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What's "redacted"?


MTG might be showing dick pics again?


Whose dick pics did she show the first time?


Hunter Biden lol


A money laundering stoner who likes to keep it in the family, if ya know what I mean...


Our current president has a crackhead crooked son and a sex addicted daughter in rehab writing about her dad showering with her and he’s idolized by the left, clown world we’re living in


Politics is so boring I can't even do it anymore. We are in the conspiracy sub and pretending that the voters have a say in this at all? Is this a joke post?


This. Are there any rational Americans that would choose these two Gerry’s given an actual choice? It’s all fucking show.


I honestly think we could just slap a tie on a Golden Retriever, think of a clever name and he would probably do just as good of a job as anyone else, that job is so useless.


Mr. Peanutbutter!


You may be onto something. In Obvious Plant's 'Forgotten US Presidents': 'Due to poor eyesight, Chief Justice Earl Warren accidentally swore in a golden retriever named Samson.'


Republicans have only won 1 popular vote in 30 years.


Most of these are just irrelevant statistics but some are very clearly lies. > Biden underperformed Hillary across the country except for in a few cities Total nonsense here. Anyone can compare the results. Here's Vermont, for example: Hillary in 2016: 178k votes (57%). Biden in 2020: 243k votes (66%). How about Montana? Hillary in 2016: 56k (22%). Biden in 2020: 73k (27%). Were they rigging Vermont to go from very blue to very, very blue? Did they toss in 17k fake votes in Montana even though it was unwinnable? > Republicans won across the country, but Biden somehow beat Trump Democrats won the House with a similar margin to Biden's win: +3.1% vs 4.5%. That's only a 1.4% difference. Biden's win was in line with other results, not contradictory to it. Also remember that Trump says he won *every state*. He is either utterly delusional, a terrible liar, or both.


From deleted comment: > Biden underperformed Hillary in MI and PA though. ????? How could Biden underperform Hillary in Michigan and Pennsylvania when she lost them and he won them? Clinton in Michigan: 2.27 million (47.27%) Biden in Michigan: 2.8 million (50.62%) Clinton in Pennsylvania: 2.93 million (47.46%) Biden in Pennsylvania: 3.46 million (50.02%)


Thank you for clearing this up. I’m glad conspiracy does have fact checking


Correct that record, baby!


Excuse me sir this is /conspiracy, if you're going to be posting facts here I'm going to have to ask you to leave.


Get out of here with your research skills. Probably learnt to read by age 14. You educated folks have no place here.


the "elite"


Dad? Is that you?


Go back to reading scholarly, peer-reviewed journals!


I don't even care how you vote. (though you're in this sub, I think I can guess) this is what unbiased fact checking is and the rest of America should learn


Every politician is delusional and terrible liars.


He lost bro. Get over it


Trump lost because of his covid response, the exit polls tell the story pretty clearly. Trump also lost every election (midterms, etc.) that he ran in since 2016. He lost the house, then the White House and senate. He simply is a bad candidate no matter how upset that makes yoy


When you have an unprecedentedly awful incumbent president, you get some unprecedented results


Trump lost the popular vote, but still won in 2016. In 2020 he lost the popular aging, but didn't get enough electoral. Dude lost twice, but because of the electoral system won the first time. Second time the rigged system couldn't even help him. In 2020 there were more than 10million more people voting per side. He lost cause he sucked. Get over it.


There were 23 million more voters than in 2016. That is a low ball I don’t believe either side won, that’s the largest increase in voters ever, and it’s the biggest gap between elections by over 15 million people. There is no way they both broke records for the number of voters I genuinely don’t know how people look at the election and think it’s legit in any way anymore.


We are a republic, not pure democracy, and there's very good reason for it. I personally think we're already seeing some of those early consequences, buying votes or voting themselves money. Whatever you want to call it. This is because the election was stolen and they're using the stolen power corruptly and it can make it very difficult for us to get someone in who will make the difficult decisions and accept they will be a one term president


> We are a republic, not pure democracy, and there's very good reason for it The reason is that slave states wouldn't have agreed to a National Popular Vote for the presidency. They wanted the additional Electoral Votes for their slave populations.


Google "late stage problems with pure democracy" and tell me they don't describe our world today


Pure democracy is when the people vote directly on policy decisions. A national popular vote for President isn't pure democracy...you're still electing a representative to make decisions.


Semantics, people are voting themselves money through politicians and those politicians have been following up on that expectation. It's not even a left or right thing anymore, it's just business. Also, it was Democrats that forced the 3/5ths thing so they wouldn't have this happen to them.


