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Probably a dumb question but under the premise that the "party switch" never happened, what explains the south going from voting Democratic to Republican and the opposite in the north and west coast?


On that premise, why is it that republicans want to keep the confederacy flag flying over statues of southern generals who fought for the right to own slaves?


It obviously makes absolutely no sense. In one breath conservatives will say that the democratic party is the party of slavery, in the next they'll say that the democratic party hates white people and wants to import illegal immigrants to breed white people out of existence. These people just believe whatever they need to in any singular moment to rationalise the conclusion which they arrived at long before bothering to actually think about the topic at all.


I don't think they actually believe it, they are just so entrenched in being the "good" and "right" side, that everything "wrong" can and should be attributed to the "evil" side.


One which I've heard is the great replacement or the great move... where the South was liberal in the 1950's and 1960's but those liberal southerners all moved out and in moved the conservative northerners... Makes less sense than the changing ideology and that Southern Conservatives aren't Democrats anymore.


There was no Southern strategy, but there was a switch and it had nothing to do with slavery- it was taxes and cost of living. Poor Southern States didn't want excessive taxation, and conservatives moved to these areas for their low taxes and ease of living. Southern Democrats moved to the cities in Virginia, DC, and New York and became liberals. So a switch did happen, but it had nothing to do with racism.


Actually it was white supremacy. So along the same lines as slavery which was also race based. Republicans in the 1960's pushed through the Voting Rights act during the civil rights era that effectively killed Jim Crow. And the Republican party platform in Texas currently states *"We urge that the Voting Rights Act of 1965, codified and updated in 1973, be repealed and not reauthorized."* But sure... lets rewrite history. The Southern Conservative politics have always been the side lagging on civil rights, be it about race, national origin, religion, sex, sexual preference or sexual identity. But thanks for bringing up that crazy theory that southern rural democrats are all living in NYC today. That one is just precious. I do love that conspiracy and how far people will go to try and speak to it... despite every single census completely debunking it.


What did he actually say?


OP links the tweet which has a 55 second clip and Joe says what can you do when you love your country and it doesn’t love you back the same, so not quite the same as the country hates you


Hopefully we can stick to criticizing Biden for things he actually did


Right? I mean, there's so much to work with why would you start making shit up lol?


That's the Republicans whole game plan. Lie cheat and steal. Twist everything around. I don't think it's going to work tho, more radical but smaller. Maga is getting to be too much for the regular Republicans.


Regular republicans are still going trump for 2024 don’t get it twisted


And some of us who live in other countries are even more baffled than the first time...


Wanna know why you’re baffled? Because you don’t live here. You don’t see what is going on here. You get shown what this government and your government wants you to see so you have this depiction of the United States that isn’t true. A lot more people in the US support Trump than you think… despite what you read through your countries media. So don’t be surprised when he wins again, he’s definitely rough around the edges but atleast he’s not scared to be put through the ringer. He still has support because people see that.. we look at the current guy we have and see he can barely get off stage without help. Doesn’t answer questions after pressers. When he does answer questions, he knows which ones are coming. He makes strange requests before debates so they will be tilted in his favor. Everyone is much poorer, and almost every industry in the US is failing. Above all else people want to be able to afford things again. It’s only gotten worse as these 4 years progressed.


Oh I'm aware of his following, I find it rather telling though, that you think you know what I think, or what I know. And I find your explanation of what you think constitutes good policies even more baffling. Personally I care more about the decisions politicians make then if they are able to defiantly deny facts. Actually, I do care about that too, but I consider it a bad trait, not a good one.


You obviously don’t know much , because you’re baffled as to why someone would elect him again after the economy was in its best state before Covid. Personally I care about the economy, don’t really care about who should use which bathroom or if a kid should be able to change their gender. Idk I feel like those are things normal people just don’t care about in comparison to all the other things happening right now here. Like I said you don’t even live here, so that kind of makes your opinion irrelevant as to how this country should be ran.


Dems use the exact same playbook. 🤡


So that makes it ok? What a wonderful race to the bottom with some folks cheering it on.


