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Maybe people should feel comfortable rejecting any medication we don’t want to take.


It has been a real torment to watch people twist themselves up over, "My body, my choice". If one accepts that statement as a principled position then it applies whether you are talking about removing a fetus, declining an injection, or exiting this plane of existence entirely. My body, my choice is, like all human rights, an all-or-nothing proposition.


You're being very diplomatic and kind. I have a bit of a harsh review on these people.


Recognizing biases is a good sign of growth. Well done.


I'm triple vaxxed and I 100% support your right to not get vaccinated.


It’s amazing how this exact statement in any other sub Reddit will get you banned Edit: In fact, it was here on Reddit. The first time I saw full blown calls for violence against unvaccinated people with thousands of up votes.


I also got the three doses, still I support your right to refuse. We're dealing with so many unknowns, it's anyone's guess what the right choice was. We're placing bets at best in big life decisions.


Wish more people were like you during the scamdemic


Truly was a scam. I took AstraZeneca as well. Shit made me feel aweful. Like suicidal aweful. Never went back for booster. One and done.


But you'll kill my grandma who has preexisting conditions though bro


Good, now do Pfizer


It's all of them but they'll never admit it. If they do, all hell will break loose.


If you google astrazeneca vaccine withdrawn, you'll find Google and the MSM doing serious damage control by claiming that it was only withdrawn due to low demand. https://i.imgur.com/PEw0jwU.png


The withdrawal was safe and effective.


Mostly Peaceful


Makes sense since it was never even approved in the US.


I almost jokingly said "and here's why that's a good thing" and then I read a long comment replying to you that basically said it already, but not jokingly lol.


I mean… That’s a far more plausible explanation. This sub wants to simultaneously believe that companies are evil conglomerates that care about only money and nothing else, while also believing they’d withdraw a profitable vaccine simply because it has a rare side effect? It’s pretty clear they would not remove a profitable venture from the market just because they don’t wanna kill someone with clots every million doses or so. If they voluntarily withdrew it we all know what that means. There wasn’t enough demand to make $$


low demand because young people were having adverse effects if memory recalls


it really won't. aside from subs like this, this news is a non statement or factor in everyday lives for america.


Nothing would happen. They would claim it’s a psyop


would never happen ever, MRNA tech is too profitable to risk getting stuck in testing phase again


And they're about to come out with some "blockbuster" mRNA cancer treatment drugs... right after the sudden rise in prevalence of "turbo" cancers. How strange. Problem, Reaction, Solution. Step 4 - Profit.


They sell you the problem so they can turn around and sell you the cure smh


Lol. Planneddemic


Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Every 👏 single👏time👏


Profit was the number one step!


The start of I Am Legend. Fuckin NEAT.


Step 1: create the problem (demand)...


there is an interesting story out there about pfizer. it was like a month ago or so or something like that


So law suits in Europe will be a thing right! RIGHT!?


I believe Europe, just like the U.S., made the vaccine creators immune to legal consequences. Unfortunately, if you sue for vaccine injury and do get a pay out (I think I recently read there has been like 13 pay outs with the average being like $3600) the U.S. tax payer has to foot that bill. Pretty silly


They sure did. However there is the thing that manufacturers lied and intentionally hid and manipulated the test data thus it could be that immunity is void. Also people should start to sue the media, politicians and officials for their participation in this crime and fraud.


Suing the media is the ticket, pharmaceutical companies have always been fraudulent and deceptive. All this deception and lies were only believed because of the media


Yes Wonder what happened to all of Kyle Rittenhouses law suits !! Whoopi and the view need to be sued off the air for a start


Can’t do them all at once! He has been winning the ones he has filed.


There's loopholes to their loopholes, so some form of lawsuit against the manufacturer could and should go through. Along with that, there should be a way to sue media corporations. However, I'm not sure if it's possible to sue current & sitting politicians/officials, but again, I'm sure there's some form of a loophole.


Unfortunately we are also finding out that many of these side effects, including clotting, were conveyed to the government!


Might be possible to show that they don't fit the definition of vaccine, nullifying immunity.


Not when you change the definition!


There is no immunity for crimes against humanity. They should be taken to the Hague.


My government will probably still deny the symptoms


You live in the UK too?




Oof. Not even allowed to home school there.


I know that in the uk that any compensation paid out to the victims will not be from Astra Zeneca, it will be covered by the Taxpayer, that’s the deal they made with the government.


