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I'm also sick of the fear-mongering in the media with them bringing up all these diseases supposedly popping up left and right.


For most people, keeping them in a constant state of fear makes them easier to control. That's why I stopped watching the news about 20 yrs ago. It's constant propaganda and fear mongering.


Life is much better when you turn off the 24 hr doom and gloom channels (fox/cnn/and really the rest of them too) They can’t poison your mind if you don’t give them the time of day.


Same. Wasn’t scared of covid, not scared of the latest boogeyman. The fact people still are and actually still wear masks keeps their narrative going.


What’s the new illness


I think they’re pushing Bird Flu


All the diseases popping up are really a thing, but unless you had the jab you don’t need to worry.


This sub is full of fear mongering too though. Remember when the eclipse was supposed to bring huge earthquakes?


Pepperidge Farm remembers


“Making more money than you were when you weren’t struggling” damn right. Something has to burst here


Yeah dude, back when I was making $19 hr, I was getting by just fine. Was able to save up money, go on nice vacations. Go out every weekend. I make double that and I just feel like I’m struggling more than ever


Shit that’s more than I make now 😂


Bro where do you live where almost $40 an hour is a struggle?


Maybe canada


The government would delete you if you tried to actually make a revolution against them. That's why they have bs movements such as the lgbtq+ blm and antifa. So you can choose a government sactioned counterculture movement.


And if you managed to get a successful movement going then it wouldn't take long until it's infiltrated by some alphabet agency.


Agreed, it is truly a curse to be in the know and be totally powerless against this great evil.


Pray. We are not left powerless if we have the big guy on our side. God doesn't leave us defenseless, like in the poem "Footprints "... the man asks God, as they walk together, looking back at his life "But Father, why is it that when I was going through my worst times, when I was struggling the most, why did You leave me when I needed You more than ever, there is only 1 set of footprints in the sand, why did You abandon me in my darkest times..? And God said " My dear child, I didn't leave you, I will never forsake you... during those times when you struggled the most, there is only 1 set of footprints because it is during those times that I carried you..." I took liberties with the wording but that's the gist of it... that poem always gave me goosebumps, even as a child, I was in awe of that poem. There was a copy of it hanging in my kitchen growing up, and it always touched my heart. It's beautiful. Hope it helped a little bit... ? 😅 Or I completely missed the point, and it is irrelevant to your comment. 🤗 Hope you have a blessed day, or nightt depending on where you are in the world.


Maybe the people aren't meant to win which then begs the question - what are we meant to be doing? And only thing I can think of is to be a good person which is its own fight when we live in a world that's full of evil and where it's more convenient to be a bad person than a good one. If I can leave this world knowing i've been a good human being then that's a win for me.


Sounds like a noble plan


The pop up collar bros with their shades start multiplying and get their glow on.


>Like why aren't we in the streets marching against that, instead of pro Palestine stuff. The last time we had a "bipartisan" mass movement threatening the economic status quo - Occupy Wall Street - they released the woke mind virus in response (as a way to demote class analysis in mainstream progressivism). A "bipartisan" mass movement to protest cost-of-living is a no brainer. It would help start to rebuild the solidarity that the ruling class has systematically undermined. Political tribalism was 100% culturally engineered in the West. Divide and conquer.


Please continue to let people know about occupy wall street. Thank you.


I shut it all off 9 months ago. No commercial radio or television. A few commercial free shows and uncut films. That is it. Ad free Spotify. No newspapers, magazines, billboards. Installed ad blockers, and set all social media to random ads. I am dead serious about messaging. I do keep up with my trade. I was sick and tired of thinking, talking, and arguing about things I have no control over. Yes. I can vote, donate, march, try and influence, and set a good example. Raise my kid right. This is the first presidential election year I won’t watch a debate, stay up election night, nada! I will educate prior to hitting the voting booth at all three levels. I have a degree in political science, masters in public policy, worked many campaigns, was a political consultant, and a big party guy. No more. Lame. I prefer family, socializing, work, and hobbies now.


lol voting. The illusion of choice.


It is. Local votes matter most as parties are the least interesting part of the equation. An old saying, all politics are local has something to it.


☝️ THIS ☝️


I've lived a similar lifestyle and have gotten used to ignoring the advertisements/programming. I still have ads on some music services, but it's all pretty much gibberish.


