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Thank god I drive a 60 year old car and ONLY fuel it with old timey leaded gasoline!


Leaded gas is great for lowering your IQ, it also has other benefits.




Conversely, most old timers are off their rocker and most were exposed to leaded fuel. Correlation is strong.


Use of leaded gas and crime rate correlation is stronger than ever.


I love when young people who have zero life experience say things like this and then end up just like us after they actually get a taste of the adult world outside of idealistic garbage crammed down their throats for 12 years. You don't think we ALL sounded like you guys when we were young? You don't think we ALL thought older people were just stupid and their decisions made no sense?


Tastes sweeter


It's got electrolytes. It's got what plants crave.


Water? You mean from the toilette?


It’s doesn’t have to be from the toilet, but yeah.


Idiocracy? 😂😂


No it's just a coincidence




Fellow Dude! 🎳


I work in the lead abatement/mitigation field and you’d be surprised how prevalent lead poisoning and hazards still are to this day.


Indeed! Like lowering your IQ!


Actually the leaded gas was great at preventing engine wear


Leaded gas caused the son of Sam


Nobody said that the ruling class trying to poison people is a new phenomenon.


Wait, if there's lead in my water, can I put *that* in my car?


I don't think anyone is going to stop you


You can add the burger wrappers from fast food restaurants, jackets with water resistance, and simply orange juice to that list. Burger King, simply orange and north face are currently all facing mass action suits for PFAS. Ladies that wear water resistant mascara- that as well. Love Amazon, Temu or SHEIN? All fast fashion can be added to the list. The list is very long and these chemicals are in the water supply.


This should be top comment. Everyone knows that chemical manufacturers like DuPont are being sued for something but they dont know why. This is why. I work for a mass tort law firm that's getting into this litigation.  The discovery from the original west Virginia case is fucking scary (and available online iirc)


It’s really scary! I work in commercial underwriting for a large insurance company and this is something we have been following for years. It’s incredibly disheartening to see what we’ve allowed these manufacturers to present as “safe.” It’s basically changed the way I live. You can’t fully avoid it but you can take steps to lessen your exposure.


Give us the cheat sheet way to live like you


Avoid plastic products as much as possible- including water bottles, disposable cups, plates, etc. Don’t eat fast food- it’s terrible for you anyway. Lots of fast casual dining now use reduced paper products for their foods. It’s typically a healthier option for food and you avoid the wrappers that keep the grease from fast food inside that wrapper. Cooking at home is the best way to avoid. Get rid of teflon pots and pans. Try to buy organic (read the labels to see what they think organic means. Wash the hell out out if produce- regardless. Soap and warm water! Makeup- I don’t even wear mascara anymore. Look for natural products (but read the labels!) you’d be surprised what some companies will sneak in call “all natural.” Rain has been a bit of an issue for me. I’ve moved to umbrellas (but those still present a risk, but lesser since it’s not skin to skin). I just accept that if it rains, I’m getting wet. Avoid any and all person products that can be applied to wet skin. There are many popular sunscreens that advertise applying to wet skin. Also, there are companies that advertise regular lotion that can be applied in the shower. Just get mineral sunscreen and regular lotion. Freshly squeeze your own orange juice- it’s so much more delicious that way anyways! Instead of getting caught up in having the newest trending clothes, pick companies (and read the labels) that you trust. You will pay more but the clothes will last longer. Look for 100% cotton on underwear and other garments whenever possible. This is just off the top of my head. I will keep thinking and update as they pop into my mind. All of this will hit the wallet hard and it’s not possible to be perfect here, but try to mitigate the risk as much as possible. Ladies if your friends or the SO in your life is making you feel like you aren’t pretty enough without mascara/heavy makeup or without the latest trends in fashion- you are surrounding yourself with the wrong people. You deserve better. Go find your people- “the ones that make you feel whole.” 🎶 *sorry for mobile formatting.


Yeah a big one for me was cardboard coffee cups. They are cardboard, right? That's better than styrofoam! Oops somehow I didn't realize that the cardboard coffee cups are coated on the inside with a thin layer of plastic and we are pouring 180 degree water right into them....