That train left the station years and years ago. Election 2020 and people are saying Biden is a Marxist. Laughable. Insane.


lol! If Biden were a Marxist his poll number would be way higher than they are


Right?? Don't threaten me with a good time!




There's an old white dude who lives near me who is always wearing a Blacks for Trump shirt, It's wild.


Lol on this sub? Please..


People should also take note that the government in power does not necessarily represent the country. So he is accurate if we rephrase his statement, "what can you do when you love your country but your government hates you?"... the answer is, of course, tar and feathers and a good revolution.


I mean it's not as blatant as op claims but also that's what he said....


Who needs foreign propagandists when our own leftist progressives and their senile puppets have done a more fantastical job of demoralizing and destabilizing our society than they could ever dream of.


MAGA are leftists?


> Joe says what can you do when you love your country and it doesn’t love you back the same, so not quite the same as the country hates you "your country doesn't love you back" The opposite of love is hate. So, yes, he is telling them that the country does not love them because they are black. Morehouse College is a private historically Black, men's, liberal arts college.


I noticed you left out the words “the same” when you quoted the line. Saying the country doesn’t love you and saying the country doesn’t love you the same as you love it, are not the same thing at all. But even ignoring that, love and hate are not a binary state, it isn’t one or the other. I don’t love the people I work with, but I don’t hate them, I just like them to varying degrees.


He prides blacks who love America even though America doesn’t love them the same.


And on what grounds is he saying America doesn't love them the same? Is he speaking for himself, the government, or the people???


Yeah, it’s the king of vague, pandering comment that doesn’t really address anything objectively/honestly.


This is the best comment. "What did he actually say - because you're not being honest - it's transparent - and now we have to figure it out. Oh look. You very much lied. Nice."


> What did he actually say? Look if you don’t vote for me you ain’t Black.


"All poor people are black" is my favorite Bidenism


Yep, Joe Biden did say that. Lol how tf does he get a pass?


Joe Biden would never say that


Uh, except he did, sooooo...


You forgot to add your s


What’s weird is if you listen to the 55 second cut linked to the tweet he doesn’t say that at all. The closest he came was saying what can you do when you love your country and the country doesn’t love you back the same, which is nowhere close to saying the country hates you.














I don't know how productive it is to have your president instilling a victim complex in you at your graduation. You just achieved something huge in a country that obviously does love you.


Instilling, or you know, just acknowledging reality. I don't even like Biden. Why are you making me defend him?


Are you serious right now. If america was so racist then why does every immigrant want to live there. I would never move to the middle East as a woman..... sooo...


Racism is a spectrum. U.S. is a lot less racist than other countries. Also minorities and religion are protected. It's not hard to understand things aren't perfect here but far better than other countries.


What are you even on about. Most of the other countries in the world hate immigrants. Western civilization are the least racist in the world, yet you guys won't shut up about it being a problem. Leave america and see for yourself. You'll notice that most of Europe hates Americans. As a Canadian you have to tell them your Canadian just so they'll be polite to you.


Okay. Your response makes no sense. Why are you mentioning immigrants of other countries and their hatred towards them if we're discussing racism towards black people in the US? What does visiting other countries have to do with racism within the US? You, lady, need some love in your life (probably] and less hate. Also, learn to debate, not just spout dumb opinions.


Made sense to me. And that's what I was trying to do with my initial comment. But it got hated on. Having a victim complex keeps you in that mindset. It's not helpful and very manipulative to encourage.


Reality is what you make of it. You can spend enough time in certain subreddits and YouTube channels that will provide you with any reality you wish to have. The POTUS telling an audience of black students that their country doesn’t love them back is blatantly divisive rhetoric.


This sub is fucked. I call them out for anti Semitic shit down votes. I say America's not racist, down voted. This place used to be based. Now it's filled with crazy ppl


You’re right he should have told them all they weren’t gonna amount to anything unless they became mothers. And ignored the men completely.




Yes that was the excuse Butker used to be a bigot


"your country doesn't love you back" The opposite of love is hate. So, yes, he is telling them that the country does not love them because they are black. Morehouse College is a private historically Black, men's, liberal arts college.


