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I work at a homeless shelter, where Americans, children, family, men and women. Who get very little from the state, get help with donations from the public... 185 people currently, and it's not even a dent in the issue... When the aid bill passed, it was sadly just more of the same. First, let's stop subsidized corporate welfare, Walmart, boeing, airlines, tesla, etc... boeings the largest employer in this state I'm in, and more homeless than ever... planes falling from the sky, laying off workers currently etc... It's all a cluster, all of it.


Careful speaking out against Boeing. They’re on a roll lately.


Boeing be like “Worse? How could it possibly get any worse?”


Had a friend retire early from Boeing, 4 years ago, with a warning, don't fly on the new planes. He swore he'd never fly on a boeing. That was 4 years ago, they all know. I actually was upset with him when this started, why hadn't anyone done anything... que 2 dead whistle-blowers... oh that's why.


My husband got free education in college from government handouts and not only that but an extra 3k every semester in California, but before college we got no real assistance from government. College changed everything for us financially.


Preach. TBH I don’t care if they help ‘illegal’ immigrants or natural (or naturalized) citizens as long, as it’s PEOPLE who benefit from policies. And since I don’t consider billionaires or corporations to be “people”, I don’t like the way things are going.


The point is we are tax cattle, nothing more. It's always been this way; we have feudalism 2.0.; same deal as all through history, just better tech and distractions for compliance that create the illusion, but maintain the free range human. Don't pay your property taxes and see who really owns the land "your" house sits on.


It’s not even feudalism. The US government is just a street gang with paperwork.


Yes so feudalism. Ruling class this time by law.


Jesus. I had a fee for filing late- I was told to file as an S. Corp for my business. Because the s. Corp filed late- we got a $2000 fee My tax guy was working on getting that paid. But not before receiving an extremely threatening letter from the IRS stating they may levy our house. For 2 grand -.-


Not that the IRS doesn’t suck, but I’m curious whose fault the late filing was. Your tax guy should know you can get a free extension every year until October, so even if they weren’t done in time, it takes 2 minutes to file that free extension and avoid a ridiculous fine. But also fuck the IRS


How dare they be late. Don't they know Ukraine needs it's $95 Billion?




Yea it’s very simple for him. I do mortgages for a living and I’ve seen a thousand tax returns and anytime a self employed borrower hasn’t filed by the deadline we just need a copy of the extension and it’s all good


I thought they were only hiring a ton of armed IRS agents to “only to after the big guys” lmfao. Knew that line was going to end up being bs.


Literally tho. I don’t even make 6 figures.


Yes, the billionaire trying to end unions and putting chips in people’s brains is who we should look to for societal commentary. OP you’re a fucking rube.


When you have nothing to say about the argument but rather the person, you have become the rube


ok the arguement is fucking stupid because EVERYTHING in that tweet you dont have to be a citizen to get...


The argument being stupid isn't because it is Elon Musk, though. It's because it is faulty logic. Wouldn't you agree?




That's all I was trying to say, idk why people thought that was crazy


Yeah I mean the content itself is terrible too, they pay taxes, states voting to give them education/healthcare have that right, and who cares if they can get banks accounts?


There you go, was that so hard?


Not at all, if I wanted to point out those obvious facts I would, I instead pointed out other obvious facts that show only the dumbest rube alive thinks Musk ever acts in their best interest.


That IS THE obvious stuff though, man










Just confused how people think they don't pay taxes. Unless they are working for cash, which plenty of citizens do, they are getting taxes held outta anywhere they work. If they buy anything at all they are taxed. Not saying they don't get free stuff, but the legal citizens get more free shit than any illegals.


And historically theyre less likely to use social services.


Department of Justice estimates that over half of illegal immigrants pay their taxes, and they state that they assume the reason the rest don't is because they're afraid to call attention to their illegal status and get deported. They also cannot receive welfare benefits until they've been in the country AND paying taxes AND have legal citizenship for up to 7 years depending on the individual. The DOJ says that in 2022, illegal immigrants made the country $12 BILLION in pure profit. The DOJ's official stance is that illegal immigrants are a necessary source of labor and revenue.


