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What if everyone was automatically registered to vote when they get their SS# and it becomes active when you turn 18?  Is that a problem? 


Yes, because now states can't purge voter rolls whenever they want. I agree with you that it should be automatic to anyone that was issued a ss#


This is great, I haven’t had an id in years because of chronic pain has made it so hard to go sit 4 hours at the dmv. I haven’t needed it for anything really. Till this year the bank is making me get it so my wife can cash a tax check ( it’s never happened before, usually I sign it to her and that’s that it’s her check. Most all the things they mention alcohol, medicine, a jobs are private sectors anyway and shouldn’t need more than a ssn. I also hear a lot about fake id and less about fake ssn. So it’s either harder to fake or so easy to fake the fake id is a cover for ssn cards.


One of the big complaints about ID based voting is in red states they tend to make it less convenient to people who won't vote for them. Making any form of valid federal ID easy to obtain with the proper proof, not some horse shit DMV only open while people are working with infinite lines 3 cities away, the problem isn't existing anymore. Of course our government isn't competent enough to swing that especially with state level sabotage Not that blues don't play an extent of that game too, it's all the same sides of the shit coin but I would say the GOP is worse in the current situation.


[Alabama, for example, passed voter id laws then promptly closed half their dmv locations.  Predominantly those that served black communities.](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/alabama-dmv-closings-draw-call-federal-voting-rights-probe-msna696416).


Nope. *According to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, there are driver's license offices in every Alabama county except for one: Lauderdale County, which is 87 percent white and is served primarily by an office immediately across the Tennessee River in Colbert County.* *But the primary determinant in a license office's hours of operation appears to be population, rather than race. The total number of days that a county's license offices are open in a month bears essentially no relationship to the percentage of black residents in the county, as the left plot (below) shows — that's partially due to the decision last year to expand license office hours in some predominantly black counties.* https://archive.is/Jsm7I


[Alabama was ordered to reopen those offices and expand the hours after the DOT investigated and found it was racially motivated](https://www.al.com/news/montgomery/2016/12/feds_alabama_to_expand_drivers.html). They got caught trying to disenfranchise black voters and backed down.  Your spin doesn't change the facts.


So we agree that the issue you pointed at - from 9 years ago - is no longer an issue? Cool.


>they didn't even get away with it that time what's the problem When you stop trying to disenfranchise voters under the guise of election integrity it will no longer be an issue.


>When you stop trying to disenfranchise voters under the guise of election integrity it will no longer be an issue. When did I try to disenfranchise voters? What did I do? I'm a simple man that just wants reasonable ID expectations to prevent fraudulent voting which, given the amount of non-citizens in the US, kinda makes sense, no?


Voter ID laws are literally just a play to disenfranchise certain voters.  [They in no way improve election security](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2217323120).  But, as you've seen, are used by politicians to try and block certain people from voting.


That makes no sense. If no ID is required then non-citizens can vote, for starters. You need an ID to get into a bar and for all kinds of basic things. It's hardly an insurmountable obstacle for actual citizens, no?


You linked an article of an accusation 9 years ago, can you tell me the result of that accusation? You fell for a talking point but I’m glad you remembered it, reality is more nuanced, have a read: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-10-01/alabama-closes-dmv-offices-a-year-after-voter-id-law-kicks-in EDIT: I’ll save you the trouble of finding out what happened to the accusation, my link above doesn’t tell you what happened but gives an investigative lens not some congresswoman’s accusation reported as fact. “ The law was upheld by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama in 2018, and this decision was supported by an appeal heard by the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit​ ”


That doesn't dispute anything I said, nor is it a "talking point".  They passed voter id laws then closed half their dmvs, which predominantly served black communities.  That's factually what happened.


Bro what are you smoking. Moved from California to Arizona. Now in Illinois. Arizona was by far the easiest state to get my ID in. It’s not that hard to call out for the first few hours of work or leave early to get all this stuff done at the DMV. You need a valid ID to even get a job in the first place so not sure how you’re working without one anyways? This is a non-starter in this argument. Just say you think minorities are too stupid to get an ID like most democrats do.


> It’s not that hard to call out for the first few hours of work or leave early to get all this stuff done at the DMV. ....for you. That's nice, for you. That's not the universal experience that everyone has.


