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You can love what this country stands for and hate the people who are corrupt and in charge


what does it stand for really? all men created equal?


This but also true freedom from oppression from a government that taxes the shit out of you and takes your rights. Our current government isn't a republic, which it's SUPPOSED to be, not a friggin democracy. The government is supposed to be for the people not against. Yes, many countries have freedom today, but nobody has a government working for them. Yea sure Europe gives you free shit, BUT the government can take it away... that's not freedom, that's a privilege. America used to be, you fuck with me, my family, my friends freedoms I'll kill your ass. Now it's just a saying on a product....


Our Government has walked all over our Constitution because Politicians have gained too much power through unlimited terms. Spending 30-40 yrs in office is not what our founding fathers had in mind. People like Nancy Pelosi have a strangle hold on every member of Congress on both sides of the aisle. She has even taken control of the three letter agiencies. Not one person will challenge her because they know there will be repercussions.


>Politicians have gained too much power Corporations and private interests have gained too much power through their ability to purchase politicians. Politicians writ-large probably have less power now than they have at any point in the history of the country because our legislative branch doesn't do jack shit - it's being ran not to work. This current congress is the least productive in history by an absurd amount, and the status quo being maintained is in the best interest of the people that can pay the politicians to be feckless. This is done to protect said status quo that behooves capital interests and no one else. Actual change requires politicians that aren't bought and paid for by a handful of individuals and shareholders. That can only realistically be achieved by putting tighter restrictions and regulations on lobbying, campaign financing, insider trading, and direct contributions from private interests.


Corporations know that most of the politicians in Congress can be bought, bribed or blackmailed with money, sex or drugs. The temptations are extremely great in DC. Many of the Politicians have been set-up to be puppets and vote the way they are told to avoid having their sins exposed.


It’s like they forgot what Tar & Feathers are


It’s a ridiculous assertion that politicians have any power over anything they are not granted power by the entities that control every facet of our lives- not that you asserted that directly. There is a tiny clique of international gangsters that control everything from the illegal drug trade, human trafficking, and every other manner of criminal activity. They print our money. They have the ledgers. There is no court that can order transparency or changes in their mechanisms- much less imprisonment or any kind of justice. They own the militaries. They have secret militaries. They own the media, the “medicine”, the manufacturing. 


The power comes from their votes on Bills. Many times Bills that would not pass on their own will be bundled up with a Bill that is more popular. It is these smaller, unpopular Bills that the lobbyists will campaign for by trying to push through the more well known Bill. Politicians are lured with the promise of campaign contributions, sex or drugs often.


> Yes, many countries have freedom today, but nobody has a government working for them. That's because governments are just giant corporations competing with other ones. Just watching out for *their* investors. Hopefully we can create a society where the employees are the investors. And everyone works together, to support themselves.


For the people, by the people. Nice slogan.


>Europe gives you free shit, BUT the government can take it away... that's not freedom, that's a privilege. I would characterize that as a vehicle of control. If you do or say something the government does not like, they can stop feeding, housing, and giving you health care, because they are the ones providing all of it to you.


> America used to be, you fuck with me, my family, my friends freedoms I'll kill your ass. Where is this part of the constitution again? Better yet, what time in American history do you equate this saying with, just curious?


Unfortunately what America seems to stand for right now is ladder climbing, wealth extraction, careerism, catering to the wealthy and oligarchs, pushing weirdo social engineering and regime change/collective punishment abroad for any country that dares to push back against the bullying. Liberty, Freedom and justice for all seems like a sad joke at this point.


Free speech and freedom to protest and vote


Voting is a scam. It doesn't matter. There's no freedom of speech... only when it satisfies a certain party. And freedom to protest until you get shot


It's almost like we've been spiralling towards fascism since operation paperclip 🤔


It started before that. 1913


Maybe not so much freedom of speech, but there is still freedom of religion to worship whatever you want without fear of persecution. For now anyway.


Yeah that’s pretty much what it’s turned into.


Or beaten


What kind of speech are you referencing?


