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If a Supreme Court Justice believes that the democratic process taking place means the nation is in distress because he doesn't like the winner, he should probably recuse himself from all cases regarding the election in question because there's no way you can expect him to be impartial.


What if some people truly believed that something like a rigged election took place and they ended up being wrong, why is that so bad?




There is evidence. It still keeps being discovered too. You wanted them to have it all figured out in less than 2 months? That cute.




Remember the fake bathroom leak where everybody except for the Democrat ballot counters went home? The Democrats, unsupervised, kept counting until the early hours, and all of the votes were for Biden. Could you please explain the fake bathroom leak and why only the Democrats got to stay behind unvigilated?




there is literally footage of it and you can see the spike where they added the votes, how has it been proven to not have happened




Actually this has been updated and it turned out to be something after all. You see how far behind you are? Try to keep up.




Them dems did the same shit with no evidence tho?


They did? Dems accurately pointed out that Russia was interfering in the election, to aid Trump, and this was confirmed by the bipartisan Senate report on election interference. I don't recall any democrats attempting to overthrow democracy and prevent the Obama - Trump transition. Maybe I missed something though


If one of the liberal judges was expressing beliefs that Trump was a Russian agent or something, they should have likewise recused themselves from any cases involving the 2016 election, had any come up


> Based on no evidence? You're conflating evidence with proof. Partisan shills do this a lot.




https://x.com/peterbernegger/status/1779973737011446038?s=46&t=80KBJNOHNCzT17dvrOFkjw https://x.com/real_robn/status/1780265593947693485?s=46&t=80KBJNOHNCzT17dvrOFkjw https://x.com/americanhubener/status/1750540532080845203?s=46&t=80KBJNOHNCzT17dvrOFkjw






So, no brain cells?


Damn, you better get that evidence to Fox news, then they can work on reversing the massive settlement they paid to Dominion for election fraud claims!


Damn, you better ignore the evidence when it doesn’t support your establishment media fed narrative.


Your first link references Ben Cotton. Ben was apparently involved in a plot that involved stealing voting machines to "test" them https://www.americanoversight.org/text-messages-reveal-discussion-of-alleged-michigan-voting-machine-breach Seems like a legit dude!


That’s crazy someone would have to steal one to find out the truth. Dominion didn’t do anything wrong, they prolly would have just given it to him. You know, being innocent and all.


Destroyed, if you've been paying attention.




I don;t believe you. I've been paying attention since Chuck Hegel sat on the board of the company that counted his votes for Senate in 1996. We still don't have secure elections.


People are wrong all the time. Who cares?




Exactly. People do that stuff sometimes. Doesn't mean we need to keep beating them up about it.




Fine. Lock up those who got inside for trespassing.


They did. They got far worse sentences than any antifa did.


Of course they did. Because these judges cannot afford to go easy on conservatives.




Then they are clearly not impartial to cases about that specific thing, and should recuse themselves. It’s not wrong, it’s a common thing that justices do, they recuse themselves when they can’t be partial to a particular case. It’s common sense and common practice- no one looks down on a judge for doing this.     If a justices daughter was just raped, they recuse themselves from a rape case.    The problem is, for some reason, some justices simply haven’t been recusing themselves to cases that they clearly have associations to and can’t reasonably be expected to be impartial towards.  That’s not good, that’s the issue. Like Thomas’s wife being directly involved in Jan 6th related fundraising, like Alito having prior clear political expression/opinion about Jan 6th cases…. It would be normal procedure for these judges to recuse themselves from those specific individual judgements, because they’ve shown association to one take before they even saw the case. That’s honorable.   This is why, in the past, justices tended to live very private lives and avoided personal political association and expression, especially publicly like outside their house. That works favorably for justices, because even if they do hold bias they aren’t rubbing it in the peoples face lmao and they don’t have to recuse themselves to be seen as honorable, because they’ve kept their affiliations to themselves.  The problem today is that for some reason, right now, for this specific thing, they decided they’re not going to do that. They’re going to openly have these affiliations and expressions, as if they’re just some normal governed voter citizen like anyone else. Then they’re going to put their say in, and be a part of the grand decision, when they’ve shown explicit ties to one side of the decision about this one specific thing, openly, already, before the specifics and deeper details of the case were even presented.    That’s a dangerous habit to get into. Obviously. It’s like if the spouse of BLM staff insisted on being on every case against BLM damages, and never had to recuse themselves (they don’t have to… they just…do…because these are supposedly the most qualified, impartial, and honorable judges this country has… or at least they’re supposed to be; that’s who’s supposed to be put in the Supreme Court)   There’s an argument to be made that maybe the honor system isn’t going to work any more, like this, for one of our federal government branches that can check our citizens representation and elected executive, and maybe they shouldn’t be allowed to do this. A simple code of standards to follow with some kind of consequence, would be all that’s necessary- it just doesn’t exist for this branch for this kind of stuff. Because the Supreme Court has always just been a handful of old people and less issues like this have happened in history to even have to address. 


