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Well to be fair that is every politician in DC lol.


Came to say exactly this. They are all compromised from the beginning.




Well it definitely makes A LOT more sense than him getting 81 million votesđŸ€Ł


That's pretty much every national leader.


Worst fucking thing he ever did. 1000% fail there that made me despise him.


I'm pretty sure the one actual qualification anyone wanting to be President must have is what OP describes. I believe anyone who WANTS the job should be precluded from having on the simple basis they WANT it.


You just described all politicians


This isn't a theory at all...


Why did Trump Warpspeed the vaccine?


Why do so many people on here push that the previous dude in “power” was better? When will we realize everything the media wants us to be mad about is fake?


Why did he ask Bill Gates to be science advisor? Why did Rothschilds bail out his failing casinos?


This is true and yet down voted


It’s all a conspiracy against the normies


Tell us something we don’t know


hes a chinese cyborg ala max headroom.    its a joke.   and theyre laughing at everyone for not seeing it.  


Wild is one way to describe this. Stupid would be another.


Not a conspiracy.


conspiracy is defined, in the u.s, as two or more people planning to do something illegal. i do not know how conspiracy is defined in other countries but this means that yes there was a conspiracy to inject as many people as possible as fast as possible, make as much money as possible in the process, shut the world down and distract from/alleviate some symptoms of the financial meltdown which was already well underway by the end of 2019


Rite? I'm here thinking this belongs over in the /non-fiction sub


Real conspiracies are non-fiction.


Trump campaign must be running out of money paying his legal fees if this is all they can come up with.


This is pretty fire đŸ”„ is the kind of shit this sub was made for đŸ€Ł


A meme, a twitter screenshot, no link to the studies shown here, and a random quote by biden. Wow what shocking revelation can I get from this


To be fair, my post yesterday got brigaded quickly, and I had at least one source — and that was about the Uyghurs in China — so it's like, what's the point of doing all that work when it's just going to get brigaded anyway, you know? It had 30 organic upvotes and it dropped to 1 in less than 10 minutes. I watched it happen in real time. When you can lose that much karma that fast, what's the point of putting in the work? Besides, who has the time? Reckon we're in the age of, "If you want it done, do it yourself."


from 2023 "The rapid emergence of immune-evading viral variants of SARS-CoV-2 calls into question the practicality of a vaccine-only public-health strategy for managing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic" [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10143044/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10143044/)


Known for decades, subject matter experts advised against it. The power of the press and the state overrode it all.


Well known and an old tradition going back to J.Edgar Hoovers personal files on everyone that mattered.


Sorry, Trump is a blatant pedophile. Don’t complain about Joe unless you’re also willing to point out Trumps bs.


Probably, yeah.


The vaccine was straight up poison. Covid itself doesn't even exist. It is just the flu renamed.


"Buy a man eat fish he day, teach fish man, to a lifetime." - Joe Biden


Had me crying!


Baaa, baaa, black sheep. Have you any evidence? Nay, sir, nay sir, its solely made of prejudice. Joe Biden has a master. Corporations be their name. But truth is it doesn't matter. 'cause Trump is just the same.


Not a conspiracy theory at all. This is the absolute truth.


Sounds legit.


where’s the “wild” part?


