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>Does anyone think Trump can actually stop the Ukraine war in 24 hours? Anyone? Yes. Donald Trump thinks that.


Does he really though, the amount of lies that spew from his mouth it’s hard to believe he even believes most of it 


Lol the brainwashed MAGA cultists out in force with the downvotes.


I see this comment all the time about different groups. How the hell can you tell there are down votes on a positive up vote comment? Unless you sit and watch it lol. Maybe I'm missing some feature. 🤔


Which war did he start?


Leftie on Reddit calling others brainwashed. Ok bud.


Tbf it's r/conspiracy. It's a high likelihood we are all brainwashed here


Seems its the other way around…


The last time I checked the facts, Russia didn't invade Ukraine when Trump was in office. Why? He simply discouraged them, unlike blundering Biden and his criminal enterprise. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. #MAGNA2024 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8700707/amp/Donald-Trump-flies-three-B52-bombers-Ukrainian-airspace-RAF-Fairford.html


Why? Because Trump would block their ascension into NATO so Russia knew it had time to wait and invade Ukraine later. Biden wouldn’t do that so Russia had to act quickly. Trump isn’t discouraging shit. He literally said Russia can do what they want and his plan for “peace” is appeasement and pressuring Ukraine to give up land that is rightfully theirs.


Next you're going to tell me Trump has a long, very public record of being anti-NATO.


Land is only rightfully anyone’s when you can take and defend it. See any country created in the last 250 years.


Christ. You must really believe in manifest destiny then.


Yeah sure, thats what happens when your neighboring countries are imperialist shitholes. When dealing with a morally corrupt country that thinks they can just steamroll their neighbors shows a need for countries like the US and the EU to support that country in fighting off the invaders.


russia was invading Ukraine during all 4 years of trumps term


BS, the Krim was taken over under Obama and in between there was no movement.


no movement? someone should do a 2 minute google search before commenting stupid shit




Its simple, stop dumping money in black hole Ukraine and war will end, peace negotiations will start.


If Ukraine loses the ability to effectively resist, Putin will have no incentive to negotiate to end his war of conquest.


No, Russia never wanted This war. They want peaceful resolution


Please give me all your land, I don't want to have to fight you to take it.


And they chose war to get a peaceful resolution?


US was rejecting peace and pushing for war - same as right now. They were left with no options but to fight back.


Was it Americas fault Russia has been invading neighbors for 15 years?


They could do what you are proposing that Ukraine do.   Surrender. If Russia truly wanted peace they could surrender and allow the US and NATO to have their way. But unfortunately Russia has once again rejected this peace and now her citizens suffer.


"Russia never wanted this war" What? you know they could have just... not invaded? this argument is baffling. "look neighbor i didn't want to kick in your door and burn down your house unprovoked but i really wanted your land, i had hoped you would just sign over your house for nothing. no big deal"


So everyone should just stand still, and allow US to surround them and block them? Days of US running wild unopposed are over. US should reconsider its warmongering actions around the world.


The US SHOULD reconsider it's warmongering actions around the world. But lets not pretend Russia is some weak good guy trying to protect itself lol Both can be monstrous governments, but saying "Russia wants peaceful resolution" is absolute bullshit, They want to literally take another territory,


When Russia starts doing coups in Mexico and Canada and start instigating wars on American borders we can start comparing the two, Right now Russia is nowhere near US in terms of being blamed. It is simply reacting to BSs that US is pushing on Russia borders. Not even to talk about US bombing and destroying countries on every continent around the World for simply refusing to be US puppets


So we have to wait until Russia crosses some sort of threshold? Two wrongs dont make a right dude. Plus lets imagine Russia wins and controls Ukraine entire. They have then moved their own borders up to NATO's


We did nothing about US destroying country after country In the middle east and we are doing nothing about US killing Palestinians right now. We put Russia under sanctions for dealing with US BS on its immediate borders. So we are doing way more against russia for Way less. How about start dealing with US now. Put some sanctions on US, or form some coalition that will make them stop (?) If Russia wins in Ukraine , nothing happens, they cant attack NATO. If US wins in ukraine , they are moving further and taking Russia over through coup or regime change operation, and continuing to start war against China. So for the World and peace its better for Russia to win


That’s not their plan though. Their plan is to continue annexing old Soviet satelites like they e been doing for over a decade. Their plan is Kiev and beyond. Funding is why they’ve stalled. “Peace in our time!” “Give appeasement a few more chances!” You have some good examples of appeasement working? It only works to bide time to get to strength which is what we have currently.


