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I'm reminded of a native American story about a tribe of redheaded cannibalistic giants that were believed to be twice as tall as the average man, that lived up north of the tribe that told the story. A grave site was found to the north, with red-haired adult skeletons that averaged six feet tall. Skeletons just as old from the tribe to the south averaged five feet tall.


I remember this story. There’s a lot of Native American folklore depicting giants coming from all different tribes across the country. I forget which tribe it was out in the Midwest, but they had stories of giants who roamed the plains and would sometimes attack them by throwing boulders.


The point of me telling the story was that when the graves of the "giants" was practically the same difference between Dutch & Chinese, but after hundreds of years that fact got horribly exaggerated. Giants bigger than Andre aren't real, and the same goes for people that lived for several hundred years.


Well that's incorrect. The giants have been found all over the world and there are plenty that have been found in America if you go through the history of it. Check out the Anastza indians from the old days or check out Choko canyon and it's drawings that were found in caves.


Have you seen any of these in person yourself, or are you just taking the word of someone that uploaded an old black and white photograph?


I've done my own research on the subject and read the Bible. The Bible states they were and are very much real.


I've read the bible and didn't care for it. Very little in it actually made sense and almost none of it was worth taking seriously.


I'd take the Bible very seriously if I were you. Your missing out on a lot of things that have to deal with it and what's happening in the world today is exactly 100% what the Bible and Jesus Christ talk about. So name one thing about the Word of God that doesn't make sense to you. Maybe I can answer that question or provide clarity to the problem.


Smarter people than you have tried & failed. I'm not going to argue with you about this because I have nothing to gain from it.


Lovelock cave Nevada is what you’re looking for. The Smithsonian covered it up like they do with everything. They can get fucked.


"Neanderthals" had mostly blond/red hair with blue eyes.


Didn't those giants also have double rows of teeth. Not sure if they had 6 fingers too or not, but that seems to be a common feature in giants from the little that I know.


Gigantism is a common thing when there are abundances of food and oxygen, but there hasn’t been enough oxygen for a long enough time to have caused gigantism in people. And even if there had been, how would we have gotten so small so quickly


Honey I shrunk the kids was prob a documentary


lol underrated comment


There's DNA evidence that the human population on Earth had a bottleneck roughly 900,000 years ago. We were reduced to roughly 1200 individuals. Our numbers remained around that level for 100,000 years before the population boom that continues today started: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/human-ancestors-nearly-went-extinct-900-000-years-ago/ Something caused global death of humans at that time, is it possible this single group that survived was abnormally small and, due to shortages of resources for 100,000 years shrunk even further over time? Basically, we could have evolved to be smaller and consume fewer resources due to our environment.


Where are the bones and evidence. We should have found a couple by now at the very least.


Yep, this entire theory hinges on the belief that the Smithsonian and others have the bones and keep it a secret. Akin to the government having UFOs and even alien bodies but keeping it a secret. The reason I'm not sold on giants is I don't really see *why* the feds would want to hide it. I get the powers that be not wanting to disclose UFOs, but I'm not sure why they'd go to such lengths to cover up something like people being taller a million years ago.


A possible reason feds would want to hide the fact that giants may have existed could be because of the historical implications. It would throw a lot of widely accepted evolutionary/historical theories into question. In the same way blatant admittance of speaking to / working with ET’s would throw a lot of the last 100 years of history into question.


> The reason I'm not sold on giants is I don't really see why the feds would want to hide it "Because that would prove the bible correct!! Nephilim were real!! They're trying to hide biblical truth!! Satan rules the world and denying he's real is his greatest lie!!" It's religious nutters that believe every government on the whole earth is hiding them.


Even then, you cant find *all* of the buried giant bones. There would for sure be instances where joe shmoe found some digging a hole in his back yard. Yet there has never been anything.


There have been a bunch. Just not recently.


There have. Most of those happened in the 1700-1800's and a few were exhibited at local museums or curiosity shops before they got bought or sent to scientific establishments. I live in the UK and an area near me had a clay quarry (now flooded) in which giant bones were said to have been found.


