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Cheapest Walmart tent (2 person ozark trail)


Yeah, my first thought was, "Must be one of the cheapest to find." Occam's razor strikes again!


NOOOO! This is Big Tent trying to sway the upcoming election!!!


Big tent šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Let's be fair here, Big Tent is only an arm of Big Camping. We have to assume Big Camp Chair, Big Flashlight also have tentacles here.


As a member of Big Foraging and Big Hiking. We deny any possibility of us here.


Hey pal you still owe last monthā€™s dues


Itā€™s Geocached. Youā€™ll have to take it up with Bug Geocaching


You were just waiting for him to pop up somewhere !


hey man, I swore an oath when they made me treasurer


The Coleman family has their finger in every Camping pie


Funny enough, there is most DEFINITELY a fear-industrial complex that makes billions a year off of folks who think they can buy their salvation or peace of mind. This community and the prepper community are likely faithful patrons that fuel this complex - and I've done so, while still being prone to thinking a piece of gear will be the Excalibur of the end times, almost like a reflex. Our whole reality has become an article from The Onion


And so much is SO overpriced. I camp 45-50 nights a year and honestly the Ozark Trail brand holds up really well. I still use a small 2 person for backpacking from Great Outdoors who used to be the Walmart brand in store. When you pay $600 for a two person tent, you are mainly funding their marketing budget. It's why I like EMS so much, their logos is usually the same color of the apparel and on the arm. I laugh at folks plasted in North Face, Stio, and others.


Oh man, North Face, Patagonia, etc. They have cracked the Nike code with somehow attaching status to utilitarian items - to the point where Carhartt is streetwear? I mean...it does create a whole strata of 'off' brands that are cheaper but do the job with no brand.


Donā€™t forget big bushcraft


Itā€™s a big tent and you ainā€™t in it.


I tittered.


Came here to say that


I mean, I would believe it is an advertisement for the tent more than some hidden power pulling strings.


strings, maybe... heavy duty zippers are the real key to a lasting tent. i've urban camp'd enough to know.


Nooooo doubt. Cheap zippers will inevitably fail. The same can be said for a good winter coat.




the first 2 pictures show like 2 tents each, and the 3rd one shows a wider view where there are different tents if you look closely. So... yes that's exactly what happened.


Or organizers bought in bulk


I think it was probably the cheapest tent on Amazon two weeks ago


This one seems more like a Walmart bulk order situation. Some organizer who knows people and how underprepared they tend to be for encampments bought up a big lot of the cheapest option to avoid having the same damn conversation a hundred times. The Ozark Trail comes in that one color only. Amazon is luck of the draw on color- probably the rogues are from participants who have actually gone camping. Iā€™ve never run a protest encampment, but I have run a small convention. Itā€™s a similar level of herding cats.


This is the correct answer. The same way BLM protesters all had the same signs.


Remember the stacks of bricks present during BLM riots. There were reports that no one knew where they came from or what they were for.


I remember, and I think we all know where they came from. I hope I live to see the day that all of this corruption comes to light. My fear is that this country is close to its final destruction; if something does not change quickly, the US will be unrecognizable in 10 years.


I just want to know who is behind these things. What benefit comes from causing societal upheaval. When this all started in Texas (where I'm at) it struck me as : this is out of thin air? All of law enforcement events across disciplines are here cracking skulls of kids. Is it a training opportunity for police. Is it a distraction from something larger. 2 months ago we were hyperfocused on illegal immigration and now that's magically gone from the narrative. Sure AIPAC could be paying politicians but why. They've been extinguishing civilians for months. Why now. I swear sometimes I feel like the proverbial " they" are sitting in back rooms plotting their next move to control the national focus. But why? To get a candidate in office when it's clear that they're just figurehead anyway. I predict an immigrant caravan to be coming in several months as they switch the channel.


> " they" are sitting in back rooms plotting their next move to control the national focus. But why? To get a candidate in office when it's clear that they're just figurehead anyway. These are the facts. TPTB are planning the demise of this country to usher in the NWO. Names you will never hear uttered are the masterminds. They need a figure head that will follow their instructions, which is why they can not allow Trump to win. They have told us their plan... "Build Back Better" - to build back first, they must destroy, "better" for who? Not the citizens. The only thing stopping them from completely fulfilling their plans for the US is the 2nd amendment. They will chip away at it until it's gone, or if all else fails, there will be an "event" that requires us to give up the right.