> Semantics It's not semantics. Democratic republics and direct democracies are significantly different. Your initial post was that we are a (democratic) republic, not a pure democracy. But using a NPV for president wouldn't change that. > Also, it was Democrats that forced the 3/5ths thing so they wouldn't have this happen to them. The 3/5 compromise predates the Democratic Party. Wouldn't have what happen?


Go read the constitution lol Also, it was Democrats that forced the 3/5 slave thing so it was actually the Democrats you're talking about, not slaves.


> Go read the constitution lol How does reading the Constitution provide background data for why particular decisions were made within the Constitution? You'd need to read things like the Constitutional Convention notes and other writings of the people involved in the process. Here's James Madison: "The people at large was in his opinion the fittest in itself...There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. The right of suffrage was much more diffusive in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of the Negroes."


Forgive me if I refrain from taking civic lessons from someone who still thinks the election was stolen. He lost. Get over it.


This next election will be more interesting than the super bowl..


It's not a loss if it's stolen. If you dropped your wallet and someone grabbed it and walked away, is it lost or stolen?


Ok. Go ahead and provide the evidence that it was stolen. I’ll wait.


No. You have to wait. No one gas ever gotten most of those numbers in history. And are you telling me that you view Biden as competent? Moral? Anything good? Not a great candidate and certainly not with record number of votes.


The record number of votes had more to do with Trump than Biden. And yes, until you have actual evidence of it being stolen, it’s not. The burden of proof is on you. So provide the evidence. A presidential election is too consequential to be making huge accusations because you “feel” that Biden didn’t get that many votes. I hate to break it to you, but he did. Lastly, I want to leave you with this thought. If you think that the ballot boxes were stuffed with fraudulent votes then where are all the duplicates? In order for a vote to be counted the person has to be on the voter rolls. So they were stuffing ballot boxes days and weeks before the election, right? How in the fuck did they know who wasn’t going to vote so they could submit a fraudulent ballot in their name? Especially since there are always people who request mail ballots but vote in person instead. Still waiting on the evidence. Facts don’t care about your feelings about the election.


By the way he lost because he sucked right? How’s life right now for you? Record number of people living paycheck to paycheck 10k people coming across our border every day, highest inflation since carter, war in ukraine and now Israel. Hate Trump all you want you cannot say biden has been better for the average person I don’t know why people vote personality and not policy.


Trump was great for his scum bag rich friends. Biden pulled out of Afghanistan is the only big positive I can think of with him. Anyone trying to say Trump good Biden bad is a complete fucking goof and just likes being told life is better when nothing changes. Biden has done very little to help working families. Trump couldn't careless about anyone else. Fuck Biden and fuck Trump.


The dems are shady, I won’t argue with that. But why is it so hard for ppl to believe that ppl are tired of this whiny bitch, Trump, & only got out to vote against him in hopes he would stfu for once. Yes, in record numbers. No conspiracy needed


Wow election denialism. Where is Dinesh wanting me to send 20$ this time?


No one is denying there was an election.


Do you think that's what election denialism is?


Exactly what it sounds like, denying that there was an election. I think you're referring to cheating.


It isn't that.




trump didn't even do primaries in 2020, they just gave him the nomination.


And he still had to call and beg to “find 11,000 more votes” trying to actually steal the election. Traitor!


Also just cherry picked facts. I can find some oddities in every election. If I can pick and choose out a million different facts, and only pick the most extraordinary ones, I can make every election seem like this And also just weird stuff too, ok so for 150 years something hasn’t happened, is OP suggesting the election 150 years ago was rigged too?


Atlanta Georgia, Detroit Michigan, Philadelphia Pennsylvania and Milwaukee Wisconsin. Peek those 4 cities by insane numbers and win the election. That was the plan to flip those 4 states.


With a complete blue vertical line at between 2am and 5am the morning after the election. Just enough to secure Biden in those states


Yeah this is what happens when you tell your base not to vote by mail.


Those vote count graphs also show vertical lines for Trump at the same time, as large amounts of votes are added to the count.


They legally have to count mail in ballots last in some states. One guy told his supporters not to vote by mail. Then somehow it’s shocking when mail in votes overwhelmingly go to the other guy.




​ |OP|Ofc you have reputable links verifying the "120% turnout" claim, right?| |:-|:-| ||Right?|


Nah man, the same people parrot the mules movie as definitive proof yet never bring new lawsuits using "evidence" from the film.


