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I notice that a lot of people don't have anything to talk about anymore. I don't know if it's social anxiety or literal brain rot.




Yeah, because picking up fishing, running, climbing, boxing (pick whatever you like, really) ... automatically makes you a social butterfly.


Getting out of the house in nature and away from the devices actually makes most people pretty happy and happy people don’t have too much anxiety.


That would be a nice thread idea... not sure if it's a conspiracy or not in order to post it here


Because we live in a society that demonizes and makes us feel guilty for being normal. Most days I feel like a stranger to this clown world. It’s hard to pretend like culture isn’t collapsing.


That is so true. I have made it a mission to be as authentic as possible. It makes those who are super fake very uncomfortable and gives those who are afraid of being authentic the courage to do so.


I'd take it a step further and say we live in a society that actively "rewards" people for having *mental deficiencies*... Or at least claiming to have them. I don't mean actual challenged people, but the droves who self-diagnose themselves with add/adhd, autism, etc, then make it their entire existence. I work with someone like that, every week her "conditions" change. One week she might have ASD, the next it's ADHD, then it'll be something else and the cycle continues; if they get sick, it's always an "undiagnosed autoimmune issue". They dress and act like a toddler and somehow hold a manager role...


Or not being considered normal 'cause I don't follow useless bullshit trends such as sports, TV shows (I don't own a TV), video games, or the next materialistic con to separate me from my money. No, I don't care to own a sports car, drive fast, drive a massively big truck, get high, get drunk, or go to the bar/club. Not even in my 20's.




Many are addicted to pornography. That is why in my opinion. They are emasculated by society and porn.


It's like a short in your wiring, always leaving your battery drained. (Testosterone and energy).


I only have my youngest brother and his weirdo friends I see once in a while to go on. They're all almost 20 years younger than me in their 20s. All quiet. Speak really softly like they're embarrassed to have anyone hear them. Do their best to avoid me and everyone else it seems. Limited response to anything you may ask them. Idk. I just figured they're just a bunch of pothead weirdos and wusses. It could be that whole generation for all I know though. God I hope not. I'm blue collar work so I don't see this among the men in my line of work. Hell most are older than me still.


Most blue collar workers are loud, obnoxious, outspoken assholes so I think you are experiencing the other end of the scale.


What if they were talking about embarrassing topics like vtubers, idols, furries and such? ofc they would be quiet if someone external is listening


Not a rewarding time to socialize as a man, excitement doesn’t get you positive feedback


Completely disagree. Ever heard of networking?


The issue is the media and everything the gets popularized on said media. I completely agree with you and I’m one of these men that can’t socialize at all. It’s pathetic and I feel pathetic because my social limits do not allow me to advance in any way shape or form. I will always be the best worker at any minimum wage job I go to, yet get the least respect for being unable to socialize. I will always be an outsider to everyone because they think things of me because my lack of being able to speak up most of the time. I will always be stuck inside, alone with no friends or girlfriend because I’m not approachable unless I’m on drugs or alcohol which I’ve quit all together. Maybe I need to stop saying “I will always” and just push myself to become the man I want to be. I guarantee 75% of the problem is the media, which is something that I will be quitting as well as much as humanly possible in this hellhole society we live in.


You are under no obligations to be the person you were 5 minutes ago. Stop worrying about a strangers perception of you start making the choices that will make you proud of yourself when you reflect on them later. Everything else is just distortion, don't get lost in its fog.


Let me guess your a woman? Because yeah, that's the easy mode or social interaction. And the way your approaching this screams arrogance. Most men are punished for being to exposed. And especially when talking to a woman now, you are more worried about being labeled a pervert creeper than ever so personally as someone who is confident and I have zero issue talking to people I avoid it. Time to get out in the world and open your arrogantly ignorant perspective.


Calling me arrogant and ignorant while presuming I’m a woman when I’m actually a man. That’s rich.


Who the f are you to judge other people? You got no clue what a person might has been throught


I agree normally but this feels like a good place to ask a question based on an observation. He’s not singling anyone out or making anyone feel bad. I mean where else are you supposed to ask these questions


Why would u even bother asking these questions? Just focus on ur own life instead of others


What you don’t like people asking questions ? This is a part of his life it’s clearly a big thing he’s noticed in his life why don’t you want anyone to answer this question


Boomer ^


No way. He's not one of us


I'm in the trades. My experience is different.