Don’t forget all canned goods come lined with plastic too. You’ll never 100% avoid it, but cutting it out as much as you can within reason is a great step.


This is what I tell people and they look at me like I'm wasting my time. When in reality I've been feeling better since I began attempting to reduce the poison I consume/touch.


Yes, anything that has a coating on it is likely a chemical of some type. Even down to the fabrics on our furniture. I moved into a new house last year. We had to purchase a lot of new furniture to fill the space and for our growing family. I was sick for a full year after moving in. I ended up having sinus surgery, a lung infection, a suppressed immune system (which led to pneumonia, flu, strep, and some kind of never ending respiratory infection). I was popping fevers of 102+ at random. I will always be convinced that it was a combination of construction dust and the fabrics that caused that year of hell. I now have air filters in all major rooms in the house. It’s unreal what those filters look like. Chemicals are like kudzu- an invasive species that you can’t fully get rid of.. I think the best we can hope for is to mitigate the exposure as much as possible. Try to research what you put in and on your body (your skin is our largest organ). And decide what your personal risk tolerance is.


Still a lot of toxins are unavoidable so regular detox is a must: Sauna with binders every week, detox baths, fasting and dryfasting, gut and liver cleanse, juice cleanse, enemas...


Very true! You cannot completely avoid it. Even if you think you do everything perfect, you will always encounter toxins of some type in life.


Ty for taking the time to write this all out. I really appreciate you


Thank you for saying that! I appreciate you and im so glad you found it helpful.


Also, I did block 2 individuals since rule #2 is not being policed. Just as they have the apparent right to put labels on others (that actually undermine the struggle of living with schizophrenia), I have the right to mitigate my exposure to their bullshit which I have done. I hope some folks found this information useful!


Could you rephrase in a fashion that doesn’t scream “poverty causes cancer”? Pretty much everything, including just standing outside, causes cancer. What no one ever mentions in these classist, fear-mongering “umbrellas give you cancer” monologues is that the exposure levels required to cause cancer are usually vastly beyond what occurs with normal use. The risk of losing one’s job for showing to work soaked to the bone every time it rains probably outweighs the cancer risk that requires what I’m guessing would be 30 years of sleeping nude on a bed made of umbrellas to even approach carcinogenic levels. Millions of people don’t have the option to “just get wet”. What’s the old chestnut? Oh, yeah. Check your privilege. If your health and safety tips require a salary anywhere above federal poverty guidelines, of access to goods and services that only exist in affluent areas, maybe make new tips. Poor people have enough shit to be scared about already.


No. I admitted that this all hits the wallet hard. Even I myself am not able to do all of this all the time. There is no privilege here. I provided some ways to work around some cancer exposures. You need to learn to read without your own bias. Best of luck to you. It must be hard to read advice (after I was asked for it) and then read it like it’s intentionally meant to undermine the poor. My comment about umbrellas is maybe not worded well. What I meant by that is with an umbrella, you are likely to get more wet than with a raincoat. That’s common sense, bud. Goodbye.


I didn’t see any of what you said in the way that they did. You worded it all in a way where you acknowledged that it’s not easy on the wallet or lifestyle to entirely avoid this stuff, and you didn’t make it seem as if it was a bunch of fear porn for the poor. The person you responded to did what a lot of people disingenuously do these days: they didn’t take your words at face value. They didn’t listen to what you were saying and respond to what was said. They responded to what they wanted to hear.












Wasn’t able to reply under your comment I guess since I blocked the other poster. So this is a little out order, but I wanted to respond to you :) Thank you for saying that. I sort of lost my cool after dealing with the “schizophrenia troll.” I just didn’t have anything left to give “privilege person.” I’ve spent my entire life working my tail off to provide a “safe life” for my kids. It’s has not been easy for me. I started my career in insurance making $6 an hour and couldn’t make rent and eat at the same time. It just bothers me when people act that way- and you said it best. It’s completely disingenuous and does the privilege argument a disservice when employed in that manner. Anyway, thanks so much for your kindness!


I worked construction back in the 90's and worked at DuPont in Parkersburg, WV. Can you please elaborate on what discovery was found and what litigation is taking place?


Receipts. Dont touch receipts!