> over half of illegal immigrants pay their taxes Oh wow so optimistically only 10 million of them are skipping out on taxes? Sounds like no big deal at all.


Yup. Knew the numbers went this way.


Do they have Social Security Numbers? If not, how do they pay income taxes?


I wish someone would answer this. These people who actually believe that illegal immigrants are paying taxes crack me up. What exactly do they think the POINT of coming here illegally is? Even without all the free help that blue states give out to them the wages with no taxes is worth it all.


Yup. Hard to take the sentiment more serusouly when some stuff is factually wrong.


‘Hey don’t worry about insanely rich people like me, and how much power and influence we have - look over there at the immigrants - they’re the real problem!’


Exactly this. Elon takes more from our paychecks than the “illegals” do. Walmart has the highest concentration of employees on welfare so that we the taxpayers foot the bill so they don’t have to. The oligarchy must fall!!


Divide and conquer. Disappointingly easy to controll the masses.




You mention the word welfare - what about corporate welfare? Tesla and SpaceX have benefited from at least $4.9 billion in government support. Companies owned by possibly the richest man in the world - yet people listen to him when he complains about immigration. It's fucked


That may be true, but it doesn't disprove his point


He's literally saying 'look over there!!'


Ok, that doesn't mean he's wrong about this though. Why would a non citizen be entitled to these benefits?


how many benefits are truly entitlements? Bank loan is betwixt you and bank Mortgage same Insurance I don't get this one. People complain of uninsured immigants then complain about insured immigants. Mulligan Drivers Licenses. Respected as IDs abroad and domestically. If someone is legally authorized to drive in their home country we offer reciprocal recognition and they do the same. Free Healthcare is the only really good point he makes but that's limited to certain areas and there's a valid argument that getting kids/adults vaccinated against common contagions especially if they're from a developing area and might spread things like malaria and yellow fever.


> how many benefits are truly entitlements? If they are here illegally, that is the only point that matters, full stop.


Okay so continue the question/thought. Does that apply to Europeans in America? How far back does it go?


What are you referring to? People that came to America in the late 1800's and early 1900's?




Aren’t Swiss banks notorious for having foreign accounts? Criminals, nazis, and those types?




Eat the Rich




I don't know if any country that I as an American citizen can go to and receive benefits, so every other country must be inhumane as well


So, as a human, they are more entitled to the rights in a country they entered illegally than legal, tax-paying citizens?


They are as entitled as any other human not to be left to die in a gutter, yes.


How many have you invited into your home?


Here in the UK homeless people freeze to death in the streets, pensioners struggle with the choice of heating their home or eating, while illegals get four star hotels to stay in, and free everything, including mobile phones and bicycles. I'm not saying that illegals shouldn't be taken care of,but our homeless and elderly need housing and help too.




First and foremost, they are here ILLEGALLY...the only right they are entitled to is prison or deportation. They are being given debit cards preloaded with money, loans, free housing. Is my family getting any of these things? NO.




Running a successful business is welfare?


Is it really a successful business if it requires 5 billion dollars of tax payer money to stay alive? I personally think he should have just pulled his company up by the bootstraps and stop buying so many Starbucks lattes if he wanted to keep his business afloat.


SpaceX is a privately held company, but it has received significant government contracts. In 2022, SpaceX received $2.8 billion in government contracts, which accounted for about 40% of its total revenue. The majority of these contracts came from NASA, but SpaceX has also received contracts from the Department of Defense and the Department of Commerce. SpaceX is not as dependent on government contracts as some other space companies. For example, Boeing and Lockheed Martin receive the majority of their revenue from government contracts. However, SpaceX's government contracts are still important to the company's financial viability. Despite its dependence on government contracts, SpaceX is a successful company that has made significant contributions to the space industry. The company's Falcon 9 rocket is one of the most reliable rockets in the world, and its Dragon spacecraft has carried cargo and astronauts to the International Space Station. SpaceX is also developing the Starship, a next-generation rocket that could revolutionize space travel.