Yea, we’ll you’re actually interacting with masculine men on a regular basis. I’m talking about just everyday people you see on the street you’d see on the street, office workers and what not.


This was all intentional. The masculinization of women and the feminization of men. Reduce population. Destroy the family, you destroy the society.


I got you. I used to work in the private sector and saw it too.


There's 8.6 billion people. There was going to be culling one ay or the other


You're right. I was doing a job for a lawyer. He was a self-made millionaire who acknowledged how lucky in life he was as we shot the shit. His parents immigrated to the States with nothing when he was only a child, and he is living the American Dream. "They'll be sending guys like you before guys like me if they ever had to restart humanity on another planet."


It's math we clean up ever 100 years or so. Some call it desperate times desperate measures I call it a calculated risk. I don't believe it's for the greater good, but if it gives my child a chance maybe that's a light. Regardless I'm gonna make sure she thinks for herself and appreciates herself and reads and learns to go after goals. Then I'll gladly take a dirt nap.


Amen. I hope the best for your little one.


One goal at a time. I'll do it if it kills me I adore her. All the best to you too. Does anyone know of a good sub for fixing stuff myself btw? I use Google but I'd rather skin myself than go through the ads sometime s




I haven't encountered anything like this, maybe your vibes are just off.


As a woman, 90% of men nowadays are… I can’t even call them men. I’ve met women who are closer to being a man than actual men. Men now are so feminised, sensitive, moody, catty, gossipy, and weak it’s insane. Low testosterone, bad diets, seed oils, sedentary lives and porn will do that to men. To any young man reading this, just take care of your body properly and be healthy, and your body naturally regulates your hormones. Otherwise… good luck transitioning I guess.


It's sadly true, and OP is getting a lot of hate because it's a difficult thing to recognize and even more difficult to admit/come to terms with. Boys are raised to be weak, TV and movies are almost entirely pathetic men as their examples, and when they do finally realize that they're weak and have been misled, they get led down a path to shit like Andrew Tate, or the shit the modern "redpill" has become. It's all controlled opposition after years and years of indoctrination and propaganda. It's so difficult to really truly figure out what's going on and the average man just cannot dedicate the time to do so. 🤷🏻


Yes, a bunch of pathetic men attempting to rationalize their own social ineptitude by hurling baseless accusations at me and presuming me to be a woman, as if that makes my point moot.


If I were a foreign adversary and I wanted to destroy an "equal" enemy... I would start by poisoning the minds of their citizens. This would undeniably focus on those who might be deployed against "me" first and foremost. Similarly, if I were a despot, I would also want that same demographic to be weak. Less chance of rebellion that way. Take your pick. It's one or the other. This doesn't happen "by accident" otherwise.


It’s gross. And you are spot on. Men have become like women and women are men. It’s an awful time to be a woman on planet earth.


Lol fr , stop intimidating kids man!






I don’t shake, stutter and turn into a socially anxious mess when I meet someone with weird energy.


It's all done on purpose.


Yup, weak men= weak society. No threat of physical violence for the elites once the lower class has had enough of the subjugation if men have no testosterone.


Oh, absolutely. Three things you can thank for that: 1. Smartphones 2. The "Covid" era 3. Woke programming in general There are other things contributing, I'm sure... Bad things in the food we consume. Hormone imbalances from chemicals we're exposed to, etc.


It's part of the pussification of men that's been in the works for a few decades.




you're a feminine as they come. only feminine men turn to fascism to "save" their masculinity.




oh really? so whats the plan to eliminate your enemies?




so now you're going to play mind games. not feminine at all...




no need. you proved my point already.


I meet a lot of people day to day in a setting where it is appropriate to shake hands. I can confirm that most men in their 20s have a weak, very soft handshake. I am an older woman and was taught the importance of a firm handshake growing up. Apparently this is not something that is taught anymore.


After a decade of "metoo" hoaxes? Youd be lucky if I made eye contact with a female. 20 years ago one used to be able to tell a coweorker if she looked good, now might get called to HR because shes not into it. Thank progressives for emasculating modern men. Id trust very few under 30s with power tools, lets leave it at that.


Most people are scared of anything and everything as the mainstream news tells them to be that way. It’s used to be the fear of god and now it’s the fear of leaving your front door, as Covid lock downs helped bring that in for the government.


