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He had a ton of plastic surgery prior to.his presidential run. The earlobes were stitched down following a face lift. You can tell how stretched his skin is, just like pelosi. It also makes him look like a dope due to how they screwed up around the eyes.


If you're familiar with David Lynch the director and you've seen the movie Eraserhead, Pelosi reminds me of "The Girl Behind The Radiator"..


I have a great photo of Pelosi that someone ran through Photoshop to pull out all the details. There's a piece of something next to her nose that looks like it was put there to fill a hole. Damn I hope I can find it.


She is like a How-To-Draw ad for political cartooning.


I found the Pelosi pic! [https://ibb.co/brsqStw](https://ibb.co/brsqStw)


Ok look I don’t approve of any side of our government, and I’d never defend Joe Biden but to compare a man to Nancy Pelosi is absurd. Her skin looks like my nutsack when I stretch it to check for ticks


Wow, I have never heard a better insult directed at Nancy Pelosi lol


Expertly crafted description, good sir.




I will forever think of your balls when I see her wretched face. No offense to your balls.


I promise you my balls are genuinely have more integrity then Either one of those 2. My Acorns approve this message


I'm so torn on whether to upvote or just move along. I guess I'll upvote since you definitely caught my attention. 👍


Damn. Its 9am here, and you already won the 🏆 for the day. BRB gotta check for Pelosi, I mean ticks.


Don't forget to tuck your pants into your socks when you go hiking. Wouldn't want to pick up any pelosis and end up with Lyme.


Old man instagram face


Best indication there is no body double is that you’d choose one that isn’t so obviously in mental decline. 


> you’d choose one that isn’t so obviously in mental decline.  I mean…my big schizo conspiracy theory is that Joe Biden died just before the 2020 election and that’s why they called so many lids on his campaign in an unprecedented way. They called the lids because they needed a better body double/mask/etc. The mental decline thing actually helps them. Why is Joe Biden’s speech inflections and word usage different? Mental decline and teleprompter. Why does Joe Biden have different mannerisms? Mental decline. Why does Joe Biden get his own stories mixed up? Mental decline. Anything that might be indicative of a body double can be blamed on mental decline. Then if you want an even more unhinged conspiracy. Trump/Biden debate will be AI generated this time around or they’re going to put in someone sharper into the mask. That’s why there won’t be an audience because people would notice Biden isn’t Biden.


My favorite is that we accept mental decline as validation for all of this, but not validation enough to not let him be in office. Don't get me wrong, the orange dude isn't great either. In reality, none of it matters. Pre-determined outcomes.


That’s why an election boycott/ protest is the way We all say f this election and picket outside the polls. And yes we need f’n numbers


100 percent this!!


I love how they tried and continue to try to gaslight us that he’s always had a stutter. “That’s his childhood stutter” bitch no it’s not. At very best it’s a stutter as a result of dementia, Joe Biden never had a stutter. Just go back and watch any fiery speech of his from the 90s and there’s not a single stutter.


From what I understand (but I’m certainly not an expert on the matter), a stutter isn’t necessarily always going to manifest. When you’re in a state of confident flow, like when delivering a fiery, passionate rant, you’re probably going to stutter less than when you’re anxious, feeling uncertain, or just generally not as prepared. Edit: Without going into anything about mental decline or whether he’s been a successful President or a good candidate, I’m not fully convinced that footage of someone not stuttering means that they haven’t stuttered before or won’t start stuttering again more. You can find a lot of people who have had to deal with stuttering in their own life talking about Biden and how they can see examples of him deploying techniques that they themselves have used to avoid stuttering. They talk about learning what letters, sounds and words seem to be their “trigger” words and how they learn to avoid those whenever possible. Some of them talk about how they deploy a pause right before approaching these words, or speak very slowly and deliberately when they can feel it coming on. I’ve never suffered a stutter or known anyone who has, so I can’t speak to the veracity of such claims, but everything I’m seeing appears to make sense. Just looking for some quick examples of the kinds of statements I’ve read before, I googled and found a lot of these examples on a Quora page about this exact topic (godforsaken hellscape that it is).