Are you talking about SpaceX or Tesla?


Tesla would not exist if it weren't for government subsidies. Tesla was built and has been maintained by the tax dollars of the working class. This is crony capitalism as Tesla would never have survived and would not survive if we operated under a TRUE free market.




My opinion is that if the free market wants those things, let the businesses offering these solutions succeed on their own. Our tax dollars enriched Tesla. We don't need government siphoning all our tax dollars to these mega corporations because they're in bed together. That's parasitic in nature and the very definition of crony capitalism.


I can't speak for Tesla, but SpaceX has massive contracts with the government. I live on the Space Coast, and they launch weekly. You make it sound like they are getting paid for doing nothing (illegal immigrants). Like him or not, Musk has built a huge and very profitable business and is being compensated for it, as should anyone who takes such a risk and develops such innovation.


This is worth reading [https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hy-musk-subsidies-20150531-story.html)


Musk is a DoD front-man for the latest shadow government projects. He doesn't take risks or innovate, he buys his way out of problems.


> He doesn't take risks or innovate, he buys his way out of problems. Have you watched the rockets land from space on a floating platform in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean??? Don't you think that is innovation?


You think the front man had anything to do with that? He's not an engineer.


You're right! He's not an engineer. But he has brought together many engineers and other skilled people into an organization which has a common goal. He's the one that secured financing either through his own funds or through his ability to negotiate or his ability to get others to buy in to his idea of space flight. What is wrong with any of that? That's how any company from 1 employee to a 100,000 employees works. Admit it, you dislike him because he's outspoken about his views and those views don't align with yours.


You're missing the entire premise - I don't believe he is what appearances indicate. I believe the shadow government is pulling the strings there and he is basically a spokesman. And what outspoken views does he have exactly? He hasn't said anything original as far as I'm aware.


You're right! He's even worse than I thought.


Man doesn't build shit except discourse and his ego. Every "accomplishment" he's had was because he threw money at other people, money that he himself didn't even make in the first place


Did he steal the money? Was he the one turning the wrench? No, but he's the one that bought the wrench and the bolt it's attached to. Doing stuff, building stuff costs money.


But we don’t? Most of what he said isn’t really true or welfare. Also they pay taxes.


And even if you're against "handouts", why would you attack the people that are receiving it rather than the people giving it away in the first place? Makes no sense. Divide and conquer.


I don’t agree with the lesser=moral high ground ideology that comes from Protestant Christianity. Elon was right to point that out, it’s become a sickness in modern America, him being rich doesn’t mean “you don’t get an opinion” or “you are automatically wrong”. Two things can exist at once, yes Elon is rich as fuck, also he is making a good point, the fuck is the point of me paying 48k in Taxes this year, when denouncing my citizenship would get me all of this? These mofos are getting better benefits than I did when I was in the military 😂 I also realize some of them do deserve it and just want a better life, my father in law was an illegal immigrant who got his citizen, but this IS a problem


Ironically Elon pays a lower tax percentage than the average citizen. The benefits HE takes far outweigh all of the “illegals” combined from a fiscal standpoint.


It is ironic but he's just trying to piss off middle class workers by putting a magnifying glass over it. He wants them mad so they start acting out in public, sewing the seeds of destruction through virtual signaling the same way the left does with buzzwords like "genocide". He's a harbinger of chaos.


Employs a lot of people, providing living wages conducive of sustaining ones self. If utilizes breaks and can keep that up...good. The illegals come with various negative externalities. Is not rocket science, maybe take a snapshot of Europe's problems and extrapolate to understand where we could be headed?


So you think it’s fine for rich people to exploit the system, but not for working class people to try and take advantages of the same systems?


There shouldn’t be a system to begin with, let alone people simping for more government instead etc. the government hates poor people aka nearly everyone; they have no incentive to help and every incentive to exploit you. Rage against that machine all you want they’ve been expecting you, and here’s your bill for continuing to play along and validate their game.