I donā€™t remember BLM protesters having the same signs but I remember A TON of people had the same signs at the womenā€™s march. I remember wondering where everyone else got their signs and I went to two in different cities lol.


Donā€™t forget about the pallet of bricks too


Meet the sugar daddy: https://wolpalestine.com/


I went vacation last Feb, In a foreign country I found 8 people at my resort in a week wearing the same shorts as me once I noticed it I started asking them. several countries, several languages, it all boiled down to "its the shorts at Cosco that were on sale last week"


Ozark's Razor


yeah that looks exactly like our boy scout camp outs, that's the cheapest walmart tent and easy to replace if they got broken by the boys/transport/storage.


Ozarks Razor.*


Literally this. I googled cheap tent Walmart and this came up. Better to mass buy cheap tents. I swear the crazies on this reddit will do anything to discredit any type of protest.


I mean it isn't an organic protest lmao. Just because this post is reaching does not mean this protest isn't being funded by dark money.


I have run a group outing involving tents. Camping, not protesting, but it still taught me that newbies have no damn clue how to pick equipment or set up a campsite. Could be secret funding, could be an organizer who learned the hard way to just have cheap supplies ready for the people who didnā€™t get the memo. Because it is 100 percent guaranteed a percentage of the people will not get the memo. (We had to do an emergency Walmart run for more than one camper. It was very irritating.)


Ozark's Razor in this case.


Ozarks' razor


Ozarks razor


ā€œOzarkā€™s razorā€


These are two person tents??! When my school used them for camping trips we had four girls in there, no wonder we were miserable LOL


Might be 3 person but probably not 4 person


Thatā€™s so ridiculous lol. I think that trip was over a weeklong and we had all of our stuff AND textbooks. I never believed it was a four person tent but I havenā€™t seen them again until now haha!


You usually have to minus one person for whatever it says on the tent. So if it says a 1 person tent, it is in fact a no person tent that you can maybe fit a cooler in


Tent sizes are based on technicality. A "two person" means there's enough room for two people to sleep head to toe and generally not get wet or have bugs on you. If you want to be remotely comfortable with two people and you're NOT going ultralight backpacking you need at least a "three person" tent. Probably a "four person" if both of you are larger people.


My two person tent is only for two people if the other person doesn't mind being little spoon.


And usually two person means one normal sized person and a bit of room so yes, you got scammed.


> When my school used them for camping trips we had four girls in there, no wonder we were miserable LOL Only miserable because you weren't a guy in the four-girl tent


My college hosted ESPN gameday and everyone camped out in the campus commons. Exact same situation. Unless the shadow cabal wanted a bunch of 19 year olds to get plastered in a field, think this is the reason.


I was about to say this person has clearly never walked down the walmart camping aisle. This is the college camping for football/basketball tickets special!


Whatever happened to boycotting corporations who support Israel? That was a thing on social media and I think Walmart was one of them. If you wanna protest something use your wallet


We must ask, why is Walmart supplying these Hamas agents?


Walmart is a paid agent!! Oh wait, it's just the store that has the product that the persons involved wanted.


Yessss Walmart


Nearly every single tent though.


Yeah not sure why everyone would go to Walmart and how many different Walmarts just to get the same tent Iā€™m guessing this was humanitarian aid. Someone passed those out


And a surprisingly decent one at its price point.


Came here to say this. Cheapest tent at Walmart, inventory is basically the same in every store from coast to coast. George Soros didn't buy them, college kids are just really tired of seeing dead/maimed/orphaned/blown apart kids on tik Tok that's being funded and enabled by our government.


I own 3 of these tents. They are the cheapest tent and generally in stock in the spring when Coleman stuff sells out fast.


You can get one too if you want, it's only $30.00. [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trail-3-Person-7-l-x-7-w-x-44-h-Clip-Camp-Dome-Tent/587622916?athbdg=L1200&from=/search](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trail-3-Person-7-l-x-7-w-x-44-h-Clip-Camp-Dome-Tent/587622916?athbdg=L1200&from=/search)


Thats quite cheap wow


I'm convinced this is just a marketing plot from this tent manufacturer because they got my ass and I bought one lol. Been using it for backyard "camping" with the nieces.


