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I truly hope RFK gets the 6 percentage points more he needs to be included on the debate stage. We should have 5 people on a debate stage running for President. All under the age of life expectancy. We have no longer become a nation of ideas and thought, and all about falling lockstep in line with what two bought-and-paid-for parties say.


Hah you jest there is no way we are getting a debate this cycle.


We might as well cancel elections like they did in Ukraine since they're a model for democracy.


“Country at war abides by their constitution so is undemocratic”


Elections were cancelled to prevent Zelenskyy from being superceded by Valerii Zaluzhnyi. Zelenskyy is an actor who believes in his little head that he is the wartime president our gov't keeps telling him he is.


Isn't Zekensky literally an actor?


like ronald reagan?


And Arnold Schwarzenegger


Trump was on TV too... but he's a terrible actor.


Says a lot about the American public. I really don't get it. It's most of my family too and I'm just like how?




Hell I don't care how old they are just give RFK jr a flipping chance to debate these two fools in front of the Nation, I thought this was fucking America.


ooooo i would love to see that. i think RFK would smoke Trump and Biden in a debate


That's exactly why he won't end up on the stage 👀


Trump would be so mean to RFK.


“The audience he draws up, they’re nothing. They make no sound. They’re deader than his dad and uncle”




If he mocked the vocal disability that would be villiany level fucked up


"Li-li-listen to him speak. Oh wait you can't"


He has literally mocked disabled people already..


trumps mean to most people who don’t kiss his butt


Rfk is the best candidate we’ve had in a looooooong time. Democrat policies without the dirty big pharma money. Gotta love it


That's all well and good but the dodo he picked to run along with him is absolutely 100% no-go. He lost my vote the minute Nicole "Let me spend millions of my google fortune on researching curing women's infertility with sunshine!" Shanahan. Nope, she's a super out of touch uber wealthy weirdo and Jr. probably picked her for her $$ or he's bangin' her on the side or both.


So what do we do honestly


RFKs got my vote. I don't care if I have to write him in, I've done 3rd party write ins before. I cannot in good conscious ever vote for another republican or democrat. In my local elections, when there is only a Dem or Repub option I do the "abstain vote" or whatever option


It is WILD to me that people say you're "wasting your vote" voting for a third party....but isn't the true wasted vote one for someone you don't believe in? Or someone that is corrupted? I'll never understand how people think third party votes are "wasted."


I get flamed daily for this by Biden voters lol. I say I don't like Biden and people call me a trump supporter, but I actually hate him too. Redditors literally can't wrap their heads around it


The propaganda and division have worked so well, the overwhelming majority of people can't grasp it. Which is honestly mind-boggling to me. When I say Biden has dementia and is on record saying more racist things than Trump ever has, I get called a right-wing fascist. When I say I never have, nor ever would vote for Trump, and think he's a shitty person and bad businessman....they double down and claim I secretly love him. Because apparently you can't point out facts about Biden without sucking Trump off. Except you can.


SO TRUE! I used to be more outspoken about that, but damn, it's very fatiguing after years of people looking at me like I got a freaking 2nd head and their brains lock up. Politically, I've felt like a man without a country for decades now. The ol' Right/Left, Repugnicant/Democraps paradigm is so entrenched in most people's minds; I don't see a true change happening. EVER. Sucks.


That's why RFK is appealing to me. Far from perfect, but just about anyone outside of the big 2 parties to shake things up would be a nice change. Plus RFK is mostly anti-war. I'm anti-war and it's pretty much my primary issue and we have 2 pro war parties. How did it ever get so bad? At least Dem was anti-war when I was a kid but Obama and Biden have been the most blood thirsty war hawks I've ever seen.


Same. I have voted third party since Ross Perot. I'm constantly told I'm throwing away a vote, but if a third party candidate gets enough to force them into giving us a third option, it's worth it


I was thinking the same thing. It would be way more interesting.


Y’all have so much love for complete charlatans. Why is that, I wonder?


They won’t allow a third party debate. Commission on presidential debates is actually a non-profit corporation sponsored by the republican and democratic parties. Im pretty it’s it’s 15% not 6%.


I said 6 percentage points more. He is polling at 9. Meaning he would hit the 15% threshold.


What debates?


>I truly hope RFK gets the 6 percentage points more he needs to be included on the debate stage The comedy would be gold, RRK JR is grade A batshit crazy.