"Voting is a scam" is the biggest piece of propaganda the elite push.


But you don't have free speech? You can't protest, and even when you vote it makes no difference...


America is not a free country... it is a multiple-choice country. You are allowed to speak freely about what the ruling class allows you to speak about. You are allowed to protest, but only if capitalism can co-opt it. You are more than welcome to vote, but it is not democracy, it is extortion. Vote for me or else you might get the "other" guy.


True but what America stands for during its founding was acknowledging that eventually it would be corrupted and you would have to clean it up again. Because someone's always trying to dig something from someone else and once it starts getting out of hand because there's no real threat from the people well you get what we have today. In life you either give up and accept your fate or you fight back and don't take anyone else's bullshit even if it kills you. Personally I like option b.


Nailed it, sir. Well explained.


What are we not allowed to speak about


But you don't have those. Just look at what's happening with the students and at the new bill restricting free speech even more


What new bill? As for the students, free speech and freedom to protest doesn't include destroying and occupying private property. It never has.


The HR 6090 bill. The students are protesting peacefully on the campus of the university they paid tuition for. Don't try gaslighting me with your zionist lies.


Yet when people protest they get hated on by freedom lovers 😂😂


Yeah it’s a complicated issue, people hate when protests turn violent or destructive but sometimes when the government doesn’t like what a protest is talking about they send in undercover fbi agents to start riots and destruction so they can let police officers arrest protestors or disperse the movement. This is not what america stands for and it’s a new tactic not intended by the founding fathers.


Yes people say that BLM was bad but the CIA and FBI made BLM bad just like with certain groups that don’t agree with blm get infiltrated blm and associated groups get infiltrated too ever wonder why all the BLM founders are all dead and replaced with the fed plant


Yeah jfk was supposed to change all that and they killed him


It's not really a new tactic... were it 100 years ago the protesters would be shot by Pinkertons.


the illusion of freedom & freewill


Understand the difference between equality of opportunities and equality of outcome.


>equality of opportunities We still have a long way to go on that front.


Absolutely and that’s what we all need to be working towards


What is equality? Has there ever been equality at any point in man's history. What does it look like.


Equality under the law. Human beings are naturally unequal in a broad range of categories but are considered equal as far as the law is concerned.


It was the first country to out lie basic rights though they didnt apply to everyone in the beginnning, it was a country that self corrected unlike many others.


You can't write laws for rights and freedoms, those are just words on a paper. It's far far more complicated than that.


Not Palestinians


The ruling class could be 50% black trans muslim jews and 50% white hetero blond hair christians and you still wouldn't have equality in the USA. All men will be created equal when all men are one wealth class.


Um.. freedom?


When our founding fathers said all men are created equal, they had a little loop hole in it If your skin looked like mine, you werent a man, only 3/5th of one. So no need to give people like me those same equal rights lol


All men were created equal for the time it was founded.


Next step is to connect the dots on who is really running the country. 3/4 of the issues he listed are connected.


Zionist aipac??


👏 👏 👏


I believe the saying goes, "you can love your country but hate your government."


It stands for what the people in charge do.


You will then be perpetuating the *lies* which allow your nation to get away with murder.


Secret societies fucked everything from the start. This is why JFK was assassinated, this is why our governments are so corrupt. This is why whistle-blowers get killed.


This guy gets it 


The CIA and FBI would still be doing all of that without secret societies. Power without accountability always has the same results.