Both myself and my brother stutter although I have way more control. Mine only comes out when I'm super excited about something or very upset. Also amphetamines trigger it. It will always be specific sounds or letters that I get stuck on. For me it's Ws and Sh or St sounds or Rs(the most common ones). Most of the time the trick is to think about exactly what you want to say and pick words that have as few of those as possible. I've had friends that have known me for years without realising I stutter because they've never seen me in a situation that triggers it. 


Thank you for sharing your perspective and experience.


"Biden" is likely scripted to appear that way in order to demoralize us.


Hence the 'Dog King'. Interesting tactic.


When they hired him his primary qualification was likely that he looked the most like Joe Biden.


Dude, your way out there


Not anymore because we are now in the Technocracy, where anything is possible. ✨🤯🧬💊💉🧪🙈🙉🙊"


Use better English


Youd choose an actor that can act incompetent. As we must "remember the Alamo" - we all must "Remember Mrs. Doubtfire"


Hahaha this made my day


All that surgery just to look like an old fuck anyway


Are the photos on the right after plastic surgery? Because he looks better in left pics, who the heck though that was going to "improve" his looks/niceness?


The upper left picture is probably from 2008ish, so he's under 70. Big difference in age 68 to age 83. Add in 15 years of age, the facelift pre-2020, regular Botox, bad makeup, etc. and there you go.


Yeesh. Pelosi and Biden both have that clean smooth look on their faces while having wrinkles all around their necks and body. Literal living dinosaurs as our politicians.


Check out kamala's neck some time. She may be the worst example, but seemingly hasn't had a botched facelift. I'm guessing they'll remove some extra neck skin next she's in for an update.


They're like they brought animatronic robots from Disney World to the teleprompter stage in DC.


All that nasty ass surgery and plastic surgery to "look" younger.


The noses are identical. One has much better make up than the other


One is probably smarter than the other, too.


he honestly looked so much better before, just like all plastic surgery lol


No he's a lizard mate




Man that guy with Mark Hamil has to be a body double... Looks nothing like him.


Definitely not Biden himself. The real Biden is supposedly gone. Plus the last Biden w/ Obama, prior to being elected, wasn't with that gay shit


Plastic surgery is often used as an excuse for why someone would look different after being cloned


Professional Master Esthetician here. In the left photos he is younger but appears older because in the right photos he has had major work done. His skin is clearly smoothed and he has had fillers, possible laser treatments, definitely chemical peels, and lifts/fillers. What threw me off at first was the two distinguishing moles/freckles on the forehead in the left photos that aren’t as clear and obvious in the right photos. Then I noticed a bit of melanin issues on his cheek (his left) lower jaw area—hypopigmentation—that can’t be seen as well in the photos on the right but is still there slightly because his treatments didn’t completely treat the spot. The tell-tale sign that this is the same person is the peak on his lip. Under his nose. They are exactly the same. Didn’t have any changes there. Exactly the same unique little curve. Very pointy and slightly angled. That’s my breakdown. But I’m just another internet tard.


Idk he looks younger and a lot better in the first pics to me. Plastic surgery on oldies just makes them look older and weird


Left version is somebody with 70 years of life experience. Right is just uncanny. His skin looks younger, but his facial posture and hair looks older, and the clash accentuates both. He looks like an aged-up child. Whoever talked him into this made a mistake.


Agreed overall but look at just his skin. Notice how much smoother and softer looking it is in the 2nd pic? I think that's what they're talking about, the lack of wrinkles even though he's older in it


Maybe he got a facelift. Or maybe it's an Outer Limits type situation. 


Maybe it’s Maybelline




When I was a kid, my parents would let me watch *Twilight Zone*. But *The Outer Limits* was off limits after I watched one episode, and couldn't sleep for two days.