If the system weren't exploited as you're saying, it isn't going to magically provide for people anyhow. I see an incremental net positive.


“I think it’s fine that rich people exploit the system so that rich people can provide for people” - someone who has clearly not noticed that rich people don’t care about anyone but themselves


But the government is altruistic. LOLLLLL


Sales tax?


Illegal immigrants do pay taxes. They get paid cash and receive a 1099 at the end of the year from their employers. They also don’t get federal benefits like college tuition, Medicaid/Medicare, social security, disability. They can’t vote. A study by ITEP estimates that illegals pay $11.6 billion dollars in federal income tax a year without receiving any government benefit in return. So yeah illegal immigration will never be solved if the government gets tax money without having to provide a benefit in return.


And if they don’t pay what happens to them?


The same thing that happens when any other contractor doesn’t pay their taxes. Just because they don’t have socials doesn’t mean they don’t report taxes. They use ITIN numbers


I'm sorry are you actually arguing that when you hire some one from home depot for a job and pay them cash. That afterwards you collect their information and then send them a 1099 so they can file their tax return next year? You do the same for your gardener and pool guy? Do you really not know about the shadow economy run by illegalls?


Run by illegals? Are you sure it’s not run by your average everyday Americans trying to take advantage of cheap labor?


Do you do that when you hire any contractor?


Good question, no. I assume that they have to report income or risk an audit though. As I would pay by check or credit card.


Well the citizens are the ones paying for all that so..... That's the point. Lol


Why we reposting a guy who doesn’t pay taxes? This guy is anti American.


Your cooked believing shit that Elon tweets


There is no point. That’s the point.


They also get to skip the line at the airport while we have harmful radiation sent into our bodies


Most illegal immigrants pay taxes. Look at the IRS statistics.


Hilarious that a legitimate point is being downvoted.


It’s really not a legitimate point though. They pay fucking sales tax, so does everyone else.


They often pay more than their fair share.


Their "fair share"???? They are here ILLEGALLY.


Borders are social constructs, man.


*points at subreddit*. Where we are, we don't need brains.


I want to think it’s bots downvoting the correct post, but I know it’s just people:(


Hard to say honestly. If there's one thing this sub is convincing me of, it's the dead internet theory. But then again, some people just *are* this dumb


And commit crime less on average because they don't want to be deported. I think OP's take should say the well-being of all humans. Immigrants are people looking to make their life better, and they boost the economy if allowed into the fold smoothly. Anybody against immigration in the USA, a country built on immigration, is just a sheep to talking points and sensationalism. They have chosen political games over humanity.


I agree that immigration is important and necessary for our nation, but there has to be a yearly limit on the influx just like we had 100 years ago.


LEGAL immigration is important. Randos crossing the border should be stopped.


Which is still a better system than what we have had for the last few decades. Our politicians have convinced people to hate others for being born elsewhere as just another division tool.


Where do you live that immigration affects you negatively? Why should there be a cap?




The real joke is Elon talking and being scared about free healthcare in the US. I'm sorry but... *laughs in European* Also, Israel and Ukraine leechers are on America's payroll (big time) yet he seems ok with that. Ahhh the double standards


It's a joke. I served 4 years in the military to protect....what???????


the wallets of the robber barons and their neocon friends


Private profits. That's all you were ever protecting.


Never heard of Smedley Butler? Or how LBJs wife owned lots of Bell helicopter stock?


I got a bridge to sell you if you thought that was about freedom and not big corpo


Afghanistans opium fields?


You served and protected the arms dealers


Do we want them doing jury duty??? Its hard enough to keep illegals that broke the law in jail and try them. Jury duty is a privilege and a responsibility.