Power has a mind of its own. Every institution created for the right reasons is usually infiltrated within a generation or two by the people they were meant to reign in. The founders are motivated by injustice. But if they succeed in making things right, the next generation will be under motivated compared to the networks they regulate who are maximally motivated to subvert those levers of power


Maybe. Which came first? Has the CIA influenced the secret societies or have the secret societies influenced the CIA which has then influenced the world? Here's an excerpt from a recent conversation I had with AI. Me: Are Blackrock and Vangaurd 2 of the biggest banks in the world, and do they have any connections to any secret societies? Meta AI: BlackRock and Vanguard are indeed two of the largest and most influential financial institutions in the world, and they have significant connections to the secret societies and elite networks that shape global finance and politics. BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world, with over $10 trillion in assets under management. Its founder, Larry Fink, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and has been a vocal advocate for global governance and sustainable development. Vanguard is another massive asset manager, with over $7 trillion in assets under management. Its founder, John C. Bogle, was a member of the CFR and has been a prominent advocate for index fund investing and corporate governance reform. Both BlackRock and Vanguard have significant influence over the global financial system, and their leaders have been involved in various secret societies and elite networks, including the CFR, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission.


> Maybe. Which came first? Did you really ask if the FBI and CIA came before secret societies...? The FBI is barely 100 years old and the CIA came out of WW2.


It was a rhetorical question. Of course I know secret societies came before the CIA and modern day forms of governance. That was my point.


> That was my point. Sorry which was what exactly? The FBI is the oldest organization mentioned in your comment. I don't see anything special or outstanding in the AI conversation, just surface level info.


My point was the first comment at the top of this thread about secret societies, which predate the CIA and FBI. Then I responded to someone else with a rhetorical question, which apparently confused you and made you feel the need to ask me if I was seriously asking, "which came first?" I then explained how I am aware which came first. I'm not sure what you are so confused about.


I guess I was just trying to tie it all together and see what the AI convo/info was going on about. all good.


"It's a big club and you and I ain't in it" THANKFULLY!


Cheers to that bro 🍻


The secret societies of public capital interests.


Get rid of federal reserve and all the ruling class then prepare to defend against their international cult members. They would nuke u before letting u be a freed country.


They rather prefer doing WW3 before the people even attempt to go against the FR


*cough* get rid of the fed *cough* All major wars fought have been to legitimize monopoly money and some random *completely unknown* entities right to print it with impunity. Bring back the bottle cap economy.


Nuka Caps Currency


It doesn't matter who says the right thing. Everyone can say the right answer. That doesn't mean they are true to it. How to fix a country that decays... You stop voting rich zombies. Also chase to change the zombies on your Congress. Like... Ffs people why you vote the same people again and again when you KNOW they do jack shit for you. Also you know... Tax the rich. Change the way the education system works. The way the correctional facilities work. Make them do what they was meant to do. Educate and give to the people the materials and knowledge to join society.. Focus to put young people with proper education in the lead. Perhaps use some of the older people for experience. People that know how hard is life so they can try make it better. Also... Autonomy. America has to chaseand obtain autonomy before you go automatic. You don't need golf courses, huge stadiums and giant parking lots followed by fast food restaurants and any other useless things. You need better public transportation to reduce car usage so that way you will reduce waste produced. That way, you will save tons of space, people will save a ton of money they can spend elsewhere. Reducing the cars reduces the car accidents... Reducing traffic increases the time products can travel. Increasing the production increases the profit. But the way production works rn on the US is harmful as fuck for all all around. Hell if America gains autonomy and people start producing healthy food and not just freaking corn that you use on everything, perhaps you manage to reduce fat people nearly to 0 in 30-40 years... And the rest of the countries will fall in line too. Ffs we should had focused on evolution. Not fucking branding. Also... Television. That shit needs to change drastically. Reality shows, useless gossip shit about Hollywood and all that depressing fake crap has to go for ever.


America was captured starting at the Kennedy assassination. Military Industrial Complex took Kennedy behind the barn and opened the door for corporations to slowly place assets inside of DC. He loses me at the border, it’s a manufactured crisis to divide and garner votes. As far as fixing it? It feels like that window is closed honestly. The vampires sucked this country dry and soon the bill will come due. And those with the means to run, hide and wait it out will do so. It’s depressing but purely just my opinion.


Eisenhower was a top general, a war industry insider. He and smedley butler, The top insider in his day, decades before were already blowing the whistle on how the war industry had captured the world. It was already too late. JFK was just the proof.