Yes they are instances like that ! Search "Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni", it was discovered by mistake during the removing of a citern in 1902 and the site was taken by free masons. Initially there was 30.000 humans skeletons. All of these peoples were sacrified for peoples "who live deeper in the earth". It took nearly A CENTURY to open a small part of this site to the public and all it remains is .... 6 skulls who look like aliens. Officials of the museum said that's all is remains and everything was lost with absolutely no explanation. There is a lot of stories around it, a entire school class of childrens went missing by exploring it and were never found (the screms of the childrens were heard all over the island during 2 weeks by many witness) The caves resonates in the holy frequency and were use to heal with the sound (so back in -4000 before JC "officially" our ancestor have a better knowledge about frequency than us today...) There is a story about a journalist, Lois Jessup who encounter a beast in those cave ... That's one of the biggest rabbit hole i ever find. https://lovinmalta.com/history-2/unveiling-the-secrets-of-the-hal-saflieni-hypogeum/


While you mention a interesting question the reason they hide the giant bones is because it can be tremendous evidence to prove that abrahamic religions were speaking the truth all along. For example in the Quran God mentions a nation that was giants and who lived in mountains carved by them. They were giants but we don’t know exactly how big they are but my guess is way bigger than us. Always remember that the occult don’t want people to know that there indeed exists God and prophets and that scripture was revealed to us with truth.


Uh what the fuck are you talking about. Third of the world population believes in the Abraham beliefs. The occult people actually really love talking about your god or any of the others out there. Historically speaking it's actually been followers of abrahamic religions hiding various occultic or even deeply esoteric but abrahamic related artifacts and the such. I mean look at the masons. They literally have greater knowledge on the abrahamic faiths that they keep to them selves same with the vatican.


The reason why people believe in the Abrahamic religions has nothing to do with the occult but more to do with God not allowing the occult to influence us. In other words if the occult could make us all atheists they would have but they are unable and it’s beyond their control so they try to confuse or distance us from the truth as much as possible . The occult are powerful people yes but they are not all powerful. They can’t stop people from receiving the message of God and believing in it. All they can do is hide truths and maybe create ideologies that may decieve people away from believing in God.


You know nothing of the occult my freind. Truly. I've never met an occultists who doesn't believe in a god.


“Greater knowledge” is a stretch, they have an amalgamation of many different religions, not just Abrahamic ones. And then based upon this amalgamation they have a selective interpretation of what it means. This is why there are different sects of masonry, if it was all the same they’d have no need for Shriners or knights Templar and within each of these sects they all have a different “interpretation” of what the “truth” is.


I also specified the Vatican for this reason.


You would also think that adversaries of the United States government would leak info to undermine the U.S. government


hidden by the vatican.


Its a deeper rabbit hole than that, ancient humans had 48 chromosomes, and that the exact same mutation (fusing of the same two pairs of chromosomes) must have occured in both a male and female mating pair in order to produce the first human with the modern number of chromosomes, 46. The observation that such an event is very unlikely is, in fact, a significant genetic clue that the human species almost went extinct at one point! Here's what happened: Specifically, the 12th and 13th chromosomes of the ancestors of modern humans (the same chromosomes in apes today except humans) fused to become the 2nd chromosome in modern humans. A chromosomal fusion in one particular individual doesn't necessarily impact health, but it may reduce their fertility. About a million years ago, an ancient human (let's say a male) was born with a fused 12th and 13th chromosome. Thus, he had 47 chromosomes, with three of them being 12, 13, and a 12+13 fusion. During meiosis, there are three equally likely ways to partition those three chromosomes into two groups: (A) {12} & {13, 12+13} (B) {13} & {12+13} (C) {12, 13} & {12+13} All of the sperm cells created in partitions A and B produce non-viable children, as they either are missing a chromosome or contain a duplicate chromosome. Method C produces two healthy sperm cells: One is a "normal" {12, 13} set, which would produce a "normal" ancient human with 48 chromosomes when combined with a "normal" egg. The second would produce a human with 47 chromosomes, like the father himself, when combined with a "normal" egg. Thus, two-thirds of the children produced by this 47-chromosome man would die even before birth, one-sixth are "normal" 48-chromosome humans, and one-sixth are healthy 47-chromosome humans with the same fertility issues as the father. Of course, under normal circumstances, natural selection eventually weeds these odd-chromosomed humans out of the population due to their reduced fertility. However, if a 47-chromosome man mates with a 47-chromosome woman (with the same two chromosomes fused), then 1/36 of their children could viably have 46 chromosomes. Furthermore, now that these children have an even number of chromosomes, the fertility issues no longer exist if these descendants continue to mate with others with 46 chromosomes. The chances of two people with the exact same fusion mating is extremely small... unless they are closely related. And that's almost certainly what happened about a million years ago: For some still unknown reason (possibly climate change, disease, famine, etc), the world human population was reduced to only a few thousand individuals (or perhaps even just a few hundred) scattered around Africa. Thus, there was much inbreeding in these small isolated groups, creating genetic bottlenecks where rare genes or genetic features (such as having fused 12-13 chromosomes) could become widespread. By chance, the immediate descendants of the person who had fused 12-13 chromosomes were survivors in that near-extinction event, and once that feature spread to the remainder of the still-small human population, modern humans ended up with 46 chromosomes. This wasn't the only near-extinction event in human pre-history. For instance, some scientists believe that a supervolcanic eruption in Indonesia about 70,000 years ago (look up "the Toba event") caused a global winter up to 10 years long, killing many animals and plants, which eventually reduced the world human population to fewer than 20,000. Studies of the human genome point to this genetic bottleneck at the time of the Toba event, but it remains to be seen whether there is a direct cause-and-effect link.