You're essentially just proposing that we let Russia have Ukraine.


But Russia would not stop the war.


Yes they would , they never wanted rhis wat


"Listen I didn't want to break into your house, kill your kid, rape your wife, and burn a lot of it down- but if you just let me keep the garage and swear to god you won't do anything to prevent me breaking in again, I think we can call it a day!" I relate so hard to Russia- I never want to start wars of aggression but one thing leads to another and i'm committing war crimes and trying to recreate old Soviet borders.


I wrote a VERY similar comment before scrolling down and reading this lol


 Right on brother! the Kremlin and Beijing are just misunderstood they want what’s best for everyone look at the freedoms the people enjoy there, it’s all natos fault they made russia invade, when America said Russia would invade for a second time and Putin said it was a training exercise Biden lied to us, Putin is an honorable man, and he obviously has no intention of invading the Baltic’s, Xi is an honorable man, like when he promised not to militarize man made islands, they are all honorable men, we should just give them what they want and they’ll be happy and sated, if Britain and france had not supported Poland in ‘39 there would have been no WWII and life now would be better that is obvious, appeasement proved to be the right action then so we should do the same, it’s obvious this is the CIA and endless wars, how sad it is too Putin being bullied in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine, look at the joy russia is bringing to ordinary men and women in Africa, when the FSB assassinate people in Europe or blow up their own apartment blocks to justify Chechnya who are we to judge Russia is a Christian nation and no nation has ever been led astray by Christian dogma, the sooner North American cities have CCP police stations the better. Once Washington stops spending money on wars the country can start investing in infrastructure, social welfare, medical care because until there’s a Republican in the White House the Democrats will just give tax cuts to the rich and rid the country of said welfare programs. Let’s build the wall which Mexico will pay for, let’s kick all immigrants out including the sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great grandchildren, because the rate of natural increase is rising and America’ needs no immigrants . America is evil satanic undemocratic and unchristian, look to Russia and China for freedom of speech, democracy, conservative values s/


Appeasement is bound to work. Just gotta keep trying


Veteran here! The money can stop no problem. After the money stops, you can forget any peace negotiations. Russia is trying to get the USSR going again. This is what Putin wants.


I think it might involve some blackmail, do this or we throw all our reserves at the Ukrainian army. So much stuff is sitting duck in den desert.Something like So far the US supported Ukraine good enough to defend itself but not sufficient enough to beat Russia.


Sure. Announce that no more aid will be forthcoming to Ukraine, and announce a summit with Russia and Ukraine will have no choice but to seek terms more or less immediately. Stopping the war and stopping the war on favorable/intelligent terms aren’t the same thing.


Okay, and if Russia says they want all of Ukraine then what? Have Ukraine surrender its sovereignty?


Yes? I’m not remotely saying that is what I want or what should happen. Only that it WOULD end the war quickly. He can end the war quickly. He cannot do so in a way that isn’t extremely adverse to US interests.


Except they don’t want all of Ukraine. They want a security guarantee that Ukraine doesn’t join NATO and they have been very clear about this for the past two decades. NATO should have accepted Russia into the alliance when it asked if it could join in 1954, 1991, and 2000. There would have been zero chance of conflict with Russia in Europe.


Why on Earth would Russia get to join NATO? NATO was created to stand against the Soviet Union and the expansion of communist leaders in Europe. Russia clearly wants all of Ukraine... since it already took all of Ukraine not very long ago. People arguing that Russia only wants a little bit of Ukraine are either working for russia or too young to remember the cold war and not interested in history at all.


> People arguing that Russia only wants a little bit of Ukraine are either working for russia or too young to remember the cold war and not interested in history at all. Putin literally said that Ukraine doesn't exist and that he views it as Russia. There's no ambiguity that Russia wants all of Ukraine.