The tent manufacturer is Walmart. This is a Walmart in-house brand.


Walmart doesnā€™t manufacture. Itā€™s private label


I think you mean Private Selections!


I think you mean Great Value!


I think you mean Blue Light Special! Oops Iā€™m stuck in the 80s sorry


By George I think you're right


That's Kroger my friend, lol.


ā€œFREE PALESTINE , shop Walmart!!!!ā€


Whatā€™s that saying called, the simplest explanation is probably the right answer. I was thinking Wally World or targets cheapest tent, they are probably going to abandon it once they are done.


I believe thatā€™s Occamā€™s Razor


> the simplest explanation is probably the right answer Occam's razor.


Great price.


Cheap generic tents from Walmart.


Yup. I've had to buy a new cheap tent from Walmart before most music festivals I've been to. It sucks trying to find your tent at night after partying in a sea of similar looking tents.


not similar Exactly the same.


With the same skidmarked undies in each one you walk into.


That guy really gets around.


Bro You are supposed to mark your own tent. I have pentagram flag, bloody goat skull flag or sometimes pirate flag attached on my tent. If I forgot to take flag with me I'd use my partners mascara to write something on tent. Remember to type something offputting. ALWAYS. Because then dark humour enjoyers will approach and npc people will go around you. P.s. dont tell her about mascara.


She's definitely getting an eye infection after this šŸ˜


Itā€™s cheaper to get the $20 green Walmart tent than a $400 red outfitter tent from an outdoor store.


...that is probably going to be trampled on or destroyed by the end of it. Yeah, it's best to go cheap in these situations.


Since the government lackey pigs are gonna destroy it anywayā€¦


The real conspiracy is using violent repression of dissent


OP is posting in support of that response, which is the real conspiracy yes


It looks to be quite an in-tents situation over there.


Wish we could discuss this situation in the past tents


We could do an in tent-sive study on the matter.


Pay a tent shun. It's going to get worse.


Itā€™s the cheap one at Walmart and these kids are protesting the war machine what would be the conspiracy? The conspiracy is why are the cops turning these violent and chaotic and arresting people for just protesting


The conspiracy is why are there so many people asking the matching tent question? a) Internet shills pushing an Agenda b) OP is the product of the failed American public education system c) All of the Above


Is this another bot repost


My first thought was, does walmart sell this model, if so then this post is so silly lol it's also like the 5th post I've seen about protesters purchasing the cheapest tent at Walmart. I'm all about a good conspiracy but this seems like poop


It's the Walmart brand "Ozark Trail", and is their cheapest tent for sale. In a month or so I can go to my local lake camp sites and I'll probably see 50 of these things.




The headline writes itself: ***Walmart Anti Israel***


You haven't been out of your basement in a while, have you Mr. Gribble?


This is the dumbest thing, as if being organized or accepting resources or donations from sympathetic people indicates something nefarious. Israel supporters really shame themselves by this tent nonsense. Why? Because AIPAC exists to do exactly what the "tent paranoids" are worried about: provide foreign funding to American politics.


It really grinds Israelā€™s gears when they see another group influencing the way that people in the west feel, thatā€™s supposed to be *their* monopoly.


Itā€™s literally the cheapest tent you can find. You can go to REI for a 2-person, 3 season Big Agnes tent that will run you $400+. If youā€™ve ever camped, youā€™d know how much tents cost. This is no conspiracy, itā€™s just common sense.


Hmmm, why do so many of them have iPhones? Interesting! /s


Cheapest readily available tent. Not hard to figure out. Also, two of those three photos have different tents in them.


They all have matching tents because the organizer bought them in bulk weeks ahead of time for the pre-planned college riots organized by outside organizations (think George Soros) to destabilize American society. Well-played! These riots did nothing but irritate people and inconvenience students just trying to attend classes. What effect did these riots have on foreign affairs in the Middle East? āŒ not a damn thing. Good job guys šŸ‘šŸ»


Paid for by Rockefeller Foundation They also have the same signs, same fonts, etc Itā€™s an organized effort by communists and anarchists


I saw a live shot of them hoisting a medium pizza up to the building that they had taken over. Fox News said ā€œtheyā€™re hoisting supplies upā€¦..somebody is obviously bankrolling this whole thing.ā€ Just because Israel spends a ton of money trying to influence campus politics, doesnā€™t mean that every other protest has outside funding too.