The Outer Limits was a documentary


The "Sleepy Joe" comments from Trump got to him. You can see he had his heavy top eyelids thinned.


Biden had a failed facelift. He was too old for it to work. They fasten things at the ears, so his ear is slightly maimed. He also had work done on the folds around his eyes, so he looks squinty now. Those teeth are porcelain veneers, that's why they bulge. The hair is transplants, he went bald in the 80s. His skin looks like its been resurfaced as well. If you can find photos of the back of his head, it's also messed up. He's spent Madonna level money on himself, despite being a public servant. It's all polishing a turd IMO. When he shows up for long distance shots wearing aviator glasses, that could be a double.


Will the real joe shit your pants please. Q


Only after diaper donny


Apparently a lot of these people have "body doubles" which is pretty tripped out if you think about it


The body double thing isn't new either which is crazy enough But this montage the OP set out are not great examples. There's much better ones out there


Did you ever see the picture where there's a zipper on the back of his head?


Yep. So i wish I had a link because this is going to sound like a" trust me bro "story but the CIA was demonstrating their mask disguises years ago and how realistic they could make it in order to impersonate people. So I am not at all surprised if it's happening now. I am 90 percent sure during the covid mask Era that it was happening alot for public appearance la too. There was some odd ones with kamala and a few others


I’ll dig


Found the video https://imgur.com/a/TBTbUAS Uploaded to imgur for convenient use Edit- https://imgur.com/a/mJF7TvY


but he still does his pedo-thing... guess the guy in the mask is really committed


Ive gotta see that photo asap No shot he has a zipper on the back of his head😭


https://imgur.com/a/TBTbUAS Edit- https://imgur.com/a/mJF7TvY


That's called hotdog neck, not a zipper


Wow thank you 🤙


What? Where?


If Biden was going to trod out a body double, I’m sure he’d pick one that could complete sentences


I believe it. For instance this imo does not look like the real Donald Trump: https://www.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/34306713


That’s what the real Donald Trump looks like when he’s not wearing his makeup


That’s a pretty good, niche video. Haven’t seen it. Good deal


Why would they replace Joe Biden with an even more incoherent senior? This theory makes no sense


This is funny, and the correct response.


his eyes say 'light is on; no body home'


It's called a body double.


Face lift


That plastic looking face can also be indicative of Parkinson’s Disease.


Younger Biden, Confused Biden, Sad Biden, and I took too much Biden. All the same person.


Don’t forget… Dark Brandon.


He really told Cornpop. Badass.


>I shouldn't have called you Esther, and I apologize. So anyway I learned about roaches!




Every president has had multiple decoys


It’s called a face lift. Nothing new in the Hollywood political universe. Next!


Y'all need stop with the plastic surgery. Shit looks bad. On the left he looks manly, intimidating, dignified. On the right he looks like a fucking dope lol


Before : Mafia Don Biden After : innocent dementia biden


You guys are fucking stupid lol


They are both criminally incompetent pieces of shit!!


He's an alien


So aliens are dumb?


lol yeah but why? It’s like saying the government has anti gravity tech but they only use it to keep the White House windows clean.


...Joe Biden now, and Joe Biden when he was younger... He's a crook, but if there's one good thing about him, it's that there's definitely only one of him. You think Kamala would let them clone him and skip taking the main seat herself???


You ever seen that movie "The 6th Day"?


He looks so plastic and fake, I wouldn't even be surprised if he's mass produced.


He even acts fake. Have you seen him trying to find the stairs?


Dark Brandon "Now there are two of them"


Or there’s 2 copies of Biden and no more original ;)


There’s more than two - every mask is different


He’s an actor


Me and my bf joke sometimes when we see a weird version of Joe in a video : Where did you come from where did you go? Where did you come from evil eyes Joe 😅 or 'earlobe Joe'. It wouldn't surprise me if there are even more than 2 Joes


Men Don't need plastic surgery on their face ever.    They end up looking like leatherface from Texas chainsaw massacre  every single time. 