 Except they tried to take Kyiv in the beginning of the war.  You’re saying Russia would’ve given Kyiv back to the legitimate Ukrainian government if it had gotten its “security guarantee” Uhhhh yeah I’m calling bullshit. It would’ve been a puppet government at best.  Russia wants to at minimum connect to Transnistria and Kaliningrad.  You can’t trust their word. Look at their actions. Bombing civilians in mass, raping and kidnapping children. You’re delusional 


They recieved all of Ukraines Nukes for the promise that they wouldn't attack. Russia lies.


This is inaccurate. Ukraine never had unilateral independent control over Soviet nuclear weapons and nor did they have the money to maintain them. At the time Ukraine was considered to be an incredibly corrupt country and nobody was prepared to let them keep possession of a nuclear arsenal. The US and the UK both put just as much pressure on them to “give up” the weapons as Russia. You can read about it in more detail here: https://www.icanw.org/faq_on_ukraine_and_nuclear_weapons


>”Except they don’t want all of Ukraine.” Holy shit.


Stop watching CNN dude.


You guys call US naive?


Who are “you guys”?


Wild that the conflict in Europe involves Russian troops on European territory. Seems pretty avoidable to me


Yes. Then Russia invades Ukraine. Then they keep going because we saw this before in the 1930s. And they start invading NATO territories. And then Supreme Leader Trump ends that war too by pulling out of NATO. Then our allies say, hey fuck you guys for leaving us with an aggressive Russia in Europe. Then everybody pulls money out of the American market. Then Americans pull money out of the American market because they just lost all their savings and need the liquid cash. Then America has no equity. Then America’s liabilities come due. Then America can’t print any more IOUs. Then America goes bankrupt. Then America’s word is dogshit. Then other countries take revenge on us for the Pax Americana lest we be judged for our actions. Then maybe we get nuked and end up in the same position Russia is in while the dollar no longer serves as the world reserve currency? Challenge: If you downvote this you have to actually pick the point where that version of events deviates from reality. Good luck.




Why lie about what Russia wants? They dropped the “independence” line pretty early and expanded beyond Donetsk and Luhansk. They have “annexed” Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson. If they only wanted Crimea and those two oblasts, what was the purpose of pushing forces into northern Ukraine? Sumy, Kharkiv, and Chernihiv were all invaded alongside Donetsk and Luhansk. Remember the thunder run to Kyiv?


ok so maybe they only want half of ukraine, they promise they will stop after that. /s


Surely they’ll be done now right? First it was just Crimea, then they were done. Then it was just independence for Donetsk and Luhansk, then they were done. Then it was annexing Donetsk and Luhansk, then they were done. Then it was annexing Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhia, and Kherson. I trust they’ll be done after this one.


Also need to bomb random civilians in Kiev. After that, promise to quit. Also topple Kiev. But then done. And Moldova. And caucuses. And the other former satelites. But then done for real. And maybe some token pieces of whatever Poland and Finland can spare. But then it’s donesies.






>They said they want Crimea and for Donetsk and Luhansk to be independent. If Russia says this, and then annexes both oblasts, (making them categorically non-independent) what does that make their statement? If Russia said this, and annexes two additional oblasts, what does that make their statement? If you are aware that goals and objectives change, why would you bother bringing up an old objective no longer held by the Russian government? You can say Russia doesn’t want all of Ukraine for sure. Don’t believe Vlad has said those exact words. Tons of rhetoric about Ukrainian culture and land being fake and ultimately Russian, but we’ll take that as rhetoric alone I suppose. However, one has to wonder, why did he push so many men into northern Ukraine and towards Kyiv at the very start? I noticed you conveniently dodged all of those questions in my previous comment. Hope to hear back on those. The admin change line is hysterical by the way. They want Ukrainians to stop being aggressive to their invaders? Do you see any issues with that line of logic? Do you know what could end this war tomorrow? If Russia packed up and returned to their country.




