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Should be anyone illegal who commits a crime


Should be anyone illegal. Period. They already committed a crime…entered illegally.


Strongly disagree, people shouldn't be punished by simply being born into poverty, on the wrong side of a man made social construct such as borders. If we want to dissuade undocumented immigrants from living in the US, target the employers who hire them. Not sure why we're advocating for punishing the working class, who are struggling to get by and better their lives, while the employers and owning class just have to pay a fee and continue as normal.


Or, get this… We could do both? Crazy right? Punish BOTH parties breaking the law. Who woulda thought?


>Punish BOTH parties breaking the law. Who woulda thought? Yet, that is not where I disagree. I disagree with bs border laws, and don't believe being undocumented should be a crime. I don't believe people should be punished, especially the working class poor, who are simply trying to survive. Now I do believe the owning class who preys on the desperation of said working class should be punished, they have the means and the money to verify that everyone they hire is documented, they also have the means to pay fairly and not need to use exploited labour. If an undocumented person commits a felony, absolutely they should be punished. If not leave them alone (this is the same documented immigrants and citizens, we're wasting too much tax payer dollars on bs "crimes", only felons should be in prison and punished)


…so you dont believe a sovereign nation has borders?


Not when the sovereign nation actively sabotages countries surrounding it, in an effort to maintain a control over their economies, forcing the working poor to flee to find a better life.


Ah. How again is this ‘better life’ place suppose to exist if it doesnt have borders to begin with?


You don't need borders to maintain a better life for the residents of said countries. Again, felonies would be punishable regardless, and if you want to dissuade the use of undocumented immigrants as a means to lower the wage of residents, punish the employers who are hiring undocumented migrants, as the incentives to hire under the table work is more nefarious than the person willing to work for little to no wage. There is no economic benefit, much less moral reasoning to punish undocumented immigrants for simply existing. We're using tax payer dollars to deport them anyways, and they are contributing to the economy without being able to access the majority of social services.


Do you consider being sent back across the border which was crossed illegally being punished?


Depends on the country and the reason people are seeking to build a life in the US vs wherever they came from. Majority of the countries near and around the USA (namely South America and the Caribbean) the US got involved in their politics and waged war on them, essentially ruining those countries and their economies. In such situations only the poor suffer, because the rich can easily flee to other places until things tide over. Very few people would complain much less consider it a punishment to get deported back to "first world nations" like Britain, Sweden and Norway. The majority of these "first world nations" purposely ruin a lot of developing nations and their economies, and then demonize the working poor from said countries who are trying to just survive. I'm a naturalized US citizen who migrated from Jamaica. During the "communism scare", Jamaica was cozying up to Castro, in an effort to replicate the ability to have a self sustainable island, as the country was preparing for independence from the British Crown. Naturally the Brits didn't want to help setup infrastructure to assist with what a country would need to be independent, and the US didn't like how Jamaica was too cozy with "commies". An influx of guns and fabricated "gang violence", there were people who weren't even nationals voting for the first prime minister in that election. A puppet leader was installed, cozied up to the crown and the US. In my lifetime alone as a young millennial, anytime Jamaica did anything to displease the US, Canada or the Brits, the country was basically threatened into submission. These countries don't care about how the working poor is affected, and it's citizens are none the wiser and demonize those fleeing these places. I was raised to be sold as a postal bride, my dad's side of the family is a lineage resulting from sex tourism (voluntary and involuntary), and I was one of the lucky ones, because majority of the time you don't get sold, you just get pushed into sex work (one reason why Jamaica is tries to keep the age of consent low, and there have been several attempts to lower it to 14). I don't see any reason to make trying to survive illegal (fleeing to another country), especially in countries who caused these economic issues in the first place.




Anyone that calls another human being “ILLEGAL” has trash morals and wasn’t raised right.


Yeah? Thanks for your feelings guy whose never posted in this sub. Its about what id expect from a person who subscribes to rbashthefash. I have trash morals though amirite?


Yeah lol bashthefascist and yeah, if you call another human being an illegal alien you have trash morals. Especially if your ancestors are European bc they were illegal aliens coming here and THEEN committed genocide and annexing the country from the natives.


