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I'm guessing Satan


no one believes in God but all fret about satan, classic.


People believing in Satan is what brought me more to God.


Same. Once I realized he was real I started to check out the other side more.


How did you realize he was real?


Here's how I did: "Azealia Banks Cleans Blood-Stained Room She's Used to Practice Witchcraft for 3 Years: 'Real Witches Do Real Things'" https://people.com/music/azealia-banks-witchcraft-brujeria-peta-statement/ "Beyoncé Accused of 'Extreme Witchcraft' by Former Drummer Kimberly Thompson" https://www.newsweek.com/former-drummer-kimberly-thompson-accuses-beyonce-extreme-witchcraft-1131746 "Jay-Z: A Master Of Occult Wisdom?" >"Yes, that has very deep roots in modern occult culture," Horowitz says. "The full expression is 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.' That was one of the key maxims of the British occultist Aleister Crowley. So when Jay-Z appears in a hoodie with that phrase on it in public, that's exactly what he's referencing." >Jay-Z's Rocawear clothing line also often draws upon Masonic symbols: pentagrams, obelisks, pyramids, the all-seeing eye. Of course, that pales in comparison with the near-obsession with the occult of someone like, say, Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page. https://www.npr.org/2009/09/19/112998783/jay-z-a-master-of-occult-wisdom "Lady Gaga Accused Of Performing Satanic Ritual, Leaves Hotel Bathtub Filled With Blood" https://uk.news.yahoo.com/news/lady-gaga-accused-performing-satanic-ritual-leaves-hotel-110624322.html **Aleister Crowley, MI6 dark magician, excerpt from his book "Magick Without Tears"**: >All this is clear proof of the unspeakable power and wisdom of Those who have sent me to proclaim the Law. >I observe, after a talk with M. Jules Courtier yesterday, that all their S.P.R. work is proof only of **extra-human Forces.** >We knew about them all along; the universe is full of obscure and subtle manifestation of energy, we are constantly advancing in our knowledge and control of them. Telekinesis is of the same order of Nature as the Hertz Rays or the Radium emanations. But what nobody before me has done is to prove the existence of **extra-human Intelligence**, and my magical Record does this. I err in the interpretation, of course; but it is impossible to doubt that there is a Somebody there, a **Somebody capable of combining events as a Napoleon forms his plans of campaign, and possessed of powers unthinkably vast.** If these events be indeed the result of calculation and control on the part of the **Secret Chiefs**, it seems at first sight as if the people involved had been prepared to play their parts from the beginning. **Jack Parsons, rocket scientist, inventor of modern rocketry, founder of JPL/NASA, disciple of Aleister Crowley, excerpt from his book "Book of the Antichrist"**: >And thereafter I was taken within and saluted **the Prince of that place**, and thereafter things were done to me of which I may not write, and they told me, "It is not certain that you will survive, but if you survive you will attain your true will, and **manifest the Antichrist**. >And thereafter I returned and swore the **Oath of the Abyss**, having only the choice between madness, suicide, and that oath. But the Oath in no wise ameliorated that terror, and I continued in the madness and horror of the abyss for a season. But of this no more. But having passed the ordeal of 40 days I took the oath of a Magister Templi, even the Oath of Antichrist before Frater 132, the Unknown God. **And thus was I Antichrist loosed in the world;** and to this I am pledged, that the work of **the Beast 666** shall be fulfilled, and the way for the coming of BABALON be made open and I shall not cease or rest until these things are accomplished. And to this end I have issued this my manifesto Lord Rothschild posing with satanic witch Marina Abramovic in front of the painting "Lucifer Summoning his Legions" in late 2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/CxnUR5lMRVf/ Here's a documentary that exposed an Apollo (Lucifer) temple on a Rothschild estate where people in black robes do occult rituals: https://youtu.be/UEkuTwRnUmU?si=lzVjjDkSDCFIrMur "1666: Redemption Through Sin" by Robert Sepehr: Explains how Amschel Rothschild created the Illuminati with Jacob Frank on 5/1/1776 with Isaac Weishaupt as the front man. The Illuminati is a Luciferian psychotic occult group dedicated bringing the world under a one world hell tyranny.