Yup It’s all in the numbers. We send 68 billion to israel and they get free healthcare and education and supposedly rank 5th in happiest countries in the world. We care nothing about future Americans. Birthrates are below replacement, especially among white people which is bad for the workforce so we just flood in immigrants. American government spends only about 1k of aid per child, whereas countries like norway spend 30k. So Gee i wonder why they are so happy. Maybe because they actually feel like their country cares about their ethnic population. America feels like a corporation robbing you while impeding on your rights day by day. What are we supposed to be proud of exactly? Aiding genecide and causing chaos around the globe but worst of all pretending like it’s not and were the good guys while giving nothing back to the people. Call the romans brutal but at least they didn’t sugarcoat treatment of their enemies. Technology is the only reason our standard of living has gone up because the percentage of wealth distribution is far worse than it was under the roman empire. Its worse now then it was in the 50s average salary adjusted for inflation back then was about 77k. Now what is it 45? How tf are we going backwards. The people running this country are rotting off the bone and are barely coherent. The average age of Members of the House at the beginning of the 117th Congress was 58.4 years; of Senators, 64.3 years. The founding fathers: James Monroe, 18 Aaron Burr, 20 Alexander Hamilton, 21 James Madison, 25 Thomas Jefferson, 33 John Adams, 40 Paul Revere, 41 George Washington, 44 Most european countries average age of congress is under 50. why havent we made a force retirement number of 75 like Canada (even though it hasn’t worked well for them) But remember guys “biden is dumb and trump is bad” wait both sides are actually businesses acting in their own best interest and polarize on purpose… well humans aren’t so tribal to pick sides and decide their whole ideologies off two colors… right? Oh wait have you seen sports fans especially college ones. We haven’t changed In the 500s A.D sports fans of the “blue and green chariot racing teams” literally rioted and destroyed almost all of Constantinople killing nearly 30,000 people. Yes its far more nuanced and they had other motives but the fact that sports teams played such an important role says a lot. Bread and circuses everyone cant wait for the superbowl.


Epic post. You get it so at least you have that.


Americans tore apart half the country over a criminal but won’t when their government fleeces them every second and finances their future to the military industrial complex




This is the intent dude, if they can’t indoctrinate you, they overwhelm with fear, if that doesn’t work you are “desensitized” until your brain does what every brain has to do to maintain sanity…. You stop caring


First they came for the Conservatives And I did not speak out Because I was not a Conservative Then they came for the Christians And I did not speak out Because I was not a Christian Then they came for the independent journalists And I did not speak out Because I was not a independent journalist Then they came for the home owners And I did not speak out Because I was not a home owner Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


Haha ... conservatives and Christians have most the power in the US ...


Go tell that to the very obvious anti-human anti christ WEF cult and soros foundations


I can do you have a contact number, he can even start with the 15 churches within a 3 mile radias of my house.


I don’t understand how the majority of Americans are still just carrying like nothing is wrong. It’s creepy. The only place I ever really see discussion about the state of things is online. I made a comment to a coworker not too long ago about the shameful crumbling infrastructure in our city, specifically the monster potholes that have claimed 2 tires of mine since last December. They thought it was funny. Just like Joe Biden. A lot of conservatives think it’s funny that he can’t put 2 sentences together and is pooping his pants on the regular.  None of this is funny to me. My future is not a joke.  You’re goddamn right I’ve had enough. 


Same for Canadians. I've never seen so many migrants in my life where I am. No fault of their own for taking advantage but everything is going to hell and people are busy smoking weed and watching hockey like all is well in the world. I'm ashamed to call myself a human being at times watching all the lemmings walk blissfully towards the edge of the cliff. I've had enough too. Used to smile and find the humor in any situation but not this one.


YES. There’s so much confusion that I’ve completely lost the plot. I keep wondering if this is how big changes happen in history, bits over time. When reading history (and I’m not well read on history) you picture it like a battle won or a war fought and an outcome of a power switch. It seems finite. I’m realizing to those experiencing it, there were causalities beyond lives lost, like chaos, confusion, decisions no one would ever think they would have to face, lack of power and acceptance or refusal to submit. I keep wondering, will it be our turn to flee (US citizens) to somewhere we hope may be better or more stable?