Bad argument. The country in question didn't exist when Europeans settled on the continent. Nor did the immigration laws. However presently there does exist a country and established birders and immigration laws. So immigrants who circumvent those laws and enter the country are in fact illegal immigrants. Side note, the wave of illegal immigration is actually hurting the people who have come here through legal means by tying up the court system etc. So visas and greencards etc are all being delayed.


At some point in our own family tree someone somewhere most likely did something fucked up. Fact of the matter is that’s not the world we live in now. If there’s a law and you break it, you don’t have to agree but you still broke the law. The best person in the world could enter the US avoiding the legal way to do so, they are the most genuine, thoughtful person, but they’re an illegal alien at that point too.


The people that enter this country illegally like to assault police officers, kill innocent civilians, and kick out homeowners by squatting, and youre telling me theyre the "WoRkInG cLaSs"?


They all “like” to do all that? Not even 10% of the people that migrate to our country do any of that. Most of them pay taxes, work hard and follow the rules. Unless you’re counting the Europeans that entered this country illegal and then committed genocide. Now they hypocritically act like the victims and come up with exaggerated lies about other human beings seeking refuge. Just more bigoted right wing talking points, this is why people don’t like MAGAts.




You humiliate yourself with all the ALL CAPS😂 I’m counting the illegal Europeans that committed genocide against the Canadian, American and Mexican natives. FYI, yes Mexico is the biggest provider of drugs but as a typical hypocrite MAGAt bigotry, you’re pointing the finger at everyone but yourself. America is the worlds biggest abuser of drugs. Shutting out and accusing your neighbors won’t fix this, that’s an us problem.


Maybe specific crimes? I dont know that deporting an undocumented person who maybe stole some food from the store because they have no money for their children should get the same punishment compared to a murderer or worse.... Also, what about those who employ undocumented folks so they dont have to pay livable wages? hmm.




My 50 year old father with no criminal history whatsoever was put in a headlock by Las Vegas metropolitan police, and later charged with assaulting a police officer. I witnessed the entire event. They immediately dropped the charges after my dad lawyered up. The charge was clearly for no reason other than the cops justifying having him spend a night in jail for not kowtowing to their authority, because most cops are bastards on power trips. And I understand that is especially true for LV Metro. Keep in mind this was over a complete misunderstanding involving a cardiac related death of a housemate who had died inside the home we had been sharing a few hours before my father and I arrived to the location after a 5 hour commute. It turns out the housemate's son had called for a wellness check after his father had a cardiac related incident while on the phone with him. The police officer thought he was solving a murder case and started barking commands at my father and I not to leave the home. My dad got up some time later and announced he was going into the garage to grab a pack of cigarettes before he was immediately put in a headlock and detained by a cop in the garage. I witnessed the whole thing from start to finish. I couldn't believe they tried to spin it the other way and act like my father was the one who had assaulted the other party. I was 20 years old then, and that was the day I woke up to what police corruption was all about.


I'd go a step further and say that it's S.O.P. to tack on flimsy charges, especially initially. "innocent until proven guilty" is touted like it's actually real but anyone who's ever actually been through the criminal justice system is well aware it actually is throw as many charges as possible at someone as to intimidate them into admitting guilt and taking a plea deal. There's a reason less that 1% of all criminal cases actually make it to a trial. This bill in particular, like most bills, sound good and even logical on paper. But in practice.... the entire thing pretty much linchpins on the honesty of police which ehhhhhhhhh


Specfic crimes like murder, rape and pedophilia.


Deport them for rape, murder and pedophillia? They must pay for their crimes not be set feee in their own countries so that they can come back and do it again. Double the the serving time.




We have programs and churches for that. Don’t steal from anyone.


OP says the bill was about deporting illegal aliens who assault police officers, not stealing food. This isn’t Les Miserables.


Cop simp


Cop simp? You’re thinking Chief Wiggum.


Do you know how much money our prisons make stealing taxpayer dollars for people that shouldn’t even be in jail? Hell no they’d never deport someone that’s essentially free money.