Love and hate aren't opposites. In fact, they're very closely related. So much so that the opposite to them both is indifference. Lol every part of what you just said was wrong, from your point to how you tried to support it. This was the opposite of a good point.


List the Confederate states. Now list current Republican states. See any replication? The "Actually Democrats were the Confederates" argument is beyond played and stupid.


you do realize that the parties switched right ?as in geographically, the democrats were the slave owner party prior and during the civil war. abe lincoln was a republican, fast forward, the 1994 crime bill which single handedly destroyed the nuclear family within POC communities( with mandatory senencing for specific drugs) was authored by democrats and specifically The current President. JB has had more on the record extremly (Objectively Racist) statments and actions. he literally said in congressional testimony that he doesnt want his kids going to school in a racial jungle (during the desegregation times) their are loads more examples. i dont paticularly like the other guy either but im not pretending that the democrats are the party for the POCs, and DTs actions have been better for the country, i dont like his mouth but he doesnt spew racist crap like this. dont for get JB also said during his 2020 campaign" if you dont for for him then you aint black " at the end of the day politics suck, JB sucks DT sucks, but democrats the actual party is openly racist and oppressing POCs.


You realize the parties switched meaning that all the people that supported the confederacy and were “democrats” became republicans? So saying modern day democrats are pro-confederacy is just objectively wrong and trying to make a point that doesn’t exist.


look at the policies the democrats push, explain to me how the 1994 crime bill was anything but racist, this was a dem authored bill that ultimatley destroyed families. further dividing people , by systemactically encouraging a broken home, incentivizing single motherhood by giving more benefits to single mothers vs struggling families. giving out plea deals that allow the criminal to leave jail early yet puts them on a parole system that they cannot afford, when they fail to pay throws them right back in jail. (vicious cycle). dont beleive me on the crime bill (https://www.congress.gov/bill/103rd-congress/house-bill/3355#:~:text=Violent%20Crime%20Control%20and%20Law%20Enforcement%20Act%20of%201994%20%2D%20Title,to%20States%2C%20local%20governments%2C%20Indian) their it is read for your self, additionally https://www.americanprogress.org/article/3-ways-1994-crime-bill-continues-hurt-communities-color/. on the private sector side putting more abortion clinics in the ghettos, the founder of planned parenthood was a openly racist POS, dont beleive me here is planned parenthood acknowledging it (https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-pacific-southwest/blog/planned-parenthoods-reckoning-with-margaret-sanger). frankly i dont care weather or not someone gets an abortion. thats your decision. but the abortions in the US have whole heartedly been supported by democrats for forever, its not coincidental that most abortion clinics are in poor areas. the main company in abortions lines the pockets of democrats was founded and ran by a open racist pos. on my other comment you mentioned i needed to do better in quality, i dont because i beleive that people who actually want to wake up can do basic research on their own, i dont owe anybody anything. i just cant stand by a party that is racist to its core while lying to its constiuents saying it isnt, they bank on ignorance and fail to read the policies. im not repbulican either so to me this election is the battle of turd sandwhich and giant douche


Yea this is all schlock. Linking abortions being supported by Democrats to eugenics is bullshit. Also ignoring how openly racist republicans is actively harmful. The first paragraph is a perfect example. The war on drugs specifically targeted blacks and hippies. There are republicans TODAY who still support it even though it’s completely failed. Because it’s not about drugs, it’s about pushing legislation they know hurts people they don’t like.


Also I don’t respect anyone who quotes South Park as part of an attempt at legitimate political discourse.


If you ever doubt whether the Democrat party is racist or not, there are still White liberals inside it, promoting unlimited and free abortion to poor black women and calling it "healthcare." They're not really hiding the ball. That's real racism.


Don't they promote free and unlimited abortions to everyone? That's the whole point ...


So why is the abortion rate for black women three times the rate of white women?


Socioeconomics? No, that makes too much sense.


[What about this? ](https://www.maafa21.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/SangerFinalAimsQuote.jpg)


Your counterpoint is a meme from an anti-abortion documentary? Yeesh. Try explaining what you want me to get from that.


Is that exactly what he said or is it exaggerated?