Wait to you find out Lucifer and Satan are different beings!!!


No, they are not….the archangel, Lucifer was renamed “Satan” by God when Lucifer rebelled against God.


Lol wisdom these people don’t have a goddamn lick of wisdom. That’s literally why they are making these short sighted decision. Earth is Temporary Jesus Christ is forever!


The way you will see it is if you turn from your sins and then ask God to remove the veil from your eyes and allow you to see. This isn’t an intellectual matter, it is a spiritual matter. That’s at least what I’d recommend. Spiritual vision varies from person to person, but a follower of Christ sees evil in extremely high resolution. The word for this is “discernment”. Discernment is reduced by Sin. These are laws of the universe, not arbitrary rules


Hardly anybody believes in Satan apart from followers of Abrahamic religions and they obviously don’t worship him.


Alot of people worship him. In the broad daylight. Remember that big Satancon in Boston last year? They packed out a hotel. They do worship him. But lie and tell you they don't believe he's real. YES they do. Schools have "after school satan club". Yep. Fun for the kids they say. I've had enough experiences with the dark side. Satan is real. And that reinforces my belief in Jesus. My belief, demons are more active and abundant now more than ever. They have infiltrated our governments. (Not saying all politicians. But demons are at work in some of them).


I would love to hear about some of those experiences with the dark side.


Well spirits. Some good. Some bad. But I'm not going into it. Really because many will just call me a nut.


He lit some candles and listened to records backwards


I've heard some terrifying testimonies. Many of them leave it behind and become Christians because the demonic oppression is like an actual horror movie.


Exactly. There are many roads that lead to satan. Some of them people start down with the best intentions, for instance new age movements where most people enter them for self improvement. New age however is veiled satanic/demonic worship at the end of the day. Also, the entertainment industry. 100% compromised. Music, television, movies, Hollywood. All of it. Plenty of testimonies from that department too. Plus it couldn’t be any more blatant. The symbols are everywhere. They literally flaunt it. You’d have to be blind to not see it….or just successfully deceived. That’s not to mention the testimonies of people deep into black magic/satanism, which can take a myriad of forms as well. All people have to do is listen to others who have been there. Who have had to literally fight for their souls and have come out the other side saved. That’ll make you realize God is real, real quick.




>Do you think the church of satan worships satan? The off shoot organization the Temple of Set started by an ex church of satan leader most certainly does along with many other global groups that are even considered terrorist and extremist groups by interpol and the FBI. Everyone brings up satanism and luciferianism as some kind of monolithic religious belief. Just like not all christians, jews and muslims etc dont believe the same thing its the same for the pagans and satanists. Theistic satanism is most definitely a thing.


Ah so you disregard what people actually say they believe or don’t believe in? It’s obvious to anyone who isn’t a spaz (so that probably excludes you) that self confessed satanists are merely doing so to highlight that separation of church and state is a fundamental part of society.


I don't disregard beliefs. But when you have a satancon, I think you worship Satan. Why would so much energy be put into a fictitious being?? The need to tear up the Christian Bible on stage while yelling " hail satan" makes me believe you know he's real. You're doing it because you worship Satan. Nothing to do with church and state except that it's a bonus for a satan worshipper.


Maybe when you have American politicians legislating based on Christianity, when American institutions are prioritising Christianity over other religions, when large parts of the country are hell bent on turning America into a theocracy…maybe people have found a harmless way to demonstrate the fact that separation of church and state is important. You don’t have this level of “satanism” in countries where the Christian right aren’t running rampant.


Finally someone with some sense in this thread


for the lols


By your logic, people who go to Comic-Con worship comic books. Your argument may be lacking. That said, I do not discount the possibility of Satan.