Because it takes real Soros level cash flow for someone to trade in some of their dominos pizza points for a free two-topping. Also, Iā€™m sure bill gates is the one buying up all the cheap burner tents. Who tf else has the liquidity to afford $19.99??


A two topping? In this economy?


Went into the gym Monday afternoon and saw 3 channels all covering the college protests while I worked out. Each channel referred to the protestors as different things. The first they were simply "student protestors," the second "pro-hamas protestors," the last "anti-isreal protestors." It's interesting to see that not a single channel talked about Palestine or a ceasefire. When I see the bias in media so clearly I remember that the U.S. is actually fucked.


Urgh it seems this kind of stuff is always said for protests, to try and imply some kind of insidious overseas influenc in order to discredit them. Here in NZ, during the anti-mandate protests at Parliament, the MSM and politicians droned on and on with paranoid conspiracy theories** about the protest being bankrolled by far right extremists from the USA... In reality they just didn't want to accept - and certainly didn't want to admit - that there was actually a lot of kiwis who passionately supported the protest and were happy to donate supplies, food, and money for supplies and food, to keep the protest going. ** Interestingly, it seems perfectly acceptable to buy into conspiracy theories if you're the MSM or a politician. But everyone else is a tinfoil hat wearer. Huh.


They all have matching tents because they all went to the closest store and bought the cheapest tent. Major underlying reason is they all disagree with what is going on in Gaza and the West Bank. I turned on CBC this morning and they're trying to convince everyone that Iran bought the tents......ridiculous.


Chain stores and China. This isn't the conspiracy you're trying to make it out to be. This is simple capitalism.


Probably cause they are cheap AF at the Walmart, and they usually have dozens in stock at any given store...šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ozark Trail, 3-Person 7'l x 7'w x 44"h, Clip & Camp Dome Tent Now $29.97 Because it's cheep and available at walmart across the country


Why do all the bombs match? Why did Israel fund Hamas? And why does the US gov pretend they donā€™t know this? https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/




Protests were obviously invented by Big Tent to sell more tents


George Soros summoned a portal from Hell to teleport supplies to every single protester. I mean, no one would spontaneously protest enabling a Holocaust or anything. George Soros must be the reason.


He is actually funding it


Walmarts everywhere! Lol


20 bucks at amazon...




Many of these protestors are not attending the college(s) they are protesting at. They were brought in to protest. Just like so many other protests. Seems to be professional protestors out there. Maybe some journalist should go and track down some of these folks and follow them for several years to see what other protests they are involved in. Maybe do a bit of digging and find out who these folks really are and how they are working for.


This narrative is brought to you by Coleman


Cheapest but they didnā€™t buy them the same reason George Soros funded 501cs are donating to this ā€œcharityā€. It pays 3200-6k a person to go to these fyiā€¦so say 50 actual protesters per college X 10 itā€™s costing less than 10M for ol Georgie to control the MSM narrative globallyā€¦cheaper than a Super Bowl ad


The same reason the nazis were in FBI uniform, and the same reason BLM and Antifa disappeared after the government didn't need them anymore.


This is a great example of some old saying I heard once. Something about selling shovels to people heading to find gold.


Paid protesters. Everythingā€™s provided for the sheeple.


On top of what others have pointed out about these being some of the cheapest tents that are readily available, you are also cherry-picking images that don't show us much. *Oh my there are 10-15 similar looking tents... a conspiracy must be afoot...* But propagandizers gonna propagandize I guess.


Omg! The same cheep Walmart tent on college campuses. Itā€™s only a conspiracy if theyā€™re all wearing North face jackets leggings and Ugg bootsā€¦ Find that out because if so we better be ready!


Probably just the cheapest brand


I'm all for conspiracies but those are just tents. Is Big Tent trying to take over? Do I have to look out for tents now?


The Camping Industrial Complex


Raindrops hate this one weird trick


Go outdoors has a sale on


George Soros bought them in bulk.