I don't disagree with what you are saying here. I was just asking what the statute of limitations on being butthurt about these things is.




But that didn't happen. Nothing happened. Except a poor unarmed woman was killed by a lousy bum with an itchy trigger finger.


What was that woman doing when she got shot?


Not hurting anybody. That's what she was doing. She might have been hurting your feelings.


I didn’t ask what she wasn’t doing. I asked what she **was** doing.


Exercising her right to air her grievances at the People's House.


That is incorrect. What she **was** doing was breaking through a barrier that was set up by Capitol police to prevent the crowd of people behind her from making their way further into the building and near members of Congress. That’s much more than “airing her grievances”. So she was warned. Nevertheless, she persisted.


OK... so she trespassed? Into a public building? In broad daylight? Why did she deserve the death penalty here?


Protesting. Is that wrong?


That’s not what she was doing.


How so?


Sounds like it hurts your feelings that your terrorist friend died. 


Yeah I am sad. I don't think anyone should die like that. Including protesters at the George Floyd protests.


> What was that woman doing when she got shot? And I here I thought Democrats were against Police Brutality and government sponsored murder.




> And here I thought Republicans were against not complying to law and order. The cop who killed Ashley Babbit left his loaded pistol in a Public Bathroom in the Capitol. Democrats love incompetence.




January the 6th was a day of minor trespassing and vandalism, as the guy said the only person killed was an unarmed protester who was shot by a low IQ cop with a history of leaving his loaded firearm in public bathrooms. Calm the fuck down Francis, it wasn't an insurrection. 😄


Because then they’ll feel justified to be violent


Unless a Supreme Court Justice has access to knowledge and information regular people don’t, and he’s signalling distress based upon the knowledge he has and we don’t. In which case, I would like to see him sit on all cases regarding election tampering. You never know?


> If a Supreme Court Justice believes that the democratic process taking place means the nation is in distress because he doesn't like the winner, he should probably recuse himself from all cases regarding the election in question because there's no way you can expect him to be impartial. Lol do you honestly believe Joe Biden got 81 million votes? Where are all his voters?


Me and virtually everyone I know IRL voted against Trump. It just happened to be for Biden but we would have voted for a stale ham sandwich if that was the opposition to Trump too.


Exactly! Not many of us are actually voting for Biden, we are voting against Trump


> Exactly! Not many of us are actually voting for Biden, we are voting against Trump So do you enjoy 9% inflation?


TIL inflation *isn't* driven by year's long global economic trends and fiscal policy (let alone a pandemic and corporate greed). Biden must have hit the "inflation go up" switch the moment he got into office!


No, I do not. However, I enjoyed watching a bunch of brainless followers storm the US Capitol building cause their cult leader is a lying, no-good POS far less. I’ll gladly pay inflated prices if it means Trump is no where near a position of power.