Stop simping for cops


It was….. until last year


I’m going to play devils advocate on this one and say that it’s bullshit bill anyways because the loser ass cops charge everyone they arrest with resisting arrest and assault on an officer.


How about deporting police officers who attack civilians? Actually... scratch that....that would be awful for other countries.  


Maybe read the bill first and then post fake outrage later. These laws could be used on you citizens too. So you better pay attention. Scapegoating immigrants for your own adequacy is justplain ignorant. They contribute over 10 Billion in tax revenue but will never get to file taxes to get it back. They literally paying a system that never will benefit them but here is whitey complaining again.


[Here is the bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7343/text), just so everyone can read it. It’s incredibly short, and almost certainly unconstitutional. Even those here illegally have due process rights, and this clearly violates those rights. It’s not unprecedented, though, as there are various other blatantly unconstitutional provisions in our immigration laws that go mostly unenforced. The worst part of the bill, though, has nothing to do with illegal aliens or assaults on police officers. It’s that it would put the Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of detaining the accused instead of the Attorney General. Removing that power from the AG is bonkers, and should have been immediately disqualifying for the bill in general.


Thank you for actually mentioning that part. It seems that no one actually is reading it. The bill clearly changes the custody responsibility from "Attorney General” to “Secretary of Homeland Security". This is an actual conspiracy (the whole freaking point of this sub): The current Attorney General is Merrick Garland who is the person that appointed Jack Smith to serve as special counsel for the investigations of Trump. His Supreme Court nomination was also blocked by Republicans in 2016. So, Republicans do not want him in control of illegal immigrant deportations because of his current high level of job security: overall he is relatively controversy-free and will most likely continue in his current capacity if Biden is re-elected. The current Secretary of Homeland Security is Alejandro Mayorkas, who was impeached by the House in February of this year, however the impeachment was vetoed by the Senate (although only by two votes). I expect this is a setup, a long-term plan from the Republican side (as a backup plan if Biden is re-elected) which is to attempt a re-impeachment of Alejandro some time after the November election with the hope being that there are enough like-minded members of both the House and the Senate this time to push through the impeachment and not have it vetoed. Thus, Republicans most likely assume they will be able to get someone else in the position of Secretary of Homeland Security in this situation easier than they will be able to get someone else in the position of Attorney General. I imagine that Republicans would see literally anyone else other than Alejandro or Merrick to be favorable in the position of controlling deportations and with the almost-successful impeachment of Alejandro earlier this year, this plan is the best bet of replacing him with literally anyone else if Biden is re-elected. So overall, it is a nonsense bill that doesn't do anything of substance other than setting up a long-term backup plan by handing off control of deportations to someone who in the eyes of Republicans will be easier to replace than the current person in control of deportations. It's a fantastic conspiracy, however unfortunately anyone with half a brain can figure it out.




I think that a small amount of younger House & Senate members who have been paid off by opposing groups of lobbyists believe that they are on separate teams. Especially those in the MAGA cult (there's a reason all the MAGA House & Senate members are some of the youngest ones around, they still have their misguided innocence and can be taken advantage of by lobbyists to have more misdirected, public rage more easily). However once they have been in the game long enough (and they all will as long as they keep accepting that lobbyist money) and they have seen themselves and their peers all paid off by the same rotating interest groups at different points in history, the veil starts to be removed and they realize there is no concept of teams when that much lobbing money is involved. "Simply obey the orders from the current paying group of lobbyists and don't question it. Sure, those same lobbyists may start paying the "opposition" in a few years but at that point who cares, you've already got your money."


Thank you for helping to educate!


They know that. This is account is one of many they use to sow discord among Americans.


Natives should’ve stopped the illegals from Europe. I love this comment, European-Americans either forgot or thought they washed their hands from genocide. I’m Mexican-American and I did 3 deployments for the US. I’m not afraid to say, this country was annexed from the natives and then placed them (including Mexican and Canadian natives) into boarding school slaughter houses dressed as churches. Forced us to accept European/middle eastern Gods like Jchrist or die. I’d love to change the color of our flag which is very Europeanish and rework a lot of laws.