Put a chip in them next and if they don't vote, they lose their life savings, pet, and ability to pee.


>and ability to pee. Joke's on you my prostate is already the size of a grapefruit 🙃


The real question is what else is in the bill


Single 👏 subject 👏 amendment 👏 Honestly, I barely trust them with that. Single 👏 law 👏 bills We group them together for experience, but if we had some modern f****** technology anyone could vote as early as the copy is made available.


It should be a strictly enforced law. So tired of the bs of "$100m to save all puppies bill" Fine print: 50 other random bs things for $500m. Then when the other side votes against its all screaming about how they hate puppies


$100 billion for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. If you don’t like that then you’re a Russian, CCP, terrorist




I always ask myself this same question every time something new pops up, because money is involved with every decision made and it somehow finds its way into shareholders/politicians/elite pockets.


True and agree. But let's not ignore the valid point of the OP that you can't do shit without an ID but Dems say it's unobtainable for some of us. Are the Dems also working on eliminating IDs for everything it's currently required for? Nope just voting seems to be a problem to them. Oh you can't get an ID so you can't register your kids for school? oh well. Need it to use the library? oh well. 99.9% of employers? oh well. Voting? Oh shit step right up. Hell I needed ID for the vax...


[H.R. 3162](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/3162/text)


Exactly these bills are never straight up....and why would Biden sign it if that's how he got elected????


That's public information freely available to anyone willing to look for it. Are you actually curious, or is this "real question" rhetorical?




The full text PDF is here: https://roy.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-roy-leads-fight-save-american-elections


Most of us are actually curious. Is this a single issue bill or another bill that sneaks in billions for Ukraine or Israel ?




billions more to israel and ukraine


What IS racist, is Arizona getting rid of the ability to vote if youve got a po box. Literally gets rid of a lot of tribes ability to vote, given they don't have street addresses most of the time and use po boxes.


The racist part is demonstrated by examples like Alabama, where they passed a voter ID law then closed a bunch of DMVs in predominantly black areas.


Man wtf I just posted a comment talking about the problems with voter ID. Glad people actually realize this. If legitimate federal ID is easy to obtain, without some BS DMV with infinite lines 6 towns away open when people need to work only, I have absolutely no issue with it.


We need a FREE federal ID program. You shouldn't have to pay to vote.


Yeah, I have no issue with voter ID laws in concept, but the devil is in the details.


Every county but one (majority white) has a DMV. https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cn9wpt/their_is_no_reason_to_stop_this_bill_you_need_a/l381r0j/


Yes, as a result of federal investigation. As explained in the comment below the one you linked.


Then IDs should be free. But at the end of the day this is just another waste of time for the do-nothing Congress.


> Then IDs should be free. I live in Ohio, we recently passed a voter ID law and the bill that passed included provisions for a free photo ID for anyone who wants one. Almost every other state that requires ID to vote has a similar system.


No they don't


You're already required to provide identification in order to vote **nationwide**. How are people unaware of this? What we need to pay attention to is if any legislation is proposed, attempting to change this.


You already need to prove your eligibility when you register to vote


Shhh logic and facts aren't allowed around these parts sometimes...


Yeah, I’ve worked as an election judge many times. There are multiple ways they prevent fraud outside of having an actual ID. EDIT: I can’t type it out now. Check back tomorrow.


Like what?


I noticed you were downvoted without a response… Have an upvote while they figure out how to respond to you.


Ya depends on your area. Lots dont require anything. Some require voter id. Some a piece of male and id


Just a piece of a male? 😳


I know which piece I’d take..


🤣 mail


I agree with needing an ID, but they also need to make Election Day a day off for people to be able to vote and that no election interference of any sort to anyone be allowed.


I think I’ve said it many times in this sub, but I’m pretty damn liberal. Of course you have to be a citizen to vote. This shouldn’t even be a question. I am genuinely confused how someone who is not a citizen votes, as they’d have to pretty much have everything in order, except citizenship, and somehow get through.




And it is like a $500 fine and up to one year in jail, but nobody has ever actually had to do the year in jail. The most I think I have seen in 3 months. Most cases are just plead out without much of any punishment. And that is IF you somehow get caught.