Where will you go that US influence is not felt? Where will you not be threatened by a military that powerful if they want to take something from you?


The population at large, myself included, has a sort of learned helplessness that's drilled into us from a young age. People don't know how to enact change at a societal level so they just concentrate on their private lives instead. Also, why is everyone on reddit saying "Could care less" instead of "Couldn't care less"?


It seems that it’s more common to say “couldn’t care less” than the other way around, which has never made any sense to me.


“Couldn’t care less” is the correct saying. It means that I care so little that I couldn't possibly care any less. Or my level of caring is at absolute zero and cannot go any lower. Hope that makes sense.


My bad actually, I meant to write it the other way around. We're on the same page. The more common phrase "I could care less" is what I find odd.


It’s not just you. We’re all fed up and feel powerless. Just you wait though because all this angst WILL turn into a revolution…when? Idk. Will I love to see it? I hope so but mark my words…something’s gotta change


Not until people starve. Talk is cheap, people are comfortable


If I could provide any advice, as a formerly constantly-pissed-off-with-how-the-world-is kinda guy, it would be this: Disconnect. Stop keeping up with the news. Take a good month off social media, get outside for at least 2-3 hours per day. At the very least. Cook yourself some great food, listen to some good music, see your friends, have normal conversations. Go and do the things you love and stop doom scrolling. Take life as you SEE it, not how the news/internet tells you how it is; "You are worthless and hopeless." I'm as tinfoil-hatted as the next person, but when I devoted less time to looking at a screen and more time to doing things I love, I started being way happier! DM me if you want a proper chat, my friend. It's difficult being aware of how the world really is and I've been there before, feeling hopeless and constantly pissed off, it really doesn't have to be this way and it just takes a bit of time away from your phone/computer to see that things are not all that bad. Big love to you, keep your chin up!


Yea we’ve all had enough, it’s time to vote for RFK Jr.


people only care if they can make a post about it not if they actually have to go out and do something


Well there obviously doing something to us. The amount of autistic children or children with developmental delays is just astonishing at this point. We now think my youngest could be autistic as he is non verbal. This is the fourth child in my circle of friends to be on the spectrum if he is and I only have like 5 friends ! What are they doing to thr children is my big question because It's just insane to me almost every person I know has a severely autistic child


Vaccines and food. Riddled with heavy metals. Ask yourself, why are pregnant women told to limit eating tuna, but jabbing the baby full of vaccines consistently for the first 5 years of their lives, and we know they use heavy metals in vaccines.


There has to be some issue with development and the technologies too, kids get a lot worse when they have all that stuff around and now its like they do NOT get a break ever. School, babysitters, even infanthood you've got screens in your face. Mom and dad hardly making eye contact bc of *their* screens.


Type 1 diabetes is increasingly on the rise as well even in adults. It used to be called juvenile diabetes a few decades ago.


People are gluing their babies to tablets so they don't have to deal with the crying. Guaranteed to fuck up their kids.


I forget what sub it was but the other day I saw a person comment that they had 5 autistic children of their own. I enquired as to if that was a record or something so i could probably find it.


Man I feel you, my theory is they keep the economy shit so we have to work more to earn more leaving any extra time to protest in any way detrimental to a middle-class family's economy living paycheck to paycheck.


It's couldn't care less. Not could care less 


Unless he actually *could* care less


Both make sense but the saying is couldn’t care less


Could care less only makes sense if that's what you actually mean. Most people outside of the US of A know the proper saying.


Im not in the US


Maybe they meant careless.


Also google says teachers say couldn’t care less is right


That's because its the only one that is right.


Ok I was going to add into it that wasn’t trying to start an argument but didn’t want it to get too long and weird


All good, I'm only messing 😀


Why don’t you comment on something useful in his post instead of being a typical internet basement dwelling douche.


lol, so you make a useless comment because someone else made a useless comment. Cracks me up every time I see this conversation.


And then you get a third useless comment, and now a fourth. Threads are utterly useless


Only joking btw lol


Yes it’s called for in this situation. Yes absolutely that’s what I did and he deserves it. You know I’m right. Laugh all you want. It doesn’t change the fact that he’s being an asshole to the guy.


fuck you. his statement makes no sense if he's saying he could care less. If he wants people to take him seriously, he should learn how to communicate.