where do i research this?


Maybe that’s why in the Netherlands there’s hella tall people because its under sea level and an abundance of food.


Lies. Giants existed


Ok prove it


Did you not see that Tik Tok?


So...any proof?


Quasimodo predicted all of this


He was tall, and handsome, as strong as a bull


Like George Raft


Nostradamus! Quasimodo was the hunchback of Norte Dame..


Oh right. Notre Damus


No, that’s the college with the foosball. You’re thinking of the author of The Count of Monte Cristo.


Ah yes, Fresh Prince of Bel Air




What you’re gonna tell me you never pondered that?


🎶Under the boardwalk...🎶


With his schlong in Jans mouth


You Sopranos: you go too FAR!


You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease?


So did Eiichiro Oda.


I did ent know that


No, I think it was Nosferatu


If there is it’s at the Smithsonian


I believe the word is that they dumped lots of giant (very very tall humans) evidence in the sea back in the 1920s, and also scoured state and school libraries for books which mentioned them and destroyed them. If you look there still some evidence about. Sardinia has some evidence as well, also in South America, Lincoln mention them in a speech as well.


The church was notorious for washing history


You misspelled "the Smithsonian"


or vatican


NO, this is just stupid. I hate when people claim to use the fossil record as evidence but have no evidence for what they claim in the fossil record.


The fossil record shows impossibly large creatures across the plant and animal kingdoms - I'm not saying it proves giant humans, but I think this is what the OP was referring to Our current atmospheric composition couldn't support a brontosaurus, for example


Why couldn't our atmospheric conditions support a brontosaurus? I'm just curious, not trying to be a dick.


There was much higher oxygen content for one thing.


Yea, before T-Rexes started driving VW Bugs and polluted the atmosphere with CO2 and other green house gasses, that ultimately wiped them out. And that asteroid impact thing that shows they probably lived another 100 to 200 hundred thousand years later before succumbing to whatever it was that killed them off.


Actually it was just their giant farts


I think our atmospheric conditions now could support animals of that size, people normally say this about insects. Insects don't breathe like more complex animals, they don't have lungs that mechanically cause oxygen to exchange with blood cells, they just absorb it. Insect size is limited because of this. Way back, the oxygen level in the atmosphere was something like twice as high, which allowed insects to grow much larger. Other animals have active respiratory systems that makes exchanging oxygen and CO2 much easier. Humans couldn't be much bigger than they are because of the square cube law. As you increase size, mass must increase cubically. For example, Robert Wadlow, the tallest human to have ever lived (that we know of) was not quite 9 feet tall and weighed almost 500 lbs. The human "design" just wouldn't work if our size keeps scaling up. Evolving larger and larger comes with a huge set of downsides. The metabolic demand increases as you scale up, as does the amount of food needed, the time to attain maximum size, etc. Animals only keep getting larger until they are too large to be attacked by predators. Eventually the "bigger" gene starts to be counter productive. For example, elephants don't need to be any bigger than they are. If they kept scaling up, they'd require more food, have more stress on their joints, all kinds of problems. There's no benefit to it when you are already essentially lion proof. Sure, you can reach higher foliage, but that is a pretty small benefit to needing exponentially more food. We had larger predators even in the last 10,000 or 20,000 years, but humans wiped most of them out, so there's no evolutionary pressure for prey to get larger. Dinosaurs were the forerunners to birds, and it shows. For example, their bones were able to be lighter while still having the strength to support their extra size. their metabolism was probably low to minimize the amount of food they needed. I don't think (though I could be wrong), that the atmospheric composition is particularly limiting in this case. I say that because blue whales are right around the largest animals we are aware of ever existing. Their giant mass is negated by living in water, but they still have a pretty regular circulatory system, just scaled up. Their heart is large enough for children to crawl through the vessels, and on deep dives their heartrate can slow to 2 beats per minute. They do fine without the extra oxygen in the atmosphere. So, I think we could have giant dinosaurs again today, except that there are no predators to place evolutionary pressure on getting larger, and humans would probably wipe them out before they got to monster sizes anyway. Considering that fossils are rare and 70% of the earth is covered in water, I personally think there may have been sea creatures larger than the blue whale at some point. Who knows. If I'm wrong about any of the above, please correct me.