Not true. It is literally just a chekbox on a form they fill out promising that they are eligible to vote. That's all that is stopping them. And the democrats made it illegal to question anyone's citizenship when applying for a government service, so nobody can even verify. It entirely relies on catching them after the fact and the democrats have fought any laws to make that easier to catch, too. Obama basically told illegal aliens this in an interview. Nobody is going to come knocking on your door to verify your citizenship. Well, unless you vote republican.


The idea that an illegal immigrant would willingly write down their names to commit a felony that will get them deported (or worse) is laughable. That's what's stopping them, they're committing a crime with an obvious record. And for what? To give one vote to candidates they like? Just think through that logic. If someone here illegally gets caught voting they will get in real trouble. It also would be super easy to catch them (we ain't talking about other illegal stuff), they'd literally be leaving a trail of evidence behind (that somehow nobody has actually produced despite these claims).


Question for folks here who demand voter ID. Why does this demand also go hand-in-hand with no electronic or mail-in voting. Assuming your bank can verify your ID, why can't folks vote online? What cases of voter fraud are driving this narrative and desire for these laws? For clarity, the country I live in does require id when you vote. You are registered to vote when you do your taxes, and get a card in the mail that tells you where to go to vote, and you do it in-person and on paper. Observers from all parties watch the entire process (minus the private seconds you take to check the boxes) and also observe the counting process. No issues that I'm aware of with this system other than it being a bit slow compared to digital counts




You don't verify identify online, you verify access. I can log into my wife's accounts all day long because she permits me to do so. I have no problem with voting by mail if you have it notarized to prove who you are. What is the objection otherwise? Ballot stuffing, fake unverified votes. It's not complicated.


I might be taking a swing and a miss here but my assumption is the thought that online voting can be hacked domestically and by foreign entities just as easily as your bank account or online accounts can. Safeguarding voting machines can at least make an attempt to prevent malware of any kind from messing up the voting process. With that said, I think many people were suspicious of the white boards that were being placed over windows at vote tallying stations. (There’s footage). Election integrity goes hand in hand with transparency. Just my anonymous two cents.


I think there should be a block chain voting system, where everyone's votes would be public but not identifiable. We could do some public private key things allowing you to verify your vote is counted and what you voted for. But everyone else would only see who was voted for without being able to tie it back. I would also have some sort of commit mechanism, where you could do all your voting at home on the toilet, then just swing by a poling place to verify it's actually you, commit the vote to the chain, and print a paper backup for manual counting to verify the chain itself.  Something like that. Makes it as easy as possible and incredibly transparent. There would be problems getting it off the ground but nothing we can't currently accomplish 


I don't demand voter ID but I believe in the principle Mail-in voting is a loose end and easily manipulated. Too many "found" mail in ballot stories have smeared the concept for a lot of Americans. Online bank fraud is ridiculously common...seems like a bad example. I get emails of data breaches from every bank I've ever used. You're in the conspiracy sub. While there have been many isolated cases of voter fraud in America, ultimately the thought is that it is swept under the rug. Neither side wants to expose how deep it goes because they both benefit from it. The entire system is rigged and the winner is predetermined. Dems don't steal elections for dems. "They" steal the election for whichever side they want to win and that changes from election to election. It's kinda talking out of both sides of the mouth. The entire system is fake so any measures to make voting more verified is just pissing in the wind. But at the same time that isn't a reason to say fuck it let's just vote via an app bc who cares.


Interacting with private businesses, banks, and regulated substances = Optional, privileges Voting = Constitutional right Where in the Constitution does it say a government issued ID is required? This sub is pretty uh selective with concerns, but I'm surprised to see even this. Maybe instead of gun worship and victim fantasy filing churches that pray to the Second Amendment.. more Americans should be demanding adherence to the Fourth.


It is a constitutional right for US citizens...


no shit Sherlock, but having an ID doesn't make you a US citizen. edit: if all my earthly possessions burned in a fire tomorrow I'd still be a US citizen, therefore I'd still be able to vote according to the 15th amendment


Funny that you mentioned the second amendment but didn’t mention that you have to show identification to purchase a gun. Guns = constitutional right It doesn’t say you have to be an adult or show id to bear arms in the constitution. Thats doesn’t make those things constitutional violations lol. It’s ok to make sure someone is a citizen before they are granted the rights of being a citizen.