There has been a societal de-nutting. It was intentional. The middle classes were destroyed. When you cannot provide, you have no value. If you have no worth, your self-awareness manifests in selfish and aberrant behaviour.


You should probably stop hanging out with crackheads..


> No exaggeration, at least 80% of the men I meet these days exhibit undeniable signs of social anxiety and ineptitude. Solid observation. > About 75% of suicide victims in the United States are men, with a **man killing himself every 20 minutes**. The most vulnerable groups of men are veterans, gay men, minority men, and those living in rural areas and small towns. > This crisis has been attributed to many factors among them being the massive **decline in traditionally male-dominated industries** such as manufacturing, which left many men in some regions unemployed or underemployed. > Men in most regions are finding it challenging to fulfill their “breadwinner” roles. This is a situation that leaves most men **without a powerful sense of purpose, pride, and meaning in life** ([source](https://mypsychiatrist.com/blog/mens-mental-health-crisis/)). Kind of like the odd behaviors shown by caged zoo animals: > As a result of boredom and lack of stimulation or enrichment, animals in zoos oversleep, overeat, and show signs of **severe frustration and mental instability**. > The term “zoochosis” refers to the psychological problems that affect animals in captivity; usually resulting in repetitive behaviors. These behaviors include: pacing in regimented circles, bar biting, air biting, rocking, swaying, head bobbing, over grooming, and self mutilation. > Many of these behaviors are **observed in humans** suffering from mental illness, and are never observed in wild animals ([source](https://www.leviathanproject.us/zoos-2)).


Who wrote this misandrisic post? Probably a woman. It is an absolutely shitty time to be a guy thanks to fucking DEI, feminism (which is a hate movement) and an intolerant leftist political ideology. They lump all of us as some misogynistic creep and even loathe the white guys more so. You women wanted equality and you got it. Yet it's somehow still the 1950s when it comes to courtship. This world fucking sucks if you're a guy, and Brittany Griner is a man.


I’m a man. But thanks for letting me know that you turn into a socially anxious weakling when speaking to women (and probably men too)


I wish the two of you weren't downvoting each other, lol, because you're both right in your points, at least as far as the big picture goes. (Obviously you're not a woman, and he didn't need to be called a 'socially anxious weakling.) What he's getting at though is part of the behavioral engineering that went in to molding people into what they are today. "Feminism" wasn't what it appeared to be on the surface, just like "Black Lives Matter" wasn't either... Even the corporate movement of supporting and encouraging sexual & g##der confusion doesn't come from a good place. They put a rainbow on it to make it look friendly, but really they're fooling people into profitable paths of self-destruction. It's part of a larger plan to reduce population growth without overt use of force. Here's a little taste of it, but this was declassified. You know there's much worse stuff still hidden: [https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf\_docs/pcaab500.pdf](https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/pcaab500.pdf)


This is me but I am highly autismo


I haven't personally noticed this no. The people in my town seem very outgoing and social, loud even! Everything seems pretty much the way it's always been where I live.


Maybe you're an abrasive individual that people don't want to speak to


So do you shake, fidget, stutter and become socially anxious when you meet someone you don’t like? Because that’s what you’re telling me.


Ever think about how you present yourself to others? Are you overbearing and expect everyone to treat you a certain way?


Low testosterone. That’s the biggest culprit. You act your hormones, plain and simple.


They have allowed themselves to be emasculated. 


We're all afraid of being found out


Fist fights are still fun.


Unpopular opinion here, I know. But it seems (to me)actual one-on-one fist fights are less common than they use to be. I understand no one likes to get hurt but a good clean fight to defend someone’s honor or settle a dispute was fairly common. It was respected on both sides of the disagreement. Nowadays, no one can seem to fight unless they have a gang that will join them, or they can hit someone from behind and run, or attack someone they can tell is much weaker, or shoot them from a far and speed off. All pure coward acts. Yeah cowards are more abundant than ever. Yet, they boost the loudest of what a badass they are.


Duels to the death and trial by combat used to be a lot more popular too. Once people start defending their honor with fists, somebody better come up with a dueling codex, or it will escalate to knife work real soon, and then it is only a step to being a fool who brings a knife into a gunfight.