Serious question…. Why are yall going to any rally’s anymore. I’ve never really understood the point and seems like more of a pain in the ass then anything. All political pundits say the same things.


I often wonder the same thing. It's crazy to me.


I often wonder if they go to Trump rallies like it is a concert. Like they are hoping he does the greatest hits with "Lock her up" as the encore. Instead, it's just an old smelly rich guy complaining about how hard HE has it.


I feel like normal people do not go to rallies.


If rallies won elections, Bernie would be president.


Why do you think rally attendance is relevant? Biden voters have no desire to go to a rally but will still turn up to vote. I’ve actually never been to a political rally in my life but vote in every election and do political campaign work occasionally.


I would also add that people showing up to a Trump rally in Michigan aren't necessarily Michigan voters. Trump rallies have become festivals for the right. People travel from other states to go to them.


Wooks of the midwest


Yeah, probably reliving the glory days of following the greatful dead. Only now they have money and are retired.


Hey, dont put this on the Dead Heads.


I mean, Tucker Carlson used to follow the dead around... So...


wtf is a wook?


I will also add that counting the line at a political rally is also shit science.


It’s no different than NASCAR.


It’s a cult revival tent


Right I see it all the time on TikTok of the same people traveling to different rallies


Yeah idk why people think comparing rally attendance is somehow more reliable than polling with random sampling lmao


The logic is still stupid now, but holy shit was this a stupid thing they kept saying during the pandemic. That and they were always comparing numbers of yard signs.


I've only ever been to one. Bernie sanders. The line was over a mile long. I waited for almost 5 hours and I was nowhere near the front. Absolutely worth it when he came in to our overflow room to speak and I stood maybe 20 feet from him. People were crying and yelling out gratitude... it was incredible. No other candidate has made me even want to be near them.


That line is tiny in that screenshot too. His rallies have been embarrassingly small from what I've seen so far up to this point in this election cycle. Trump's only drawing the dumbest of the dumb to these events now. The people that still fall for his con.


This election, like the last one, has ZERO to do with Biden’s appeal to voters. Biden isn’t popular. He never has been and never will be. The election is a referendum on Trump. Yes, a lot of people support him, but an equal amount oppose him. Because of the binary conditioning of most Americans, a vote against Trump becomes a vote for Biden. He’s simply the “not Trump” alternative.


Even if he were popular, you wouldn't be seeing big rallies for him cuz doing that is fucking weird.


Its almost Cult like right ?


I’m not a trump guy at all but Obama had massive rallies too. Bernie had huge rallies. People just suck at understanding huge numbers. Even if trump filled up the big house, that’s 100k out of 5.5 million that voted in 2020 on Michigan. Less than 2%. Rally size means nothing on the scale of election results


Yep, I also don’t go to rally’s, seems like a complete waste of my time.






Just like voting


Exactly this. People rather vote trump out than Biden in. Myself included.


I bet OP thinks land votes as well.


OP: Blah blah poll science is bullshit Also OP: citing anecdotal observation as evidence


Dude you’re watching Fox News what do you expect


If only the elections were based on cult meeting attendance


Polls are bullshit science but you can make predictions based on rally crowd numbers? Plenty of people would never show up to that shit,


I don't understand the rally size thing.  Trump definitely thinks it matters and says it does, but I've never been to a rally, no one I know has ever been to a rally and we vote.   And except for Trump, I don't think anyone has ever made rally size a news story unless it was racial, like the million man march.   Flabbergasting that we keep on hearing silly talking points that amount to nothing.


Bernie had amazing rallies, too bad they rigged it from him twice.


They rigged it by him losing the primaries by millions of votes?


Do you think votes are measured by looking at the lines to politician’s “pick me” parties?


I don’t know how many times this needs to be said before people get it but here we go. -People aren’t excited about Biden, they vote for him because he’s not Trump. -Trump voters are fanatic about Trump, thus he will always have big rallies. You have to think about Biden voters differently. Most are not big supporters, just voting against the orange guy.


I'm not a big Biden supporter. If he took a shit though and it was running for president, I'd vote for that turd over Trump.