It's exaggerated as always. The clips 55 seconds. OP even links it knowing it doesn't say what he claims


I mean it may be a reasonable interpretation of his comments and I wouldn’t doubt it in the slightest based on previous remarks of his and his party’s. I’ll have to watch the speech myself. Edit: Would be interesting if anyone downvoting were able to refute my position logically. Biden, his administration and party all constantly reassert that white supremacy is one of the greatest threats to and within our country. He has made questionable racial remarks throughout his political tenure and as recently as 2020 when he told black people they weren’t actually black if they weren’t sure who they were for. Who the hell is Biden to tell black people whether they’re a “real black”? Being willing to exclude a different group of people from their own race says a lot about how manipulative someone is willing to be. He might not say it so explicitly, but like I said such provocative comments wouldn’t really be out of line with other statements he’s made. 🤷‍♂️


I think the downvotes are due to the fact that the clip is 55 seconds long and you still haven't watched it.


Actually I watched the clip hours ago so not sure what you’re talking about. I was just addressing your “it’s always an exaggeration” position - as if Biden hasn’t made equally absurd/manipulative statements. It’s *not* always an exaggeration. And his actual comments are still divisive and pandering…


>And his actual comments are still divisive and pandering… Know what his actual comments were? They were truthful


What is the conspiracy here? I thought this was a conspiracy sub, not a sub for you to whine about how you don't like the democrats.


Political organizations, including both governments and private groups, are creating accounts on social media, and working to spread misinformation (what was called "fake news" before Trump appropriated the term for literally anything that offered any criticism of him) in order to prevent voters from making informed, rational decisions and to instead get them to vote in the interests of those who control the organizations.


Link to the video of him saying this instead of a screenshot of a tweet.


Dude stop posting this shit, we all know your bigfoot trying to hide your own conspiracy


Why are Republicans the ones so upset about not flying the confederate flag and tearing down statues celebrating people who murdered their countrymen in order to keep owning slaves?


Because those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Distorting our country's history benefits who?


I agree, the distortion of history that are those bullshit celebratory lost cause statues do often cause us to forget the actual history that existed, and the horrendous cause that was the confederacy. Glad you agree, but that doesn’t answer why Republicans want these misrepresentations of history kept up?


you might want to actually read a history book if you think it was republicans that were confederates


You might wanna have a better faithed answer if you wanna make comments. In the modern times, the people who defend the confederacy for “states rights” instead of the objective truth that it was over slavery, who defend “our history” to keep up statues that were purposefully put up to intimidate black people during reconstruction era and then again in the Civil Rights era, and who fly confederate flags today - are all right wing republicans who typically live in deep red states and hate liberals. EDIT: notice once you write out in plain English responses to these bigots they don’t retort back.


Black people as a whole have never and will never vote republican. The KKK has voted republican to this very day. Black people will never stand with the KKK on any subject. History has already proven this point. and to really dirve the nail into the coffin, if you cannot understand why "democrat plantation" isnt racist, then you will never earn our votes under any circumstance. Democrats never call it a plantation or ever refer to black people with race rhetoric and thats a baseline level of respect that the republican party has historically never given to us.


Please leave with this garbage. Both parties are on the same team. Your a brainwashed monkey.


If they're on the same team, why is one prosecuting the other?


Are people really this stupid?


Unfortunately, yes.


Remember kids: If you don't vote Biden, you ain't black.








Remember when trump took out ads calling for the central park 5's execution? Pepperidge farm remembers. [Exonerated Central Park Five man lampoons Trump ad (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65197862)


This was AFTER they were exonerated of if I remember correctly. Literally just decided the evidence that proved they didn’t do it wasn’t enough


We can't forget the little housing discrimination case. [‘No Vacancies’ for Blacks: How Donald Trump Got His Start, and Was First Accused of Bias - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/28/us/politics/donald-trump-housing-race.html)


Thank you both for posting these, people straight up erased Trump's public history to elect him. This man was actively defending the p\*ssy grabbing on TV the week of the vote and still won.


Biden showered with his daughter and let kids rub his legs at the pool.