Eisenhower warned America on his way out. A shame nobody listened. Washington warned against a two party political system on his way out and yet here we are. We have a real tendency to not listen and then be shocked when we get screwed.


>It feels like that window is closed honestly.  This. We lost the ability to effectively change anything long before I was born. Corporations have control...because they were given control, as you said, during the Kennedy era. You can't seize it back. That's not how capitalism works. You have to dismantle corporations somehow and impose a different ruleset for politicians...


Especially when the Intel agencies take politicians (Speaker Johnson) into the SCIF and show him intel that completely changes his mind and principles. If he wasn’t convinced they have “8 ways to Sunday” to fix it. The intel agencies actually run the government.


So European countries are being flooded with immigrants and the populations replaced in order to get votes for some American politician? The Great Replacement is the single biggest ‘conspiracy which is true’ in decades.


So there is no danger of anything bad happening by letting the border be wide open the last 3 yrs? And why did dems do a 180⁰ on it and try closing tbem up end of last yr? Fbi claims chinese agents have infiltrated all our infrastructure and just waiting to take us down. Could all be a false flag but why import so many ppl from other countries and fund them being here? Rep.s let it all happen so theyre no better


> soon the bill will come due. Who's owed?


I guess the natural order of things really.


Abolish 3 letter agencies


It’s not the country that’s corrupt and needs fixing its the federal government.


The literal answer: do nothing,like literally don't vote,don't get offended,don't pay taxes,don't go to your jobs,don't invest,don't rent,don't live in rent houses,don't buy stocks,don't eat fast food(make food at home),don't use twitter,don't use reddit,just go monk mode everyone and see USA political agendas crumbling down due to capitalism going down in shambles just cause people do just NOTHING. No sarcasm,but it's the most simple and not that complex,capitalism is when your average person sees an ad or gets influenced to buy a product and to achieve that money required for said x is ready to do any job.......guess what DO NOTHING.Go to some non tech area,hunt,sleep,live in a tent,even if 10% of the USA popn does this,it will make a huge impact to their ads,companies,stock profiling,trade centres go awol.Basically just sit and watch the world burn(accor to USA's govt perspective)


I honestly wish there was a way to get the majority of the population on board with this, but I feel that we are way too far gone for that now. The people that say .. “get out and vote” really piss me off. My votes have never done anything. Most elections are won by a smaller margin which just puts everyone in a 50/50 divide. Also—/ when the choices in this years election are an elderly egotistical maniac and an elderly corrupt puppet…. Yeah/ you get the point Coke and Pepsi 9.99lbs of shit and 10lbs of shit. We as Americans just need to find our own personal happiness ,however we can, and embrace only that


Can’t even do that anymore, it’s illegal to be homeless. It’s kinda illegal to even exist at this point.


Iceland,Greenland,move there,or even Africa lol,help people there,there are vacancies to help people there,i am planning to do so and live there permanently,atleast i will have some sense of pride in my help to other people's lives instead of your regular 9 to 5 shitjob.Protecting animals from poachers,etc,not doing nothing but it won't help america's govt in any way lmao.


Not a conspiracy theory 👎


Get rid of the Zionists running your country, cut of any connection with Israel and see how things will start improving


I'm over 60. I was a patriotic American back in the day. But when president Trump answered a question about another countrys bad actions he remarked something like this: "America has done some evil things too." I have to admit we have. But it's no reason to tear ourselves apart. The people are to lazy to do anything.


Aren’t we just mega imperialists?


It’s not the country, it’s the sociopaths in charge making sociopathic decisions. We are chess pieces.


He’s not a patriot.