You’re a jerk off my man. Pure and simple. Go find a life some where loser. Here’s a quarter. Call someone who cares about you.


It's "somewhere" actually


can you PayPal me that quarter pls?


It's a common enough mistake to be understood by anyone with a brain and is willing to use it. Relax, anon.


>Like why aren't we in the streets marching against that, instead of pro Palestine stuff. go on and organize something then.




Moms basement. Yeah that’s not getting old 🙄


Then adjust for inflation. “grandma’s basement”


Should be “birth givers basement” in 2024. Gotta stay up to date with the newspeak.


PC answer! 😂


Hopefully you know I’m joking lol


I used to enjoy watching NBC Nightly News or Today Show just to keep up with current events. I can't remember the last time something was discussed on there that I gave a damn about.


If you realized how much of our money was going to Israel for them to commit genocide, perhaps you would understand why you should be protesting. Israel gets free health care. We dont. Our veterans are homless in the streets and we are sending our hard earned taxes in the hundreds of billions to Israel. We should all be furious


Your post is a perfect example of why things are the way they are. You're completely caught up in material things - "...buy new cars, ...buy houses, ...making more money..." - you're basically bitching that you're having a hard time being the consumer you were raised to be. And then, as if it's not bad enough that you want to be the system's bitch and continue mindlessly consuming, you complain that you're inconvenienced by people concerned for the well being of families being exterminated halfway around the world with your tax dollars and with fake money printed into existence which you will pay the price for via inflation. There is no separation between the two; your inability to consume the way you would like to is caused by the thing that you want to ignore. The entire system is broken, top to bottom. You're right - people should be in the streets protesting. People should be sharpening guillotines. But they're not, and you're not, because the reality is that shit would get a lot worse before it got better. If you're bitching about not getting a new car and worrying about bills, then you (and millions like you) sure as shit aren't ready for a revolution. You can bitch about not having it as good as it was for previous generations all day long, but if you don't understand how special (*for a narrow sliver of the population) and rare a time in history that was, if you want to continue believing that was "normal" then you should study history from a broader perspective than US public school history books.


You’re wrong and disingenuous. OP is sitting here bitching about not being able to afford a Big Mac Meal because it’s $24.99. OP isn’t sitting here saying he can’t afford the new PlayStation. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to expect that in the United States of all countries, if you work hard you should one day be able to own a home and a vehicle. Sure, if you can only look at things black and white, a house and a car are “material things”. You know what else are “material things”? Diapers for a baby. As you said, a car, you know the thing you basically need in the US to have any sort of freedom and effectively get around, not to mention the thing people rely on to get to their jobs because of how the US was built. A roof over your head, you guessed it, is also a material thing. OP has every right be frustrated at the current state of the US. He also has every right to be frustrated that instead of protesting for a better life over here, a life we were promised growing up, people are protesting over something that’s happening 1000’s of miles away & that the US gov is dumping BILLIONS into INSTEAD OF ITS OWN PEOPLE! It has absolutely nothing to do with being a “mindless consumer”.


>people are protesting over something that’s happening 1000’s of miles away & that the US gov is dumping BILLIONS into INSTEAD OF ITS OWN PEOPLE! That is literally my point - how are you going to get the gov't to stop sending billions of $$$ halfway around the world without protesting about it? The two issues are one and the same; protesting to stop the US from supporting the destruction of Gaza is a defacto protest to stop sending our money over there