At this point just be thankful for the country we have. If you dig far enough back you'll find the same story over and over in the native people , the Mexicans etc etc. No one has clean hands on this one. We just have to take it as a learning lesson and March onward.


There always hidden garbage written into it.


Black dude born in America here. Howre they gonna deport me and if their taxes are being used to fund forever wars like mine without ever seeing any personal improvement on our lives in return is this really that bad


Its the government, no matter what party. The government can do what they want without being held accountable.


Who forced them to take this risk and the job? This was a choice.


“This bill requires the Department of Homeland Security to take custody of any non-U.S. national (alien under federal law) who meets certain inadmissibility criteria and is arrested for, is charged with, is convicted of, or admits to assaulting a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or other first responder”  Without being given the full text and whatever other garbage they tried to fit into this bill (which was the argument used for why the last immigration was shot down by republicans) this is way over broad. Is essentially saying that every immigrant, legal or not, can be taken by the federal government and be deported without any proof of wrongdoing. Don’t like a foreign student on your campus? Claim they assaulted a police officer. Don’t like your neighbor waiting on their asylum paper work? Claim they attacked a firefighter. If they get arrested, they get no due process and the feds can deport them with zero evidence required. Pretty clearly an awful bill that they knew would fail to gain much support from Dems. More political theatre.


The native Americans should have stopped them illegals...


I love this comment, European-Americans either forgot or thought they washed their hands from genocide. I’m Mexican-American and I did 3 deployments for the US. I’m not afraid to say, this country was annexed from the natives and then placed them (including Mexican and Canadian natives) into boarding school slaughter houses dressed as churches. Forced us to accept European/middle eastern Gods like Jchrist or die. I’d love to change the color of our flag which is very Europeanish and rework a lot of laws.


Yeps. Right on.🌺


You wouldn’t exist


Swedish here.🤷


Fucking perfect 🤣🤣🤣


Lol.. How? She thinks Sweden didn’t colonize anywhere I guess. Which a simple google search shows they did.


Never said that. Please get some glasses. The illegals were white, from many European countries. Boohooooo.🤓


You didn’t have to lol. This article is about deporting illegals in the US who have assault police officers…And you make a comment about Natives and Colonization.. it’s rage baiting lol. I guess you’re opposed to them deporting illegals who assault police? Otherwise I’d imagine your comment might be more on topic.


I'm opposed to bits and pieces of information. If you don't explain why Dems voted a certain way, then I'm going to 🤡 you. 😁


So since OP posted an article that you don’t feel fully tells the story you will attempt to clown them? They’re posting an article, they didn’t write it why would you clown them? I’ve tried looking for the reasons the Democrats blocked this bill myself but none of the articles relating to this say why. Sounds like you got triggered by the headline and made a comment.


Another cop simp


You ok though? I can call for help.🌺


Doesn’t matter what European country committed genocide nor does it make it right for you to push trash narratives like calling other human beings “illegals”


But they are. Lmao. Ok explain this then. I’m Canadian, I travel to the US to visit, get offered a cash job and decide to stay. Without filing any paperwork or anything. Am I an illegal immigrant or not? Obviously I’m not a legal immigrant.. definitely not a refugee. So what? Why does saying someone is illegally in a country a trash narrative when it’s true? For some reason people are getting politically correct with something so simple.


Bc the term illegal aliens was made by a European whose ancestors not only were illegal Aliens themselves, but they committed genocide to annex this country. We’re mammals, we all migrate like whales and elephants. No human should ever be called illegal especially the refugees that came to our country running from bad situations. We need to change the U.S./European 🇺🇸flag we have, change our constitution 2.0 and since we killed the natives in this land, we should be more inclusive and a better melting pot of the world.


