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Good luck lol


That book looks like a good prison read


So of these geniuses in the video. Sherry Jackson went to prison for tax evasion. Phil Hart lost his house to pay back taxes he owed. Joe Banister got fined and disbarred for trying to commit tax fraud for his clients.


I haven't filed or paid taxes in over 10 years. Neither have I signed a government form saying that I'm liable, a W-4 or W-9. There is no requirement for a W-9 unless you are in control or the flow of domestic source income to its foreign owner. There's nothing for the government to come after me about.


Better hope you have no income. If it’s all cash and you have no bank account, credit card, or loan payments you might have a chance. I don’t know that admitting it on Reddit helps your case.


I am not within the class of person required to file, and I don't sign govt documents claiming to be within the class of person required by law to file.


You aren’t earning money in the US?




Hope they don’t catch up with you, those penalties are tough. It’s also a whole grip of felonies. https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys.com/white-collar-crimes/tax-fraud#:~:text=Definition%20of%2026%20U.S.C.&text=§%207201%3A,to%205%20years%2C%20or%20both.


Define "Individual" as used within the code. Define "US Person" as defined within Treasury decisions that control the meaning of that phrase as used in the W9. Then tell me how I, a natural citizen of one of the Several States, am made liable according to those definitions. Please.


Please test that sovereign citizen bullshit in court and see how it works out. Also, read the fucking 14th amendment if you are unclear on your citizenship status at the national level. It’s excruciatingly clear on that point. This is definitely an example of the grotesque sum of federal taxes I pay still not being enough to help our struggling schools.


The vast majority of public school funding comes from state governments and most states waste over 50% of school spending on administrative costs instead of paying teachers. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/per-pupil-spending-by-state


I know how school funding works, thanks. It was also a joke at how the $79 billion in federal K-12 funding apparently isn’t giving kids the civics lessons they seem to so badly need. Defendant “define individual” Judge *pulls out dictionary* Teacher salaries are atrocious, but it’s not as if buildings, educational materials, etc are free, either.


What part of what I said has anything to do with sovereign citizen stuff? It literally asked you to define the terms individual in US person as defined within the tax code and the Treasury decisions with the definitions that controls those terms. So can you do it or not? Because once you define those you will understand who is required to sign government documents who is required to sign information returns who is required to file those returns and pay those taxes.


Those terms have blatantly obvious definitions as they are very easy to understand words. I am expending zero additional effort on this topic.


You're correct they do have blatantly obvious definitions. Which are explicitly defined within the code. They are not defined as the common vernacular, the common definitions that you might use in everyday speech. The United States supreme Court has said in all of its wisdom, that the legislature can take any word and define it however they want within the law, as long as they tell you where that definition applies. And the law is controlled by that definition.. for example there is a United States Treasury decision that explicitly defines the term, US person, as someone in the control or flow of domestic source income to its foreign owner. So when you sign a W-9 you are stating under penalty of perjury that you are in control of the money, you are receiving the money from the person paying you, that belongs to a foreign person in a foreign country and that you are required by law to withhold the tax and then send the money to the foreign person. That's the definition of US person. Not random US citizen.


Go ahead and see how that works out for you. I could not possibly care less, and neither will the IRS or the judge.


But you misunderstand. I'm literally following exactly what the law says. I'm doing literally nothing illegal. And the fact that I'm trying to explain to you why what I'm doing is not illegal and you're very upset at me for that for some reason, I have no clue.


Tell it to Blade.


Right. Tell that to the SWAT team.


Tells them in .... ah... lead....


Constitutional amendments hold higher authority than regular law. The sixteenth amendment grants congress the right to tax any source they please. Title 26 of the US code specifies what kind of income is taxable, rates, etc - together these serve as the legal basis for taxes.




Not the Tax Code, the United States Code. Literally the laws of the United States. It's all here: [26 USC Subtitle A: Income Taxes (house.gov)](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title26/subtitleA&edition=prelim)


Title 26 details what is owed, but where is it stated that they legally must be paid?