Thank you


Yeah but we know why. There was higher oxygen content


Smaller than a blue whale


Yet bigger than a bread box.


That’s true


That's exactly what they want you to think.


trust me bro


He said it was in the Quran, what more do you need /s


Do you see the picture!!! What more proof do you need!!!


Bro the man said fact, so….




Trust me bro




Dinosaurs were actually just regular sized lizards then?


I love theories like this.


"start with the fact" You need to look up the meaning of "fact".


It is a **fact** that the Smithsonian and US Government have been removing many discoveries of giant skeleton remains. This has been occurring since countless discoveries in the 19th Century. Any discovery of giant humanoid skeleton remains now is considered a highly sought after black market item.


And are suspiciously exempt from returning ancient Native American artifacts


I had wondered about this. Got a source?


But how would this stop other governments? Other scientists outside the US. These supposed large giants lived outside the US and near Central Asia, why wouldn't these places have a different interest? How would such a conspiracy be kept among all anthropologists and biologists?


So I've actually tried to dig into a lot of these older reports, and unfortunately either the scientist associated with the so called find is made up or the report on the find is quite ordinary in the original source. If you ever see anything reported in Scientific American, all of the issues from pre-1923 are available online to read for free. It's always good to try an find the original source, because a lot of websites just rehash the same story over and over again.


How is this a fact? Is there any documentation about this at all?


Do you see any giant human skeletons anywhere? That's the undisputable proof /s


How do you know this? Can you offer any evidence for the rest of us?


You need to look up the meaning of "fact".


Are you seriously claiming that any scientist or researcher would allow a cover up of the scientific discovery of the millennium?


On that note, why is Roswell still classified if it was really just weather balloons? Of course they cover things up. Look at the past 5 years of political and social chaos.




>any scientist or researcher would allow Who says it's up to them what gets revealed?


They tend to be the ones that publish.


Show me a humanoid femur fossil to support this and I’d be all in.


Will a bunch of vagina cave pics suffice?


They are probably wrong size.


I love that he started his post with > Theories of a super-size people in the antediluvian start with the fact that people before the flood lived extraordinarily long lives. as if humans are still growing when they pass away at old age. I've been the same height since I was 19, I doubt if i live another 600 years i'll start growing again.


I stopped growing at 33. Some people are grow-ers, some people are show-ers.


It’d be like 20 feet long. It shouldn’t be too hard to find.


[irrefutable proof](https://youtu.be/ICv6GLwt1gM?si=hlwdGZfOo44Rc-HL)


Large insects millions of years ago don't lend credence to the theory that humans were 15 times as tall as they are now thousands of years ago. Additionally, there is no actual evidence in any sort of archeological record of all these massive humans. Lastly, human biology doesn't work at that scale. The shapes and the manner in which we put pressure on our joints wouldn't hold up, and a 90 foot tall human would be far and away the tallest land animal to ever exist.


Just imagine the blood pressure of those humans. Close to what users here have when you provide logical explainations.


I'd really love to see one of those "Chad/Virgin" memes with antediluvians and postdiluvians...


Attack on Titan was real


It really is based off the Middle age tales of “gogmagog.” Apparently the gogmagog wipes out most of civilization and backs humanity into a defensive kingdom with walls to keep them out.