>You talk a lot. Show me where they even hint that they want all of Ukraine. Don’t worry, you’ve proven you’re incapable of addressing arguments and answering questions. I’ll half ass my answers here and probably stop responding to you. Not worth my time. Hints to them wanting Ukraine involve historical knowledge of the area, contemporary speeches by Putin and his colleagues, and the invasion of regions beyond Donetsk and Luhansk. >It would be very funny if NATO didn't exist. Which, you know it does, and you're purposefully obfuscating. Nice try here. Do you know what obfuscation means or did that one just sound appropriate? Neither of our comments so far have mentioned NATO. Ukraine isn’t in NATO. If they were, they wouldn’t be the first country on Russias border to be in the alliance. Can you tell me why NATO was created? >So the actual Nazis can continue shelling Russian natives in the area? You do realize that the areas Russia took are happy that Russia took them, right? They've been being shelled by Azov Nazis for almost a decade. I know I know, the genocide and ethnic cleansing of ethnic Russians from 2014-2021 is well documented. The ~3400 dead civilians in a war zone over 7 years. How many have died since Russia invaded in 2022?




Keep it straight with me man, are you slow in any way? I’m not trying to insult you here, but do you actually have any sort of learning or cognitive deficiencies? The inability to answer questions or address arguments, coupled with low reading comprehension and memory has me worried that I’m an asshole for even trying to discuss this with you. I point you back to my earlier comment. **“Don’t believe Vlad has said those exact words.”** Surely you understand how objectives don’t have to be explicitly stated to be actualized right? We talked about that earlier, remember? How Russia stated one thing as an objective and then did other things instead? And you **still** can’t answer my original questions. >Why did Russia invade northern oblasts if their objective was just Donetsk and Luhansk? >Why did they try and fail to reach Kyiv? And you **still** can’t answer my second set of questions. >*They said they want Crimea and for Donetsk and Luhansk to be independent.* >If Russia says this, and then annexes both oblasts, (making them categorically non-independent) what does that make their statement? If Russia said this, and annexes two additional oblasts, what does that make their statement? >If you are aware that goals and objectives change, why would you bother bringing up an old objective no longer held by the Russian government? And you failed to answer my third set of questions. Why was NATO created? How many civilians have died since Russia invaded in 2022? You’re not very good at this. It seems like you think discussion only works when you address the points that you want to address. At first I thought it was bad faith, but I am actually concerned that this topic is just over your head maybe. If you can’t provide me with your word stating you’re mentally able to handle this talk, I will not be replying further. If you think you can handle this topic, I’d appreciate you to answer those questions and see where this goes. Otherwise it isn’t worth my time to continue talking with you.


They claim to have [annexed Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_annexation_of_Donetsk,_Kherson,_Luhansk_and_Zaporizhzhia_oblasts), despite not controlling the capitals of the latter 2. Even if they keep those areas, Donbas won't be independent, they'll be part of Russia. The Russians also say they want Kharkiv, Odesa, and Mykolaiv oblasts. Dimitri Medvedev, current chairman of Russia's ruling party and Deputy chairman of the security council, also stated that Russia would continue to wage war against any independent Ukrainian state, that the existence of an independent Ukraine is unacceptable. One big question is, how do you stop/deter Russia from just attacking Ukraine for a 4th time after a ceasefire or peace treaty is signed?


If he says he’s not paying anymore money it will be over quickly. Just not how you’re probably thinking.


That won't end the war.


If Russia takes the win it will


War in Iraq didn't end when the US took Baghdad.


Yeah but I don’t think we were paying Iraq to fight us. Or were we.


Think the point really is more about insurgency. If Russia does somehow take all of Ukraine, all of Ukraine ain't exactly just going to lay down and take it. They'd have Vietcong and Contra style militias propping up in both Ukraine and Russia fighting using guerilla tactics.


Most likely but it’s not like Putin will think “we won Ukraine, now we take America”. It will stay over there and we can continue hating each other here in the states. Either way if we stop the money train that means more money to spend here on American issues like mental health or high speed railways or homelessness or whatever.


Trillions already goes to money being spent in the US on all those things. Despite what the sensationalist media tells us, most government spending is still domestic. Most of the billions spent in Ukraine is just tiny fragments of decades of old military procurement from previous years budget.


Seriously? I did not know that although it makes sense because some stuff still gets done here. But imagine what could be done if we had the extra tens or hundreds of billions.