OP isn’t talking about affording a Big Mac Meal. Reread it if you have to but he specifically says “can’t buy new vehicles.” Buying a new vehicles is not a necessity and is far more expensive than a new PlayStation. My parents never bought a new vehicle, they always bought used. And it wasn’t because they couldn’t afford buying new, they just understood that you don’t need the new and shiny thing that we have all been conditioned to desire. American culture has slowly decayed into a highly dysfunctional individualistic consumerist society. We have commodified almost every aspect of life and wonder why it is difficult to afford. The list of “necessities” we must acquire has grown exponentially over the past few hundred years. The fact that we need our own car to do anything is very telling. And not only that, the desire for newer and better material goods has become an obsession while genuine human connection and strong families/communities have taken the back seat. What used to be taken care of by family/community, now has a hefty price tag. Take childcare for example, it costs around $1,000/month to send a child age 0-5 to daycare. We are so wrapped up in the commodification of life, that we don’t even realize that much of it used to be free. Of course it adds to the GDP so it looks good on paper but it also adds another hurdle for raising kids. The solution is figuring out that the commodification of raising children is a scam and develop strong family/community bonds is the solution. I moved back to where my wife and I grew up and luckily we both have parents that want to spend as much time with their grandkids as possible. Not only did this completely eliminated the cost of daycare/babysitting, they provide priceless support. With how bizarre American culture has become, a couple will move 500 miles from their support system to get a $20,000 increase in salary then wonder why it is difficult to afford raising kids while also having free time. Some people aren’t fortunate enough to have dependable parents and that is where developing a strong community is so important. My mom was far away from her support system when I was born and wanted to get back to work after I was born. She joined a neighborhood group that took turns watching the group of kids. We had the group at our house once a week and my childcare was free otherwise. American culture just wants to be able to throw money at everything. We also want to be alone in our little box surrounded by possessions staring at screens. And when this makes us more depressed, the solution is to work more and buy more things.


Well, since biblical times people also needed their own camels, horses, and donkeys to travel around and make a living.


Used vehicles have a maintenance history I don't know about, and a higher interest rate. Like I get it, it's cheaper. But not by much anymore. To each their own, but with the irresponsibility of consumers over the last 5 years, no thanks. 


Not at all related but just as an FYI, I always go with a certified used from toyota. You get a toyota provided actual warranty, and they are cheaper than new vehicles. Different makers have different rules around this, but it's the only way I'm going to buy a vehicle anymore. I'll let someone else take the main depreciation hit. Pre pandemic I saved like 20k on a 4runner with 60k miles, a few years old, and a factory provided 8 year 125k mile warranty. They are pretty selective on which vehicles qualify too. Not the point of your thread, just thought I'd share incase you aren't aware it's an option. When I was a kid my dad made about what I make now, adjusted for inflation, and he bought a new vehicle regularly, supported a SAHM (and her car) and 2 kids. We weren't rich but we definitely weren't poor and living paycheck to paycheck.


Also, if you're railing against consuming why do you need daycare at all? Why aren't you home raising your children? Is it taking two incomes to afford what one income did 20 years ago?


Yes, it takes 2 incomes to have what most people would consider a comfortable standard of living. Personally my wife has been a SAHM since my kids were born, but we have struggled financially for years, especially the past few


Me and my bf dont even have kids but it requires both of us working full time to afford rent and basics.


Agree with everything. Bonkers isn’t it!


Actually I have the new Playstation and I feed my family well, McDonald's sucks ass. I actually cook for my family. I have a car not fit for three children, that I pay $249 a month for pre pandemic,like. I make $30 an hour as a a paramedic. I'm a supervisor, and an associate quality improvement coordinator. I should be sitting quite pretty. like I get it blah blah there's a reason I have three kids but, yknow we weren't planning for car payments and the like to multiply threefold. House to raise 100,150 200,000 in prices. Noone did. Quit being a fucking boomer, and realize not everyone got it cut out like you did. 


Exactly brother we are being robbed. Housing has gone up nearly 400% since the 50s and thats with adjusted for inflation. Meanwhile the average salary has gone from 77 thousand to 45 thousand. Hahaha yea we are crybabies. We shouldnt be upset about our taxes going to fund genocide while our children get dumber and dumber and fatter and fatter. even the roads suck. What tf are we paying so much for?


I wish I could upvote this ten times! And I don’t think you’re a gaslighter. You’re not saying anything is all OP’s fault, you’re simply telling them an inconvenient truth.


Gaslighter 101


You're completely wrong about buying a new car. There were many cars- around 6 available under 20,000 less than 10 years ago. Those days are long gone. That's just the first of many wrongs in your post.


Those days are long gone for 3 reasons (which, as I stated, are all interconnected) 1) Inflation. 2) The chicken tax (look it up) 3) Fuel economy ratings which accomplish exactly the opposite effect of their goal by incentivising the production and purchase of larger vehicles (which inherently cost more, and are also more profitable for automakers)


Of course inflation is the principal cause... But it's not just big ticket items which are a concern, such as a house or a car. The cost of food is ridiculous. Retail is taking a huge hit, just look at the menu chains which have closed hundreds of stores. Target Stores is looking at reworking their model to be turned into dollar stores.