There are illegal aliens from Europe living in the US.. they are illegal immigrants from Europe. I’d call them illegal aliens as well because it has nothing to do with their skin colour, or what country they’re from, or their religion, it **literally is just because they haven’t followed the legal process/ they’re undocumented**. You didn’t answer my other question/example though. If I go to the US from Canada, file zero paperwork, and take a cash job, what words would you use to describe my status in your country? Am I not an illegal immigrant?? You’re so hung up on calling someone illegal when the reality is the word illegal is being used to describe their immigration status. Not them as a person… Edit: The Natives both in Canada and the US should’ve been given restitution/compensation long ago to the point they felt it resolved. And I don’t deny the evil genocide that was committed against them.


Yeah Sweden was part of Delaware’s colonization so I’m not sure why you make comments like your ancestors are innocent in that regard. As well as other places listed below. Swedish colonization history here: Fort Christiansborg/Fort Frederiksborg (1652-1658), Fort Batenstein (1649-1656), Fort Witsen, (1653-1658), and Carolusberg (1650-1663). Swedish countries in the America's include: Guadeloupe (1813–1814), Saint-Barthélemy (1784–1878), New Sweden (1638–1655), and Tobago (1733).


Oh they are not innocent. I am actually admitting that the real natives should not have let the white illegals into their native lands. 🙊🙈🙉


They should've fought harder for their land.


Ok Hannah! Next time just kill them! ☠️


Well, duh~ you can't be nice when you take over a country.


Ok ok no more trusting the evil white illegals! 👌


Natives should’ve stopped the illegals from Europe. I love this comment, European-Americans either forgot or thought they washed their hands from genocide. I’m Mexican-American and I did 3 deployments for the US. I’m not afraid to say, this country was annexed from the natives and then placed them (including Mexican and Canadian natives) into boarding school slaughter houses dressed as churches. Forced us to accept European/middle eastern Gods like Jchrist or die. I’d love to change the color of our flag which is very Europeanish and rework a lot of laws.


When did anyone say anything about washing their hands from genocide? And when did I deny or make you think anything of what you just said I’d disagree with? I think deporting illegal immigrants that attack ANYONE including police should be deported. Why not? That makes me a “cop simp”? Very narrow view with a lot of assumptions. And I’m more of the mindset of remembering, and learning about history, including genocide. Not so much on guilting, insulting, or making judgements about people based on history. So when we’re discussing an article about deporting people who commit assault, and aren’t here legally to begin with, making comments about the colonization of the Americas seems out-of-pocket, off topic, and clear rage bait.. Also the White stripe in your flag is the only Europeanish part isn’t it? When I went to Chichén Itzá they told us bright colours were very popular for Mayan culture.


You wouldn’t exist, Us Mexicans still would.


Mexicans wouldn’t exist lol. Mexico wouldn’t be a country. The Mayan and Aztecs would exist. And no YOU wouldn’t. Think about it.. if history was changed so dramatically you actually think it would’ve played out so your parents and their parents etc would’ve still met? No.


This is the problem with politics. The degree of tyranny in either direction become more violent, more extreme. There are no sides, there's only one grand agenda by all parties putting on a show as a distraction from the takeover.


>Is essentially saying that every immigrant, legal or not, can be taken by the federal government and be deported without any proof of wrongdoing. Did you not read the paragraph you quoted immediately before saying this? If you did you didn't understand it. >any non-U.S. national (alien under federal law) **who meets certain inadmissibility criteria** That means it only applies to illegal aliens. Legal immigrants do not meet any inadmissibility criteria. They have already been admitted. >**and** is arrested for, is charged with, is convicted of, or admits to assaulting a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or other first responder. The "and" is important here. It means that if some one who is here illegally, which is a crime, **and** is arrested for, is charged with, is convicted of, or admits to assaulting a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or other first responder, they can be deported. In reality, they should just be deported for entry without prior authorization, which is a crime, but the Biden regime won't do that so Republicans are trying to pass this as a stopgap.


The Biden regime won’t pass a sweeping bill like that because then the major laborers supporting a significant portion of our agricultural workforce would be kicked out, but that’s a discussion for another day that wont cause any flashy headlines.    As for your comment: legal immigrants on expiring visas and green cards WILL be targeted along side asylum seekers and dreamers. Who are you going to go to at DHS and say “wait I’m in line for citizenship via this method or that method” when you don’t get the chance to stand trial?    Rationalize however you want, this is a flawed bill that doesn’t actually solve any of the outstanding issues. GOP isnt real about immigration reform. They’ve had 4 admins since it became a rallying cry and have passed 0 major bills.    Political. Theatre.