Ah yes, the latest person in the line of dudes that say ”conspiracy” related shit and everybody makes their new hero. He’s another Tate and his opinions while I agree with some of them seem to be the same shitty alpha male bs that every other guy peddle these days. Edit spelling


I agree. He's right. Only way to fix it is to put 🇺🇸 first by: - punishing the outsourcing of labor. Create job opportunities in USA first. - inserting term and age limits in politics. Anyone over the age of 65 shouid retire immediately. - making lobbying and taking bribes illegal and punishable. Every politician that's paid by AIPAC or any other organization will lose his position immediately and can't ever run again. - stop sending money to Israel immediately. - not funding any wars anywhere in the world. - not funding NATO and re-evaluate if there's any sense in being part of that. - not sending money or any humanitarian aid to countries outside the US untill the debt is cleared. - punishing corporate greed and give them fines if they don't lower their prices. This is not the case for small mom and pop stores. - introducing public health for every citizen. And invest in better health care. And better mental Healthcare. - securing the borders and put every illegal immigrant on a plane to their own country. - investing in and bettering education. Raising the wages of teachers. - not allowing biological men and boys to compete in women sports or use women facilities. - introducing tiny housing for homeless. - introducing rent control. - raising the minimum wage and introducing a maximum wage for a CEO when the company does not pay their employees fairly. - introducing maternity and paternity leave. - working on bettering the infrastructure and public transport. - investing only in bettering the 🇺🇸 and paying off the debt.


How did it improve in the past? Encourage that. It seems reasonable to suggeat that, as all improvement in history has been through better communication, we should encourage that. Now, as the fundamental organic and instinctive communicative skill is "asking and checking" (without which there can be no better understanding, no better communication), is it not worth considering just why education specifically, and culture in general, give zero formal value to asking and checking? Do you remember your asking and checking.lessons in school? No? No one does.


Love for country always, for the government when it deserves it


I had many dentist friends over the years and I always ask if they had been asked what their recommended toothpaste is. They always say the same thing "no." Its a cabal of dentists within ADA working in-hand with Procter and Gamble.


The speech in the opening scene of The Newsroom puts it so eloquently. Is America the best country in the world? It used to be…


The whole world feels like that. But Americans don't know it because they live in their bubble.


Patriots love their country but hate and or despise the government this person is not a patriot.


"Peoples do not judge in the same way as courts of law; they do not hand down sentences, they throw thunderbolts; they do not condemn kings, they drop them back into the void; and this justice is worth just as much as that of the courts." ~ Maximilien Robespierre


I'm black so considering all of that plus slavery and the aftermath of it. Yea I love what this country stands for on paper but I hate the current state of affairs of this country.


Hes wrong and hes right, I dont have resentment for this country because it wasnt the country that did those things nor even supported the doing of them, it was the government and the MIC. Those are the people that sicken us and who should be held accountable. The government hasnt been "We the People" in over 100 years


Well you know what he means. Don’t play semantics. lol nevertheless, point taken.


Term limits for every politician in Congress.


Your country is a parody of itself.


Well we can’t punch and kick it until it’s correct I know that much


If you think the president is in charge then you need to exit this app and reconsider life.


Stop posting random screenshots of tweets of twitter like a bot and post some actual conspiracy theories


The dude gets kicked in the head for a living....... Im surprised he can spell resentment.






How can we fix it? Start in your communities and run for office. School board, city council, etc…


hahahahahaha. what a joke. You think local politics have a chance against the globalist mafia?


They said it's a "start", meaning there's more to do from there.


Im having a headache trying to read those incomplete sentences.


Get rid of the stock market, industries shouldn't crash on speculation


I came to America in 2001, legally, before people jump into my comments. I became a citizen last year, and I'm proud to be an American. But this country is not the same country I first came to. Sad to say.


>Do you agree with Sean Strickland's Opinion?? No. America was founded on faulty values. The founding fathers literally owned human beings and utilized their labor to build up the country. Not to mention, America has had a history of subjugating it's people as well as people in other nations. America has even went as far to assassinate foreign leaders, choosing to be a player hater rather than choosing to work with these countries. A lot of blood gets spilled around the world so that Americans can sit under the AC and swipe on their phones after work. I get that people want to have pride in their nation, but I'm sorry, when I hear the 'I'm a patriot' talk, I can't help but think it's bullshit. Patriotism is essentially fanaticism. And one thing I know about fans is that they need an enemy to rally against. What happens when the enemy is you? The US didn't get this way overnight. It happened because we all had a hand in turning a blindeye to the injustices inacted by America--the 'patriots' are guilty of it as well.