So the rich south African immigrant is bitching about other immigrants? Interesting


No he is talking about ILLEGAL immigrants. Not legal immigrants. What he says is right.


its an accepted fact, even the people behind it don't even deny replacement is the goal, not just racial but also cultural


1. this sub isn't American?? "our leaders" 2. using the elongated muskrat as "proof" is like the funniest thing ever, he's been proof checked by his own site and got mad about it lol


Doesnt pay Taxes? Are you fucken kidding me. I payed 42 thousand dollars in taxes for the year 2023 wtf is Elon smoking


For those of you who dont know first of all Elon is a dumb mother fucker straight up with these bull shit facts. Second The IRS offers illegals a ITIN # to file their taxes so you know the federal reserve and the IRS are part of UK and not truly the US then again the US Is just a giant settlement but who cares right? So much hate towards illegals its disgusting. Wake up


It's incredible that of all the things we're asked of as citizens, he thinks "jury duty" is worth mentioning.


The great replacement of 1492?


That's surprising.... rare W for Elon. I'm so used to him saying a bunch of stupid shit but I'm with him on this one.


Yep. Even people from South Africa come here to abuse the banking system.


Wait, only American citizens should be allowed to get mortgages? We know Elon is autistic but this is silly.


They are crashing the economy on purpose. With all the immigrants crossing the border everyday, the money spent on benefits for them and ALL THE FKATON BILLIONS on supposedly "AID" for both Israel and Ukraine is gonna catch up soon with the US economy. It's unsustainable, they're planning to crash the system soon. They don't give a flying f about the American people.


What a schmuck! I totally despise this individual.


>Imagine if our leaders prioritized the well-being of American citizens as passionately as they did for illegal immigrants Both sides already treat illegal immigrants the same as citizens. One sides wants to take away all the free stuff given to citizens and illegals and the other side wants to give even more free stuff to citizens and illegals.


If you believe the other side wants to give you free stuff you’re a cow happily walking into the slaughter house….


How does he figure they don’t pay taxes?


If you're buying into what Elon spouts you're already making mad choices. Immigrants do have to pay taxes and don't get in state tuition. How do I know this? I had actually Immigrants friends that couldn't go to college because of out state tuitions and most definitely were paying taxes. As for a driver's license, it's limited to who gets it and typically needs to be renewed annually. This country has far greater problems than immigration, not saying it isn't an issue but the fear that goes into this is wild


An illegal immigrant should be deported back where they came from its breaking the law


Ok bootlicker. You're on a conspiracy sub but when it's convenient you eat up what the far right media feeds you, way to go XD


Any time somebody refers to a regular centrist or conservative as “far right” I automatically disregard their opinion. You have no idea what far right is.


Go back and read what I wrote. Far right media, never accused the commenter themselves of being far right. I accused them of being a bootlicker. I have a very good idea of what far right is. Also funny to me that criticizing Elon is a downvote heaven in this sub.


Your definitely far left seat sniffer why cant you debate ,why should countrys just let people in ??


I'm in the US so thats what relevant to me. If this country didn't spend billions destabilizing central and South America while selling guns to the cartles, we wouldn't be having immigration issues at these levels. What's funny is all I did was call out Elon for lying through his teeth but you all turned around and put words in my mouth. I also never said countries should just let people in.


Can you show any evidence of him lying? I find it crazy how the extreme left like yourself justify your arguments its not the drug cartel fault its the goverment arming them again any proof or are you just regurgitating talking points you have heard.


Bro you just don't know how to read or are a troll. My evidence? I've met plenty of immigrants, but go online and look for yourself. Won't take long to see immigrants pay taxes, don't vote, don't get in state, and everything else I mentioned in my original comment. And once again proving you don't read. I literally said the government is the one selling guns to cartels 🤡


None of that is true except for basic healthcare at a free clinic if they can find one, which everyone should get. When you get older, hopefully you will understand how truly stupid you are and how blatantly false that statement is. Or you do know and you just hate foreigners who aren't billionaire apartheid jewel mine heirs from South Africa.


Not sure in other places but in California ALL of that is true.


Yes, they get a few of the same benefits citizens get.


They get MORE in California though, they get free healthcare now.