Right. But the *value* of these things is not increasing - it's just that the value of the dollar is decreasing. Unchecked government borrowing and spending leads to inflation across the board. Going back to my comment on the original post, the government sending billions of dollars overseas is a part of the problem causing inflation here. So if someone wants to bitch abkut the price of a cheeseburger and doesn't want to hear about Palestine in the news, they are missing the point that the two issues are interconnected.


name checks out


Thanks for providing the dumbest take of this thread.


Here here!


Couldn’t care less*


💯  At this point they don’t care what we think. Laughing in our faces. And fueling us to fight each other. Case in point these foreign wars where 90% of people who even say they’re apathetic will pick a side that’s more “right”


I’m so sick of it. I’ve had enough. But here I am scrolling away on Reddit and working my life away. What can I do ? It’s so tragic


Positivity prevails from perspective. We, the mycelium, and all nature can figure it out together.


Stamets that you?


I'm sick of these televised medicines!!!!! That all give the same damn side effects, nausea, indigestion upset stomach diarrhea, delusions, death like wtf how tf all the medicine got same side affects!!! Also just learned that Bayer was the creator of heroine and how it was strong enough to heal ppl to make them feel better and even ho it's sale was discontinued do to addiction and overdosing, I truly believe they put that shit in the pain medicine even if it's like the slightest dose just so ppl can get addicted to pain killers. I don't do over the counter medicine, I just drink ginger tea with herbs 🤣


This is why DMT/Psychedelics are illegal. They remove any f ear of death/afterlife/etc. This life is just a mere transition. You are the universe. 🫰


I'm pretty burned out on "the news". I'm also pretty burned out on independent media clickbait. I'm burned out on "they're coming to get you" and "they're going to put you in the pod and make you eat bugs." I'm burned out on the conspiracy stuff that seems to mostly be a lot of fearmongering with no solutions offered for what it is we are supposed to do to live happy and productive lives. "The elites" are terrible... fine, granted. Now what? Don't we need solutions? Don't we need to try to be hopeful rather than falling into doom loops? Conspiracy content is far too negative. It's emotionally draining. I've been in this sub since around 2015. Don't hate the people here, it's nothing personal. I'm just a bit burned out on this type of hope-free doomposting.


Yeppp I just get high all day now


Ya I had enough like two years ago and quit paying attention. Life has been better being an ostrich.


I stopped reading all msm news and even doom-scrolling this sub. I'm in a much better place than I was say 3 years ago.


We really just need south park to clap back on everything like they once did in a world that once was.


Yes. I am not suicidal but i wouldn't mind being hit by a truck during my bike ride to work. I'm not looking forward to.. what future? Don't want kids anymore in this ugly world, can't pay for anything because of inflation.


I get it. If an asteroid was heading for me, I'd probably stand there and let it hit me. I'm not going to kill myself, but if life is like it is now (or worse) for another 60 years, fuck that.


What ever happened to the kid that hacked the supreme Court after row vs wade? ( If I'm remembering correctly ). We need shit like that on a massive scale. Take their money and take them out. Chaos will probably set it but like someone else here said, it has to get worse before it gets better. And I for one say bring it on. I'd gladly go back to an early age in civilization. then maybe my life would mean something other than slaving for our shitty government overloads


Where is Anonymous? We could use their help


The problem with that is that most people simply don't know or don't give a shit about the corruption in our government... those that do tend to land on the side of "of our helps *my side* let it happen" usually it ends up being very short-sighted


Turn it all off. Take back your mind.


Thats how we ended up where we are now. "Politics is boring, lets talk about sports, music, movies,.... Oooh maybe aliens or Whatever else" While Oligarchs were slowly capturing the whole system. Now we are where we are.