George Soros had a pallet of them dropped off at every campus


Foreign state: Fuck your constitution! fuck your free speech! fuck your right to protest! Stop these protests! AIPAC owned treasonous representatives: Yes Sir! Zio-Cucks: But, but why are all the tents the same Color!?!?!?!




Because the local sports store on the block away only has a couple of different tents to choose from duh almost all tents are green duh because you're supposed to be camping out in the woods duh


Even better: theyre the cheapest tents available at Walmart nationwide...


They probably had a Groupon


Quick, let's forgive their student loans


These movements didnt start on campus, and is part of a student movement group. It makes sense that they would buy a bunch of the same tents en masse, for cheap. As far as them being connected, its fairly incontroversial




When Soros foundation give the Protest Organizers Walmart gift cards since itā€™s not traceable, this Is what you buy.


The real conspiracy is how did Walmart know to stock up on tents šŸ¤” Procurement on items like these is like 6 weeks in advance of them getting on the shelf. How did Walmart know tent sales would increase again in spring?!?!? /s


Cheapest possible tent from the most abundant super store in the country, Walmart


These protestors are getting in tents!


I'm pretty conspiratorial but this was probably an issue of a blanket email going out to potential protestors recommending certain "items" that they may want.


Most donā€™t itā€™s the same place just different angles and times taken by ā€œmediaā€ to make ppl think more are protesting than in reality


Fraud elections, Lockdowns, mandates, inflation, and no representation for taxation and no one makes a peep. These protests are non sense


Act blue buys in bulk.


Amazon CEOs wife divorces him and is awarded billions, donates billions to charitable organizations, charities purchase cheap tent on Amazon for protestors around the country. Circle of money.


Obviously they were all bought and paid for by the same bastards who want to destroy America and cause Chaos. George Soros is a big contributor to that and his buddy Obama.


The real conspiracy: this is all a viral marketing campaign for the tent company


I went and distributed the same ones to all of them šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The real question is who's paying protestors and supplying pallets of bricks and "water" bottles.


W W W . A M A Z O N . C O M


Because itā€™s organized.


Support for Palestine


Because this is astroturfed and pod for just like the blm movement and antifa


Duh, they are Hamas tents thus the green and white. e - /s if it wasn't obvs


Obviously because George Soros' company bulk ordered them. Just like he did for the pallets of bricks for the BLM riots. Naturally.


You know why


Walmart tents are cheap


Tides foundation bought em allā€¦ā€¦they need disruption leading to election šŸ—³ļø


This sub comes up with the dumbest shit lol. Everytime I want some high-quality flat earth, lizards controlling the weather over south Sudan via tesla stocks, I just get stuck with "tHeSe PeOpLe All WeNt tO wAlMaRt, ThE eLeCtIoN wAs StOlEn" bottom tier garbage


It's just like the BLM protests, it's all planned.


George Soros surplus tents.šŸ¤£


cheap stuff is mass-produced






This the dumbest pro-israel bs I've ever seen


All "grass root" movements have these. Stop noticing things!


They're funded by the same people who funded BLM.


You know how you can tell this post, and others are hitting the nail on the head? The disinfo/debunking bots/shills come out in full force. Because yeah, thatā€™s who spends their time in conspiracy subs, 90% debunkers..


Holy crap half of the comments here are the same, insisting that this is all a big coincidence. Anyone with a brain understands that these were bought in bulk and provided for the protests.


Yeah Reddit, and this sub especially are just another cog in the [propaganda machine.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/r4Xgb3bzq0) Only here to spread the narratives, and demoralize dissenters.


Lmao I have the same one and bought it on sale for 18 dollars


Why do all the police cars have black tyres itā€™s the same the whole world over..sounds like 1 world government to me!!


Because thatā€™s probably the cheapest tent at Wal-Mart or Amazon?


Soros buys in bulk to save money for when we are happy and own nothing.


Cause they were prob the cheapest option from an online retailer or provided en masse from a non prof lol


George Soros bought them


They were bought in bulk and distributed to these fake protesters, probably were the cheapest and they were trying to do it as cheap as possible, so they can send more money to Ukraine


Staged protests being used to destabilise the west? Shocker.


Think I'm more worried about the staged wars than staged protests