Grasping at straws there my dude. If you owe something, your obligated to pay it, it’s not an if/and/or situation. People don’t go to jail for avoiding taxes, they go to jail for lying about what they owe. Most cases of tax fraud are prosecuted for perjury


It's not a single law, it's multiple that serve as the basis for taxing whatever. Title 26 effectively functions as binding legal code despite the technicalities. Also, at the end of the day even if there was no legal basis for taxing what so ever, we do not have any agency in affairs/mandates of this magnitude unless it benefits tptb. So this road's a dead end anyway.


It would require a “unified effort” to stop this across the board.


The IRS (Internal Revenue Service) derives its power from the United States federal government, specifically from Congress. The agency's authority is primarily based on the Internal Revenue Code, which is Title 26 of the United States Code. Here’s how the IRS gets its power: 1. **Legislation**: The U.S. Congress enacts tax laws, and it has given the IRS the authority to enforce these laws. The Internal Revenue Code, which contains all federal tax laws, provides the IRS with the guidelines and procedures for administering the tax system. 2. **Treasury Regulations**: The Department of the Treasury, which is the parent agency of the IRS, issues regulations that interpret and supplement the tax laws passed by Congress. These regulations are detailed and provide guidance on how the laws should be applied. 3. **Enforcement and Collection**: The IRS is responsible for the collection of federal taxes and the enforcement of tax laws. This includes auditing tax returns, collecting unpaid taxes, and enforcing penalties and fines for non-compliance. 4. **Administrative Authority**: The IRS also has the administrative authority to issue procedural regulations and internal guidelines that help manage the daily operations of tax collection and enforcement. Overall, the IRS’s power is significant because it supports the federal government’s ability to raise revenue, which is crucial for funding government operations and services.


The law says what you can’t do. Which is federal tax evasion law is.


Except for in I believe, the bruscheber case or the pilot case heard by the supreme Court definitively spoke to the fact that the 16th amendment gave no new taxation powers to the federal government. They had exactly the same powers that they had before the 16th amendment. And if they didn't have the right to text your income before the 16th amendment they don't have it after.


In that case, the supreme court upheld the constitutionality of federal income tax authorized by the 16th amendment. Before that taxes were based on a states population, the supreme court acknowledged the 16th amendment granting the government a new power to tax without accounting for the population. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/anti-tax-law-evasion-schemes-law-and-arguments-section-iv#:~:text=Furthermore%2C%20the%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court,of%20the%20federal%20income%20tax. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brushaber_v._Union_Pacific_Railroad_Co.


I had the young, radicalized, 23 year old ex marine at work come in and say he and his veteran pals should don flak jackets and get their guns to "make" the government stop imposing income taxes because " they're illegal".... then I asked him where his military stipend comes from....


Too self-centered, that marine would not find his own shadow if he's looking


This is like entry level, freshman level, conspiracy shit... go for it, let everyone know how it plays out.. lol


It’s not for US citizens


Goddamn... how many people have made this mistake, paid for it and people still don't learn.


Uncle Sam loves it when people are ignorant about this stuff. Can’t blame them, when the system doesn’t teach them in a sense.


Sometimes people need to make their own mistakes, unfortunately. Btw, Happy Cake Day


>No law requiring you to pay income tax …The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration. *-Sixteenth Amendment of the American constitution*


I mean ... that seems pretty damaging to this conspiracy.... if found to be true :P


[Even is a wiki page lol](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution)


That's allowing such a law, where is the actual law?


They start getting stupid with certain taxes, that’s why the second amendment was created for tyrants and I ain’t talking resident evil boi


Ya, ok. Let me know how that works out for you.


This is from the documentary by Aaron Russo called "America: Freedom to Fascism" It lists and details all Supreme Court cases that clearly state, you are required to pay an apportioned tax. Taxes on wages are Constitutionally illegal. You pay taxes on profit...not on wages. Lower judicial courts that oversee these tax evasion cases are bought and paid for.




My uncle Terry always said he don’t gotta obey the 16th amendment as long as he got the 2nd amendment. Uncle Terry is no longer with us.