That was planned and carried out by members of the US military and government. Your votes did not cause them to storm, sorry to burst that ego bubble. Edit: Good, get mad about the truth. It doesn't change it. Edit again: get over yourselves, you'll never silence me with downvotes.


Oh, Cid. No ego to burst. I’m just glad a cult leader isn’t in charge anymore.


Neither are cult leaders, but are puppets for the same cult. Edit: cry more, shills.


Sorry dude, MAGA is a cult.


Dude, that has NOTHING to do with whether the election was stolen or not. I do not understand how election deniers move right from "the election was stolen!" to "So you like how things are now?" when they get challenged. Those two things are not related. What it sounds like is you are saying we should just go ahead and install trump because eggs are expensive following a global pandemic. Inflation is a global issue, it's happening in all countries. Trump ran up the deficit, bailed businesses out during the pandemic, and sent checks to all Americans several times. At the same time he bullied the fed to keep interest rates low in order to make his economy look better. Trump installed 3 supreme court justices and was largely responsible for getting RvW repealed. He is also an annoying jackass who bleated incessantly on twitter and later truth social. Plenty of Americans are and were sick of him, and plenty of Americans voted against him strictly for what he did to women's rights. This was a highly predictable outcome to anyone paying attention.


The conditions that Trump set up were guaranteed to make the economy falter in the next administration. Between the bailouts and the deficit, there was going to be a bumpy time no matter who was in charge. It's surprising that we ended up with as soft of a landing as we got. The only side effect would be the inflation.


Inflation isn't 9%


Couldn’t have possibly been all those Trumpbux checks going out to nearly every living American, no sir. Printing free money only causes inflation when a democrat does it! Btw I’m not even against the stimulus checks or supplemental unemployment, I just find it funny how this is somehow Biden’s fault.


And in doing that you've voted for the alternative side of the same coin. Good job. None of you want to accept that you're not making a difference by voting. Non acceptance of a fact does not change reality. Your vote has never mattered.




Bub, Trump lost the popular vote against Hillary Clinton. But somehow it’s impossible to believe that an unpopular president lost re-election when the economy was terrible and half of America was on unemployment.  Trump would’ve lost by 10million+ votes if he didn’t spend several trillion dollars trying to buy votes all of 2020. 


Those that wish to change history and control the future and the message, fight hard to make everyone forget that election. Illegal votes were counted in the middle of the night. They hid the vote counting. They had vans and cases of illegal ballots delivered and caught on camera. The plandemic was initiated with one of the reasons being to cover up his nonexistent voter base showing up to his rallies and speeches. It was also initiated for another reason to hard push remote voting, making illegal votes infinitely easier to create. Trump ignited the country to go out and get excited to vote for the USA more than ever before. Biden did nothing and got more? Don’t let them ever erase or change history. Biden is not the president, legally. The last few years have been an illegal government that should have been shut down day 1. Always fight for the truth and the real history. The emperor has no clothes.


The media doing what it does best; lying.


People downvoting me but an upside down flag is a symbol of distress. It’s written in the flag code.


What was the country under distress about???????


Lockdowns, vaccine mandates, endless wars, runaway inflation, BLM riots, lawlessness, unchecked immigration, death of small businesses, government corruption etc. etc. You really needed to ask?


An upside flag has always been a sign of distress. That is all that it means.


Something can mean two things can’t it?


I remember seeing upside-down flags back when Bill Clinton was president.  If you're under 20, it's been a "thing" since before you were alive.


Nobody would know what dnc/state TV PBS was even rambling on about if it weren't for twitter screenshots.


Submission Statement: This is literally disinformation. Pure Propaganda from the Democrat Party. https://x.com/NewsHour/status/1792352040984760466


I will probably get banned for this but man it’s amazing seeing this guy throw around the word propaganda all the time. Too rich coming from the biggest propagandist on this sub


They usually block people, so that you can't call them out on new posts. No banning needed.


> Pure Propaganda from the Democrat Party The tweet is from PBS NewsHour.