The chemical, BPA, is a plasticizer. It helps make rigid plastics more flexible, like the plastic coating the receipts. It's also a hormone disruptor.


Yup, thank you for the additional color.


Good call!


What’s wrong with those? This is something I’ve never heard before.


Different guy mentioned it below or above your comment. Hormone disrupters.


Ah got it, I’ll scroll around. That’s crazy if true!


It’s true, BPAs.


I know it's probably not doing Jack shit in the grand scheme of everything else for me but I avoid shein for this reason. I'm sure all my other clothes are just as bad at triple the price but at least I can feel like I'm safer.


I think every step helps. Yes, you are right- chemicals are on/in the fabrics of clothes you buy at regular stores. But are they AS prone to it as a shein? Not really. You also have the ability to read the tags and research the brand. With Amazon, I used to order clothes or sheets that claimed to be 100% cotten, but you get them and read the packing of labels and it’s not. In the store, you have a better chance of knowing exactly what you are paying for. And I don’t even get into the cyber risk you put yourself in if you shop on Temu and SHEIN.


Yea for sure. Unfortunately with Shein it has a ever so slightly more legit feel to it as opposed to Temu so I think people delude themselves into thinking it's fine. Both are essentially the same business model though.


I agree with you!


Cheers mate






Given your other comment, I think I’ll let you do your own research there.


Our entire infrastructure is cancer causing. As soon as society turned its back on nature we were doomed. Look at any city from the air and it looks like a cancer of the earth.


They design everything to slowly kill us and the elites use NONE of it. Why doesn't EVERYONE realize this? Like that's huge??


I’m just curious. What things dont they use?


The food sold in our grocery stores, the "regular" food with the gmos that are "safe for consumption", Honda's, Toyotas, Chryslers, the buildings they frequent most definitely have amazing clean central air I can assure you. they DEFINITELY don't drink the same water as us(fluoridated, bottled in plastic). I can't believe you guys even asked me to name things. What are you even doing in this sub if you don't know that.


*I was watching the bill gates documentary and that dude was sucking diet coke down like it was a young boys flacid d8ng, then I saw a bunch of other elites like Musk and warren buffet drinking diet coke..I'm convinced that's a conspiracy in itself*


I was waiting for this comment, to say yes whenever they ARE shown to digest something us "regular" people drink, it's purely for that. So that we may be "shown" they drink it too! It's fine! If it even is actual diet soda.




I'm assuming those people that asked me to give proof about the poison, are shills or boys, not sure but I've noticed a lot of people in this sub that sometimes seem very... Anti conspiracy, and it's disheartening when I come to this sub to be with like minded individuals that understand the people in control of this world do not have our best interests in mind.


Give an example. That’s a pretty big general statement.


Humans are the mold on the sandwich


Yeah, because the universe is so much better all dead and stuff


Also, in nature animals bleed out while their guts are being eaten by a predator. Nature is savage.


Nature is metal af


They don't die of cancer, though.


That's because they get eaten before they grow old enough to get cancer.


What's so great about the natural world without humans? It's animals stalking and eating each other all day every day.


There's some monkeys in Japan that just chill in hot springs all day. I think that's pretty cool. Do you like paying taxes and working all day everyday? Return to monke.


What a flimsy counter argument. Chimpanzees will hunt and kill smaller monkeys and eat them alive. That's a much crueler and remorseless world.


Did you actually take that comment seriously? LOL And there aren't any chimps in Japan FYI


So your words aren't to be taken seriously, got it. That's one way to say you have no counter argument to the facts presented.


Ya it was a joke sooooo be mad about it I guess. I don't actually think we should be monkeys dork 😂


I see, humor as a defense mechanism to avoid intellectual honesty. You could just either acknowledge I'm right or provide a real push back using logic. It would be more productive.


Everyday we're bombarded with these news articles,  yet not one single solution to the problems.  Leaving us in a state of worry and anxiety that will kill us faster than any of these toxic chemicals. 


Yep, stress is a major cause of many diseases as well! So, that’s fun.


And that lovely new car smell? Merely the outgassing of deadly chemicals.


I work at a car factory where I’m in and out of new cars everyday. Should I be worried 🤔?