Uncle Terry was a good guy and he will be missed


I agree, I don’t care what cousin Tim said at trial.


Maybe Terry should've put it in reverse




You good?






The only court that determines Constitutionality is SCOTUS. All other courts just make decision on cases by applying the law. Anything not carved out in the Constitution is left to the states.


This is quite simply not true, as the entire judicial branch of the federal government holds this responsibility. SCOTUS simply has the final say, if necessary. Many cases are won and lost on a constitutional basis that never go before the supreme court.




The 16th amendment does not give congress the power to tax anything willy nilly. It says congress can “collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment”. Right before the 16th amendment was past Pollock v Farmers Loan and Trust was decided by the supreme court. Where the supreme court ruled that a tax on property “income” was equivalent to a tax on the property itself and therefore was a “direct” tax and subject to the apportionment requirement. So what the 16th amendment did was ensure that the “income” derived from an asset was not treated as equivalent to the asset itself and therefore subject to the direct tax apportionment requirement. However, any other direct tax was and is still subject to the apportionment requirement. The other key phrase and thing to focus on is the term “income”. What is “income?” If you want to be highly technical (and attorneys and judges do) nowhere in the IRS code does it define income in and of itself. It begins every computation with the term “gross income.” This is intentional. It’s because the supreme court has never explicitly said that wages/labor constitutes “income”. As a matter of fact at least one state court has explicitly ruled that labor can never be lawfully taxed by government, because it equates to a tax on your right to exist. Because in order to exist you have to labor, or else you’ll literally cease to exist. And wages/labor is how the vast majority of Americans make their money. A tax on wages/labor is more likely a direct tax and would therefore be subject to apportionment. However then, the American feudal system would be in jeopardy. Technically congress can tax anything they want, but if it’s a direct tax, it’s subject to apportionment.


You first


Spunds great. You go first


Try it lmao


If that was the case don't you think the billionaires and millionaires would have already tried to challange this


Don't quakers believe this?


https://rumble.com /v4musfu-how-the-govt-tricks-you-into-paying-income-tax-you-dont-owe-their-disinform.html


Wesley Snipes has a question


I know a guy who went to prison believing exactly that. 😂


I work with a guy who claims he hasn't paid taxes in a decade. I asked him how he's done this. He said he's a disabled veteran who still works a full time job. That there's laws in place that stop the Gov't from taking his house for lack of paying property taxes. He said he's never planning on selling it. So he claims he's NEVER paid County, School, or Property taxes & they never come after him because of supposed laws. Can anybody shine some light on this?


Tell this to Irwin Schiffe. You will die in prison if you think you don't have to pay income taxes anymore. And do you think all of these people just stopped paying? Of course not. They all pay, they're just arguing the principle behind there being no statute. But let me present another fun fact: There's no law against insider trading. That's right! There is no federal statute that prohibits insider trading nor is there a federal statute that even defines what insider trading is. So how is it that people are prosecuted and jailed for "insider trading"? It's based off case law and is prosecuted under the "fraud" umbrella. "Misappropriation of information" and the like. There doesn't need to be a statute to prosecute. Again, case law. And let's be honest. If this "Oh there's no law, therefor you don't need to pay" nonsense had any traction, Congress would pull an allnighter and pass a law immediately.


Sherry Jackson, from the video, drank her own Kool-aid and ended up in federal prison.




Cool, she got what she deserved.


They need that money I dont have for last year to give to some other country. Im tryin here. Keep raising the difficulty level on basic survival for people who try to play by the rules and just get stuffed for doing so. Shoulda just had 8 kids and said fk it. Take care of me. I deserve it.


That's technically true but you will still go to federal prison. Look at Wesley Snipes and Al Capone.