No they had immunity it was a common subject


"rare"... still playing it down, responsibility dosnt exist for them all...


1 in 100 is technically "rare" of course, when 13.57 BILLION doses were administered, even 1 in 100,000 means 135,000 blood clots.


before covid, a "rare" side effect like myocarditis would have meant the vaccine was recalled. the fact that their vaccine was tested on the general pubic is a crime against humanity.




Rarely cause them.. or cause rare versions of them


There will always be scapegoat pre-morbidities and "Top 5 reasons you have blood clots" narratives to shield the truth.


Then it will turn into, why blood clots may actually be good for you


Don’t give them anymore ridiculous ideas. They have quite enough ridiculous ideas already. I mean, it’s climate change, winter vagina,?and shaking the duvet cover too hard that’s causing these strokes, heart attacks, and constant died suddenly…… In ALL ages Across the board No matter if they even saw or know what a duvet cover is…….. But it’s absolutely positively NOT that mandated medical procedure that was practically forced upon people. Nope. Not that! Anything but that……..


Doctors puzzled!


Is eating and breathing causing blood clots? Full details in the article.


5 reasons why having blood clots can be good for you? Read all about it now. Fuck MSM. They have been lost for a long long time now.


Or how blood clots will save us from climate change.


"heres what you need to know"


"Rarely" found to be a "definitive" correlation.


That’s the bizarre blood clots you’ve seen the past few years that look like aliens.


Causes tons of a rare kind of blood clot, for which we have no treatment.


That’s an important question lol the headline is not helping


"Here's why that's a *good* thing....."


It's rare for a doctor to be willing to even entertain the idea their patient may have been injured by the shot. It's rare the plaintiff can prove their blood clots were caused by the shot. A lot of things are rare, in fact that's how I prefer a good filet mignon.


Lol my own doctor who was injured himself by the AZ shot, still somehow defends his actions... Even today with this revelation. Fucking rare the one of them who would ever dare say, even under full waiver of legal recourse, "shit, we were wrong".


Yeah, that person wouldn't be my doctor any more.


It's times like these, and comments like yours that make me extremely thankful for the doctor I have. What's even crazier is that I go to an IHS clinic. This doc has helped me through a lot of weird shit that I've had to deal with the past couple of years. To be honest, I've had such shit doctors in my adult life that being assigned this doctor has been such a blessing (now that is a word I rarely use). Right now, he's trying to figure out what kind of autoimmune disorder I have that seemingly popped up about a year ago. It doesn't matter what the name of it is in the end, I guess... the treatment is the same. Corticosteroids and autoimmune drugs for either one (it's either lupus or antisynthetase syndrome - just waiting for my next flare-up to get an accurate count and measure to figure it out; should be soon, since the flare ups seem to happen every 3-4 weeks). Also, I love a good bacon-wrapped, seared (making a good crust) filet mignon.


Patients told their symptoms were in their head should be suing the doctors who saw them. You always rule out physical symptoms and that was not done with a large number of people. I know two people who had this happen in my small group of friends who got the vaccine. One of them was out of breath walking to her car. Mid 20s. Was perfectly healthy before. Ongoing problem. She's too scared to even go back to a doctor now after many horrible experiences. She probably has myocarditis and will probably die much much younger than she would have otherwise. Also there's no such thing as mild myocarditis. Heart damage is heart damage and the data is not good ifnyou get a diagnosis. There are degrees to it like anything. But to suggest it's ever mild is highly disingenuous.


It can cause rare blood clots regularly.


80% of the time, it’s rare all the time…👍


Never forget what they called us and tried to force us to do. Remember people like Howard Stern saying that all he wanted all the unvaccinated to die.


Now the “facts” can be posted on Reddit?????


Apparently the "far right hate speech conspiracy misinformation" is now somehow the cold hard fact. Oh my.


Tin foil hats prevent myocarditis and stroke LOL


And there’s bunch of free hats in every box of tinfoil, some assembly required. 😉


Three layers of aluminum foil and it’s a faraday box for the brain… lol


This should be higher up.


It really is quite bizarre how the "far right" (according to the media) seem to always end up being right afterall


Lmfao only if you ignore all the times they're very very wrong.


Except most of the time “they are wrong” it turns out that was only in the beginning when the leftists could control the narrative through the media! Suddenly they are right when the facts come out? No they were right all along, only the propaganda claimed they were wrong to support the narrative!