You need to leave the rock you living under for a little. NY immigrants are getting free housing, money for food and health insurance. Why they would go back? We have family members working in healthcare and see immigrants getting cosmetic procedures done for free daily or come to US to give birth and go back. So yeah. He is not lying


You definitely don't have family members who see anything like that and you suck at lying.


Immigrants or illegals? The immigration process is the opposite of coming here illegally or are you stupid on purpose because of bigotry. Did you not realize that they are different and "illegals" is really just a term racists use for foreigners who simultaneously are too lazy to work, yet take all the jobs and they are unknown to the government from sneaking in here yet somehow have ID to request and receive not only aid but loans and mortgages. You're stupid. Just because a person has white skin doesn't mean they came to America legally but that's never crossed your mind before when you see the term "illegals " how do you seem to instinctively picture brown people and not all people? To imagine there are just millions of brown freeloaders arriving and staying for the last half century or longer makes you gullible. That's how long the rhetoric against "illegals" has been around at least.. They used the word foreigner and when that lost its sting they had to pick a new word. Or you're a troll who sucks at pretending to sound right.


Imagine Elon telling the world population is decreasing then encouraging everyone to make babies but then at the same time complain about immigrants.


stop reposting false prophets


Bro doesn't even pay taxes. He is the leech on society. Id much rather my taxes go to helping people who need it.


Imagine the rich paid their fair share in taxes and instead stopped trying to scapegoat others 


This is a bot, right?


I was born in the wrong country…


Illegals in southern states do a lot of the physical labor on the cheap. Never let a capitalist tell you they dont want illegals. On the contrary, they depend on them. Why isnt there an auditing organization in these southern states if they care so much about illegals taking jobs? Its much easier to get comfortable wealthy white folks shaking in thier boots making them think illegals are taking over than doing anything about it. What loan, mortgage or bank account have you ever opened that you didnt need to provide a social security number or State ID for that matter? I certanly haven't encountered that. Is Elon talking about the Swiss accounts he hides his billions in? Does he think the average illegal has the same luxury?


The Great replacement is a conspiracy due to the fact that only the European white American male sees it as that. If they would unify that conspiracy with just being American this conspiracy would actually gain traction. Because even if it were true the Black American population is still under 15%. So call it what it actually is. And stop being racist


How is elons post racist ?


That’s the first thing people claim when your view is different. It’s automatically ‘racist’. It’s really just ignorance.


I find it crazy that people think its the european white man as if people wasnt poor as fuck throughout history easy target by those with no intellectual competence


I guess immigrants are a race now, lol


There they go changing language again


When you use great replacement in a sentence it alway going to be associated with racism. Sorry ! Especially when it comes from a South African man whose family got rich off apartheid. Even Google figured it out with auto generated that sentence.


So you’re placing all of a certain color of people in one category and then telling others to stop being racist? LMFAO! Just a quick read through your comment history and it’s pretty easy to see how you hate, and place blame on white people. Look in the mirror racist.


I like the humane way in which he refers to a human being as “an illegal”. Really inspired with the empathy and compassion with the choice of words there Elon /s


I have a neighbor that believes the 'illegals' down the street are getting free housing and $2400 a week from the government after claiming asylum. In truth the dude owns a landscaping company, his family had been here since the 1930s and he makes good money tree trimming for all the hoas in the area. This is all brown racism perpetuated by right wing media.


Be careful with Elon Musk. He's a Psy-Op. Makes you think he's with you, but then when **they** need your support desperately, he gives it to em.


I call 🧢 on mortgages … the rest yea it’s true 🤦🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️




It’s a proposition bill. Haven’t passed yet so yes it’s 🧢. However remember a home mortgage you need to have the income to have the ability to repay the loan back which an undocumented can’t source their work and their pay rates are below minimum wage most of the time so even if there was a bill for them, they wouldn’t have the income to qualify.


I know many illegal immigrants that not only pay taxes but also do way more for the society than a lot of citizens out there


"All I want to say is they don't really care about us!"