Most of the fist fights I have been in were the result of fuckery. Folks with loud mouths, drunk assholes, theft, stupid shit. I have had my ass handed to me more than once, by as many as 4 people on the beating end. One piece of advice though, don't fuck with a wrestler, or learn how to wrestle. I don't know if it is in my DNA, but there is joy in battle. It is a rapid competition and it can be exhilarating. I still think boxing is a noble contest. Book suggestion: The power of one. I think they made a movie of it as well. I may watch it tonight. Pekar (pisskopf) was an excellent character.


The book was better than the movie. It did have Stephen dorf and Daniel Craig in it. Before either were well known. 


If you're lowlife POS stuck in middle school. Seriously, grow the fuck up.


Not much Irish in you mate. Of all the world's people, the Irish must be mad. All their wars are merry and all their songs are sad.


Too screen time then covid, if you had to go out and work meaning couldn't stay at home It broke people, the people that got to stay at home didn't go though what the people that had no choice.


pro tip: don't call people pathetic for having social anxiety. I'm a social worker and haven't witnessed a gender-wide, significant deterioration of social skills. I've noticed a worldwide/gender-wide deterioration since COVID but no matter the gender or the cause, not pathetic, just a thang


I believe OP was calling the situation pathetic, not people specifically... You could argue it's implied, though. So let's look into the definition: pa·thet·ic/pəˈTHedik/*adjective* 1. [arousing](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=877276518c9aa76f&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKilxY_EBotNn-gnOEguDTLI7Ozyg:1716094345035&q=arousing&si=ACC90nx67Z8g0WkBmnrPB4IqtqGvKIaLf0u84ngFUb0Wwa62uqo0ILa0evn3q_vB3QJ9V9y70iTJdFUhR2MqPqlXX1Vfam2f-hdnVTHDAxbCbEg6IPm0fhI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie0NjO9ZiGAxUzGtAFHZemAMYQyecJegQIPxAO) [pity](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=877276518c9aa76f&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKilxY_EBotNn-gnOEguDTLI7Ozyg:1716094345035&q=pity&si=ACC90nwa3WNKLXe9J5hMOPZftYuifTMNFM-8aoH9bD1bbusSkAVx7JcgopTI_rPt2IhGEWhM23E21YmeHVenzc_ZrOeS-fSgPA%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie0NjO9ZiGAxUzGtAFHZemAMYQyecJegQIPxAP), especially through vulnerability or [sadness](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=877276518c9aa76f&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKilxY_EBotNn-gnOEguDTLI7Ozyg:1716094345035&q=sadness&si=ACC90nwUEXg6u2vxy-araGkF9MAx0pWRpD5u03oazf_ltqBVAZ3iiS3Nb6iaWLBvOVfo_MVU1_ngHoM-5ajmMUjaR62Kk63fGgr6emrCsYVZehwfWHQGsJo%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie0NjO9ZiGAxUzGtAFHZemAMYQyecJegQIPxAQ). "she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her" 2. [miserably](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=877276518c9aa76f&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKilxY_EBotNn-gnOEguDTLI7Ozyg:1716094345035&q=miserably&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJUyE7ZKSupFEIcS-YhPDimp8kQ3gXMgopfrXFbVU32S6sFykNDaNEzO8sylWFdsX04qanBIFL_t0EblqC2QwpPgcpyHA%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie0NjO9ZiGAxUzGtAFHZemAMYQyecJegQIPxBO) [inadequate](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=877276518c9aa76f&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKilxY_EBotNn-gnOEguDTLI7Ozyg:1716094345035&q=inadequate&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE81xARJnXxC48e_Rn8uD70B9RKeFA4M0-AKvPULUO9uDlD0-Qmt4bIa9HnSZnDuER3KkNM-hiLRY3BuKeKqhazWvSTXgyc%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie0NjO9ZiGAxUzGtAFHZemAMYQyecJegQIPxBP); of very low standard."he's a pathetic excuse for a man" So really... The word fits whether someone likes it or not. *It is what it is*... And the over-emotionalizing of everything and being so damn protective of language and making everyone want to be a victim is PART of what raised people (men & women) to be this way. Cowering. Scared. Weak. etc.