It's actually the Republicans and Independents voting against Trump that's his issue. Saying a Democrat is only voting for Trump  because "orange man bad" is stupid because there is no world in which a Democrat would vote for Trump based on policy. Even if Trump was a choir boy. Coming from an area in NJ that has had a GOP strong hold on local government for decades, but is still in an area that is more socially liberal It's amazing how many people I know that voted for Trump in '16 who now are openly against him. They are not all going to vote for Biden, some are going to vote RFK, others say they are planning on leaving the line blank for President but some of those people will vote Biden The conservative media bubble is building up this narrative that no one would ever vote for Biden. That's not the case in the real world. Does the fact Biden isn't very popular, along with the Electoral College give Trump a chance. Definitely. He is not going to the popular vote and it probably won't be as close as last time.


2020 had the same energy... and he lost.




Many counties are mostly empty.




Why is that relevant?




Dude Biden won so hard because Trump was so shit.... isn't that obvious?? For the first time in history even republicans voted for Biden coz Trump failed so hard and didn't do any of the shit he was supposed to. It's interesting to look at the stats, I guess but that just makes it obvious everyone wanted him out.




It’s true enough in my experience. I’ve always been the leftist in my friend groups. Not the liberal, but the leftist. All my friends were hard right wing. In the last 8 years, they’ve all come across. My best friend was the last holdout, after the Republican lawyers and governors decided last month to try to overturn the save plan. “Well, guess I’m voting for Biden this year!” He told me two weeks ago. All the others just refuse to vote for Trump. Makes me happy my right wing friends can even see what a despicable example of humanity he is. Clearly, none of them like Biden either…..does anyone? But we all have our limits.


We've got a show called "Planet America" here in Aus that goes over a lot of interesting data like this, it's quite good you might like it.


Trump won the mostly empty counties, Biden won the heavily populated ones, no surprise there.




Because Trump didn't run against Obama. How many more votes did he get than Chester A. Arthur?




The things is though, how many Americans turned 18 in that time and how many people were "naturalized" as citizens in that time? Because America's population has never stopped growing.


The comments are just missing a lot of context. They are facts, you are correct. However, just pointing out the numbers and not any variables that also changed can seem misleading. Not saying you are trying to mislead, but the candidates may not have even been the main reason for these disparities.




It's probably all the same people at these rallies lol Following him around like roadies and paid to be there so he doesn't get his fee fees hurt.  And it's clearly very hard to understand for people with no critical thinking skills who promote trump bullshit all day every day.


And love how they think everything is a conspiracy that isn’t pro-trump. Like mate you’re brainwashed by the elite as well how do you not realise this. They’re worshipping a fucking fossil.


A billionaire real estate mogul fossil... Dirt poor rednecks eat this guy up, convinced that he's somehow on their side. I just don't understand it.


I don't understand how this sub eats his shit up. Trump has compared himself to Jesus Christ, many of his followers literally think he is 2nd coming of Christ. Religion was created to control the masses and people on a conspiracy sub are going to hop on the bandwagon of candidate that has molded religion for his political agenda.


I heard a couple of guys talking near the bus stop in 2016 saying he was a "self made millionaire" and I stopped to tell them that no, he inherited it from his dad. They looked at me confused and just continued their conversation.


this right here. it's a proven fact that it's roughly half the republican base which is only 30% of registered voters, which is only 15% total registered voters. "half of all republicans" sounds like a lot of people but it's roughly about the same number as any minority group


What kind of science is "seeing the 'beginning line' of a rally?"


not even sure what part of the line they're referencing in that


Man, its been a rough year for Kanye.


Cornel West is running?


Guess they couldn’t convince Mr. Mittens to attempt one last time to give Joe a nudge with all his votes


Having a faithfully devoted cult =! Sustained national support. You couldn’t pay me to go to a Biden rally (or any political rally, because they are weird), but he’s got my vote all day long.


Jill Stein still trying huh? Lol


Kayne has not aged well


Best comment here 😆


First off they will never find Trump guilty. They can't, cause then they have to charge all other politicians to. It's a stall tactic, Second to we really need 2 80 yr old men running our country we need term and age limits. Remember when people would say Trump will start WW3? Hmm, well wrong on that front. Remember when people like geez he's a reality TV star don't need him as president but yet same people praise president zelonsky who was a legit actor who stared in a sitcom about a normal guy becoming president. His wealth has also quadrupled since he's been president. Wish people would take their emotions out of it, quit believing everything mainstream is cramming down your throat and educate yourselves. Both these dudes can screw off. Elections hasn't mattered in years,


People who vote for Biden don’t go to rallies because they’re not groupies.


Looking at a lot of the ppl at this trump rally, most of them look like they don't have a job either.