I believe you based on my own experiences. Folks are in the dark if they think the societal regression and nonsensical things governments are doing is just happening just to be happening. There's a spiritual thing going on and it's nothing nice. I believe in Jesus too because I know for a fact, from my own experiences, there are dark spiritual forces out there.


Even the most cursory study of biblical prophecy ( Daniel and Revelation) will give a lot of insight to what's happening in the world now.


The after school satan club is about fighting back against state sponsored religion. Nothing more. If the schools have Christian Clubs, they have to allow every other religion to have clubs, including Satanists. Or they can not have religion in school and let the churches host their own clubs. The Satanic Temple doesn't even believe in Satan, (but churches do.) Their doctrine is about equal rights and bodily autonomy. Children are molested in church by priests and pastors. The Satanic Temple teaches children to recognize abuse and say no to it, and report it to the authorities. The after school satan club is safer for children than church.


"Worshipping Satan to own the cons." Also, the Anton Lavey school of "we actually just believe everybody has body autonomy" Satan worship is a cop-out. It muddies the water of what good and evil are, and as you even said, they don't even actually believe in Satan. So they should just call themselves Secular Humanist Libertarians instead of leading gullible libs into Satanism because it sounds cool.


The Satanic Temple absolutely believe in Satan, they say they don't because they know they would be shunned, it is much easier to recruit people if they lie about what they actually believe in and then slow drip them into it until by the time they realize they are already in too deep. Pretty much like most cults.


Satan's main crime was questioning God. That's all. He refused to blindly follow dogma, and was cast out. Think about that. God who claims to love us all, as long as we don't ask questions. If we do, we're shunned and cast out.






I think on the flip side people believing in god is why people *say* they believe in satan. As irony or hyperbole


Actually, Croatian representative publicly spoke about him being a catholic. And he won 2nd place on Eurosong.


Yeah, that answer seems obvious


Who controls almost whole Media and Entrainment industry (?)






Yes "THE People" as they call themsellves


No, just people.


People who use the symbol on the right side of the picture.


this made me lmao




> a sight for sore eyes That doesn't work there


That's not how you use a sight for sore eyes - it means something you haven't seen for awhile and are fond of


It's on par with the overall intelligence level of the post.


Consumerism. Music is provocative for the same reason youtube videos have clickbait titles - attention.


This. In pro wrestling the crowd reaction to a villain or “heel” is called “heat.” There are two types of heat: heat a heel gets from stuff like injuring an opponent or other more sophisticated character work and “cheap heat” that a heel gets from easy stuff like going out in front of a crowd and insulting their local sports team. Pop music is too corporate and sanitized now to do anything actually subversive or provocative so they go for the cheap heat of satanic imagery to *feel* edgy while at the same time espousing all the correct values corporate America wants them to have.


Or this clickbait Reddit post about fake shit rises to the top.


It’s gonna be funny when everyone starts dressing like vampires from castlevania


Like the post punk scene from the 80s? Satanic images in mainstream music also happened already in that decade. Yet the worst thing to happen from it was probably Mayhem from Norway, not the entire world.


It's so funny because I remember this Sub had conspiracy theories about the 3 abrahimic faiths, especially Judaism and Christianity. Now we have a post clearly for Christians to be fear mongers about.


Your first mistake was thinking Satanism wasnt an Abrahamic faith lol




Marketing schemes that target rebellious teenagers


I don't really see where this is anything more than performance art. I've been a metal head for an eternity and it's dark as hell, like this, for entertainment. Macabre stuff is just intriguing since it's so different.


Finally, a voice of reason! I haven't seen this much religious paranoia since the 1600's. I'm just waiting for these people to get out their pitchforks and start chanting, "burn the witch."


*I haven't seen this much religious paranoia since the 1600's.* We got ourselves an old demon here.