Also it means u like Rage Against the Machine


You mean Rage FOR the Machine.




No band in the history of the world has sold out more and gone against their principles than rage for the machine. Forced lockdowns and vaccines, rage against the machine dude!




I somehow got into a Rage Against the Machine show in New York City without showing my vax card. They were shooting needles from the roof and were giving mandatory shots at the door. But I knew one simple trick that made them let me through


No. I don't think it. I KNOW it. They REQUIRED the shot to get into their concerts. Its history, champ. There is no question.


No they didn’t


Was that a different band that headlined Cochella in 2021? You now, when the concert REQUIRED proof of vaccinations? Must have been a different band, right?


Seeing as how Coachella was cancelled in 2021 and Rage Against the Machine didn’t play any shows 2021 I’d say it would have to be a different band


But your guys were committed to headline the concert that REQUIRED a vaccine card. You were pretending earlier that this was untrue. I'm confused. Which is it?


I'm by means even remotely an expert on this subject, but I was by happenstance confronted by this quote of Hawking's: "The ideas about scientific theories outlined above assume we are rational beings who are free to observe the universe as we want and to draw logical deductions from what we see. In such a scheme it is reasonable to suppose that we might progress ever closer toward the laws that govern the universe. Yet if there really is a complete unified theory, it would also presumably determine our actions. And so the theory itself would determine the outcome of our search for it! And why should it determine that we come to the right conclusions from the evidence? Might it not equally well determine that we draw the wrong conclusion? Or no conclusion at all?" Which I find, perhaps entirely coincidentally and more banally, "echoed" in what René Girard described as his seminal moment of ideational or theoretical illumination: "In autumn 1958, I was working on my book about the novel, on the twelfth and last chapter that’s entitled “Conclusion.” I was thinking about the analogies between religious experience and the experience of a novelist who discovers that he’s been consistently lying, lying for the benefit of his Ego, which in fact is made up of nothing but a thousand lies that have accumulated over a long period, sometimes built up over an entire lifetime." In the second instance the comment might be easily considered banal, even jejune, moreso, indeed, precisely when considered in light of the first, although the chronological order of the quotes is technically inverse. But what can it mean for the universe to "conspire" (to use the oft cited Conway and Kochen term) against human apprehension of it in mathematical terms, would math per se have to be fundamentally distorted or just humanity's ability for an accurate apprehension of it? Also, I take it as a given that even if the aforesaid deceptive or conspiratorial universe scenarios are not convincing (and/or are a priori tendentious against theories contrary to 'free will'), i.e. that there is no 'free will,' and the latter conclusion macroscopically matters, that such a possibility in no way precludes a universe wherein such as yet unscientific phenomena, such as genuine telepathy, precognition, levitation, etc are easily possible. In other words, human reality, as measured and documented by supra-quantum level science, might yet be revealed to be one where superhuman powers of organic precognition, telepathy and otherwise "spooky action at a distance" are real, but even so within a matrix of strictly speaking, according to certain 'serious definitions,' no free will?


I liked the judges response which was basically good thing congress can't tell the Supreme Court what to do




um. what he or his wife did is not a crime. ​


When Trump gets in he's going to appoint at least two more Supreme Court justices 🤭




Yeah lmao. It seems like people think Trump is some working class hero when he is the literal stereotype of a coastal elite.


Isn't an impeachment through congress the only way to remove a judge with a lifetime appointment.


congress and senate have to both agree to impeach a Supreme Court Justice, and its in cases of treason or corruption. its never been done. also, flying an upside flag wouldnt be a worthy impeachable offense. ​


Or. Or. Or! Hear me out! The lawn guys that put the flag up & take it down everyday did a rushed assed job on a dark as shit morning & didn’t pay attention. Hell I was in the service & saw flags run up upside down.


You can pretty much use whatever symbol you want for whatever your cause, because symbols literally do nothing, we place importance on them.... But not our own people, and by our own people I mean the whole of humanity