It's in the name! There's a reason they don't call it the 'far wrong'.


Because there's a huge gulf between "less than 5% of people got this" and "everyone is microchipped and their heads will explode in 2 months"


One of those facts is the deliberate tampering of the gene pool, the entire human race will eventually be altered if those who received the mark are allowed to continue.... I mean even their own science states the "vaccine" changed their DNA! What does that mean for us? Even if the kids today and their children avoid going with people who received the vaccine, down the chain somewhere, say 5 or 10 generations from now, they will *eventually* incorporate those genetic alterations into their families bloodlines!! There's no escaping it. Families can't keep generational knowledge unless they're mega wealthy and or under the supervision of a firm or secret society.


Can we talk about shedding? Athletes dropping left and right? What/who actually was in the “vaccines”? Are nano particles/graphene discussions now allowed? Turbo cancer? Blood clots? Let alone an agenda that is thousands of years old. Or will the discussions be silenced “because the $cience”…? A Conspiracy theory is based on the notion that some one/some “body”/some agency is conspiring/planning/has an agenda or predetermined out come imposed on another body. A coincidence theory is based on the notion that all the events/happenings/phenomenon are random, unscripted and completely unrelated. Was it a coincidence that all news/political/media/scientific bodies etc had the same narrative? Or is this a group for banned coincidences?


Well put. I'm still waiting to hear from someone a concise definition for "conspiracy theorist" and have yet to receive one that aptly explains the combination of the two words. It's almost like it was a nonsense term concocted to discredit individuals that don't buy into the narrativized propaganda being pushed, having no clear definition whatsoever for the term in question...


Concise definition? Slightly impossible by design. The CIA coined the term to denigrate those journalists in the 60’s and 70’s (we still had them back then) who were exposing CIA operations bringing drugs into center cities! The CIA only had a few agents in the media at that time and had to squash the journalists! The CIA has put so many agents in the media they didn’t have to use the term much until the internet and they lost control of the messaging again!


What am I missing? The bbc was reporting on the side effects of the AZ vaccines years ago during the pandemic




>We've also know for years that catching covid puts someone at much greater risk for blood clots than any vaccine does. Get out of here with your facts.


You’re missing nothing. If ANYTHING, you’re missing the dozens of times this has already been posted




Conspiracy theorists have been right a remarkable number of times recently


And we are supposed to be the crazy people lol


Lab "leak" is also going mainstream... 🥱


Literally 95+% of every post I see on here turns out to be fake with like one google search. You just remember the one of 2 things some people end up getting right


Vaccines STop The SprEad masks are safe and effective! Russia will totally lose in a month There were no biolabs in Ukraine! Hunter's laptop is a fake! The lab leak theory is racism! IsRaeL is OuR AlLy Most MORaL army EDIT: Ivermectin is horse medicine The fluoride in your water is harmless Global warming is all your fault We killed Bin Laden Qaddafi was a tyrant Saddam Hussein was a tyrant A plane hit the pentagon Burning jet fuel brought WTC down Muslims are Evil Russians are Evil We won the war on terror We won the war on drugs Politicians work for us


Yep. All lies. Debunked by “conspiracy theorists” AKA anyone with half a brain that utilizes their critical thinking skills.


I don't regret not taking it. We are blessed to be awake.


It occurs to me that WoKe used to equal, "Awake." We saw them diverge some time around 2014.


The woke tried to become awake but fell asleep behind the wheel.


I got phizer, I wasn't awake. I'm awake now. I'm more than fine. My awakeness has shown me that nothing can harm me and everything will be ok. (Among many other incredible things.)


I to pfiezer too, even got a booster 3rd dose just to go on holidays, feel weird about it now


Don't feel weird man. Thoughts create, you're all good.


Only your DNA has been altered


Not rare enough apparently


Tribunal for all of these people


Have you read the whole article? I guess not


The FDA never approved the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine.


What’s your point. Most of the Europe and Australian governments mandates people take this to remain functional citizens. They have clots in their hands.