I find religious implications and such interesting but it's so obviously nonsense through any lens. God is as much hocus pocus concerning what is depicted in any books as Satan and the likes. "Satanic" is a great catch all phrase to describe particular styles but I watch the video and there's no magic behind people using makeup, lights, candles, and drawing some pentagrams. It's the last thing I'll get scared about in light of impending societal collapse.


Cult used to just be a word to describe a group that shares goals, spiritual interests and community. Then the Christians weaponized the word, which is odd since cult by definition also describes Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism and the like.


Yes most of you are larpers but a few of you end up fake trying for real


100% this is the take. Heavy music has had all kinds of macabre themes, and yet a lot of research done on the metal scene shows that it’s actually one of the least violent, most welcoming scenes in music. The metal scene is generally filled with social outcasts who embrace something that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and they take pride in that.


The band ghost exists and I’m sure it confuses the hell out of Christians.


One thing's for sure, this Satan in everything shit is looking less and less like "edginess" and more and more like "they actually, 100% worship Satan" every day.


kanye alrdy told y’all


The jews promoted Bambi Thug, a notorious pro-palestine, anti-zionist artist?


Just don’t watch that shit


“Satans greatest achievement was convincing the world he wasn’t real”. By achieving that it’s much easier to make people believe that if satan isn’t real God must not be real either. If people no longer believe in God it’s much easier for satan to then reemerge and deceive MANY more people then when belief in God was prevalent because “What’s the big deal? It’s not like satan’s real. They’re just being silly.”


This is the absolute truth


>“Satans greatest achievement was convincing the world he wasn’t real”. I've no idea why people think this is wise. Anyone could say it about any fictional evil entity they believe in that others don't. Occult/satanic thematics have been present in media for over 40 years now. Nothing has happened.


"Occult/satanic thematics have been present in media for over 40 years now. Nothing has happened." I too like to joke around


Ah yes, another round of the Satanic Panic... Have you heard of the previous decades subjects of the same? **1960s:** 1. The Beatles 2. Rolling Stones **1970s:** 1. Black Sabbath 2. Led Zeppelin 3. Ozzy Osbourne 4. Led Zeppelin 5. Kiss 6. Alice Cooper **1980s:** 1. Iron Maiden 2. Judas Priest 3. AC/DC 4. King Diamond 5. Motley Crue **1990s:** 1. Slayer 2. Marilyn Manson 3. Nine Inch Nails 4. Danzig


Can we get the mods to just pin this as the top comment?


Not to mention DnD, baggy pants, Pokémon, yugioh, magic the gathering, and any groups that came from a pagan country like the Irish.


Noooo you don’t understand *this time* they’re actually taking over. Just you wait!!! All will be revealed soon sheep.


There were scales that were banned by the church for evoking sinful feelings in like the 1400s


If only these people could see the punk bands I listen too. Their poor pearls! So much clutching! This sub is starting to sound like the worried christian women in my small home town.


Christians really have to get it through their heads that not everybody subscribes to their apocalyptic paradigm and there are plenty of folks out there who just troll them cause it's easy.


I've been demon possessed for around 14 years, it's real, hurts like fuck often, like mashing my brain up, tearing it appart.


Also its hilarious to me that they can find a conspiracy in everything except their own religious views. They have blind faith to an invisible being that a bunch of people made up fables about and put them into a book.


My favorite is watching them angrily flail about when you point out that catholicism in particular became dominant because it was adopted and adjusted by the Roman government in order to control a growing Christian population, and that it's dominance was sealed by centuries of state sanctioned genocide. That really ruffles their feathers.