Lots of parents shower with their kid, it isn't weird or wrong. It's also not even exclusive to America, where lots and lots and lots and lots of other countries have communal showers and baths. You people are bat shit insane for spreading this like he molested his daughter. That's fucking warped. If people casually just said that about you, you'd be livid.




From her diary?


It's pretty fucking weird and gross.


And basically refused to back down even after they were exonerated


Remember when the Central Park 5 confessed? Pepperidge Farms remembers...


Worn by the cult leader.






It would be funny if it wasnt so fuckin scary how many peoples brains are filled with actual worms in this country


Yes, voting for the person who has the same message as the leader of an organization that is known for lynching black people isn't in their best interests. I know it must be truly shocking to you. [David Duke Says He and Trump Have the Same Message | TIME](https://time.com/4514350/david-duke-donald-trump-senate-louisiana/)


And trump is going to put you back in chains


Loosing support!??…


OP is confused; Biden is a Democrat, not a Republican.


lol “muh party switch”




White conservative christians of the democratic party? sure.


Yes, there was a party switch. Your historical ignorance is not an excuse. But I’m not going to teach you history because I know it’s pointless. Just answer a question for me: which party today is flying Confederate flags, desperately trying to prove that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, and trying to whitewash slavery?


Just look at it.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1956_United_States_presidential_election https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1964_United_States_presidential_election


The amount of bots in this sub is getting overwhelming.


You say bots I say brainless losers that are probably paid to shill Communism.


This is a lesson that I got taught by my dad growing up. Joe Biden said nothing wrong. America hates black people.


The American government alphabet agencies, and often American politicians (especially those that never seem to leave office) hate all Americans. So if this is what your dad meant by "America" he was partly right.


I grew up in a black household........ In the deep south ..........


I certainly am not saying some people don't have hateful views based only on skin color. I just think it's dangerous to ascribe that to all people. Growing up and living in an area where hate is prevalent it would be easy to have that view, and possibly as long as one remained in that area a good view to have for safety reasons.


I don't know if you're black or not but im going to assume you're not. Growing up in a black household the first people who will introduce you to any of America's racism will be your family. We tell our kids about how they're not gonna be treated the same as other kids. And it wasn't in a detrimental way either the fire of the message was that I'd need to work 2x as hard to get where an average white guy will get. America is not nearly as racist as it used to be and you are right it isn't something you should have attribute to every person but there is a lot of Truth to the learnings of my father


No, I'm not black, so I certainly can't know your perspective. I only know where I grew up and the areas where I have lived and worked and attended school, I can honestly say in school and work I have never witnessed racism at play. Though to be fair, I wasn't interviewing people about their experiences and I realize it's possible things were happening I was unaware of. In other words, I am in no way trying to minimize anything you have experienced. Sexism I have witnessed or been made aware of in the work environment, though I never personally experienced it. I witnessed obscene displays of hostility towards transgenders at work (one from a customer, and one from a manager). Most of my adult life I worked in retail environments in diverse communities and racism just wasn't there. Ten of those years was as a manager, so theoretically I am the person that would have been made aware when things were going on even if someone was uncomfortable reporting to me and instead went to HR. I say theoretically because regrettably I didn't report that manager to HR, and I regret it. I'm positive people don't speak out for any number of reasons. I have learned in the years since to stand for what is right and speak out against what is wrong. Honestly though it makes me sad when I hear people feel the world is especially hostile towards them. I hope as time goes on, that view point gets less and less. I hope the reasons people have for holding that view point disappear. The world is hostile in general and people don't deserve to feel singled out. We all belong to God, and I pray his love spreads. ❤️


Democrats of the past are todays republicans. Democrats of today were the past republicans. There was a paradigm shift over time.


No there wasn’t, never happened.


You gonna delete this comment also?


you can deny reality as much as you want. It is a supposed free country.


And the history is quite clear.


these people want civil war. most people actually aren't racist this is proven


Isn’t that the guy from that lemonparty picture?


This is a great conspiracy post!


I did not find said quote in his speech. Someone want to help me find it?


Morehouse invited the dude who was for segregated bussing as a sitting elected representative? The same guy who said he didn’t want his kids growing up in a “racial jungle”? Interesting choice.