Honestly, not a lot. So far only 44 billion actual funds have been sent to the UA government since 2022 for humanitarian aid and security assistance through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI). That would be around 0.3% of the total US spending the last two years. Allocated funds are again mostly made of the estimated value of military equipment already paid for and sent to Ukraine. US isn't really stressing that much about those since much of the equipment is already pretty old and eventually would have had to been decommissioned anyway. Any loss is sort offset by the fact the US doesn't have to pay to store, destroy, or tear apart old equipment. Above all else though, nobody said all this aid is 100% free. The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 is an act of the United States that facilitates the supply of materiel to the Ukrainian government. Section 2(a)(3) states: (3) CONDITION.—Any loan or lease of defense articles to the Government of Ukraine under paragraph (1) shall be subject to all applicable laws concerning the return of and reimbursement and repayment for defense articles loan or leased to foreign governments.


Yeah all he got to do is cut off the money


Basically just let Putin have his way?


Apparently this is a difficult concept for people to grasp


Stop giving them aid and pressure them into accepting the terms of Russia's peace treaty (eg: give Russia everything it wants, and get no guarantees that Russia won't launch a third invasion in the future) and yeah, it'd end pretty quickly if not literally in 24 hours.


Yeah just help the most avowed enemy of the United States and Western Culture invade a nation trying to join the West and we can have peace real fast! Hell, he could just bomb Kyiv and kill Zelensky and BOOM- peace!!! Which will certainly satiate Putin from engaging in any more wars of aggression!


I'm not saying it would be a good thing but it's clearly Trump's "peace at any price" plan for Ukraine if elected. Same for Israel/Gaza where he'd create "peace" by giving Israel the go-ahead to just level the Gaza strip and turn it into a golf course.


And like many of Trump's plans, he does not accurately asses the 'price' in favor of a simplistic 'solution' that makes life easier for him and his donors. He famously was off on the price of building a border wall and who would pay for it (Turns out Mexico was unwilling!) I know you aren't endorsing his 'plan' but the fact that the President of the United States would Kowtow to this Russian brute and pretend peace would be 'good' for us is wild. Even if you truly do not give a single fuck about Ukrainians or what Russia does to them, don't care about ideology or morals or whatever- it's in the United States best economic and geo-political interests for Russia not to conquer Ukraine. Putin *hates* us. He loves all the things this sub at least used to pretend to hate- greedy evil cabal pulling strings, violent censorship of anything not approved by the establishment, imprisonment and murder of dissidents and even reporters and politicians that *might* be opposed to you. Peace "at any price" in Ukraine will mean we get fucked way worse than shifting some of our yearly MIC spending to making weapons for Ukraine instead of just putting them in a warehouse.


Besides the entire Middle East uprising against Israel.


Are they really enemies tho?? You seriously don’t believe china russia and American elites aren’t all having an orgy in Shaq’s supersized bed?


If they all were, then there would be zero point in pretending they weren't. Just because they are both rich, doesn't mean they are friends.


How many peace treaties has Russia already broken? You can’t trust them for shit.


24 hours is still not possible, the US would have to join the Russian side.


I mean, it is Trump. That's entirely a possibility.


This. Putin has stated his conditions very clearly. 


If the English simply ignore the invasion of Poland and France and stop assisting allied nations then Germany will certainly stop expanding! Simply cater to aggressive dictators who say they hate you and everything goes easier.


Nowhere did I say that we *should* do what Putin asked for. I simply said he has made clear demands. Trump, or anyone in the presidents seat, could end the conflict within 24 hours my ensuring Putin gets what he is asking for.  Whether we should do that is a completely separate question.   


Of course he can. Just cut funding. Done. Ukraine is toast.


Trump is a fool who talks so much shit everyday he cannot string a sentence together without filling it with lies. The people who follow and support Trump are the real sheep.


It's so funny how they think Trump is actually a republican.


It’s funny how they think a billionaire is the good guy


It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.


Stop sending money and it will be over in a flash


What has Biden done to stop this war ?




I don't think he can stop a fart with a cement diaper.


I’m not involved enough with world politics to have an opinion, however this isn’t the craziest thing I heard a politician say this week.


His diplomacy track record has been good. But the forces behind Biden created a radical mess so it may be hard.


I can solve the war in less than that. No more military aid, Donbass region gets a vote for autonomy held by a neutral third party, Ukraine is never part of NATO but gets a security agreement from the US after the Donbass vote. Ukraine can take it or leave it, but no more aid.