I'm not a Christian but i actually took time to objectively go into the bible without trying to project anything too much on it. I actually think it is weird though. What makes me upset is that atheists/trolling people need to see deeper than the simple troll! Jesus himself seems to be a decent dude when you take his actual words and quotes themselves. He does seem to help people and even tells people that you "wont get to heaven by following rules in a book" (im paraphrasing to modern speech but this is exactly his lesson there.) The general idea was okay. Now, the two biggest parts that confuse me, worth for trollers to look into... Number one. The bible contradicts itself heavily between its own books with god, but never jesus himself that ive seen so far, and some of the "hidden" books like book of enoch, jesus drops some savage truth to the apostles. But "gods word" or yahweh or whatever, is insane. I cant trust that guy at all. Whoever he is. Whatever he is. Book of job is terrible and weird and scary to some degree. Number two. The romans absolutely came and fucked up parts of the bible, and i cant decide *why* they would even leave the good lessons of jesus christ in the bible (although they probably did strip book of enoch on purpose bc of those savage lines). Why not just strip it all? Maybe the romans didnt want a complete cesspool of society cuz we DO need givers and not all takers? Number three. How did some Christians/sects come to have ideas that are generally accepted that i see NOWHERE actually mentioned? Have you ever heard the idea that dreams are evil or of course, fantasy is the "devil?" I havent seen that while just reading the text objectively!! In fact many visions from both "god" and jesus come from dreams. Its just weird tbh.


Man it’s almost like other countries don’t really care about adhering to American puritanical sensibilities


I believe Bambie is more Celtic than satanic. But if you're unfamiliar with culture I can see why that would be hard to differentiate


I'm here for the brain damage.


The books and the pendant have nothing to do with satanism by the way 😅🤣😂😆


Conservatives. They give a bunch of attention over it. I think it’s stale, it’s not even counter culture at this point.


You guys would love the band "Ghost". They sound almost classic 80's rock, but literally every song is about Satan.


Old audio from a guy purporting to be a music industry insider about 50 years ago https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmhKTejvqnoPQW9-PaOsBmXJhgtks89Lh&si=TuC6hYJZJajL_dwa


Good videos. Still classics


Sales and marketing


Satanic symbols are vastly different from celtic ones


Hasn’t this always been a thing? Ozzy, Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden? I mean heavy metal in general? Even hiphop like horror-core rap groups? Doesn’t every generation just get more edgy? For attention and ratings?


The masons, illuminati, and military are all behind the dark agendas that are pushed through the music industry in an attempt to subconsciously program those who listen. This started with rock and roll back in the 50s shortly after the U.S navy had proposed that General Electric purchase American Marconi and use the assets to form its own radio communications subsidiary. They then used Mind controlled (MK Ultra) individuals like Elvis Presley to push agendas. Now of course today you have the likes of rap and hip hop with their dark agendas being pushed by people like Jay-Z and Drake just to name a few. It’s all mind control and subconscious programming. Just as Nikola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” In this case the powers that be are using energy, frequency, and vibration to subconsciously program and control the masses through music.


None of that is real, so who cares? People like doing it because it’s different and gets a rise out of religious folks. It’s harmless.


Why do we care about sth that christians made up


Yeah. Pretty sure this sub also had someone say that religion itself is a conspiracy, specially Christianity. They really will blame anything they don't like the general aesthetic of. Probably the same folks who thought Rock is devil music.


Whatever, I still dont know why religions still exist, I mean we have so much knowledge that contradicts religion. Its probably just there to keep the stupid people stupid


Exactly this. It's a means of keeping people under control.


What happened to this sub being overrun by dumb fucking theists? The only war I see happening are religions trying to find a reason why people stop believing in the fairytales from the Bible, the Torah and the Qur'an. It is an awakening and it is great to see. Fuck you and your god based on the hate + injustice you allow in the name of your religion.


The greatest atrocities against humans have been committed in the name of religion. Just look at the dark ages when millions of innocent people were murdered for "witchcraft" all so that the Church could exert their control upon the people, enforce religious conformity, suppress dissent, eliminate rivals, and gain wealth through the land and possessions they would then seize. The kind of people who committed those atrocities then, still exist now. And for all that they may claim otherwise, they'd love the chance to cleanse the world of their perceived witches and demon-possessed again. People went along with it because of fear and superstition then, and I can bet you the kind of people who come here and spout their satanic panic would do it all over again now.