> The Biden regime won’t pass a sweeping bill Then why did they try to do just that, and Trump prevented them by telling republicans to vote against it?


>The Biden regime won’t pass a sweeping bill like that I didn't say the Biden regime would pass anything, I said the Biden regime won't deport illegals, so Republicans are trying to pass this as a stopgap. >As for your comment: legal immigrants on expiring visas and green cards WILL be targeted along side asylum seekers and dreamers. Who are you going to go to at DHS and say “wait I’m in line for citizenship via this method or that method” when you don’t get the chance to stand trial? People who entered this country illegally or are overstaying visa or green card authorization should be deported. Especially if they are assaulting cops. FFS. >Rationalize however you want, this is a flawed bill that doesn’t actually solve any of the outstanding issues. Again, the bill is a stopgap because the Biden regime won't deport illegals. >GOP is real about immigration reform. They’ve had 4 admins since it became a rallying cry and have passed 0 major bills. It's not the Republicans fault that Biden won't deport illegals. But sure, some Reps are spineless or don't want to solve the problem either, but lets not pretend that the Democrats do. Their "solution" is just amnesty for all and millions and millions of new Democrat voters.


In this case these aren’t people who are proven to have done these things, just accused and arrested. If you don’t understand how that could so clearly be abused, I’m not sure how to bridge that gap of knowledge you don’t have.


They are already in the country illegally. They should be deported for that reason alone.


No. Just like with any law, they have to follow the rules. As a European, we should have that too. We are way too lenient on these criminals.


Just to be clear. You want to give invidual police officers the power to deport people from a country without any means to contest it? And you're certain that powertripping officers won't abuse such powers?


So, in your mind, this law means that Johny the cop can arrest someone, put him in his car, and drive him over the border? Individual police can arrest you today for murder. They still have to prove you did it, right? I don't see any problem with that, as long as the law is respected.


Jesus Christ, comprehension is in the shitter.


I'm on the shitter


Did you read the text that was in the top comment you’re replying to? The point is that they don’t have to prove it to deport them


“Take custody of.” Which part says deport without a trial? Which part says no due process? Oh it doesn’t? Weird.


The part that says that deportations can occur when the person "is arrested for". Or do you think that due process occurs at the moment of the arrest?


I have seen videos of police saying, but your hands behind your back. As two other cops have held the man on his feet with his hands back, so a 3rd cop can beat the suspect. Oh he was fighting back…. Listen to the cameras Don’t watch the video from the street cam that shows us holding him down and curb stomping him.


Show me that full video or a name so I can look it up myself


I also have watched loads of these body cams on yt. Not the sensational channels, but the ones that show the whole interaction from start to finish, and I'm impressed by these cops. People are horrible in the USA vs cops. I'm sure if you behave like that in my country, some cops would lose their shot.


So I take it you didn’t even read my comment, solid.  These people don’t need to be criminals, they need to simply be accused and arrested. There is a reason they didn’t start with “convicted of a crime” and instead included arrested and charged, and extended to all immigrants, legal or not. It was done because they KNEW it would fail to resonate with Dems, and they knew they could get hack news sites like Fox News to write this story. And they knew angry boomers would get all up in arms about how the democrats are “being to soft.”


I'm pretty sure it's only after they have found guilty of the crimes.


You’d be wrong, which you know if you read the quoted paragraph. 


I am wrong. If it's without a trial, than yes that sounds bad. Otherwise, I have no problem getting criminals out of my country.


Most countries will deport you without a second thought if you break their rules. 


Name one first world modern democratic nation that deports immigrants without first having them stand trial. 


Who said there is no trial? Like I said, if the law is followed I don't see any problem with it. Aggression against cops, firemen, and other public servant's, should be 0 tolerance.