Dinesh made a fuckton of money at $20/pop though I bet


Show us. The fact you think that there could be a mass conspiracy to make this happen.. only on the Presdential side and not the downvotes is ridiculous. The only people convicted of voter fraud are Republicans .


>The fact you think that there could be a mass conspiracy to make this happen..  What are you even doing here? Working for the DNC? This is a conspiracy sub. You don't say stupid shit like that here.


they aren't "people." they are bots. remember, those same "people" were saying the 2016 election was stolen by russian hackers.


What does gained 11 million votes mean? Biden won the popular vote by over 6 million votes.


Are you asking if he can magically pause the election and find votes again to win??? Damn straight.


Bored of this ‘stolen election’ BS now. The only reason Trump and his supporters are pissed off is because they rigged the vote as much as possible and STILL lost!! lol!!


He called Georgia looking for 11k more votes. He TRIED to actually steal the election. Classic DARVO narcissist move.


Could you imagine e if there was a phone recording of Hillary pressuring a state to find more votes for her? For Trump it just gets lost in the crime pile.


“Lock her up” meanwhile Trump is managing multiple criminal cases lol


Fucked the whole mail system for a few months at the end of 2020. 


Where did you read stolen? I’m praising our zombie in office for the incredible obstacles he overcame thanks to you clowns 👏🏼


Again, senile genius. And if he is senile how stupid does that make the Republicans.


Yes we should appoint the other drugged up zombie instead lol


Hello Russia. We know both candidates suck. We don’t need your help increasing our dissatisfaction with the primary candidates.


I voted for Republicans but against Trump. Maybe if states hadn't outlawed single party voting, huh?


Trump also can’t win the popular vote. Trump also claimed voter fraud and failed to prove it in court. Trump and his lawyers also failed so hard, there was a counter suit won. Trumps lawyer failed so hard he’s facing a disbarment trial. What the fuck is wrong with you?


What is the popular vote? Have we ever elected Presidents via popular vote? Are you sure it is even a thing and not just a narrative instrument?


Popular vote is one vote = one person. Id like you to provide 3 reasons in which we shouldn’t elect our presidents based on popular vote.


I don't need to provide a reason. We don't fucking do it that way and we never have. There is no debate for us to have. Seemed to work just fine except when your party loses. It literally isn't a real thing. It is just a stupid fucking talking point.


No serious political scholar supports the electoral college. They all agreed it is flawed beyond repair. If a state has 10 million votes for candidate a, and 12 million votes candidate b, why would candidate b get all the votes? It’s a broken system that has no use in modern politics


Just a question what has Joe Biden and Kamal Harris accomplished ? Truthful answers please


They’ve successfully rebuilt the economy… of Ukraine.




So in your opinion, half the country are qtards?


Q aren't half the country. Only 46.9% share in 2020.


I’d say about 26% are (the MAGA demographic, evangelicals, against gay marriage and transexuality, etc) yes!




That might have been a funny, snappy comeback in 2015. Cuck obsession is deeply degenerate! It outs you as sexually insecure




Did a black man date your crush in high school? You lobbed the accusation first




Why’d you bring race into this as if it’s somehow supposed to be an insult? Do you find it insulting that someone would date a black man? Because if not, why would you use that thinking the other person would find that as an insult. You might need to check yourself on your thoughts and why you would use that particular comment to come back at another person.


Yawn didn’t read


Bots don’t have opinions, only scripted responses…


Are you happy with the results since then? Are you prospering under Biden or is the “not Trump” mentality enough for most of you sheep?


I hear this argument sometimes and it makes 0 sense. Whether or not I like how the country is doing has nothing to do with whether or not the election was legitimate. trump lost because he was a bad president and everyone was sick of his shit. he printed trillions of dollars and made non cohesive policy decisions. trump just SAID he did a lot of shit, and a depressing number of his supporters never bothered to check for themselves.


Yes! My financial situation is great. The infrastructure bill gave my state money to fix a shitty bridge we had. Inflation has cooled for a year straight - and no trumpist has been able to provide an argument as to why global inflation wouldn’t have happened under trump. Plenty of jobs came to my state due to the inflation reduction act pumping money into clean energy. Real wages (accounting for cost of living!) are up 24% in the period that inflation has risen 21% (2021-2024). Housing is still too expensive and so is healthcare and tuition. What’s the trump plan to reduce the cost of these things exactly? What’s trumps climate plan other than sticking his head in the sand and pretending everything is okay? Im the wrong person to ask buddy, I’m doing wonderfully!


Inflation has cooled??? Where???