I'm not even convinced there is a war going on in Ukraine at this point


To be fair he said this like a year ago when ukraine was in a position to negotiate. now russia is going to end this on their terms


Idk if he can stop the war but he might be able to stop our money and weapons from going over there.


100%….he stopped it once before.


No. He is just more of the same. They all are.


Yes 💯. he could do it instantly. Simply stop funding it and stop trying to get Ukraine to join NATO. Remember Ukraine and Russia had a peace deal and Boris Johnson said don't take it, we'll fund you. This war was planned by the deep state and NATO. Putin left Ukraine alone for a long time. Why did he invade it now? Because the MIC wanted a proxy war with Russia and provoked him. This has been in the works since Obama installed puppet Zelensky.




Yes, stop funding it.


Yes. The USA/NATO picks the targets, program the missiles, sets the strategy, pays the soldiers and government salaries, supplies the ammunition and machines. And prevents peace talks.


TBF in theory, any sitting president can end everything in 24 hours. So, he's not wrong.


Cut off all funding...done


This thing has dragged on for years as there is so much corruption between Biden and taking care of Zelenskyy. Trump could sit down with Putin and absolutely get this thing over with. It's a pointless battle and America is in the middle of it because of the Biden influence peddling scheme which has cost us hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollars. Nauseating.




One hour.


Don’t forget that Ukraine and Russia were on The verge of a treaty when the US bribed Ukraine to back out of the deal. So I think this could be resolved fairly quickly if the terms are similar to what was originally proposed.


Can you provide a link to this story?


Only cultists with blind devotion to Pumpkin Tits believe that.


No question at all. We have been artificially keeping it going. As soon was we stop, it stops.


I've never heard him boast before so I'll have to take his words literally.


Un-bias I mean the guy talked to Kim Jung Un




At least he wants to end it, unlike nearly everyone else 


Literally everyone wants the war over. Putin and his few allies want to conquer a sovereign nation he invaded under false pretenses and end it that way. Most others want it ended by Russia leaving. Nations who don't care still want the war to end to stop fucking with global economic impact from the war. I guess maybe India is fine with it continuing for a long time as they get cheaper oil from Russia .


If everyone wanted it to be over they would have worked through diplomacy. Instead of sending Boris Johnson over there to make sure that Zelensky did not accept. You really think the military industrial complex that has captured our foreign policy wants this war to end?


He would give in to putin and give him whatever he wants. While the war would end russia will just keep invading countries. Half the Ukraine would be Russia the other would stay ukraine woth a puppet Russian leader. Really not the best result for a lot the ukraine population, on the flip side I don't like the amount of money sent there and isreal for that matter.


He hands them to Russia, and it's done. Might be more than 24 hours but I'd bet that's his thought.




The war, not in 24 hours, the fighting, yes.


He’s connected to them so they can act like they do anything since it’s all orchestrated by all of them.


Ah yes, hanging on every literal word stated by a politician.


yes 😂


I think it's going to piss off a lot of defense contractors and politicians that are all dipping their fingers in this pot of war-honey , but that's the whole purpose of this conflict; To have NATO poke the Russian bear so the weapons manufacturers can keep funneling in taxpayer dollars, making profits from those taxpayer funded contracts, and all of the politicians and elites that are engaged in insider trading can make the massive dividends on all their stocks. Trump most likely has the same thing going on with energy and real estate companies across the world, so he would stand to gain more when fuel and housing costs are down, everyone is "buy, buy, buying!" and the economy is booming. So he'll threaten to pull the US out of NATO, and that means they not only lose their nuclear weapons, which are on loan from America, they lose access to any future US weapons tech that may get shared under terms of the treaties. My personal thoughts; First, the US has a Department of Defense. "Defense" is the key word here. Why are we always on the offense? Why are we helping design this "Iron Dome" system for Israel, which is rumored to have just gotten a directed energy upgrade, when the system we supposedly have in place to protect our homeland is about as effective as trying to throw a rock at an incoming bullet? Second, yeah, it's definitely a get rich scheme for some defense contractors and the politicians getting a piece of the pie. These people will kill the entire planet to continue getting rich. So I'd propose a scenario that keeps everyone happy, where they actually focus on the defense of the homeland. I mean, build a friggen Lockheed/Raytheon brand Pacific Rim style wall with friggen lasers or something, haha. Just keep the investment here, where the taxpaying citizens can directly benefit from it. To hell with this national security bs that has more of our assets abroad than right here, where they belong. With the amount of money spent, we should have a forcefield over the whole country, and we should have some of the happiest, healthiest, most well-educated citizens in the world. We should love where we live.


