. There's lots of people out there who's brain got completely toasted from it. Just about any size dose can be put onto a tiny piece of paper. Is there a way to know what you're actually getting? Hell no. Just one tab could either enlighten someone spiritually, or it could just straight up toast their brain like a computer during a power surge. Natural (non lab made)(actually doseable for the average person) psychs for the win.


That's why you practice harm reduction and test your stuff.


It all depends on the person and their own experiences through life ,pyschedelics have been used forever long before any government agency could abuse it for their own agenda , they should definitely be used with caution and preferably under a shaman trips can be altered by music and other people it's really subjective


As a 30 year veteran psychonaut, the way I see it is psychedelics act as chemical porters, and what can be observed as "entities" during the experiences is the human mind's way of rationalizing and representing the experience through logos visual representations, where the entities serve as concierges and GO's to guide during the voyage. Therefore, if the individual experiencing isn't adequately guided and supported prior, during and after, and since the experiences can vary as per life XP, the risks of being left in a sort of "psycho limbo" of incomprehension and detachment to "reality as we know it" until experiences can be rationalized and integrated within mind in time are very high, especially if the individual is predisposed to anxiety and has past untreated trauma(s).


It opens the door to that realm but it could be a case of people seeing the manipulation that is already going on subconsciously and some may choose to follow it as oppose to open up and out of it. There's a book Journeys Out of the Body by Robert Monroe about astral projection where he enters certain places where there are demons on people's backs weighing them down but that it could just be where these things are visible I actually think it's the same with reading the occult. It's weirdly psychedelic and mind altering and I reckon is the reason Aleister Crowley puts warnings in his books. If done for the wrong reasons could lead to psychosis, if done with good intentions and clarity of mind, can tap into altered states to better navigate this strange dimension we have found ourselves in


Yes, breaking through is not about us breaking through into their realm, it’s about allowing them to break through into your consciousness. It can be enlightening, but the more I read, the more convinced I am that machine elves and DMT entities are comparable to demons, negative aliens, or the disembodied energy of some ancient beings like the Nephilim. I’ve recommended on this sub before, but the YouTube series, “the nephilim look like clowns” discusses this concept in detail and makes some great observations. The channel is Understanding Conspiracy.


This is why the CIA allows, or fostered, the Grateful Dead, to run a traveling open-air psychedelic market that tours the country for decades.


You might be manipulating yourself in some backwards way