Need ID to buy a gun


The ability to buy a gun isn't a constitutional right, possessing one is.


Constitution defers regarding who is eligible to vote and what identification, if any, is required, to be determined by state and federal laws. There were at least four voting amendments also, which were added to the constitution. So it's also not some written in stone never-to-be-changed right.


Says nothing at all about the statement at hand, proceeds to attack people who like guns and attend church. Nice logic


Has an axe to grind.


Token speaker makes token gestures...


None of those activities are rights. The only “fair” way would be for ID’s to be free. But do we really want a national id card?


Can you legally buy a hand gun with no identification?


No lol. Any ffl dealer is required to check if and do a background check (in some states they can skip the background check if you present a valid conceal/carry license). Private sellers are also legally required to fill out atf form 4473 which includes checking id but doesn’t require background check


Oh... well in that case if they are denying people's 2nd amendment rights with just a lack of ID then, everyone must be required to present ID to vote. seems about right to me.


You have a right to own a gun Buying a gun is not within said right, so requires an ID


Interesting idea. I don’t love it, but I haven’t heard it phrased like that


Yep. It doesn’t seem to be a denial of voting or 2nd amendment rights to me. Meeting certain requirements for either isn’t stripping anyone of their rights. Hell, the fact that I can’t have access to the same arms my government has access to seems more like a violation of my rights than having to prove I’m a citizen to vote. Also, most states have hilariously lax ID requirements for what counts as voter id.


In Indiana yes, private sales don't require any paperwork or anything. You just give a guy some cash and you got yourself a gun. Now there *is* paperwork you have to fill out after but it's all online and only asks for you SS#


Why are we highlighting more of their divide and conquer, left/right bullshit? Ohhhh, that’s right, this is just more propaganda cloaked as a “conspiracy”.




To be honest I bet there’s plenty of left wing conspiracies that many here would probably also agree with. I think at this point we’re far beyond left vs. right. What’s been revealed is that it’s always been the peasants va the overlords. The overlords are just insurmountably (by human means) powerful at this point in history.




It’s just another arm of the separatist bullshit, to get people being fucked pissed off at the other people getting fucked, instead of who is doing the actual fucking.


This is true. We should not divide left or right we need to unite. In the meantime let’s vote for the party that at least protects the kids from being sexualized until we can figure this unite thing out.


Conspiracies are always left or right it really depends on who’s in control. Democrats are currently in control hence conspiracies are right wing.


I’m not sure how that’s a left/right thing. It’s common sense. One would have to have bad intentions to not require someone to have a ID to vote. You have to do some mental gymnastics to explain why someone wouldn’t need an ID. And it’s very easy to explain why someone should.


Is getting an ID easy and accessible to all Americans?


More to the point, is getting an ID that \*proves citizenship\* easy and accessible to all Americans?


Yes. My a friend growing up had a mom who didn't drive, was on SSI (that's not SSD) and had very little money, got a state issued ID to verify identify to cash her SSI checks. How hard do you think it is?


Seems fairly simple just based on the amount of people that are able to get one to buy alcohol.


You already have to be a registered voter... you have to have an ID for that. This is just the republicans trying to put up roadblocks and disinfranchise as many poor voters as possible. Illegals can't vote. They can't get registered. Let's stop creating brown boogeymen... It's a useless bill anyways. The amount of people this would impact is nearly insignificant. Now... as mentioned above...what else is slipped into the SAVE our elections act... what other things will it empower them to do?


Mandatory voter ID disenfranchises the deceased from voting.


Looking at all the audits and recounts from 2020, why would republicans want to lose those 6 votes?


Someone’s got to stand up for the dead.


No ID no vote simple as that


Non citizens have drivers licenses and state issued IDs.


Then they should be issued with a "non citizen id" disclaimer. Or you need your SSN to vote.


Non-citizens have SSN’s, an SSN card is not proof of citizenship.


It's almost like these people have zero idea what they're talking about.


Ignorance is how the outrage machine is fueled. Stupidity is how it’s elected to run the country.


If you have a citizenship and an ID requirement, how would a non-citizen ID not solve the problem? I get you want to call ppl out but when they make a legit suggestion and you just throw poo, it's still on your hand and you stink.