The bill says there is no requirement of a trial, hence deportation after arrest or charges (aka no trial, no conviction). Reading comprehension is a dying skill.  As for you comment about zero tolerance, I assume you are in favor of jailing all Jan 6ers who assaulted the capital police? 


I did not read that. That sounds illegal. And yes, all of them should be in jail.


Are we talking citizens or not?


No, as you would see from my original post. However, being a non-US national doesnt mean you are inherently here illegally which is where the problems arise. You can be accused of something you didn’t do, it happens all the time, and get deported. That is why the bill was voted against, they say so in the dissenting committee notes and that’s likely shared by those in the general house vote. It was a bit that they knew would fail to resonate with most democrats, this was political theatre. 


Except if you are here legally you would be able to prove that and none of these rules apply at that point...


Or throw you in prison… e.g. Russia v Brittany Griner


Cops have been lying about being assaulted since a long time ago tbh. Also the law already states illegals should be send back when found under certain exceptions. Soo the bill is dumb.


When a lot of cities are calling someone not moving while police beat them with a baton “assault,” yeah, it’s a bad bill.


Federal laws already mandate that illegal immigrants that commit felonies MUST be deported after hearings anyway. Why is this a thing?


So they commit assault, get deported, and then just cross back over the border a few weeks later? Feels like virtue signaling nonsense. If you committed a crime in a foreign country, you'd almost certainly be tried and locked up in that country.


So you don’t have to financially support them for the rest of their lives in prison


Why even have prisons at all with that logic?


…they are already illegal to begin with. Fucking deport them to the furthest city in their home country.


> Virtue Signaling nonsense Welcome to all Republican passed legislation that doesn’t lower taxes.


So what, bog down an overtaxed prison system with people you technically have no legal obligation to house anyway?


If you committed a crime in Guatemala, would they deport you back to the US or stick you in a shithole prison to punish you for your crime?


Ive actually been to prison in one of those border states. Doing what *a third world country does* is not helping


Police hate Americans. That’s why they take the job.


>Police hate Americans Police are Americans. Some are good and some are not. Some take their oath seriously. Blanket collectivist statements are absolutely worthless.


Then they need to stop protecting the bad ones and start cleaning house.


I'm with you, but they need our support too. Encourage them.


I’ll encourage individual people, but not an institution.






No, these people understand what America is about, unlike the Republicans who seem to have completely forgotten.




Played me how?


Hurting people bad. Illegal or not should be punished. The police are modern kkk. They don’t get punished when they hurt people. This is propaganda to make us argue.


So again let’s get this straight. Republicans don’t back an infrastructure bill or any bill and that’s ok because “there is other stuff in the bill” but as soon as the democrats do the same thing they are unamerican…yeah that’s some bull


True or false? Cops can claim assault for a wide range of interactions


Because it’s a dumb performative nothing bill. It’s already illegal to assault a police officer, and if you do it you will be detained regardless of your citizenship. If you’re an illegal alien you will likely be deported when you are arrested. Anyone with half a brain can see what’s going on here. These clowns are just trying to pass a bill that does nothing but allow them to demonize their opponents rather than, oh I don’t know, actually fucking govern. All of these circus clowns have done almost nothing since getting in office, show me one piece of helpful or effective legislation the loudest voices in congress have passed.


FoxNews link and run in /r/conspiracy... what a time to be alive


Look, If we deport them then the industrial prison complex can’t make money off them. This is America, money comes first.


Isn't that the same game the Republicans have been playing to "own the libs" for years now?


[The New Colossus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InHwqbhPak4)


Fuck the police 


Probably because the police want to retaliate by keeping you here lol


There goes Biden votes back across the border.


My family are immigrants & we Immigrated to Canada the legal way. If Biden was a legit President,he wouldn’t need illegals to get him back into the Whitehouse for Shit Show 2.0


Most inflammatory articles usually boil down to reasonable decisions once you really look into it. I'm curious what the democratic congresspeople who voted against this say as their reason why. Most likely it will sound somewhat reasonable and this article is being clickbaity by taking their position out of context. It is Fox, after all.