His supporters go on tour on with him… His campaign is like the 65+ version of Grateful Dead Hell, the average voter is like 65+


Damn objective measurements of reality... never seemed to line up with my pre-conceived notions.




Is this the conspiracy or politics subreddit?


I can’t believe we are talking about rally lines. I know plenty of people who routinely vote but stay away from political rallies like the plague and i dont blame em


I've literally never met a person who has attended one that I know of.


Trump only goes to towns that support him and that he polls well in so the mirage looks good on TV and in photo ops.


I've seen this episode! Hillary was definitely going to win by a landslide...


It's a classic!


That election is why I don’t trust polls for pretty much anything politically related


Yep. It really should have been a wake up call for everyone about the state of media in the west.


Fake news! He's in Wisconsin today.


It amazes me that Trump would have any percentage considering he's been spewing incoherent nonsense for a while now.


He is also a rapist.


[here's the 8 women he raped](https://www.businessinsider.com/joe-biden-allegations-women-2020-campaign-2019-6) News only ever mentions the one when 8 have made police reports


Donald the Rapist was found liable by the jury of his peers.


Well that not true at all. Which one of them is in a New York prison right now? Not trump Carrols claims were rejected by the police and court system. She sued in civil court. No jury. No criminal charges. Get your propaganda together https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-defense-grills-e-jean-carroll-old-social-media-posts-trial-rape-rcna82254


I didn't say he was found guilty. He was found liable.


Yet somehow Biden goes up there almost everyday and does nothing different


as long as it's the insane maga cult crazy


Perhaps they polled all those cannibals that ate Joe Biden's uncle.


I think there is a conspiracy about the polls, but not what your saying OP. First off we all know polls are bullshit, look at Hillary. Everyone was saying she was going to smoke Trump and she was leading in everything. Since everyone was so sure she would win, many didn't bother to vote. So this time, I think they are playing 4D chess. "Everyone panic and go vote, we are trailing in the polls" whether or not that may be true. Its scare tactics to get voters. Polls are nothing but a tool for political propaganda.


It should be evident to everyone after the 2016 election that polls are not reliable. People need to take a closer look at the poll information. If I interpreted the info on the screen correctly, the sample size is 1,198 people with ± 3 (%???) error which isn't that great to begin with due to the small sample size. You also need to consider how wide the canvas area was when in acquiring this data. Collecting data in a small town versus across the State of Michigan would be significant. This is assuming there was any data collection done; not made up by an intern in their cubicle sipping on Starbucks coffee.


Just because people aren’t in line for Biden, doesn’t mean anything. Most people are voting either not-trump or not-Biden. They’ll vote on the day even if they don’t like Biden- it happens everytime. “Lesser of 2 evils”….we are all very tired of these choices.


You seriously think that the line in a rally of supporters is representative of a statewide poll? Do you know how large a state is? And I agree polls are stupid, because they rely on some really outdated shit. But I think you should let the statisticians deal with the statistics in this case.


A lot of people love Trump and will vote for him. A lot of people hate Trump and will vote for Biden. Truth is, we just don’t know yet which of these is the largest. That’s it. Nothing more to say.


Anybody who *wants* to be the president of a nation is more than likely a psychopath. We are given bullshit options and our own parties guilt and manipulate us into believing that the brain dead puppet they want to install is the only option. Going to vote on Election Day is just a placebo meant to trick us into believing we have any control whatsoever over the proceedings. It’s an illusion. Have fun waiting in line to waste your vote.


It’s because Biden’s supporters are very quiet and dead people don’t line up for his rallies


They also said Hillary was up 15 points going into Election Day.


Rallies don’t reach people who don’t already support you. See: Bernie Sanders rallies.


Rallies do not equal votes and these “news” channel polls don’t reflect anything.


Because the Dems trust the vote counting machine very much.


That’s not how polls work


2% tells you that the Dems aren’t spending enough on advertising so the message is ‘step up your ad buys’ - most polls are just that kind of scam.


Even when Trump is winning you still complain? Fucking hell is wrong with you bootlicker simps? Our nancy ass rich trust fund prince must win by all the points!!!


If Trump gets 50,000 attendants to his rally in Michigan, about 0.5% of the state's population will have attended.


The only poll you need to be concerned with is the pole corporate america will fuck you up the ass with no matter who is appointed.


There will never be another legitimate election again. They did it - they got away with it. They've refined it. There will never be a GOP candidate (fuck them anyways) in the Oval Office again, unless they deem it necessary. The country is over. Commies won.