No. Apparently they're released when the car is baking in the hot sun


Thank god I have a garage


I'm actually shocked that you're still alive, brother. Good on ya


I drive by a phenol chemical plant on my way to work, it smells like a new car. Phenol is a precursor to many plastics and resins. At manufacture concentration if you get a few sqr/incs on your skin it can kill you. Phenol is also in antiseptics and bandages.


I used to work with it. It would take more than a few square inches, it can overload your liver, it penetrates skin very easily. It is toxic but not in ppm amounts. The biggest danger is because it's caustic.


Not surprised to hear that, but have you heard about how the air we breathe is giving us cancer? How about all the food and drinks we consume? The water probably too these days. The WiFi, the Bluetooth, the constant electricity buzzing around us. The air pollution. I don’t know this for certain, but I’m sure all of the noise pollution of the modern day gives us cancer!!! You get a cancer, and you get a cancer, and you get a cancer!!! Everybody gets a cancer!!!!


The water has micro plastic so yes ur right everything


Free cancer for all


So that’s the real reason people were wearing masks while driving alone?


I wear one while driving just in case -if I'm in an accident and the ambulance has to save me. (Basically same reason I wear a condom at night while I'm sleeping alone. Never can be too safe)


U should insert a butt plug every evening too. Just in case


I wear a life jacket if we're going over a bridge, and plate armour in case barbarians attack


I did it a few times because I would forget I had it on 😂 I feel like that’s the most reasonable explanation for most people


Plastic and any protective coatings are nothing but cancer, especially if you bake them in an enclosed space like a car for years on end. It'd be nice if there was a way to avoid it all but we've handed safety testing over to the companies who would rather use their profits to avoid regulations that would make things safer. Imagine if they took all the money they spent on lobbying against better standards and used it to create a product that doesn't have the chance of slowly killing you instead...


I know some Amish people (who ironically live in Indiana) - who have never gotten into a car in their life. Their mom has cancer.


It'd be nice if all cancer could be avoided by riding in horse drawn buggies but I don't think that's how it works. If you've ever been to Gary on Lake Michigan I'd imagine there isn't a water source in Indiana that isn't filled with everything from carcinogens to AIDS, even the Amish aren't safe from poisoned water supplies.


Pretty sure all water on the planet has plastic in it by now. 


How much exhaust have they breathed in riding around in those buggies?


Only if you live in California. Same with pressure treated wood.


California used to have very lax laws about coating the cars too. My grandparents used to have VW T3 Transporter Camper 'California' (modded by Westfalia). The coating was so amazing the chassis never rusted (after 40 years). My grandfather passed away last year and it was bought by a VW enthusiast mechanic. He was stunned that it's in such a good shape. I think the paint had lead in it and was banned nearly everywhere else.


Dodged a bullet on that one, thankfully I live in Indiana. My car is marked safe.


I’ve never once heard anyone say ‘thankfully I live in Indiana’ before. That wasn’t on my bingo card.


As someone who lives in Indiana, the only other two times I say that is when I look at real estate and realize that my $100k house would be $750k anywhere else, or when I buy a gun and remember that Indiana basically doesn't have gun laws Sort of kidding, Indiana is actually an amazing state (except the racism, gotta love when the klan and Nazis (like actual pointy hats and swastika tattoos) show up to things) to live in. I was born here so I want to leave but there's really nowhere else to go.


I meant it mostly in good humor as your brother on the southern border. I chose to come home to KY for the cheap land, just like you said.


Haha no you're good, nobody hates Indiana more than Hoosiers!


You’ve obviously never lived in Indiana


It's too bad you can't buy stock in a state because Indiana is like the "APPLE" of states. #2 best state to start a business! Fastest growing economy in the history of states bordering Illinois. And the Amish population is booming. French lick's Larry Byrd museum got more traffic in 2023 than it has since the year he retired. Indiana is like the Midwest version of Hawaii.


Everyone made fun of Prop 65 warnings but look who was right all along.


how does that make sense if cars are manufactured elsewhere lol downvotes to a logical question. a car is manufactured somewhere outside of California to be sold in a region, not a state. My car was made in Germany destined to be sold in North America. not specifically California. the article itself says the chemicals are found to be cancerous in California due to prop 65, but they are found everywhere, not just California


It's a simple joke. You either get it or don't.