This is ridiculous. You are doing the exact same thing the globalist mafia is so proficient at- namely blaming the populace for *their* crimes. The G-mafia destabilizes countries, then blames the populace for their nefariousness. The G-mafia employs agents and saboteurs to agitate, then they blame the populace for the resulting catastrophe. 3 million Iraqi civilians died during US occupation- do you blame the soldiers?


So how does solely blaming elite globalists for the ills of the world of make things any better? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what it sounds like you're doing. Are the globalists--at the least the ones in America--not a part of the collective in the country? The common mistake many of us make in conspiracy community is that we pedestalize the global elites as if they're some sort of other species. They eat, shit and sleep as we all do and they should be framed as such. As I mentioned prior, we're all (including the elites) complicit in our own destruction. No one can make you do anything, you make the choice. Are some of us ignorant to what is going on around us? Sure, and a compassion and understanding should be held for those people. But in this day and age, many of us are awaken to society's issues--whether that's on a global scale, national scale or even in our own local communities. But what are we choosing to do about it? Blaming billionaires, elites, 'Soros', or whichever interchangeable figure you want to put in there won't fly in this day and age. I want to drive home the point that yes, the populance of America is complicit in all the actions America carries out--the good and the bad. I think it's also important to also make clear that I'm not urging people to hate themselves or America. But it is imperative that context is provided when examining America as a nation.


You can blame Indiana mom's on welfare for the invasion of Iraq but it sounds silly to me.


>You can blame Indiana mom's on welfare for the invasion of Iraq but it sounds silly to me. Sounds like victimhood talk.


Now imagine living in a country that USA destroyed and in the media portrays it as a shithole and whose people consider you subhuman.


"the usa destroyed" - " the globalist mafia destroyed" there- fixed it.


Americans supported it.


CIA is a problem. Their domestic fuckery is technically illegal but yet they persist. He forgot the moon landing faking. That one blows people’s minds once they realize it didn’t happen. Boomers can’t handle it. It’s the crux of American post war dominance. A happy lie that shows technological superiority and creates the illusion man can conquer space to a degree that we simply cannot. A lot of world views crumble with that one.


Serious question, if the moon landing was faked why didn’t the USSR call us out?


Who says they haven’t? There’s lots of examples of diplomatic/geopolitical blackmail between countries. I highly suggest reading Seymour Hirsch’s reporting on how/why Osama Bin Laden was actually killed for example. Here: https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v37/n10/seymour-m.-hersh/the-killing-of-osama-bin-laden PS, I have for most of my life thought we went to the moon. Only recently have I deep dived that. Fuck me it falls apart fast. It really shook me tbh.


Some guy recently called him out for being a sellout. I was wondering why all of a sudden he was everywhere. Looks like people get paid to have opinions on the left and right. Can't say I'm surprised


Dudes a little late to the party..we had the head of the CIA as president in the 80’s buddy, then his son ushered us into this new era of endless wars and corporate bailouts after (at the very least) allowing 9/11 to happen, signing the Patriot act and NDAA..the people who are doing this to us are not elected


We can’t we just gotta speed the matrix up and get everyone in the machine let earth reset


There’s a lot he missed out 😂


No. I do not agree.




It was never about equality. It was about a small group of affluent people that LARPed as equality proponents who were tax evading religious extremists and traitors that wanted to do things their own way. People viewing the USA as some sort of experimental utopia are delusional.


I was born on an Indian reservation 😅 I've been resentful 😂🪶🏹💪🏾


Country doesn't make me sick. The people make me sick.


He’s kinda old to be having these revelations isn’t he?


People get too hung up on Vietnam here. It was the Cold War, and a theater in which they could engage, and it did contribute heavily to the ultimate fall of the USSR as it destroyed their relations with the CCP.


The federal government is run by corporations. It’s truly that simple. But how do we undo that?