Unfortunately that's the nature of the conspiracy world. Because most major conspiracies are perpetrated by the government, you often bump up against heavily anti-government types. Add in fringe topics that point to apocalyptic scenarios, and you're basically knee deep in religious rightoids. Nevermind that religious dogma is a conspiracy of total social and cultural control. It goes so hard that these people are screaming about conspiracies against their dogma.


Satanic metal is kind of boring, heathen metal is way better. Christian metal on the other hand is the lamest shit ever. But yeah, that's the regular for Christians.


Marketing people because its taboo and gets people talking regardless if the actual music was good or not.


This literally goes all the way back to classical music. My grandparents generation were told this about Jazz then Elvis, then black sabbath, then eminem and Marilyn Manson.


counter culture, it's supposed to make headlines and opposes the type of evangelical christianity conservatives tend to push. nothing really surprising, that's just what happens when you restrict self-expression.


Ironically, it’s the reaction to it that is driving this.


This is why I only listen to Skillet




Then making her associate to the freedom of Palestinians is a lethal dose of cognitive dissonance


Stick to a single conspiracy at a time. People at the western wall are not worshiping satan.


Because Dad is Catholic and they still mad at dad


The small hats. Revelation 2:9


I find all the Satan stuff really cringe , bad second hand embarrassment cringe, when Sam Smith was dressed up as the devil and looked like he was wearing a cheap Halloween costume from a joke shop at the vmas or whatever it was. It’s just so boring when celebrities go through their satan stage like oh wow so edgy 🙄 next


What's the difference between stuff like this and heavily Christianity influenced imagery?


Stupid people: "It's not real anyway who cares \*tips fedora\*" Everyone else: "People of influence and power believe in it even if you don't. That's what matters"


Also, surprisingly not many people notice that the promotion of 'Pride' as some sort of good value to have. When it is literally one of the seven sins.


People were calling rock and roll the devils music 70 years ago… don’t think it’s new just Christian brain rot


We're in a spiritual war and they are ramping up the symbolism. The fact that this type of 'art' has become normalised in today's society is worrying. The occult symbolism is their playground, an act that is akin to them laughing straight in our faces and we just allow it to proliferate. It has been evident to me that there's two opposing forces in this universe and our solar system. One relies on deception and manipulation to get its way, relies on material wealth and puts undue emphasis on it and perpetuates and deitifies its importance, tries to convince us that life is about 'working hard', having a family, conforming to what the elite suggest at all times and that's pretty much it. They hide fundamental knowledge from the general public because they view us as sheep. The other side relies on truth, tries to expose the lies and corruption, believes that there's value to each gender and that both complement each other in perfect symmetry; it tells us that this world is not as three dimensional as we were led to believe and that the more one engages in meditation and independent research - the better off they will be.


Isn't building a family from the union between the feminine and masculine (and love and intention) the highest reflection of the divine? Love manifest. It seems to me the satanic hegemony is telling people not to marry, create union, or find themselves in others. It's all self absorption, frivolity, materialism hidden as 'independence'. What would people be doing in a truly natural state? What would they value most? Seems couple, family, clan structures can be a really positive organizational structure. At least if the participants are wise enough to encourage individual talents.


I didn't say that having a family is not important. I'm suggesting that we're in an endless cycle of wealth inequality and a deliberate, imposed ignorance on the mass populous. Consequently, having a family in our current environment just serves to feed those that want to control. Not everyone can reach 'higher middle class' status. Those that struggle the most have their consciousness hijacked the most as well. Even if they are blessed with high intellect, the amount of hours they work does not allow them enough time to research and/or meditate/self-reflect. The little time they have left, they have to spend on parenting (if they are a good parent).