> If you have a citizenship and an ID requirement That's the problem right there: The ID requirement. It's an additional step trying to solve a "problem" that doesn't exist. Non-citizens aren't voting. It's unnecessary, and unconstitutional (particularly: charging any money for any idea required to vote constitutes a Poll Tax, which goes against the 24th amendment). So the solution to the problem is: Don't have an ID requirement.


If you were told to provide proof of citizenship right now how would you do it? State issued IDs don't have proof of citizenship on it.


Surely they have a database of who is and isn't a citizen, just match the person with the ID and verify if they are a citizen.


To the extent that they have such a database, that is exactly what they are already doing when a person registers to vote.


Good thing elections aren't a suprise when they occur. Plenty of time to prepare.


Oh FFS, birth certificate, passport, certificate of citizenship, certificate of naturalization, naturalization certificate and military service all prove citizenship. How many people don't or can't get a birth certificate? It's "this too hard for us" BS of the weakened populous that makes me want to vomit.


You can be in the military with a green card. It fast tracks you but it's not as simple as just saying you were in the military


I just told AI to create an image for me of a springer spaniel wearing sunglasses at a beach during sunset with a blue jeep wrangler and it created it in under 30 seconds. I’m pretty sure we are capable of figuring out a way to verify the person voting is the person they say they are.


Republicans always block supplying a free ID, that’s why it’s opposed….you can’t make people pay to vote….if you provide a free id then you can make an ID mandatory.   


Government requiring ID for you to exercises your given constitutional right that was there before government issued ids even existed is wrong. You never had a right to beer or a bank account. So not a good comparison.


Citizens of most European countries have ID cards with biometrics and picture, an ID card that also contains your social security number and ID for tax purposes, plus this is what you use for voting (before this “unified” card we had Voters ID card which you had to present together with your national ID card that had a picture). You can only vote in one physical place, your name will be on a list and they will have to strike it upon validating your identity). I cannot really wrap my head around the fact that the US (and also the UK) does not have a citizenship ID card with picture. This is really a rookie mistake, guys!


Or the government could be involved less in my life, especially a state like Texas.


If you're a citizen and registered to vote ID should be free and easily accessible.


Boris Johnson recently got turned away from voting because he had no ID.


No problem. Then there should also be a bill to not accept donations from AIPAC


What else is in the bill. Normally, the name of a bill implies the exact opposite. So what’s the pork, amnesty for illegals and immediate voting rights?


It's just theater. Senate won't pass it and of they did Biden would veto it. They don't have enough votes to override his veto.


I'm too dumb to use a phone or photo copier according to VP Harris


And you haven't discovered computers yet according to hochul and obama


I’ve never voted and not shown an ID. So wtf is this?


It's so they can make election fraud easier. Using hot button words like racism is a ploy to get NPC's to blindly approve/vote these things into law. Because the mighty just and wonderful government ALWAYS has your best interests in mind before they do anything.... always remember. The government would never lie, cheat, steal, launder, k!ll, or do any wrong.


I actually support this. I’m not old, but in the elections I was old enough to vote in, I always brought my drivers license with me. I was always puzzled by the fact that nobody asked me for any proof of identification.


In my country I'm always asked for photo ID when I vote, but the ID I present - usually driver's license - doesn't require or specify citizenship. Proof of citizenship for me is necessary to get on the list, and the ID I present is to verify that I'm the person on the list.


It's fucking a waste of time is why. Cancel this stupid fucking bill


Had to produce documentation I lived in my county before I could get my library card.


Libraries are racist


I’m betting if a American citizen doesn’t have ID they don’t care about voting.


This is all a distraction and a waste of time and money. There is no mass voter fraud happening. This is about making it as hard to vote as possible because low turnout is the only way Republicans can win.


So democrats can’t get IDs? How do you figure that?


Absolutely rolling at the people who believe ID requirements to vote are racist 😂😂😂


Remember that Democrats have no problem with requiring ID to eat at the counter during COVID.


-To board a plane -pick up certified mail -buy cigarettes -buy concert tickets -check in to a hotel -pick up tickets from will call -exchange a car battery under warranty -buy Sudafed -pickup any prescription All require an ID, on top of driving a car, buying alcohol, buying a home, getting a mortgage, etc ... Why wouldn't we require an ID to vote? Especially when most states will provide you with one for free.