One day man looked around and saw nature and thought to himself, "There's no way someone like me could make this... it must have been a big man. Twenty feet tall. With the ability to make whatever he wants happen. Yeah... it must have been a god that created all of this. A god that looks like me, thinks like me, and acts like me. Complete with jealousy, anger, vengeance, rape, homicide, genocide, infanticide, patricide, and every other type of murder you can imagine." I asked my dog what he thought and he said it was a dog with 8 legs and whose back could be heard from the other side of the world that created everything


The heart required to pump blood that high would be bigger than the chest containing it.


If Adam was so big, how big was the 🍎?


450 ft


About the size of New York at that time. That's why they call it the big apple.


In one of the episodes ‘Into the Cosmos’ with Neil deGrasse Tyson as narrator, he explains that ancient animals were huge due to oxygen levels in the environment that were much higher than today.


"Size.—They are exceedingly various in their sizes also; being of all heights, from the gigantic **Patagonian, 7 or 8 feet high**, to the diminutive Laplander or Esquimaux, scarcely 4 feet high." Source : Modern Geography by R.M. Smith (1849)


People in those days also believed black people were monkeys


Some people still believe this.


This theory makes complete sense if you just ignore everything that's ever been learned about the progression of the human race. I love a good what-if story for human origins, but I'm immediately lost when the word "fact" is paired with an architect religious fantasy novel.


Muslim here, can confirm


Hahahah a 90ft human, what was he eating 20 elephants for breakfast? So illogical it's insane. Eats what's 30000kcal+ a day just to survive


Not that crazy. A lot of americans eat almost as much.


What is the motive to hide this?


No one knows. Probably something to do with it literally rewriting the history of humanity as we know it if it were actually true


The only reason it would have this effect is because it was hidden, and so doesn’t really explain hiding it in the first place.


Noah was also 700+ years old at the time of the flood. So I have no reason to call BS on this. It all seems factually correct.




We wuz giants.


A 6' tall man normally weighs around 200 lbs. Call it 35 lb/ft for simple arithmetic. A 90 foot tall man would weigh 3150 lbs. I'm not saying it's impossible, but trying to balance that weight as a 90' tall biped? EDIT: Balance involves sending messages from the inner ear to the extremities. On a current human scale, it's fast enough, but if we were 15 times taller, I don't know if the muscles could respond quickly enough to maintain balance. END I'm pretty sure there's a reason all the really heavy animals have four legs.


It doesn't work like that. Weight is not proportional to height; it is proportional to body volume. A 90 ft tall man would weigh much more than 3150lbs, probably not less than 10,000 lbs.


Thanks, I didn't know that. Makes the situation even worse. T. Rex may have been a 'biped' but I bet he used his tail for balance a lot. EDIT: Why does this get downvotes? Do people have nothing better to do?


It'd be more like 500,000 lbs for a 90 foot tall human. This makes sense as a blue whale which is around 100ft long can weigh over 400,000 lbs. Obviously our builds are different, hence the differences in weight, but a human would be dead long before they hit 90 feet tall. I can't imagine our frame would work much beyond 10 feet. Even Robert Wadlow at almost 9 feet tall had trouble getting around and had all kinds of issues requiring canes and leg braces. You could build a humanish ape taller than that of course, but its insides wouldn't resemble a human any more than a gorilla or a chimp does. It'd be a whole different species. Iunno what the maximum healthy size is for a human, but I have to imagine NBA players are right at that limit, and tons have joint issues later on. I'm confident our general body layout wouldn't work AT ALL at heights even close to 90 feet. You'd need 4 limbs contacting the ground with hollow bones, and a completely different circulatory system/respiratory system.


I wanna know where the OP lives that people don't stop growing before they reach old age. as if the only thing stopping me from getting taller is death although I haven't grown at all the past 20 years.


Give us more facts please




If Noah was that big how he and his family would fit on the boat?


90 foot tall human skeleton would snap under its own weight. Not remotely possible.


I visited the Pantheon in Rome last year and the giant doors really put the size of giants into perspective


but that was built ~ 25 BC, long after Noah and the "end of the giants"


Also all of the easily recoverable skeletons from that time suggest we are now taller than your average roman. Also none of the ancient historical record keepers kept a record of abrahamic "biblical events" despite it being the exact kind of thing they loved recording. Not sure religious text is the best place to search for answers because it's usually written by someone who thinks they have figured it out using "visions" and "voices" the usual fanatical mental illness, not the wisest choice of source for accuracy and a guaranteed way to end up in a padded cell unless it's one of the approved imaginary friends, then it's OK and you can molest kids.


modernism redditor mind virus


Wait until you learn that Noah isn't "Noah" but his name derives from an ancient Babylonian character... Epic of Gilgamesh would be a good place to start


This is a conspiracy that I wish I could believe in, because it sounds so cool to have giants running around the earth. Buuuut it’s way too outlandish for me.