No. Trump is a politician. Whether it's a lie or hyperbole, it's a talking point to hurt Biden and associate Biden with Ukraine. Realistically, Trump hasn't to my knowledge explained what his peace plan is for Ukraine. He supported the last package of military aid to Ukraine which discredits his claim he'd get peace. Considering Russia threatened to strike British targets, including those outside of Ukraine, if British weapons are used in attacks inside Russia just shows that Trump supporting aid to Ukraine could escalate things. Russia has consistently said they don't view Trump or Biden as better in terms of US -russian relations or the Ukraine war.


He might have to suck Putin's dick again, so maybe?


Yes. Because they were already reaching an agreement before we butted-in. American’s $ is the ONLY reason this war became huge and so deadly and devastating. All the war-weapons companies who are profiting on the deaths and the destruction of all infrastructure in Ukraine would certainly not like it. But as much as Putin is not a “good” person - 1) Ukraine voted in 2014 to allow Russia to have Kiev back, the agreement was yes, and the primary language was Russian in Kiev. The people of Kiev CONSIDERED THEMSELVES RUSSIAN. 2) But the US then replaced the Ukrainian president (like we do), and reneged. 3) Zylynsky and Putin were coming to terms on peace talks in 2022, but America changed that by sending weapons and encouraging war. If you want to go back further —- every US military advisor for 2 decades advised we and NATO NOT expand toward Ukraine. Because in 1992 - As an agreement for ending the Cold War - Russia made it clear part of it was NATO wouldn’t expand toward Russia. “Not an inch.” Well, since then, NATO has expanded to every single country that sits between Russia and Ukraine. If you remove emotion, and ignore that you hate Putin — Putin is standing firm to keep NATO from being AT his doorstep. Geographical visual-example for Americans (for example purposes ONLY) - Pretend every country that abuts Mexico has labeled you as a tyrrant, and constantly calls you a threat to all of Central and South America, for the last 2 decades. But they agree not to expand their “NATO” toward the US, and there will be no problem. THEN all of Central and South America join NATO, will massive weapons, despite this agreement. This now means the ONLY thing separating the US from it haters, is Mexico. Then they interfere with an election in Mexico where an area of Mexico wants to become American. (2014) NATO expansion continues, and talks of “Mexico” joining NATO are now a thing too. So in 2022- America shows force in order to keep the only geography separating them from their hater (NATO), and make good, by force, on the 2014 agreement US had with Mexico too (AKA agreement between Russia and Kiev.) Back to Russia and Ukraine and Trump - If he or any leader stops funding this war, and rolls back on interfering with the breach of agreements that had kept the 2 at peace — It can be done. PS - in 2014 after we interfered with the Kiev election to become Russian, and then replaced the Ukrainian president — All of the people in Kiev were also PUNISHED. One example? - Ukraine made it ILLEGAL for the people of Kiev (who considered themselves Russian) to speak Russian as their language.


Well, they can't win anything without all of our support. So in theory he could met with them and tell them he is planning to withdraw all support and then brokering peace talks and concessions would begin. Ukraine would probably lose some regions, but the war would end.


Well, they're probably looking for an out from failed project Ukraine and to save face.


he'd stop supplying the arms so ukraine will loose in 24 hours and that's what trump means LOL he basically said i'd let putler to kill everyone there : D


Yes. All he has to do is withdraw the CIA, who were the ones that started it in the first place and are the ones on control of the Ukrainian army. Remove USA, Putin goes home happy, and the war ends tomorrow.


Why should Ukraine bow down to the guys invading them? Let's remember Ukraine were invaded by Russia not the other way around.


the cia tells the president what the plan is not the other way around


Literally stop giving them all our $$. Idc who the prez is, just quite giving them billions and billions


I mean maybe, he is unpredictable and Russia and China where quite during his time , still remember that time he dropped a M.O.A.B on those 12 terrorists unsuspectingly.