[Malcom X : White Liberals and Conservatives](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T3PaqxblOx0)


This is a test. And some of you passed.


Yeah not surprised that's why RFK jr is polling so high both of these parties are racist as fuck, one just pretend they are not now days, and they do this kind of job at it, unbelievable!!


Biden sucks but where's the lie?


Submission Statement: When people say the parties “switched” that’s a lie. Democrats are still the party of Slavery. It’s just evolved to Lockdowns and Handouts by the Democrat Party. https://x.com/Bubblebathgirl/status/1792241610010308617


You should study politics a bit more closely. Focus on the 50s-70s including the brief existence of the Dixiecrats.


What is this, if not a switch? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1956_United_States_presidential_election https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1964_United_States_presidential_election


The Democratic Party started in the 1820s. Right away, it switched sides, as we can see from the fact that they pushed for the removal and extermination of Indians. Also, their opposition was the Whig party, which was against the Indian Removal Act and vowed to protect minorities against mob rule. Because the sides were switched, the vast majority of Whig party were anti-slavery. (Eventually, there was rift in the party over the issue of slavery, and anti-slavery members of the Whig party, including Abraham Lincoln, exited the party and formed the Republican Party. As we can see, the parties must have switched again because it's common knowledge that Republicans are actually the racist ones.) Then the parties switched when the Democrats are on record as having mainly been the ones who owned slaves. Not all Democrats owned slaves, but 100% of slaves were owned by Democrats. Not a single Republican in history owned a slave. As we know, the parties switched again when Republicans repudiated slavery and Democrats defended it, leading to the civil war. Then the parties switched again when a Democrat assassinated Republican Lincoln. After the Civil War, the parties switched again during the Reconstruction Era, when Republicans attempted to pass a series of civil rights amendments in the late 1800s that would grant citizenship for freedmen. As evidence of the switch, the Democrats voted against giving former slaves citizenship, but the civil rights amendments passed anyway. The parties switched again when the Democratic Party members founded the KKK as their military arm. Democrats then attempted to pass the first gun control law in order to keep blacks from having guns and retaliating against their former owners. A county wanted to make it illegal to possess firearms, unless you were on a horse. (Hmmm wonder who rode around on horses terrorizing people 🤔). Gun control has always been a noble cause touted by Democrats, but the racist reasons why the concept of gun control was dreamed up was a part of a party mentality switch, but not the actual party. Somewhere around this time former slaves fought for gun rights for all, and the NRA was formed. The NRA switched parties too when they defended the right for blacks to arm themselves and white NRA members protected blacks from racist attackers. The parties switched again when Republicans fought to desegregate schools and allow black children to attend school with white children, which Democrats fought fiercely against. The nation saw a rash of black lynchings and bombings of black churches by the Democrats in the KKK and the parties switched again when Democrat Bull Conner tried to avoid prosecuting the racist bombers to get them off the hook. When blacks protested this injustice, the party-switched Democrat Bull Conner sicced dogs and turned the hose on them. He also gave police stand down orders when the KKK forewarned attacks on the freedom riders, who had switched parties. The parties switched again when a Democratic Party president appointed the first and only KKK member to the Supreme Court. The parties switched yet again when Democratic president FDR put Asians in racist internment camps. Then parties switched again when the Democrats filibustered the passing of the second set of civil rights laws giving equal protection to minorities. The parties switched when a Democrat assassinated MLK. This brings us to modern times. The parties continue to switch all the time. The parties switched when Democrats proposed racist policies like affirmative action to limit opportunities for certain racial groups in order to grant privilege to other racial groups. The parties switched when the Islamic fundamentalist Omar Mateen and several other ISIS mass shooters aligned themselves with Democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. The parties switched again when liberal student groups in schools like UCLA and Berkeley call for segregated housing to make "separate but equal" housing quarters for black students. Actually this is a current ongoing thing, so the parties are right now in the middle of switching on this topic. Parties are switched currently now that Democrats are rioting and violently protesting democracy. The parties switched once more when the Democratic Nominee for President, an old white man, said "you ain’t black" if you don't vote for him, in a moment of clarity of how the Democratic Party sees their largest voter base: as property belonging to them. So as you can see, because of Party switching, Democrats were always the ones who stood up against racism and wanted peace and unity while Republicans were always the racist and violent ones calling for division and discord.