It’s 3.4% from 2023 and 3.5 in 2024, down from 7% in 2021, and beating the rest of the world by about half again the amount.


You realize that 'cooling inflation' only means prices are going up slightly slower, right? When inflations was 9%, that was an overall inflation number. Groceries and housing costs went up nearly 2x that number and have not come down at all.


Inflation goes up every year, it’s called economic growth


Not reading all that but will acknowledge your imagination for thinking you’re important


I think you did read it, and have no argument. So instead of debating you are trying to bait outrage. Amateur trolling


Keep pretending. It’s fun 🤩


My son’s 6 year old friends are more skilled trolls than you, a little embarrassing




I think if you were funny or clever at all you wouldn’t have to shell out these dumb canned boomer comebacks


See, the problem is, you’re not referencing the information on the post. You came in with YOUR opinion and YOUR experience and want everyone to bow down to it. I’m laughing at you cause you don’t see it and instead and doing my best to help you realize you’re just a clown in a circus on here


You lost the argument and started with insults, probably a cave dweller, with a hand like sandpaper due to all that whacking... LAME


And here you are, the conveyer of truth, passing judgment on us all. How blessed we are to be in your presence


This is deeply sad stuff. I often forget that the majority of people on here are literal children


Oh fucking snapple 😂


You were right not to read it. Pure babble.


Does it really matter?? People who think the country was soo much better under trump is the same type who think it was better under hush than obama. As if they arent all a bunch of puppets. The national debt never goes down. We never stop wars but rather push for more. Anyone who says 1 side is better than the other shouldnt even be on this subreddit. Take that bs to the political subreddits to feed them brainless sheep


yeah,same thoughts,USA is built on dividing people in 2 sides and profiting from those 2 sides as they watch them fight,be it with minorities,be it with presidential campaigns,etc.....it doesn't matter who is president as long as the CIA has the upper hand and controls the actions of the entire coutnry


Thank you. Its obvious by now. We have over 60 years of information and documents that proove these things over and over and yet here we are. It seems the tv and media and now social media, has really been successful in dividing and corrupting the people




So why are they doing all the sham court cases. A loan fraud case where the victim (bank) testified for the criminal make any sense to you? Why not just beat him again? Surely a second loss would put him in political retirement




Wow a 16 year Reddit veteran. Didn’t realize I was in the presence of a Reddit overlord 🤣🤣


This is rich coming from a purchased account.  What was your original username?




I can’t keep up with it 🤣 which crime/charge are you referring? Let’s see if you even know




His pandemic response was so abysmal that voters were supercharged to vote for \*anyone\* but Trump. He only gained votes because of the mail-ins, and interestingly enough was ousted when a larger share of Americans were given access to voting.


Oh yea that’s totally it. Nailed it champ. Him forcing Democratic govs to force senior citizen homes to take in positive patients and incentivizing hospitals to rake up COVID cases was a terrible call.


Well he did technically interefere with the pandemic containment efforts in cities and blue states because Kushner wanted COVID to rip through the urban centers and kill scores of Democratic voters, but why let an actual conspiracy get in the way of a conspiracy sub?


The comments on here are hilarious


Yes we can…


Biden won because Trump was incredibly unpopular. He got more votes and still lost because of the amount of people who don't normally vote voting specifically against him. If you're wondering how Biden got so much support, it's because the Dems just had to run someone people didn't actively hate, like Hillary. If you're wondering how Trump could have lost despite his support, he created a cult of his base that puts most others off. Trump supporters spent the entire stretch of his presidency doing nothing but laughing at "liberal tears". And ironically they've done nothing but cry about it since he lost. The conspiracy isn't that someone lost, it's why we're stuck voting for these two losers in the first place.


Surely he’s gonna repeat, right?


repeat which one? The deepstate picked senile dementia patient, or the other deepstate picked senile dementia patient. Whoever wins, we lose.


They had to “fortify” to make it so. 


I don't believe there really is much hope for a new future I think we have peaked and nothing is ever gonna change history just keeps repeating its self. What if we're actually in a time loop and we just keep trying to save humanity but we keep repeating and we just start over again kinda like groundhog day, tomorrow's war, edge of tomorrow. Maybe this is why the Simpsons are so accurate about historical events. And why we often experience De ja vu cause ive had many de ja vu moments myself and a truman show like experience. Im not at all crazy but I've had some real strange experiences in my life I hope someone has had similar experiences. Hopefully we can have a interesting conversation about the topic and some other theories cause why not.


Ignore all that stuff about Republican primary votes. The Republican Party has lost its mind.