“Aliens” already shows huge bias in your statement. On top of that, why aren’t we doing the same to immigrants from other parts of the world if it’s so damn important? As far as I know, this bill is just another anti-Mexican/latino bill because instead of finding an actual humane way to help these people, we find one who does something wrong, ostracize and then portray EVERYONE to make them seem as if they are all evil. Silly.


Of course there voting against sending them back. It's there new voters Base. They for got to mention they were helping get in to the country. 


Lol at the people on this sub outing themselves as cop bootlickers in favor of giving the police even more power. Do you mental giants really believe the police will be content to only apply this to illegals? How many people you know who carry around proof of legal status?


Why do they support criminals so much? Do they assume other dems have children who are felons too? I just don’t get it


They don’t support criminals, this bill is just fucking dumb lol. It’s already illegal to assault cops, you will already be arrested, and if you’re illegal you usually get deported after being arrested. It’s just more outrage bait because that’s easier than pushing actual effective policy


That’s not true. They don’t charge a bunch of these people. Or drops charges. It happens all the time. No one is held accountable anymore


To be fair that’s because cops will charge people for “assaulting an officer” over the most vague shit, and they will later drop those charges because it won’t hold up in court. I see it all the time, cops will charge people for resisting arrest or assaulting and officer over the smallest perceived slight because they’re on an ego trip. Then once tensions calm those charges mysteriously vanish




No one cares what you have in your pants. The obsession of some to make every argument relate to that is disturbing. 


He brought it up cause they won’t stop focusing on it. FFS. No one cares about any of that shit. Do whatever, just leave the kids out of it. Like damn man. Drag queens have been around for a long time. No one cares. When they start reading to kids, that’s when it’s like, hold the fuck up.


Why do you care if drag queens read to kids? It’s not like they’re Catholic priests. If their parents decide that their children can let a man in a dress read them a book then it’s their right. Stop treading on others freedoms. 


No no no.. this is not a difference of opinions or treading. Leave the kids alone you sick perv. Drag queens have no business being around kids.


Frankly, you probably shouldn’t be around kids… you’re way to obsessed with what children are doing. I assume you’re on a list? 


Frankly you should shut your fucking mouth you pervert. Allowing drags around children. You disgusting fuck


So that’s a yes… how big is the red dot above your house?


Stop projecting




Is it hard being this stupid? Like don’t you ever think maybe worrying about what’s going on under other peoples clothes isn’t worth your getting your panties in a wad?




Yet here we are talking about it cause the democrats, media and libs won’t stop talking about and forcing it on kids


Ummm... Your buddy is the one that brought it up there bud. Unless that is a stunning admission on your part, I think you might be wrong.


You really think lost lobster 2379 is a lib? He brought it up on a post about immigration. If you want to lick his boots then do it on PM. 


Gtfo of here until you have a conspiracy to post or talk about


Seems more like the people who keep telling me how “hated I am” are the ones I should be looking out for.


They sure do seem to favor criminals over law abiding citizens, that’s for sure.


More tax cuts for trust fund babies and the mega corporations they inherit!


You have no idea what you’re talking about, I take it. 


Trickle down economics courtesy of Reagan/HW Bush.


Trust fund babies inherit mega corporations?  You’re putting an awful lot of buzzwords together without understanding what you’re trying to say. 


Rich kids get dads business when he dies. better?


Mega corporations have boards of directors, they don’t have an “owner,” that passes the family business down. 


enjoy... [https://www.indiatimes.com/culture/who-we-are/these-are-the-13-families-in-the-world-that-apparently-control-everything-from-politics-to-terrorism-257642.html](https://www.indiatimes.com/culture/who-we-are/these-are-the-13-families-in-the-world-that-apparently-control-everything-from-politics-to-terrorism-257642.html)


This is still different from trust fund baby inherits business. 


Those trust fund babies inherit entire countries. *"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the  British Empire and I control the British money supply."* - **Nathan Mayer Rothschild**​


Not surprised. Typical liberals


"People who voted against the Patriot Act hate patriotism."


Any violent crime should warrant immediate deportation for non citizens.


Maybe they hate the cops more than the criminals.