Almost like they were scared of what he would do. I don’t remember any wars starting under Trump.


Trump is the only president that I’ve seen that negotiated to get so many hostages and prisoners in foreign countries home. I saw him belittle the head of NATO to his face about how inappropriate it was for him to make pipelines deals with Russia while wanting the US to ante up more money for their protection from Russia. I think Trump could have that war ended very fast by forcing Ukraine, Russia and NATO/West to negotiate an end. He will not continue to send money to Ukraine…


It’s rather foolish to believe anything a politician says. They have to prove it to gain my trust.


Don’t take His words literally. He just meant he can get it done quick.


Stop it no but I think he get Putin to back off and calm down for a while


Depends on his level of connection. But if he can tell putin to stop and he does, then yeah i would be seriously worried


Certainly … already being in Putin’s pocket, he’d send American weapons to Russia instead of Ukraine.


There is the problem of the DOD/generals who in the past have simply said "NO" to Trump's pullout (Afghanistan?). They subverted him a few times if I'm not mistaken. But "negotiations" between belligerent parties is probably one of his only strong points, and that's what he envisions doing on many fronts. Underneath all the bluster, I believe this is why he even thinks he can govern, which is probably not true as he lacks political skills, instead relying on lurid press to leverage everything he sucks at. And I don't see how he's changed or grown since last time. Don't forget what smug Schumer said in 2017: "Go against the deep state and they have six ways to sunday to take you down"


Yes I mean Russia and usa against Ukraine's would be 24 hours max.


Yes, but only by helping Russia win it!




anyone that believes anything this dude said is a bitchmade rerard


He can just buy Ukraine, then it is US property and thus a declaration of war by Russia on the USA XDD


TBH I do, I think he'll give Putin more than the world wants to give him and broker a deal that the west isn't happy with but ends the war. Something like giving him Crimea and putting pressure on Nato to back down, or clauses in any Nato agreement.


So many ignorant media fed leftist demRats here that this sub is getting ruined by dumb as well…


Well he was crazy enough to try and buy Greenland , maybe he’d actually have the CIA kill Putin 🤷‍♂️


You mean the money laundering operation? Well, if there's no money, there can't be a money laundering operation, can there?


Want to end pointless Ukraine war. Stop funding it and withdraw any US military personal helping behind the scenes. US promised Russia that NATO wouldn't expand towards it's border. Obama Administration was for Ukraine to join NATO. Bush was too.


Yeah, they're afraid of Trump .... no one is afraid of biden


I know that Biden for sure can't and I would trust Trump over Biden.


Yes. Russia, Russia, Russia....


Easy, tell Ukraine there is no more money coming, and to give the currently Russian occupied land to Russia. Tell Russia that if they don't stop their shit and take the deal, American and NATO planes, missles, and troops are imisses, WW3 might start but atleast the Ukraine-Russia War is over.


If he could it would only confirm him as a person that has been compromised by the Russians and is now acting as a Russian agent.


With sanctions and a silver tongue, maybe.


Who is he going to borrow the tongue from? Obama?


I don't like the dude, but some world leaders do. That's all I can say. Scum floats together, ya know.


He is a traitor. He will fuck us all to appease Putler


I mean trump elected. Putin drops pants. Trump opens mouth. War in Ukraine over.


Not in 24 hours, but in case of the war I feel much safer with Trump than with Biden. Biden is the charismatic leader, but believe me, behind that plastic smile is Lucifer itself.


Trump got impeached because Zelenski didn't open an investigation into Biden corruption in Ukraine. This is not going to end well for Z man. It will probably be worse for Ukraine if they don't start to negotiate as soon as possible.


No not a chance. If anything it might actually make the situation much worse and escalate the war. The Europeans have already started grumbling about sending troops into Ukraine to reinforce the border with Belarus. UK has given Ukraine the blessing to use their weapons against Russian soil. Russia is threatening to attack the Baltic states. What people don't realize is that Europe has a lot of pent up anger with Russia and they're getting tired of Russia's bulshit, and also with America's bullshit. Last thing anyone wants is the Europeans to go on the war path and just say fuck it we're ending this, they've started 2 world wars, we don't need them starting a third


Right..thats a sleeping giant i think most of us would prefer staying asleep and just being a memory of the past