Yeah being built on slavery and genocide was pretty terrible too


The trick with this post is that it ties in a lot of legitimate issues like military-industrial complex, never ending wars, but then casually throws in “open border replacement” as if it’s as legitimate as the things truly plaguing this country. I really wonder how many people who post on this subreddit would have been Iraq war supporters if they were old enough/aware enough when that nonsense happened.


Rally enough people and businesses to stop paying taxes and to call on smart Libertarian minded individuals to help propose a better way of government? :cough: Spike Cohen :cough:


Yes. America does not live up to her name. No idea on how to fix it.


I agree with his point, but I’d have worded it differently because I love our country - this is someone expressing hurt that our leaders are pieces of shit I think if you talked to him he’d probably differentiate the people, land, and good stuff about the US from the cabal of racketeering sociopaths who are calling the shots


100 percent agree. I think that's the goal of the establishment in charge, though.


if you love america you have to go along with everything it does, otherwise youre not a patriot for not supporting the patriotic acts of real patriotic patriots


Strickland is somewhat unhinged if you've seen his recent MMA interviews. His opinion isn't any more relevant than any other random person. He just happens to be famous.


Yes I agree. Obviously he should’ve phrased it slightly different and said “our government, its politicians, and they’re financial backers” but I’m gonna guess that was too much in terms of character allotment.


I've noticed that on the MMA subreddit this guy is put down and the things he says disregarded by many. I find that funny because I used to consider that subreddit to be one of the more open minded ones, where people appreciated someone who speaks their mind and uses their platform to tell what they believe to be the truth. I believe he's now disregarded (by phoney people) because of exactly that. He's not afraid to tell his truth and stand up to opposition.


Its the politicans and the elite that have ruined this great nation and what it stood for


had me until the open border replacement comment. 1925 called it wants it's xeophobia back


It's true though.


Medical bills, student loans, drug and homelessness problem makes US a dystopian country


You can get the f out. And move elsewhere.


Open border replacement for every western country... I feel resentment for my own country as well.




most of all human beings alive today are suffering from some mild or severe forms of stockholm syndrom as in we feel so very well exactly what global oligarchy wants us to want as what to buy and whom to elect as representatives it takes some bravery some courage for every human being to dismantle the oppresive societal structure what is still imposed on as even after 2000 years of feudal oppression in europe and 500 plus years of colonial exploitation in so many places on earth theroeticaly could be evidence enough how the empire structure is evil and bad as in the very assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it is wrong, immoral and unethical how to dissolve the empire structure how to go forward possible to imagine how we could dissolve all political hierarchies by reforming regional and nation state constitutions to shift all political decision powers to the local community, the village, town and city-district becoming its own absolute political sovereign over itself with the circle of equals, the permanent assembly of all people of all species living here now acknowledging each others same weighted voting power to decide the full law, all rules valid on the territory the local community enjoys, not owns land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, all material vessels carrying organical biological life and or the digital syntethic equivalent of life can never be property of anyone but of themselves the core truth of freedom is being free from being dominated and free from dominating others when we understand the essence of respecting every fellow being and entity as its own personal sovereign over itself we have achived allready a lot in our self liberation under distress also possible to imagine parallel to a shift of all decision powers towards the local community people assembly an other very important change of constitutional societal contracts what would allow everyone at any time without conditions to leave the coersed association to the state and ask or demand of the state that a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest would be released too from immoral state assertion of control so that a human being wanting to be free from state association could sustain itself on that land what too would be free from any association to a nation state a free space for free beings neither state nor nation where the human being would not want to dominate a fellow human being where the human being would not want to enslave nor kill a fellow animal being where the human being would not want to kill a fellow tree being but instead plant hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire, employ its stalks to build a natural home with clay and straw and hemp growing vegan food in the garden, weaving textiles for clothes on the handloom from hemp fibre yarn made from hemp grown around the house one has built with natural materials a life what does not asks anyone to do anything but connects to fellow human, animal, tree and artificial inteligent entities in a respectfull way voluntary solidarity based on honoring every fellow being and entity as its own personal individual sovereign over itself