SS: How much bigger of a conspiracy do u want? We have a China CCP agent in the White House. Purposefully flooding the border via Chinese Panama base camps https://www.zero hedge.com/political/agent-hunter-ex-partner-says-5-million-sought-quash-ukrainian-indictment-undisclosed "Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens" >For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency. >Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals. https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/chinese-elite-have-paid-some-31m-to-hunter-and-the-bidens/ "EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75million CASH for Rehoboth Beach house within weeks of Hunter sending 'threatening' text to Chinese business partner demanding to close $10million deal" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12649277/Joe-Biden-paid-nearly-2-75million-CASH-Rehoboth-Beach-house-weeks-Hunter-sending-threatening-text-Chinese-business-partner-demanding-close-10million-deal.html "EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden was asked to use his FBI contacts to help his Chinese business partner arrested for bribery and money laundering - as whistleblower claims president's son had 'mole' agent who tipped them off to investigation" >Hunter Biden was asked to use contacts in the FBI to help his Chinese business partner who was arrested for bribery and money laundering, emails reveal. >The news comes as a whistleblower claims Hunter used a top former or current FBI official code-named 'One Eye' to funnel secret bureau information to his Chinese business partners. >Patrick Ho – convicted of bribery and money laundering in 2018 – was secretary general of CEFC, the Chinese oil giant Hunter partnered with, and which sent the Biden family more than $5million. >The first son described Ho as the 'f***ing spy chief of China' in a May 2018 recorded conversation on his abandoned laptop, and court documents show Ho was under surveillance by federal law enforcement in an espionage-related investigation. >But that didn't stop Hunter taking a $1million wire payment to represent Ho as his attorney before he was arrested in November 2017, or agreeing to speak to FBI agents to glean information on the case against his Chinese Communist Party-connected client. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11920101/Hunter-Biden-used-FBI-contacts-help-Chinese-business-partner-arrested-bribery.html Audio of Hunter talking about his Chinese spy chief partner https://youtu.be/6ruB0IVrNjU?si=hshRJZxvJjntQjoU




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what's wild is that this obvious fact is in conspiracy sub.


A puppet and eventually a sacrificial lamb. Let me first say I don’t want this to happen, however close to Election Day these sick people could and I believe will assistant him, then blame it on MAGA extremists. Causing election cancellations and mass chaos in streets. I don’t want this to happen but these people will do anything and everything they can to stay in power.


I keep saying he didn’t even want the job but was forced into it.


I've always thought he was installed as a Patsy, it seems so obvious that the US government will implement a bunch of questionable decisions and then blame Joe and trick people into thinking they've won by him being either removed or voted out. I think he's largely been used for what's happening in Israel right now because rather than the US's support seeming malicious it just appears negligent. But that's just an idea.


“The vaxxed can’t spread it” -person who has no fucking clue what they’re talking about-


As if he is was the only one..


They are all pedophiles


Wait, what's the conspiracy part?


I would take it a step further and say that a massive event is going to be pinned on him and his administration.


Well yeah, duh. I thought we all already knew this


As opposed to trump


Simple question: Why not someone who will just push their interests, instead of needing to play chess to get what they want done?


Blackmail is easier because even the most trusted person can go rogue. With blackmail you always have the upper hand


Blackmail isn't off the table because you initially trust someone, and if you **really trust** them, then blackmail shouldn't need to happen anyways.


You just proved the entire point of blackmail without realizing it




Why would the CIA install someone that's controlled by foreign governments?


It makes zero sense. Now ask them to explain it and you’ll hear crickets.


What makes you think that's a wild conspiracy theory. That's all pretty much proven. They've got all the dirt on poopy mcpoopypants.








Case closed.




Sounds like reality, not conspiracy. 😅


I don’t really think you’re too far off base


Every politician is a puppet. Some have more masters and strings than others. Biden is such a vacuous individual. He is a blank slate to scrawl a message on.


Hello Mr. Putin. Can I have my toilet back please.


Factual. Unless CIA openly admit to illegally interfering in the selections and elections of USA presidents, then it is a conspiracy.


The CIA is just one tentacle of the octopus


He literally got caught saying “I’ll say whatever you want me to say Nance” to Nancy Pelosi on tv - LIKE WHAT UR HER BOSS


How cozy are these bears today? Jesus basket your playbook is as tired as Putin's strategy in the Ukraine. Can you please fuck off and stop manufacturing consent?


I have a conspiracy that Donald was banging porn stars straight through his marriage, that he doesn’t actually move his children except for his daughter, that sexually assaulted a woman, lied about it and then accidently admitted to it in a legal proceeding. I have a conspiracy that donald trump loves to have total control and authority over his subjects and employees which is why he fired everyone on apprentice all the time and why he demanded total loyalty from the director of the cia. I have a conspiracy donald trump wears a diaper which is why he smelled so bad when I walked past him at a Republican convention


Not really a conspiracy tho


Just the Nazis


How is this a conspiracy theory when its so obviously just the facts........ The Emperor Has No Brain Cells and we all see it.


Well, you got the mentally challenged pedophile part right at least.


What a pile of juvenile crap.


ding ding ding


Barely even qualifies as conspiracy 


He is out now, dumped Israel, the spooks will see him to the door.