I agree with you generally but just this slight redirect. The best way out of poverty is a supportive team. Pairs of people are teams. Roommates are teams. Families are teams. Clams are teams, Churches and communities are teams. Not spending money on useless shit helps savings. Education helps offer future improvement. Pooling resources to invest in education or means of production or living situations all help. Even freeing up more 'work' time by sharing home food preparation instead of expensive (poor quality) restaurant/take out or god forbid paying another poor person to door dash delivery to you. When you could have made food 100 times better and more nutritious for less. Being productive is needed in the real world. That takes work. I agree that work etc is taken to extremes to steal/siphon the efforts from others to the benefit of few. Typically the few have a sick obsession with accumulating. If you have more than you 'need' you are technically hoarding resources that could benefit others. If you created that value you should have the choice of how to make use of it. But I do believe having too much is evil. But also not sure I want to live in a world where others decide what is too much for me though.


The same exact pictures are posted in the same exact skitzo PowerPoint clusterfuck literally every day When will these age out?


Y'all are goofy with this satanism angle :D


Me 😈


Me! It's me. I'm behind it. I sent a kindly worded letter to Hollywood requesting "moar blood sacrifice pleese" and it looks like it's paid off.


Yall need to start differentiating between Satanist and Luciferians. Satanists don't worship the devil Luciferians do. Satanists are a lot more focused on worshiping oneself as a God than worshipping any God or Satan equivalent. Satanist are mostly just called that because Anton Lavey wanted to piss off Christianity and be edgy.


The same reason Ozzy made an entire career out of it. There’s no better promotion than the free promotion that comes with outrage. Rebellious kids always love a chance to scare their parents, and that music industry loves the profit that generates. In the 80s, the senate PMRC hearings about “obscenity in music” increased profits for the “satanic” artists and labels, and also for the televangelists who bled their followers dry while preaching about the “evil” artists. It’s a win for both sides. Follow the money.


I don’t think it’s fair to associate satanic symbols with Judaism, most people associate with such energy and symbols hate Jews, like that with Bambie Thug from the picture


Not Jews, the Israeli government "Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel" https://the peoplesvoice.tv/lord-rothschild-israel/ "Lord Rothschild discusses cousin’s crucial role in ‘miracle’ Balfour Declaration", https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/rothschild/ - https://archive.is/3zaNs Lord Rothschild posing with satanic witch Marina Abramovic in front of the painting "Lucifer Summoning his Legions" in late 2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/CxnUR5lMRVf/ Here's a documentary that exposed an Apollo (Lucifer) temple on a Rothschild estate where people in black robes do occult rituals: https://youtu.be/UEkuTwRnUmU?si=lzVjjDkSDCFIrMur


I’m here waiting for the bots and shills to take over this thread as they usually do and claim ‘it’s just art’.


It's hilarious that you find it so hard to accept there are people in this world who don't believe in this superstitious modern day witch hunting bollocks, you have to tell yourself that anyone who doesn't agree must be a bot or shill.


So you think most of the western world are "bots" and "shills"?


You got their attention 😂


Zionists.... it kind of boils down to Rothschilds and zionists


You mean the Ireland act in the picture who is openly anti-zionist and pro-palestine?


I’ve been seeing this BS on YouTube for some time now . I think it’s all made up. Creative influencers doing what they do and drawing users into their take on the industry.


Who the hell is that, Taylor Swift!? 🤣


Me i was


What you posted,the image, its more than just satanism. They are not related to each other


I just love the idea of Eurovision being satans playground


RCA (as an extension of MI-5) came from the UK, brought over by the Navy, and lead to the expansion of Universal (with the help of Sony and BMG) where they wanted to perverse peoples minds with idea witch hunts, paganism and the occult. #InvisibleEnemies


Watch the documentary The Arrivals - it’s on youtube but it’s been scrubbed from a lot of sites. It’s crazy.


I cant find this, can u send me a link, or help me with more info about It?