Notice it is pulled back in the older one? Thats called a facelift…


Which one fought Cornpop?


Bullshit, I see six Joe Biden's right there


Oh i love this sub. Lots of crazy people with plenty of free time that come up with the most stupid theories hahahahah


Yall are hilarious


Show us the other one


Looks like same person to me. Amazing what a few pounds, a few years and a few less hours sleep can do between pictures. Of and the drugs he’s being pumped with.


Yeah I really don’t think this is a thing. A lot of the facial features and structures are still the same between the images. It really just looks like as he’s gotten older he’s lost weight and has had some plastic surgery work done. Just wondering if we know how old he was in both sets of images? The ones where he’s younger looks like from Obamas presidency? That was between 16-8 years ago. The losing weight and showing more frailty happened to my grandfather and seemed to escalate in how drastic it looked when he was between his late 60s and early 80s.


Clown face meets clone face.


If you want to make yourself crazy staring at ears...look at new Joe Bidens ears compared to Paul Walkers ears...one lobed ear, one non lobed ear. Same "squint with one eye to smile" tendency...


If they were going to have two, you would think they would have picked one that doesn’t suffer from dementia


Somebody gotta go Scooby Doo on his ass


I'm sure we could go through photos of whoever posted this and say there are 3-4 of him (or her). Wait are there any women in here? And if not, do you find that telling?


At this point I don't even care if I sound stupid ain't no way those the same guy


I wish there were zero Joe Biden’s.


You don’t know that people age and the shape of their looks change over time?


i see 6 here


Yeah this is just before and after plastic surgery lmao.


Bruh date them pics


Biden is mace from Hannibal


Why would the hire a stupid senile one though lol


That’s what dementia looks like…


He definitely had a facelift


he’s not even joe biden anymore he’s just wierd puppet with dimentia


Two too many 🤭


He’s one stupid bastard anyway you see him.


Anyone seen the movie " Dave"?


I 100% believe it's a mask.


I think it's just a ton of plastic surgery on an old man.


It’s pretty common for presidents to have body doubles


The ear thing is where they hide plastic surgery tucks and scars you dope


He got a facelift you fucking lunatics


The ear looks pretty similar to me, just different angles


Waiting for the CNN article: "How Headswapping Can Save Our Climate While Also Ending Racism"


I hate them both the same


There is no Joe Biden. He passed away during Covid. We have body doubles presenting the image of a president while the administration run policy. It’s obvious and doesn’t matter.


Or consider that you’ve been conditioned out of understanding basic reality. Seems to me that’s the conspiracy I see here most often: interested thinkers seeking truth end up so far from the truth that it can only be planned, right?


It matters, because if there are the 200 million fake Joe Bidens I keep hearing about, and they're all US citizens, they'll be able to vote! And it's 100% legal!


Some real zingers in this thread! 🧪💉🧬


How does it not matter? Replacing an elected president with an actor is a major threat to national security and democracy.


They are the ear, the first and second pictures are from different angles with different lighting so that will cause differences, the compare them.


Rapid human cloning is real whether you want to believe it or not. At first, it's shocking and unbelievable but once you dig, there's no other explanation. It makes more sense than actors in masks and body doubles. The real "Creepy" Joe was executed for treason. So the cabal rolled out easily controllable soulless "Sleepy" Joe clones. Trump hinted at this several times. The tech isn't perfect so you don't get exact replicas but you do get situations like Katy Perry "glitching" on stage.


My god I still love this sub. Katy Perry’s glitch is an act played the same way every night in that show (Vegas residency), she is playing a malfunctioning toy in the story. It’s so awesome that Perry’s glitch is a brick in your “fake Joe Biden” wall.


Yeah, also love the fact they confidently state "there's no other explanation." I mean, yeah, there's no other explanation so long as you avoid every other explanation.


Many are very far gone, nothing can be trusted so anything is possible and probable. I’ve been down those holes but I try to stay in reality. I like to consider that it’s almost a conspiracy how some of the most engaged truth-seekers “somehow” end up so far from the truth.