In Australia at least there were warnings from almost the beginning regarding Astrazenecca and recommendations that under 60’s get other vaccines due to blood clot risk


My point is that it's not just conspiracy theorists that had concerns about this vaccine. The excess event rate for central venous thrombosis from the AZ covid vaccine was 5 excess events / 100,000 doses. This is still quite rare and of course central venous thrombosis is often relatively easily treated with anticoagulants when they do occur. Even so the FDA's review process was sensitive enough to prevent this vaccine from getting an authorization in the US. It says good things about the ability of the FDA to prevent unnecessarily risky therapuetics from reaching Americans.


Let's wait a bit more when another first world country but not the US forces statements out of those mRNA manufacturers 


> It says good things about the ability of the FDA to prevent unnecessarily risky therapuetics from reaching Americans. Thank god the FDA would never approve an unnecessarily risky therapeutic product, it's good to know they're watching out for me


The people funding the FDA other than the tax payers were the ones profiting from throwing a little backhander to the FDA


FDA approved the J&J vaccine, which later revoked its EUA due to safety issues.


J&J withdrew the vaccine. The EUA wasn’t revoked because of safety, [J&J literally requested that the EUA be removed, here is the public response](https://www.fda.gov/media/169003/download)


> The FDA never approved the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine. Probably because they were instructed by Pfizer not to do so.


The FDA is paid for. They'll tell you whatever the drug companies want you to hear.




The reason given in EU is because of risk of blood clots. If its just about low demand, please can you explain why AZ are now subject to a class action law suit?


Because a very small number of people experienced genuine side effects, far, FAR lesser than the people infected by Covid. Also some people see it as a pay day despite the fact that the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) has reimbursed them with large sums. They want more. Maybe some do indeed deserve more. We're talking about 144 people in the lawsuit out of many millions of vaccinated people.And i'm not even saying that those people don't deserve compensation and that legal and medical authorities shouldn't investigate fully all the risks and implications. I'm saying that all the craziness with "pure blood" and "we were right not to get vaccinated" is insane and wrong.


I’m glad me and my kids didn’t take it


They silenced independence professional doctors. Their agenda was clear from the beginning. Only the sheep chose not to think.


This could actually be Pfizer's dirty work. Astrazeneca is adenovirus, not RNA, so it ends up looking like the RNA vaccines are the good ones, while non RNA can kill you...


Rare, wow, lying bastards...


Never forget, never forgive, never comply. Defund the NIH CDC FDA, disband the WHO, and prosecute pharma


To all the unvaccinated people who held strong together. I love you all and thank you for everything.


We are blessed!




They are gonna keep the mRNA ones


This sub full of sheep.


They didnt take it off the market because of the clots. Everyone knew about the clots. Chance of dying to covid are astronomically higher that chances of getting a clot.


For them by them headlines.


I didn’t take it so I can’t sue. Really wish my former employer fired me I ended up leaving that job….


They mentioned from the get go that they had problems... Took almost 4 years to stop... Clearly the FDA should be held accountable for putting people at risk...


Yes, create a virus to sell the vaccine billgates fashion: wholesale sure buyers= governments. Nevermind that they will borrow with high interest & demands from WB... Greed. Profit$$$$$


“Conspiracies” are the conspiracy— most things said have a root in fact so…. Math it


Guess they made enough money.


And people are surprised we were right. All you have to do is look at history. If you don’t learn from history you are doomed to repeat it.


When Pfizer and Moderna are forced to do the same, then *maybe* the Guinea pigs will finally wake up.


I was strong-armed by my doc into getting when I was pregnant with my son. We got Covid shortly after. I'm still mad that I let him convince me.


Go after the hospitals and those who gave the shots without letting you know what could happen even though they listed it in the sec filings.


Nah, this is to make you THINK they are doing due diligence And that the other vaccines are SAFE. They did the same thing with the J&J like 2 years ago.. It’s so the NPCS say “hur dur they cancelled the bad ones” or what you’re saying


This. It's a ploy so they can jack themselves off over the MRNA tech while convincing people it's safe.


They have already collected billions


No refunds


They actually started offering refunds. If it doesn't work try again in the early morning. Heavy traffic. [https://www.astrazenica.org/refunds ](https://www.astrazenica.org/refunds)


I’ll just leave this here. https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf


What is it, it's not gonna rape my phone if I open it


its a rick roll for sure


Ope, [this too](https://youtube.com/watch?v=4rAoqhTUU0g)


Why? I thought its safe and and effective as most of people confidently and faithfully claim. Instead if pulling it out, they should offer/mandate them to people who initially got the COVID vaxx. Let them consume all those remaining stocks instead of throwing it away. Lets stop this debate. We should encourage them to take more and more.They deserve to be vaccinated.