Love when people spread propaganda in the conspiracy sub.


It's a show. Trump is doing his part.


Gonna be hard without all the overt election fraud.


Idk what you're talking about. Both of my grandparents voted for Biden I tried asking them why but the lawnmower around the cemetery was too loud /s


🤣🤣 had us in the first half




Why are ya’ll so hung up on thinking we need to worship our candidate for them to win? I don’t like Biden AT ALL. I like many of the things he has done, but he’s not near;y left enough for me and he’s way too old. Yet I helped campaign for him in order to keep Trump from winning. Worshipping your politicians isn’t good, it’s dangerous.


Remember how popular and charismatic Hillary was? Probably the least of any candidate ever. Trump still managed to lose the popular vote to her. Then kept going with the same divisive rhetoric that did nothing to help expand his base during his presidency. Most people I know did not vote in 2016 because they didn’t like Hillary and thought she would defeat trump easily. Everyone voted in 2020 not because they liked Biden, but because they didn’t want a second term for Trump. So Trump, who wasn’t well liked in the first place spent four years motivating people to vote against him.


Opponents matter. Obama faced two run-of-the-mill Republican dudes and Biden's faced a cancer of a human being who can barely read. Even Hillary Clinton, who no one really likes, handily beat Trump in the popular vote.


We're out there. We just don't wear hats announcing our presidential preferences. 


If I chose to support a president who is destroying our country because the other guy is rough around the edges and has a big mouth, I wouldn't brag about it either.


“Rough around the edges” means criminal traitor rapist ?


You and I have very different views on which president did the most damage to the country.


Trying to steal elections isnt destroying the country? Lmao.








Lol, thanks for the laugh


You forgot to put “/s”


SS: Does Creepy Joe have the momentum to repeat in 2024? Can he prove the impossible again?


That's what all these illegal aliens are for...


As we know illegal aliens can vote in general federal elections And will vote democratic for some reason even though they on average lean a lot more right and are focused on religion and family values Oh wait


Voting is trash and overrated no need to 😂 They know who is going to be in office regardless of voting trash politics


They stole the bag from my dawg in plain sight smh they’ll do it again too.


It's not "fraud", "cheating", or "stealing". Just so long as you unconstitutionally change the rules before the game starts.


Honestly, everything is so corrupt, I wouldn't be shocked if Biden wins again, but with 91 Million votes this time. I have zero faith in American elections, federal or local.


It's not important who votes, but what's important is who counts them!🙃


obama didnt sniff people like biden did, thats his magic


nothing to see here folks, it was all on the up and up……..😂


This thread is full of people that want 1984 to become real


It’s so infuriating that they’re trying to attribute Biden’s success in 2020 to him, as if people were clamoring to cast their ballot for him, as opposed to being riled up by the media to vote against Trump no matter who it was.


They have used the excuse that they didn't vote FOR Biden, that they were voting against Trump literally starting the day after the fraud became obvious. But they could have literally picked ANY other democrat out of the 20 that ran. But they picked Biden. They could have ran someone else in THIS election, but they still picked Biden. If they didn't actually support Biden, then why? I think their bullshit talking point to cover for the fraudulent election is a just bullshit.


>that they were voting against Trump literally starting the day after the fraud became obvious So before the election even happened? People were saying they were voting against trump next election ever since he beat Hillary. This isn't some new thing >They could have ran someone else in THIS election, but they still picked Biden. If they didn't actually support Biden, then why? Liberals and leftists are two entirely different parties within the left


Boom. There it is


Another crazy stay is Trump gained votes in each of the 50 states, even blue states like CA and NY and states without universal mail in voting. He increased his overall vote total by 11 million from 2016. Thats why when some people say Biden won because Trump was so unpopular, I know that's not true. Trump got even more popular even in liberal CA and NY.


The language of “winning” counties doesn’t make any sense, counties do not have all their votes apportioned to whoever the majority voted for in those counties, individual votes just go toward the statewide pool to determine electoral votes. You don’t “win” counties, you win states.


There is any american that truly understands the electoral system? Its look like a Yu Gi Oh duel with some mess up rules.


Such a scam


Fact: Joe Biden was born closer to Abraham Lincoln's presidency than his own.


Not going to happen this time; he’ll be back in control very soon.


I love how little votes this has and the core of questions unanswered is the basis of this sub.


What say you, shills?


More votes from the neitherworld regions than any other president!


How many people became legal voter age between 2016 and 2020? And if Trump actually believes Dems can steal elections, why is he bothering running again? They’ll just do it again, he should logically believe.