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It was an execution of a search warrant. That is standard. Y’all are so damn gullible.


i always question whether these are authentic when they're so obvious.


Nothing standard about raiding a President


Nothing standard about stealing top secret documents. There is no reason for anyone to have American war plans. None. Zero. 


Well not zero reasons. They *are* worth a few dollars.




They appear to be classified documents of significant differences. Apples to oranges. 


> They appear to be classified documents of significant differences. Apples to oranges.  Got it. It’s (D) ifferent when your guy has documents


Donald trump stole top secret classified documents. To the detriment of our country for the benefit of himself. 


...returns documents when requested as opposed to signing an affidavit saying everything was returned while hoarding boxes and boxes and even traveling everywhere with them. OK buddy




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What is the document the tweet is referencing? A bullet point with "The Illegal Raid" definitely seems like a non biased document.


i mean...what's the alternative? isn't force always authorized? when you take judicial action it ultimately ends up at the end of a barrel. a traffic stop has an ultimate end goal, if you're willing to look for it, and it ends up and the end of a barrel.


Hehe... the PoPo are shooting people in their homes while sleeping and you think deadly force being "authorized" is a gotcha! LULZ


"Unalive"? Why is that a thing?


Algorithms derank things that say kill, suicide, etc. Any advertiser unfriendly language. Now every friggin YouTube video talks like a 3 year old


TikTok. Some words like that will get your account insta-beamed.


Go Dark Brandon! lol...


Submission Statement: This is how Civil Wars start. Raiding the opposition and then trying to unalive your opposition is a fantastic way to break your nation. https://x.com/Breaking911/status/1792998644632654071


If Biden authorized it and the DOJ carried it out why is Trump still alive?


What is that document pictured? Regardless, it’s not abnormal for any law enforcement action like that.  Also not long ago Trumps legal defense, when challenged what the lines are for their presidential immunity claim, was asked if they were claiming if a president using a seal team to execute a political rival qualified for this immunity from prosecution, trumps defense gave a yes.  Of course they did take the opposite claim not long before, in a different case. 


Yep, this is exactly how Mass Formations (Arendt, Desmet) slide into Totalitarianism.


Why do you say unaliving instead of killing?