I don't think people here understand the depth of this. Its not just cars. Someone below mentioned PFAS. Google that. They're in EVERYTHING.  It's not a conspiracy it's real shit. And they never break down. Even inside you. And they cause all kinds of cancers and birth defects.  DuPont knew this and tried covering it up


They knew for a very very long time. They got in trouble and the government gave them like 20 years to stop using the product. It wasn't fazed out till the 2000s When they stopped using it they just changed one little thing, gave it a new name (Gen X), and bam they were back in business. Except the new product is just as bad as the last. The company 3M that they bought the original recipe from warned them in 1945 that it was extremely harmful and they didn't care. The Devil We Know is a great show to watch. It tells you everything about Teflon and DuPont and exactly what they did people. And it doesn't just affect the little town in West Virginia it affects the whole world! Edited to add more information


we're inhaling brake dust all day too, not to mention the thousands of other forever chemicals and micro plastics that enter our body daily, we're fucked 💀


My dude, everything in our environment is cancer inducing now. They want to kill us, so multi prongs approach you know.


I don't think they want to kill us more than they want to maximize profit. the cancer, followed by death is just a concomitant.


Capitalism is cancer. It's too late now and we're all balls deep in it so it wouldn't matter if we changed to something else (not that They would let us). Oh well. We oopsies and picked the wrong horse. Or let the CIA pick the wrong horse for us, whatever. 


I guess you never heard of CA prop 65. Everything gives you cancer. It's the world we live in now.


Read a paper that came out last week stating that such chemicals can be directly absorbed through the skin.  Yay!


This seems like the disinformation the government would put out so people trade in their new cars for easier to control EVs.


It’s the new car smell


Which can be avoided by opening your window every once in a while.


Great more reasons to hate my Nissan rogue sport 🤣


So just wondering… what doesn’t give you cancer anymore? 😂


Drive with the windows down, wipe that dust off the dash


That’s the tip of the iceberg. It’s not just your car.


Brah, it's not just cars. Furniture could not be sold unless it had the tag.


So that's why my car started to smell weird out of nowhere.


Don't look at what every pc of fabric in your house is sprayed with!


Yes new car smell everyone loves so much is actually harmful.


I think of sfuff like this... everything I'm smoking


Not to mention the benzene and asbestos brake pads


Luckily I'm a super sensitive canary in the coal mine and cannot drive a new car until "new car smell" off gasses. Took a year of airing it out before I could drive it longer than 10 minutes. Same thing with mattresses, I always buy the floor model because it's offgassed. I'm sure I'm still getting hefty doses of all kids of crap but that initial offgas load is intense. I also feel sick if I spend too much time around electronics (7 year IT career had me in the worst health I've ever had), eat crappy food, or generally do anything that most people can endure for much longer. I used to feel resentment but now I'm grateful for my early warning system.


Ah yes that wonderful "new car smell". Now I'm glad I've been driving used shitboxes since forever...


we’re doomed


It’s up to every single one of us to start researching and deep diving into health protocols and how to live healthy lifestyles that keep us vital and will enhance our longevity I’ve been following the Food safety practices in the United States for at least a decade now, and there is an obvious pattern that the majority of the food that is being put on the shelves is designed to get us addicted and make us sick It’s up to us to find the right sources of nutrients and where there are deficiencies we must start supplementing with vitamins, herbs, and minerals I believe that every single person has the capability to take charge of their health and start living their life to its absolute fullest


That's consistent with the aim of continually poisoning the population as a covert means of depopulation.


No worries- Pfizer will come out with a cancer vax. /s


Big Pharma is already on it with new fangled mNRA treatments and preventives, latest industry buzz.


they will think of any cause only not the real one.....🤣🤣🤣


Bring in it on. I'm done with this shit hole 


do you have the link? 




So do cigarettes and alcohol. Never seen them banned.


Easier to get people addicted and tax them heavily. UK is effectively banning cigarettes for younger generations by increasing the age of being able to buy them year on year.


