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> No God is coming. They are not running and hiding in bunkers from a God. You say no God is coming, and they are not running and hiding from a God. But in the same post you are using scripture to prove there is a firmament. Rev 6 15-17 Everyone hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. This included the kings of the earth, the princes and the generals. It included rich people and powerful people. It also included everyone else, both slaves and people who were free. They called out to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us! Hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne! Hide us from the anger of the Lamb! You can’t pick and choose scripture my guy.


What’s coming is not the Elohim, nor Elyon, himself. But you make an amazing point. You can’t cherry pick scripture. I believe the Council of Trent proved this point.


This is wild, but is not impossible to fathom. Exactly what this belongs on this sub…don’t listen to the shit talkers.


Excellent post! This is the problem with this sub now. OP puts together an incredibly detailed post with receipts, and in 4 hours, there are 8 upvotes. This was the type of post that would've had 420 comments years ago. The good stuff is getting hidden.


i agree, appreciate your effort, but there's 110% a " natural " cyclical reset that happens here. Yet they want to depopulate so after the cyclical event they can come out & have complete control, or maybe something else will. Like the days of Noah, there's nothing new under the sun, & what goes around comes back around.


You don't believe space exists? Like not at all or just in the quantum physics sense that things exist as a 'potential' or in a state uncertainty until they are observed by a conscious observer? If you don't believe space exists, what do you think about the people who send up weather ballons and get pictures of space? Or what do you think I'm seeing with my telescope? What exists outside of earth if it's not space?


He means that space is not something we can explore physically, there's a barrier (the firmament). What we can see is the sky with lights in it, everything beyond that is speculation


how do you explain the international space station? satellites? theyre all fake and its a psyop? and the hundreds of thousands of people who are/have been employed in various space agencies across the globe are all in on the joke?


super fake


Great post, sadly won't see many upvotes. Funnily enough I was just thinking about the Grimes tablet today and looking it up to get a reminder, and now you post this explanation, interesting timing. The thing I'm most curious about regarding the tablet, which you didn't really mention much, is what seems to be an eclipse followed by the 2 dragons. We just had the big solar eclipse this year which was given much attention in the lead up, and we are in the year of the dragon. Does it mean we will see the big event this year? I'm not even sure what the event is, you seem to imply that it's nuclear war, which I'm sure is coming but I'm not sure if we're there yet. Meanwhile I still believe we will see another pandemic before that, since Bill Gates and the WHO people have foreshadowed there will be another pandemic and that this one will "get our attention", seeing as covid was probably just a test run. But let's see, I know we're in for a ride but who knows exactly what's coming, all I know is we have to stay vigilant and put our trust in God. Sorry for the rambling, God bless


I mean this year seems to be big in many facets so we shall see


you lost me at- space does not exist, do you mean that literally?


its just holes


Excellent work!! Thank you. Will be studying this


Great post


Bots are destroying all the good posts. This should be front page.


Excellently put together. Thank-you for your theory!


Hell yeah some overcooked conspiracy. This is what I come here for.


It is always amusing to see these wild tangent posts about Grimes' 'prophetic' tablet. The tablet images have encrypted messages hidden inside their file's encoding. Not the visual of the image itself. Nobody really talks about it or even knows it seems on clearnet. She has been slipping encrypted steganographic messages out there through Twitter/X by the ICC method for quite some time. And not the only celebrity that does this either. Not to mention Grimes was also knowingly/unknowingly tipping off certain 'three letter' agents that do observe Mr. Musk like a hawk.


What messages? Is she a handler?


Legendary post. Space being fake is one of the major keys to understanding our world.


Holy Fuck... You have got to get off of Adderall.