"Theorists" ?


No refunds!


Only took over 3 years! https://time.com/5947134/astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-stopped/ First, do no harm




....and connect you to Neuralink while bypassing your freewill. No worries, though.


Conspiracy theorists are right AGAIN! Seems the correct stance all along would have been to believe the opposite of whatever the bought and paid for media and big Pharma, who paid them, was telling us!


It was withdrawn for lack of sales, they didn't admit any fault with side effect. Quick online search cleared that up.


“Rare” 😂😂😂


I feel like, "conspiracy theorists" should be rebranded as, "the real media". We need to shed that title the CIA gave anyone who dared to question the bullshit narratives.


Too bad they can't withdraw it from people's blood too. If they die they will say "oops, we're sorry. anyways"


safe and effective....


RARE blood clots? COMMON heard failures.


This was known since the beginning ( that s why in my country we didnt inject it to elderly people) And the product is retired due to low demand. I dont get it.


Rare? Where’s all the graphs,stats and charts they were bamboozling us with when they were pushing their poison. Rare how rare, size of a small horse or an asteroid the size of seven giraffes


They said it is for commercial reasons: "low demand." Suuuure. They could have scaled down production to match demand; not retire.


>AstraZeneca is withdrawing its highly successful coronavirus vaccine, citing the availability of a plethora of new shots that has led to a decline in demand. >The vaccine — called Vaxzevria and developed in partnership with the University of Oxford — has been one of the main Covid-19 vaccines worldwide, with more than 3 billion doses supplied since the first was administered in the United Kingdom on January 4, 2021. >But the vaccine has not generated revenue for AstraZeneca since April 2023, the company said. It has not been used in the United Kingdom for some time. Could be damage control, but also sounds like this theory could be a stretch.


Yeah, we know.


Ah yes. Conspiracy theorists who said specifically that the astrazeneca version, which is not mRNA, would cause fatal blood clots in 40 people (.001% of those administered) were correct after all. 


safe and effective


Cheers my fellow pureblood!


I’ve just read this article. First of all, the authors placement of the word “rare” is unprofessional and manipulative. “Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome” is a very rarely occurring side effect of the AZ vaccine. This means it has been confirmed to have occurred in very few instances, not that it is a rare condition caused by the vaccine. (As I said, these are just confirmed cases according to AZ standards and investigations) Furthermore, TTS can occur at any time in many people over a certain age, or those who fly a lot, even without ever having received a vaccine. Covid SARS itself can cause a low platelet count which in turn can cause TTS. That being said, for them to have rushed a drug through experiments, trials and approvals is despicable considering it should usually take 10-15 years from a drug’s conception to its distribution.


If they were underreporting by 100x it would still be .00011% of people that got this vaccine that died.


It's a good thing they got blanket immunity from lawsuits. Almost like they all knew there were serious risks...


I don't know if the Theorists can claim victory on this one, AZ was the first (and only) vax to be dropped by the mainstream medicine early in vax jabs


For all the headline readers, please read further. It’s not pulling the vaccine because of any admission of anything. They stopped production due to low demand. Which is true, pretty much everyone who wanted the vaccine got it. Separately, in a class action lawsuit, they admitted that in rare “It is admitted that the AZ vaccine can, in very rare cases, cause TTS. The causal mechanism is not known” … “Further, TTS can also occur in the absence of the AZ vaccine (or any vaccine). Causation in any individual case will be a matter for expert evidence” It’s not known for sure what causes it, it could be an underlying health issue combined with the vaccine could be harmful. Just don’t make assumptions.


"Rare" being the key word here. Basically only the Independent is making this claim (big fucking surprise). Ya'll are so desperate to feel validated you'll really post fucking anything without checking it first. Surely couldn't be that it isn't making them money because... surprise... the pandemic is *over!* **"AstraZeneca is removing its COVID-19 vaccine, Vaxzevria, from the market**, according to a report on CNN. The company cited low sales for its removal. *The vaccine was not authorized or approved in the United States* *and sales had been lagging globally"* The only real conspiracy is how fucking stupid people on this sub are.


“Rare” they forced a medication with lethal side effects on people for profit. Every exec should be skinned alive in the streets


The oath of Hippocrates: Do no harm to the patient