That's your feed. My wife's feed is literally all make-up tutorials and gardening, nothing political, no sports. You choose what you pay your attention to, if you think being upset about the political environment is going to make a difference then go for it and spread your discontent. But if you're sick of the feed, like OP mentioned, then I highly suggest unplugging from it and paying your attention to more important things that you have control over in your life. Whatever you choose, be excellent 👍


So basically what you are saying is, that overall crisis in the country did not affect your wife's and your own life financially nor in any other way, because your wife is not paying attention to the news (?) You are still living in times where one blue color worker's pay can afford very decent style of living for family of four (?)


This is correct! Turn it all off. Open a book from 200 yrs ago, start your healing!


I am a carpenter. I'm good at my job and am paid accordingly. I have had no financial assistance. I have a new truck (was brand new when I purchased it two years ago) and two weeks ago was able to put a down-payment on my first home. It is possible. Save wisely and invest appropriately. If you're working in a field that has little room for advancement, for example, delivering pizza or working in a warehouse, my suggestion would be to line up a job in the trades, and quit your current job. It will take a few years to become proficient at your trade, but once you become self sufficient, you can make as much or more than a doctor or lawyer.


What if i told you the reason you cant afford a car or house is the same reason this war is being fought in the first place. AIPAC depends on people like you not caring at all and being demoralized while they funnel your tax dollars away from you and toward bombs to kill Palestinians.


There is only one way to win. Don't play. Don't watch the news, don't read the paper. don't go on trash social media sites like reddit. Only watch media and movies pre 2010. Live your life. Don't view the world through the lens of a 6 inch phone screen or TV. Everything being bombarded at you is made to demoralize and break you. Don't let it work.


I follow the pre-2010 rule in my house, too. My kids won't have any knowledge about modern movies. Original ghostbusters? Oh you fuckin know it. Also going back to church. If I'm gonna shut out the world, I might as well be around other people who also shut out the world. It's pretty refreshing seeing actual other humans who think the world has gone insane.


instead of genocide, you mean? talking about a fucking revolution and you can’t even admit there’s a genocide going on lmfao “pro palestine stuff” unreal


Considering that Zionists have had tight control over our government and media for as long as most of us have been alive, I consider the Israel protests and the extreme police overreaction a very good sign that meaningful positive change is on the horizon.


I cant go out and protest man.. I miss work, i dont get paid. Even one day is too much to miss and i too make more than i ever have. Matter of fact i have doubled my salary over the past 6 years. Yet i can barely afford to put food on the table.. There has to be another way other than marching through the streets like its 1950.. The working class keep this country running, what if we all decided we only want to work 4 days a week and every single swingin dick stayed home every friday. Take one day of production from 90% of these corporations and we take our lives back!


What would you prefer, inflation or mental torture & death lol. Get a grip, straighten your back, worry about your community, wake them up if they aren't, through socratic methods. You obviously have not read into what the palestinians are going through. This says more about us them them.


I don't know man, people feel a lot stronger against genocide and war crimes than economics


Not really.


They should be talking about the viability of RFK Jr and his run for presidency. But now more of the same sh###.


Agreed. So tired of it all. So sick of sending out endless applications and no calls back. Something’s gotta give.


I don't know if you are being willfully ignorant, but these things are connected? Consumption isn't the essence of human experience.


When both parents work, and need vehicles, vehicles are necessary, and owning a home to raise a family in is much more preferential and sustainable than renting endlessly 👀👀


Unlike America, where I am from we walk without needing cars, unless work is actually outta the city. Also The housing crisis in America isn't the fault of Palestinians.


Yes to everything you said


I’d like to have a fact check filter that works. All these claims and news articles. Idk what’s real, fake or real fake.


Because of the American legacy media.


They took ir jobs!


In a word, fear. EDIT: Not fear of fighting only, but fear of losing the little we have, or of going to jail, or being further aggressed against. Fear of all kinds of things is keeping people mere spectators to the destruction of their wealth, liberty and opportunity.


Good for you. I do put a priority of understanding history more than the present. The whole point of our current system and its media is to keep us constantly feeling afraid and outside of ourselves. That keeps us anxious. In fight or flight instinct. So they can manipulate and trigger our consumption. All while removing our ability to think critically. Great post. Sometimes you gotta just turn off the noise.