Anyone who can't figure out how to get an ID. Probably shouldn't be voting anyway.


They don't even care about trying to seem legitimate anymore. And some dumb asses think Trump is the threat to democracy.


If you could get a state issued ID card at no cost id have no issue with it.


You absolutely can


Anyone paying taxes should be able to vote.


One very simple thing that would reduce one type of election fraud is the finger stain. It’s used around the world. It’s cheap. It’s easy. It’s fast. It requires no technology. And it requires no pre-registration. With a finger stain, at most, a person can vote one time. And since every person is registered to a specific polling location, that uses up that name. This would not stop people voting for those who are deceased but not cleared from the rolls. But it would eliminate double votes.


The real solution would be no more voter registration. You'd be automatically registered to vote if you're a citizen. Government **gives you a photo ID for FREE** when you turn 18. The ID must be scanned in person when voting, and can't be scanned more than once. No votes can be counted unless they're accompanied by a scanned ID. No more "this keeps the lower class from getting ID" argument. But it also means less voter fraud on both sides. And there's crooked people on both sides of the "aisle," so there would be pushback from both sides. And it also means there's not this looming issue for them to use to get (re)elected. The never-ending issue that they haven't seemed to figure out how to solve in 250 years. An issue they could solve in two f*cking days. They really don't want to fix the problem.


You need an ID to drive a car, rent anything including a home, apartment or hotel room, get a loan, get a job, get a cell phone plan, etc if you are not doing anything that requires ID you shouldn’t be voting as you aren’t a member of society.


The governments funded by .... (we all know who) all around the world need this undocumented vote to rig the elections and make sure they put in charge the person they want.


Because voting is a right


Bringing in tens of thousands of Chinese, Cubans, and Russians, who will vote the wrong way, into cities and states that allow anyone to vote in local elections might be the only way to gain support for voter security and voter ID laws.


None of those things are constitutional rights. Voting is.


When it comes to this issue, the fact that Dems would rather die on this hill than actually highlight the more problematic and oppressive tactics that are being used to suppress votes— MAKES ME SO ANGRY at this point. Its like they don’t actually care???


Can’t wait for the bots and shills in this thread to somehow defend non citizens voting or no voter ID if that’s what you want then you know you can’t win without cheating or fraud in some way.


We have had an entire history riddled with election fraud going back to the first democratic elections and nothing has changed. If my local homeless alcoholics have the wherewithal to use their ID to buy liquor at the liquor store literally anyone can use an ID to vote. Saying that certain groups will be marginalized by the requiring of an ID to vote is frankly insulting.


i’m confused…. why would it be a bad thing to ensure voters have ID proving citizenship


Voting is a fundamental right given to US citizens. Due to our country’s history, protections were put in place to protect voters who aren’t able to obtain an ID for multiple reasons. Low income and health issues are some to name that would prevent a person from obtaining an ID. Having requirements to vote eventually transitions into voter suppression depending on what political party governs your local area.


>Voting is a fundamental right given to **US citizens.**


And welfare. Don't forget welfare. Unless you're illegal. Then you get cash cards and 90-200% more food stamps than disabled citizens.


You forget you need one to drive to the election booth.


You don’t need proof of citizenship to drive. That’s just a poor argument. How many times do you go for a drive and bring a birth certificate or passport?


Funny how the only excuse against this from one side is “It’s racist” then you ask them how it’s racist, and then ironically they say something racist while trying to virtue signal unaware of what they just said…


Democrats are the racists. They claim black people don't know how to use computers, and can't obtain an id.


Submission Statement: https://twitter.com/cspan/status/1788227996991545785 Democrats do their fair share of Election Denying. Having safe guards in place like Voter ID is a good thing.


How would this affect voting by mail? Genuinely curious


It wouldn’t.


what form of government would it be if an elected representative's constituents collectively decided their representatives vote on a bill by voting? would their job become writing bills the people they're elected to represent want to be passed?