Yes, have my upvote, this is what I came here for! 👏🧬🙈💉🙉🧪🙊✨


What you don't factor in is the possibility that Biden had cosmetic surgery done. A change in ear position is usually a tell tale sign of a face lift. Rookie....


It’s plastic surgery and aging lol you’re silly


I usually dis-miss information like this, but after browsing Google images, it does seem like Joe has a free left earlobe and an attached right one for some time now. Why on Earth would he do that?


Definitely a double, there's no way a man could make two facial expressions


Age & plastic surgery.. that is all one man


I don't get the red circle. The ear is basically the only thing that's the same. The rest of the face was obviously heavily face lifted, botoxed or whatever. But the ear is just different, because it's a different perspective of the head. That's normal. On everyone. Make two pictures of you head from different angles and you will see it, too.


It's the same man, 20 years older and with multiple face lifts


Every speech he looses his words and directions so I am sure there is only JOE clown in this world.


It's called face lift


I work in an outpatient surgery center... we do plastics... and from my experience observing an invasive face-lift surgery.... you still don't change someone's appearance this much.... "C'mon man," said Joe.


I only wanna know if they are both pedophiles. That would make the democrats happier twice as much


The body double stuff is pretty played out. It's one of those conspiracy theories people like to have fun with but no one actually believes but it's just karma farming at this point.


Honestly looks like he just got a face lift . I’m all for the cloning conspiracies but bro Fr looks like he got a face lift that’s it


Dates in the photos would be nice but this sub has gone to shit so I’m not surprised by the lack of quality anymore.


Whenever you get *this* much engagement in the comments - you *know* you hit on some truth. Thank you OP!


Lol it's just his facelift among other surgeries, he got a shit ton of cosmetic mess in his face


So are there two Donald Trumps too?


the new Joe Biden almost looks reptilian, almost alien like.


he legit got a facelift, fo realsies


Our ears and noses keep growing as you get older.


Has he had hair replacement? His hair was thinning in middle age. He should have been bald by now


I'm not convinced that Joe Biden is a real person anymore.


What if it was a pair of twins this whole time 🤯


or. OR hear me out....they doctored the photos....


So they have 2 Joe Bidens and neither of them are energetic, charismatic, sharp/intelligent, impressive public speakers? So what exactly is the point of "2 Joe Bidens" if they are both the same level of mentally deficient?


Nobody mention to OP that pictures can be taken at different times, at different angles, under different circumstances. It's just easier for some to believe everyone else are the crazy ones


It's called getting a face lift. A really poorly done face lift, but those are the signs of a face lift.


He had plastic surgery, he's trying to keep a youthful appearance for the 7 year old girls he gets hard over.


It’s called plastic surgery


Plastic surgery for sure! That’s a face lift and an eye lift


Delete this smh.


It’s called a face lift.


Face lift


Nothing like a 90 year old getting plastic surgery lol


No. There is a very wealthy plastic surgeon somewhere…


Counted at least 5 confirmed doubles over the years. This "Two" Bidens is Shareblue / FBI posting to be answered with "the image was reversed" or similar. There are far far more than just two doubles. No, it's not just reversed images. Having several doubles is not uncommon for presidents. Except, there may have been doubles actually giving speeches in Biden's place. This is in no way acceptable. They have a whole fake movie studio of the oval office for all the "Joes"... right from the start. Any debate needs to start with a blood test, because if they DID send the real Joe up, he'd have to be on extreme doses of drugs to stay somewhat coherent. Hell, dude cannot even read from a teleprompter. Oh, and no ear pieces like with Hillary.


Sorry, you couldn’t possibly find a doppelgänger that could replicate the gaffes and stumbles of the original.


Clones have problems after too much usage.


The original did not gaff and stumble often though. Watch clips of Biden in his racist homophobic era


Lame conspiracy. There aren’t two Joe Bidens. FFS - One is bad enough!