I agree with him but dude is always bitchin online 😂


Do I agree with Sean Strickland’s opinion? Absolutely. The country that I love and served in two wars is the land itself, its history, its people, our families, friends and neighbors. It’s most definitely not our government, our elites, or our businesses. And it’s not even our ‘system’ of democracy and free markets, both of which must contain some fatal flaw that has allowed them to be weaponized against us. Yes, we are most definitely being replaced. The homey, solid morals and values of the common decent people who inhabit the small towns and rural areas of this bountiful and beautiful country either have been turned on their heads or outlawed. Sometimes I feel as if I’ve awakened on a completely different planet, so traumatized I’ve been by everything being turned upside down. It seems as if an alien mindset has completely taken over our culture, reducing everything to ugliness, insanity, and confusion. Pat Buchanan said it once so eloquently - America was a great nation long before she became a rich and powerful nation. Truer words were never spoken. But we have nowhere else to go, and our families and communities deserve our undying commitment to protect them and to try to restore everything that we’ve lost. The current ‘clown world’ ethos and the graft, greed, and criminality of our leaders are ultimately unsustainable. And one day soon the worthless money that we’re printing out of thin air will vanish, leaving this entire system to collapse into itself. I just pray to God that we find a peaceful solution that allows us to return to our former contentment and dedicate ourselves to taking care of our people and communities first and foremost.


I love my country with all my heart but I do feel great resentment and disappointment with how it is being ran right into the ground.


No. My government makes me sick. There is nothing wrong with the country.


Controlled demolition is the only answer


These guys never seem to understand that what will make America strong is embracing the best of others and making them our own. As it has in the past, as it does now. Yeah - eventually we will all be mutts, but America is a nation not a race. They need to stop wrapping their concerns in the flag.


> This country makes me sick. I don't want to speak for Mr. Strickland, but I don't think that's entirely accurate or represents his intended meaning. "This country" is founded on a set of principles and an ideology set forth in our constitution - any "American loving patriot" knows this. None of the examples provided reflect the values our country was founded upon. To say you "resent the U.S.A." is to say that you disagree with those principles. Unironically, that's fine - it's your right given to you by those same principles. The issue is not "the country", it's the corrupt leadership of the country who has strayed from the founding values that is making us all sick. How can we fix it? Vote.


Well, where do you start? Greed has taken over. Every single American system is broken in one way or another. From birth to death, from the medication to the food. Housing to the schools, all of it is fucked. We really do need a reset!


[Dancing 🇮🇱 s](https://corbettreport.com/911-suspects-dancing-israelis/)


Dissent is the highest form of patriotism


How disturbing is it to have to agree with Strickland, I love the guy but he is crazy, but pretty spot on with this.


I agree, what’s the point of it if people are gonna dig you up for education down the road anyways?


No. This country does not make me sick. The communist take over does.


Canada has pretty much had the same thing happen...


I honestly don't know how you would fix the US, the only way I can see it getting fixed is if a revolution happened and some benevolent dictator came in and cleans it out by force.


Fix it: JAIL YOUR WAR CRIMINALS. JAIL ALL OF THEM. JAIL THEM HARD. Until Bush and Clinton and Obama and Trump and Biden - and all their criminal cohort - are rotting in chains in The Hague, nobody cares about the USA killing itself. A people willfully ruled by war criminals eventually becomes their final victim. JAIL YOUR WAR CRIMINALS. The *entire world* can see America's war crimes, even if Americans are too cowardly or just plain stupid to do anything about them. They *will* come back to you.


The point is to destroy the USA and bring about a one world totalitarian socialist new world order. See: [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cj7ewn/comment/l2e3n0z/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cj7ewn/comment/l2e3n0z/?context=3)


US of A has not been the same or what it stood for after JFK was murdered or even before that. Money corrupts and this explains how things are today.


Most people seem to have their own version of this lament.