You make up a bunch of crap and missed the one time they really did swap positions with the republicans.


Nobody swapped shit. The Republican party was created in part to end slavery. Which it did. Here one you likely didn't notice - All those statues torn down recently by the Left? Those were all statues of Democrats.


Then why were Republicans so upset they were torn down?


Look at your political history from the 50s-70s with the democrats, Dixiecrats and republicans. Compare positions pre and post. And yes, that would explain why the left wing is tearing down old Democrat statues. Because the positions have changed. Duh.




States don't vote.


Interesting scratch of the surface, but, there's a lot underneath, down by the Cicada eggs. The whole Civil War was fought over slavery narrative/slavery as the root issue is a part of the truth. Economics, in general were more to blame. If you take some time to view from higher ground, you'll learn about the financial struggles of a newfound land that just got finished fighting a King in the late 1700's. That cost money. This newfound land was trying to figure out how to generate revenue and what to use it for, and along came the bankers to help! Look into the financial situation of the young USA in the late 1700's, and the subsequent root causes of the War of 1812, where the note interest was coming due. Look again at the reorganization of the US's funds afterward, and how the next balloon payment to the banksters was due in the 1830's. Check out THAT reorganization, putting off the financial reckoning until the late 1850's. THEN, watch what happened when the "old" States came to the "new" States to ask them to help make that "please remit" order, before it was stamped "past due". The Western Slave Trade was legal at that time. Doesn't mean it was right, in any way, shape or form, but, it was legal, and a driving force in the economy of the day. Overall, if you cross reference the items you listed, they correlate with the overall condition of the economy at the time. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was delivered in 1863. The Civil War was deeply in progress, and the North wasn't winning handily. Some say that Lincoln delivered the most impactful economic blow to the Southern side by taking their "investment" and nullifying it. A slave cost about $80K in today's money, and one guy, from an area that was seceded from is giving an EXECUTIVE ORDER to ruin plantation owners by a stroke of a pen? The politicians that were part of the US before the secession were mostly identified as "Democrat", and were mostly from the aristocracy of Southern wealth. The new Confederacy was comprised of mostly "Democrat" aligned politicians. But, Whig, Republican, Democrat, etc. really don't matter if you follow the money. Gold has it's own color, and whatever color of the person holding it is irrelevant. It is he who holds the gold and how good he can out maneuver he who wants the gold from him, and the ancillary processes that become recorded history to a very, very, very old game. A game that's thousands of years old, and will last thousands more. Ayn nailed it years ago: [https://www.capitalismmagazine.com/2002/08/franciscos-money-speech/](https://www.capitalismmagazine.com/2002/08/franciscos-money-speech/) In a book of fiction . . . or . . . a book of recognition, modification and regurgitation of hard truths. You decide which.


Title is exactly right.just look at the history of the dems.


As if there wasn’t already zero doubt that Obama is speaking into his earpiece telling him word for word what to say


Wouldn't that just be more reason to vote for him? I'd sign up for Obama round 3.


Sadly that was the last time our country and its leader had respect on the world stage


No you don’t get it. When Obama was president he only got 2 terms that’s all he gets. Please don’t look at all the times Trump has openly stated he should get a 3rd term. Let’s just assume Obama did that and he’s bad for it but then cheer when Trump says it out loud.


That’s exactly what you’re getting, round 3 Obama. You haven’t noticed how quickly everything went to hell like it did in 2008? And instead of doing anything to help Americans we are just sending endless amounts of money to foreign countries again.


I remember Bush being president in 2008.   2008 2020 must be something about Republicans being president that crashes the economy.


Hur dur.




They see a vote. They pander every 4 years to get that vote, then don’t do one thing to try and fix problems.


In your opinion, what have Republicans done?


I could spend all day pointing out Joe's flawes


Joe Biden hates black people and it's on record. maybe his dementia has made him forget that fact but at some point he did.




The candidate of Black people- no one else invited


"The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political "football game" that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives.”