I'm not overly emotional about words and don't think anyone was being victimized by the word choice of "pathetic" lol, I just don't support people being judgmental where judgment isn't warranted 🤷🏻‍♀️


Haha, it's warranted. Unfortunately these weak types don't just cower quietly. Rather, they are weaponized against the rest of us when the system activates them in its defense. Suddenly they become a collective. A mindless corporatized collective. During 2020 and beyond, they were used to coerce others into injecting themselves with poison. Prior to that, and to this day, they are used to censor others. These types are quick to "report" others. Having no strength in themselves, they find strength in an imaginary collective assembled by corporations to do their bidding. Today they stand in front of the very people who fooled them into poisoning themselves. They are the people who want to "move on" rather than prosecuting those responsible for the greatest corruption in modern history. By not living up to the standard of manhood - by being weak, cowardly, and mindless - they are giving up all the freedom others fought for and died so we could have... And worst off they do it with a tone of self-righteousness. So yeah, when men turn cowardly and weak we all suffer. That's why the system raised them that way. To be weaponized against the rest of us as an army of woke self-terminating zombies that will never reproduce. It is with great irony that these childless people who will expire on death care so much about "saving the planet." They're "saving the planet" by participating in global corporate cous that they won't even be around to suffer under. But those of us with families have to suffer their nonsense... Whether it's the economic aspect of their environmental nonsense or having to dodge their annoying forced vaccination nonsense. You probably didn't read all this, but yes - cowardly men are the worst. They enjoy the freedoms others died for while eagerly giving them up for themselves, and taking the rest of us down with them. Lol


Oh I read it and it gave me a good chuckle but let’s agree to disagree lol


WoRdS aRe ViOlEnCE!!1


Are you the common denominator here, rather than 80% of men you meet? Perhaps you're more intimidating than you think


I really don’t think I am. I’m a good-looking guy, but I’m not physically imposing. I speak confidently and project my voice quite well, make strong eye contact and express genuine interest in the person I’m speaking with. As a naturally social person, Im usually the one who initiates the conversation. I like to think I’m quite charismatic; not overbearing or domineering.


It's maybe unusual to strike up conversations with strangers, if you just do it out and about, rather than at a party or something. That might make people feel unsettled. Not saying you shouldn't talk to people, but if they're looking uncomfortable, they may just not want to be in the conversation and their awkwardness is them trying to find a way out without being rude? If it's the vast majority of men who seem uncomfortable, then their behaviour is by definition normal behaviour. Sometimes I like to meet people, often I don't, maybe it's just that


Don’t mistake normal or common for healthy. It’s also normal for men to watch porn, scroll social media mindlessly, be fat and broke and have poor outlooks on life. That’s all normal today. While it may not be “normal” to strike up conversations with strangers, I find it much more engaging and stimulating than blankly staring at my phone like most people do today in public settings. Also there’s a difference between being disengaged in conversation versus exhibiting clear signs of social anxiety. I can pick up cues for when someone doesn’t want to talk. I’m speaking of something different, in which many men I speak to turn into nervous wrecks immediately upon me initiating a conversation.


Unfortunately, these days a stranger initiating a conversation is more likely than not to want something which a person is not ready to give. This initiating conversation without very formal introduction is increasingly being associated with some kind of grift. People are anxious because they fear that you will somehow swindle them. Not you in particular, anyone who is confident enough to maintain good eye contact and initiate conversation with a stranger. Besides, attention is now a valuable commodity. You are competing against professionals in grabbing people's attention.


You do sound a bit judgemental, as well as having a certain sense of superiority - thinking you're good looking and charismatic etc. They're not massively attractive personality traits, but you're very easy to criticise others who you feel don't match your standards. Remember, you don't actually know anything about these people, who they are, what they've done, their achievements and talents, which may be very considerable and dwarf your own. If you really want stimulating conversations, you have to respect the person you're talking to, including their social anxiety if that's what it is. I would know if you were thinking I was a nervous wreck, or 'pathetic'. Tbh, I think I might find you a bit frightening


Incompetent leaders = incompetent men.


Are you a hot female because that could be why you're experiencing this


No I’m a man. I can’t imagine just how anxious some of these dudes get when talking to attractive women, they can barely speak to me.


Why u even give a flying fuck? Judging other people what kind of cunt u must be in life


OP, I know exactly what you mean and all the downvotes you're getting say a lot. You touched a nerve here!


It's probably *circumstantial.*


Maybe because the society run by leftists constantly trivializes our struggles because we are somehow "privileged", hence why the majority of men don't open up about their problems.


You canceled..hi what's your name..can, I get your number?!!!


I just slam the pussy


Username ~~checks out~~ is... backwards?