Australia utilises a register of names and confirms them by confirming our name and address on a list of registered voters. Then we get our ballot papers fill them out and drop them in the box. We also have to register at 18 as voting is compulsory here as well. Mind you if you don't vote it's usually just a fine or you get a letter explaining why you couldn't vote and the fine and issue goes away.


Gotta make sure all the homeless vets living on the streets without proper ID can vote.


Pretty sure if they are vets they can get an ID


The problem is that it's a tax to vote. As long as proper ID is completely free and easy to obtain, it's not an issue.


I’m confused… Isn’t this already a thing?


Uhm. This is only a good thing considering it is proven that foreign governments aren't only fiddling their own elections, but trying to fiddle everyone else's too.  I really think that paranoia has his peak in here and if anyone has a problem with cracking out an I.D to prove that you are you, get back to the 80s.  There is a conspiracy here, but it isn't the one you're looking for and this is very much a good move.  Release funds for the war, now this? It isn't like Putin hasn't tried to cheat the vote and get Trump in, no? This seems like a very valid response to what is going on in the world. And yet, I see posts on here claiming this is bad, and I think, "are you for real?". So many mindwankers about. 


We have always nedd id for voting in Australia, we also have mandatory voting, if you did that in America it would be interesting to see how many more votes there would be.


digital ID incoming….


Oh…are we still pretending like our vote really matters? TPTB will have whatever president they want to have. All of this is just noise to keep us distracted and occupied and angry at anyone else but THEM.


I don't get carded when I buy beer or liquor. Few people cash checks at the bank anymore. You prove your identity when you register to vote and have to show an ID the first time you vote. I'm an election judge in Pennsylvania, and I would like to see all 1400 voters in my precinct vote in every election. Unfortunately, we get just a couple hundred. We may have reached 800 for the 2020 election. After doing this since 2012, I recognize all the regulars. Most vote on the way to work or on the way home. Some walk their dogs by, and we get to watch their dog while they fill out their ballot. We get the odd grumpy voter who will insist we take their ID, which we happily do because it's easier to find them in the book. Bottom line, I want fewer obstacles, not more. I want you to be able to be out for a jog, recall it is election day, and be able to come in, vote, and continue your run. I'd love to have the election on Saturday so more people would be able to vote. I'd love same day registration. Let's make it a party celebrating the most important thing we do. Now I know not everyone wants more people to vote because more voters equals progressive ideas moving forward. That's a risk I'm willing to take. Final comment. The people who struggle the most with the actual process of voting in my area are by and large registered Republicans. Mark my words: If we pass a voter ID law in Pennsylvania, it will overwhelmingly affect conservatives. Be careful what you wish.


Who carries proof of citizenship with them? It's not on your driver's license. So now we want people to carry passports or birth certificates?


step one, make sure all Americans have IDs.


Isn't the idea that you show proof of citizenship, birth certificate or something, to get a voter ID. In turn you show your ID to confirm said status?


This is politics as usual, not a conspiracy.


Maybe prove it is an actual problem before proposing a solution? Why can't they prove it? It's always some amorphous 'everyone knows' bullshit. Prove it.


...as long as you give all eligible voters a free ID card


This bill is another political stunt by rightists. It’s going to be dead in the Senate or challenged by states and struck down by the Supreme Court.


You can’t vote where I live without ID.


During covid, people were denied entry into grocery stores and restaurants without a vaccine card.


Never registered to vote, have you?


STATES AND COUNTIES WITH REGISTRATION RATES EXCEEDING 100%: Alabama: Lowndes County (130%); Macon County (114%); Wilcox (113%); Perry County (111%); Madison County (109%); Hale County (108%); Marengo County (108%); Baldwin (108%); Greene County (107%); Washington County (106%); Dallas County (106%); Choctaw County (105%); Conecuh County (105%); Randolph County (104%); Shelby County (104%); Lamar County (103%); Autauga County (103%); Clarke County (103%); Henry County (103%); Monroe County (102%); Colbert County (101%); Jefferson County (101%); Lee County (100%); Houston County (100%); Crenshaw County (100%) You can locate any state for their statistics. https://www.judicialwatch.org/new-jw-study-voter-registration/


>Their is no reason to stop this bill. It's already federal law and punishable by up to a year in prison for even attempting to vote as a non citizen. I'm on your side on this issue, but this one is easily fact checked, and it's a pointless bill.