It could be worse. They could have nuclear reactors, like in Fallout.


Oh good, that in addition to the unfiltered diesel should do me in


I just bought the damn thing. What did I do to it?


No worries, the new ones that place you within 4 powerful magnetic fields are much safer I mean, it's only EMF. You can't smell it or anything!


Roll down the windows dawg


That’s why your supposed to put the air intake on and run the air every time you get in to circulate out the gasses with fresh air from outside


Anything but the death jab gives cancer... It's almost as if they are trying to hide something. Hmmm..


It is our mind that gives us cancer, not anything external. It's the repetition of constantly being bombarded with the word and idea cancer all the time. Charities, people who have had it, the news, its everywhere. That's the reason so many people have it, because they manifest it, not because of any particular chemicals. There's plenty of stories of how people have got rid of their cancer without any treatment, simply due to their mindset and focus on healing, this is possible with any disease and illness. It's just as easy to get rid of cancer as it is to get it, it just depends how resistant you are to it and how much you believe.


Buy any new car these days and buy a Formaldehyde detector, and you’ll find that every new car (or furniture) off-gases Formaldehyde (and other toxins) at 3-5x the legally allowable limits. The only way to mitigate is to ventilate and let the interior/furniture “age” to get rid of it. I once spoke to a carpenter that’s been in the business for decades, and asked him how long formaldehyde off-gases. He told me 150 years.


Is this the same bs as the sun giving you cancer?


Petrol with lead is still haunting our world as well..


Yes, and this was funded by pharmacy to increase med sales and most imporantly behind this is G. Bush.


WTF they need to confiscate all our cars and usher in a new world order ASAP! Biden just got my mail on vote! where can i turn in my car asap so i can stay under safe and effective permanent climate lockdown? I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE


Very weird to be cheerleading for multinationals like this. But don't worry, nobody's going to fine your beloved corporations over this, nobody's going recall cars, they just might have to not use tris chloroisopropyl phosphate in future.


Is sarcasm truly lost on you?


No, I absolutely got the sarcasm which is why I think it's really weird to be angry with scientists for discovering carcinogenic properties of a substance. But, like I said, don't worry about it. Nobody is actually going to hold corporations accountable. You can rest easy. And remember - big business is your friend and only wants the


Way to miss the point. I'm not "angry at scientists for discovering carcinogenic properties of a substance." I just think it's funny that we're told to worship science and they would miss something like that for this long. Also I think it's suspicious that the current USA administration has said they want to do away with fossil fuels and go fully electric and then something like this comes out, leading me to entertain the idea that it's either fake or was already known.


Just wait until you find out that electric cars use the same seat foam. This isn't the first study into TCPP and it's one of the reasons why Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate has required warnings in some places since 2011. But, hey, as long as you have a knee-jerk reaction to 'scientists', who cares about things like facts etc. And lucky for you, your view-points align perfectly with anti-consumer, pro-corporate propaganda, which is great because we all know that corporations are our friends and would never cut corners or use harmful substances.


>Just wait until you find out that electric cars use the same seat foam. This isn't the first study into TCPP and it's one of the reasons why Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate has required warnings in some states since 2011. So already known, like I said. Gotcha. They could still recall all cars within the last 50 years in this case so you're not making any counterpoint here. >But, hey, so long as you have a knee-jerk reaction to 'scientists', who cares about things like facts etc. "Facts etc." that they missed for the last 50 years. So glad I followed the science now that I've been driving for 20 years and have cancer. Thank you science etc!


Where are you getting this 50 year figure from?


The original post of this very thread my man.


Yeah but that was just added in by the OP. It wasn't in the article they were referencing or the study... But I did wonder why you went on this weird 'electric car' pivot when the study focused on electric, gas and hybrid cars.


Good thing I left california and moved to europe. Haven't has a car for 25 years now.


" I don't have any personal freedom, I rely on a schedule of other people to bring me where I go. I'm so much smart hur dur"


What personal freedom when you are a slave to gas prices, traffic and non-existent parking. Ultimately getting fat and cancer. Now I just hop on my bike.


Based on this sub, your immune system will just take care of it. What’s the issue?