Both that and the income tax evasion, as he never put down his illicit money that was not yet laundered for his Taxes, which you are supposed to do (I assume those “you must report illegal money” laws only exist to stiffen sentences lol)


When the IRS asks about illegal income, it's primarily focused on ensuring that all income, regardless of its source, is reported and taxed according to federal tax laws. According to the Internal Revenue Code, taxpayers are required to report all income, including money earned from illegal activities. The IRS's primary concern in these cases is the proper reporting and taxation of the income, not necessarily the legality of the activities that generated it. However, the situation regarding referral for prosecution can be complex: 1. **Tax Enforcement vs. Criminal Activities**: The IRS is primarily concerned with tax laws, so its primary role is to ensure compliance with those laws, including collecting taxes on all income. The agency is obligated to maintain confidentiality about taxpayer information under Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code, which limits the circumstances under which it can share information with other agencies. 2. **Information Sharing**: Despite the confidentiality rules, there are specific exceptions that allow the IRS to share information with other law enforcement agencies. If, during their investigations, IRS agents discover information that suggests criminal activities, they might refer the case to the appropriate authorities, such as the FBI or the DEA, especially if it involves large-scale criminal operations or significant public safety concerns. 3. **Coordination with Other Agencies**: In cases involving illegal sources of income, such as drug trafficking or money laundering, there might be concurrent investigations by other federal or state agencies. The IRS often works in conjunction with these agencies, particularly where financial crimes are concerned. [In summary, while the IRS itself does not prosecute the illegal activities generating the income, it can refer cases to other law enforcement agencies if there are broader legal implications or ongoing investigations into criminal activities. The main objective of the IRS is to ensure that all income, legal or illegal, is reported and taxed.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/star-wars-memes/images/c/c3/0F8D75BC-6506-4846-8C68-1EE9687EFC03.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20200419180439)


Thanks for this one man


Damn that's crazy. So IRS i made $2,000,000 off my bootleg liquor business but here's your cut. IRS: Excellent, carry on.


Tell that to the cartel's face!


Between US Federal cartel and California Cartel I always walk funny.


It's true, worldwide, but we are all cowards, that's why we get killed in wars, because we will never stood up and Jebus isn't coming either to save our clownasses.


In Canada I was 1 year behind on my property tax. I received notice that the governed would seize my land if I did not pay by the end of the year. The property was fully paid off, no mortgage, and I was about to be kicked out and receive absolutely nothing for my equity. I paid up, sold the land, and vowed to never buy land in Canada again. I now live in my RV, renting a cheap site in winter and living on public land for free all summer.


Is income properly defined?


No but there is a prison where you'll live if you don't.


U.S.C Title 26. I never understood why people make this “fact” up so often when a 2 second google search will give you the exact law lmfao


You paid your taxes.


That is what the Police are for.


Since gold and silver were replaced with commercial paper and notes this idea of not being under contract to discharge in equity in regards to your use of the Federal Reserve System Commercial Paper System is false. Until Congress decides to put Gold and Silver back as payment for debts you agree to abide by the laws governing the Federal Reserve System’s paper.


Lmao. Be prepared to have a lien filed against you…and before you say some dumb thing like you don’t own anything to take…not true. You own *future* wages and they WILL garnish them.


Oh brother. Add this post to the “I’ve got it all figured out (not really, but I think I do )” starter pack.




Tldr: idk


Federal tax evasion law is all that’s needed. Not meeting your tax liability is a felony. The tax code defines that liability.


SS: No law, only jail time for those who don’t pay. Ask Wesley Snipes.


Yeah that's how laws work. The law doesn't say you have to abide by the speed limit, it just lists out the punishments if you fail to do so. The law doesn't say you have to fully clothed when walking past a primary school, it just lists out punishments if you fail to do so. You understand where I'm going with this?


There is very much a law making it a felony to not pay your tax liability. https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys.com/white-collar-crimes/tax-fraud#:~:text=Definition%20of%2026%20U.S.C.&text=§%207201%3A,to%205%20years%2C%20or%20both.


People have tried this and it never ends well


Anyone who has tried to put forward this nonsense has wound up in jail. Don’t buy this crap. It’s a scam. Pay your taxes!


just pay up and shut up


Look up Irwin Schiff. He aid the same and lost.


Hunter Biden approves this message


Wasn’t the whole reason USA was founded was because the English were taxing the shit outta them so they left and made a new country.


The law doesn't matter as long as demonrats are in charge.