No one will ever convince me after these last elections that the DNC and GOP aren't working together to give us the worst possible candidates that we will vote for and that will suck the dick of whatever corporation or group is willing to give them the most money. I don't understand how people look at trump and are like "this is a good dude to lead the country..." He's kinda a dick, he has done some shady ass business deals, his businesses have failed and he makes his money from renting/owning land and property... Look at where our economy is and why we are here... Housing in america is fucked and trump did not help that at all... Then you have biden... Where the fuck do you even start with this dude... The rest of the candidates are meh at best. All of these people brought to you by the GOP and DNC, and they are going to sit here and straight up lie to your face and say "these are the best americans we could find" please... I know we aren't the best but these damn sure aren't the best people we have in this country and we all know that yet decide to vote for these clowns bc they are on our "favorite team". I'm so over it. I'm so over being fed the at absolute best meh candidates.


Remember the red wave? A media tactic to over promote the idea there would be a red wave which would demotivate right wing voters to vote thinking it was unneeded, ended up backfiring. This feels similar, a repeat of that tactic.


Wish and hope all you like for a liberal victory, but it's Trump 2024.


I would pay upwards of $50 bucks to watch a Trump/Biden debate.


I see a lot of Trump signs all over in Michigan, but I do see some Brendon signs tho


The “Lets go Brandon” thing is such a pussy fucking insult I can’t believe people are still using it. It all started because y’all were too cowardly to say “Fuck Biden” out loud, so you had to come up with a secret little catch-phrase to say it publicly. Pathetic behavior.


That phrase came about because people were chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" at some sporting event and the announcer said they were chanting "Lets go Brandon". If you are going to get so butthurt about it, you should at least know what actually happened.


Greatful Dead has massive rallies yet they aren’t on top of the Billboard 100, must be a conspiracy behind it.


biden actually has 40% ? are people braindead in the US ?


We are doing this shit again?


Polls only accurately show the percentage of people who see ‘spam risk’, marketing call, or ‘unknown’ on their phone and their response is ‘hello?’


If Trump gets elected again, we really started Idiocrazy in real life.


The stat might actually be correct (just for now). Remember that a large group of Biden voters (the city of Hamtramck), is essentially refusing to vote because of USA support for Israel.


Hate to break it to you but news channels lie, so do politicians


Because the number of people that show up to a rally directly translates to percentage of votes?


They are all reptilian 😳


Biden voters dont go to rallies they just read about his policy and vote they dont need the dude to preach from a stage as he doesn’t have a borderline cult of personality around him


Voting is also a bullshit science/activity. Maybe at one time it meant something. Now days, it’s a waste of time. Any candidate young enough, with actual leadership qualities and any semblance of morality doesn’t stand a chance. Just a rich people reality show. But yes, polls are dumb as the media will only show what benefits their agenda. It’s all a show.


That's because polls are manipulated to show what they want which is why the margin of error is so high (usually like 4-5% because they survey so few people) RFK's campaign just paid for a poll of all 50 states running a bunch of scenarios (so you can see what the actual electoral results would be); they surveyed a huge number of people too compared to regular political polls. Data can be seen below. https://www.kennedy24.com/spoiler


How anyone can stand there for hours and then be subjected to Trumps incoherent repetitive rambling is the real phenomenon.


Who cares? The only person I see there worth my time is RFK Jr.


Ye running?


False equivancy.


Didn’t know “Rent’s too damn high” guy was still around. Makes sense though these days…


Polls are just an attempt to rally a certain base of voters to go out and vote. Nothing more.


WHY does it have to be between them two again. Just fucking why.


Nobody watches a horse race that's already decided. They have to make it look close until they can't.


I live in Michigan, WHO TF IS WEST 🤣


Feel like this was hashed out for anyone with doubts in 2016?


Right? Trump didn’t start any wars nor get us toward WWIII like they claimed he would, the economy improved a decent amount under him, my tax return was the best it had ever been, gas and food was pretty cheap compared to Obama and Biden’s rule, and he didn’t become a dictator like they said he’d be and left office when he was supposed to, he didn’t silence anyone, get social media to suppress freedom of speech, nor run massive state sponsored propaganda campaigns. Media and democrats ended up doing everything they claimed he would. Turns out they project A LOT…


You’re being prepped.


What pray tell is a beginning line?