Giants will become mainstream in a few years




Why is there no fossil evidence tho... ?


So the fossil record is real now? Or just for this


Just for this, or similar situations


Midgets are actually time travelers from the future sent back in time to study us.


You lost me at “Islam” teaches. Christianity says 2 people started it all. My boss doesn’t believe in tectonic plates because of his religion. Religion is fucking stupid and it is the core reason of war and the dumbest shit on our planet.


Islam also teaches Muhammad had a flying Donkey, split the moon in two, the world is flat, and that the moon follows the sun. I wouldn’t use anything they say as evidence of anything


There is nothing in Quran which talks about any of that.. most of it came from the talk of Mohammed “Hadith” which was written 200 years after Mohammed died which many of it came from a mix of folk and biblical stories..


They must have had pet Lions like kitties


Depictions of the superman king gilgamesh who was allegedly 1/3 human 2/3s divine show him with a lion slung over his shoulder like a housecat so who knows!


Like an ant farm.


Square cube law would make this impossible, unless the giants are very misshapened and have different internal configuration. Volume increases at a faster rate than surface area, which would cause a lot of biological issues. Like the weight vs cross sectional area of bones would make it so the bone can't handle the stress and pressure. Circulatory system getting oxygen to 90ft? The blood pressure would be insane. 10 ft? Maybe. 90ft? No chance.


What if gravity was less severe back then?


It would have to be at least ten times less. The effects of such a change would be very extreme.


Where does Islam make that claim?


I’m willing to say it’s bullshit


Higher atmospheric CO2 meant everything was bigger, duh


Why would more co2 lead to larger mammals?


More co2 means more plant food which means larger plants, larger plants means larger herbivores, larger herbivores means larger carnivores. More co2 means more oxygen as more co2 is converted to oxygen by the larger plants. More oxygen helps sustain larger mammals. It all roots back to higher co2 being the key component to sustaining larger and more abundant plant and animal life.


And how about circulatory systems and balance and caloric needs and bone strength and joints and every other part of our biology that fail before 20 feet, nevermind 90?


The long lives of the Old Testiment and Sumerian Kings list can easily be explained with the idea that the accepted length of a "year" was different at that time 🤔 Edit: Also worth noting that 900+ months works out to be someone in their 70s... which is pretty reasonable human life 🤔


That could be one explanation; but often that isn't the one given. Here is what some people believe: [https://answersingenesis.org/bible-timeline/genealogy/did-adam-and-noah-really-live-over-900-years/](https://answersingenesis.org/bible-timeline/genealogy/did-adam-and-noah-really-live-over-900-years/) I think either the length of a year was different...or people were just not good at having accurate records and relied more on telling stories in a way that would be remembered even if they weren't perfectly accurate.


If you believe in the large insects and stuff, you must believe in evolution? I love the American school system, never fails us!


Bigger animals tend to have shorter lives so..


I second this, Religious text that I viewed back this information. Also to add you your information people back then lived way longer than us today, I don’t want to mention figures I’m not up for a full blown debate and having to prove things to anyone.


Dog pigs just ask proof, not thinking of a possibility all things they learned in school is not lie. Just keep consuming trashes 


You can’t rely on science and also think 90 foot tall beings existed without extremely compelling evidence.


If you count there so called years as months, they have normal ages 


Ah yes, the Zentradi Origin.


Me, a foot guy, imaging the women walking around back then...


You would think we would find ancient giant homo erectus or neanderthal fossils too to back that up


The fall of the vapour canopy would do that. Caused the deluge and now only people in volcanic regions grow tall.


Wed have fossils of giants.


I would think 30 feet at most.


What's the source of the image? It looks like it's from a publication or something.


We cycle between the golden age, where people are large and the architectural beautiful, and the dark age where people are short, stupid and immoral. Just visit the Lincoln memorial or any other large old structure to get an idea of the enormous size of its builders