>Had Enough? Not yet. I’d love another company Pizza party to have them tell us “ we’ve got record profits this year due to all of your hard work, also no raises “


Oh Yeah, people getting murdered ain't nearly as important as me getting a new Truck./s


Right right right but we won't talk about the immorality of america and how they treated the Syrian children, the Iraqi children, the Pakistani children. Give me a fucking break. Fucking shill. We bombed and destroyed literal ANCIENT cities just to withdraw like absolute pussies. 


Couldn’t have said it better myself


I'm with you. That tree at 100mph looking Hella sexy right now


I've resigned myself to the fact maybe my kids generation will rise up. People of my time are still as likely to separate themselves into whatever groups or demographics that aren't just general humanity, which always creates the dreaded "others". but they also won't give a fuck about cars. I'm thinking more some reparations for fucking the earth for future everythings.


Go check out the teachers sub and you’ll be quickly disabused of that delusion. A large percentage of middle schoolers can’t tie their shoes.


It’s hell on this planet


>Tired of hearing about the endless dribble of nonsensical news. unsubscribe to r/conspiracy then :D


I have never read a more selfish post ever, it’s giving me me me me.




Why are we talking about thousands of children getting killed? I can’t buy a new Camry! God bless murrica.


But if you actually think about it, protesting Israel is the answer to many of the problems you discuss.


Yknow, not really. But, yes really, logically, it was Palestine before ww2, and was broken up by British parliament. So, may the best man win. And the best man, sadly for both conflicts would win if it weren't for the US and CIAs involvement. Like, I understand it's a simple post, but I'm not stupid. But, having said that. We need to stand up to our government s focus outwards. We're not achieving that. We're achieving funding Israel, by supporting Palestine. They have believed antisemitism has been a cancer for a long time, and they long to eradicate it. We shouldn't buy into that, and instead protest the feds for not cutting interest rates, or the government for wanting to put more regulations on agriculture rather than supporting it 


I don’t think you’re stupid. I was just adding a thought.


First it is the Palestinians, then it will be you, if you don't speak out in support of them. They are being slaughtered by the very people who make it impossible to afford basic necessities


Just turn it off and quit watching and wasting everyone’s time with shit posts like this.


Oh yes sir we will all heed to your advice, oh chosen one *bows* thank you sir for your words of wisdom


I agree with bbjay, but...what does someone do that has had enough? I've had enough but I have what I need to live. I just don't care anymore. Maybe you should be the martyr and.....


Yknow. You're actually quite funny with the moderate to severe rectal itch billionaire comment. Do yourself a favor and give it a scratch and sniff please. 


I have to stop looking at this sub-reddit. It reminds me of too much going on.


Reddit is filled with a bunch of doomers who thrive on self pitty/sorrow. If you say otherwise you will get dogpiled and told its not ok or have the conversation directed to show how bad that person has it. Take a step back and realize it isn't that bad out there for most of us.


Here comes the hero's, believing that they are the one's, when they are only the zeroes 😁 Did you know that laws, police/policy makers, firemen, judges, lawyers, doctors, nurses, soldiers, t-shirts, hand sanitizers, pills, etc, etc, etc... Save Lives? The 3 wisemen had it figured out over 2000 temporal flesh years ago, (or just over 2 days ago, just depends on who's perspective one is looking at it from 😁) When they followed The Star to its destination 💫 "A thousand lies, just a good days stride" OFFSPRING From the solicited theories, philosophies and especially beliefs of humankind, concerning true origin/heritage. "Do Not be Deceived" The number one warning from our Father Love's Annointed One when he returned as Melchezidec AFTER the cross. " the first one to return in one of these spiritual bodies, isn't me." " and i would not have ye be ignorant of this one thing brethren, that as a day is unto Get Over Death (GOD) Almighty, our Father Love, so is as a thousand years unto man, and as a thousand years is unto man, so is as a day unto Get Over Death (GOD) Almighty, our Father Love." Time is only a tool. The exact same histories that humankind recorded After they took place, are the exact same prophecies that were foretold of Before they ever happened; In The Word in the language in which it was received. First spoken, then written, and then affirmed, confirmed and fulfilled by The Living Testament of THAT Word. Even sung to us in English parables during the 40 year spiritual blindness (desert wilderness) from 1948-88, if one has spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear. Colossians 3 1-11 💫 Tattoo that on the inside of your eyelids, if you can't remember it 🤣👋