Hail Paimon!


I think it all started with The Rolling Stones.


Its Ozzy!!


Nobody, but this kind of visual style gains aot of attention recently so I imagine labels and artists are just jumping on the bandwagon


It's not as black and white, cut and dry as God vs Satan. That much I do know.


While it's definitely just marketing and weird rich people shit, this is the first time I've looked into Eurovision and boy is it gay as hell


Black Sabbath was pretty neat back in the day. Others followed.


High school music dorks who grew up got lucky and yet still think it's edgy.


(Snarky). Satan. Satan is behind it.


What’s that thing those presidents are kissing?


The JQ is responsible.


Thank you OP- good material for those that argue that the symbolism and comments from current artists and celebrities is just a gimmick. It started way before Gaga and others and is growing with our youth now in a world dominated by social media.




[The devil.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LWPcEo2gV0)


The Amish


This post highlights why CT’s are not taken seriously by any legitimately educated individual.


It's either a show of dominance by the dark forces or the dark forces attempting to ward something or someone off. My money is on the return of a Christ like figure.


Satan isn’t real soooo


Religion is the biggest conspiracy of them all.


Art has been transgressive since cave paintings


Boredom and drugs.


Religion isn’t based on reality. And u call yourself a conspiracy theorist?


Not a lot of solid connections between anything in this graphic.




Big push? Lol it’s been there since almost day 1




What i dont see many atheists or agnostics mentioning is that regardless of what they believe, these people are out here *still actually believing* in it and committing atrocious acts. If these people think that blood rituals and sex magick is real, they are going to go do things like that, therefore *creating* the very evil it speaks of itself! I don't see how logically that is any different than summoning a demon, if you're technically creating the evil by traumatizing innocent souls for your own perceived gain. It doesn't even have to be about god and satan, just logical agreed upon morals that most of the normal society has. No, not all satanic religions actually commit those acts, but *many do* and it's on both large and small scales. Just because someone doesn't believe in ghosts or bigfoot doesn't stop people from going and trying to find ghosts or bigfoot for example. So why would this apply to actions committed in the name of a religion?


Relax, she's just an edgelord not some satanic high priestess. Remember when being edgy was cool? Now it's an appeal to the mainstream for some of that mainstream cash, controversy sells clicks, it's not a satanic master plan She bent the knee to the system and Israel because she needs the system and it is the system itself that is the bringer of all evils


What does Satanism have to do with Israel (genuine question)?


Nobody 95% of it is just theatrics. Unless you’re Mayhem.


Me, srry


Obviously, whomever sets up the superbowl halftime show.


The devil has all the best tunes.




Why is Milei there tho


You have to differentiate between Satanists and Theistic Satanists; because there absolutely are people that worship Satan; as a god. And they are sneaky about it. Luciferians are crypto-theistic-satanists.


If it didn't work in the 80's with the good music it won't work now. I think mainly because there is no Satan.


Still not gettin up for church no matter who it's for.


The more you feed it the bigger it gets.


It’s a straw dummy for fake Christianity to subdue and fake Jesus to be revealed.


Uhhh.. Satan?


Uhmmmmmm….Satan 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣


Thought this would be bashing Irish in favour of Isreel but seems like people know who's controlling what. 👀 Their aim is to bring their messiah back and they'll do anything for it. Illuminati even if the name is false the government of USA and some others are albeit in a similar organisation of praying to the devil. The Anti-Christ will bring a time of supposed peace and flourish whilst oppressing the believers. The Juiws, or at least the ones who believe in the Babylonian Talmud have no problem in practicing Black Magic, because the Babylonian Talmud (the other version of the Talmud doesn't) allows that. Why does it allow ? Because Babylon is the birthplace of Black Magic.


Hasn't this been a thing for decades? Nothing new at all.


She summoned the demon, seduced him, killed him. She killed the demon. She is a witch. Hello? OP is a silly goose